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tv   Documentary  RT  March 9, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm EST

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is the original rebellious colony. it was the 1st independent nation of latin america. always the haitians who k boulevard, the guns troops printing presses and a boats to carry out the liberation of the continents. so heavy has always had a revolutionary all we could say and has really been kept down us meddling in the country, has really brought it to where it is today. and um, i can save it. uh, the patients are increasingly clear on this matter that uh, it's washington who is behind all the maneuvers to bring in foreign troops blackface proxies. like, can you try that mean they're trying to bring in bandwidth dash bahamas, barbados. but behind the scenes, it's the us, canada, and friends who are running the show. well, the us state department spokesman said washing does not,
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washington does not support violence. so on democratic regime changes what, what do you think you means given the long track record of us, supported the uprisings around the world or yeah, as well. yeah, he means to camouflage their own uh, nefarious role in haiti. they carried out to code a ties in the past 30 years, one in 1991 against the president jump. they are trying our steed was the 1st a freely elected president of haiti and then another one in 2004 when he was elected again in for 3 years. they ran a campaign to i was tim and eventually succeeded. so it's just uh, ex strawberry uh, topography and go straight face line that we see coming out at the state department today is face to cry. the so called gang violence, which is really nothing more than a popular revolution against us domination of the country. 6 most of the crux of
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the here with the interest that, i mean, we have these, this list of notorious us interventions across the planet is pretty long. sometimes it's about oil. and sometimes it's about something else. what interests to visit us to have and how you see which could lead to further involvement as well. i think the largest part really is it's geo political position. he is sits on the windward passage, the direct c route between the eastern seaboard and the panama canal. it is next to cuba and the dominican republic, uh cuba being the primary principle, socialist country in the western hemisphere, we could say, and the dominican republic who is probably that's the best example of a neo colony. and so he, if it were to go the route of cuba, would be a tremendous, right? because it shares the island of hispanic dollar with dominican republic. and this
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is one of the reasons why also the clinic and start pushing very much for, for an intervention. even though they can't do it because of the historical relationship between heavy and the public. so yeah, we see that as well as apparently the mineral wealth hittie is said to have iridium, which is very important in the new economy. oil uh uh, gold. it is more or less proven the of the there is about $20000000000.00 worth of gold dusted in the mountains of the northern haiti, even though they dr. below up the mountain tops there and sluice it with sign. i'd get at it, so there's a lot of reports and rumors of vast mineral wealth. so i think it's primarily it's geo political position. it feels like a way where it made a shift, especially when it comes to the view of the us role in, in the well, the,
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especially with regards to the emerging nation since the global south overall. how do you think the, the global sentiment towards the u. s, these is changing or oh yes, absolutely. we're watching the collapse of the us empire and um, which is bringing down with it. it's a european vassals, western european nato slash bottles. it's, it's quite a spectacular to watch. and 1st we saw the ukraine tobacco. we saw then the israel palestine tobacco and how are you? i'm in and now haiti, which we boffin called into the liberty, the palestine of the western hemisphere for its target determination. again, started great odds. and so i think, yes, uh he, uh and it's possible revolution. i mean, we don't know if they'll try to drown it in blood and bring in the 2nd airborne and
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tried to crush it. but we do know that right now they have lost control of the situation, and this is a contributing to the disarray in the us empires, chambers of the direction who i speaking, sir. thank you for your time. and kim is as english language and it's a of hazy, live as a news outlet. thank you. thank you. thank you. patients on the other ones accusing the us of options needing to 10 well in that country, washington. this policy in africa has also been raising plenty of questions to a somewhat less than so what was discussed at the recent us state department briefing. the united states does not support violent or on democratic changes in government, in africa, or elsewhere. and all violations of us export regulations will be punished to the full extent of the law, but that referee the united states is about to afford violence or on democratic changes to government africa or elsewhere. we do not somebody grappling as the us
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state department spokesperson scurried away, the question still hangs in the air. that's because the answer is definitely not so simple. and rewriting history doesn't pass the smell test, us train troops. i've been involved in at least 12 pills in west africa and the greater so whole region during the so called war on terror as america scoured the globe for the next leaders to gift with a revolution. the places where america has conducted military training include burkina, faso, chad gumby, a guinea, molly, mario tamia, and need year to name a few of the doesn't last year. victoria new in the us under secretary of state, a k america soon to depart. regina change queen was asked what the us was doing to slow the parade of african officers over throwing governments, which the us have trained them to protect. some folks involved in these crews have
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received some us training, but far from all of them, you need to talk to them about why they are over throwing their governments are a message in all cases was that the citizens of these countries deserve to see democracy restored and that, particularly in molly and burkina faso, we expect both of these uh, insurance governments to meet their commitments. trying to explain it all way if you want miss is new and but washington will have a tough time watching a pensive involvement. as since the 2 thousands, it's regularly deployed, small commander teams to advise assist and the company local forces even into the battlefield. but this involvement has led to the stabilisation as an increase in terrorism. the latest who orchestrated by some us trained troops
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in africa took place a new here just last year and it's not a topic us senators, are afraid to openly admit it appears that the united states trained yet another to leader in africa. it's a disturbing trend and a sign of how badly mist allocated our national security spending is on the continent. it's a recipe for disaster. and it's part of the story about why crews are spreading all across africa in lots of places where the us has delivered lots of military assistance, but not enough economic cooperation. but who can forget the 2011 us sled operation in libya with the removal and assassination of panama for can a small market dollar fee. the k of led to the, the stabilization and privatization of the countries oil industry, putting wealth into western hands and created what some of called the libyan slave
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trade. all quote, under the size of humanitarian intervention, 3 came, we saw, died. have anything to do with your visit? i'd sure the news or was the serious for profit that bush's needs, the american government, an american needs to send their troops and the agents i around the world. i remember the case of livia, it's very clear they wanted the oil. libya is one of the richest countries and the commodity of volume. they wanted the geographic location libya centers, the mediterranean sea is regarded as the northern gates of africa. and they wanted in libya's somewhat in funds. these events help these stabilize these
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nations which then lead to more us and western involvement. and the more recent military coups, of course, washington, the bloody fingerprints have also been found in latin america and the caribbean. recently, the white house denied that the us is forcing haiti's prime minister to reside while pushing for new elections in the country. we are not, we are definitely not pushing prime, the prime minister to resign. that is not what we're doing, but we have underscored that now is the time to finalize a political court to help set haiti on a path to a better future. and that is something that we've been working on for some time. we've been working that on that with the care. com. so that is nothing new. we've had those conversations and also the haitian partners on the path to restoring democratic order and haiti through free and fair elections, inclusive governance and power sharing. this will give the people of the an
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opportunity to democratically elect their prime minister. a reminder that 20 years ago this week, the us government plays paydays, then elected president, who had called for the french to pay reparations on a plane from guantanamo bay to the central african republic with a false flight plan. after he was relocated, a qu, ended a decade of democratic progress and more information today, points to the c i a 's for wrecked involvement. it took the us 58 years to recognize haiti's independence. their priorities haven't changed and today's american policy is more or less consistent with the way it's always been. the crew of september 1991 was undertaken with the support of the us administration. and in february 2004, it happened again. thanks to many of the same people. since then haiti has endured 2 decades of a revolving door of us 5 for james and today the caribbean nation. welcome cit.
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cool anniversary. without a single elected official and office and no elections in sight. while most patients face catastrophic humanitarian conditions. so here we go again. more intervention and haiti, more of the same from america as countries around the globe, shawn past colonial powers, and seek independent homegrown leaders that have their country at heart as russia in china and the global south form a multiplayer world. in the face of former us dominance and control to central guns where at least 8 civilians were reportedly killed. india alpha on friday, as the ideas keeps off, its woodland, less bombardment palestinian officials, the bank types. dest told us of pounds, but 30800 people since october, the 7th of owning, he might find the following images. obsessing video shows locals,
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carrying the wounded, as well as bodies of the dead, to a local hospital. most of the casualties of the latest strikes in that area, a set to be children. more victims could still be trapped under the rubble of collapse, buildings which westgate cruise and voluntary is a scrambling to stick with. the un has was that more than 90 percent of goals as population is on the brink of starvation and several countries of a range, humanitarian supplies to be dropped from planes. jordan seitz's military has carried out a number of 12th to note the northern parts of the and flavin cooperation with egypt, the us, france, and belgium delivery. i'll be much anticipate today. it has been modified. tragedy is several crates of opposed to the phone and directly on the weights in crowds, injury civilians who have gathered at the 12 sides. at least 5 people were crushed to death on friday, on a pallet of supplies and going to the city due to a power sheet failure. here's how a local civil defense spokesperson describes the deadly incident. i am
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a social boss, it is a tragedy and added to the ongoing tragedies experienced by our palestinian people and gather to meet these bloody war in the region if you want aircraft drop 8 supplies to citizens in the northern areas of the street. but unfortunately, these parachutes fail directly on the hands of civilians. these led to the depths of 5 individuals and the injured of more than 10 people, including critical interest. i'm so we have some social economic, canadian, palestinian journalist who spent several months covering the war from inside gauze a full on see. he's now evacuated from the enclave to cancel and explained. full is how we managed to escape the was the on the beginning of november, the canadian government todd range to, to put myself my wife and my children on an approved list to leave those districts to the, to via the border to egypt. so i was on that approved list for the,
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for the last few months. and when i basically lost on taxes and any safe place to work from you is to serve my people. i decided to to connect again with the canadian consulate to norma law. and i thought that i could add more value to the people in palestine and from the outside versus inside because especially during these, investigating times and successfully, you know, i passed through that off on the board there. it took a few hours, we were given a 72 hour visa image to stay in egypt by when, by which mike issued a temporary canadian passport as mine was about to expire. and i decided to come to door basically because to put it to cannot escape theaters much more or less teen and friendly, which would allow us to continue to work. we stopped taking the buzzer for weeks. months. are you you where the focus of front expect relation?
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i was to at what had happened after communication, what was lost with you. and on one side, you had the people saying that he was maybe apprehended by the adf. other people said he had to go underground because of the, the relentless attacks by israel. some is really people were calling you a uh from us. i said, how did it feel to be in the midst of that, of that media storm, not reporting about the story being the story in any way i was a mess. message is really wouldn't have up to me leaving for the for and any person that leads the board or even if now the national, the bus sports, they need to get 3 approvals, waterfront bursting, one from this room and one from egypt. so the matter of fact, i got approval to leave by the is really forced, it shows up on the time the assets off uh off for from us. when we went missing,
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we were always did you want is just that we didn't have internet connection. so we would, so afterwards let's, later on when we were able to come back, see if you join us or hospitals more to milwaukee. so we learned to yes, there was a lot of focus on finding really my sore. and i have mixed feelings because i want to focus to be on the 2400000 students civilians who are suffering and not just on, on, on the, on, on, on a person. but at the same time, i felt that this was how the push or story more in terms of the month, sort of that exact and also to see me and voice trying talk the scene in pause. and we need to utilize his voice and his brand in order to ensure that the, you know, the right. so the bus students probably turned publish. bomb is on said to press on with weeks of protests,
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solve the failed talks with the police department as to about cheap properties from ukraine on thursday. you little make is going to do crazy. and food produces tax free access to local markets for another year. here's the take of all the contributor, rachel mazda inside the bank, top 10 of the european union circus are smaller clusters of both, those take the blocks tre, community, for example. where do you have farmers all over the block? turning highways into parking. lots and legislation arrives from defacto queen of europe. first will of underlines royal birth date of death. jock is of the european commission to renew free trade with no duties and quote is for non u farm products from ukraine that are decimating the use gary on foreigners while you think of it just might be a good opportunity to play the adult rather than to reflexively reach for the red nose in the rainbow wing. but no, all habits die hard apparently and that deal has now been renewed from june 2024 to june 2025. there were some suggested amendments in favor of better protection of
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you farmers, but they came from right wing parties, so it'd be establishment figured they could just shoot the messenger and carry on. like cows weren't being tear gassed by riot police, of the parents agricultural affair over they didn't started having what's being called an emergency break, which implies that would actually stop an accident. in this case, it's basically going to be applied after the clown car has already reached the average speed at which it's already proven to have slammed into things like, for example, their own farmers, tractors. concretely, that means the terrace on you for in farming products could only be slapped back on in the event that imports go above the average import levels 420222023, which for already the same levels responsible for sparking you farmers protests and that dodge the brake job, it doesn't even apply to all that you've ran in grain that was supposed to go feed
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the world's poor, but somehow ended up just getting dumped into europe. instead, polish farmers have an opportunity to enjoy front row seats to this or his being right on the board with ukraine and bearing the brunt of the policies and well, the reviews are in the scholar. something has changed or it has changed for the worse. the us started to impose its ideology on us and today it's the farmers. this applies to farmers, for example, the climate revolution, this climate package, green energy and green order, which someone will introduce, unfortunately, will destroy polish farms. first of all, the products, not only from ukraine, but also from outside europe, the stabilize our economy and will lead farms to bankruptcy. that is why there is such great outrage not only in poland, but throughout europe, pharmacy, a great threat that the funds are at risk and that they will simply have to stop producing. now it's worth noting that the full you parliament gets to vote on this next week. but the western process talking about it like that's all, just
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a simple formality. yes, i figure the odds of enough of them growing a spine over the course of just a few days is relatively low. so that leaves the use most needy child. poland and it's prime minister over in the play room with foster kid ukraine begging for some real parental supervision. we're talking with ukrainian side about temporarily closing the border and closing trade. and i will also talk to polish farmers about this. and such a solution would be temporary and mutually painful. we are the most pro ukrainian states, but we also have the biggest problems in all of europe resulting from the russians ukrainian war. the price of free trade with ukraine is too high, and we can't pay back. and despite poles getting poor in all this, you create in present via mears whiskey says the kid of is the victim here because what was once it's best friend in the whole you family is also now getting set up
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because we must finally find a solution to the situation on the postage board, which is going to be on both economics and morality alone go. it is simply impossible to explain and how the hardships of a bleeding country can be used in domestic political struggles. so any lawmakers when renewing the self only exemptions for you pray made a point of saying that basically you have only has to keep flooding the block with her noble chicken and whatever else. if it promises to behave itself, which means no corruption or organized crime or human rights violations, guys or a violation of democratic principles, which hey, let's face it, to be honest. seems like the you have set a pretty low bar for any way, but that bar looks like it's now even headed lower. if those same, you trade officials, they're having to entice to behave democratically actually end up serving in the you themselves. and as an estimated cost of just this, between a 110 and
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a 136000000000 euros. so the tax fair over 7 years. that's according to a new western think tank analysis with the kicker. be the 85000000000 of that would be in the form of agricultural subsidies, making you freight and the biggest recipient of those. think things are bad. now. wait till there are more miles to feed. and all the kids are fighting over who gets the bigger piece of the ever shrinking pie. many thanks for your company this last a day that so for me, for today, rachel ribble will be here with all the latest in just a few minutes the spending their juvenile, like the use of incredible proportions. only my
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turn now to the latest on russia's presidential election. well, well, at least turned it up the, the release of come to the russian states. never as tight as i'm one of the most on screen and the best most i'll send send up the keys 195 and speed. the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the rush to day and split the ortiz full, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the 76 question. did you say even closer to
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the in the 2nd half of the 1940, the powerful european armies were losing their college one of the 1st to start collaborating? what's the dutch empire? on august 17, 1945. the declaration of independence of indonesia, a former judge, colony was proclaimed liberation movement 1st led by the national here of the indonesian people garden. this, however, amsterdam had his own plan, which was to defeat the revolution. moreover, they were supported by great britain. the colonial troops setup control over the
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main cities in the country, but the countryside remained in the hands of the rebels. and the resistance continued growing. in 1946, the british left indonesia, whereas the dutch did not want to lose power. and switch to the tactics of total terror. in december 1947, the royal troops committed a massacre of the inhabitants in the village of robert got a 431 civilians were killed. all in all the lives of 100000 indonesians were on the conscience of the dutch colonialists and their allies, mass executions, and regular bombing did not help the netherlands. their troops got blocked in the cities, the world community demanded to put it into violence. and the empire started in negotiations. in 1949, the head round table conference was held in the kingdom of the netherlands was forced to recognize the independence of indonesia. a sovereign muslim state appeared on the world map and became one of the most powerful countries in the
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islamic world. the was a major issue in pretty junior sally by giving me a good condition initially, the finding appreciate the goals and because of the issues simply with blue cross to get to the city because of the consortia, the cases they chose coastal academy. this new competitors doesn't mean you guys to put them on the, on the road, leaving you a little bit early. as far as the most important part, some of the risk adjust it is the point is this wasn't able to sell any successful . it wasn't built. somebody give the treasure of single additional read on up i'm forward to for, for motion which might get a lot of the
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the, the initial or she and it was patient, the younger civilians. protocols, young officials during the in chatting region of the bus on the hands of showing shooting contacts to them. we have some sort of forward and i'm wondering if somebody wants to spend some don't sort of sure which one of those recently me know to the most useful to the pointing to get angry. so by knowing me to the expect the smoke, but i'm gonna use the isn't boy more spirit grammar and the by the the way to somebody alone, extra money medium. and then assuming anthony, ask my key at the ending and i do that. sure. and then, you know, when continues and let me just test on them for that or can you but
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the still showing what are you mean by the southern using the the,
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the amc lead south african government accused is an opposition party of attempting to sell up the nation sovereignty by enlisting us support during the upcoming elections as verified in a document obtained exclusively by r t. also, it has the united states. he's responsible for these chaos because they are the ones who send a web us to create it all patients. the claim to us is meddling and appealing the price of the country. as at least one person is killed in another round of an escalating gang violence in the caribbean nation plus with the gaza war now. and it's 6 months we get it firsthand account from a journalist who's extensively covered the complex on the ground for our teeth.


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