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tv   Documentary  RT  March 6, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EST

12:30 pm
i don't know, so it's just a void. so you could, the were square is in skin that you and the team is such a good a score of i'm like it's the computer nature is not all new events in the right, the popular due to zation and deal with them. the, by the way, across the world to celebrate the international women's, the so around the bills to, oh, we meet on gumbo. not a good memory with names unless you know up what was i strongly man is the way i'm sitting. we're avenue. so we'll pull the quote, but the question is whether we grow up in equal condition start together, exposure letting you know i will, of course, lose immediately lets you use just the way. regrettably, the answer is no. the right no equal conditions for everyone in the will. be at the glow and then use pretty b z we see wouldn't have new, immutable stories,
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but you wouldn't even need. and that's the main injustice of 2 days. well, i assume yes process to i'm more than the least deal. it starts to see if we ever have one that way, you know, see what else know what i want, of course blue. that'll give you what is that is currently sweet, the lump. it's not for just the volume, please give. so i assume. yeah. so i use that, i know i'm working with the sandwich. really interested. if you ask me, is it possible to create an environment where we went to be equal to growth equally to develop equally for the good of one's family and humanity at large? genuine, i don't know where she lives in the ministry i pushed in his mind, but there's one thing i know for sure. we've sealed those and these are the needs that we should. all right, there's a sound flag that wants to move. we didn't get them was did you need? so if they delete them, you would have a nice what else?
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pretty be. view them. what do you do more than i teach them what it was doing? she always blinds theater. one them you believe is that person very facts that we strive to, that will make the world more transparent, move the most sustainable balance. and democrats that i gave there was yeah, we do you really what i see you was you realize this mother, there was a friend, you've come to rochelle, you made new friends. yeah. pictures of was not. i want you to know that i see it as if it was through russia. i don't know what else to do. then let's do that. let's see if it was a bully. go to the mitch and then i would doors are always open to you to all of your marable endeavors. we didn't was, we did a little bit with you. i am confident as your future will be full of success is
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getting his wisdom to go see what your new york is. 2, i mentioned name bullish. you missed one of the motto. so it's festival is. let's start over futures together with him. she said to pollution the choice. so let's consider the future. nope, x, do you model you do that? well. i wish you, every success has to do with the i see. all right, do you see how the charge that i post that is with thousands and thousands of youths that came from more than $150.00 countries of the world gathering in syria
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as a solving last year for the world use festival. and the president of russia, i didn't put in just address to use that talking about issues, contemporary issues. and if i stopped about the issue of the traditional values that define the uniqueness of the variety of people from across the globe. and the respect for each person, and he also said that he stressed the quantity of humanity and saying that of course everyone was born equal. but the conditions of live, of course didn't make everyone the call at the end of the day. but it can be created in such a way that there is fitness and best balance for the future of the world. and he called for friendship and collaboration. he also pay tribute to the coming, paying tribute to women in the coming a international women's day, which is the 5th celebration across the world that's coming just just the head. and these are some of the things he puts that. but you see the energy of the use that
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expressed in when they were attempting ross, the russia. yes, it tells you means russia, it means that the cube here, the found friendship on the phone freshman is the way from all of the politics of the world. and so on, and a lot of friendship has been consummated. that's really amazing. i. uh, correspondence we remember we've been covering the event from day one of the event on up until now it is wrapping up. so we have time to speak with people from many countries that get out there. it's really been an interesting time. russia has given tentative approval to a new agreement on military partnership with the democratic republic of the congo. that's the next terry we're bringing and the plans for c joins training of troops and other personnel as well as engineering and technical support at the dropped as yet to be agreed by the d r. c. government being, while the leader of the nearby african nation of rwanda is lashed out as americans
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on, listed 5 to criticize him for supposedly being in power for too long. president popular gotten a who has sub for nearly 2 and a half decade said that the western world cannot define what democracy is. democracy is not defined by the what's not if he does and then all type in is over. the contradiction is the type in, in the us where we find the countries in the west, the next to that he does. and then they turn around and such a cool thing about this and many of those available you looked at. so you are telling me, democrats, so therefore has the impact fictions, whether it is in the west port in o. s. so, but i cannot leave by or leave with the but fictions what would the worst
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president polk had gotten the over one to that. now, many african leaders have expressed outrage of a west, and that tends to dictate all the can and cannot have us allies, the prime minister of the share, a public to reply to a western journalist about the rule against the lines of russia on the african continent. by basically saying that is, you should mind its own business. no one can dictate to us who we should or should not corporate with. we decide our own internal affairs and the european union should not lecture us. now we've heard from former echo as diplomatic and international, the 1st on the lives, how not what of connie? and he said, attempts by the western piece of it's monopoly. and democratic process is a pa, rooted mentally within the current global reality, a demo because it has been defined by the west of the centuries. and yet democracy is not exclusive to any civilization from country or society.
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democracy is some thing that's a different address. so therefore, the west cannot continue to have a monopoly of what democracy should look like will be practiced. this is their hunger while the colonial mentality of the west time it was town. they have come all alone to believe that's also gone countries. whereas next to series and therefore could be dictated to buy a new way in the means. any time in the house. also, um, africans have no right to define who they are, what they should be and what they shouldn't do that for the west. some was i think is forgetting to remember or to recall that the world has moved on. things have changed. it is no longer a unique pull out world or that kind. i'm. so today the world looks at all this and from another perspective. all right,
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looks like you're back to southern russia where the will use festival is just wrapping up our t spoke with indonesia and delegates. billy mom brass and he said russia is the meeting force in promoting a more multiple, a world order. and the sentiments of, by the country around the bill is getting more positive of what russia is doing and what flash it did in the past has provided examples for the aspiring developing countries in almost the fall of nations that they can also take in pathways of russia task, do you know you can at the may tie, pull out already? not just depending on want to nations deciding off the future of the world by providing a stage of common, equal states for everybody to talk about the future together. and i think why now is because now is the perfect time with all the, all the new upcoming developing nations showing their, their presence in the,
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in the world and russia. i think it's leading that i think the relationship between a country in the nation as want, as the biggest economic size in his van with russia is going to be stronger. and i'm optimistic, found that i would assess from the point of view of like how the young people giving commons in every single post of mine. i'm talking about russia and the, and the eastern european policy, especially specifically to russia. all the comments was very positive about russia and what a russia is doing. looking at the history of the young people, they're very curious because they were not part of what happened in the ninety's. they were, they were not born yet. so they were kind of like looking and digging into history, a record of what happened and how that happened and how it goes forward, how their 3 city leading them to know and wanting to know more about russia. how they also knew positive comments about what process doing with these to put
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insulated c, i would have, i would say that it's going up. it's going like in the scale going on exponentially . you right, let's take you to china. now. if the 2nd day of the china is national people's congress for the key focus is be economy of the results and prospects for domestic and international trade are among the main discussions of the shipment. not the national development and reform commission said that there are lots of development opportunities for both domestic and international invest. best a. hi, john. we will continue to improve an upgrade the business environment and continued to expand a high level of opening out that outside world, which is not only conducive to food, a smoke domestic circulation, but also conducive to the promotion of international and domestic circulation coordinate. this not only provides a lot of development opportunities for the method investors, but also provides huge business opportunities for international capital. of this done in multinational enterprises is the government's top clicking on the planners
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and decision makers are meeting to talk about their plans for where the economy is going. and i would say the 2 drivers or 3 drivers of the economy will be investments consumption and technology when china's economy grows, trade with russia growth, huge area is electric vehicles. now russia really say to, you know, in the fact that china became the, was largest pottery explorer last year. china sold reference $840000.00 vehicles to russia last year, which is 5 fold industries. from just a year ago, a china has been trying to internationalize its currency, the r n b. and the facts that share in russia's on fort settlements has risen up to was up to 3 percent only to a very fast development. in fact, the arm b a has now become the most widely used car and see in cross border transaction
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within china, over surpassing cus, dollar for the 1st time. and this is going to help stabilize trade 16. the ability is always a chance or economy moving forward, right in europe, hot on the heels of saying he wouldn't rude off putting boots on the ground, the new train, the french president, the monument cross has once again weighed in on the conflict se compared his european allies the pallets and the rectory seems to be putting the german defense minister on edge or use that ball. do we have certainly approaching the time and all europe when we must not be cowards. we never want to see the dramas to come. the fact that war has returned to us soil, the powers that have become on stuff or bull are extending the threat every day. attacking us, shall we have to be meet the challenge of history and match the courage. it implies
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. who can offer more, who is more coverage, is who is more, whatever it is, not about them who wants to do more. you have to focus on that. this is what you can really needs the most. we don't need to really uh, from my perspective, at least discussions about boots on the ground are being more to having more coverage or less coverage. this is something which does not really help solving the issues we have last week, my call and raise more than a few eyebrows. when he said nato could set its troops into you trade and i sent the alarm bells ringing in the carpet. also many on franz's allies and wrapped the poles full of vacation. but on tuesday this week, the french president was doubling down in his woods costing washington to once again throw water on the eddies, a palace in an attempt to cool passions. problems my words and he certainly has every right inability to,
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to speak for himself and his views. all i can do is speak for president button. the commander in chief and the president has been clear. we have been extraordinarily strong and leading international efforts to support the credit for the last 2 years . he's also been very clear since the very beginning of this war. there's not going to be us troops on the ground fighting inside you crime. a lot of debate over germany standing its long rain taras muscles to ukraine, has still not been put to bed. and that's the spot, the chancellor's refusal to supply them. but his foreign minister seemingly contradicted him saying that strong consideration must be given before fully rejecting the option. we must carefully study all materials that could be used for the defense of ukraine. from my point of view, the actual situation there is very, very clear. other taras missile was done to the, developed by sweden in germany. and he has
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a targeting range of up to 500 kilometers. and it's warhead is designed to penetrate and destroyed deeply buried targets. and a non binding resolution that ass pool member countries to provide more weapons. the u parliament listed the system as one that could help you train against russia . and this all comes against the backdrop of a lead audio, but expose germany's military top prize discussing how to help you train the tact russian pockets and responds after this from the german fees. that's any party filed a lawsuit against those quotes on the tape. accusing them were trying to carry out the legal act of aggression with a tension on this story not dying down. and it seems like it's. busy beginning to get on the german defense minutes, best nerves. a good us, that's the telephone. i mean, the reason that the phone call could still be recorded in the range of the air force is due to an individual application error. not all participants adhere to this cure dialing procedure as prescribed of useful according to current knowledge
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. data was leased from the participant in singapore and he was connected via an unauthorized connection i. e, virtually via an open connection. this is exactly what putting wants to achieve over the course of several months, or at least several weeks. he sets the agenda for what we're discussing here in germany. whether it is support for ukraine in one form or another. how successful ukraine is, whether it can win the war or not at the time and time again. this is an agenda imposed from outside by certain events. i am very angry about this story among other things because we have been dealing with only this topic for 3 days. in the aftermath of the need to the western media added field a file with some outlets, releasing articles of anonymous interviews with western supply offices in one sort of piece it's claimed by the. busy of ross and intelligence is set to be more intense than even during the cold war with west and offices assessing the arrivals
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as being capable of quote, sophisticated operations that i've just dependently cool. political on the left to play basketball, says the cross comments reveal and internal divide with need to within nato and the you there is an element of balloon they say a trial balloon, by mark trump sales with these had obviously intel conversations before the before he would say something so serious and then we have to come back to what lloyd austin said a few days before my crow light austin said x truly, if you print blues is made to be at war with rush. so this is the kept out of the back. every body following 2 years of after the beginning of this special military operation, everybody knows. but now the fence have gone the saints out loud. and then immediately after that, my crow double snell. uh, saying something that's uh,
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some nato allies. the eastern europeans especially are dying. okay. we need direct and we need nato troops, ukraine, and all those. the even friends spend the germ especially know that this is a sweet side note. so we see there's a good cop bad cop being played out now in public, which reveals most of all the internal disarray of nato and the you for that matter . the split between france and germany and the americans and the, the elias that jump minute those read you want, which is longdon kiev view and use war. so it's a completely different nato that they want. all right, that's the all davis our house at least. see you again, just in about 10 minutes. don't go away. the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the 1937 militaristic. japan started a full scale invasion of china. the invading army was rapidly advancing towards the capital of the republic of china. the dies, the city of not seeing, leaving behind the burned down villages and thousands of the dead. on december 13th, the japanese occupied on z and states real massacre. for 6 weeks,
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the invaders exterminated the civilian population. they carried out mass executions, rates, women, and were engaged in merciless robbery. ruthless confrontation of 2 officers of the imperial army. so c r e. my guide and to yoshi, no to gain particular notoriety. they competed with each other as to who would be the fastest to kill $100.00 chinese with us. or this monstrous competition was widely reported in the japanese press. to the non being massacre claims the lives of about 300000 people and became one of the largest crimes against humanity in the world history. after world war 2, manufactures advance of the address of the phase trial. however, the commander of the japanese army in the non being operation freezes, yasu eco, a sock gun,
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was able to escape the responsibility due to the interference of the american administration. the, to the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, it was a major thing to see to bring it to you. sure. yeah, exactly why given the condition initially the final crush at the cold and because of the issues typically with blue cross, you will get to the city because of the consortia, the cases i chose coast mcadams, which was preventing you guys to pretty much from the folks that are on the plaza road. norma jean, you level you want that to me?
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yes, that's the most important thing to do with some of the risk adjust to the business . what are you able to start? you're successful. we want to build some of the key treasures to go additional $40.00. i'm forward to for, for most of which might get a lot of the on march the 22nd 1943. during the great pantry. i'll take the shirts and bunch of cuts out in 118, run down the belly, mercy, and village of cutting the ship of some person. if i did the wish to be loaded into the luxury. is this for most of the rooms? $242.00,
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you. 149 people died including 75 children of age who was practically wiped off. the face of the la new blue loves the live, arching could of charlotte was noisy, and we'll use porter as follows. though few was hot, really, i really usually don't use doing yourselves the infamous fatality and responsible for the atrocity included over $100.00 ukrainian national is from west to new. right. because of the picture. all right, and so i'm see, but ok as far as the new e phone the so long as you guys pursuing your operation. i'm with them. us casa, de classify, criminal cases from the central archive of the k g, b, a better rules shed light on the atrocity. and on so numerous questions that have remained an onset for many years. watch on oxy.
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only one main thing is important for not as an internationally speaking that is of nations because that's are allowed to do anything, all the mazda races, and then you have the mind to nathan. so as a slave, americans rock obama and others have had a concept of american exceptionalism. international law exist as long as it serves american interest. if it doesn't, that doesn't exist by turning those russians. and so it is dangerous boy, a man that wants to take over the world. that was the cartridge strategy. so some, as of yet to a new one, i exist v i n b. i not finished it, often zuba and tablet block. nato said it's ours. we move east. the reason us, hey jim, it is dangerous. is that the, the by the sovereignty of the countries, the exceptionalism that america uses and its international war planning is one of
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the greatest threats to the populations of different nations. of nature, what is founded shareholders in the united states and elsewhere in large arms companies would lose millions and millions or is business businesses good. and that is the reality of what, what we're facing, which is fashion. the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power, tired vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify. it will confuse who really wants a better wills. and is it just because it shows you fractured images, presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground? can
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a pattern and has a merge? the more the west panics over its failed to crane projects, the more heat is willing to escalate the complex, the same conflict that they say they're not directly involved in. the last thing they are considering isn't negotiated, settlement there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case for the med, most of the people. i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also of soon. this is the 3rd world lunacy re washing press for so the funder line likes to say we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deal. so let me let me on. you have a very good propaganda. you know a price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. the more questions ask the better the answer
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is will be the same wrong. just don't have to shape
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house to come after kids and engagement because the trail when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground. the the police pharma is repeated. we are reporting the break into the national parliament during the seated protest against new environmental policies that they say are tripling the industry does not need any push up from risk and board. india does not see any certificates are dictation from the rest and work regarding it and other times with russia or any other country for that matter. as book spots and for india is really in potties,


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