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tv   News  RT  March 8, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EST

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is the way expels us a mission. according to the state department, the move comes up to america in post most functions on the confused government officials. a humanitarian at a job kills 5 in garza city. up to a power soon fails to open the semester as a result of israel's blockade of border crossings. also, one thing was quite clear, though. president biden chess hasn't got it. he's out of touch us republican lawmakers. plumb joe biden, states of the union address, which he keeps off by focusing on ukraine instead of burning issues on the home from the
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7 and parent must go. this is all to international money. is pete to scott's here with all the very late suspects? the joining this is it bobbino authorities have expelled admission of the us agency for international developments from the country that comes up to washington in post functions on the countries government officials. i'll take correspondents and the vehicle and go picks up the story. we understand that the united states has sanctions and bob is present, gimme some non god bless its 1st lady. and as a government officials indeed is within the government on that side for the electorate involved meeting corruption and to schumann writes abuses the non golf. while the president is accused of protecting gold and diamond, michael is who operate is above which, directing government official to facilitate the state of golden dime is in listed markets and taking bribes and exchange of full. she's um, services, among other offenses and among other things. and all of that has now led to the presence of the united states to sign and executive board of the 10 minutes is
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involved with national emergency and votes as above with specific sensors. and to right now, we've just got a hold of a statement issued by the united states, stating that the last 2 months as involved with detained and supported officials from the united states who were in the country to conduct an assessment of governance and democratic reforms that be not, could stay save. this was unjustified and unacceptable, but also the president office has had his host to respond to these allegations. and this is what they had to say. and bob way takes great exception to gratuitous slander and defamatory remarks by officials of the bite and administration against the sanctions and bob way, leadership and it's nationals. what adds to the outrage is that these bald and damaging accusations are not backed by any type of evidence we condemn. these militia statements has completely uncalled for as defamatory, provocative and as a continuation of one to in hostilities against him. by way, by the us government,
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the statement states as well that the government offices and bible has said it wants to pursue international re engagement and democratic reforms that it's a x is undermine those claims. however, according to the united states, it was supposed to be important is that the census the which will block in the u. s . based property and block any i'm official to travel to the united states, to replace a boy dad to dictate all senses program again. and bob we are. what is also very much astounding is that's the one of this, the disturbing facts that wisdom countries for all the political brittany i have yet to come to terms with the fact that there will be no reversal of the land reform. and we said to him and program, which is of course, the source, also this whole put to come in and the source of the inputs. this been of these sensors that because if you talking about you is it but way section movements found
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to route 10. don't match in your all right, says the recent restrictions imposed by washington or an attempt to make an example off is involved by on the defensive report fund. the president pulled up like least the academic c c, which started in russia. those we just put to save face, the americans did look want to look like they are being forced by a small little country to remove the sanctions. those sanctions can be challenged in court because the nation in those $1011.00 individuals, we couch those be individuals be which we have forced to try. so i believe that they'll send you the put the american to save face so that they don't look like a single hour. that is be forced to remove it. sanction by a 3rd world, small country where some countries is never used to consume the applicants is equal partners. they never even consider the applicant as human beings. as the united states could impose sanctions on civilians and collectively probably so to feelings . yes, the international, you know, and the human rights know that they,
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the americans and europeans, created even before africa was independent stage of the collective punishment. people by persecution, of united healthcare education or sanctioning institutions that provide service to human beings was always a crime against humanity. moving on to other news. now at least 5 palestinians have been killed in garza city when a power suit failed to open during a humanitarian ad drop. so it shows the drops being distributed as people leave the scene. a job is have been attempted by a number of countries up to israel, located land crossings. we spoke on the phone to do a list of terminals that's already been rough. i've been told was more dirty. a government under just gave me a new release assessment surgery that they will not the ones who are and toggled that i'm the, i'm not just went to them for the, the, for those jobs to turn to the lead time. there must be finally called me or some
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story behind that, and they should also be held accountable for doing that. i think organizing the entry all the players include the profession. there, the space is much more complicated than just knowing the text, but i'm from the is that it seems to be continuing whatever it's doing and the measurement community seems to be a need to hold them accountable for the things that i think that's it. most important keeps failing to commit them to accept one regular and safe way to deliver the food and the like 30 to apply to the people to products. so the international community coming up with different plans and different approaches, and yet they are paid by that is a need to patient that is not just one day of working for any of the initiatives to serve defense. they're going to have to be temporary and who's suffering exaggerated by that is a need to jump simple thing. a plan to complete the open is going to be involved, denied the civilians were killed by the us dropping age. i mean the sold, james,
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who's the policy and pediatrician says it's humiliating for both palestinians on the us as well as refusing to open ground cartons. if you look at the border crossings, you will have hundreds of trucks seen with humanitarian aids awaiting the pen mission of the date. because the in the army to get through and p for a lot of really dying from hung up and got so with no explanation and silly they might have states isn't, is suggesting to drop the humanitarian aid from these guys from the plains, which is very humiliating. not only for the palestinians, it's very humiliating for the us. the president might then be unable to, to mix, to get at, at a reasonable use. and simply by asking,
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is there any to up in the bought the crossings and to live the many tent in 8th, which has been binding up to the board of daughters for, for me that for a few months now, it is a shame axworthy, for the civilized countries to allow such situation to happen. meanwhile, the children's death told has to pass the 12000 according to local, helpful, far to nibble ins, unconventional babies being most at risk, and many having to share incubators, image shortages of equipment. children have also started dying from malnutrition, but mothers frequently giving birth to underway papers. just to be dealt with the last, we've noticed that since december, they're not babies of normal weight. most of them are from $2.00 to $2.00 and a half kilograms. we have stop seeing babies waiting 3 kilogram since october, as there is no nutrition for mothers. there's no mit milk, eggs,
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fruit or vegetables that beautiful and um, so that and the mom who lost her son due to mel nutrition due to the circumstances were going through in gaza. we live in a school inside of 3 meter, 10, right in front of the toilet. what are you expecting for a sick child living in such conditions? how can he get better? meanwhile, another time reads for aid has been announced by the pin commission us on the ricardo with legs on the cypress and gossip know the difficulties faced at the land borders in ga, that'd be it through the rough of border crossing all through the jordan road. how are you doing? and that is why 2 days. the republic of cyprus, they european commission, the united arab emirates of the united states, of course, supported by other critical partners, announced our intent to open the maritime carried on to deliver much needed additional amounts of humanitarian assistance by sea. ships from cypress can reach
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concepts in around 10 hours. the operation was launched on friday with the you expecting the car door to be fully opened by sunday. us initiates the projects incentives to build a floating port by garza and press. the button says toby, north american troops on the ground tonight, i'm directing the us military to lead and merge the mission to establish a temporary peer in the mediterranean, on the coast of gosh, i can receive large shipments, trying to water medicine, a temporary shelven. no us boots will be on the ground, a temporary peer will enabled a massive increase the amount of mandatory assistance. getting you guys every day. israel's foreign ministry has welcome the initiative, but these folks supposed to do the assess the security checks would have to be carried out the restaurant. as x ray also said that it may take a number of months to fully set up the car at all. that's a long list, while it's, sam says that the roots may also actually make much as worse, and that's uh,
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the $1000000.00 question. how can such caught it or avoid what has been happening before? and there are 7 crossings that isn't and have direct control of for 6 of them. if we want to explore that a foot board which is directly connected with kind of thing as an addictions alone . so it would be more, it would be more easy and more feasible to make sure that this a breach is causing store throughout most 6 crossings the the ground and it could be done with, is it a aly supervision? i see it must think of them if this is done done to improve and enhance or basically publish the image of the americans. they will be on sundays ladies as well. and it is unlikely to be practical on the grounds, because even if the medicine, colorado is established, that's the easy part of difficult spots would be once the age reaches the soil or the shore. how would the,
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with the distribution be conducted and who is going to be responsible for that? and there is a palestinian field from such a maritime colorado and that it could be used eventually as it out to task. but it's kind of spins into cyprus, would buy uh, is it a alia goals? uh, that has been, uh, normally have. it has been because normally the science of, uh, uh, getting creative cousin displacing to them for the is a 80. so the substance casa, meanwhile, in washington, the protesters have taken to the streets to denounce jo biden's approach to the cause, a conflict that was ahead of his annual states of the union address. on thursday evening. the several 100 protest is blogs, jo biden's, most of k to is it made its way from the white house to congress, still even holding signs showing biden's face reading genocide. joe is addressed by
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them, was expected to focus on domestic issues, licensed elation and the board of crisis as well as the boy in the mid least. let's say you unexpectedly kicked off with the address, but ukraine knows a lot of moving. the far more. i go home the if we stay with you, craig, and provide the, the
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crews asking the the must be honest. the threat to democracy must be defended.
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the buttons message drew rules from the republicans books high praise from the former house speaker, nancy pelosi, the president joe biden state of the union address was a master class. vigorously presenting his bold vision of progress and possibilities for all of america's families. if you look at it objectively, it seems that you know, the big concern here is joe bite is cognitive capability. this is always going to be about, you know, how he said things and how you perform much more than what he actually said. it seems that this was deployed, you know, a choreographed attempt to my job. i'm look, freshest, sharp has a pin that he was bouncing through the crowd high fiving people like some,
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and then they fight or a pop star. there was a little bit of cringed with. and more interesting is how the pro joe media feel like reported on this incredible performance. he's almost a teenager. the guy is, you know, fresh as a daisy the presence delivered and he delivered huge tonight. i mean, the just me energy, the vision he was fired up, he was shouting, he was angry, and anger sometimes has a way of looking energetic. any really leaned into that. everybody knows if this was a great space, joe biden delivered what has been described in the past so far as, as a feisty, fiery, heated supreme crunch rep. i'm sorry. so you can see, you know, you'd be forgiven for thinking that this message was sort of, you know, let, let's make sure everyone thinks on. this is great. joe isn't 81 years old. it doesn't have any problems. remembering things, he never confused the egyptians and he is rarely seen those. what date is he knows what week it is making. you know it's confusing, isn't it? makes it disbelieving what you're actually seeing and thinking yourself is that how
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do you see this media coverage? is it an attempt to convince people that biden's fits a says yeah, well it seems the particularly again, as i say in the pro joe media, there's a lot of correlation to the messaging here. we had people like at tucker carlson at watching this following it in great detail the minute by minute in a live sort of recount. and we've also had americans taking to a social media uptake the on to twitter to suggest this car is completely out of touch with reality for ordinary americans. there's a lot of problems in the united states. 40000000 people living in poverty, families are struggling to get their bills paid. people are struggling to pay their rent as well. so let's have a look at tucker carlson is response and you got to say she holds a dozen whole back and gives them both barrels in this and it's quite quite a tool for sponsoring took across if that was possibly the darkest, most american speech ever given by an american president, think it wasn't a speech, it was a rant, entirely lacking in decency or generosity to his fellow americans. button quickly
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explained that actually as top priority has nothing to do with america's top priority is sending billions more to ukraine, not ending the invasion of our own country by drug cartels, not our degrading economy. you experience every day that are collapsing schools. there's no explanation of what the goal is here. there's a lie after lie to a button, doesn't care. there's no upside for you in any of the things that he said, as i say it was the republican response to the address being like, well, it's been predictably, almost angry in that the response. i mean, as the republicans have suggested, that white is a completely out of touch. mr. trump, of course, came out and said that this was the angriest, most bad humor, a state of the union address in history, that may be the angriest, least compassionate and worst state of the union speech ever made. it was an embarrassment to our country, like so many families across america. my husband wesley,
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and i just watch president by the state of the union address from our living room. and uh, what we saw was the performance of a permanent politician who has actually been in office for longer than i've been alive. the one thing was quite clear though, president biden chess doesn't get it. he's out of touch quite cycling. this a smiling lady delivering the rebuttal of speech on usual. but suppose to take away nicky from a bite and speeches is that if the only good thing about the speech really was, i mean he did mention you in ukraine and the speech 1st. the 1st thing he mentioned the speech was you kind of course, which is also telling about the biting administrations priorities when it comes to the united states. if you find comes 1st, if the only thing boy had to do is not fall off the stage, not forget somebody's name, not make a catastrophic mistake as he's doing and many, many other forms of this. and pretty important american speech. if that was the
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only thing that it was, the real success of yours, that he didn't make a complete fool myself and many ways at that says a lot about the state of us politics. let us talk, show host uncommon sites. so steve, most of the told you didn't on the, on the job, i didn't, didn't look also on presidential during his speech. first of all, he started the speech about 18 minutes late, but he also did something else. at the beginning. he jumped the gun. usually the speaker of the house who sits behind him during this speech with the vice president, the speaker of the house, the announce is officially ladies and gentlemen, the president united states and they apply it again and then he starts his speech. there was no announcement because the president didn't wait for him to be announced . yeah, ukraine was the, the opening at topic it is an election. your leaders tend to talk tough at doing that. um, the ukraine war, i suppose is good territory for that. and what do you think americans were
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listening in and not stephen just thinking of who is the only minute? is this the state of the union address and key of or in washington? i was shocked that he started basically with ukraine with everything that's going on in the country. when you look at poll after poll after poll of what topics, what issues are most important to voters in all the states that have bought it in the primaries? you had it, right. it's immigration, it's inflation, it's the economy. and it starts with, with ukraine. it was definitely a campaign speech without a doubt. he was combative and, and you know, when he finally got to immigration, 40 minutes into the speech, 40 minutes, the number one issue in america right now. any way to 40 minutes to get to it the guts of 6 months out or so from the election. no, will this speech willis have help to his re election at shawn says, or by dint of of donald trump at not being mentioned by
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the incumbent leader? can he just sit back and watch his numbers rise even even more? know the reference dim 13 times or more from what i gather, but he never mentioned in by name box. the media is already saying, wow, funny. this shows his age is not an issue. he has the stamina. it was funny. did you tell he was come back to take a do it. wow. that's like, you know, what? it's march the beginning of march. we got to go to november. a lot of stuff is going to happen to donald trump, to joe biden, to this country, to the world. and i don't think when push comes to shove, this is going to make that much of a difference. the in other news, us house democrats are set to pro evil most space ex company does the following and verified reports of russia's ledger, the use of his stalling satellites. and the one you train we write with great
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concern the russian forces may have illicitly obtained and used space exploration technologies, corporation owned, star linked internet satellite terminals. it is alarming that russia may be obtaining and using your technology to coordinate attacks against ukrainian troops illegally occupied regions in eastern and southern ukraine, potentially in violation of us sanctions, an export controls house democrats requested space ex, provide details on reports of the possible use of stalling satellites by russia, you current intelligence claims and have to convince such incidents as must go may have obtained the term and those unemployed them in the bustle field. congressman, once in our space x is doing enough to prevent russia from using the tech and although you create in officials raised these concerns, a number of weeks ago us inquiry was not requested until the whole most commence with republican presidential candidate donald trump. now the pet reports of late
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discussed most possible funding of the former president's campaign host of conservative de podcast. jo oldman says that the house pro is designed to put pressure on a political opponent. i don't think anything of the democrats do is a coincidence uh, based on the state of the union. i got to listen to a little bit of that before i came on out there. liars, the democrats are liars. so they'll build a story and they'll create the same thing that they did going back in 2016 the russia hoax. the ran then as well. this is just another one of those things that can do in order to create propaganda in the marketplace. and i don't think the eli mosque is running around trying to get involved in any worse. matter of fact, he's been very clear about war itself and the fact that he would like to see people come to the table and come to a peaceful resolution that will stop the conflict. on the other side, i think the present, the president trump and the and the law must meeting has a separation. he basically a shot across the balance of the democrats and they're going to do everything they can to try and be stabilize the why must hoping that that will lead to him not
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putting money in or, or supporting the former president. there is a large contingent inside of this illegal apparatus, illegal government that, that we have currently in united states that has no boundaries. they do not believe that they're subject to any accountability or any consequences. so i would not be surprised at anything that the democrats in or is una party that we have in united states were due to the american before anyone that was standing out against their evil dates. julia massage has be made a month to free speech, depart not despite not having stolen any state secrets, but that's at least as the opinion of ireland dish of it's who's the format, how the law school professor who is represents both us on and donald trump and the insight interview with option what's on the on going to ground does add on oxy. this thought today was his a quick preview, and it's hard to use the justice department of trying to get julian assigned to the united states despite the opposition of all the journalists all around the world,
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the australian government, the german government, i understand that you defended daniel's bugs the late den elizabeth is being on this program, i think is worse than the 1970s. given what's happening to judy and assigned his health as he was tortured in britain, according to the un, special are up to it is much worse. i was one of the lawyers on the pentagon papers case, and there at least people were treated with the degree of decency assigned has really been made a horrible martyr to free speech. and i am honored to have been part of the is legal defense team, and if he is expedited united states, i hope i can help him avoid prosecution. i think he has a strong case. remember, he's off the one who stole any secrets like daniel ellsberg did. he's more like to new york times. he publish them, and the new york times wasn't even prosecuted galesburg was, but eventually the case was one. but i don't think our son should be prosecuted for
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publishing material that other people provided to have. the real question is, will we be confined pending a resolution by the grand jury and he's been to find far too long. already i met him in england before he was confined, and he seemed to be in far better health and spirits. then he was after he went into the ecuadorian embassy and then confined, and he's likely to be confined in the united states. and that would be too bad. i mean, he comes as close to being a political prisoner, as we have had in a long time in the united states. and so again, i've represented many political prisoners in my life, ranging from nelson mandela to not touch her for ascii. and i'm wanting to continue to defend political prisoners of, of, of every stripe and background against depressive, government persecution. the finally, new cleanings, good services haven't rated the house of an orthodox christy. and the cleric bus up
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to the openly called cubes. as of brigade members. not says, well, what i'll do is have accused metropolitan odds, priest boys, brodsky, of spreading russian propaganda and look from the narrative versus drawing attention to the case, calling you the latest and this is a pride down spike here on the canonical you claim you an orthodox church, the priest had been arrested over the past 2 years, including the lead of kias or this monastery. if any parliament is now paying a bill to bonnet the traditional judge and replace it with all sensibly a politically by its organization known as the orthodox church of ukraine. my colleague, mike, of course, they got reaction from the been based generalist. jason, michael, you compare keeps track down on the judge to the actions of a know the 20th century regime, or in the whole, what does this say about the state of the country itself? it says that it's modeling model buttons and very similar to the process that we saw happen in the some device in germany, in the 19 se,
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an effort to buy the states to suppress commandeer at corrupt, uncontrolled with church. as in an, as an independent voice of critique of the state. this we have seen happen again here in ukraine with an effort to fill classical roles and possessions in the church with right wing extreme nationalist noises on. yes, the evidence is there, i'm has been there for a very long time. but the, as all the in particular has demonstrated extreme right wing leanings and is a duty. it's a model obligation of the church to speak truth and to condemn this as an extremely dangerous ideology. we are seeing very similar things happen in palestine at the moment. we see some of the most historic churches in the world being destroyed by our united states all lie in the middle east. i'm religion and religious
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institutions, particularly when the co opted by the state has become strategic and assets to west of the military power, which has shown itself to be quite aggressive, an expansionist it. and the actually part of the, the 21st century as well. that's all for me, pete scott, but union o'neill, we're taking over to take you through all of the top stories as the we can get from the way. thank you very much for the gap, which was deal us with peer reviews. me the queen benefit of everything lecture here's your list of criteria is do it. i see ration of explaining why the additional 5 chairs are still good.


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