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tv   Documentary  RT  March 8, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EST

9:30 pm
it's use involving your credit and not involving freedom, not involving bus, or do you think anything different will happen substantially? you know, substantially with these be stults. we took a i think it could, but again, you're gonna have to change, change the leadership. mm. uh and it just made it, you're just add to the lensky, send his former commander of his troops to breton as, as the investor to the u. k. yeah, he's removing basically his top political arrival by sending him out of the country . i think that also shows the precarious position that the presence of lensky is inhabiting. he's worried about conflict within his own country. against him. he's worried about political, a competition against him. and i think, you know, a lot of times we seen in history, if you can have a book you may have outside your country, you can be pointing to the right from outside that lets you consolidate power for a while. but i think slipping away from zelinski at this point, indeed about steve gill, maybe a host of this, i will come and say it's a pleasure,
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as always, it's all can see. i'm looking forward to welcoming you here in moscow. thank you. mazda wrap it for now minus p discounts, and i'll be back again at the top of the hour with all the latest news on use. there are not the the e, the
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so that they go to. and so i don't remember the bundle of assault in beautiful, fully the room was a guy that called the room. and a group of we'll call the low gains of shown in the corner was 70 dead. can you hear the guy there going shed scalable data. so the league on sony day, the bottom of the little pool is what i mean, things he got it, see what i mean? the little boy, you know, these went out it, you know, face dealing with all the, most of the lower dougherty when, when is the check of you can be out low. so when we go installing the fives and those old windows on all the neighbors, so we can see what's going on. see this one about the problem of a level of you will see you then you float on the moon body on went up was inside.
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what do you did you did, does equity fund them? and like i said, i would have the vision that go sure. don't live in sony. good sense of it seems to be the issue, the fund, but sold in the me a just calling to see what the and these are a little what the result i g get. it will bundle these all the a to evaluate on it to none. the less of, you know, when you have seen it, i know norman, he's, i guess on those. so the dorothy was still going except for the bundle facility. the color of the said on the, do you guys got a full and you only but they have so many of them are comics and they will. these are they available in showing scan or gains underneath? so the way these already, like when you get a full bug or inside of other and i just take them out, you bustle from a new but when you got a switch on what you've downloaded,
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if i'm your mother was he'd be that been a well yeah, more say about, think take it down to name where you meet the company. i mean for which is the city police knowing on see, i'm a little focused on going to the log in here. so you have been mean to them on the go in the ability to look for, to lead me through the, the projects we're going to run into issues on the bills that you're going into the angle during the day when you, when the middle, the van day and ball, but the one that the season going to be always. so it was a chest. so a night on consumption, i'm like that from now. he's still most likely to do this because of the thing that god, you have the postal code gains that she paid on the enormous associated like i was the, the you know, it was don't judge and almost quits is all i need you the, you to get for the front of that off, it was sick. well, a jingle ages can actually pull up some of the, the vin,
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whether there's any dial me to jean solely for the problem. i'm gonna show you on hold. don't have the ceiling. you may have to go. that's fine, you know that let's be sort of outage in mind. you can know, but it's, i wonder if either of you know, one of them when i show it was like, i'm not there. i don't remember most of the cheese. so i think that the doctor, she has about 30, she's telling me that. yeah, i get up. i have to be, she said, the little scene, i would appreciate what i told him. great. e k, i am the apple, the nato coordinator. she said, okay, was this the one in the, the, where's the card at the bottom? i see a demo for a week. but as i said, it's okay. and i want to see that in the phone. finally that i'm on the bus up to the, the polio. so that i bought this, this the does, let me look what though,
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does it give you any one window and most of most of it on your vehicle. so they're gonna find you the most of the rebels in mind with the portfolio facilities, as you know about getting assembly, what i got on the video for just the give up number. so the group was it got him. a lot of it suited to you with annoyed data is a little girl for everybody to load up the other one and see what she's doing. what do you and what does he pick him up at the most of the middle? plenty by. she's the go on and when he died in the email, i got one of the you have a very much it in. yeah, i see a guy in the
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us all over the you know, maybe i'm of the long as you on a little bit. are you on the low model and that equity and on us, but send it out in front of it on the, on new bit. are you live on? did you buy to sit there and the volume or lower the name on the ceiling? was he got it? or we don't need to get that. he's going to be getting see him on the. i mean, she's been vintage inquiry on the boy and he's, i'm, it's a 5 dollar meal, but uh, you have a key, you know, the get the units on people trying to get federal government. the only way to do they go to julian means is going to get police cars valid. yeah, that's just what are the and more of the fees. you order my a to the god you even. but there is a senior and was going to the, but the more was even senior, but the, i, the rest of your mental. but to show me what is the
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new policy godaddy. why though to can you read an example of something only be able to enjoy and see? i mean, i, for the last one, i like a console in it, it can only go through a little bit. i can move them. i mean, it will be noise in the ink on theater the soon as i'm going for you see what do you audio this we're going to be on long as you may have humans on a few main on the same idea of what the
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content, the bundle of so to get more into what kind of a content thinking show this was flooded is showing us one of them, but video and have you ever met sending that to me? cuz i know you the certificate, but occasionally maybe the things you wanna get from you or your wife to against a human day. like you take the boys on the, for you with the a lot reading and tell him to live in the vows to tell the size of these same of
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the size utah cause the final you guys want me to go to the point. i know most of the models when it goes to in carrollton with time, you'll go down, you present the, you'll get an a get a survey is, can you read or does have it for the find it or this of it shouldn't be those fields. i was going down. okay, i can step i'm going to drive is when i'm done with you guys. i never thought it was the the level see me that when he got to come, which i can throw in the
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candle. but the muscle, as long as you know what to do about the, the i g. so sudden sea and body seen. and what do you see, what the memory edition thought and i will. so what i to, to say not, i'm not so the gate change, the get issues of you know, more, you know, check, see, but it all pulled up the difference. so again, the, i mean both to get something going on with even all. nope, does you know for 300? sure. we then we've got to use your land another way and that is that going 1000 of the the not so long as we invested all local
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to city. yes. yeah. and the laws and rules so yeah. last time everybody is getting a cnn and is there any form of you on that or somebody's neighborhood, give me on a or speak to him is on me. says can anybody but i'm going to go and she then says get the what 30 below the money, but it was great or at a reasonable until then visually to sports. so i know it could be of i think watching the most lose agree with it too. god forbid of that going thought it even will deal to just being on the being i need to see all the resumes but you all it in the most of it like going to love it on the
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own as good as even come on. one of the goals and course was a homeless kind of deal them some bogus the or get the was you the little spit out the limits in was there so sonya as myself. oh yes i go metadata, you know dan, this can be on the phone. the name name was as though is the, is the name was the middle name is and they don't it, or some of them are those basis. well, they're like, and a lot of them know your name on what that means that and know, you know, as soon as you go to zip this, we're going outside of the zip. i mean it's like a supplement there on the level. what as soon as you mean? oh good. i know what it is. oh. well, most gave me an meano's beginning of it, but his ear cuz on this list book. so get with me cuz i'm pretty beat us. see that they don't even pocket pool because the manuals going to some boom, i'm the one i'm what do you me that is who so for the most what her name is carolina 5 k, one deal at the the on the phone interview and we have them up again,
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i guess with this, so maybe it needs a movie and it looks like it really goes, there was gone post. like when it was, i'm worried, there was a ticket. and yet when i got one up here and there was a, i gave a kid that 80 the, you know, this does own name, boom, boom, boom, go you have no, and it would all buy these, i guess, i guess. i mean, as i'm probably being on the look it up. boom. let's get to the new jersey again. oh, gotcha. okay. big enough for you. okay. so based on this type of those x, i mean the
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junior on the me 3017 points that are not up to you, i will get you off the phone, them and talk. just get off the phone for like 130 and do the on the phone. are you doing? and it wants to be on the phone, throwing the ottoman contradictions to anything at all. not submitted to the army se, finality to get onto the course of wednesday. people say, well, not even a funeral on, or you how i love the cheapest and it was a by then it goes to the people san francisco and just to see if anything that, or the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, the people still level side a level of photo political laptop my ditching of any far on the some on, on uh, any dealership on east. uh, samuel maddox. you still in any city a more you somebody been you out the mail. uh no, that's what you got it. i did not some of the stuff they don't go to at all. they from the bought it enough to be a little you'll be able to, i gotta keep the my $30.00 money dial paid. the master adult will add the other, the cheese or the the on that to do it. i meant the we, i took on that on the amount of the going to the weight up on the 4th day of our upper level dogged if i see stock and we have a love just to let you talk about the video, the live, the i've just for the main build up will be k for the 600. i don't know how many
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got property that i've got. my name is out of the total. i'm a call when it's time a new took nice trying and a mind 95. she's to a spend the to year off my eyes the in the same the please that i can be great. and it was commented of a and the own girl come up name with zango and we stay for one. and that's here as to whether you filed the for so many years in the us the 1st time. and when i arrived the newest that something wrong got into the unit of id. i don't say nothing to other people some days after what's going through your mind that at the end it was one of the that's the of, of, of i'm not sure it is plugged up still. mean i'm not on the version of it. i'm not the way i'm going to run into sort of mostly of jobs, but for some of the non sparse plays a little slow season going by. so you're not really going to see a chest of video content. that choice is only going to be no much, not
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a fun. yeah. that he died. yeah. that may a single dad, the one the visa that we stick on, but they want, if i choose what i've been with them, but then for, she's was based on what's up with him or did julie mills in the mazda of the lease? but let me go to the shop fee. no, no, no, no, no. a joy indeed. so
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the nation without any issues of mind must not go to the end. they sent
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a quick check on the clean skis metal music. you could do it for the way this you might have sent me that this is a fits your let me just search for this so that he may 0. it is because of the bottom of the bins animal. but there should be still the screen. so pacifically built up at the for, for cc everybody come in and welcome the money in the line. it was that as will show off shows, is this stage live on the roof or with this is a comma. this is the 3rd suspicious, is often useful issue shayla g got the mueller is now it shows you run usually of up with almost federal, $32.00 at the shop, put and get this invest. blemish only goes to issued the move on to
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the out of doors musket in the past. can someone with a penny of caution? she do offer me a 2nd, but then we have a footstool. and yes, zip code, which is good. expensive for me. no. yeah, and the way up to choose um uh for bluetooth is 90 stick. it broke through stuck with she had to post luck with me. this land motion was and got the pre shows at the the the slip with a copy of lewis. this is natalie. uh my hits when i put it in these days because of that the deal is in the beach. i am a genius. looks a little so let's just go to the rules. yeah. but is it your interest? yeah. monday it was that not some issues i'm will dish and that should in good
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faith. love the genie, this is over on it lose, it gets sort of when you mind, if so please what digit post a particular this means that the measuring that would have says a, so i'm going to feel like i'm, it's just new scenes miss that will come out of mine please. she has to refinance the g to go home and you take any. so going to go ahead. i'm sorry, some simple sadie. fall, my darling out and, you know, can i and i'm, i go down know, creating the feel out my product were from value. um oh, you know, we had a lot of people that the wind don't toward that to the west and account was go home . and we to that gratian to rush on for that issue not to someone and don't want that we thought. and so our problem and now it's just to keep up the, our forces holes together and try to make
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a change in our county the way. yeah. and stuff. so if you go on to the tiny apple p, i'm not a, i don't know a time that i'd be sure to begin with that main drag bicycle you saw out if you want exam. and they would all talk will recommend that doing some charlotte on the phone on the side of mock up and we'll see a fax it in uh for will soon, you know, it's on the queen piazza for the bus. stop it. yeah, i mean, i've talked to somebody, so what they've done while you really me, i mean, she's energy reading in general and almost went to the back of the middle when it was id, better school as i need. uh, if i got a albany because she really need the phone in law and they'll, they don't know, check the money and he's a go to the will be with you as you read the, the guy who plays the game so many,
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but it looks like she's been going quando and i've been sort of the, she does even the about and you know, low 20, but she's like is here. but it is you on the line or see a steven duty bill push into i think it was it, but be meant that bought a brand new the. ready the, when it came back from the, almost suddenly it was somebody difficult to really infinity show, it puts plain that they own their point of view of nice war. on the point of view of people are of a known less than the point of view of and they were creating an empty, fascist. they point of view over i shut down. so i've been something that it was incredible. it wasn't the 1st time that the parents that the, the time, you know, the secret service make it. so i'm just here about 12 people that,
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that's not to go any more into the nation. i was one of these 12 people. and so, since, since that's the steps to work and you need that information because i think that to be done in government. yes. that they quoted that from the american government, not the or
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the term like web demos. what i'll do is i'm going to be the, the general i'm going to tell you that because of the vehicle to you and to really just been, she's open monday and on, must have been was, are the image that i said i had been very sort of a mean it see any of any on that? what was you know, the other for on the age in the us, one out at a. so going to get signed up with him, but he went to another one to insure it for the out. the i've been was other was he was only i've yet to the objects to him, to me,
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to put towards the with. so in the video when they'll be able to actually forget to like either one or 2, but she singled box, you don't you have. so that gives you shed a southern w at the moment when he got to you. but give me assume for the people when we use any sort of or somebody to go out inside the get a moment on the, on the, in the most us to send it. i don't think over in the us going to and then sees will go to
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a good place. other the the tab to the establishment of the vases for his email is been in 1933. the position of the indigenous population in the portuguese colonies deteriorated dramatically, especially in angola, decatur and tony all day. i live at salazar, encourage colonizing b and golden lands by europeans, and sought after turning the country into a portuguese province. where the and goldens would be 2nd class people. in 1961,
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there was an outbreak of violence on the part of the portuguese, in revenge for the plantation workers, dry portuguese aircraft bomb. the villages in northern angola and race riots took place in african parts of lawanda. the people of angola rose in an armed rebellion . the rude jealousy of the colonialists knew no bounds. despite the un calls to stop the violence, the portuguese only intensified their terror against the rebels. the 40s actively use the political contradictions between various groups of rebels during the war colonial aircraft regularly use a farm and drop the fully and san peaceful villages. the portuguese empire was severely exhausted by the struggle against the national liberation movements. the revolution in portugal brought down the processed regime and put it in to the murder as war against the people of angola. on january 15, 1975,
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the l bore agreements were signed and the country gained independence after so many years of the brutal war. the, the, the things about way expels us a mission. according to the state department, to move comes up to america in post most suggestions on the countries, improvements officials, humanitarian at job kills 5. a guy is a city of a potter. she failed to measure the results of israel's blockade on for the crossings. also i had one say it was quite clear though, president biden hasn't got it. he's touch yeah, super good lawmakers, slumber joe biden states of the union address, which he keeps all by focusing on ukraine instead of building issues on the home from


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