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tv   News  RT  March 7, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EST

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on the south africa, initiate small legal proceedings against israel on genocide charges. the red cross emphasizes the ad drops of agent goes, the conflict sold, the crisis, dealing with the addresses that are in addition to on sustainable they cannot supply the required quantities of in turn, gave me the tools to do the best. insurances involved way rejects us claims of corruption and human rights abuses, as on the phone. good. it says washington is low justified to impose sanctions against the southern nation also ahead whoever in the world denied and
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support. so i was independence will get voted for playing with boy, and so used to be the fruit of their own doing these things top typically let says this form that was linked to the one in china, part of the right to the guarantee of the coming to life are most studio in most go. this is the news out on all the international stories that you need to know from across the globe pay of the next 30 minutes, as always, a pleasure to have your company as well as south africa has initiated more legal proceedings against is where a lot the noise evasions, quote, accusing it of not facilitating she monitoring aid for garza south africa believes it is wireless, committing genocide against palestinian civilians. ringback
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well, back in january, the us international court of justice found that it is plausible that is, well, has committed acts of genocide and goes up a visual. the settings are a must ensure that these forces do not commit to any of the acts prohibited by the genocide convention. meanwhile, posted in american doctors zipcode for immediate assistance, the civilians in garza citing the situation as dia,
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bills. indigo is tragic. i've been in different missions. this was for the most terrible and terrific that i've seen in my life. and i believe that the humanity of each one of us to do something to stop this every minute signifies the loss of a life. the starvation of a child, and so we need an immediate and permanent not temporary permanent ceasefire. now, in an attempt to mitigate the humanitarian calling since the middle eastern nations of egypt on me, annoyed to die by mertz. if i dropped it's 38 tons of food on medical aid in to go all of that, solve this several western countries poolside funding to the un agency responsible for providing assistance to palestinians. israel has accused the agency of having too many sellsman this closely involved in the policy and inside of the conflict we've been hearing from goals and residents,
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you say it's impossible to survive without more help. from outside gonzalez, we demand the underwater to increase a during the month of ramadan, because the flower they provide is not enough. we have children who need milk, and they cannot stand on their feet because they suffer from low blood sugar. but we're not provided with anything except flower know what, but sometimes we only get flower discipline. we do not get a usual food, a basket such as meat, cooking, oil, sugar and milk. and all these things should be included because of poverty. people fail their allotment or flower in order to buy other things, such as cucumber, tomatoes, onions and peppers because people want to eat different things as they cannot always consume flower alone would despise b, o cries spokesperson. these ready prime minister's office has brushed aside the wide spread reports that there is currently a humanitarian crisis in gaza. what are you doing about reports of children stopping to on their 1st?
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let me just say that the number one humanitarian issue in the gaza strip. right now and since october 7th day is the flight of a hostages. what made stall vacation? goals are residents, so os of dying form is really military attacks, reports the coming of at least 15 civilians being killed over night and he's ready strikes that hit the day i'll follow in the center. little part of the old place medical teams have taken the dead to the near. i'll accept hospital. now that's adding to gauze as written, gas total as the war is now entering into it 6 months. so it's just take you through some of the figures. the policy and health industry says it is about 13000 people have been killed. that's palestinians have been killed since the start of the war in october, mold and $12000.00 of those of children alone. then there's another 72000 or more people who have been wounded in these rarely attacks for spokes
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person for the international committee of the red cross says the region is in a state of disaster. the thing with the addresses that they are inefficient here on sustainable they cannot supply is required for entities of in turn, a made the food to the best majorities, all of the nations the needs are definitely too large to cover via. ready i know it's air drops that even if they're starving and databases, they take their time consuming and people enjoy the luxury of time kind of to provide large quantities as needed and sometimes it even for people to the risk of trying to reach there. some of these are trumps for benjamin and see it's a possible, it's what's known, it's me focused on is to double the efforts as discharge reminder that all the efforts must be pursued are just the completion of this new locations are now more of more imperative to allow this patient just happens to be basic services that
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are essential for their own survival. i mean there's different prices across because of the trip in the north haven. the style for different reason makes people the, the vast majority of the populations attorney displaced itself. the gas is check over $1300000.00 people at the space and rough governor, southern rates, which it presents only 20 percent of the total space of golf strip. they can have access to with items, but they are extremely expensive. that'd be average family doesn't, cannot afford to buy who was already your basis, but it's on the table. there's even no table as they the, the, mostly the contents of the streets and the sidewalks. now, distribution of so puts it towards the end, the norm is due to the availability and commit attorney cannot reach it as it should as a robot, lifeline to the board. i mean, and b as the i, c r c has not been able to access the north for some template for, for a long time. now, to be that sense of the necessary events students guaranteed special for. ready
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tech emissions. we have wasn't that some of the boys got to open fire fat and this is not the working environment that's even try and scan cheese the content response as well. it says, well, it continues its offensive own goals. in this defense ministry has released footage of a rescue operation. often the parent who's the attack in the gulf of aging. the who these claim that they targeted the ship in solidarity with palestine. the 3 sailors were killed in full, all those were wounded this year, many curiously soldiers attacked the ship that's according to the information from the us military. it was apparently the 1st, the so attack conducted by the he thing, since the tensions boiled over in the region, following is wells invasion of going. so let's head over to
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china now with they've been meeting in that national congress. those who support tie ones, independence all playing with fine. we'll get the and those are the words of warning that came from china is taught different months. who was speaking of the day olds, that congress and so you got 2 more years. the one china principal is already a bit of a international consensus. those who come to life and support. so i want independence or just challenging china, southern and see certain countries, but still in system, maintaining official relationship with die one just in to see it in, in china's internal affairs. strongly the commitment to the one train, the principal, the great is a guarantee for peace across the street will be which is whoever engages inside when he's independence on the island. will be held accountable by history and whoever in the world and knives and supports. i was independence, will get boned for playing with for you, and so used to be the food of their own doing. obviously, today, the most important event of all i would say is the press conference
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a given by chinese for a minister, as well as a member. all the political bureau of c, p, c, c, p. c. central come maybe mr. wong e. well, during bad, nearly to our press for anything he has touched, he has covered a wide range of issues and nobody has touched about china's relations. so with the united states we, they european union with, of course, with the restaurant. and also he as had touch it of pounds, a china and stands on a tie. one issue last, i won't flush of which he has written each rated. that'd be tie one easy part of china and a $68.00 in the board. part of the chinese territory. what you mentioned that obviously the foreign policy plans were also hearing the pool. it's the china could become a mediator in the world between russia and ukraine. searching its diplomatic cloud has been growing in recent years. how long to just about is a yeah,
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i think the of the one of the reason, shriek, or the why, you know, there's a lot of top step aging can you can again act as a piece may for piece broke of worlds are piece base hard to um, to, you know, for a to help bring the piece packs between a brush and that you can, i think part of the reasoning is because the world has when this, that b j has successfully mediated every push mon, between rivalries, between the saudi arabia and iran, your last year and also, you know, had the press briefing, one you has written each a rated that china has, b, or china has done is to push for peace tops in russia. china relations was a topic, a t one that came up during the press conference with the for administer. very famously of course the no limits partnership or one of the prospect through tonight for the near future. the both of them has to be each rated. the china stands on russia is based on not alliance, non non compensation and non targeting of 3rd parties. and this is which on has to
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be but basically has repeatedly saying a decent stance which is on trying to rush and comprehensive strategic partnership and coordination for the new id a have been moving forward on a high level. political mutual trust is deepening and cooperation remains mutually beneficial and complimentary to each other or just sides will, strength and international, multiplied show cooperation, implemented genuine multilateralism. saved god, the system of international relations with the central role of the united nations and maintain regional and global security and stability. so that's the press covers to keep them by trying this for mr. wong e, which a has been closely watched of from home and abroad. not only for us reporters, but also china watchers and other people across the globe. a senior fellow from the toy institute on a time getting believes washington's concerns about showing this stronger economy
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a because it views it as being a threat to its hedge. many china is the number one trade partner for over a 120 different countries. china is creating a new type of alternative, not trying to supply the us, but simply providing a stable alternative which allows countries to trade directly in their own currency, thereby bypassing the risks of the us dollar multiple air. and he is already here. and that's something that somehow escapes washington, they're still how it's hanging onto this idea that the united states, as a sole hedge, a monic power to us, is no longer interested in what it preaches. they were for the rule of law in the international order, is something that is just for the us to use when it feels like it to preach to other countries, but not to practice. so at this point, many countries are trying to figure out what the alternatives are. china is
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providing one brakes might well provide another russia obviously is going its own way as it is either on and any other country that's affected by utilize pro moves by the u. s. as in bob way has lashed out to the us. so the recent sanctions imposed against the southern africans countries president and also other senior officials, cimbawe place as the restrictions are completely and justified. and bob boyd takes great exception to gratuitous slander and defamatory remarks by officials of the bite and administration against the sanctions. and bob weigh leadership and its nationals. what adds to the outrage is that these bold and damaging accusations are not backed by any type of evidence. we condemn these malicious statements as completely uncalled for as defamatory, provocative and as a continuation of wanton hostilities against in bob way by the us government. well,
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washington is a case is in, baldwin, government of back sliding on democratic processes as well as human rights abuses and corruption. it's so pros, assets and entities pertaining to the countries. officials in the u. s. the new restrictions add to a more extensive list of sanctions that have been imposed over the past 2 decades. this is how the us embassy in zimbabwe commented on the new measures the targeting of civil society and severe restrictions on political activity have stifled fundamental freedoms. while key actors, including government leaders of siphoned off government resources for personal gains always by creative international relations. analysts could sign with to see who said the washington puts pressure on states with false accusations using them as a pretext for sanctions. the accusations from the u. s. i just an extension of the
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usually between each if they went to session, you defy something to say about you and then they use it as a justification of their actions. they never provided evidence. they have never tried in the court of law. they have never couldn't beaches any of those people. he made quite a slope. in fact that he poor could see was expose this week with the remote houses or people and companies that were on the substitute list. but we cannot do anything, but it does not fulfil any of the condition of the gift of those people. it does not show them anything by the way, they moved. it shows that they just do things be suddenly these know a method. so it's is just go to this desk will issue if we check to see about this deficit. busy the tips of god shows the terms of buyers. busy in terms of any other kind of crime that much lower than the united states, somebody has never
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a visit any other country, a somebody's police have never short of age limit a liquid go shooting. some videos for keeping civilians is not big. but this is an old gives you memorize of uses, is standing as a policeman of the roads, or whether trinity is, is in but we is being at the session. so it is quite ridiculous for everyone, but uh they might be doing it as a way of getting to our allies like russia in china. it might be the then we were trying to force this and the into the wings. and the chinese meetings also the russians, wow, allies, it could be they applied as well, then no vs cold in the trash can be seen with the russian relations with africa. nations which are becoming wilma, by the day, one of the latest events has been helping to strengthen those ties as the world youth festival, which was being held this week in the south of russia during the event. one
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statement from you can, the even expressed a desire to become like some for president preaching. he said that the russian leader is prominent full. the entire african confident is a parent is a father. he loves africa. how do we know it? and we also know that he prayed the very beginning when africa was getting you some vendors from the on your list and the supported them also that we see in my bucket and doing the read about his books. and when you read about uh, what has to be new to newman, see some of the photos assuming africa, trying to support africans that to, to attend to it's independence and we, we feel he is level off because what does this stuff to do now? he has been loud enough for go for so many as i, as the engineer some i've been reading about him. we nights and we know it so we know that he has been there for the people of awfully kind. that's why i feel i
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should be a button bustle of his family in most of the country is retailing and motivation. you find that the people i selected for each other, but i find the rest of the to be always to give that support each other in the time or who by this time also in the table instead of getting demos, what time you see them, you know, being the uh for, for each of that retail. so enough for the credits of 17 let's head to in denisia now with the country is set to become an accept itself. and i'm vicious target become the will. number one when it comes to nickel production. it's hoping that within just 5 years, it will be responsible for 3 quarters of the will supply of high grade nickel. well, we can get more now from ortiz, rebecca not be to pull reports from chips. costa, the initials grip on the global nicole industrial remains are in class as the
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largest producer of the. so for a white les stress metal jakarta is causing panic in the west. as it controls, what do you need? it has really made a big part of that old traditional player structurally non competitive for the future. this part of the industry will either disappear or be subsidized by government. the competitive mines elsewhere will close. i'm not sure there will be so many governments decided to subsidize big production with a lot of money just to compete with indonesia production. morris went on to alignment of the fact that indonesia might account for more than 3 quarters of the world's supply of the purest nickel or within 5 years. and she is not the only one shaking from jakarta, industrial rumble. understanding the line for the marketplace is long with those ready to write their checks to indonesia, which is the dominant player today. there is a serious structural challenge as
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a result of indonesian nickel that is certainly putting cost pressure and most of the federal nickel businesses that exist in the world today. so it shows how large is indonesia for nickel, industrial in 2023 in the shop, produce about 40 percent of the world's supply. it's conquering policy has even for some of the other nickel companies around the world to either cause production or shutter on preferable minds. it is not also bright though as global nichol industry has now found itself under stress. as a result of an over supplier of the industrial metal about worry not according to indonesian officials. this concept has to be well understood by all the snit, cold producers elsewhere. the purpose for the government is to find an act really bring them so that nickel demands, especially for electric vehicles, is well supplied. there are also concerns now whether indonesia,
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nicole will lose its popularity in the global markets. nicole is vital to the production of electric car batteries and is used as a main company to make stainless steel sold in an ear and government is firm that nicole will stay strong. is it true that the care will be left out? this is a lie that the industry is leaving mutual. why do i say this? because else bees only used by test lot on it. standard models. beagle powered cars are better for longer distance travel. some tests with cars, us to using the go based mattress. in a nation's whole thing, nichol oriented actions have helped to boost economy tremendously over the last few years. and this pipe a few challenges along the way and a nation domination of the global market is not going anywhere. that'd be going to be the full reporting from jakarta for r t the why is it going to be on joe biden?
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late says he's set to take the stage tonight in congress where he's going to deliver his state of the union address. now it's normally a challenge for the president to highlight his successes and also to outline future plans. but of course this comes as an election is looming at the end of the year in the us. however, it seems that they're all going to be to empty seats in the chain. but that's because the invites, have been turned down by ukraine's 1st lady, and then also from the wife, with the late russian to position activist elect scene of all way. earlier my colleagues, jessica taylor discussed the story to find out move without correspond that my, my, each on the state of the union is quite an important event. this is a test for presidential biden, to showcase his achievements throughout the year. and of course, the main focus is going to be ukraine. so it's really no surprise. the unit as it
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is scale was a guest of honor, invited as it gets the phone. her she is the wife of the ukrainian president. lightroom is lensky and ukraine stays as a top agenda issue for the united states. and on top of that, the democrats have yet to push for the a bill that they've been trying to send to ukraine. so here they need to maintain some sort of visibility of their friendship between one another. and essentially, maintaining this assault the united states is still helping ukraine to fight for freedom. and they're still fighting against president clinton as for union as long that it is a similar story. i mean, after her husband's death, it was uh, another reason for the west, essentially to point the finger at moscow and about how of pressing the regime is in russia. and since that extent of all these best, everyone's been trying to connect the 2 matters together. so alex, there's no volume, it says and ukraine. let's take a look. he was brave. he was principal, who's dedicated to building
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a russian where the rule of law existed. and them where it applied to everybody involved in believe in that russia, that russia, he knew it was a cause worth fighting for. and obviously even died for his tragedy reminders of the stakes. and this moment we had to provide the funding so ukraine can keep defending himself against putting the vicious on slides and war crimes. i strongly agree that the best way to own the memory of alex and of all that is to ensure that it doesn't fit and it doesn't win on the battlefield about about ukraine. today's now of course, the mainstream media doesn't catch a break from parity in the master's agend that it's the russian evil regime versus freedom fighters and of, of course, how vital this frozen american a bill is to your point, especially after and i've always best, let's take a look, the timing of his death was notable, given that took place during the munich security conference when you had so many
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people from around the world, they are gathered to show their support for ukraine to discuss that. it seems like it might be a signal potentially a lot of are put in critical life. thing of all me is dad by and says pollutants responsible. do you agree and how should the us respond? yeah, there's no question. absolutely. he's responsible. the best thing that we can do right now is to pass the the a bill that the ukrainians need a so urgently to help them continue what they're doing to defeat hooton's, army and ukraine. what else possibly could we do right now? it's a whole lot of our fruit and accountable. the most important training the united states to do right now is to pass the supplemental by and pass the aid of for ukraine. i mean, what was by does go in inviting them here. was he going to try and resuscitate his approval ratings by picking back hitting off these on to russian? here is, i mean, given how unhappy americans all with fight and support policy doesn't really seem like a winning strategy. of course, what they're trying to do. it doesn't really make sense now,
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and the volume is wife is seen as some sort of opposition here. they don't really care if it, this title was given to her by the people, or was it just inherited from her late husband as long as his paint in russia as a bad evil entity in this world, it works for them, but to put is some simply trying to show no volume, his wife as villain, skis, ally just simply doesn't work because the point is don't really like no volume in that is because of his sense on crime. you know, back in 2014, they claim that he did not oppose uh the rigorous occasion of crimea with a rush or back then. so ukrainian 1st lady just probably didn't feel comfortable being in the same presence isn't of only his wife. and this, this really is not gonna work out for the us officials because i think their home here was essentially to have this weight picture of photon of on his wife and uh, the for ukrainian 1st lady together to show some source of powerful image that joe biden state of the union,
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so i think it's just not going to work. the plan seems like a failure for that's it from us for now. we'll be back in the top of the next hour, but for the moment it's christy i with the cost on the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the take a fresh look around his life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by tell us to vision with no real opinions. pictures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just as a chosen for you? right? shared images presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground can
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buying a house seems to be a right of passage for any adult. you go to college, you get a job, you get a house and you settle down. and that used to be the trajectory of life for most people back in the day. but with mortgage interest rate at over 7 percent, many can't afford to purchase a home and they end up renting home ownership has become an elusive goal to achieve . i'm christy, and you're watching the cost of everything we're today. we're going to be exploring the rising cost of rent and its implications on home ownership drains. the, the costs are run has been on a relentless climb, outpacing wage growth. in many areas. this trend is especially concerning for younger individuals and families, as it's significantly impact their ability to say for a home. as a result, many young people find themselves caught in a cycle where


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