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tv   News  RT  March 8, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EST

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little blanket wrap the dressing footage from southern gaza. still some facilities are buried in a master, grave of the being were tubs to the and baffled. and today's point is, well, also this out government decision that gives alter, also to excuse the privilege known to bear with, with the, to the army is valid until the end of march this year. a war time, a national conversation about city, as well as some of the old ortiz, to review legislation that exam. so old for orthodox students from military service . we have from a member of that religious community off the top of the secular people said, well, you know, of the spiritual thing, whatever you want to play, you can come to clean the idea. one thing was quite clear though,
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president biden hasn't got it. he's out of touch on us republican lawmakers lounge. i bite in states of the union address. we kicked off by focusing on ukraine instead of funding issues on the home of the a variable and welcome to you. this is all the international with the latest world news update as the weight is great to have you with us. that would begin the, our in central garza, west 6 people have been pulled from the rubble following an idea strike. they came to the lives of 16 civilians in the law as, according to local officials. so teach with the same so it was a massive crate. so what a large family home previously study, nearby buildings were also heavily damaged or children on 5 women asked that to be among the victims all that is really bombardments, local resident and shed his harrowing experience of the altima or the defense of
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16 people. for some i buried them with my own hands sitting on their way one day most of it was about 8 or 10 people left on the mobile number. so this is in addition to the full and we're actually 6. we pulled out in a month to where like the full woods edge and some of the last name all in the south of dollars. the i, the strikes and multiple rates have completely devastated nurse a hospital which was well and some of the biggest health facilities in the city of con eunice, a number of homeless displaced palestinians are still sheltering inside the smouldering ruins at the side. for the south, the bodies of 47 locals recently were tons by his way, new ortiz to go on to have been buried in a mass wave. in rafa the heavily decomposed corpses was 75 to the, and baffled and slave through the tower. i'm so long crossing by the ideas as well . say that initially took the bodies from dogs or to try and identify any hostages
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among them. other standing officials came, some of the corpses was stolen from hospitals and cemeteries across the strip. they added that the identities of the victims remain unclear. the war now into it's 6 months has over. they planned, at least 30800 palestinian lives. according to gauze and officials of 2000000 people, nearly the entire population. all of the enclave is said to have been displaced without meaning that this will cause for celebration. the as the walls marks international women's day this much the 8th. but you don't have that 100 know going through the substitution and womens thing guys. as rephrase the course of the bombings and you harsh conditions and tense and suffer from extreme weather for the no rufus deliberation come on now. so i'm a woman who was denied due to bombardment, were constantly being relocated from 110 to another. moving from one region to the next. do you know how to go to this place here? they have experienced the lowest of the homes, you know,
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children who were killed. everyone here has suffered the same thing. my hope is to once they celebrate women's day, you know, a hometown under normal circumstances. check as to how do you send the bread big by policy, men and women. we bake on the surface is made of plastic paper and nylons via will discuss. so was convince for plastic and other discarded items from the trash south . africa has initiated more legal proceedings against as well as the international court of justice, accusing get of not facilitating humanitarian aged garza according to per toria. the is wally military is committing a genocide against the palestinians and
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an exclusive interview with dr. watson, which you can watch head throughout the day. and of course on our website, south african presidential spokes person vincent the month when yeah, emphasized his country's commitment to ending the assault on costa. and we would like to see the consumer end as soon as possible. we would live to see is royal, comply with the provisional measures that have been ordered by the court. that is why was going back to the cards to us for this threatening off of those orders so that we prevent what is now getting matching as a segment crisis with a lot of people projected to die from starvation. we would live to see the association of hostilities. we would like to see the opening of
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a few minutes. our inquiry goes to those who are in need of, of, of humanitarian aid. that is why we would always as a country, and this is something president. remo 4, so we'll continue to check your to use every legal means that instrument to ensure that we see an end to the genocide that's currently taking place in guys that we see and, and to the brutal punishment and the feeling of, of people who are 68, like we saw recently in russell. meanwhile, gauze and health officials have reported 20 concerns. civilian deaths from malnutrition on the hydration. the number of victims is expected to grow as the un stays a close of the strips population on the brink of funding. however, and his way the government spokes person has dismissed the warnings about the
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humanitarian catastrophe in garza. what are you doing about reports of children starving to their 1st? let me just say that the number one humanitarian issue in the gaza strip right now . and since october 7th, k is the play over hostages. but we also heard again from south africa as presidential spokes person on the isn't on how the war is being covered by western media. and we do have some international media outlets, particularly worse than outlets. that as a chosen to present to present as sort of more of cool is riley perspective with the coverage in the 1st off vacation that we made to the international court of justice. some of the most prominent global western media outlets chose not to provide coverage. and i have coverage for that
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presentation to, to the court. and we observed that the next day would be as well presented, its adams. and they will floated low to a low coverage if you lot. and so those are, some will suffice. is that to book this decision, you observed that the kind of treatment that is given to the part of sitting in story, particularly by worsted with the houses, is not to say a treatment that you see elsewhere with these way. the eighty's, the conflict, the media houses you've had to back track, for example, on the coverage that they as provided related to some incidents that are led to have taken place. the big guys and, and is the results both of those biases. so we're in cartersville that you have the
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lives of punches here, and this will continue to add, reflect the situation as it is part of the problem is disturbing and painful as it is. we still have those cottages, journalist, men, and women of the use room that are committed in relating the truth and in the name the sites as they are with respects to what has happened is really present a service has recruited 12 of ultra orthodox jews and known as a re, d for non military do say as well. so the service men said they wanted to contribute to the gaza will f, as is the device of new full, the religious community that is traditionally been exempt from military service. um, at least bureau chief maria from the ocean of picks up the story as well as rapidly growing 1200000 strong. how to also the community head ready for me. almost
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searching for central to come from the population is that the center of intends to face. historically exempt from mandatory military service to prioritize religious studies. they are really community now faces rise in discontent and make the war in gaza. while the religious leaders emphasize the power of prayer and facing enemies, not all have any support that stands during this cmt farber is one of them, raised in a devout environment to challenge the status quo and tradition by serving in the army and fort in the 2nd 11 and more. this is why do i say you will 2nd, now? you're going to fight. we don't will address. we're going to play to some of the people except that after the 7th of a 2nd of people said, well, you know what is spiritual, paying whatever didn't have you want to play, you can come from playing the idea. if we need to get a, do you, we believe that the see play, you so i also believe,
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but they also believe of twins to come up. we need to play, need to find some walk. so the 2nd one to $5.00 and get to the village of the going to stay i'm, i'm, i'm play, it's not fair a. it's a little e clause in 1948. when the head ready 1st receives exemption only 400 boys qualified to day. there are over 65000 so many men aged 18 to 35 who could contribute to the country's defense beyond prayers, including 12 to 15018 year olds annually, who don't attend receivers or state funded religious schools, but still retained the privilege. in 2017 israel's high court, ruled that they already exemption law violates equality practices. the quote gave the government one year to pass a new law. 7 years on. no progress has been made. now the government has until the 1st of april to either extend the current decision post on draft in alto,
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also talk you into the military. increasingly, more politicians are addressing the issues last week for my defense minister benny guns, who is now a member of these really were a cabinet called in the heard it community to join the military found on the site. all the people of israel to all the parts of his rarely society who should take part in serving the country of all of us. the challenges ahead of us are great, and it is impossible to look into the eyes of those who serve and tell them that whatever was before, well, the name with her ready to not listen to secular politicians. they listened to rabbis, yankee says those remedies will never officially encourage the youngsters. conscription in fear of losing control and voters. this is one of the important things they know going to vote for the default is because they go enjoying the idea of the going to have different opinions. listen, they're going to meet those in bed twins. they're going to meet dave, the going to we less view the going to meet before the premiums. when it goes to
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election, you're going to say, wait, i don't want to vote for a policy with doesn't people like to build a society lady policies. we're going to be much we cool. they're going to have enough money. they don't, they're not gonna have enough power in the good moments. so they want to make sure that social everybody vote for them. second olsteen score, rather religion on. they don't go to the idea of because in the idea is to get different opinions to young people is that if religious mentors fee are losing their children to the secular world, they should reconsider their approach to education. so i'll tell you another thing that i'll never stays on these really tv, 18 years, or even 20 years. you'll teaching the children through the study to kick somebody to be religious. and i'm to be straight up to split it all on the walls of the 20 is he's a big boy. he's going to go to the idea of what intent really to go to full. and what's the value of funding for 20? you mean you can receive up to 20? you said to me that the way you been a teaching him,
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the way he was educated was love the whole a to community and they don't educate their children. they trained them. they, it's like a dog, you know, take a dog and tell them what to do. i mean, does it? he's always found what he's doing. and once they leave the front of the, from the way to see the community, there are ready men in the army. this fight with exempted from the drop, they still 10 wrong. the 1st 10 weeks of the war. so a real boom and at least with 2 thousands also offered up some and significant during the forces. double the visual annual number from the community idea is ready and he's in the idea. we made team viewing she them, it's additional jewish, 7 day period of morning over the seas. family member, his older brother. i know so was in the army. combat to union died in the last week gas station attacks. shocked by gunmen. everybody says there was no problem for religious people to be in the military to mean of. he also claims the idea of it doesn't need a lot of her ready. it is not interested in turning into
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a religious army. well, the reason politicians talk about it serves a different going. what did you go? it's politics. the idea doesn't meet the already said. they only want to create a mass of last week on the launch came and said we needed to do something with the rating. and we'll say now say what he did was to silence the noise that exist on us because of the gaza warm up. and the leadership's failure, great as to how they did. most of the heard is still would like to keep the military service exemption on sunday. in protest of the conscription, more ultra orthodox demons, sweeter is blocked. one of these roles, t highways. if the government decides to change the decades loans status for the army could come from most of these in the public, even within the hair ready is divided, assembled. they have a rabbi and he tells them what to do. but they want us to study the tourist, so they don't go elsewhere. and if he says, go to the army they do. if he says, don't they don't mind
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whoever sits in studies, let him do it. whoever doesn't and should go to the army. so especially in this time of war and whoever con should help the soldiers by either giving donations or studying the tora. oh, the rabbi says that the torah protects the soldiers as a government decision. that gives ultra, also to excuse the privilege known to bear with with the army is valid until the end of march this year. if new legislation is north advance taser, i will see a new generation health. the religious community obliged to join the military. the outcome is hard to predict now, but the heated debates that's now unfolding in his riley society shows that whatever the result is, once that is fine, everyone wears the ocean all tea from been a brook in his room ahead of us president samuel state of the union address on thursday evening several 100 protest as blocks joy binding smoke,
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decayed is it made its way between the white house and congress. and this voltage from the scene. a mazda is palace, city, and slash was installed on see the street is protested gavin. some also house of savannah reading, vida is legacy is genocide, meant to close for a c spy, a conference with denise to the president of the speech itself. president binding was expected to focus on american issues like inflation on the board of crisis, as well as the war in the middle east, but to unexpectedly kicked off his address with this if we stand with ukraine and provide the what the status of the crate is, asking, of course go reaction to mr. biden speech immediately pulled in from republican
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politicians, including from alabama center to katy bridge, who said the dental crime, presidents needs a reality check. like so many families across america. my husband, wesley, and i just watch president by the state of the union address from our living room. and what we saw was the performance of a permanent politician who has actually been in office for longer than i've been alive. one thing was quite clear though, president biden chess doesn't get it. he's out of touch. literally this friday we got reaction from us top. so how does dons come and say to state laws, but here's a story bite and didn't look co sounds to presidential during his keynote speech as well. first of all, he started the speech about 18 minutes late, but he also did something else at the beginning. he jumped the gun, usually the speaker of the house who sits behind him. during this speech with the
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vice president, the speaker of the house the announce is officially ladies and gentlemen, the president the united states and they afford again and then he starts his speech . there was no announcement because the president didn't wait for him to be announced. yeah, ukraine was the, the opening at topic it is an election. your leaders tend to talk tough at doing that on the ukraine war. i suppose he's good territory for that. but what do you think americans were listening in on that stephen? just thinking of who's calling a minute? is this the state of the union address in care of or in washington? i was shocked that he started basically with ukraine with everything that's going on in the country. when you look at poll after poll after poll of what topics, what issues are most important to voters in all the states that have bought it in the primaries? you had it, right, it's immigration, it's inflation, it's the economy. and it starts with, with ukraine. was that it was definitely
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a campaign speech without a doubt. he was combative and, and you know, when he finally got to immigration, 40 minutes into the speech, 40 minutes, the number one issue in america right now. any way to 40 minutes to get to it the guts of 6 months out or so from the election. now, will this speech willis have helped his re election at shawn says, or by dent of, of donald trump at not being mentioned by the incumbent leader? can he just sit back and watch his numbers rise even even more and uh you reference them 13 times or more from what i gather, but he never mentioned them by name, but the media is already saying, wow, funny, this shows his age is not an issue he has the stand and it was funny. did you tell he was combative he could do it. wow. that's like, you know what? it's marked the beginning of march. we got to go to november. a lot of stuff is
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going to happen to donald trump, to joe biden, to this country, to the world. and i don't think would push comes to shove, this is gonna make that much of a difference. the, the indian navy has what he's supposed to do, all the rescue operation off the humans who's the rebels attack, they call the ship and the gulf of aged 3 sailors to philippines is on the vietnamese cru. man. the what killed the bull. they fall and beta slots true confidence vessel less, according to the us military, is the 1st such legal struck by the who phase who came to be targeting ships link is well over it's a so on dollars they on, on the targeting operation came off to the ship's crew rejected warning messages from the many naval forces of the many armed forces pacific in upholding the religious, moral, and humanitarian duties in supporting the oppressed, palestinian people. and their peroration in the reds and arabs. seas will not stop
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until the aggression stops and the siege on the palestinian people in the gaza strip is lift to the series of recent us led coalition strikes on yemen. have failed to stop the who fees. american officials without blaming, quote intelligence gaps full the shortcomings of the bombing campaign. but public consent it has a few areas and one's house to action from the white house. the us state department has pledged to ramp up the pressure on the yeah, many levels in the united states will continue to hold the cookies accountable for their attacks, which have not just disrupted international commerce, not just disrupted the freedom of navigation in international waters and not just endangered seafarers but now tragically killed a number of them so we will continue to hold them accountable and we call them governments around the world to do the same. and the ship that was struck by the who's these last month has now sun coast to coast of yeah, men leaving only
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a positive bit scale above move to an oil slick from the crippled vessel has prompted some serious environmental concerns. earlier we spoke on the phone with a member of the who's the militant group who's at the well it should look elsewhere for someone to blame for us. so instead of a slating the situation, i think the united states and the west should work together in order to stop via ration that the water is going to stop the atrocities that are the really threats to the international security and peace. and also at the united states of america continue to escalate the situation by attacking a targeting young. i think also it's going to, it's the sheets it ships are, will be at that. it is the bones to dfacs. and the targets again is the m, the solution for ending the operations. as it gets not to me,
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i'm at the want to stop the operations on the red feed them. so you have to stop via gratian there, because from a i'm also on the road, understand that the united states of america is a novice. the can also do is talking to where i didn't get, i sees my and has not been reached. and the united states of america and the west are supporting his riley occupation at all. so these are taking place there. genocide is taking place there stages there and get that. i'm the solution view. all the solution is to pump the declaration there. i'm to left the face. i'm just as much as a lot on with emphasizes. and this is the um, this is also the, the best solution. ukrainian security services have rated the house of an orthodox, christie and a cleric on p. o for the cold kids notorious as off brigade members not sees will
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star. so you said the kids metropolitan arch priest at bar is a broad scale spreading quite russian propaganda. and the criminal narrative rushed as brought attention to the case. quoting at the latest in a string of crackdowns by kias on the canonical ukrainian orthodox church. dozens of priests being arrested over the past 2 years, including the lead of he has all the smallest jury. the training and parliament is now preparing a bill to bind at the traditional church and replace it with a sense of play, a politically faxed organization known as the orthodox church of ukraine. my colleague, mike a quarter, a go reaction from dublin based journalist jason michael, who can patch kids clocks down on the church to be actions of a notorious 20th century regime in the whole. what does this say about the state of the country itself? it says that it's modeling model buttons and very similar to the process that we saw happen in the some device in germany, in the 19 se,
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an effort to buy the state to suppress commandeer at corrupt, uncontrolled, the church. as in an, as an independent voice of critique of the state. this we have seen happen again here in ukraine with an effort to fill classical goals and possessions in the church with right, when extreme nationalist noises on. yes, the evidence is there, i am, has been there for a very long time. the, the, as all the in particular has demonstrated extreme right wing leanings and is a duty. it's a moral obligation of the church to speak truth and to condemn this as an extremely dangerous ideology. we are seeing very similar things happen in palestine at the moment. we see some of the most historic churches in the world being destroyed by our united states all lie in the middle east. i'm religion and religious
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institutions, particularly when the co opted by the state has become strategic and assets to west of the military power, which has shown itself to be quite aggressive and expansionist it. and the alley part of the the 21st century to don't boss. now, when military a traffic police have been stopping women in don't yet, but it was on to get a speeding ticket or some other warning, but instead will believe to be gifted flowers this international women's day. as long as these women and culture of so a question the lady at the international women's day, always just spring cheer and lots of love have a great day. happy international women's day. thank you very much. have
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a great mode and lots of love gonna shake your head of course. thank you. this is so nice. have a great day and a great mood. the question was happy international women's day. watching it on this, i'm very happy to congratulate the girls to they came out smiling and friendly and also wished us happiness health. and most importantly piece is very special and let's say very pleasant. it is pleasant for music you've presence to such beautiful, lovely ladies in sunny, clear weather. well, many thanks for your company this international women's day. i do hot you celebrating in style of about with more news in 30 minutes. let's see you then the
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what is part of the employee would post good. isn't the deepest view of us and building the word part. is it something deeper, more complex might be present there? let's stop without cases. let's go products. as the wires and why in this country, what if i give borrowed money at the store and this should have been a short order, but i'm not going to stay less. so can i scan when i am at your desktop session? no. let's just sean. your just is when you mine is when you sit on
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the set up on me and the the gap which was deal us with beautiful. nice me the queen, benefit of interesting much here's your list of criteria was do it. i see ration division and joseph can go and then you should have a small table always before just since he wants me to be sure. would you mind giving the was a major.


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