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tv   News  RT  March 9, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] the, the amc lead south african government accuse is an opposition party of attempting to sell out the nation sovereignty by enlisting us support during the upcoming elections as verified in a document obtained exclusively by r t. also, it has the united states is responsible for these chaos because they are the ones who send a web us to create it all patients. the claim to us is meddling and fueling the prices in the country, and at least one person is killed in another round of an escalating gang violence in the caribbean nation. plus with the gaza war now and it's 6 months. we get a 1st hand account from
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a journalist who's extensively covered the complex down the ground for our teeth, the for recently evacuating the safety into toner. when i basically lost all access, any safe place to work from you is to serve my people. i thought that i could add more value, the people in palestine from the outside versus inside because of the you are watching archie international. i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. recovering the top new stories from around the world. the south african government says it strongly condemns at times by opposition, leaders to sell the country sovereignty to washington. archie has obtained exclusive documents and verifying the democratic alliance party has reached out to the us state department seeking partnership in the may 29th elections. it is outrages that south african political parties are appealing to foreign governments
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to interfere in our electoral processes, including through funding of so called voter education activities. display is a clear attempt to bring about regime change. the skies important needs take language. south africa sovereignty is not up for sale to any country, whether it'd be from the east or the west. the gain c condemns in the strongest terms of the da's and it's one shot onto transformation, a line sale of our sovereignty. those obvious thing to me is by the reading cox, the code to st. update. so a need to by the official opposition party. i'm asking the you is to interfere in the nation process also back because this is of costs not see it public, but i'm seeing that sylvester can face it as a statement around optimal correct techniques is on the 29th of me, the tensions add to new services or read the papa books, the 1st free election companion to the 1994 was the already characterized by tensions environments, but also by
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a great deal of hope in searching that this is the most critical election in 30 years. also the african democracy at the central office, of course, is the african national congress. the huge vacancies of africa, imports black majority rule to select projects. but then again, multiple polls in the past few months. it's shown that to be in seats could get below 50 percent. however, president offered the countries the post as publicly said, that it is confident that the is the will retain its majority in the upcoming elections. as the alternatives include the lift wing, copy this call to the economy, freedom fighters, and also a former prison. jacob zoom unexpectedly, very recently, declaring support when uniformed opposition party i'm calling to is sees which but the biggest opposition party show is the democratic allies. it already holds power locally in key areas of the country each, but it struggles with an image of problem many black. so that becomes
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a struggle to vote for the d a because the need a is a white man. and menu say that it is a white party. it is also the democratic allies that sent the data to the city to state of the united states. anthony banking, through the us. some vested interest of africa saying that it wishes to supplement its appeal to the international community and helping to ensure the integrity of the upcoming elections. the n. c had said that to the d a is the offerings of africa, sovereignty on a silver platter by sending this increased. but that's a move on that. we know that has the geo political sands continue to shift. those of us invested in the political values of freedom, tolerance, peace, and democracy must do everything in our power to stem the rising tides of populism, fanaticism, oppression, and tyranny. it is our contention that as the ruling elite grow more desperate to retain electrical support and of the upcoming elections,
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they may be willing to put their narrow political interests ahead of our country is broader interest and sacred constitutional values. we therefore appeal to your government to recognize the high stakes for south africa in the lead up to and the aftermath of the n p. e 2024. it is in this context that we now formally request our partners in democracy to engage with consequence in the run up to the election . and that's what we're looking at here comes as a shock to menu. so that free time because it hasn't even been 2 months since the african prison settled. i'm opposed to say that, and this is a case against this is all in the eyes to j could result in foreign powers interfering with the outcomes of this close to the next is that we. * are looking at and now this is happening with this new city watched the office, the position party is austin, among other things that is for resources to be made available to both stuff, the deployment of the additional independent domestic observers. the also asking
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that the you is provide the vote to education and capacity building for domestic money to the and it was asking that to the us house to safeguard against any attempts to disrupt the democratic, prostate or influence the electoral procedures would listen formation. and this information, of course b and b has had a chance to respond, and it has made it clear that to be it welcomes the constructive engagement and dialogue with all political parties, both domestically and internationally. but it will not tolerate any attempts to undermine its democratic proceed. oh menu, it's election or the country's evictions. that it has also called the democratic alliances agenda. absolutely. and also in humane and you'd also remember that this is not the 1st mid tough. that's the d a has decided to issue, but this one, it says it's somewhat saw past that the previous ones that he has been to the g 7 countries or even the you asking them to direct support. i'm have concerns about
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foreign interest feeling to be met. now the question that to me is how can a position bring the long about potential for any to feelings? well, at the same time, it is practically austin the united states to do so. earlier we spoke exclusively to african national congress spokesperson, milling the bank. do much siri. she says the ruling party isn't surprised with the attempts of resumed change, given the opposition to political stance. we don't know what the suppose will be or has been for all the us. but we do know that there and we are going to, and we always expected that there would be an attempt at regime change the democratic a lot and said the police come and pointed to positions that they stand for would drive very well with those in the job, i notice that do not want to see how about the new quality, the ra, dictated across the world, and particularly in the countries of the south,
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and to do so the, because if you look at a, as an example, if you look at the 11 spill split a cover to end inequality in the wisdom cape. the only problem is governed by that, the way that the ac where the government, the government will. but go and have a look. they have a look at. they lash conditions under which the minority leaves and going to look at the state of townships in, in cape town and the outside areas of the wisdom keep go and have a look at the pipes that way, you know, the fuse is not collected even what is predominantly known as black areas and colored communities. it can communities that gives us totally, both they give us the or any quality that is not going to be raised unless they different government takes a lot of the wisdom teeth. so, so it's a, it's
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a question of those that want to maintain in sustain or the new customer will slip, i do. but i must say that to comfortable you in that we have strong internal controls in, in, in the country in terms of robust and independent of these situations that are meant to safeguard elections in the i, u. c. so, but also working with the bodies such as the sub of in human rights commission in many others. and we are comfortable that keeping the cd and so far is the solution . we wouldn't be able to protect the serenity of uh, of south africa. you can be assured that uh, we will look any attempted to closing uh with i'd say us, so any of the, you know, like we would look at a note just as the agency, the people. so they'll pick up. we blocked danielle attempted to interfere with our addictions from now to another part of the world where the u. s. has reported lane
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molding the deployment of the marine security team to haiti. i meant the country's ongoing at gain crisis. well that's the local is the cues washington itself of dragging their country and the chaos with at least one person killed and several wounds at the mid rampant gang violence and the capitol. a large scale, a saw targeted at the presidential palace, interior ministry, and local police headquarters gunshots have been reported to out the 9th. the gangs are now said to seize control of large parts of the haitian capital, as well as roads leading to nearby city authorities have extended the state of emergency it for at least one month. we heard from a haitian woman who lost her husband in the latest by when i arrived here, i saw a crowd of people moving around. i immediately worried about james and when i reached house number 4 to be, i came across the body of my husband's line and the st. james had never been in contact with anyone. she was a single secret salesman for a company and he owned a motorcycle. she was simply struggling to make
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a living. with this footage from friday evening shows a local police station in smoldering ruins, while vehicles outside were also tours by mobs. officers fired flares to disperse angry crowds. patient game leaders want prime minister ariel henri, who's currently outside the country to resign over his failure to handle the security and economic crises. thousands of inmates also escaped earlier this week during a prison break many returning to their games. locals blame washington for the unfolding crisis, is that it is the haitian government that agrees with the gang the united states is responsible for these chaos because they are the ones who send a web us to create it. all. i realize the owner of this country is the one who gives the weapons to the dentist to destroy all life and everything we ask. he's the one who knows everything. the 3rd to add, it seems that the haitian border with the dominican republic has play struggle to stop scores of civilians from rushing across the 2 caribbean countries,
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share an island territory over 15000 patients are sent to have been recently displaced and that the spiraling situation in the country does cross live now to daniel shaw, a latin american and caribbean studies professor at the city university of new york . at daniel, regarding what we're seeing and hating, what would you say is the root cause of the crisis i just returned from haiti last month. i was in porter prince and what i hear from the haitian people over and over is that all of this k us has been well organized, well orchestrated in plan from washington, d. c for a number of years as 2010. when hillary clinton flew into port a prince and benighted michelle, martha lee as the prime minister of the dictator of, of haiti in march to lee in the ruling party. the p h t k is use these games which in not getting their parent militaries, the mercenaries that desk wide to do the dirty work of the us,
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economic and political interest in haiti. the gangs can't be held responsible by anybody where is the haitian military and the haitian police, who have a long history of repression of the people can be held more accountable. so it's, it's, it's very necessary to critique and counter the points we're seeing in the miami herald in the washington post. that this is a purely the haitian government's fault. it has a much bigger, international and historical context. it is the us primarily to blame or has the us involvement just exacerbated the problems in the country. i would say from a, any historical or sociological point of view u. s. foreign policy is to blame the was the us for us clinton and bush, who orchestrated to cruise against the democratically elected government. if john returned our steed is the us who's now orchestrating their 4th invasion and
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occupation of haiti, but their pain, can you in need in the bahamas is to do the dirty work. so we can talk about an invasion in an occupation of a neo colonial nature. but in blackface, washington dc gives the 600000000 to william roots show the neo liberal leader of, of, of kenya. to carry out what comes to a neo colonial invasion that doesn't benefit the haitian people is already over half a 1000000 illegal u. s. guns a wash in haiti. i've done all of the research along with others. all of these gardens are coming through florida. they're all us weapons that a fueling this gain crisis. what, what interest does the us have in a haiti that's led to its involvement there? to economically haiti has abundant mineral resources, the radi and the, the, the gold, the gas reserves. politically. the us in the neo colonial powers have continued to
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punish 80 for its legacy of freedom fighting of 18 for revolution diplomatically they want hades vote in the united nations in the hallway as in other regional. it's ok, so they continue to try to isolate china and in, in been as well or in cuba. so those are some of the motivations or with dr. paul farmer called the uses of haiti. it's a huge missed that the us could care less what happens in haiti. it's always been the us embassy, the us intelligence departments, depending on the state department and the us presidency that has made the ultimate decisions on haiti's destiny. they were the ones that decided to put our real and re into power. and the other ones who decided now to take our real are we out of power, who is a foreign power to decide haiti's destiny? right, well even there daniel shaw a latin american and caribbean studies professor at the city university of new york . daniel, thank you. thank you. rich. haitians aren't the only ones accusing to us of actions
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leading to turmoil in their country. washington's policy in africa has also been raising plenty of questions. let's have a listen to what was discussed that a re send us the state department briefing. the united states does not support violent or on democratic changes in government, in africa or elsewhere. and all violations of us export regulations will be punished to the full extent of the law. but that the united states is about support violence or on democratic changes. the government, africa, or elsewhere we do not somebody grab the rest of the day as the us state department spokesperson squared away, the question still hangs in the air. that's because the answer is definitely not so simple. and rewriting history doesn't pass the smell test. us train troops, i've been involved in at least 12 cruise in west africa, and the greater so whole region during the so called war on terror. as america scoured the globe for the next leaders to gift with
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a revolution. the places where america has conducted military training include burkina, faso, chad gumby, a guinea, molly, mario tamia. i need year to name a few of the doesn't last year. victoria new in the us under secretary of state a k americas soon to depart. routine change queen was asked what the us was doing to slow the parade of african officers over throwing governments, which the us have trained them to protect. some folks involved in these crews have received some us training, but far from all of them, you need to talk to them about why they are over throwing their governments are a message in all cases was that the citizens of these countries deserve to see democracy restored and particularly in malia and burkina, faso,
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we expect both of these uh interest governments to meet their commitments, trying to explain it all way if you want me, if to 0 in. but washington will have a tough time watching a pensive involvement, as since the 2 thousands it's regularly deployed. small commander teams to advise assist and the company local forces even into the battlefield. but this involvement has led to v stabilisation as an increase in terrorism. the latest to orchestrated by some us trained troops in africa took place a new here just last year and it's not a topic us senators, are afraid to openly admit it appears that the united states trained yet another to leader in africa. it's a disturbing trend and a sign of how badly mist allocated our national security spending is on the continent. it's
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a recipe for disaster. and it's part of the story about why crews are spreading all across africa in lots of places where the us has delivered lots of military assistance, but not enough economic cooperation. but who can forget the 2011 us sled operation in libya with the removal and assassination of panama for can a small market dollar fee. the k of led to the, the stabilization and privatization of the countries oil industry, putting wells into western hands and created what some of called the libyan slave trade. all quote, under the guise of humanitarian intervention, 3 came, we saw, died. have anything to do with your visit? i'm sure the
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news or was this here for profit that bush's and needs the american government, an american needs to send their troops and the agents around the world. i remember the case of livia, it's very clear they wanted the oil. libya is one of the richest countries and the commodity of volume. they wanted the geographic location, libya centers the mediterranean sea and is regarded as the northern gates of africa. and they wanted libya's somewhere in funds. these events help these stabilize these nations, which then lead to more us and western involvement. and the more recent military. coups, of course, washington and the bloody fingerprints have also been found in latin america and the caribbean. recently the white house denied that the u. s. is forcing hades
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prime minister to reside while pushing for new elections in the country. we are not, we are definitely not pushing prime, that the prime minister to resign. that is not what we're doing, but we have underscored that now is the time to finalize a political court to help set haiti on a path to a better future. and that is something that we've been working on for some time. we've been working that on that with the care. com, so that is nothing new. we've had those conversations and also the haitian partners on the past to restoring democratic order and haiti through free and fair elections, inclusive governance and power sharing. this will give the people of the up an opportunity to democratically elect their prime minister. a reminder that 20 years ago this week, the us government placed hades, then elected president, who had called for the french to pay reparations on a plane from guantanamo bay to the central african republic with a false flight plan. after he was relocated, a qu, ended
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a decade of democratic progress and more information today, points to the c i a 's for wrecked involvement. it took the us 58 years to recognize haiti's independence. their priorities haven't changed and today's american policy is more or less consistent with the way it's always been. the crew of september 1991 was undertaken with the support of the us administration. and in february 2004, it happened again. thanks to many of the same people. since then haiti has endured 2 decades of a revolving door of us 5 for james and today the caribbean nation. welcome cit. cool anniversary. without a single elected official and office and no elections inside. well, most haitian space, catastrophic humanitarian conditions. so here we go again. more intervention in haiti, more of the same from america as countries around the globe shawn past colonial powers,
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and seek independent homegrown leaders that have their country at heart as russia in china and the global south form of multiplan your world. in the face of former us dominance and control that's a central gaza now where at least a civilians were reportedly killed in there all the law on friday as the idea of keeps up. it's relentless bombardment. palestinian officials say the enclave of death. toll has surpassed 30800 people since october 7th. a warning you may find the following images disturbing to video, so as low calls that carrying the room that as well as the bodies of the dead to a local hospital. most of the casualties of the latest strikes in that area are said to be open. more victims could still be trapped under the rubble of lumps buildings with rescue prison. volunteers are scrambling to sift through
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the u. n. has warned that that more than 90 percent of guys this population is on the brink of starvation and several countries have arranged humanitarian supplies. to be dropped from planes. jordan says it's military as try it out. a number of drops in the northern part of the enclave and cooperation with egypt to the us, france and belgium. delivery of the much anticipated and much anticipated aid has been marred by tragedy. as several crates have reported, they fall in directly on waiting houses, injuring civilians who gathered at the drop size. at least 5 people were crushed to death on friday by a pallet of supplies in gaza city due to a parachute failure. here's how a local civil defense votes person describes the deadly incident. and myself hold off. it's a tragedy added to the ongoing tragedies experienced by our palestinian people and gather to meet these bloody war in the region. serial and aircraft dropped 8 supplies to citizens in the northern areas of the street. but unfortunately, these power shoots fell directly on the hands of stimulants. these led to the
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depths of 5 individuals and the injury of more than 10 people, including critical injuries. my colleague, unit know neil heard from months or schuman and canadian palestinian journalist, who spent several months covering the war from inside gaza. for our t. he's now evacuated from the enclave to cut our and explain how he managed to escape the war zone. on the beginning of november, the canadian government todd range to, to put myself my wife and my children on an approved list to leave those districts to the, to via the border to agent. so i was on that approved list for the, for the last few months. and when i basically lost on taxes and any safe place to work from you is to serve my people. i decided to to connect again with the canadian consulate to norma law. and i thought that i
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could add more value to the people in palestine from the outside versus inside because especially during these, investigating times and successfully, you know, i passed through that off on the board there. it took a few hours. we were given a 72 hour visa image to stay in egypt by when, by which might issue the temporarily, canadian, passport as mine was about to expire. and i decided to come to door basically because the political landscape theaters much more or less teen and friendly that i was to continue to work. we stopped in the zone for weeks, months or you had you where the focus of fronting speculation. i was to, at what had happened after communication, what was lost with you. and on one side, you had the people saying that he was maybe apprehended by the adf. other people said he had to go underground because of the,
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the relentless attacks by israel. some is really people were calling you a uh from us. i said, how did it feel to be in the midst of that, of that media storm. not reporting about the story being the story in any way i was a mess. message is really wouldn't have up to me leaving for the, for in any person that leaves the board or even if now the national, the bus sports, they need to get 3 approvals, waterfront bursting, one from israel and one from egypt. so the matter of fact, once i got approval to leave by the, is really forced, it shows up, i nothing that's, i'm not an assets off uh off for from us when we went missing, we were always there in time. you and this is just that we didn't have internet connection. so we so afterwards let's later on when we were able to come back safety draws or hospitals more to milwaukee. so we learned to yes, there was
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a lot of focus on finding really my sore. and i have mixed feelings because i want to focus to be on the 2400000 students are billions for suffering and not just on, on, on the, on, on, on a person. but at the same time. and i felt that this was how to push our story more in terms of the month. sort of that example also put a cdn who was trying to help the scene in pause. and we need to utilize his voice and his brands in order to ensure that the, you know, the right. so the students probably turned is the same as archie international have next on going underground, a option where time sees heated interview with alan,
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the i'm action or tenancy and welcome back to going underground, broadcasting all around the world from the middle east, 24 hours ahead of israel's plan deadline for prisoner released by hamas otherwise threatening, would it be as to be a total extermination of the people of gaza as the holy month of ramadan begins? all this is us, president joe biden continues to supply weapons to israel. a head of a u. s. presidential election may very well see for my present donald trump currently facing for criminal trials, back in the white house, one of the world's most famous lives who has defended julian assange. daniels bug donald trump, mike tyson, and will controversially jeffrey epstein harvey weinstein, and o j. simpson. his friend of is riley pm, netanyahu professor allen, joshua pitts. he's emeritus professor top of the law school and his, the older of 2 new books get trump the threat to civil liberties due process and our constitutional rule of law and war against the jews have to end time us
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barbarism. he's in miami, florida. thank you so much, advertise, graduates, we're coming back on before we get to gaza. i mean, how do you feel about the state of democracy in the usa will be at the supreme court. the verdict was one you probably would agree with, given these attempts to prevent the u. s. as leading opposition lead a drum from being elected president lin running and in november, i know you supported by them in case anyone thinks your grades of what your double drum as well uh in my past i award bananas uh on a scale of $1.00 to $210.00 toward a banana republic, and i had gotten up to 6 bananas based on the 4 charges that were made against donald trump. but when the supreme court refreshed the colorado case, i eliminated one of the banana. so we're down to 5 now. and i hope we don't get up to 6 or 7 democracy is at risk of both from the election of donald trump and


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