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tv   News  RT  March 7, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] the, the fonts as mclaren says his country has no more red lines in its support for your trade. a top russian security official imaging that video responds with his dad warning the start off. it lays what these really and gave us pretoria starts new legal charges against the read bolstering in genocide case. it comes as it read process, the ed dropping aid on gaza, one to resolve the price. the thing with the addresses that they are beneficial,
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sustainable, they cannot supply the required quantities of in turn, gave me the food to the vast majority of the condition. you're right in pounds, an american or tanka in retaliated tre, move against us functions. average report, at least set to on lower the congo was 50 medium dollars as in bob where rejects us because of corruption in human rights abuses. as on the found, it says, washington is not justified to impose sanctions against salva not to continue the continuing coverage of the latest strategies, shaping the world right now. welcome to ard international. i am mike up watching alfonze as president e. bobby, i'm across says there are that there are, there should be no more limitations or red lines in the way of providing support
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for you train. he made those comments the head of parliamentary debates. next week, i made a wave of discontent against his policies within the funds, as well as the you in general. a real new law is the government and the president of the republic are clearly telling the french people to political forces. but frances position has changed. there are no more red lines. there are no more limits at present because you don't live, you get the president of the republic is ready to give unlimited and it seems all out support to ukraine. i made it clear what the national rallies position was mainly that we had to support ukraine. but we had to ensure that france did not itself go to war with russia, which is due to their power, in which case would have the repairable consequences for peace in the region. and in the world, i told him that the various positions he had taken over the last few days were causing concerning the country among the french people. and that this position was
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isolating france on the international stage. but on yeah, last week my car raised more than uh, a few y browse. when he said nato could set its troops into your grade and i sent a alarm bells ringing in the carpet roles of many of the fonts is all lies and valued coals for plot of vacation. then later, the french president, once again waiting on the conflicts, comparing new nations to cowards who said, but what do we have? certainly approaching the time in europe when we must not be cowards. and we never want to see the dramas to come and you've lost the fact that war has returned to us . soil means we send me the powers that have become on stuff people are extending the threat every day attacking us. we have to be, meet the challenge of history and match the courage. it implies a sudden, oh, that's a head of russia national security council for my president, dmitri man, if you'd have responded within the power, the thread was bronze. and he said that if paris is removing its red lines in regard to your trade,
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then moscow will remove its own red lines in regard to funds. the macro has said there are no more red lines. there are no more limits in terms of supporting ukraine. lamond, then that means russia has no more red lines left for france. jump elliptical on the list as serial de la test says that the aim of such rhetoric from the west is to induce fear by demonizing russia and therefore boost their old military industrial complex. we will understand that too deeply, i see if the power can not go up or when each other, otherwise the anesthesia might produce the fact that russia is as always, the opportunity. this is, it's the west that does not want to negotiate and everything will be my knowledge. and to my analysis, every thing would be done by the west to make sure that we do not find any useful
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to that don't police. they are trying to piece the not keeping the books up from where ever it can to make sure that everybody understands the rush or wants to go a floor after the frame with the 1000 states and one up in europe in iris in front of whatsoever. so they need this, i mean several so they're both purposes because by showing views, they are hoping like it happened and sorry, in the us that we start to meet, sorry, in the industry, all some wires in front of the europe, which is put down and more rhetoric from another e u leader for life shoals or jump the calls of peace treaty. a russian propaganda of a chancellor has said in the early days of the russian that you treat in conflict that the never was thought to documents agreed upon. and that not news reports whether
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basis to cut off negotiations with moscow. so there has never been a draft peace treaty between russia and ukraine. you know, that's the russian propaganda. it is alleged that a peace agreement to the great and russia was finalized, but bodies johnson or joe biden prevented it complete nonsense. the truth is that in go, she ations between ukraine and russia were interrupted because russia moved it suits and launched a large scale offensive in the east of the country. news of atrocities in massachusetts and boot, you became known. this eliminated the basis for negotiations at that time. for more details, having done by r t corresponding to it goes down of full has been following this, all the want legally is good to have you and this to do. now looking at this vision, this are all the rhetoric from western need is i wonder what is behind the comments from the german leader this time? well, mike, that's actually of, that's a very good question because basically all of schultz is putting his reputation as
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a politician on the line and by the fact that he is making such unequivocal and very blunt statements, while he's leaving himself no wiggle room under these statements. that there was no agreement that russia sabotaged the whole process. they look a little bit weak, especially when we've had the russian president actually show the very document that was in discussion between 2 and a goal. she ation themes over russia and ukraine in the early 2020 to have a look at the draft of disagreement was initially by the hand of the negotiating team from cuba. he put the signature there. here it is. it is called 3 d on permanent neutrality. and security guarantees for ukraine. moreover, that are also applications for it. they also apply to the armed forces and other things. everything is spelled out down to the units of military equipment and the
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personnel of the armed forces. this is the document, and it was initially by the key of delegation. it's worth signing. but after we has promised, withdrew the troops from thieves, the key of authorities as their masters usually do, through it all into the dustbin of history. all right, you go out a show, said buddy, this complete nonsense, that's the west in floyd is ukraine to ditch a piece deal that we do with russia speak to us about that. oh, absolutely. and again, i would understand those who might have reservations about the clip that we've just shown that the russian president showing the document that was in discussion. but what because of the rules that i'm approved, he's the russian president. so by design and by definition he will be doing of course, everything that is in the interest of the country that leads a but to believe that everything that was said about this document to believe that
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it didn't exist to believe that all of that was just russian propaganda, well, it's very interesting line, because then that would mean that one of ukraine's very own members of the negotiate negotiation team must be in kremlin, spoken to, along with the former prime minister of israel to keep him company because they both actually confirmed that that was indeed adult indeed, the document that was very close to being signed again, have a list of a little suddenly when we return from mr. kimball forest, johnson came to key. evans said that we would not sign anything with them at all. and let's just fight of my strategy was creating contacts with both sides and trying to mediate. i knew that the trust i had formed with prudence was a rare commodity. i think there was a legitimate decision by the west to keep attacking poor elizabeth. so they blocked the tim basically, yes, they blocked it and i thought they were wrong. the downside of the war is the
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casualties in ukraine and russia. it's a very harsh blow to ukraine is a country you will have to be a huge restoration of its infrastructure. well again, to follow, mister schultz is a logic here. they must be on the crimson payroll because they completely what they are saying is goes incomplete. contrast with what the german chancellor has been saying and also by the way, mentioned to see how the german lead or how he suggested that it was russia who the rail, the piece to process by actions on the ground. while in reality, in even according to the frame, into the print and politicians, if according to this man, the v that i find here, who is a ukranian politician, according to him, it was actually, it had nothing to do the stoppage to the peace stokes had nothing to do with any particular events on the ground, but rather was the result of pressure that was exerted onto the ukrainian
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authorities by boris johnson. now, what best out russia, ukraine, and even ease, well, have, have proven that shows has been inaccurate as far as best is concerned. now, is there any thing the western media is saying, commenting about this? well, the western media, actually they have been one of the main spearhead. this of this russian propaganda is uh, chancellor schultz has quoted because the wall street journal, they actually apparently very well the police. they claim that they have this document at the disposal and they, well the, you have it, you can, you can see it on the screen. so they gave a detailed breakdown of bullet point bite the bullet point as to what was being discussed. what were rushes demands, what you prayed, wanted in return, and the what was, what, what wasn't question, what the washington's like and what you friend wanted, how much, or even as to down to the minute details, like how many tanks you brain was supposed to have? how many are tillery pieces, and so one and so forth?
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so again, that must be to follow mister schultz, a logic that must be the result on the child of the russian propaganda. something booked in uh, within the kremlin, was the rules of the permanent. and then just fed to the wall street journal and other 4 rather reputable sources. well, they obviously just tell the shoals is totally disconnected from the realities as far as this concept will help them to be here. now it goes down. no, thank you so much for your time. great. south of africa, south africa has initiated more legal proceedings against these are all the united nations court accusing it of not facilitating q. many tyranny aid for gatzo from
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africa believes but is all is committing genocide against palestinian civilians. ringback back in january the. busy international court of justice found that it is possible that these role has committed acts of genocide in gaza. a provisional order said equal must ensure that its forces not commit. amy, all the acts prohibited by the genocide convention. meanwhile, policy and americans, the doctors have called for immediate assistance to civilians and gas that's fighting to dire situation, feels in order for it. and it's tragic. i've been in different missions. this was for the most terrible and terrific that i've seen in my life. and i
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believe that the humanity of each one of us to do something to stop this every minute signifies the loss of a life the starvation of a child. and so we need an immediate and permanent not temporary permanent ceasefire. now, it's not an attempt to mitigate the humanitarian crisis. the middle east and nations of egypt and the united arab emirates have dropped 38 tons of food and medical aid into gaza. and that's after several western countries posted the funding to the u. n. agency. responsible for providing assistance to policy unions, east rule and had accused that the agency of having staff members too closely involved in the part of the inside of the conflict. and we have heard from guys that residents who say it's impossible to survive without more help from outside gonzalez, we demand the underwater to increase a during the month of ramadan,
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because the flower they provide is not enough. i did, and we have children who need milk and they cannot stand on their feet because they suffer from low blood sugar. but we're not provided with anything except flower. now what? but sometimes we only get flour. this when we do not get a usual food, a basket such as neat cooking, we'll sugar and milk theater. all these things should be included because of poverty. people sale their allotment or flour in order to buy other things, such as cucumber, tomatoes, onions and peppers because people want to use different things as they cannot always consume flower alone. right, the spot, the outcry spokesperson for these really prime minister's office has brushed aside the widespread reports that various currently humans here in crisis in gaza. what are you doing about reports of children starving to their 1st? let me just say that the number one humanitarian issue in the gaza strip right now and since october 7th day is the plight of the hostages. so now i'm at starvation.
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gaza residents are also dying from these really military attacks. reports are coming of these 15 civilians being killed overnight and these will, these really strikes that hit darrow blah in the central part of the enclaves. now medical teams of taking the data for the nearby out of the hospital. that's according to god's as grim desk for as the war entity. it's 60 months as best it is not the policy, not a health ministry says that over 50000 palestinians have been killed since the war started in october, and more than 12000 of them with children. and another 72000 people have been reported when did he and he's really a tax spouse books, boston for the international committee of the red cross as a region is in the state of disaster. i think with the process that they are inefficient here on sustainable they cannot supply is required for entities of in turn,
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paid me the food to the vast majority of the nation of the needs are definitely too large to cover by a line of air trucks, stuff even if they're standing and databases, they take their time consuming them to people that goes on demand choices about for your time. kind of to provide large quantities as needed and sometimes it even for people to the risk of trying to reach there. some of these are trumps for benjamin and see it's a possible what's no need to be focused on is to double the efforts as this started reminder that all the efforts must be pursued or just the conflict. and obviously a little vacation are now more of more imperative to allow this patient to have access to the basic services that are essential for their own survival. i mean, there's different prices across because of the trip in the north side of the south for different reason makes people, the vast majority of the populations and trinity displaced south of gases,
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check over 1300000 people are the space and rough governance rates, which are presents only 20 percent of the total space of gases trip. they can have access to with items, but they are extremely expensive. i d average entity does or cannot afford to buy who's already in your bases, but it's on the table. there's even no table as they the, the, mostly the contents of the series of decide blocks. now distribution up so puts it towards the end. the norm is due to the availability and commit attorney cannot reach it as it should as a robust lifeline to the board. i mean and be as the i seriously have not been able to access the north for some time for, for, for a long time. now to be that sense of the necessary events. stewart's guaranteed special for the texas. ready tech emissions we have worked is that some of the boys got to open fire fat and this is not the working environment that even try and scan
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cheese. and i'll give you type response to now the us state department has scrambled to maintain its narrative. as these as to point blank about decades of these red lead abuses against the palestinians spokesperson mont, bella basically said to forget about the past and focus on the future. however, the follow up follow up to that was a real time fact check that highlighted americas hipaa. chris, of what we said, there's been a, a policy in an effort that has failed. i mean, people look for the time as with somebody else, they look at 30 years of effort due to arrive at the resolution that they noted, states assigned to and in fact, sponsor in 1993 now. and it has gone where we see the settlement expand. we see the occupation that become a more violent against the palestinian people are more in prison than so. so if people continue to look at the past and only the past that has happened for decades
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and decades, without being willing to sign onto a positive vision of the future, we will never have a peaceful way out of this conflict. that is a distinction you called for in every saying that conflict around the world, there to be accountability for things that have happened in the past. and now you're saying, well, just note about that. no, that's not my point is there has to be at some point i reckon on political reconciliation problem in the past 10 years past the present is the present. i mean the present in the past on one of the same. the pastor news had been living the same nightmare for, for 75 years. and it just goes on day and day out. what to the assistance and with the aid of the united states of america, we just found out yesterday that they us, i sent 100 shipments of arms to any rate. the edits used, you know, what money longer is used to hide their money. if it uses that to hide it,
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either from congress, for instance. now that reported to so the us and not only the probate and the of the data side that is happening. but it all, it's also very competitive. in fact, it is empowering. so, you know, when, when they talk about this day, they didn't, they basically dismiss the cost in human history. they dismissed the fact that the pastor, you had been a boutique from their last day. this was the next, but that is ongoing now and, and guys of the elsewhere in occupied pastime. so it bothers a mind what it does for their narrative of your right and has impounded, an american or tank area to retaliate. your move against the us tensions media reports say the local authorities, i set on an load the cargo estimated to be $150000000.00. now your ragna naval forces sees the ship last year has the was heading through the gulf of mine,
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of attack. i said to have collided with any vanya and vessel at the time. i was captured when me attempted to flee the scene. in response to the confiscation us state department's books bus. and matthew mila says that you run is threatening the global economy. ron has unlawfully sees a number of commercial vehicles failing in the middle east and recent years. rob continued harassment of vessels and interference with navigational rights and freedoms in the regions. vital waterways is a threat to maritime security, regional stability, and the global economy. the cities are all the ships cargo followed, and the iranian court order to recover damages caused by us sanctions. in particular. you ronnie and suffering from the risk and disease is known as the e. b. have initiated legal action against the united states, saying that the assumptions have prevented them from obtaining necessary medication . we spoke with
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a ronnie and e b patients back in 2021. and they told us how vital that medicine is for them. a warning that some viewers may find the following images distressing. welcome gang. they say they did not sanction the medicines. so why is the medicine not important? who does not important medicine? well, it's because of the us, of course. also know exactly this medicine reduces always. if we do not use it, we have to just use their all goals and bandages, which causes heavy bleeding. this special medicine for us has a great impact on treating our wounds. i am looking at the very least. it helps alleviate some of our problems. cancer is that over the years, washington has imposed a number of sanctions against iran, and those include measure is targeting your bronze new k industry, economic restrictions on trade investments and financial transactions as well as on arms and by go limiting the sales supply and transfers weapons and related material to and funded ryan we spoke with for is id
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a political communications professor at the university of to ron. and he says the washington is on law for the trying to punish iran and it's people is not justified to. busy sign shows on the people who need it, it says they have a disease and need to be quiet as they is medicine. that is not through this thing. you know, one is producing about 95 percent of the medicine that the country needs in 1090. but this particular medicine has to come from abroad, even has the money to buy. but because of a banking sanctions, you don't cannot pay it. the company that's produced as medicine over the country as it money, but they can a task for the money to the companies that produce them in the sense. and so this time it is of the patients have suited the united states government for and you know,
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people have died from this disease. so the united states government for basically kidding the children and then relatives. and they are punishing either in the ends for lots and listening to american big states as punishing hit on us. but having another lucian, i guess the us. so for that purpose then bob boy has lashed out. had the united states over recent sanctions imposed against the south african countries president and all the senior officials and bob bois as the restrictions are completely on just the 5. and bob boyd takes great exception to gratuitous slander and defamatory remarks by officials of the bite and administration against the sanctions. and bob weigh leadership and its nationals. what adds to the outrage is that these bold and damaging accusations are not backed by any type of evidence. we condemn these malicious statements as completely uncalled for as defamatory, provocative and as a continuation of wanton hostilities against in bob way by the us government. washington has
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a key is this in by one government of the box sliding on democratic processes as well as human rights abuses and corruption. if pros, assets and entities pertaining to the countries, officials in the united states, other new restrictions add to a more extensive list. those functions that have been imposed over the past 2 decades. and this is how the us embassy in zimbabwe come into the on the new measures the targeting of civil society and severe restrictions on political activity have stifled fundamental freedoms. while key actors, including government leaders of siphoned off government resources for personal gains, we spoke with international relations analysts goods. i am with cc, who says washington put special and states with false accusations using them as it protects both functions of the accusations from the u. s. i just an extension of
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the usual i'd be to reach if there was to sanction you defy something to say about you and then they use it as a justification of their actions. they never provided evidence. they have never tried in the court of law. they have never couldn't beaches, any of those people in the court of law. in fact, that people could see was expose this week when they removed how little people and companies that were on the substitute list is in public let do anything, but it does not fulfill any of the condition of the gift of those people. it does not show them anything by the way, they moved. it shows that they just do things be suddenly these know minutes or so it's is just co to it's just question. if we take see about this definitely. busy the tips of god shows the terms of buyers. busy in terms of any other kind of crime that much lower than the united states is involved because nobody visit any other country, asian berkeley, police have never shots provision in
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a liquid to shooting some videos or getting some video. it's not back by this, this and all it is you memorize of uses is standing as a policeman on the road or whether trinity is somebody has been at the session. so it is quite ridiculous for everyone, but uh they might be doing it as a way of getting to our allies like russia in china. it might be the then we will try and force us into the wings and remove them. they take these readings off of the questions. well, i like it could be they applied on all of us. concise can be seen in the relations of african nations with russia, which are becoming more my by the day, one of the latest events that is helping to strengthen those ties and is the well used festival being held this week in southern boston. now during the event, one student from uganda even expressed a desire to become like a son. the president puts in
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a he said that the russian meters permanent for the all, throughout the entire african continent. continued. he's a parent, as a father, he loves africa. how do we know it? and we also know that he create a very big role in africa was getting you some vendors from the 4 year lease and we supported them. also that we see in my bucking and doing the read about his books and when you read about uh, what has to be new to no name when. so some of the photos, assuming africa, trying to support africans to, to attend to it's independence. and we, we feel it is level off because what zip stuff is now he has been loud enough for go for so many as i, as the engineers. and i've been reading about him, we nights and we night. so we know that he has been there for the people of our free time. that's why i feel i should be by the end of his family in most of the
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countries retail. and not to mention you find that the people i selected for me to have that. but i find the rest of the to be always to give that support each other in the time of who, by this time also in the tables that have bidding them of what time you see them, you know, being the uh for, for each of that retail so enough for the credits of 17 and that's the all davis i will see you soon again at the top of the off by now the the


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