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tv   News  RT  March 6, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EST

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is always placing the united us and the fact that you visit the don't boss. and number russia is what was probably the call of your hans there is a aspiration of what to freedom in every heart and something to be respect is something that you seem to respect. and so you also respect that people's choices a choice of their own future condition. and of course, this must be something that's federal. every issue requires montebello style pool, which you might be in the box used to enable people without interfering in the car and politics and giving details with a special language about the developments. all it is to enable people to make their own choices when facing difficult challenges. off today for one,
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i think you're on the right track and i wish you every success less development and i'm sure you will be successful as long as you keep to that into analysis for moral standards. and i think what matters from miss present flag of america, should we give them the floor? latin america you were here with us. so yes. please. the case with us and why he's a president. thank you for coming to share the special moment for us. my name e, see, okay, perfect. and that's the i from argentina. and yeah, me pretty the best value and peace. and i am going to take that off a international center for the corporation between glosser and that's and i'm very also i'm the head of the location where the almost 100 i continue here. these 50
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was enjoying the special moment and i had the questions related. uh, we innovation technology. and i think there's an intelligence that someone us before. so because of the exciting man the we don't say the joy with fitness here in this, in the nice little been doing this week. i also am, i spend my delegates and all of the people who we meet. they were asking about the future of the festival. that's why i tell you my question to repeat this topic. but to we were discussing with many delegates, how can we um, develop on the strongest stable that united our community of young people, young leaders around the world that can be on both of the, of these great in the cities, these that is impactful and develop new projects from the specified as angle one.
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that's my question, the meters just to well not really easy to do to impulse. it is impossible to deal with . this could be public decides everything. but if you want to have less restrictions to them, you need to duplicate size context between gets to the maximum without trying to knock on those doors. for some use good was instead look for areas that i'll be on suspicion that the obvious at the same time in terms of how many the ation you join and half us. and him really addressing common issues in tremendous area in the area. but when,
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1st and foremost, in my opinion, this is going to create a network, right? yes, nation all for that, i can do you see if relations between units in every country out of which it's done with lee, the foundation for building state to state relations. and you'll also be asked to both technology is because they saw this bill for a site and 2000 square meters of technology is v k. and many i was surprised to see that there demonstrations please. you have the full of the afternoon mister presence. my name is you that cuz love i'm from is 9. yeah. society of prussia. closely on behalf of all the guys from is 9 your society. i would like to congratulate you to thank you rather for the piece you gave to rush into the into i was up to talking with the people here. i found out
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the not only did they make friends here, but they also learned something new as a part of these festival. and there was the matter still on off the russians, 9 year society, with people from all over the world. nothing outstanding, the test analysis. and our, it's only russian that has an open dialect form at the distance of history and something. it's very much appreciate that. and we'd like to invite is one of the rushes best lectures to get in hong excavation sides of, uh, uh, russia expo. and to change opinions except the news, we do boys up into us out there waiting for you. we appreciate that the students that you gave to us all and with those we make friends with throughout these days. thank you. i don't believe on the best lecture,
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to be honest. although we had a short course in our university. it isn't about of these. i mean, these kinds of activities are you see, isn't my cup of tea, to be honest. and we, which really do have extremely talent slips professional. so they have both new encyclopedic knowledge. they know how to present it to the whole and they deliver it. so you explain it and also when odds and ends mines, associate them with joe. and they did it so you can know the audience and the convince them that a lot of the talents and it is my job to to make sure they piece it's your sites. you meet this uh, everyone is a very active sector here. mr. president,
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please, please, please do mr. president, please introduce yourself. what country are you from? from montenegro, from montenegro. i come from montenegro. i'm 2nd city general of the political upon the us and now go down and us pay us to, to the yeah, this is true true. true montenegro regarding from the majority population of montenegro. uh as well as from the president of fall and political part of the team is that amount of formula teach? my question for you is do you believe that this youth festival just helps the world to see the pressure that the western countries and therefore democracies are putting gone to countries that have imposed sanction on the rest of the russian federation? one of them is in montenegro,
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despite to the majority of citizens not to agree with it. i must to note center in mountain to drove the ex president meal and you kind of each is directly responsible for such policies between sees the nation as one of the most powerful leaders in the world. we ability to unite people. do you expect to the college of vested interest? and finally, before you respond or i lost all the name of the montenegrin delegation and people with montenegro, i want to apologize for samson. thank you for your attention and time with the bus that was going to shoot me a note of some level of montenegro has always been close country to us from
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a population of montenegro close to us in terms of their religion in terms of their culture as we know the kind context wants me great. he's at and sanctions have no effect on us. the adjustments for, for external re, fax you some with the former habits of montenegro was not just delete the contribution that was he also was a business president and it's not clear whether he, whether he was bigger in one way or another. you have mentioned sanctions found the effect of this, you know, on the car. and i mean, usually event that we're holding the here. i want to underscore this festival and all the activities like this organized and not as an instrument to fight sanctions . it is all a government that successfully does say that
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it wouldn't middle political, let them know that we hold such just give them the zip codes, not and to prove something which is some one or 2 of you may have an argument to some way. instead, we hold such activities to make friends to create conditions for communication between youth, in order for them to gain more information about the cost about trasha and a phone gave annotated powder. as many delegates today mentioned that they would be cable to. he developed plans for golf ration with specific individuals with the civic professions may be enterprises well coming up with new forms on interaction and which would help in front of the countries that are in conflict with each other. they would help them to find ways out of this difficult of
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these different cause times it is exactly the focus of us, of our events, and we have very much grateful to you for visiting us. thank you much. i, mary, go, you had your say let's we turn to north america. the face difficulties come in here . 50 people came in spite of all america. are you here? all the states. please do ask your question for shot. thank you so much. new mexico from mexico? from north america to see the good old man. thank you so much mr. president and the number you can look at, but it's for and on behalf of whole day that's an american people to participate in the evening news festival. we are so happy because of the treatments, we have a corporate with you with russia in terms of
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a and is it subject of the indigenous peoples? when we mentioned the father with the other dealers of the national professors committees, we propose that these a subject was very important it to include in the general program. and so with the my question, of course it's going to be on of that subject which 1st of a full area and my name is antonio and from mexico city. and i also study here at the mall and on all these process of, of being together with russia, we found the association of mexican students, 1st thing in the morning than in old russian. i was the former president. and then the future team project. i see that behind you, we have the, let's start the future together. let you in boot of shoot me yesterday and come on the boot issue was the project of the what led by the, the ocean. we took that to mexico and we keep on working with the through,
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which is why we keep have been doing since all these 7 years. and we want to continue on that. so many of the national parts already come meet this has a study shows. so these future team in their countries, in africa and asia. no, that's in america. that's what we want to do. and the question, it's how do you see stay in pods and something using us communities and they are the cultural values that can connect us also as a in invasion of diplomacy because that's one also one of the achievements that we can have more also in the culture of the feeder, education, and so on and so on because it's all the agenda that we are watching. we are a knowing that we will have, especially if i show he showed us, which usually most of us because it is a question that matters to us to,
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to retain cultures often different a small number people was national, national cultures and traditions is of great importance to us, these are the routes for them. you know, these are the routes for older people live in and a half inches wide space of prussia that of great importance as they retain all traditions as they became our spirits. i have nothing against pope of culture to form, but we do understand what ace, i mean. so now it matters to initially about who was returning to the sole issue a it belongs to national traditions and national culture. and we have something to say about which it is something that is very much in teens and moms. and we should exchange experiences practices. and it's important area and also to convey the
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beauty of national cultures into one another. it is of great importance and is also beautiful. so weird, it says, ready to work. please. good evening. this is the presence, my name is under the sylvia live. i work in the patrick samsung and that was created on zora through the command post. it goes through, i'm from key if off that included thought in ukraine. i left here to the crimea 3. my joins and melisha. i don't find a hide. you've defended the crime. yes. live vasquez, the field medication at the age of 16. during the beginning, as the special motor operation began, i went to the front line and stuff as far as the battalion, which is a legendary fatality. and i worked as a volunteer in military hospitals in 2012 and the phone the my done,
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the call sucks of because x in the key or a few or the key a square house and an exhibit to on the that it gets to the friendship of that, it was russia and ukraine. i back in the day was into cabinets, education course and bend rights, arrived to enable to the banner of from how activity they wanted to escape. i changed him and go to the back and of to was i was invited to the embassy of for asha and received to the which signed by used by me. and these flag is, conversely, at the void and then uh, booth here i represent here that don't, yes, delegation says un, gratified that you can convey truth not only to delegates or from process, but also from around to club. and i would like to thank news islands here is that
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enables me to do so who participates to help support our faces. and on behalf of all the special notated population that people, i want to thank you for the send exempt on bus and all the countries our ami demonstrate the rapid as an attraction of the study. to my pause, i want to thank you for your position as use to the office. started speaking to emily, understood immediately who you are. thank you very much for your position. i'm going to include your work around what you're doing today as a blessed treasury place. sounds what you're doing today is to the benefits. so if we move the crate in and the russian people and i'm confident and thanks to people like you, as we have said on multiple occasions and probably sooner or later in the reunification
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streets or reading situation or better relations we're taking place on. most of these to having it, we need to eradicate everything that prevents us from doing that. and some way we face a practice in the putting well yeah, and that's uh, true issues, manifestations of nationalism within. let me give you these boys in the for many as nice as is most of the many nations you create, including i explained this to our 4 in delegates. a young man has just mentioned band rights because he's a band, right? sliding band right is a follow up of my data who during world war 2, i collaborated with him that he, they killed was 1000000 in the choose just russians polls and go to see. and so obviously the way the, and the counsellor as victims. so when at the end of what hitler started losing the war and it became clear to everyone that these are a nasa is a loser band, right?
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storms. so you've attempted to join the ranks with the allies and it's people arrives and attack them for this a bunch of fun. it is a historical effect. so people date off people who collaborated with nazis to extremely amazing cecilia and ceiling. and the people like these are now be glorified as national here, as in today's the crate and was wondering if their portraits are being shown and paraded. as i can see, major cds, they are symbols of the current state of the grant. this is something with fighting . thanks to the boy like this. please. yeah. we're right. it's been on engaging afternoon for president puts in that i they will use festival in the city are serious. and so she bath in the south
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of russia and that it's been quested though. so i'm in the last hour in gauging you from around the world, tens of thousands of you'd sort of gathered in, in the cereals in sochi. uh for the will use best of all from about 150 countries of the world. now, in these questions and answer session, he talked about the issue of volunteerism and talked about film and odds. it talks about advert called diplomacy. after 1st, all intelligence technology, politics, global economy, even functions because the, you want to know the mind of the president in those areas. also talking about how to collaborate with the young people and even between countries and create more friendship and collaboration across the world. these with some of the things he's been talking about area, he addressed the entire crowd. uh in the uh, the closing ceremony. and he was talking about traditional values,
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the importance of traditional values, and the uniqueness of people from around the world. that was talking about the issue of how, how important collaboration is. he talked about the quality creating with. busy all the balance, sadness and friendship, you know, around the well, that's so that is what is going on like now on the young people. oh, really motivated in the high spirit as the leads to do the various countries that leaving with the impression, the great impression of russia and the friendship that they have made. now let's take you to an interview that's a we had we sat down with the head of the international atomic energy agency of the he met with the vitamin put in in the southern russian city of searching. rafael groceries spoke about how the united nations has helped prevent additional attacks on these i photos. yeah. nuclear power plant adding that he now hasn't mandates to investigate if such instances happen again. since we established that
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5 basic principles of the un security council that has been a direct showing on the plant itself, i've seen close the case before. so if that happened, now, my reaction would be very different. because now i have a mandate to look into these to ask questions to try to determine what has happened before. that was not the case because the i use the cuts or how that simply a new get safety security remedy which was more, which was narrower and more simple. now we have said the i is going to be looking into the 6 and to the extent possible to indicate what has happened that have been some minor episodes, dangerous, i would say in terms of perhaps some cro drones heating and medical dar,
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which is the village near by the blind, my don't those we haven't been able to gather at, you know, we are apart from any of these. we are a group of things, pictures, and when we pronounce ourselves, it must be on the basis of our own independently gather information. if i don't have enough, i can have a hypothesis. i do have like many people have, but i cannot say this has happened or point fingers when i don't tab or the limits in my hands to say, this is clearly the source of the attack. i think here at the end of the day that is clarity on what are the consequences of something like this. and this is what i keep saying when we have information, for example, that's what happened just a few days ago. for those sort of we would, we have been saying, when do we have the information intelligence information or any of the information that that are meaning that the possibilities that there could be,
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he thought he movement we, we ring the alarm bell and we say attention, we are watching, nothing should happen and we are trying to play a deterrent role in this. we got not perfect, maybe, but much better than nothing. all right, let's bring you some updates. now pharma is protesting in the national capital have reportedly broken into the pot, him and building some of the demonstrators. we've seen plastic with the police the but it has been the wave of protest spawn agricultural workers throughout the european union in present months. or the outrage has focused on new environmental regulations that farmers are saying, i've tripling about the industry. all these demonstrators are also seeking a ban on cheap imports of grade from nearby ukraine. curious what some of the
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farmers have to say about the prices. yeah, me just go dollars, something has changed. it has changed for the worse. the us started to impose its ideology on us and today it's the farmers. this applies to farmers, for example, the climate revolution. this climate package, green energy, and green order, which someone will introduce, unfortunately, will destroy polish farms. first of all, just products, not only from ukraine, but also from outside europe, the stabilize our economy, and will lead farm is to bankruptcy. that is why there is such great outrage not only in poland, but throughout europe. the pharmacy, a great threat that the farms are at risk and that they will simply have to stop producing enough for both of my colleagues, charlotte dimansky spoke with the develop and so on on. that's with the arctic, chris put in byron echo sort of as well as they've been guy each. a professor of
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the institute of european studies, the in bell grade, a polish farmers have had enough. they can no longer take this at their own expense at all. started of course, last year when polish farmers started protesting sorta complaining and saying that, hey, all the c cheap, ukrainian grain that is entering and flooding our market is messing with our livelihoods and we cannot make ends meet something needs to happen. and during this time, there were also complains that ukrainian grain was being dumped from trucks and from frames. and the polish agriculture minister had to apologize and justify his citizens action saying, well their guys with chelsea could not make time. so you have to understand them as well. and then we have the prime minister of poland saying that perhaps we are looking into temporarily closing the board, or even we're talking with the ukrainian side about temporarily closing the border and closing trade. and i will also talk to polish farmers about this. and such
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a solution would be temporary and mutually painful. we are the most pro ukrainian states, but we also have the biggest problems in all of europe resulting from the russian ukrainian war. the price of free trade with ukraine is too high, and we can't pay it back. here's what's interesting is that you have donald task asking european partners to understand polish farmers concerns yet at the same time you have light immersed alaska saying no, we understand that it's tough for polish farmers, not only polish farmers. i'll get to that in the 2nd. but he wants polish farmers to understand that they need to suffer for the time being for the sake of the crate, which of course, it's tough to explain to people that can pay their bills. we must finally find a solution to the situation on the postage board, which is going to be on both equal makes and morality alone a go. it is simply impossible to explain how the hardships that they believed in country can be used in domestic political struggling at the same time. there's only
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so much that people can go on to support and you can train ad, they're all expired. so you know your stuff and there's no way to bring you in to the conversation at this point. how much of a problem has this been across europe in terms of this sheet going and coming in on the cutting the farm is the farmer's protest. so he's a problem, this was brewing for some time now, even before the escalation of conflict in eastern europe, they are very significant because not only polar citizens, but citizens across europe are sick and tired with the war and are thinking, fired with this totally, terry, of style, a single minded view of the ukrainian conflict and there are costs of the expected to go with the narrative. that is, that is that is given and to constantly sacrifice for god knows what. 4 things that they're very far away from their interest as citizens for, for the interest of their countries and so on. so i do think that this is going to
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continue and that this protest will, of course, cause a chain reaction in honor european countries. marina, just want to bring you back in. how about the you? they oversee the, the proponents of this policy of introduce the 2022. basically when you create conflicts started, they scrap the tariff saw new queen goods that would transiting to the not was this accumulation. as you describe the see we will products flooding the market and the cutting the local farm is price is causing these problems. how is e responded full so far? it hasn't really done much. well, they are the ones who started this to begin with when they changed their easy regulations. in particular, the agreement between the european union and ukraine, they completely remove all restrictions when it comes to ukrainian truck drivers. and this is the, the restrictions for drivers transport some goods between ukraine and the european union. so this is not only effect and colon, this is affecting the whole block, which is why we've seen protest in other countries,
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not just fall in all these farmers. and the you are saying, hey, we need a solution because something needs to happen. this is an unfair advantage for you. crazy informers. yes, they're struggling right now. but at the same time we are struggling as one something needs to be done. this is the latest when it comes to the you. there are statements, elections, most of them the best way would be to support ukrainians rides the tense runs support to see ports and sun products to countries where ukraine has always traditionally sent its products. what we need for this is a positive approach from ukraine and some corporation. all ukranian partners must understand the situation to fall fall most no markets kind of stand such a level of supply increase for rough shaw this is once again another example of how the wes puts its own interest over the interest of its own citizens. and we've seen this time and time again, and we've heard today from marissa harv on the foreign ministry spokesman.


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