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tv   Cross Talk  RT  March 6, 2024 1:30am-2:00am EST

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every swing states prompts of 2 points in michigan, 3 points in arizona, wisconsin in north carolina, and georgia, nevada of 6 points. those are key states that trump loss to bind in 2020, which ultimately candid joe by the name of law office. trump is hoping right now to continue to get his and gave me the engagement to have people show up at the polls in november. and if he does that, then it's going to be a complete reversal of what we saw in 2020. so biden's only run against himself and we've seen time and time again based on a large part of his foreign policy, which we saw when people uncommitted had such a large showing against him in michigan this past week as well as his foreign policy, as an at the southern border and having, having an in basically a very poor southern border nation, not very popular with many americans. right now, if we have less money in our bank accounts, our gas is higher. we are obviously into, at this point. so foreign involvement involving our soldiers, we are seeing a very poor us the border and the crime is running even more ran. but in the
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american straight state. and probably with even being reported, the main stream is a spike that democrats continue to stick with jo by the mountain because they're afraid if they look like that, there's that they are trading horses, mid race. it's only going to make their prey look weaker and why they're not necessarily. i know they would like to keep a hold of the oval office. more importantly, they want to keep ahold of the senate right now. heavy election was held tomorrow and everything was held straight in there. you would definitely see the donald trump, voters are a lot more engaged in buying it. this exact moment. they probably show up the poles much better. and that is how well but as soon as looking so far this wednesday check back in later. but any, any updates for now though it is cross full, enjoy the
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the hello and welcome to cross ok. we're all things are considered on peter level. a pattern has a merge to more, the west panics, over its failed ukraine project. the more it is willing to escalate the complex, the same conflict that they say they're not directly involved in. the last thing they are considering isn't a goal shaded settlement, the cross talking ukraine, i'm joined by my guess, larry johnson in tampa. he is a managing partner for burg associates, a former c i, a analyst and us state department counterterrorism official. and like jackson, we have daniel mcadams, he is the executive director of the wrong paul institute for peace and prosperity. and here in moscow we have set us up. could i please, nick? he is a former us army officer and veterans gentlemen,
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crossroads and the fact that means you can jump anytime you want. and i always appreciate it, daniel, let me go to you. so many things have been happening over the last few days. the usual nonsense coming from the french president contradictory information uncomfortable coming from sergeant schultz in germany. and then of course, we have these german generals talking. but you know, all in all in, if you want to kind of distill down what's going on is what's called sunk cost fallacy. they cannot comprehend that they've put so many resources into a project that is failed utterly. but they're willing to double down daniel as well . you know, here we have a center, michael rubio from florida, and i think it was just that. i said, i knew all along you couldn't, couldn't when i just didn't want to say anything because i didn't want to do you know, this, it discouraged genuine or dissuade anyone? and i think that's the carrier of the bag. i remember after a few years in the iraq, you started seeing people all the think tankers and all the experts started saying that, well, i knew all along, it was a bad idea. well, i knew of a lot of they didn't have w m d,
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i just didn't say anything. so i think when you start seeing the rats like review, leading this thinking ship, i think, you know, at least in the us, the game is up. and when you talk about, we'll talk about later, the, the money and the republican party in the us as we move into the electro season. it doesn't look good from the us side for ukraine. well, you know, larry, there seems to be this infallibility complex that these people have. so they just cannot comprehend that they have a major escape look, afghanistan, iraq, that's far away. you can say it was a long time ago, but this is impacting the world in a way they never could have imagined particularly europe here, and it's reputational damage. here they are not infallible, and that's what they're finding out. larry. a, there's a whitening gulf between the rhetoric has a capability. so on the one hand, as we solve a theatre, separate conversations with the germans. yeah there's, there's always talk about boy, yeah, we went, we went to escalate this or we want to lucky using the taras missile to hit the
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coach bridge. but then at the same time they can see it. well, yeah. okay. it's going to take 8 months. we can't do it right away. member the 1000000 shells we were going to produce for ukraine. oh, well, okay. we did 300000. so they did the across the board, the, the us military kept me this recruiting goals the british have. or what i call the jeff pile dysfunction, they can launch a missile out of a submarine. and then so from the actual military capability, the nato has it, it's, it's a rex, it's a disaster. and yet, the, the, the, what they're saying and the threats that they're making towards russia are becoming sort of more intense. so the really is disconnected. well larry, i want it before i go to spanish box here. can, can you just give us an assessment of the french army right now? well, by the way, the go, i was going to ask larry what, what, the, what, the,
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what the french army, what is it status right now? i mean, is it a, is it a major power? no, no. okay. okay, hold. that's awesome. good to go to status. well, for right now. well, the french president is talking about sending troops. now, i don't speak french. i've looked at the transcript. it's hard to say the same french troops or nato troops. it's unclear, at least my reading of it. but what about that? i mean, we're talking about escalation, this is what this program's called expect escalation, nato troops in ukraine, really status? well. well, 1st of all, by the way, the jackson issue isn't just the, what the british, the germans show, the same thing in the red sea where they try to down an american drone that they took to be a hot style to missiles bolton. this fell into the seats, so it's a, it's a made a wide issue, you know, even even in the ninety's and begin $3000.00 serve and you could watch the degradation and discipline, you can watch the degradation in
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a combat readiness. now, those are already underway. across the french do have units that can go, they've got the french foreign legion, they've got special forces troops, but they're not enough to fight an actual war. so i think uh, what they're hoping is once they go in and they'll pull the rest of the data with, with them behind them, that's one thing. if it's just the french or it's the pre baltic states that go in there and some, and they'll back off. it's a different thing. if it's a polls or for both, it's a different thing. if it's a french, the germans, that weren't a british go in, they'll pull it, they've got enough weight to pull most of nato behind them. whether natal likes it or not. once a bullet starts flying things to the i'm, you know, i don't want to be too blunt here, but i mean, the one to russian missile to kill like a nato sells or just like it kills a ukrainian one. what's the difference? right, well we could ask the, uh, the 60 or so french soldiers, an article that got a, it's got the thank you for reminding our audience. they maybe that is like,
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got the chrome, i'll set off. i mean, he, he's a, he's, he always has, he's triggers around to mom. we've gotten used to that with the french president, daniel, you know, the same with me crawl and he said defense essentially that russia should not be allowed to win. i think really what he's saying is that nato should not be allowed to lose as well when i was really confused when they said that because i thought they already were winning it to be here. so are they already what, you know, i mean i was listening, i guess, to the wrong us generals who said that we said, well, you know, they'd already one. so is it does smack of desperation. and you know, it's, they're sending all sorts of signals the, the intercepted conversation, which actually the germans are saying today, it wasn't intercepted at all, is basically a boomer mistake. one of the generals didn't dial in. right. and so don't know, don't blame us off. we're still secure, don't worry, they haven't heard anything we said, but these things keep leaking out and they keep pointing in one direction, which as, as you appropriately titled the sho escalation. and i just wonder,
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you know, it seems like the little baltics are just trumping at the bit and to get in, if this is some sort of signal for them to get more involved. well, daniel, what do they actually have? i mean, nato consists of 2 major militaries, the united states, which is far away. it has bases in europe, obviously. and there's turkey, turkey is not going to get involved in this whatsoever. so what is left? i mean, what should rush it'd be worried about? well that is desperation because we're moving it now with every day it becomes clear and clear. and this is particularly true yesterday when the us supreme court said no states, you can't kick a guy off the ballot because you don't like him. it's becoming clear and clear, the trump will be the nominees, and the numbers are certainly his way when you look at national moles, so trump for all of his fault, and there are plenty of them. he, it, these to this point is not displayed an appetite for going all in. if you remember back when the so called chemical attack and really happened, you loved
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a couple of bombs out into some field somewhere. he didn't go all and so i think that is responsible for a good deal of the panic. yeah, well, i, larry, i am a, what is nato as a military force visa v. russia as well? it, is there nothing that is to put it simply look, the reason they told has expanded over the years is because that was the only way that nato could maintain force level force structure. and so without that, because they weren't able to build up and sustain their own armies. i mean, right now the british army, i think it's full strength, is $70000.00. and all of that, if you, what are they called the anybody combat capable, you're, you're lucky. maybe at 30000. well, you know, the, the russians are showing to that. it's in 2 weeks of the did. oh, you know, the, the french army has a similar challenges as do the germans. so across the board,
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you, you wind up with this patchwork quilt of different military capabilities, different military traditions, different military organizations. they try to standardize it and, and the line that's been coming out of washington is, oh, what they do is more united the never, well, you know, that, that name is sort of gone away, particularly with mark thrown and, and shows, uh, uh and, and then the ultimate uh, cap bite with each other. uh and, and the bread so, you know, they're, they're very unhappy with the germans as well because shelter out of them is, you know, that they're active and on the ground, the new crate. well i, i think you could make an argument spanish off that the french and the british always are upset with the germans. it's just a historical thing. okay. but i mean, it's interesting, spanish law facing a given the, the scope in our conversation so far. i think the blame game is already started.
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what do you think's as well, you know, this kind of reminds me of a bomb was no child left behind program or on american schools. when it gets lowered, the standard so low, you couldn't leave anybody behind because anybody could step over. nato integration has gone about the same way. we've lowered the standard so low that a lot be or, or story. it looks like a military power. on the other hand, you know, to be honest, uh there are enough military units there that if they start a flight, it's going to be a flight. the better to be lost is on both sides. it's not going to be over in a week. it will be over, it will be over and only one direction. unless some miracle happens for nato. but it's still going to be a flight. it's still going to be award. so it's an editor. we shouldn't downgrade it. totally as if there's no, that's not going to have anything. well, i mean, so we have a nightstand airport. so then what will you be knowing the military? i mean, if you're going to have air support, do, does need to have air support in ukraine or outside of ukraine if it's outside of
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ukraine. isn't that a fair target? yeah, absolutely. right now the way they're doing it is the plains are hiding mostly in poland. they fly out of pole when they land and ukraine on a ukrainian, the air base, the fuel or arm up and then fly emission. so right now rush is kind of ignore that and they're not hitting them in poland. now the problem with f sixteens is a, they are made for asphalt carmax. they're not made for a concrete carmax, lloyd, soviet and russian. now planes are made for 2 for them to land on the concrete topping. right? they have to carry a lot less weight, otherwise they'll break their traffic. nobody the landing gear. so for that matter, that means that's a lot more of a constrain. listen because it got less fuel, less ordinance. now if they're flying out of poland, it's already been said, and i hope that's the line. that's how they're flying at a pool and go straight to combat mission. those full of air bases are part of the fight. in their final flight, there are league, there are
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a legal and moral target to be hit. so they will, you will have some that up there at target here. gentlemen, we have to go to a hard break. and after that hard break, we'll continue our discussion on ukraine. stay with our team, the the the same wrong. just don't you have to shape out the application and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look so common ground the
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the purpose of the initial action and what is patient's village. the younger somebody is motor polls show me petition to the and chatting to the bus on the hands of showing shootings on our system. we have some sort of forward and i'm wondering if somebody wants this kindergarten. i shall don't, for sure which one of those recently me know to the most. if the use of that opinion. good, good, i'm here. so by knowing me to the expect this work, but i'm gonna use of the isn't boy most pretty as gramma and the by the the way to somebody alone, extra money need be new need. and then assuming anthony is from a key within the united states and then you know, language using just as long as you buy that or can you but the
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steps you should or you mail it to the southern using the welcome x across stuff were all things are considered, i'm peter louisville. true mind you were discussing. you create the so let's go back to daniel lake jackson, a, the american angle, and all of this is of course, the a, that the senate passed the,
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the house and with uses even to discuss at this point here, is, will there be a, a, go around use, will there be eventually some kind of aid still going to ukraine? visa be you just, i was gonna mention mario rubio, but you get given that kind of a logic of coming from marco rubio, some money will eventually get there because it's biden's prestige on the line. yeah, i think with every passing day it's less likely they'll get the full enchilada sent to them. the $61000000000.00. but again, we're moving heavily now into the election season. a trump has all but captured the nomination as the republican and he has, he's essentially the head of the republican party united states now. and so you have a republican house that literally hangs within a hair's breadth of a majority of it kicked out a republican because he was a weirdo. and now they have basically, you know, one or 2 guys. so it's very important that the republican house, at least a lines itself with president trump,
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and i think that's what they want to do despite the misgivings among some, shall we say, more rhino or back venture type republicans. so was every day there's, there's more of a danger that they won't pass, but there needs, as you say, needs to be something that will pass in. speaker johnson is not a good, ideologically opposed or pretty, as opposed in principle to send the money to ukraine. ways on the he, he voted for money in the past. okay. i mean, he was on board for that he has in the past, but now there's just basically the stand off about immigration. and so they, republicans anyway, have a, use this as a a, as. ready a width against the democrats and president biden. we need a serious immigration of the bill, or we're not going to pass the money. so it's kind of a challenge. got with being thrown down now and the democrats can afford it back off and on immigration now they've already lost, you know, states like, uh like michigan you know, to abide this last that because he decided to align completely with his real. and
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that's another story. so you're really having a something that's going on in the political sphere, and now that goes well beyond the war fighting you larry, i'm, i'm sure you saw lloyd austin's to testimony to congress. i don't know what you know. maybe he's just recovering from his surgery because this guy was so delusional, the scare mongering, and it was so transparent as well. again desperation in the air. larry, whether the trying to do everything we can to put pressure on congress to cough up the money. speaking of coughing. uh and uh, here's the issue. there is not the kind of political base in the united states for ukraine that exist for israel. so, you know, the theme, the theme song for congress ought to be that from the, you know, the movie, cabaret money, money, money, money, money, money, money, the money makes the world go round. so i do think congress ultimately will allocate
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. they will approve funds for quote, you crate, but the reality to do that money is not going to ukraine. it's going to general dynamics is going to rate the on is going to lockheed martin and staying in the united states. and then it's getting passed back to the members of congress who's going to need to have some, some cash or election coffers coming up for november. so, i mean, it's a scam. and at the same time, the united states is under great pressure from the american is rarely political action committee to pony up the funds to keep israel in the fight. and it's a united states does not have limitless military capability. they've got to make choices. and so their choices in that is they're gonna, they're gonna send whatever equipment, material, munitions, the israel bought to ukraine, ukraine's toast. yeah, well, it's a set us off. it's very interesting that it gets bound to legal requirements to send money to ukraine. but if there is no barriers to send it to israel,
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congress i think, has already been overwritten twice by this administration. it's not, it's, i've, i have a kind of a military question for you. i mean, is one of these things going back to what i'm a chrome had to say, and i don't know, maybe he's just wanting to remain relevant. you know, he wants that i'll do the germans and the bread. so i don't know, there could be an internal dynamic there, but there's this sense, you know, if day to send troops, the ukraine, the russians won't dare touch them. that is ridiculous thinking span as well. yeah . yeah. you know, when you're in a proxy where you've got one or 2 choices, when you're losing either leave or you double down. and that seems nato the problem with a lot of nate or leaderships to is there in an echo chamber here, the same thing back. they talk the same words, they speak the same words and you're the same thing back and forth. and they came here and how russia is just on the break. just a little more, i know, finally, correct. it's the same thing is when you go to vegas and you put your kids, what the college ones on the line, the house, the wife's wedding ring,
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and just one way. and i'll get it all back. but you're not going to get it all back . you just going to go for their broke it and you're looking basically gambling addicts as well. they've put everything on the line short of their own countries and they're willing to do that too. well, if the, if i can do the better for so i liked the vegas men of course of the ukrainians or the chips. right? yeah. oh yeah. oh or is this a bigger what table? spinning a and there are lose of the house wins and they're not the house as much as they want to think their house. daniel, really, the desperation that you, you see coming out of your opinions is that nato is facing a strategic defeat. and that's something they simply can't comprehend. candy daniel? no, they can't at all. and that's why you see bizarre things like german generals talking behind the backs of their commander in chief, who says no, no, torres is. and then. and then you have the conversation, how many tours will it take to nuke the bridge?
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but i one of the, the, the, to pick about something this thomas love said, because he makes an excellent point. and it reminds me so much that we have learned nothing from iraq because i remember when i was working in the house with dr. paul . endless. foreign affairs committee hearings with fred kagan waddling in their sitting down and telling us, just one more serge, guys, just one more serge, we've almost got this thing one for both your rock in afghanistan by the way. so this is the, this is the garbage that they've pulled all along. they haven't learned from it the, because they profit from it. but picking up on something that larry said as well, if you look at the, the opinion polls in the us, not only is a to ukraine, extremely unpopular, particularly among republicans. i think it's something like 75 percent. but certainly in the mid to high sixty's overall, oppose it, but even more aid israel, surprisingly enough to boost the last poll, i saw 50 some 59 percent of republicans were opposed to more military aid to israel
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. so these wars are extremely unpopular. i can help with saying that republicans and press and past and potentially future president trump aren't looking at these polls. larry, one of the interesting things that listening to um are the probably the woman that we probably all agreed we should be demonized. the most is victorian newland, and she said twice when she was in k of and then later i had a conference is that there be some surprises for putin and she likes to say, it seems to me considering the german, the big german conversation um, its terrorism that they're going to in conduct. that's what they, that's what the surprises are. terrace terrace acts against civilians. very well. yes. but us, it is, i think, aware and prepared for you know, this, this get a series of incidents this last week where you 1st had this, the statement from my car on, you know, the escalated,
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know that and let's say time it came up with the new york times article about c i a basis and ukraine and the all that the stuff in c, i a, was doing for this support, the ukrainian more and then you had put in speech is state of the union state of russia. and with that, a put it in as a very clear markers about what the west is facing, that they continue this and then the leak. and i, and i do believe the league came from russian intelligence. it was not accidental. there, there put the west on notice. okay. you've played this game now for over 2 years of using you of it's starting yourselves in this war, but pretending that you're not there, it's for of killing russians and not taking responsibility. that's over. and in fact, we had a news report just the other day, i think the day before yesterday, it looks like the russians did hit one of the ca, bases around. so me and killed the personality. and nobody's saying anything about
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it. they want to keep that under wraps, but i think i think the russians have now made the decision. okay, the, the gloves in that respect are coming off. if, if the nato forces continue to insert themselves this way, we will hit them and we will make them pay, you know, as spanish thought, they essentially the same questionnaire. i mean, nato is over play to 10 is a matter fact. if you really think about nato, really, i never expected that a long term conflict they, they, they, they, they believed in the fantasy that the russian troops went up to cap and then they ran away. and you know, they could call victory or as johnson called it off, and now they're stuck with a hand that they dealt themselves so that as well. yeah, you know, a product of through the search, i think the ukrainians use flying columns. uh no strong point was overtaken uh, our neighbors son was fighting and one of those strong points they got pulled. they got in circles, they got pulled out by russians by relief, troops. and they stepped back,
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but they stepped back in an orderly manner. continue the lines that were a, a flexible defense. so they were following back on new lines, new lines after they've got down to a hardened line that the ukrainians couldn't push through nothing. and nobody talks about his ukraine had an armored fist that it created with several brigades, and it kept them in how to go around civilians knowing that the civilians aren't going to get hit. that now they're parked in the, in the underground garage is areas like that, knowing that russia isn't going to hit those builders. i'm going to do a garza on, on how to go. well, that honored fist had to come out for this flight and they lost a good chunk of that on the 5th. so that had been putting together for awhile as far as terrorism. let's start 2014. you could ask my elderly and then the walk of what was the 9 years under fair when i went there last time, i saw it was in november we we came flying in there at a 140 kilometers in our through. i bombed up our road. you can't go slower than that. you've got drones over here. that are bring an artillery rounds on civilian
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cars. you've got drones that are come across these drones and these lines all over the place. so you've got to fly in fast just to get into the town. and then you know they, they get artillery costs and like, well, i'll stand in or talk with my uncle when you can hear their tell around coming in. you know, i'm, i'm, i sort of close enough that if it's whoever, but i will have a, are totally around landing on my head. you know, welcome jesus. that's the kind of that moment we're going to worry about it coming down on top of my head. you know, that's how that's how all the people lived at to 9 years. uh, but i'm really glad that you mentioned that because it is never enough said that this war has been going on since 2014 and the people of the don mass worked care reiser 8 of those years. and it's something that they will never forget and the russian people will never forget. and then what russian political late will never forgive the deceit that the west conducted itself around the minsk agreements. that's all the time we have gentlemen. and what i think my guess in tampa, lake jackson, and in moscow. and of course, i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at ortiz. see you next time.
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remember, costs on the
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the, i know the spot bruise between paris and berlin off to the french president accuses european countries. ok, how would this, when it comes to the war in your price? as palestinian children begin to starve to death, the ups store 14 humanitarian trots from entering the open goes up, paul is ready. the protest is also block of border crossing to prevent desperate in need of food trucks from getting as far as i'm concerned, the only people that have gaining from the surprise of going in is the from us. and i don't need to explain why they shouldn't get this given the age only is that a drugs be allowed to go to the wardrobe we.


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