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tv   News  RT  March 6, 2024 2:00am-2:30am EST

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the the and all the spot bruise between paris and berlin off to the french president accuses european countries. ok, how would this, when it comes to the war in your price? as palestinian children begin to starve to death, the ups store 14 humanitarian trots from entering the open goes up, paul is ready. the protest is also block of border crossing to prevent desperate in need of food trucks from getting as far as i'm concerned, the only people that have gaining from the surprise of going in is the from us. and i don't need to explain why they shouldn't get this given the age only. is that a drugs be allowed to go? work during the winter bushy, our way back down there. why can't we make sure that the women and children in golf
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have something to get postpone in the government, fight in a torres anti establishment. think ahead. george galloway is thrown into the breakfast parliament after a loud side by election victory. something the prime minister seemed very alarming . the logo, i'm of the c i a b o the throw of haiti's presidents back in 2004 along with all the lucky event that you have to trace is maxine u. s. intelligence, according to a classified paper type, obtained 5 of greystone use, outlook the lots around the top so that you never misses for this is off the international we alive from the russian capsule. welcome. it's good to see what the status of this our hopes on the heels of suggesting that the west may have to one day put boots on
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the ground in ukraine. the french president might well not crow, has once again weighed into the conflict. comparing european countries with tablets, but as what seemed to be putting the german defense minister on edge. is that the whole do? we have certainly approaching the time and now you're up when we must not be cowards. we never want to see the dramas to come. the fact that war has returned to us soil, we want success powers that have become on stuff people are extending the threat every day. attacking us. we have to be meet the challenge of history and match the courage it implies, so they can offer more. who is more coverage is who is more, whatever it is, not about them who wants to do more have to focus on that. this is what ukraine really needs the most. we don't need to really from my perspective, at least discussions about boots on the ground are be more often having more coverage or less coverage. this is something which does not really help solving the
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issues we have last week macro away. it's more than a few eyebrows when he said nato could send its troops into praise. not send to non bells ringing in the capitals of many of francis allies and rapids pools with higher vacation. but on tuesday this week, the french president of dumpling, down on his, was holding washington to once again strode water on the safe palace in an attempt to caution problems, words and then he certainly has every right inability to, to speak for himself and his views all i can do is speak for president button. the commander in chief and the president has been clear. we have been extraordinarily strong and leading international efforts to support you credit for the last 2 years . he's also been very clear since the very beginning of this war. there's not going to be us troops on the ground fighting inside ukraine any meanwhile,
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debate over. 6 many sending it to long range tor smith solves to quite a still not being put to bed, not as despite the shots as a refusal to supply them. but his foreign ministers seemingly contradicted him saying that strong consideration must be given before just fully rejecting the option the we must carefully study all materials that could be used for the defense of ukraine. from my point of view, the actual situation there is very, very clear the towards miss all was joint you developed by sweden and germany that has a targeting range of up to 500 kilometers. and it's will head is designed to penetrate and distort deep sleep buried targets. and another binding resolution that off to a lot of the countries to provide more weapons, the parliament listed the system, was the one that could help ukraine against russia. and this all comes against the backdrop of 80 to audio that expose germany's military top ross discussing how to
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help you create attack russian targets and respond back to this from the german free sucks. any party filed a little fear to gauge those quote on that tape. accusing them of trying to carry out an illegal act of aggression with the tension on the story just not dying down . it seems a little beginning to get on the job and defense ministers, not a good us. that's the telephone. i mean, the reason that the phone call could still be recorded in the range of the air force is due to an individual application error. not all participants adhere to the secure dialing procedure as prescribed reviews for, according to current knowledge, data was leased from the participant in single point of view is connected via and an authorized connection and virtually via an open connection. this is exactly what kootenai wants to achieve over the course of several months, or at least several weeks. he sets the agenda for what we're discussing here in
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germany. whether it is support for ukraine in one form or another. how successful ukraine is, whether it can win the war or not at the time and time again. this is an agenda imposed from outside by certain events. i am very angry about this story among other things because we've been dealing with only this topic for 3 days this year because yeah, i guess it for my us army resolve the scope. bennett needs that job and officials are trying to distract the public from what actually matches in this story. i think we're watching an implosion of germany and an implosion of nato and it's reminiscent of that claim matic. final scene in the film, county shack, when the golf course starts exploding because of explosives, set off by one of their own gardeners. in this case it's emily and a very bach and it sholtes. and it's golf course, others like vitamin reissue, neck and they're, they're coming to part of the themes and they're engaged in all sorts of distraction, operations and distraction articles from the revelation from some far east
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singapore defense minister about f, 30 fives as a distraction to some of the. busy lower people away from the current leases like topic, which is germany's admission of pre planning a active war against russia by attacking its infrastructure and the crime being bridge. and then when that is exposed and they start eating their own, the 1st one they eat is describing levels on the old, off schultz who looks like a shoot cobbler. and they start positioning natalie and a very bach to replace. and then she becomes very military and is the george soros puppet she is and the cloud bobby. and that she is, she's tries to say become more military and give a, give everything everything you great. and we can meanwhile, a keith, the guy who's attempted to unite west and pals against russia, is set to allow the us the deputy secretary of state. victoria knew that as points
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to in the pub post in the coming weeks, the russian foreign ministry attributed exit to quote, the failure of the anti russian pulls up to find an administration to del, more into that story. heading over to our website or to the to call. so now what desperately needed age remain stuck in limbo, 14 trucks, caring vital supplies, have been blocked by the idea from entering the notes of the n place. humanitarian organizations say that even though that have been recent at drops of 8, it is a matter of life or death that this convoy gets through or an drops. our last resort will most of us and we need to enter the boys to know and guys that we will allow us to leave with enough food for half a 1000000 people in desperate need. meanwhile, is rarely protest is brought to the knit sign up for the crossing up between as well. and egypt on tuesday trying to prevent aid deliveries. even though police
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push them back, the trucks walk to the queue for hours. the full finally managing to cross over into the demonstration. so all convinced that they on the side of jeff, i came here today to stop the law is with the humanitarian christians going in and um we don't think it's very human is harry. i don't think it's taking care of who it should be taken care of. it's hurting us. soldiers are kids enough people and it's also hurting the people of garza as far as i'm concerned, the only people that have gaining from the supplies going in is the some us and i don't need to explain why they shouldn't get this very simple. take the hosted and back and you will get a minute at a very soon throughout the us for its part is judging to maximize every possible means to ensure that assistance does reach those in need. of all the national
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security council's folks pass a note to that as well. despite claims that it's doing everything to ease the situation on the ground is actually putting up road blocks to prevent the transit of 8. so there has been some obstacles to get some the ayden data organic to the effect that we're talking about a war zone. but also there have been some energetic obstacles thrown up in some cases by some members of these really cabinets that i've made it hard to get that aided. so, this fatigue shows the foster us humanitarian at 12 in southern salsa city thought . 2000 neil's web reportedly delivered the context so 1500000 palestinians of corporate and sheltering, not according to local, far to some supplies, ended up in the states. while the remains is full and sufficient to feed the number of people facing salvation on as the number of death due to hung up on mountain nutrition continues to rise. washington's continued support as well,
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has come on to house criticism with officials having to answer some tough question . $38000.00 meals, that's like point 07117 to each person. i mean, that's a very small amount. the best way obviously, is the ground of us can send in trucks. i don't think that is which would or would fire on, you know, american controls for a trailer trucks. and so i think you're, you, number one are missing everything i just said both in my opening comments and now this, this, i don't, please don't interrupt, i didn't interrupt you, nor was i dropped the i'm just saying, i realize that it's, you know, it's an effort but it's a very small effort. there are other ways and even even by see, i mean i understand that you asked me that they had these wonderful cause ways they can roll things and doesn't even have to have a harbor. and so, but that is still inefficient. i mean, it's high states of egypt and so on the very the political decision, you know, to,
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to insure, i mean, to basically force, since we have to allow trucks and i believe that they will prepare. you don't think that the us can prevail if it pressure is, is we have to allow these trucks and we are making clear that more trucks need to come in from the senior most levels of this government. even the usually probably to in front of the cnn news channel condemned washington's assets to manage the conflict in gauze, according it immoral. we want to take all the lawyer and found to of muslim legal hass on shipping. and the result is that american policy on the garza war now appears, hapless, ineffective, and in more, the american position is laughable. i mean basically it's they, they are providing weapons that have massacred tens of thousands of civilians made hundreds of thousands destroyed the lives of over a 1000000 people. and then they want to criticize the lack of aid that's being sent
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and they're reigning thousands of bonds for every piece of bread that they send over. they are, it's like an abuser that is beating his children, beating his wife, and then giving them a small band a while he continues to be. it's laughable. it's embarrassing the united states right now and by doing administration is complicit in one of the worst genocides this modern world as witnessed. we are enabling it, we are funding it. and i think uh any, any discussion of sending aid is, is merely the tricks and optics to try it is going to send that in a better life as we have lost the, the more around in the world. it's, i'm at a loss for words, words in american. i think a lot of americans share my sentiment. we've never been so seems to be americans. as we're witnessing the government enabled israel to start children, to star elder, elderly people to death. people are literally dying of thirst and dying of hunger. it is for read what we are witnessing, and that's why you recently had
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a us servicemen, a member of the us air force light himself on fire in front of me is really embassy and fontes to the heretic crimes against humanity. we are shamefully witnessing our government complicit, and so america's acts of air dropping, you know, uh, a one parcel of 84 for every thousands of bonds that they provide is real. again, it's an you're a tokenized active humanitarian aid. if america really wants to fix this problem, immediately cuts off the military to israel and the demands an immediate cease fire . and the pressure is israel to open. the board is to allow the many countries of the world provide the emergency manager and it be better. so desperately need it on the ground right now. of the many who saves claim they have struck to us navy destroys in the red sea, the groups folks pass and reiterate to that such attacks will not stop until this piece and casa. the many of the many armed forces have carried out
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a qualitative military operation which they targeted to american war ship destroyers in the red sea. the operation was carried out with the number of naval missiles and drones. the many armed forces will not hesitate to expand their operations against all hospital targets. the many military forces will not stop until the end and the siege on the posting in people in the gaza strip is lifted reports. a global internet traffic has been disrupted off to full on the same data cables, transiting the region. what destroyed report, say, a quarter of the traffic between asia, you're around, the middle east has been impacted the who's the group has denied any involvement. the chapman of a piece for him to stop the war in yemen. says the how many people have that free right to respond to protest and american express in the system based on a and you haven't, we consider british policy to be colonialism which still exists and has a significant history of colonization. we hope they would change and split the
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pursuit cobra colonization. the many tools serving them in the region. they still have emissions and a clear agenda in the region and are part of the quartet, and that has been besieging the nation for years. today they're waging direct war and you haven't with air strikes lacking any legal justification, or even any official approval from the security council united nations, or even the many governments. therefore, what is britain doing? we in yemen, consider blights in aggression and humanities. have the natural right to respond. the british and americans today are in the same trench, whether in the events in gaza, german or the red sea. they would have sought the escalation and gaza, which i would also cast a shadow on the escalation and the red sea, the major countries of the general policy towards their world hardly changes and may only be slightly moderate. therefore, maybe the current prime minister has proven that he stands alongside, designed to send it to you and alongside the killing and lucky we consider bridge
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and stance very bad up to this moment. we hope that it will change during the prime ministers term, but i believe that the british prime minister will not last and will fail as well as the american president. he will fall in the upcoming elections and they have ended their political lives on a very bad stance of killing women. children and standing alongside the extreme is designing a sense. well, that really is now a lone voice in the bracers parliament who believes it would be best to reach an agreement with young men newly sworn in m p. george galloway says that he is ready to sit down and told in order to stop causes from dying of starvation. of course i'm ready to shar bridge on. so the judge about the judge about national interest. i did. we have a legitimate national interest in solving during the ship and if i can be of any help, then of course i'll give it. i wrote to. ready david,
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come running to british fonseca to adjust this morning saying that i've seen these reports. i know nothing about them, they're not cool. i'm just aging with me. i quickly stress. i've seen these reports on the if there is anything i can do, i'm ready to do it. it is not possible. they appears to project international shipping in the ridge g from the z every day attacks. but given the am and age only the is that it drops be allowed into gaza. why can't wait or bushy our way of. c the why can't we make sure that the women and children in gods have something to get? what's wrong with that, and what's wrong with a government that will refuse that? got away gay ninty 40 percent off the boat and allowed side by election when last week he didn't hold back during the campaign, slamming the leaders of both the ruling. conservative and opposition. labor parties
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for backing as well in the pos p, branded format, pm, tony. but 8 months now during criminal suburbans role in the rock rule, he also attended on to will protest and support of syria and went to gainst london's official policy by stating that russia is winning in ukraine. you might remember that got away also once hosted his own show right here on our team. downing street was quick to brand his victory. very alarming a. well, his editorial time has led some british ministers different instead of findings of political activity of officials say fail co operating with pro palestinian actually said, great. one of them is the palestine solidarity campaign which has cooled for refugees that were detained by the idea to be released. we had a chance to speak with mr. galloway who said his views on car in you pay part of was of course i support a c spy. that is not nearly enough. that must be
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a seized bar. there must be a complete withdrawal of occupation forces from jobs. i would try to remind you is internationally recognized, illegally occupied territory. israel has no right to be the legal they and following on from the withdrawal, then we can have an old for all exchange of hostages. prisoners, call them what you will of the thousands and thousands, so published in hostages or prisoners, depending on how you want to describe them. and then there has to be, as uh, prices. unfortunately, himself said many times during this crisis that has to be as immediate, the media establishment. all the info is the new state. you know, i supported the oslo agreement, but i've been supporting it for mold. i'm starting to years. where is it? where is the so called to state solution?
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now if we don't get the, then another break up from gaza. it's kind of deep. uh, more bloodshed on both sides is got it would all be by having this conversation all over again. i found a lot of media. it's not just a r d a they found uh, press dvd or it is a national broadcast. uh uh, even the chinese d v. z tv is no longer available in preston. uh, they didn't make a political binding older on it, but they just managed to lose their application for the renewal of the license. so there's china, russia around the maybe others because you're in south america, they, you just can't get the the bread. and the reason is pretty simple. if you think
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about it too many people were watching these television channels too many people were watching or not just in for them, but even more so in germany that's right. are the. ready closer because too many of the fathers were watching and how's up for freedom? a classified prologic cable obtained by the gray zone investigative outlet has shed light on the sea ice roll and the violent davis ro, patients hate, is president back in 2004. it also exposes all the assets in a consolidated campaign offers you can change what around the world. ortiz equals channels has been delving deeper into the story. this story has been a nightmare for the washington p machine for 2 decades in 2004, a violent cool resulted in the i was still the haitian president jump and i received something that's made me blamed the us for and as he is go on denying this
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has become increasingly difficult for washington. now, new cables suggest that a c i, a undercover agent had met with the cool floaters shortly before they went ahead with the plan. elmore had other contacts with questionable individuals and go knaves. these questionable individuals included fuchs paris, described in the cable as a haitian with ties to coop ladders. according to the diplomatic cable, the dominican ambassador said, error steed had mentioned elmore as visit to go. now you've seen a discussion. the haitian president believed elmore as activities in the seaside city were evidence of a cobra plan to undermine his regime. this was not the only meeting janice elmore had in the run up to the cool. elmore met with law enforcement officials close to danny to sam. a local political figure who had served in the military headed haiti's interim police force. the officials cautioned her about travelling and good
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natives in our ban on travel there. in response, she said she would merely be transiting the area, adding that she would be accompanied by a police escort. you'd think the police would back the incumbent, lead to, but not in the hey, to not in 2004. this is denny tucson, just mentioned in the accept he used to be re, steve's body guard and eventually turned against his boss. and he did not shy away from the threats of physical violence back in 2004. either someone from the embassy called to say, warning him that heiress the plan to have him arrested. while heiress side was out of country. according to era sides confidant, the unidentified confidant was reportedly sent to com to say, who threatened civil war if any attempt was made to incarcerate him shortly after these meetings at bulldog was a smash through the rules of a haitian prison, some
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a 160 inmates escaped, including the countries of an most prominent gang leader and his cohorts, who eventually took down a re steed following because the us was not going to drop the hard gained rain over hazy after all the us due to gain from the may have given our states anti imperialist political course, restitution and reparations for us. victims of slavery must happen. it really must, because slavery is a crime against humanity. they owe us, 1st of all restitution, and 2nd, reparations. we have the us versus surrounding hate. as i said it, and i repeat, it is a clear violation of the international law. we could use those devices to rich, hey t, creating it, trying to to communicate with the haitian people to retain changing, hey, see, was
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a huge milestone for the us intelligence agency. a bloody revolt solved what democratic means never could of defend us and bassett, a to haiti. james foley admitted that i received was the only politician to enjoy the support of over half of the population. pulling data from august 2004 showed that 8 percent of haitian support family laval. s. more than any other single party, but a far cry from the 2040 percent, or even 80 percent lavolle as politicians insist, the party enjoyed itself. that same pole, however, showed that heiress died was still the only figure in haiti with a favorability rating above 50 percent. following the co, the us was not going to just drop the hard gained rain over how you see the flu. i received to south africa something that the i was to lead a cold, a kidnapping. you say that we gave the americans a pretext reality. the americans created their own pre text. and if it hadn't been this, it would have been something else. it took the us 58 years to recognize eighty's
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independence. their priorities haven't changed and today's american policy is more or less consistent with the way it's always been. the crew of september 1991 was undertaken with the support of the us administration. and in february 2004, it happened again thanks to many of the same people as ever stayed had to leave america and you and troops entered the country, leaving behind the bloody trail of classes with the supporters of the house. did president eventually i received support as were simply intimidated to obey, and washington intended to keep them in line cables released by weaken leaks in 2011. showcase how much say the us had in the who would make up the new patient police force. the organization of american states officials charged with vetting police candidates reported approximately $400.00 ex candidates of haitian armed forces at the police academy on march. 11th undergoing physical fitness testing. i'm sure american officials have been going out of the way,
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trying to frame these events as just nature taking its course. i wouldn't as accounts though, well, suggest otherwise, the prison break and the violence on january 1st were all deliberate steps towards the eventual cool. the skirmish this weekend, the government scared his supporters involved in the opposition. the police were already stretched c and trying to protect the board against depaula military invaders and managing to deliberately provocative pro this, which was synchronized. the next step was to steer unrest in gonna use which opened up a 3rd from for the police and force them to divert resources. those events echo in haiti to this day games run a mock loss via thousands of people died as a result of gang related violence. oh, i guess yet another shining example of america's nation building policy on finding the wild youth festival is guessing into the swing of things quite literally with
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traditional dances being showcased, delegates from the 180 countries attending the event and south and russia have been putting the best foot forward, all these don't know quotes that has been getting a taste of the action of the world use festival. here in southern russia has been packed with cultural activities so far with people from small different cultures all over the world. $20000.00 in fact, representing their individual countries and there's more to come and we're going to go take a look at them. the behind me is a cultural event organized by people from the us roof on region of russia. and this is actually a circle that involves dance is connected to the rich traditional culture of that region, connected to coal sacks, to come from that region as well as the
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huge around them. so people to me over the world, the sentiment is just beginning right behind me. it's gonna include the russian song song and the traditional possibilities and their traditional forms. so we're going to go participate the one of the people here in southern russia. it's a place where people from all different countries promising russian traditional the one you figure behind me a call, the big was amazing to be part of this. yeah. you know, wonder was, i'm.


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