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tv   News  RT  March 7, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EST

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[000:00:00;00] the, the, whoever in the world, the knives and supports i once independence will get boone for playing with for you . and so used to be the fruit of their own doing those things talk different might says, the stronger the was commitment to the one china principal, the great southern guarantee of peace coming into damage control taiwan issues a grumbling apology, all threats, labor minister remarks on the skin color and eating habits of indian walk. adams assessing the facts, a human rights watch dog says evidence and all i witness testimony points to as well as full involvement in the desktop,
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hundreds of palestinians last week as they protest brittany for food aid and was now being delta of flour the mid day. and most good, thanks to keep me company sides. we take a look at some of the big stories of the day so far. well, starting us, all those who support taiwan independence are playing with fire on. we'll get bumped. those was a warning was from china's top to come out, who was speaching off to the start day of the national people's congress. you got 2 more years off the one china principal is already in prevailing international consensus. those 2 committees and supports i once independence are just challenging china, southern and see certain countries that students is the maintaining official relationship with die. one are just going to see it in, in china's internal affairs, the strongly, the commitment to the one china principal. the great that you've got and see for
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these across the street will be which is whoever engages inside when he's independence on the island. will be held accountable by history, whoever in the world and knives and supports i once independence will get boned for playing with for you. and so he's the big, the food held their own doing. obviously, today, the most important event of all i would say is the press conference a given by chinese for administer, as well as a member all the political, the role of c, p, c, c, p, cj central committee, mr. wong e. well, during bad, nearly to our press briefing he has touched, he has covered a wide range of issues and nobody has touched about china's relations a way that the united states with they european union and with of course, with the restaurant. and also the as head touching of how i've china's on a stance on i tie one issue. last i won't question which he has written each rated . that'd be tie one east part of china and a $68.00 in the world. part of the chinese territory. what you mentioned that
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obviously the foreign policy pounds were also here in the pool. it's the china could become a mediator in the world between russia and ukraine. sussing, its diplomatic cloud has been growing in recent years. how like to just about is yeah, i think the of the one of the reasons trigo to why, you know, there's a lot of top step aging can you can again act as a piece may for a p. p, spoke of worlds. are piece based hard to, um, to you know, a to help bring the piece fact between a brush and that you can, i think part of the reason is because the world has when this, that b j has successfully mediated every push month between rival research on between the saudi arabia and iran, your last year and also, you know, had the press briefing. one you has written each, a rated that china has the old china has done is to push for peace tops of russia. china relations was a topic,
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a t one that came up during the press conference with the for administer. b very famously, of course, the new limits partnership, one of the prospect through tonight for the near future, the both of them has to be each array that the china stands on. russia is based on not alliance, non, non compensation and don't targeting of 3rd parties. and this is which on has to be but basically has repeatedly saying the suspense, which is on trying to rush and comprehensive, strategic partnership and coordination for the new id a have been moving forward on a high level. political mutual trust is deepening and cooperation remains mutually beneficial and complimentary to each other or just sides will strengthen. international multi logical corporation implemented genuine multilateralism. saved god the system of international relations with the central role of the united nations and maintain regional and global security. and stability. so that's the press conference, so keep them by trying this for mr. wong e,
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which has been closely watched of from home and abroad. not only for us reporters, but also china watchers and other people across the globe. meanwhile, taiwan foreign ministry has been left to red faced and having to issue a growth like apology and also to the labor minister during a discussion on the possible recruitment of india and migrant said particular attention to the skin taught color on eating habits for government expressive sincere apologies for the situation, it will earnestly review its actions and make needed improvements going forward. taiwan, both to civil society that embrace has different views and allows for a wide array of voices to be heard. taiwan, also fully respect cindy is diverse and rich culture and cherishes the friendship between the peoples of taiwan and india. liberal minister, a basically made those controversial remarks about student color of religion di
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it's about some indians from the northeast region. and this obviously ahead of the provincial drive to recruit migrant workers from india to taiwan because of the people from ne india are the 1st to have similar eating habits to us regardless of their skin color. and then again, most of the people over there are christians, regardless of whether they are in manufacturing, construction or agriculture. no, it wouldn't be important to on the line here is that relationship between india and sy? one business relationship in particular has been warming up in the last few years. and of course now with these remarks, we've not really sure if you know, hasn't reacted as you add in the industry are fixed on the facts. but what we're seeing is a huge lot of reactions on social media. people are upset, leasing the common needs by so i want me, bowman, this are, are a very,
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very insensitive taiwan is. india is important. geo political partner such a racist comments would only downgrade people to people, relation taiwan should refrain from such comments. no clarification can justify the racist. an anti indian ideology of taiwan. taiwan needs to educate it's public, the radicalized society address issues of racism, and communal is and make it more inclusive, imperialistic. if the ministry of foreign affairs of taiwan ever face has a problem and asks india for support, do tell them that we will only support the taiwanese that have dark skin color? no, really like india is the most populous country in the world. india is also very towards it is one of them was divorced countries in the world, as you will from notes to the south, strong push me to can ya, commodity, you will find different languages, different cultures, different religions, different don't the way people know, different colors from not to talk, but that doesn't mean that you will give jobs to people based on how they look for
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the language they see what time you have a little fun sex children. february dive on, had basic needs. a said that is going to hire migrant people of from india and this also 5 on spacing. this crooked a good labor shortage and the rapidly growing old age population. now this is the similar situation that we're seeing in, in the particular region in china and japan and south korea, and which is why the need to hire more migrant people. but on this basis now, the big question really is that die one has asked for an apology, literally in the for give us the will in goals a and says it's a 6 month for bullets. have come in over at least 15 civilians killed overnight in is where the strikes that hit the law that's in the central pumps of the intake. and this odds to the total desktop which has now passed. so $2703.00 strikes,
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reportedly targeted residential buildings within the city. i'm going to say raw refugee camp medical teams have taken the dead to the nearby. i likes the hospital, but more people all said to remain trapped under the russell. it comes as part of sending an american talk to is described to the un security council, the horrors of the conflict, while also demanding for sci fi. it's tragic, a bi in different missions. this was the, the most terrible and terrific that i've seen in my life. and i believe that the humanity of each one of us to do something to stop this. you guys heard that and tvs and everything, but honestly, we lived every single day for 13 days and guys and it wasn't easy you saw or what you're going to hear this. i saw it in my eyes and have treated the basis that i tried every single day and thank god that i came back here to at least be their voice on my voice, their voice today,
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none of us are here for condolences. we're not here for apologies. we're here for immediate action. we have demonstrated that every minute signifies the loss of a life the starvation of a child. and so we need an immediate and permanent not temporary permanent ceasefire. now, meanwhile, a huge crowd gathered outside the office of the un relief and walks agency. in rafa stopping, palestinians rushed to get bags of flour, one of the few products available to ease that hunger. garza health officials have reported 20 death sofa from malnutrition and di hydration. i know we have some locals, you say it's impossible to survive without more help. a solid. we demand the underwater to increase a during the month of ramadan. because the flower they provide is not enough. i
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didn't know we have children who need milk and they cannot stand on their feet because they suffer from low blood sugar. but we're not provided with anything except flower. know what, but something for you only get flower. we do not get a usual food, a basket such as meat, cooking, oil, sugar and milk. all these things should be included because of poverty, people sale their allotment of flour in order to buy other things, such as cute numbers, tomatoes, onions and peppers. because people want to do different things, as they cannot always consume flower alone. cells have a much stuff as well as quite full involvement in the tasks of goals and civilians seeking humanitarian aid last week and what is now being dumped the fly. what masika human rights watch told the your a mad has released a report highlighting a mountain of evidence including eye witness testimony on spent munitions that were left behind. several recent developments confirm israel's full involvement in what has been done. the flower massacre,
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many victims of the massacre suffered injuries from 5.56 by 45 millimeter nato bullets. this is a type of bullet fired from his rarely army weapons. a sample of 200 dead, an injured victims, revealed that they were indeed hit by this type of bullet. the last as day, 115, the palestinians were killed and more than 700 wounded when gone fly tool through a crowd. nick, also city that then triggered us down p. those people tried to flee palestinian authorities, blame the idea for the quote. horrific mexico against those who just wanted to obtain food and aid. the you are a med monitoring organization says it's start date of the spent bullets along with 5 months that hit on mist civilians and the incident it found they were an exact type of munitions. specifically, compatible with an assault rifle used by is where a full says and it adds up that it's often imported from the u. k. as licensed by
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the purchase defense ministry. while i'm at the allegations be is really prime ministers, especially advise us still maintains that the civilians were killed in the spam pied lang, the blame on the truck drivers who were delivering aid. however, he was fact checked in real time and then tried to just dismiss the claim by saying this really full says, open file on palestinians. yes, but in a quote set puts incident been the incident of people storming the trucks and the way the truck drivers bade and people getting squashed and pressed, and apparently bit of it being a mass casualties, they use what was not there on the ground. okay, but they did open fire and people would kill so i'm completely confused by what you're saying because they admitted the folks and set it, set it on our at that then they opened fire. that's as that's a separate incident. okay. not connected to the tragedy with the trucks. hottest performance democratic fraction spokes person to meet for duty on and believes that
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his role is simply trying to keep its international reputation afloat with the narrative it spinning. the standard is real old, where is spread out lives right after every mass and girl for one purpose only, which is to absorb the anger of the palestinian people and they have street and to create more confusion for the western world. so they would continue support the does really ongoing genocide the is rarely a army change their story within few hours, actually 3 times, one call and get this tempe the other one called and get deranged. so, but the driver of the truck that killed all these people and the 3rd law i was that i'm asked if of course, israel did not provide any proof of these allegations and a little longer with the bunk by uh us, uh,
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media all tell you sat down with the head of the international atomic energy agency for an exclusive interview off to he met with vitamin pearson on the sidelines of the wild youth for raphael across the spoke about the general security of this approach. and you should have thought on how the u. n. has helped prevent any new attacks at the site saying he now has a mandate to investigate. if such incidents happen again, you're just coming here from your meeting with president put in. can you please give us some details on the issues that you discussed with him while it was a very important conversation for, for us? and for me personally aesthetic the general of the and the reasons are obvious. of course, there are many topics the situation around the security and the
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safety of face approach and cap our grant. which is, you know, at that say top of the security concerns only for the agency. i think in general were white. people are very worried about that. so and i was a just a few weeks ago i was again at, for the full time as you know, visiting the plan to looking at the situation they're trying to have my own impressions of voice going on there. and i had an opportunity in keith to discuss with the president savanski solely to us indispensable for me to come to russia, to express my opinions of what i saw. my our impressions from a technical point of view and authority. some from the, from the president that from the russian government, this is a very, very good moment because unfortunately, i said the promise i must say it for continues. and so for as long as there is
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a military conflict, the possibility of a new pair accident is still there. and we must make sure that there is maximum restraint in these regard. so that we avoid that situation. there was also, uh and i said it, it'd be full that they were supposed to be the, the twos cause we can put some other issues on the international that didn't that, that's have a bearing on the nuclear nonproliferation gene, for example, of which the i e, h is guardian c want a issues where russia has historically played an important role, for example, when it comes to iran and the new cap program over there and other things and in the middle is so it was a reach discussion. as i said, i need to spend simple one for me. so let's start with the process. can you clip all plans?
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as you mentioned that it's really press pressing issue nowadays. so this is that was your 4th visit to the nuclear power station. what is the main difference between the situation the do you on your 1st visit and what your so now when the 1st visit was in september 2022. and at that time, if you remember, there were still direct hits attacks on, on the side, on the block. so this information was quite dramatic and, and reaching a point that would be unthinkable and having a nuclear power plant as a target in immediate time going by. so and, and of course we were confronted with a situation that we didn't know how we would have all i was trying to establish a permanent presence a by the agency from the agency there. so there were many uh, problems to solve for the,
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to kind of bureaucratic technical. so that was like opening the gates for us to be there to try to start a work, which is basically one of the support technical support on why much say it to a certain extent deterrent of something bigger and more waves and more serious happening there. so that was in and, and now of course, the situation has evolved in this sense that we have established these precedence there. so many things have happened in terms of the technical situation of the plant. the plant is now complete, shut down, which means that it is not operating or producing energy. and it is also, there's also a new situation because pressure has established
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a new structure around it. and so we have to deal with these things in a different way. and some times colleagues of yours in other parts of the world asked be, well, do we, do you think that we a better now than we were back then or, or not? and frankly, you know, i don't, i don't avoid questions i, that's not by style. but what i say is that it would be very difficult and perhaps even improved in for me to say, well, better now, because that is, i mean it's a conflict going on. so what is ok now, 10 hours later or 3 hours later, or 2 minutes late or could change if there is a mini heat, is the showing, or if that station looses external power supply, it doesn't get quoting function and then you can have a cascade of events going into the area of an accidental
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and we are when established there. the china is of diana, which are well established. i as ahead of the feeling that i have the attention of the government of ukraine. of course, i just finished my conversation with the president of the russian federation. so as an international organization trying to have time to contribute to the seventy's ation of education. i think we are very solidly there from that to say everything is fine. i wouldn't say it, but there are good elements, so we are able to, to our technical work, to have interactions which are concrete, very concrete, and not only at the plant with the management of the done, but also here today i was having before seeing a president driving me 14,
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i was discussing with that and we did that at the general of the estate company. rosa told it'd be so alex a good shift. and she's team also with the presence of an important integration of the ministry of foreign affairs. so the residence that ation the russian nuclear regulator cross picking up sorta and also have, are present ethics of the ministry of defense. so we could go through the entire agenda and these are indispensable. so i can raise with them specific issues and get their views. so we're working, we're working hard. so as for the i a, a, your position. what are your suggestions regarding the safety of this nuclear power plant? what should be done as for you to guarantee its safety at this turbulent time? there are 2 limits that 2 levels. one level has to do with the physical integrity of the plant. let me put it in very, very,
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very simple terms. for your audience. never talk a new cap. our plant, more importantly, don't turn a nuclear power plant into immediate database there by making it a target. this is something i brought to the united nations security comes back in may last year. establishing the 5 basic principles i mentioned, the 2, which are the most important to us now. and i think these by and large is working because the international community, not only must call and, and keep, or whomever the, the national community has a very clear sense of what has to be done or not very clearly. so that is one day mention prevent the worst, and the 2nd is more dense, perhaps less attractive in a conversation like this. but it has to do with many technical aspects of what is
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going on there. how we showed, according function. you remember that there was the blow up of the nova kickoff got done in june last year, if i remember correctly. so these old tarts completely the levels of the deeper river from which the plant was thumping. i was out for recording. so there's been a lot of work there. the agency is interacting, i mean, a number of things which are indispensable. so that we have a relatively stable situation. but we see we see the ceiling ongoing shimming of the nuclear power plant. and since one k, if you do one presidents, the landscape person, a few crane about the potential consequences of bullying, the nuclear object is where my message. i think everybody's aware of, of a forty's at stake here. and my function here east can tenuously,
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control the attention of everyone about what it, what is at, at risk. we know that in, you know, in a war situation, the unexpected may happen simply because he's not a conversation. a russian of conversation between 2 people like you and me. now, this is a physical confrontation of wheels and look for ways you will find this ration of space on things can happen. but i, i can assure you that i am very clear when i speak with everybody about about this . so i am confident that they are, that they are hearing us. but of course, until these ends and it ends without a new car accident. we keep a, you know, our prudence and we keep our efforts alive. and to months ago,
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you said that i a has not collected enough evidence to state who was conducting the ceiling. although to most of the experts, the trajectories, at least are quite old vis. but so what data is still missing? what about the data provided by the russian? whether it's all on these, let me tell you something which is very important. first of all, that seems we established in that 5 basic principles at the un security council that hasn't been a direct showing on the prompt itself, i think was the case before. so if that's happened now, my reaction would be very different. because now i have a mandate to look into this to ask questions to try to determine what has happened before. that was not the case because the i use the caps. how that seem to be a new pair safety security remedy, which was more,
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which was narrower and more simple. now we have said the i is going to be looking into these 6 and to the extent possible to indicate what has happened that have been some mine or it be so dangerous. i would say in terms of perhaps some cro drones a heating and that a go dar, which is the village near by the blind model in those we haven't been able to gather you know, we are apart from any of these. we are a group of things, pictures, and when we pronounce ourselves, it must be on the basis of our own independently gathered information. if i don't have enough, i can have it. i bought this is. so i do have like many people have, but i cannot say this has happened or point fingers when i don't have or the limits in my hands to say face is clearly the source of the attack. i think here at the
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end of the day that is clarity on what are the consequences of something like this . and these is what i keep saying when do we have information, for example, as it happened just a few days ago for those sort of we, what do we have been saying? when do we have the information intelligence information or any of the information that that are meaning that the possibilities that there could be meaning that the movement we, we ring the on about how do we say attention, we are watching. nothing should happen. and we are trying to play a deterrent role in these. we are not perfect. maybe that's much better than nothing. i cannot help asking you about the equipment. 4th, 8500000 euros that you provided. i provided to this, i promise. can you put problems all the mechanisms to ensure that these money actually goes to where it's to go?
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yeah, indeed, as, as, as you write the mention of, 1st of all the desktop, the money is very important. what we get from countries that are willing to do so we get equipment normally safety equipment for nuclear power plants, not it, not as operators you the but the other end are even as of all of the nuclear power plants to exactly the they are no gap our best, i'm sure nobody which because of the war and because of the alteration of the, of the supply chain, which is not flowing as in peace time is not in short. so we are generating these eh, it into the facilities where they need one or the other thing. so at, and we as an international organization, the have heavy, i would say efficient all the system to avoid that there's any abuse. we are very
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careful about these things. so from what we know at the moment, there is a shortage of employees as a, as a promotion nuclear power plant. have you discussed the plans of depression situations to high a more personnel for this new clip whole time we have, we have looked into this and of course uh, my impression is that the situation in terms of this stuff is relatively correct. and that i'm more of a recruit pence ongoing, but then again, i should say that the situation is, and that's a satisfying for us. so long as the plant is in this shut down situation where he's not generating power electricity. if deep where to start again, then perhaps the needs in terms of uh, the technical personnel would be different, but this is something that about which we still need to see what,


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