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tv   Documentary  RT  March 7, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm EST

11:30 am
would just have special forces, it will print. it's not a surprise to me. so yeah, it's been even said by the john, who's already guys that were spoken that were speaking sorry about the judge bridge . and now you're not using the artist because of the one point. that's that. but the french had some scouts and the sides glass, the mountains because the tools to operate those besides any that wanted to see if germany wanted to do it. they have to make sure that they will not be go right down to doing this so. so you, my opinion in this is that is looking to be in europe. i mean, france, a lot of people are choosing what's going on. we've turned it over to the that everything started in january and february 2022. we're actually. ready this fridays in 2014, when the west side of the new frame. so they're forgetting that part of the story because it's of those, there are purposes. now what i do believe is that present background is trying to
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get to find people getting wanted with the fact that eventually we put some quotes for french troops or even kind of jump towards because canada said they were ready to do it. did you bring to find the brand as not turned back to us? we all know. ready that it went through the keys and those before would it be for kind of been diluted within the training on me and then it could be used and what they are expecting is that we rushing what target those non combat units. and then they will get on us saying that the look what you've been doing, we have some flips to find those people in your targeting them. so that's who donald's found out, that my friend, it should be saying, why has to uh, when i asked, do you understand that the united states as most part of the younger step down, because they have a presidential election in november. the new president will be in active duty only in january of 2025. so that you know,
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i'm 2025. they have to make sure that the conflict is nothing square extinguished because it's the, it sounds that offices, so the dealer getting to the french front of the united, the europe, the job to fuel the conflict. mature things, i don't know. i need to look at what mike from said was the treaty doesn't sign with the just use the. remember that normally, according to the french constitution, they should go through the article, $53.00 of the french bumps should. and we should have a vote on the, on the probably month and percent up to approve this. so far it hasn't been done normally. it's supposed to be done on the 12th, on the 30th of march, but we never know what happened to it. okay, well we're gonna have to leave it that because we are out of time. now that's dear political out, unless you're in deluxe. thank you very much for your time here in all the international pleasure. while it's been a pleasure to having your company today, but that's it for me, mike. a court che will be taking over the top of the next hour because that you'll
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be able to join the the washington. the doctors last is my dental. uh, excuse me. we, we do through the use of insurance awards, says, you know if she has that low, we're supposed to be able to get them about both of us. mean after our national or she will go to speech 3. we got some spot on the truck, they dropped into the board of the the guy and he took the water with at the side, be as good,
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positive way in which clark wasn't going to die. you could get into that more football, municipal personnel possession of the offer was it was, it was easy or was the everybody's visual of it again, this will, that is good across the official in your mind. you can use that you needed i other than chatting originally the bustle, the brands, if show it to the products that i'm going years, the horses are still buying. you will definitely look at his components. it would have to be pretty good that you've set up the scheduling to explain some live on boarding process. should definitely be able to support that. you go through them from the
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percentage of which mortgage solutions, the boys that me just simply in your mouth deep here's why, you know, you need them. this is just for the them, for those read throughs are pretty weakly project and there's no reason for those rights. and i just sort of the reason for just the, you know, giving you can use it on your cost. pretty much the and i'll keep it. we'll give
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them the whims and just put them upstairs option that i thought you would also have some great new thing on the form. the beauty coordinate, the show, the plot of the city, it's a physical inch to go to the 2nd. so i'm going to press you go to that, you have another example, you knew which kind else, and then we have the zip code of the month. it was from was that the city of this one here with your folks? remember what it's and you so you know, whatever you call some noise initial going to them know what was what you mean catch thought to do on the computer from content. and usually this more than the the, the ups have been any. but as soon as the, with the you have any performer throwing up at the 10 units, i think i can morning what is it that you have to describe the stuff that you're
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using this? yeah, there's a what about significant vehicle noise from the machine? yeah, sure. sure, i'm sure there's lots of nails and we're still missing everything in the hedge. dash both the what? sure. what the, what the cool with an agent the cool and what's the name of the researcher? cuz i'm, i'm seeing here the business fields dealer ashwood from i think it was the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the
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restrooms just to get you the full the what it is you, what i live here, what by yeah. but and most of always these guys, they're usually pretty general gradually, genius level, but it's still showing as low as some stuff together. but it will resume almost just fraction of the cutter. so i'm going to show you what's on the supplies. my minister with the buildings, correct? that's oh my gosh. yes, that part of that there was a to search that they did. then you turn the video of
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the system and beautiful them to answer the phone system, save soon as you went to the reserves, but that was the only problem with all these people want
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the the, the gentleman, what is the cause of why? why don't you give more good people? what 3 by to uh, 2000 or more is the what your company beside. yeah. about the walk through the just what you're supposed to do. so you don't like giving the full report comes out to the affiliated. that's your point, me put the guess if you don't mind what it will get me by orders, the guidance will doesn't. that is why would you just use the should i put a good portion? would you like even if we reduce it, we'll have to evaluate both of those credit with a 0 sum game. one more
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sponsor sugar is on the set up. but most of the most of the time. so the, the getting things done. you have to the pretty much everything that i'm with. the
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other thing is with, without so many. so this is true. yeah, this will let you go to a we were going to do about it and it was a guy has to do with a bunch of burrows, like you're still going forward that quick, but yeah, the way the system is pretty much the same. they've been sponsors from the subscription, which in of this um, was the problem who took about so the cool a couple of the most fun we should be able to find you. so that wasn't that wasn't it yourself? you could still do a truck for $240.00 full charge unless you can go through most fun. but you know
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that you lose, you look up. here's what it does. cool. let me send you the most of the nipple option. the start. i'm the, the, the still story. it was good. possible. yeah, mm hm. so the, only, the good, this misplaced is a little bit of trouble. the, the, the, the,
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the, the, the, the, the, the date course of digits. i should have the holy the, the,
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this either from there i need to ship the but the also what it is to bump with the,
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just because of those issues. when you're my solution, you know, if you guys didn't deal with that, what about the station instead the wireless she's just sort of the miller sort of the southern using
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the the view of the see what grade levels like that. so what, what does the game, i do see a lot of steps showing the,
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the the
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the the quote as well the schedule the waterfall with most of this that only the most trouble federal high school should wear single feeling spoken to with the thoughts of, of the pallets of the faucet in the blue, it looks like the end of the year where they would be just be able to show in the video to apart from me. yeah. the good while you were father was moving countries so much in the store. know what we do more on the machine to 1st floor stay, you know, the noise. yeah. the what else has been suspended but don't do much or a deal with sensitive bundle. i'm not sure, but you'll just get the new release. so but then once it gets come was when you'll
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come without the signatures on it, which doesn't love this deal. and yeah, not what's the good social that you wish and that was affordable for me. sure. so it's really the look and there is open the page. so to, to order so much larger than the property, at least get past or figure out this when you're for a potato even with you, which of the richmond county school computer was always go? yeah. even out of the office and keep doing it more thing. and then even if someone confuse you, personal general also ensure you and you'll support know around some of the apartment because it will let me know what to do. the sure to bless your reflect
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considered as north dakota, so that the district, the community feedback. so since you're doing your with them where you are, yes, it will be challenging. the sort i'm going to present a constituent people sees, you know, that's something good. what does that sound good to you for? stay on the 3rd to somewhere in each. so there's nothing more comfortable for you to ziller through the process storing so yes. so this is today your, this is courtney is coming that what's up to the order for those items here to move noise from the
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nipple for the drugs even. think about the beds a little spark or do most of up share the chelsea indian so yes for our culture was 9 or 10 days ago. yeah. you did it. so you understand the simple or any that we're using will say that only bit it goes to the bottom of the image with the sir, and i see any of the each year, what was your classmates? repulse can give away. yeah. yeah,
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you could have why? she wasn't the right is that, you know, i had just this to me. i'm gonna shoot you lots of questions. you may have the app downloaded up on the go ready, which is the wish to cancel. you feel hosted to keep the cheat with the see you on your cross slows with the phone with the same noise that
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the target is the guy here. so what's the fuel is just one of these. you know what the most of the 3 of the title you know, but the concern come up to the distance that it's a deal with that at this time. some tab woods this or that's what we just found. some of the cool to avoid c 0 is it is a trust me, but they didn't use it as the
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comment us as a solution because they're putting on the the media stuff and he says that he said the last few minutes with him not to be shows was in lots of threes digits, i would have dealt with you see this, cuz usually with him, what do you mean? yeah. so i was wondering when it was loaded. and uh, when you tell me able to do is probably internet going through the service. but email is that gonna be on the wait list and below,
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which is gosh now and um will be one day mute on the thing is i still got the box below which includes the shut bundles fee to show you knowing teams in utah does. i need to put the ring in from you. we know what to do. do i need to know more than i think he's putting him on, you know, he didn't throw you in the car. that doesn't seem to go to the policeman. evolutions, don't worry. i'm gonna run you through the machine, see such a thing as the ticket the the was pretty much there's nothing to do with anybody. leave you to talk with me. is the dentist or honda and would you be able to get them over to me? still with them, i need an entries. what does your way know? these kilometer fluid in your phone, you can shoot us over a whole lot of those, but those come a lot of thing. it's just an ok,
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but it's still students that do not succeed is to do not have failed states that they're not ready to be to noon noon. let me just nominally sort of 3 units to 3. run the northeast police increase students each menissi village. they just need somebody to spell it. i really would say there is to, is this going, but on the, for the show, the 70 for the somebody below and that's the money the new need. and then assuming everything is from what the, what the deal should then, you know, when you're going to be a little bit of interest, additional the, the, the, for the reasons, eventually the village of the story. i guess there's somebody who gets customary to
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cool when you're sending us onto brittany. do you think it's too late in the industry the course to and you most at the beach to maybe the maybe doing the isn't the both affinity there's what's called the court.
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what the weather can you but the sea level, we defeated and showing us on the totes, which certainly you made to be the continuous little thing you those are so the, the, the, you know, the, the, the, the images are both of them and then there is a business as these publishing function code the currently in your, in the
12:00 pm
the, the fonts as mclaren said, his country has no more red lines and its support for you trade comp, russian security offer solid imaging. yeah. did you have responds with his dad wanting the south africa lays what they use really engagement. as pretoria starts new legal charges against the read bolstering in genocide case, and it comes as


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