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tv   News  RT  March 9, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EST

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praise when they produce democratic outcomes, we don't like the the at least one person is killed and several wounded in a shootout within the haitian capital made escalating gang violence in the caribbean nation. the united states is responsible for these chaos because they are the ones who send the web us to create it all. the locals are accusing the us, the feeling. the crisis in haiti this uh we were cold. washington's notorious hot red coat of metal, the engine of the nation. the things that com is involved way expels the usa mission and retaliation full function on the african countries, the official plus with the guns, the war. now with it 6 months, we get
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a 1st time the account from a journalist who is extensively how that becomes next on the ground for our see before. recently, evacuation just safety in time. when i basically lost all access any safe place to work from 10 units to serve my people. so i decided to to connect again with the canadian consultants on the line. hello and welcome. it's just touch 2 pm here in the russian campus. so, and you are watching all see international with the latest world news update is great to have you with us. our top story, we start with a developing a story in the haitian capital where at least one person has been killed and several wounded, made rampant gang violence that a large scale of cells on friday. so the presidential palace targets it,
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as well as the interior ministry, and the local police headquarters themselves should be reported throughout the night, forcing civilians to seek shows that the guns announced that have seized control of large parts of the haitian capital. this one is roads leading to nearby savings as a situation deteriorate. so for a case of extended estate's been the to see for at least one more month, we heard from a haitian woman who lost a house, but then the latest finest level. when i arrived here, i saw a crowd of people moving around. i immediately worried about james and when i reached house number 4 to be, i came across the body of my husband, finding the street. james had never been in contact with anyone. he was a single secret salesman for a company on a motorcycle with us since we struggling so including as well as violence rages info to problems. haitians are choosing the us of dragging the country into calles this postage from friday evening. so as a local police station in smouldering ruins on vehicles outside,
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also touched by mobs, offices 5 flags to disperse, angry crowds, haitian gang leaders, one department is the aerial and re who's currently outside the country to resign. you know, his failure to handle the security and the economic crises, thousands of inmates also escapes earlier this week during the prison break. many were tied to that guns. his it was, some locals told us about what's holding it, that it is the haitian government that agrees with against the united states is responsible for these chaos because they are the ones who send the weapons to create it all realize that, oh no, just continue to use the one who gives the weapons to it again, it's to destroy our lives and everything we have. he's the one who knows everything . tale succeeds that the haitian border with the dominican republic. 2 is police struggle to support schools of civilians from rushing across the 2 tower being countries to an island territory of the 15000 patients are said to be recently
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displaced, submit the spiraling situation in the country, a former spokes person. so the libyan government moves that abraham spoke with his earlier saying, washington sees benefits and unrest in hazy, his, his rational for that occupation. this is a trick, an american tick that does not fully me any more and i hold that will state and get hair. many more people will be aware of that. again, you would wonder about if you truly believe that's what the americans want, is a stable and 6 you or country of how you can. but if you understand the game, that's what they want is calles. what they want is a continuation of the weakening of the structures of the country. because when that happens, then american companies was very powerful with billions and billions of dollars in
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there under the command, sick and easy to control such a weekend. and can you take a government's or country structure? so it's in the interest of the americans to dismantle all of this and make sure that k o is continuous. and that's how you think doesn't see the light of the day. doesn't have a period of peace and all that in which a popular democratic movement can flourish and voice itself against the policies of american companies, corporations under control of the height and economies. nations on the only ones that using the us of options leading to turmoil in the country. washington's policy in africa has also been raising plenty of questions to listen to what was discussed to the recent american state department briefing in the united states does not support violent or on democratic changes in government, in africa, or elsewhere,
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and all violations of us export regulations. will be punished to the full extent of the law, but that referee the united states is about support violence or on democratic changes to government, africa, or elsewhere. we do not somebody grappling as the us state departments votes. firestone scurried away. the question still hangs in the air. that's because the answer is definitely not so simple. and rewriting history doesn't pass the smell test, us train troops. i've been involved with at least 12 crews in west africa and the greater so whole region during the so called war on terror as america scoured the globe for the next leaders to gift with a revolution. the places where america has conducted military training include burkina, faso, chad gumby, a guinea. molly, mario tamia. i need year to name a few of the doesn't last year. victoria new in the us under secretary of state
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a k americas soon to depart. redeem change. queen was asked what the us was doing to slow the parade of african officers over throwing governments, which the us have trained them to protect. so some folks involved in these crews have received some us training, but far from all of them, you need to talk to them about why they are over throwing their governments are a message in all cases was that the citizens of these countries deserve to see democracy restored and that particularly in molly and burkina faso, we expect both of these interest governments to meet their commitments, trying to explain it all way if you want mrs. newland but washington will have a tough time washing of the hands of involvement as since the 2 thousands. it's
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regularly deployed. small commander teams to advise assist and the company local forces even into the battlefield. but this involvement has led to the stabilisation as an increase in terrorism. the latest to orchestrated by some us free and troops in africa took place a new here just last year. and it's not a topic us senators are afraid to openly admit. it appears that the united states trained yet another 2 leader in africa. it's a disturbing trend and a sign of how badly miss allocated our national security spending is on the continent. it's a recipe for disaster. and it's part of the story about why crews are spreading all across africa in lots of places where the us has delivered lots of military assistance, but not enough economic cooperation. but who can forget the 2011 us sled operation in libya with the removal and assassination of pan african,
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a small market dollar fee. the k off lead to the, the civilization and privatization of the countries oil industry, putting wealth into western hands and created what some of called the libyan slave trade. all quote, under the guise of humanitarian intervention, 3 came, we saw, died. have anything to do with your visit? i'm sure the it is own was this here for profit that bush's needs, the american government, an american needs to send their troops and the agents around the world, or the case of libya. it's very clear they wanted the oil and libya is one of the
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richest countries and the commodity of volume. they wanted the geographical location, libya, centers, the mediterranean sea is regarded as the northern gates of africa and they wanted in libya's somewhat in funds. these events help these stabilize these nations, which then lead to more us and western involvement. and the more recent of military coups is, of course, washington's bloody fingerprints have also been found in latin america and the caribbean. recently the white house deny that the us is forcing haiti's prime minister to reside while pushing for new elections in the country. we are not, we are definitely not pushing prime, the prime minister to resign. that is not what we're doing, but we have underscored that now is the time to finalize a political core to help set haiti on a path to
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a better future. and that is something that we've been working on for some time. we've been working that on that with the care. com, so that is nothing new. we've had those conversations and also the haitian partners on the path to restoring democratic order in haiti through free and fair elections, inclusive governance and power sharing. this will give the people of the an opportunity to democratically elect their prime minister. a reminder that 20 years ago this weeks, the us government plays paid easy. then elected president, who had called for the french to pay reparations on a plane from guantanamo bay to the central african republic with a false flight plan. after he was relocated, a qu, ended a decade of democratic progress and more information today, points to the c i a 's direct involvement. it took the us 58 years to recognize haiti's independence. their priorities haven't changed and today's american policy
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is more or less consistent with the way it's always been. the crew of september 1991 was undertaken with the support of the us administration and in february 2004, it happened again. since then, haiti has endured 2 decades of a revolving door of us 5 for james and today the caribbean nation. welcome cit. cool anniversary. without a single elected official and office and no elections inside, while most haitian space catastrophic humanitarian conditions. so here we go again . more intervention and haiti, more of the same from america as countries around the globe, shawn past colonial powers, and seek independent homegrown leaders that have their country at heart as russia and china and the global south form a multiplayer world. in the face of former us dominance and control and bob were in a storage phase of expelled emission of the us agency for international developments
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from the country. washington has called the move on justifies a claiming usaid stuff, episode the assessment of democracy, human rights and the governance in zimbabwe. the expulsion came shortly off, the washington snap functions on the african nations top. officials, including the presidents, his press secretary slams the bind to the ministration for making quite unfounded allegations. to zoom above wait, takes grid exception to gratuitous lender and dissemination remarks by officials of the, by the ministration against the sanction zimbabwe leadership and its nationals. what as to the outreach, is a big, bold and damage, and accusations are not big by any yards of evidence. we condemned these militia statements as completely uncalled for as defamatory, provocative and as a country new ation of once and has still tease against him by weight, by the us government. local officials also stated that they have our governments as
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due to risk bones, perhaps the us claims to be wrong. washington housing, post a series of sanctions on, is involved with the allegations of human rights abuses, targets like the southern african financial assets. and the number of individuals we heard from a permanent to on to sanctions. octave is didn't. zimbabwe who stays the recent restrictions imposed as simply and demonstrating american power. the sanctions that report fund the president pulled up like least react in a c. c with started in russia, of those we just put to save face the americans did the look, want to look like they are being forced by small little country to remove the sanctions. those sanctions can be challenged in court because the nation in those 1011 individuals, we couch those individuals, people with forced to try. so i believe that they'll send you the put the american to save face so that they don't look like a single hour. that is, be forced to remove it. sanction by a 3rd world,
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small country where some countries is never used to consume, applicants is equal flatness, they never even consider the applicant as human beings. as the united states could impose sanctions on civilians and collectively published yes, the international, you know, and the human rights know that they, the americans and europeans created even before i have to go into spending stage of the collective punishment. people by persecution, of united healthcare education or sanctioning institutions that provide service to human beings was always a crime against humanity. so essential gone. so where are these states? civilians were reported. the killed india all by on friday is the idea of keeps up as relentless, bombardments, hello, cynita. officials say the advocates desk told us to post the see 1800 people since october the 7th. distressing for which those locals carrying the wounded as well as
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bodies of the dead to a local hospital. most of the casualties is the lace of strikes in that area. all set to be chosen. little victims could still be trapped under the rubble of collapse. buildings which rescued for his ends, volunteers a scrambling just as well as the un will instead some gauze and showed when i was starving to death international get to rushing to provide a to the i'm baffled enclave. but one such as well possess to been trying to day with the least 5 people crushed to death by a pallet of supplies in gauze of stacy due to a power suit failure. so i'm, i'm a just a t h film during that incident. so schools of civilians rushing to pick up supplies as a phone from the sky. i'm at the ruins of buildings destroyed by the ideas. hundreds of aid packages will add to up to this week, find a number of countries, but we want to tower in groups. say, it's not nearly enough of a 2000000 displace dawson's in desperate need. here's how a local civil defense spokes person describes the destiny incident. so much the
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it's a tragedy added to the ongoing tragedies experienced by our palestinian people in gather to meet these bloody war in the region. 61 aircraft dropped 8 supplies to citizens in the northern areas of the street, but unfortunately, these power shoots fell directly on the hands of stimulants. these led to the depths of 5 individuals and the injury of more than 10 people, including critical interest. i'm son. we've heard from the social on the canadian palestinian journalist who spends several months covering the war from inside gaza . full arch. hey. he's now evacuated from the enclave to task. explain for us. how we might have to escape the was that on the beginning of november, the canadian government todd range to, to put myself my wife and my children on an approved list to leave those districts to the, to via the border to agent. so i was on that approved list for the, for the last few months. and when i basically lost on taxes and any
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safe place to work from you and is to serve my people. so i decided to to connect again with the canadian consulate to norma law. and i thought that i could add more value to the people in palestine from the outside versus inside because especially during these, investigating times and successfully, you know, i passed through that off on the board there. it took a few hours. we were given a 72 hour visa image to stay in egypt by way by which might issue the temporarily. canadian passport as mine was about to expire. and i decided to come to door basically because to put it to cannot escape theaters much motor, philistine and family, which would allow us to continue to work. we stopped taking the visor for weeks, months, or who had used, where the focus of fronting speculation as to what had happened after
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communication. what was lost with you. and on one side, you had the people saying that he was maybe apprehended by the adf. other people said he had to go underground because of the, the relentless attacks by israel. some is really people were calling you a uh from us. i said, how did it feel to be in the midst of that, of that media storm. not reporting about the story being the story in any way i was a mess. message is really is wouldn't have tools meeting for the board in any person that leaves the board. or even if now is national the bus sports, they need to get 3 approvals, waterfront bursting, one from israel and one from egypt. so the matter of fact, once i got the approval to leave by the, is really forced, it shows up and nothing that's, i'm not an assets off uh off for from us when we went missing,
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we were always there in the new one is it's just that we didn't have internet connection, so we so afterwards, let's later on when we were able to come back safely, join us or hospitals more to milwaukee. so we learned to yes, there was a lot to focus on finding really my sore. and i have mixed feelings because i want to focus to be on the 2400000 other students civilians who are suffering and not just on, on, on the, on, on, on a person, but at the same time. so i felt that this was how the push or story more in terms of the month, sort of that example. also put a scene invoice trying talk the scene in pause. and we need to utilize his voice and his brands in order to ensure that you know that right, so the students about returns. the most goes representative of the un security council has said that the was strategy of using ukraine to hold back. russia is
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failing, but diplomats also spoke of the situation on the front line as regards to the delivery of legal aid, zekia from west and partners. what card was it? the same thing, what happens is obviously not enough. as we've seen. we simply the much huts, adams tanks are burning just as well as the gentleman the pods. almost the same as the previous slip tie goes. and tom says in ukraine a 2 years ago, it is obvious that no arms supplies can stop the agony of the key for theme, it is difficult to interpret the front precedence microns was about the need to send the allied troops, the crane to prevent the fall of keeps res, seem differently, it's a shame, but we didn't hear how these studies could lead to a 3rd hole in the price representative speech. it's also shame that they usually active gentleman representative express, no desire to speak. it would be interesting to hear comments on the leaks call between the high ranking german officers discussing how to help you, crane,
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destroy the coach bridge and cry me up in that same call, but heard confirmation that american british and the repeating meal to advise us all in ukraine, helping ukraine's military choose which targets the hits. so we confirmed something does we have talked about for a very long time that each use of western long beach by punch against civilians makes the supplies accomplish. this is the last case and he's cliques, violations of international humanitarian law. you're creating a cold, the un security council meeting off to a missile struck a building in the port city of augusta on wednesday, and delegation from grace. let's find the country's prime minister. was there at the time of the incident versus a high precision strike hit the road in factory, the us radio host on political commentate to steve gil things preston. zelinski has been trying to fool weston's allegations by claiming he's a target for most because he is part ineptitude. and it's part of the intent. again,
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i think that when western visitors go there, they want to make it seem the tvs under a task under a software that's really they're getting hit by their, you know, anti aircraft and anti missile defenses. more often. and then rushing up as well as targeting keys. the battlefield is a long way from there for they have to keep fooling both to come and look into thinking. that's where the fight is taking place. like i was in the don bass regions on this guy very awful in september and, and i saw no u. s. media i saw on the european media. cnn wasn't there in mississippi. see, was not there, fox was not there. we're not getting the reality of what's happening reported in western media that they're happy to send reporters into gaza. they're happy to interview leaders or from us. but when tucker carlson talks to present food and he's vilified as some sort of a traitor. where is the western media on the russian side of the battlefield? giving the truth about the missiles that are hitting bakeries and other civilian targets,
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causing casualties that the west is simply doesn't report. the bus locals are gearing up to cost the ballots. and next weekend's, russian presidential election for the 1st time, all these women calls are of 12 to one such and through the icing. bosa is being covering the conflicts. there was a journalist and will correspondence since 2014 or to just like it on the which it's the glass. i'm with you soon. the entire population of done bass will be voting for the 1st time in the russian presidential election. i'm interested to hear from you as someone who has defended his homeland, not only with weapons in his hands, but also in the information space. what do these elections mean to you? in general, of their students, it doesn't much the to, but of option the can let me edit a c or from us. i don't think i need to tell you how people here in don't bass feel about the russian president. this is the man who gave the future the don't best 10 years of this uncertainty. people did not know what would happen tomorrow. it would
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just decision to recognize it. then they ask him, the guns people's republics. the decision to conduct a special milledgeville peroration. cancel the thing is a decision to make, don't best part of russia. these are all decisions of the code and precedents. i think there is no need to explain how people perceive it. people feel about this money to make these decisions, to make these decisions, knowing what the consequences would be for the whole country. pressure from the west sanctions, it seems to strangled the country. these decisions were made easy and the people of don't boss a grateful for that. the metal done by someone that i didn't say it before, the events of 2014, i was involved in journalist. i was a newspaper mine, most of my 1st nation was the events of the so called you may down in the tier from the beginning of those events that defined now and i work as a newspaper in the winter still of these in don't bus started and i tried to do some good wherever possible, where i sold it. i could be of some use morton while i continued to do journalism
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as a war correspondent until the events of 2022, 50022. when mobilization began and don't pass for my goals, and you know, i haven't seen for unit of the voice though, but at least we were given the opportunity to continue doing journalistic activities. susan, this is laquita with childers bonds, can assume you have some homework. we've created a civilian population and there was small co much tasks as well. of course we didn't know stone houses, and we help as much as we could. we kept filming, you kept recording everything that was going on. and now i'm still doing a to this day, it was, according to preliminary information. they have already been civilian casualties on the territory of the dentist, people's republic, and down right
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now people use of the ministry of millions of situations and the domestic public. we're dealing with people here when gauged, extinguishing the flat and the residential sector sales a full and again your e mid visit if he's been instrumental in helping out. so the locals here and you sent them off to engulf and in other places that were targeted by the ukraine and artillery fire. we performed the several of these a human, etc, and sas together. just like today we brought some humanitarian aids for the refugees from of the cold, warm clothing, medicine, food and other things as well. as you can hear, we can still hear shots being fired by you for now and sorry, never the nevertheless, the people here are in need and right now will deliver this a to them the,
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the big dumb way. when we tell some stories about people who need help need support, and yes, we saw how it was supporting mean from old russia for known bass, which was not yet bought of the russian federation. adults so exist as a deluxe is this is a different regions of different staples, a whole for us. you helped us get rid of people from all region source responded of us. sometimes we raise global sums for surgery, for children, for rehabilitation of flight. just don't boss is always fail the support of rush, fight them with them was thing veteran stuff but yes cool. but i see the solution of to start and what does the ration of of dave coming to you? the flow whole thing got weighted and hoped for very long time for 2 years, really like mice in the basement. when we came here, d, as in nevada and it was like another world and there was lights and some people are walking around and somehow the shops are working out of the degree direction troops
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where people waiting for them is shown here. and of course, it was my birthday when the russian troops entered or street where you and it was my birthday that all of of gave go. will remember such a gift. but yes, along the way did one to do is there are no complaints, everything is fine. they met me very cordially. the food is good. there's a lot of attention. there are no problems. thank you all for everything that is done for us with a completely different human being. and this is now one of the temporary accommodation centers for refugees from of dave, which is in guessing about how it looks like. of course, these conditions can not be cold, comfortable, but everything necessary to bring people here to resettle them to, to provide them with 1st a video with the issue of documents. everything is that a new school collect the missed ya. how many years that we've been working together and every time i wish it was the last time we were doing this kind of thing. but no
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matter how many more we will do any more constantly as long as help is needed, because i'm sure the local people were giving this help to. they'll help others themselves when they've overcome the grief here and what the point is because the people here, they're certainly the best representatives of the human race. it seems to me. so let's help now and then they'll help all of us to if we need it. god forbid, of course, but let it be so you die, walk in your son who was with the tech people are coming away next. don't carry out . here with the latest episode of the waste of low is taking a closer look at the story behind the $911.00 hijackers. i'll be back to the top of the hours mondays. i hope to see you then the the,
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the september 11th attacks where the defore.


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