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tv   Cross Talk  RT  March 7, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EST

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it is human advice that uses and is standing as a policeman of the world for more than 50 is somebody has been at the session. so it is quite ridiculous for everyone, but uh they might be doing it as a way of getting to our allies. i like russia, its either, it might be the, the weight or was this and the into the we tend to move out to be chinese meetings or from depression. wow. i like it could be, they apply p d f also noticed from do range with asenjoe has in the us mainstream media, all of the super tuesday partners, we are losing that has over the full of my presence governments in the pods. and we have no choice. yeah. okay. you know, it's, it's, it is, uh, okay. i will say that it is a decision that we revisit con, constantly in terms of the balance between allowing somebody to knowingly
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lie on your air about things they've lied about before. and you can predict they're going to lie about and so therefore it is just, it's irresponsible to allow them to do that some balance between knowing that that's irresponsible to broadcast. and also knowing that as the defacto soon to be defacto. now, many of the republican party, this is not only the man who is likely to be the republican candidate for president, but this is the way he's running. well, here's how it onset. so why don't we stop check the hell out of him? yes, and we do that after the fact and that is the best remedy that we've got. it does not fix the fact that we broadcast it, but it really hurtful. need a lot of media outlets line or who shed his views on the behavior. all the admin sbc and she is a progressive. imagine being a regressive. imagine what that will look like if this is progressive. not only is
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this the worst journalism you've ever seen, but mission bio is able to anticipate, to, to predict, to know telepathically. she's, she's vatike by sonic reading the entrails of the media. be knowing what trump is going to say. cut this off now, because base of all what he has said before. and the end somewhere i think in the control room is some, i don't know who's director looking at these plummeting readings. sing, what are you drawing for them on the trash and have i had it would don't, don't cut him off before. he speaks not out of any kind of journalistic integrity, but because of all of a sudden that'd be say this is my, you only take a flack when you're over the target. so a lot of folks who might have said, comma to crazy by trump might say, you know what, i want to hear with this guy has to say, letting me go to another network to hear what it is. she doesn't want me to hear
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silver cro, where i mean point to be just pure logistics and programming. don't send your minimal dominion his audience to a nother, a network to hear what you would let them here. and you know that in the business, whenever somebody clicks away or go somewhere changes or jangle or changes, platforms don't come back. so how many people do you think, again, from a commercial journalistic point to be how many listeners viewers were lost? because of this obstinacy you this, this, this control, i see this, this, this absolute just pathological from your range. when syndrome foreman, journalist, it's a c, or would it be a journalist? it's mine, bottom, a little bit back of this of the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the hello and welcome to cross talk. we're all things are considered. i'm peter live out. the by ministration has words and only words and contradictory words. at that when it comes to a cease fire, we are told a most interguards that at the same time, arm slow into israel to hinder the same 8 the cross talking palestine. i'm joined by my guess, lionel in new york. he is
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a legal in media analyst, and in london we have a real consent that he is the founder of a k consulting and a foreign affairs analyst, or a gentleman crosstalk rules, in effect, that means you can jump anytime you want. and i always appreciate line, well, let me go to you 1st. you've been very kind to be my 1st chair for a many months now. that's how long this conflict has been going on. it's not really a conflict. it's really kind of one sided. it's a military against civilians, at least that's how i read it. the civilians, mostly women and children. my question to you a line or are you surprised that joe biden is accomplished with? no other president in american history has been able to achieve. he is basically essentially got the entire world to have loathing for the united states for its in action and action actions when it comes to gaza. your thoughts, my friend, as well, a couple of things. first i, i told you that before that my,
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my guess my contribution should be apparent that would be called a view from the fish ball. now what you're saying is most appropriate around the world. however, in the united states, in my country, nobody knows anything about this. they know more about ukraine, then this i must start off with. i think the most pivotal of news that i'm seeing this week. apparently, you know, peter, we, we, we have this thing called the n word. we all know what that is, but we acknowledge what the n is. there is a g word here, there's genocide and nobody will even, oh, crap. so made recently a o. c of alexandria across you, a cortez was as one of the most liberal members of the most liberal progressive factions of the american congress was as well, you'll acknowledge this as being genocide. and you would have thought, 1st of all, it wasn't that she refused to recognize the terms like she's know what it was. this
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is, this is where we are. i just want to say something very quickly as a lawyer to particular, to particular acts an act or acts that target a national ethnic, racial, religious group. that's number one. number 2 actor acts that seek to destroy all or part of it. one of the reasons why a lot of countries in particular, not just us hate, this is that the weird definition of war often times involves this. so if we become too familiar with this term, if we become to facile, if you will, with the application of genocide, it's going to apply elsewhere. so you have a multi kind of a definitional war going on here. and that i think is one of the critical aspects, but yet that volume is turned up daily here in the last slide. oh, it's very interesting that you say that because the title of this program is murder and god. so my original title was normalizing. got a genocide,
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exact reason the your have presented to our audience here comes on say let me go to you in london. is it any better in the u. k? can you say the g word a lot really? um, as we can see um uh with the um victory of uh mr. george galloway. that took place last week. uh about 5 minutes. the receipts and i can quite extraordinary manner. uh suitcase way too. i gave a speech in the from the a number 10 by 10 of them named uh, george galloway full and you know, instigating divisions in the country uh bought really bought the victory of mr. galloway says, is that the, the people, the majority of the people not on the most nets because the total deposit is trying to portray business, right. as a uh, as a moving company we have to bear in mind the impala sign. people are also christian . yes. and the menu occasions the uh,
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charges impala is fine with austin. the charge is in, in the west to raise the voice and call them, well, that is release duty bus here in the u. k. a. and i have to say, i'm sorry for being just splunk about it, that is really lovely. and these documents in the government in the media is trying to put trade. i mean, to, to paint this conflict as a mr. the impact class to gaze the status. cool because the labor party that you know i was out my knew that by the judge galloway didn't rock stale and also conservative. know because the moose lives voting in this way because the majority of the people was sweeping and going through the streets in process useful process, the games, what they see against the g one, which is general 5 uh, probably the concern and it is, it is you know, striking to me that most of the authority part the members called say or do
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anything about it. they don't even mention the fact that it is not only about the missing population about close, about the christian, and they are refraining from any words of condemnation towards israel. so what does it say about the condition of the democracy? they follow the cherries values in the west of human rights even when most of the right windows and conservatives who i used to hold in the great esteem up being pro life and being christian with way of this, you know, a christian and for life values being applied equally to each and every person. yes . absolutely wrong to you. it's painfully obvious what they're doing here. they're hypocrites. okay. that's what they are. you know line or bernie sandra said, if i remember quite, he felt uncomfortable about using the word, well, we should all be along comfortable about it. okay. and we just stop it. all right,
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that's what's really pathetic about lytle moving on. i'm sure you saw it on the news with wait span. fair. the bye didn't ministration ordered a dropping of aide over gaza? what? 333000 prepared meals. and i saw that and i felt ashamed and horrified line on the 1st i i. i looked at this, i'm thinking does this look like we're helping or that we're trying to creep past the barricades? we're, we're going to be dropping. what drones next? like a pizza delivery here. i mean, this is, this is, this is the way we, this is delivering help. i, i've asked something the hardest part, by the way, about your show peter, is it listening to this thinking, 50 different issues every time one of your learned guys said something. first of all, look at what, why this,
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this particular issue is so different to americans. number one that deals with the, the nation of israel, nate nation state, the state of israel. it deals a little bit bare, i say, with religion. this really isn't about religion. no, it's about it's, it's about what's right and wrong and, and who an oppressor and people that are being oppressed. that's the, that's the sure to that. go ahead. but it, but i'm explaining to the mindset, so a lot of americans it, oh there go those crazy b as we've been told in the longest time, then when it comes to, especially the arab muslim terrorist kind of interplay. yeah. these people are living in the 4th century, and there they go again. and then there's this idea of that. oh, well that's the way it is. and they're americans don't know the level of involvement that we are in ukraine is one thing because the word billy enjoy there because there's a money aspect to it. and just look at the case of aaron bush now, not to bring that up again. but america's look at that and were told by people
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basically, and what used to be called the mainstream media, all some lunatic, you know, crazy suicide. so americans look at this, is that, well, not, not boys will be boys, but you know how they are there. what are you going to do and that's it. and they move on. they have no idea of the complexity of this. i keep telling people, do you think that the that's a troubles in ireland or between catholics and protestants? don't want that. that's the name you gave it was about language about sovereignty was about right or wrong. it was by human. the for some reason this blood brain barrier has not been traversed. well, i know, but why? no, but that's, that's all intentional. i mean, you and i grew up in the be the israel palestine issue was never consent and contextualized because we on yours. that's what we were fed. that was the line and it's still there. actually, i real, i think it's a bit different though in the u. k, i'm glad you brought up the election of galloway because you do have different well very you have communities in the u. k. that feel very,
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very strongly about this issue. and guys, in the united states, you could have michigan and you have other states within the u. k, there's a higher intensity. go ahead in london up. indeed it is a higher intensity, but i wouldn't say that it's only associated with the movement of population. i mean i'm, i'm quite disappointed up missing nigel for us. uh. painted this as a, as a, as a listening problem. and um, but it is not also most of the right wing circle, right. mean comment. they just try to put trade is as a, as a what as a gesture of what will k as in know, many conservatives and christians, whom i know outrage and would be outage if it would happen somewhere else. this is about humanity and dignity. and if i am on the personal of, of you know what, i mean i, i believe i'm the person who believe in god and i'm not ashamed or afraid to say it
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out, apply this me equally. but if we try to, uh, only for the political games, because most of the parties, i mean, this is a, we living in a couple parking system. it is a call to a poppy system. what, which of this part is us, you know, not the chevy the, the resources not competing for the resources and at the same amount of the effect with be conspiring to protect the collective interest. so going back to george galloway, he just the voice the sentiment within the broad spectrum of many communities. and that's why they're outrageous and huge backlash both from the left and from the right. yeah. so if you can see a backlash coming from each and every angle, this mind has to say something, you know, which is good, which is true. if he's being attacked by the government, i mean what you do,
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it is just the marginal player easily in the last uh with that part of things. but how it comes that the prime minister feels cool. yeah, yes. but do you know what i mean? right, before we go to the brain here, you're absolutely right. it's, you know, but because most of us in the ellipse don't want to recognize it, most of us are politically homeless. that's why george galloway happened last week . so as most people feel politically homeless and marginalized gentlemen, i have to jump in here. we're going to go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on palestine state with our case the the, what is part of the, the employee would posted isn't the defense you of us in that, in the word?
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or is it something deeper or complex might be present? let's stop without collisions. let's go products. as the welcome back to across stock were all things are considered. i'm peter about your mind you were discussing palestine. the ok, let's go back to lionel in new york. i. i know that most of the main stream legacy corporate and you know, you and i've argued about the term over the years. but it's all intentionally dumb down by dumb people, expecting their audience to be dumber than they are, which they are not. ok. as i said at the end of the 1st part of our program, most people are alienated by the leads that rule over them. and i don't care what party it is. i mean, i have just as much as loathing for the main parties in the united states. and the same thing in the u. k. and i, the george galloway is
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a wonderful breath of fresh air, but he's one man, but who knows your mind? well, you know, looking at the media in the united states, you know, but let's bring up like cnn. you know, in is really invasion of profit would be a catastrophe. well yeah, it wouldn't be. but why? why isn't something being done to stop and say, that's what i find so revolting is that they show us a jet aside in real time. but we're all help, was israel's a software and country? well, since when does the united states respected the sovereignty of foreign countries vinyl? you know, a, peter, you made a great term about being politically homeless. i've used my, the term, a political atheist and as balls x that i always tell people, i'm with the opposition, whoever who are on with the opposition. but i want to add a new concept that i asked my, my friends and colleagues, think of yourself isn't being politically instrument rated. you're, you're a pilot. i'm looking at this. i don't know, party a country
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a is doing this. i don't know who it is. could be france, could be whatever a to this group don't know who this is, and i'm saying, oh, that's terrible. that is let me see. what are you doing? yeah, that's generous. i is under the laws. okay, you then look up the, the, oh my god, it's is real. forget what i say. i change my mind because i'm telling people if this were a friends, no problem. if this were russia, no problem, it's the selective outrage and peter, you and i are from the generation where we were we, i, our left and right. we're pretty defined. yep. you know, less was out, you know, was as you war and i, we still have my surfaces kinda be like the product typical, thomas jefferson liberal. but i didn't change the parties change. they say right, exactly. they, we, i haven't left, anything they left me is precisely, it's like the left right paradigm is an illusion. it's 2 sides of the same coin. and now for reason i do not understand and i can grasp this. why is this so different?
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and what happens is, you know, what happens if you or do you say is up between the old age. if you said the said something negative, you would be a conspiracy theorist and you were not nicole, and that's what they're gonna lay on george gower. he's not, they're going to pull back everything he's ever said in a thought in a tweet and a message, and they're going to portray him as this hat wearing. lona tech who represents this friend watch what happens. i mean did script. uh, that's a really good point. i mean, and i saw a is go back to our investment in london. i real, i mean, you know, i, i saw the, the after election interview with this. i think maybe it was a sky person. i'm not sure. i think it's gone by real. i think it's like take 20000000 views right now. um, you know, i've been called all sorts of names. you know what i don't care anymore. i don't know because the people that call me names i have no respect for so i don't care what they have to say. and george galloway, i mean, you know, he's got
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a very big scan and he's actually very, very smart. and he's one of the last of his generation that can actually speak to a public in a coherent and put pleasing way. i love listening to him, but you know, they, they're going to do everything they can to attack of. and so what ed real go head? yes, that's true. i mean, as i, as i said before, i mean it's, is, is a concentration of an attack from both sides. but what to say about that? i mean, i don't want to, you know, um, uh, some, you know, that's very prophetic here, but i think that george got away is the last hope for this country. uh, when it comes to uh, gathering people from all sorts of spectrum, from the true light, from the true left to the pre k, about the full full, the values that this country is supposed to be representing. and the station
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supposed to be representing to uphold the sofa western values. yeah, i mean the question and western bodies, and i do not believe in labeling any more. george got away as the left is because if you look at what he's saying, i mean he's the heat from day one. he was pro breaks it. he believes in strong family. he knows what would the around a woman is. so you 1000 that this, what would you be the agenda in his mind and he believes the strong communities and he's a games, you know, grooming gangs, uh which us, you know, in some parts of the country are doing a rent this things to, to, to, to the to, to the young goals. so i do believe that he might be a part of that. we'll check his thoughts, something bigger and i, oh well, i didn't know what to say about the left and right. this is know what, what is there not to like what you just said well what's, what's not like do like i, i don't get it, you know, line all i, i know george galloway, i've met him a number of times. he's been on this program and number of times i've been on his
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podcast, he's been a my pod gas and i'll spell it out. he's socially conservative. so my okay, economically, you know, he's conservative and so in social values, guy and cultural values. and he believes the state should be able to serve the people. i don't know what's hard to understand about that. okay. but if you don't get on the, the work agenda or the culture wars, then you, then you're put into a box. he refuses to do that. i refuse to do that. i know you line although and if you refuse, they have that done. i think i drill as well and i think that's why people watch this program line on. well peter, there you go again. and so using logic, you know, thinking there you go, you just never learned, do you, you don't remember what happened. there is the, the, the upon them is, i guess when you been finkelstein, remember this guy who basically was ground into pumice, they didn't even exist. and then all of a sudden i, i told
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a friend of mine lovingly, he's like her bees. he just flares up again just like i thought we took care of that. here we comes, you know, every time there's an argument, every time there's something like this, these are beta test. these are the opposition to see what can we do that works. because like sometimes back, you know, we become bacteria resisted or antibiotic resistance. every time this happens and we don't fight back as to the truth, not just sides, but as with the truth, then the opposition, whatever that is, become stronger and more resilient in every time something like this happens. remember, our mainstream media gentlemen are or are dying or standing on by a thread, and they're going to do nothing to in any way, sacrifice, what's left left of corporate support. so they're going to be re peters, not reporters, and proxies for whoever's in charge. so let's just move them out of the way. but what we're seeing is a complete and total,
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i hope extinction of this left right paradigm because this doesn't exist. i told you before, peter, that i've got friends of mine who are prototypical left is upper west side. jews who now have to go to the fox knows to find some kind of silas. and i've got the left, like rachel, mabel, and others who want to go a war to war with everybody that you wait a minute. have i been in a fog? i'm from the 6 piece. who are these people? well, when do you have a title? i think is what it gets down to. i agree with you that i've given up on this left right paradigm a long time ago. doesn't make any sense. me intentionally tries to divide people, which i refused to do that when jimmy door and tucker carlson can sit down and have a great conversation. that gives me a little bit of hope. okay. but you know, it's all about the donors. they are the ones that determine the message and the narrative, and we have to get away from that very, very difficult. that's why we have to have people like george galloway and even norman finkelstein. i'd, well, what are you mentioned?
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something i think is really interesting is that in, in western media, legacy media, they try to portray this as of kind of civilizational bore a, you know, we're civilized and then everyone else, or both of our barry until the burrell thing here. but what you said is absolutely right, if it's all about that, and we're the ones that are the barbarians, the west, the we all, yes, because we have been desensitized by the, by the media. who as a right me all the commentator said, uh is uh, you know, uh, peddling the and working in the interest not of the public bought all of the donors or, and supporters and stakeholders. so unfortunately, the site this society has been so defensive i but, but or something like the victory of judge galloway is given. if this is a wakeup call,
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or for for the existence of many people from different spectrums from political as a small left this more right wing goes for people who truly care to not lose our soul and sanity. because it is all about, you know, being made in, in any shape or form. as you've mentioned. i, i really appreciate when people from different pop, you know, spectrum political spectrums can sit down and have a discussion. this is, this is all about the society and the cohesion because otherwise we will be just devices in room. this is what the people, especially me here, the, i'm elected, prime minister re, she's soon i did by firing a short a of george got away with the speech. this he is the, by the not judge got away, but because the judge got away is the person who was trying to bring people from all spectrums to fight for the country and fight for what is right. and i'm with
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him. yeah. so, you know, you know, you know, like, oh, i could remember a few years ago i had a guest on, she was a democrat and she's like, she, she was, you know, she's all about diversity. we're all about diversity and about i replied to her and she had no answer for me. i said, well, what about unity? yes. for a quality, you know, there, there needs to be something right now and gentlemen, i don't want to be a cassandra or i guess a false prophet or, or bad news bears. but let's see what happens for those people who come up to support george galloway. this is, you need an i am spartacus moment right now. if he is this loan loyce, this radical who comes for it and they say, oh, isn't that pleasure? or you have people in the u. k. petrified to day or even even not in agreement. then all of this is for not that will do nothing again but toughen the resistance. and our, and the gentleman had a very good point. we have become not only desensitized,
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we have been habituated and condition not only to look the other way or, or not to react to violence. but we have this almost like this, this political or this of a guy is a fatigue. and i hate to say, you know, if you're, there's something to that line or unfortunately there is something to that. and i, and it's something that we'll probably talk about next week, but we'll end on this positive note. these people in power are petrified. that's a good 1st step. we know we're going in the right direction as all the time. we have a fascinating discussion. i want to thank my guess in new york and in london. and of course, i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at our to see you next time. remember,
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prospect rules the the on the side of the main st. clair. what is the ultimate goal is as but so the levy's new tod is against some of the goals. so it's jennifer case. we're going to his presidential says lessons as a one stop until the closing season. garza and always as a country. and this is something president, i'm a poor so we could use a chance to use


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