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tv   Documentary  RT  March 7, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EST

8:30 am
for some reason, other children are in the main level by us you simply need me sort of see how do i do not offer any type of support. now do you have getting your bus somebody is still a couple weeks ago. who does that go to the test page and showing up like pressure version search for it to clear the color printed off
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the see what you think of any other search suggest from us most of the industry, quite serious issue for so many tribes and i've used them for opening gmc made for a given explicit on both of which was a pretty my is the most of us. yes. from the less speech. but then you can choose to, we'll just wait for the police hordes. guy needs to score. right. but it just like you want to be able to, you initialize that with steve. show positive. show positive 7 in your when you buy a team or something somebody got the pardon. what do you think? says manual a fuck she just dies on us and you just,
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we sheer more just corner bluish. know, fox told somebody got the music results due to suit to the origin you're across there wasn't quite agent the honda also stay on the on someone else for the come with the furniture when somebody bought him at 50 disclosures. so i thought sometimes the joe 2 on the, on the farm says time due to the change center for the 2nd part. totally sales people for the summer to 100 plus the
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sheriff. margaret is on site as us or she, what did you see the enough force inside the city on each side and sitting behind the e again is something you enjoy life and stuff. i'm your thoughts are so much the the solution other the union put them in on the 9th and thought it
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was going to james so, so that they can, unless you purchased it for you before that it's not for what the cost of the code is that what you're used to using the up to you for the month. so i'm waiting for the 1st on the do it or something. is this insurance? so about the fitness, my zip code at the what the, if i take it up, you just put the rest of your just the colors and so and print out some pulled up for you just a sec which is spelled out of it. but when you go to the assault quarter percent from the 2 minutes and we just went that route, so those 2 things would be more. so the number one just think of when you have a good one, you can always look that up for yourself. but also the other question would be the most of thoughts. and i personally do come from what the to be said, but he's always splitting the mention of
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like i would certainly assume for the blended with them doing. and i got that i mean the session and sending them an airplane and the name of the procedure which are not enough comfortable searching video. but sam, spaniel greene, excuse me, if they're on board show when you go to share any of the clifton. so others need them. so you have a ton of things cuz we have class to be of assistance that were still at the quote from w. a tip thing. and they with the most of the shots schedules. but now i never got to live stream, especially beeps, unless there's no scheduling for the coming at the school. assume that i'm giving you heads even if there's anything. can you believe you know that it's for free? the additional for example, if you don't live in the new it's on the yeah,
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definitely. so. so yeah. also say any of the level slogan law, just let them pull up the issue of the supposed to be it's just be valuable. uh, good evening and thoughts as to things, you know, when they send me an idea of some of the cultural, the says, most of jewelry moved on. yes, you're still with the speech today. it's those 2 more about the room. make sure you got the abutment and the voice and that anybody wants to begin studying or disease, which in these let me play the funding kindergarten is do i know you meet them? talk to me yesterday about central show at the moment you can start asking me for as much as you that i'm one of the gulf where she is that i and she can. so at least i was d is what movies you have keys do that. you also have certainly media as of must be
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what you can see the floor and i was still very were that's good that are so that i should don't smart. i actually showed her the recently, me know that of most of the sort of the 20 big language divine. we meet them on the truck. just curious. i mean, the, what the, with the support of the for themselves and yes to the owner of shoulders who thought for the study. and i bought a jewel to my good. most of them are as usually blue legs stuck, but i'm sure yours and i'm sure we really look at as a new logo. what year? around support the motion of the the the what a huge blue shirts i need for you, but what meaning is easy to browse to be, to goes, look, i didn't finish all users of sim city, yours lane. we will use through the government needs to be the services to do what is pretty we can get some could be some steps that you just use. the word must be a rosary, drop of the individual on the to pretty much the why not? what's on the, what you just rather than the of you expect, this will put them you said e as in boy,
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most of the family and the budgets just be the dealers, usable website. just let me the still a go to the ocean city, or those are see to davids lives. we will reduce the fact that there's this will good. i see we've used or tiny a school does not look similar to you for the people. of course we'll go check under to put them on the only unless i was when you're by move the church or do it starts in a place. ok. but you just get out of this. do that. yeah. because all that,
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the size of start something i'm going to do it on us what she, i don't know. and if i'm doing just as a for the answer to it won't go be able to say a lot of all that was 40 syllable up, but just thought i saw would be yes about bill, which i as far as the name was, i'm is unable to use it, she said it's, i mean it's usually the cheapest thing. it was to find the,
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the names of the football games by itself, the
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hosting to sit on what these are, what gab it off for the best thing. what do i you college here in the morning once you've had those offices just the loose. when you come back, let me see i'm good. you know what else? um we sideways we sound like, right? yeah, but ask fusion in video. but i'm going to try to drop it off to you at the point of them. so that was, that was kind of what she was, the guy sees across the workshop. wasted. i'm, the guy was unfortunately, really have to go to sleep. usually when you go to the
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or the, i know the oh, i mean we're just smallish. it was the what i was doing it again so that those 2 by 3, those would be to do this. and what i'm doing that was that, that's kind of what of the phone. so when i showed up talk to somebody, it's really brain surgery, but it gives me the,
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the, the, the original rooted up zillow, but was usually the one you're talking about. the take a fresh look around his life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by powell of tired vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really was
8:44 am
a better world. and is it just because it shows if you fractured images, presented as fast? can you see through their illusion going underground can on march the 22nd 1943. during the great pantry, i will take the shirts and munch fatality in 118. run down the belly, mercy and village have caught seeing to her to shut, but the person, if i did the new wish in luxury, is the most of the rooms to pony you to you? 100 and $49.00 people died, including $75.00 children of age was practically wiped off the face of the law. new blue loves are a little but live arching kind of charlie was noisy and we'll use puerto as follows . oh shoot was hard really. i really usually don't you feeling yes,
8:45 am
so the infamous fatality and responsible for the atrocity included over $100.00 ukrainian national is from west to new. right? because of the picture. all right, and so i'm see what. okay, as far as the new e phone, that's a lot of those. do you guys pursuing your up with them? you as customers declassify criminal cases from the central archive of the k g b, a better rules jump to light on the atrocity. and on so numerous questions that have remained an onset for many years. watch on oxy, the
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controls use the google board. so for the prorated credit and no problems on the issue, that was the machine is not got the one that i have since you were working on a new much though was on the the
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most important issue here is your shipment goes to the the funeral, but will the little go to sleep on the phone at
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the old address because nobody usually to never naples. the augusta the month the village used to go fill it up. some of the yes, the last part in this was
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this can somebody says change the build? it was the image of the machine that what you like the of the the by there. so i was,
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the software is a sophomore for gimme a little smoke the all the way not sure why since you just the little fall i was follow up with the me issues a little follow the
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for the police or medical emergency rooms. let me, i'll talk you guys let's forget some wish there was no way he's got that down. please got sound, cause that sound to you, but it was a the style with a bunch. give us what those are. the sales people are the one that was done beautifully discussions guys, multi of the remains of the
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human is the let us know guys the she has must push it as an engine if, when you might as well, you know that you have to go with if you will just always this long spot, for example, sort of the mind, you know, for the glory of the video to get this book was there. let me see, david, what would you say? i'm going to be at the city. the why we on the see should be the should be the yes god, what do you mean? yeah, but he, you want me to go out of square a couple of bullshit 3 bits. which
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and what about this one? sure. you're just showing store stuff. couple of steps towards the news, meals b, b at 3 degrees c should be the same the
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federal but it hasn't been set up yet because i wonder if we'd mind because put more money to the
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right side of the visual meals or to them to get to have those that were already let me know as a new so to settle them yesterday to show you what the folks are. when will you be to do the service to make you sit on the level that ends by see which, which which is the thing with the what is your sense of design this with the gun? here's the secret of the words he'll grow, but by the name of the above the silver chest of the but what was it?
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it was like, it was by using the most of the which is like do you go do you need? yeah, yeah, it's a general leg. i mean we all took sure tools. i probably will grow stuck in a while. i'm not sure how long it will take you to let the push the little bit because i think it was actually still gonna be t. as of share so, but guess the part of the category for this meeting is like the movie and the movie just sending you guys as well. but you're still, you know, with those additional bringing smoke by the 4 digits of the year or for us to get away. but then we start the stimulus to didn't just full disclosure. so there must also do some shows. the video of disco foam soap videos makes more sense to be this kind of funny and i've got,
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than you would just send, you know what the product is, the new card this could be used to be stuck with, with some of the girls that, that each other on the gosh, the senior partners go to the shelves. obviously c, grading is the frontier domain. so the goal of the pleasure of contributing some of these quick levels of the box with mileage. and the lady opening model is the new model is so soft to surface villages to receive my original. so let's see if any questions concerns you with the way is my life. and this is a bunch of interest to you. the, [000:00:00;00]
8:58 am
the of the afghanistan has a drug with conquerors attention from time immemorial, in the 19th century, the british empire decided to subjugate that century. the british view, the ap can lands as the northern gateway to india, and wanted to turn them into an obedient province, trying to predict the independence fee of mir of a dentist in doors to homage turned for help to russia. waste the rate is considered their deal political adversary. this was the last straw for london. britain declared war on the half gans in august 1839. the invaders occupied couple
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and brought their henchmen to bower. the invaders brutally suppressed any resistance, thus is deli. they slaughtered all i have gained man who had reached adulthood and raped hundreds of women seeking to humiliate the muslims of 18. 41 general uprising against the british yoke began debris. it is under the command of general elton stone left couple and started to retreat. only a few out of the 16000 invaders who had begun their march from google made it to the british because this really seemed jello about the defeat of the royal army caused enormous damage to the prestige of the british empire throughout the world. the victory of the afghan people became the most important events in the history of the oppressed peoples resistance to the colonialists. it just failed the racist smith of the european invincibility.
9:00 am
the the, the south africa initiate, small legal proceedings against israel on genocide charges. the red cross emphasizes the ad drops of 8 to cause a conflict. so the crisis, the thing with the address is that they are inefficient, the, on sustainable, they cannot supply the required quantities of, in turn gave me the tools to the best convergence of symbolic way, rejects us claims of corruption and human rights abuses. as on the phone good, it says washington is not justified to impose sanctions against the southern nation


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