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tv   Documentary  RT  March 9, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm EST

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doing this is just that we didn't have internet connection. so we so afterwards let's later on when we were able to come back, safety draws for hospital more to milwaukee. so we learned to yes and there was a lot of focus on finding really my sore. and i have mixed feelings because i want to focus to be on the 2400000 other students civilians for suffering and not just on, on, on the, on, on, on a person. but at the same time, i felt that this was how the push or story more in terms of the month, sort of that exact and also to see me and voice trying talk the scene in pause. and we need to utilize his voice and his brand in order to ensure that the, you know, the rights of the students part of turned it sure to stay with our, to international. i'll be back in 30 minutes with more news. in the meantime, you can also visit our website or to come to very latest breaking news and by
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the the e. the so that they go to. and so i don't remember the bundle of a certain beautiful fully the room was the got it for the room. middle group on we'll call the low gains as shown in the corner was sunni day. can you get a guy? they're going shifting scalable kid to so the league on sonya,
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the, the, you know, what i mean, you got it, see what i mean to move for, you know, these when i didn't, you know, face the global daugherty when, when you see a check of, you can be out also when we go to sony bugs, you know, to me those on all labor, somebody is going to see. there's more about the fall below. the level of you'll see then you'll slow down the long body on went up was inside. what do you, did you get does equity fund? them like i say, like i said, i would have the vision that go sure. don't live in soon a good friend sullivan. so these are the, the, the issue, the
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fund but sold in the me a just calling to see what was the and these are the middle, what the result i g good. it will bundle these all the fuel by weight on it to none . the less of, you know, need, what's your name? i don't know me. can use that as on those. some of the think we still got them except for the bundle facility. the color of the said on the, do you guys got a full and you only but they have so many of them are comics to deal with these. are they available in showing sammy or gains underneath? so the way these already, like when you get a level 2 by good solid, by the can i just take them out, you bustle to form a new. but when you got a switch on what you can look at, if i'm your mother was he'd be a bit of boy. yeah. more so, but then take it down to name or you mean then come get meaningful, get you that i as that in place for me knowing on see, i'm a little focused on what i loved, you know? so you have been, you mean to them on the go in the ability to little for to they me think the projects are going to run into issues on the bill that you're going to know the
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daniel, the way to do when you, when the middle defend a ball but the one that that gather that season when the bill is so a little bit as a chest, so i might on guess, i'll just send them like that for billy. so most likely to do this. some of the things i got, you have to be able to do a portfolio for games that you paid on the enormous associated like i was the, the you put into this one that nobody was doing. gauging don't, let's put this all on each of the using it for the front of their office. so basic, what a gene colleges can actually pull up some of the, the vin, whether there's any dial me to jean solar photos of the bubble unless you want to do an seo and you may have to go, that's fine. yeah, that was the sort of outage in mind. you can move or someone will find that all of you you while you're the one of them, when i show it was like i'm fine the most of the cheese. so i you did the to the
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doctor. she has about 30, she's telling me that. yeah, i get up. i have to be, she's to be able to see that what i appreciate, what i told him, granny candy apple, the nato coordinator. she said, okay, cool. society of the b a r e a. the where's the card at the bottom? she may have them. uh, encore, a we possess. last i said okay, and i want to see that if maybe you can find me the best of the, the total for the vote the, this, the, the thought is you give you any $1000000.00 to the computer. cool. so they don't find you the most of the, most of those are mine with the 4. so gallo facilities add to that over again is simply what i got on the other 3. feel free to give. i never thought it was,
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it got him up work the sooner to you was annoyed. data zone will get a good awful and party to load up the other one. and if i choose to more do more disease picking up at the most of them will have plenty of issues who have been with them and i go to one and one. he died in the other one of the you the table very much. and then yeah, i see a guy, the nano simply the, the, the us, the, you know, maybe i'm a little bit i, you know, a little model and that equity and or less, but send it out in front of it. yeah,
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no, but i you live on, did you present the on the volume or lower the name on the ceiling? was he got it or don't need to get these going to be going see him on the. i mean, she's been vintage inquiry on the boy and he's almost a 5 dollar meal, but uh you have a key, you know, based on his little get the units on people on the if i chose the other ones, the only way to do they go to georgia and means is going to get police corresponded . yeah, that's good. so what are the and more of the fees you? what am i to, to more to, to guide you even, but there is a senior and was going to the but numerous, even senior. but the, i the ways to be me know, thank to show me what is the group home, is a godaddy, although to be able to enjoy and see. i mean,
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for the last one i wanted console in and it can only go through it on my way to i can look them up, it will be noise in the ink on theater the show was going for you. so any idea of this, so going to be on one with each other and he out of the way of humans on a few may know what the see about doing the the, so to get more into what kind of a content thinking show this was flooded is showing us what i must be and how they have. i'm assuming they can include the certificate, but it saves you and it made it easier for me. i'm or your wife to against
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a human day. like, did you take the boys on the, associated with the a lead anytime to live in the, the way i was i was still able to tell the size of these same by the size utah because they're, you know, see, go ahead, you know, find them you guys want me to go to the
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point where the only goes to in carrollton with this on, you'll go down, you present on the on. if you don't get an idea of what that is, can you read it or does have it for the find it or to solve it? it'd be those fields was i was going down. okay. i can stop us on the edge of his own when i'm done with you guys. i never thought it was the the level see me that when he got to come, which i can throw in the
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candle, but the muscle so on. so what did he about? t v i g. so sudden sea and body seen in more detail, it's the memory addition to ordinary evil. so what i do to send the match, so the gate change, the get issues of the vehicle, me know, check see what it all pulled up and get been so again, the impulse to get somebody to go to is if at all, nope these you know for 3, i get you over there where you got to use your land another way and that is that going to other of the got here. the know so long as we have those, you know, bull to say yes or no volume rules. so yeah. last time, my dealers can get a scanner and that was the reason for my feeling that somebody's,
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they dropped me on a or speak to ms on mrs. can anybody but i'm going to go and she then says get the, what's already been the money, but it was great. the ed i'm isn't going to then visually to sports. so i know it could be of, i think, watching the most, most of those, even if you've got to be like on that it even will deal to just being on the being . i need to see all the resumes. but you all are in the must have a lot going to love it. it's on the own as good as even come on. one of them probably going to hear the cause. hancock was a homeless kind of them some bulk of the or get there was you the most pay that the limits in was there. so it's on your side of all your side will metadata. you know dan, this can be on this. the name name was as though is the,
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is the name was the numbers and they don't it, or some of them are those basis. well, they're like, and a lot of them know you any move what that means. i know, you know, says this, we're going outside, but i mean think a supplement there on the level, but as soon as you mean, oh good. i know what it is. um, well, most game beyond minos, virginia. okay. but is there cuz on this list book. so bear with me cuz i'm pretty bills. you know, they don't even pocket because the manuals go to some of them on the one i'm what do you me that is. it also supported them, us. what her name is carolina 5 k, one deal at the the on the phone interview. and we have them up again, i guess with this. so maybe it needs a movie and it looks like it's pretty close to those compos, singleness of whom i don't know as i'm what do you, there was a ticket and yet when i got and went up here and there was a, i gave it a good the video to, you know, this does own name, boom, boom, boom, go, yeah, no,
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it would all. but could these, i guess, i guess, i mean, as on probably being on the front of me just look it up. let's get to go to that. cuz i thought you didn't want you to look into getting us up for you. okay, so we went on based on those data, the 17 points that gernado duty, i will get you off. one of them, in fact, just get off the phone for like 130 and do the ottoman to work on that. if i'm already doing it wants to be on the phone totally near the ottoman contradictions to anything at all. not submitted to the army s. we sent all righty to get onto the
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course of wednesday with a well not even a funeral on or you have, i don't the cheapest and it was a by then it goes most of the people send it to me. i'm just needing that of the the the people still level side a level of photo political laptop, my ditching of 95. go to the terminal on uh, a dealership on east, samuel maddox. you still in any see a time or you somebody bring out the mail. uh no. that's what does that invite them?
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not somebody stuck in the deductible billing. will you be able to, i gotta keep the might the money diety, all paid the master adult bull. and the other that you said the, the, i'm about to do it. i meant the way i took that on the amount of the complete appointments all day long. i for a long time before she start going to be let me just to let you off. i don't video the live the, i'm just sort of main filled up with the k or she's on the bottom. it allow me to got properties that i've got. my name is out of the fed soto. i'm a communist. i mean you took nice trying to send a man not to fascist a spend the to year off my eyes, but in the same the please that i can be great and it was call my and of a and the own girl come up, name will jungle and we stay for one and see as to whether you filed the for so many years in the us the 1st time. and when i arrived at the news that something wrong got into the unit of id,
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i don't see and nothing's to other people are some of these after what's going for your mind that at the end it was one of the that's my name, live up up i'm not sure it is the leg up still mean i'm not on the but i'll send it around that the way i'm going to run into some of the mostly of jobs. but remember that one sparsely level is going to see the ceiling and we're going to see i'm just double video and looked into unnecessary is on. we know the numbers that are fine. yeah. the yeah, the mess you go, daddy. one that'd be so that we stick them, but they want, if i choose what i have been with them, but then for she's was based on the julie mills in all the mazda of the lease. but let me go to the uh, the uh,
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the uh, to the a joy indeed. so the
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nation without any issues, he has a mind must not go to them. they said quick chip canal. it cleans keys, middle school music. you could do it for the way of videos. you see this i'm in a lot. this is a fits your research, but on this so let me zoom out is because of the bins animal. but there's still the scripts slip. it's probably the toughest plus d c. ever particularly looks like the
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it's the mommy and the planet was that as well show off shows, is this stage live on the list is up now. this is the 3rd suspicious ease of use. oh sure. so uh, the g got the is now it shows you what i need and usually what, but almost federal, 32, it says up and get this invest blemish on the new car. so if you should, the live on the out of doors musket in the past. go somewhere with a penny. of course you should do off my eyes. okay. but the episode fuel and you're still tied up which is good. expensive for me. new. yeah. and the way up to choose my frequency, chiseled 90 stick. it broke through, stuck with she and you do for us, like with me this when motion was on the financial, is it the the
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persistence to live with us? first coffee i lose this is natalie. i may have when i put it in these days because i don't you know, let me do a sing the beach and i just look a little flush, just go to the rules. yeah. but is it your interest for? yeah, monday. is that not some issues? i'm will dish and that shouldn't be too lovely. jeannie, this is over on it lose, it goes to the when you want. if so, please, what did you push this month on the moment that the measuring that would have says a, so i'm going to to like, i'm gonna ship new scenes most at all. i'm out of mine and she has to fight ever since the g to bottom and you take any cell phones. i'm glad i can certainly something cool. sorry. tom, on the bottom. you know, can i enter my go bad. no. to create the one for the 4 page, one feet long, my sided water from die. you um. oh
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oh, you know? yeah, a lot of people that the wind don't toward that to the west on account. we go on, we to the aggregation ration for that issue, but the, someone don't want that we thought. and so our problem and now it's just to keep up the, our forces holes together and try to make a change in our county the way. yeah. and stuff once you go on to the time, yeah. can be on a monday, i'm only a time that i'd be sure to begin with that main drag basically slide if you want to save and they would all talk with rock on the toner to charlotte on the phone, on the side of the market cap and we'll say, okay, fax it enough. we'll assume you know, it's on the if we got softer the bus,
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stop it. yeah. i mean, i've talked to somebody. so what the really me, i mean she's energy reading in general and almost went to the back of the game. they're going to be moved into the middle when it was id, better school, as i need. uh, if i got a albany and it goes and she really need dalia on their loan, but they don't know chad totally. i mean these are go to the will be with you as you read the the, the guy who plays the game so many. but if i feasible, been going quando, what will happen sooner? the she does even in the about the low 20 but she's so i can see a but there's one that i got a line i o c a. even though the bill for gender, i think it was it, but be meant that bobby, that able to break the
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when it came back from the homeless, suddenly it was a difficult to really infinity, shown puts play in the mail. and the point of view of this war on the point of view of people are of a known less than the point of view of and they were creating an anti fascist they point of view of russia ends. so i've been something that the, it was incredible. it wasn't the 1st time that the type in it that the, the time, you know, the secret service make it. so i'm just here about the 12 people that, that's not to go any more into the nation. i was one of these sort of a people and so since, since that's the steps to work in the entire international because i think that to be done in goal or month just to take cord letter from the american government, not the
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or the
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template of it like web demos, one of those you, i'm going to be the, the general and what about you know, because of the vehicle you and to really just been just open monday and on. but something was on the image that was sent out to the entry, sort of the immediate see any of any on that i what was you know, the other front that h in the us one out at a. so going to get signed up with him. but he went to another one to insure it for the out he, i've been with other was he the only i'll be up to the objects to illuminate for the waste. so in the video, when they'll be able to actually forget to like, i don't want them to actually send over the phone. yes. so that gives you shed
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a southern w thought the more tony got to you. but give me assume for the people when, when you use any sort of or somebody to go out inside to get a moment to the, on the, in the most us to send it. i don't think bothering don't, let's go into interviews. we'll go to a good place other, the, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, the rabbit collapse of the ottoman empire gave the arabs hold for independence. but the colonial power. so their future differently. great britain and france agreed on the seizure of the arab lands under the guise of the so called mandate of the league of nations. this bible play caused particular indignation in a rack,
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which was to get under the control of the british. in may 1921 wrist with claim for independence broke out, both assuming and that she took part in it. soon the rallies turned into a real uprising against the invaders. more than 130000 people took up arms. britain urgently began to transfer reinforcements to a rack and used aircraft radius war secretary, winston churchill birds, the use of chemical weapons against the rebels, and general ser i own there. hell dain bordered the destruction of any village where weapons were found. burning a village properly takes a long time, an hour or more according to sized paulding recalled cynically. in his memoirs, the mediaeval cruelty paid off. the revolt was crushed. however, separate his empire had to make serious concessions. in 1921,
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it recognized bustle. the 1st as the king of a rag, and gave part of the power to representatives of the local population. v a racket revolt marked the beginning of the national consolidation of the country and became an important milestone on the way to final independence. the, the party of sames exclusive documents verifying an opposition party attempt to enlist us involvement to the upcoming south african election. pnc ruling parties, touch precipices. any intervention will be blocked. you can be assured that we will lock in the attempt at imposing a with i'd say you and so any of the, you know, allied would look, it's


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