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tv   News  RT  March 8, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EST

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most of the of the souls is concerned. the dentist of at least 3 people in garza city as a result of power, shooting 12th of humanitarian aid, at least, made necessary. by the way, the blockade of folder quoted also ahead. one thing quite clear that president fighting doesn't get keys out of touch on us with public and lawmakers lounge i bindings states of the union address, which he keeps on by focusing on ukraine instead of a sudden, additions on the home front government decision that gives alter hospital fuse, the privilege, known to be reported to the army is valid until the end of march this year. the whole time national conversation arrived in as well as some to forward eastern review legislation that exempt the ultra orthodox dues from military service we had
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in front of them the rest, the religious community of the 2nd. now people said, well, you know, of the spiritual bring, whatever you want to play the is very welcome to you. this is almost the international with the lease as well. these update is great to have you with us not top story. they saw also you saw something dollars a consent, that at least 3 palestinians have been killed during a fail to meditate, humanitarian age 12 and the newest that'd be in place. but it shows the age being distributed by as people leave the same signing power seats. if it needs to be declined, to be honest with it, it's a roll top become wide spread in dollars. it would be is waiting below, paid for the crossings, blocking trucks with humanitarian deliveries. we spoke on the phone to to the next crown, also tarry in rafa. and he told us more about the incident during the government,
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the release of the surgery, that they will not the ones who are in toggled, them. they are not just one of them for the, the, for those jobs to turn to the lead time. we see that they have been already hearing the rules and they are trying now to learn to receive them. they are not there. they are not the ones who the tax. so there must be probably pardon me or some story behind that. and they should also be held accountable for doing that. i don't think that makes them 3 point to their, their position when it comes to the distribution of those are the drugs and we'll pick them up there and i was just, i looked at from her and the past due until the and the see. and the other end for them, there was somebody them and guys are in place already a bargain. each bar that is under took them right now. they are, they, those are leaving that needed to because they going to hung up the people which is in the case of also of how it took them to whole laptops. i think organizing the
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entry of the place into the conversion. aerospace is much more complicated than just allowing the correct answer from the is that seems to be continuing what it's doing and the maximum community seems to be a way to hold them accountable for the things that i think that's it. most important key pay me to commit them to accept one regular and safe way to deliver the food and the like 30 to apply for the peaceable products. so the international community coming up with different plans and different approaches, and yet they all say by the is a new patient that is not just one day of work and for any of the initiatives to continue to have been temporary and who's suffering is exactly affected by that is at least the judge single thing atlanta, i'm with the people. meanwhile, i knew maritime routes for a deliveries to palestine. has been announced by the european commission and partnership with the us and you, a new cargo will link to the island of cyprus and gaza. but it's been course the
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sized as an attempt to develop attention from it as well as consistent blocking of assistance to be solved and k. know the difficulties faced at the land borders in gaza via to the roof of border crossing all through the jordan road. how are you doing? and that is why 2 days that we probably go cyprus, the european commission, the united arab emirates of the united states course, supported by other critical partners, announced our intent to open the maritime, carried on to deliver a much needed additional amount of humanitarian assistance by sci fi price that is the closest e u. member states have gone with ships able to reach palestinian soil from the islands in around 10 hours. the pilot operation was lost on friday with the you expecting the car doors to be fully opened by sunday?
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the us initiated project intends to build a temporary port in garza present binds. it has promised that the plan will not involve any physical intervention by washington. tonight, i'm directing us military to lead and merge the mission to establish a temporary peer in the mediterranean. on the coast of gaza i can receive large shipments, trying to water medicine, a temporary sheldon, or no us boots will be on the ground. a temporary peer will enable a massive increase the amount of monetary assistance. getting you guys every day as well, has officially welcomes the west and maritime route initiative and is foreign ministry spokesman say that will boost humanitarian a deliveries. but he adds it, that it will be implemented early off, the quote, a security check, according to his ready standards on the british foreign secretary and the line so they can take months to fully set up the plans. kara, do full on the story. let's cross live now to i'm in
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a cell g adults to us on the policy today and pediatric society. thank you very much for joining us this evening. i appreciate that. so as well saves this new router, will boost humanitarian aid deliveries, but can only be implemented on the is way the security clearances. how can the problem be organized with partners so that as well, there's no wind up doing what they have already done on the ground, literally complicating the deliveries. so i think the blockade of got this tip has been the main reason for the uh, what we have see after october, 7th people where they actually suffocated within the guys that step with the or the board does right border crossings at actually a closed and people had no other way
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to, to move back to revolt against such actually the blockades the if, if his right allows the industry all the military and, or, uh, an assistance with the border crossings without a, from the roof or areas or other things which is right and to be a bit older, has to allow the aid to go through what we have at the board and a half months back on the situation. and we will not be faced with the what we have been seeing. let's see, the, uh, the people actually looking for is the board and actually,
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uh, i looked at the bed 3 people that have been looking for one way to survive. they have really actually goes to the name as uh, eh, seats. which is very, very, actually the magic we are living in the 21st century. and as i say, is the actually the out of the fighting month. civilized eh, eh, i mean by the humans in augusta and spin, they will not allow for time. 2 and food stuff and necessary medications to get through to get stuff. indeed, like you said, what is the sense of creating a new maritime route given that age can just be delivered by lines. wouldn't it
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just be easier for, as well as partners to convince it as well to simply open who's bored is i think the switch saw many problems. and the way the in the united states has approached the situation. so as to how effective the u. s. has been actually had getting such a property, although the u. s. has being a very, very close ally, eliza and, and in that, in my opinion the united states has been the mean a force. the support team is in the, in this latest invasion and exits and against the palestinians
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in augusta. meanwhile, we have these humanitarian edge ropes claiming lives with palo cities as well. so with these 3 people have been killed on friday by one of these humanitarian a ad ropes, is this an isolated incidents? so all these that these edwards is ineffective and a dangerous way of sending help in my opinion the way they have really been the dropping for the air many terry and he if from claims and thought i source is very immediate thing for the palestinians. and again, it's always how effective the united states has benighted states as being in it is all the is this at the, this to minutes area of these aspect. so any thank you so much for
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talking to us today. i really appreciate your insight into the situation. we've been speaking to a pediatrician from the palestinian pediatric society. i'm in foul genius. thank you. thank you for coming up on the program as well has recruited 12 ultra orthodox jews. notice a re d who have pulled in tape and military do take the time is turning out to be divisive in the religious community. you can touch the story coming up in about 10 minutes. the had to all the us presidents, the annual state of the union address on thursday evening, several 100 protest as blocks joy findings most okay. does it made its way between the white house and congress footage from the same shows a massive palace city inside z themselves on the street as protests as gather. some also held up the banner reading findings, legacy is genocide. meant the calls for seized by a capital police dog present on all sides. in the speech itself,
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preston, by doom, was expected to focus on domestic issues like inflation. the boy with a crisis, as well as the will in the middle east. but the unexpectedly takes off his address with a note to craig. the far more i go home, the if we stay with ukraine and provide the, the
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crews asking, the must be honest. the threat to democracy must be defended.
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the biden's message has been praised by his allies from the house beacon, nancy pelosi stays, the speech was a mazda law. the president joe biden state of the union address was a master class, vigorously presenting his bold vision of progress and possibilities for all of america's families. if we look at it objectively, it seems that you know, the big concern here is, joe biden is cognitive capability. this is always going to be about, you know, how he said things and how you perform much more than what he actually said. it seems that this was deployed, you know, a korea graft attempted to my job. i'm look freshest, sharp as a pin that he was bouncing through the crowd high. fiving people like some animated
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fighter, a pumps there. there was a little bit of cringed with. a more interesting is how the pro joe media feel like reported on this incredible performance. he's almost a teenager. the guy is, you know, fresh as a daisy the presence delivered. and he delivered huge tonight. i mean, the just me energy, the vision. he was fired up, he was shouting, he was angry, and anger sometimes has a way of looking energetic. any really leaned into that. everybody knows if this was a great space, joe biden delivered what has been describing the press so far as, as a feisty, fiery, heated supreme crunch rep. i'm sorry. so you can see, you know, you'd be forgiven for thinking that this message was sort of, you know, let's, let's make sure everyone thinks on this is great. joe isn't 81 years old. it doesn't have any problems. remembering things you never confuse the egyptians and use rarely seen those. what date is, you know, is what week it is making. you know, it's not confusing, isn't it? makes it disbelieving what you're actually seeing and thinking yourself is that how
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do you see this media coverage? is it an attempt to convince people that biden's fits a says yeah, well it seems that particularly again, as i say in the pro joe media, there's a lot of correlation in the messaging here. we had people like at tucker carlson at watching this following it in great detail the minute by minute in a live sort of recount. and we've also had americans taking to social media uptake the on to twitter to suggest this car is completely out of touch with the reality for the ordinary americans. there's a lot of problems in the united states. 40000000 people living in poverty, families are struggling to get their bills paid. people are still going to pay the rents as well. so let's have a look at took a carlson's response and you got to say, she holds a dozen whole back. he gives them both barrels in this and it's quite quite a tool for response from took across and that was possibly the darkest, most american speech ever given by an american president think it wasn't a speech. it was a rant entirely lacking in decency or generosity to his fellow americans. button
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quickly explained that actually as top priority has nothing to do with america's top priority is sending billions more to ukraine. not ending the invasion of our own country by drug. cartels not are degrading economy. you experience every day that are collapsing schools. there's no explanation of what the goal is here. there's a lie after lie to button doesn't care. there's no upside for you in any of the things that he said, especially it was the republican response to the address being like, well, it's been predictably, almost angry in its response. i mean, the republicans have suggested that boy is completely out of touched. mr. trump, of course, came out and said that this was the angriest, most bad humored state of the union address in history that may be the angriest, least compassionate and worst state of the union speech ever made. was an embarrassment to our country. like so many families across america. my husband,
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wesley, and i just watch president biden's state of the union address from our living room . and uh, what we saw was the performance of a permanent politician who has actually been in office for longer than i've been alive. the one thing was quite clear though, president biden chest hasn't got it. he's out of touch quite cycling. this a smiling lady delivering the rebuttal of speech unusual. but i suppose to take away nicky from a bite with speeches is that if the only good thing about the speech really was, i mean, he did mention you in ukraine into speech 1st. the 1st thing he mentioned, the speech with ukraine, of course, which is also telling about dividing administrations priorities when it comes to the united states. if you find comes 1st, if the only thing boyd and have to do is not fall off a stage, not forget somebody's name, not make a catastrophic mistake as he's doing and many, many other forms of the century important american speech. and thought was the only
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thing that it was, the real success here is that he didn't make a complete fool himself in many ways. at that says a lot about the state of us politics. we go reaction from us tokyo stands commentary. so steve mounts book is a story bind and then local sounds to presidential during his keynote speech. a well 1st of all he started the speech about 18 minutes late, but he also did something else at the beginning. he jumped the gun. usually the speaker of the house who sits behind him during this speech with the vice president, the speaker of the house to announce is officially ladies and gentlemen, the president the united states and they apply it again and then he starts his speech. there was no announcement because the president didn't wait for him to be announced. yeah, ukraine was the, the opening at topic it is an election. your leaders tend to talk tough at doing that on the ukraine war. i suppose he's good territory for that. but do you think
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americans were listening in on that stephen? just thinking of who is the minute? is this the state of the union address in care of or in washington? i was shocked that he started basically with ukraine, with everything that's going on in the country. when you look at poll after poll after poll of what topics, what issues are most important to voters in all the states that have voted in the primaries? you had it, right, it's immigration, it's inflation, it's the economy. and he starts with, with ukraine, was that it was definitely a campaign speech without a doubt. he was combative and, and you know, when he finally got to immigration, 40 minutes into the speech, 40 minutes, the number one issue in america right now. any way to 40 minutes to get to with the guts of 6 months out or so from the election. no, will this speech willis have helped his re election at shawn says,
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or by dint of, of donald trump at not being mentioned by the incumbent leader? can he just sit back and watch his numbers rise even even more in a? you referenced him 13 times or more from what i gather, but he never mentioned him by name. look, the media is already saying, wow, funny, this shows he. his age is not an issue. he has the stamina. it was funny. did you tell? he was combative he could do it. wow, that's like, you know, what? it's march the beginning of march. we got to go to november. a lot of stuff is going to happen to donald trump, to joe biden, to this country, to the world. and i don't think when push comes to shove, this is going to make that much of a difference. i was saying in the us now doing a sanchez be made of mazda as a free speech in the main stream media, despite not having stolen. and he stays the course of the opinion of alan dashwood
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say, for my hop at low school profess. so he was represented both the songs and donald trump, the entire interview with option what times the on going underground as all know it, see this stuff today. here's a quick previously authorities, the justice department of trying to get julian assigned to the united states despite the opposition of all the journalists all around the world, the australian government, the german government. i understand that you defended daniel's bugs the late den. elizabeth is being on this program, things worse than the 1970s given what's happening to julian assigned his health as he was tortured in britain, according to the un, special were up to it is much worse. i was one of the lawyers on the pentagon papers case, and there at least people were treated with the degree of decency assigned has really been made a horrible martyr to free speech. and i'm honored to have been part of the is legal defense team. and if he is extra guides the united states, i hope i can help him avoid prosecution. i think he has
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a strong case. remember he's the one who stole any secrets like daniel ellsberg did . he's more like to new york times e. publish them and the new york times wasn't even prosecuted. ellsberg was, but eventually the case was one, but i don't think us on should be prosecuted for publishing material that other people provided to have. the real question is, will we be confined pending a resolution by the grand jury and he's been to find far too long. already i met him in england before he was confined and he seemed to be in far better health and spirits. then he was after he went into the x during the embassy and then confined, and he's likely to be confined in the united states. and that would be too bad. i mean, he comes as close to being a political prisoner as we have had in a long time in the united states. and so again, i represented many political prisoners in my life,
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ranging from nelson mandela to not to insure for ascii. and i'm honored to continue to defend political prisoners of, of, of every stripe and background against the pressure of government persecution. the money is way the presence of this house recruited 12 ultra orthodox jews, known as a re d phone on military duty. as of the service been said, they wanted to contribute to the goals that were assets. is a divisive move for the religious community that has traditionally been exempt from military service. um, at least bureau chief maria some notion of picks out the story. as well as rapidly growing 1200000 strong alto orthodox community or head ready form in almost 13 percent of the country's population is at the center of intense debate. historically exempt from mandatory military service to prioritize religious studies . they are really community now faces rise in discontent and made the war in gaza.
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while the religious leaders emphasize the power of prayer in face and anime is not all her ready supports. that stands journalist cmt farber is one of them raised in a devout environment. he challenged the state of school and tradition by serving in the army and fulton the 2nd 11 and more. this is why do i say you will 2nd, now? you're going to fight. we don't will address. we're going to play to some of the people except that after the 7, 7th over the 2nd of people said, well, you know, of your spiritual paying whatever than him you want to play. you can come from playing the idea if we need to get a do you, we believe that the feet play your thoughts. i also believe, but they also believe of twins to come up. we need to bring it to fines. so all so the 2nd we're going to fight and get to the village of the going to stay i'm, i'm, i'm play. it's not fair. it's not a clue. in 1948,
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when the higher the 1st receives exemption, only 400 boys qualified to day. there are over 65 thousands. how many men aged 18 to 35, who could contribute to the country's defense beyond prayers, including 12 to 15018 year olds annually, who don't attend due shivers or state funded religious schools, but still retained the privilege. in 2017 israel's high court, ruled that they already exemption law violates equality practices. the quote gave the government one here to pass a new law. 70 years on. no progress has been made. now the government has until the 1st of april to either extend the current decision or started drafting alter, also talks you into the military. increasingly, more politicians are addressing the issues last week for my defense minister benny guns, who is now a member of these really were a cabinet called under her ready community to join the military and on the site.
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all the people of israel, all the parts of israeli society who should take part in serving the country of all of us. the challenges ahead of us are great and it is impossible to look into the eyes of those who serve and tell them that whatever was before will remain with her ready to not listen to secular politicians. they listen to remedies. yankee says those remedies will never officially encourage the youngsters. conscription in fear of losing control and voters. this is one of the formal things they know going to vote for quality father. couldn't they go joined the idea of the going to have different opinions? listen, the going to meet drove him between the going to meet gave the going to me less bills. the going to meet before the premiums. and when it comes to election, you're going to say, wait, i don't want to vote for a policy. what doesn't people like to know the society? lady policies were going to be much weaker. they're going to have enough money. they don't, they don't gonna have enough power in the government. so they want to make sure
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that everyone vote for them. second, olsteen schools rather religion and they don't go to the. 6 idea because in the idea is to get different opinions to the goal. young. he believes that if religious mentor is the, are losing their children to the secular world, they should reconsider their approach to education. so i'll tell you another thing that i will never face on these when you see me 18 years or even 20 years. you'll pitching the children through the study to kick somebody to be religious. and i was trying to sort it all on the walls of the 20 is he's a big boy, he's going to do the idea of what intent really to go to full. and what's the value of funding for 20? you mean, you see both of the 1 pm. so it means that the way you been a page, you know, the way he was educated was, wow, the whole a to community. they don't educate their children. they trained them. they, it's like a dog, you know, take a dog and tell them what to do on the go. that is what, what was found was doing. and once they leave, they finally from the way to,
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to see the community. there are ready men in the army despite when exempted from the draft. they still can enroll the 1st 10 weeks of the war. so a real boom and at least went with 2000 ultra orthodox man seeking to join the forces. double the usual annual number from the community. the audi a is a high ready, and he's in the i d f. we made him during she them at the additional jewish 7 day period of morning over the seas to family member. his older brother who also was in the army combat to union, died in the last week gas station attack. shocked by gunman audio, says there was no problem for religious people to be in the military. he also claims the idea of doesn't need a lot of her ready. it is not interested in turning into a religious army. well, the reason politicians talk about it serves a different goals. what do you think? it's politics, the id, f doesn't need her ready. they only want to create a mess last week and
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a lot came and said we needed to do something with the her rating. and we'll say now say what he did was to silence the noise that exist because of the gaza war of, and the leadership's failure as to how they did. most of the her it is still would like to keep the military service exemption on sunday. in protest of the conscription law, ultra orthodox administrators blocked one of these roles, key highways. if the government decides to change the decades loans state to score the army could come, for most of these men, the public, even within the hair ready is divided the same route that they have a rabbi and he tells them what to do. they want us to study the tourist, so they don't go elsewhere. if he says, go to the army, they do. if he says, don't go, they don't get whoever sits in studies, let him do it. whoever doesn't and should go to the.


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