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tv   Documentary  RT  March 9, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EST

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dropped me, there was an estate in 2005 the night in 2007, 800 omer, offered them to stay on 98 percent of the west banks. a 100 percent. is this relevant? well, and they turned it down so no, they have no right to struggle. they have a right to diplomacy. they have the right to accept a 2 state solution to argue for, but they have no right to rate at the head add to assault as a kidnapped, and to take a one year old baby and hold the hostage. we didn't even know that they used to live. no, they have no right to do that. how many children palestinian children are in his? riley's james. none none. mary jane. no. children in these refuge? the roles. yeah. there are so you so you agree with fred? be our friend president had so what about you? i've got on there will be no electricity. there will be no food, no fuel, everything is closed. we are fighting animal people and we are acting accordingly.
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do we, why the well, i mean actually does, does get onto this. people have said joe biden, maybe the last pro israel president. what do you feel as a defender is right as a friend of nothing. yahoo! knowing that you've lost the narrative now in the united states, the rest of the world clearly is not supporting the a pack logs. these really line is this, the end of it. these riley projects we approaching the end of the as rarely project of israel support among american voters is higher and very high, particularly among people of voting age. they have lots of support among young people. of israel is militarily strong. israel will never give up and they will always be in israel and until the palestinians recognize that and understand that into, you know, i sat across from a boss, the head of the palestinians are free and i set them over a dinner. if you will say the following words, i hear, but recognize israel as the legitimate nation state of the jewish people. i will
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get you to stay solution. and he said, i can't do that. i cannot recognize israel as a nation saying that usually that's the problem. that's the core of the problem. i support the 2 state solution i have since i do the everything. i don't think many experts do suppose the tuesday. they want one state from the river to the city with both jews, but christians and muslims all living in. and you know, how must, except in these riley states and that change of that traffic with 1967 borders. i truly say, look in my book, i quote the charter word for word and i quote, the revised joiner. i challenge anybody to read it and tell me that how much favors it is rarely say, let me tell you if i'm oscillating or would it get up and say, i favor the establishment of a nation, save the george people in israel. he would be assassinated immediately. no, i'm just finally and briefly then. so 50 to the majority in america,
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according to pollings, is against sending weapons. now, to israel, you think they being influenced by george soros and i'm just the international and do you think that's what's happened and how often universities? why is it the majority now? do not sending it well. i think the majority probably poses any weapons to any country in the world there. many i salacious but the majority support is real, a majority support the destruction of a mosque majority. so board president by the policy of allowing israel to destroy him, us getting the hostages back with less than a mentor, says until they stop the attacks, new weapons to be sent no value. it's the that's the you go. and number 2, the, the american policy is supported by most americans, and that is the structure from us getting the hostages back and trying to move toward the possibility of a tuesday solution. but the can't be a 2 state solution if i'm honest or amazing power,
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let me tell you the most greatest beneficiaries of israel destroying how much would be the palestinian people, the palestinian people without the moss could thrive. there can be a democracy when israel ended its occupation of all gods in 2005, 2006, they could have built cynthia. what was that time to continue your patient as we go? there was no occupation until i'm us took over on a cool kill the palestinian authority. was also that as a rockets in israel said it has to guard the borders and it has to have control and it's still there, what's wrong and everything but the other professor, how long does your wits thank you. well, thank you. let's stick to the fact. okay, as right, that's it for the show, continued condolences to those bereaved by u. k. u. s. you on bombing in palestine 11 in yemen, syria and iraq will be back with more in the nation nation war, limited, least on monday, until then keep in touch my role as social media,
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if it's not sensitive in your country and had to our channel, the grantee on normal dot com to watching you and all the episodes of going underground to you monday, the the on the every spring and summer, the melting optics move reveals abandoned machinery, millions of rusty barrels,
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and the detritus left by human expansion into this most inaccessible of territories . yes, i used to move forward to a customer and both of us to put some new doors at the bus to be joining us. an issue calling to us from clean optic travels the highest island home to the biggest opponent station on the front of joseph land. capella, go kiera, he asked me for i was in the bush or more you have to do should. so it means if you have, when you feel when we see lots of money and i'm familiar with this, so i'm gonna stay on the old stuff last time. i feel like i'm a former student, let me see me and i'm not sure when you to, i've got to read on serial. no points to the middle of please to join me instead of the optic pioneers, main objective was to explore and comcast, these harsh lands. they had no time to think about waste management now and, and they could see could remain for centuries. that's my of my choice. of so who even needed somebody at the course your system is the most upon your team. could i have to deal with the issue the
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because they already gosh, they cps because they cut the school. so i'd be that to and then use their email. you're just going to offend them to the rules. the nazi theory of racial superiority, finished style for years of creating an ssl, all the place of 14 concentration comes. so the full prisoner of war labor comes 10 . prisons pretty well. you know, simple jewelry school level. she's the media and you fill in the scene and you need even the big chest is really to get ahold of that credit. livingston, i'm assuming people's gonna send you an the approximately 25000 people went through the occupied of go through these camps according to official figures. these move stuff suddenly looked as if the ship did utility and i give you my id and not sure
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it's just the size of the stuff. so the youngest, i mean i'm not sure what the fan in disease forced labor to achieve by the warden. so for me was, what was the last it, it also means you don't want to take that to you that, that it's, that you're going to move human off. what does it, what it is, 9, push these things up, the give you. what feeling do you do it? because he doesn't do those thousands of testimonies of crimes and the impunity of criminals. nothing more when you've got here, you know, one or 2. so do you to speak is not in a good idea. yeah, for the good i see it or really supplement it decided to do it. you got to do, please don't just do it. but it was danielle that was put in the middle of the how the south african government is, can feel position is appealed to a blinking. and it's literally like handling over the country,
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software and case of washington. could you elaborate for space? and it's such an ease, and this is always a to now, what do you imagine named joe to, to sort of comes, we'll see that we and of course, as they say shooting elections and they con elections, a citizen of it is the citizens and indeed, but fall in a position party which forms part of our magic part of democracy and of our a, c and, and 5. but it's constitutional democracy to undermine existing is associated instead of setup to be able to enable a free and fair election under the leadership of the independent intended for the commission. which is a renowned worldwide for running successful elections. since the dawn of democracy is unbelievable. and the i a c is unable to do by argument of pieces of legislation that way, adulthood. even the national legislature,
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such as the electronic at that point, you know, you get to viewed and electronic or f to submit it to you about how we go about the process of soliciting election. the observers from across the woods, the system has left. you know that when it's eating away, which is why the i, u. c. o, sort of. and so that's because elections processed and electric process is the vin to mission. and what, as i said, drove south or the true, but notice so that we actually saw the d o o on. you know, therefore, or to see a budget need to remind you. this happens at a time when the democratic lauins, eas, pushing for a separate state in the western cape through a bill that they've been pushing in the provincial legislature. in fact, they called themselves a provincial part of it and then we don't have pets. probably just product bins
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instead of chicago, we have provincial legislatures, but they've pushed through a b. that is called western cape post view. that code is full given to should little power to the proof is in various areas of uh, service delivery of the economy in to the extent of calling for the rights to international policy. you know, other words, the existing international relations and cooperation policy also have africa that enjoyed all of us to work with our systems, a brothers across the world. they are see, they need to be given their own power was to, to sue their vision of international relations and cooperation. this is just but one of the many examples that i'd like to highlight regarding the extent to which these separatist touchy dodge is, quote, is held band and maintaining white minority fluid and set up because he's prepared
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to do the letter to the secretary of state and the u. s. substitute blue can comes as no surprise because it's part of this petted and he's an act of desperation, of course, because the d a is going to be shown the flames by the people of south africa. when we go to the post. they, democrats, canadians, has gone as far as they should, they be bolted into government. they will scrape the economy component or what you called broad based lucky quarter of empowerment. which is a tool that has been used since the 5th principle, as the old president, a nelson mandela, to uplift people. and in the fields a strong let me just tell us. and so that's it. and also make sure that the distribution of was as well as making show that probably procurement benefits not
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only those to where he started in the infant tries, but that is extended to those that had been depressed. the other policy positions that are contained in the money system of the d h that test this much, that the d a is have been supported maintaining for service, which is why supreme as in this country. so we are not surprised by this letter, but i must say that no certification having for these hard for this democracy will allow institution. it's not even daisy also that we can now is situation would so freely to he's headed over understood by black to now. so see instances where you have something called a face state. you know, you could have a conversation about this letter, but some of you guys know the same state. so i don't think i is a robust and it was the state with its own challenges. but to set up the car today to look at the data from our national statistics, the institution,
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steps of the car. tell us an amazing story about the study, a jimmy for 300 years of colonialism to say to us any chance the story of today is the it is highly concerning that the revelation is honda concerning the, especially when he consider the numerous examples in history of countries like libby for one being plugged and has been treated as complete, political, and economic term or a loss to us intervention. and it's internal affairs. i mean want factions and pretoria are concerned about the possibility of spacing such phase no, absolutely not security. and honestly, given that robust nature ended up at the depths of, uh, so that's a good democracy. many from the rush i had been here including the diplomats that i hear into the our counterparts, the equity, the several forces, the parties in russia and control the non governmental conversation will attest to the fact. but so that means one of the most vibrant demo cuz democracy is across
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the world. and so we are not surprised by the interests of the d, as i say, that having it is a case of wanting to maintain supremacy in trying to reach out to watch who they consider to be their closest friends. internationally. that is not going to happen . it's not going to happen on a one and a we're going to protect this democracy because it is, was a hardwood democracy. and i don't even think that to do the mentor if the applicant, the mission of colors out, i can assure you that to so that for kids, for the phone work supplies with no take kind you to that kind of move. as i said, they good going is 5, is the one thing that probably voltage occasion program to be around it and, and suppose that by the us and in and associates, they are calling for the puddle. an independent, a book says, a process of all of that with 15, stay on the officer who's data can change the width that is being done by the
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independent to elect. so commission, so you have got to be caught out for to these. there was speculation the other day and see pause. you may not gain a voting majority in the upcoming elections. how does the policy estimate his chances of winning? hello, i am as the, as the president of the of the see has said on unit as occasions was shooting today . the use of the campaign trade here in the house, in the province way or look for national, you does a on the ground instead of 2 of which are people, the strength of the seal is not always been to rely on the pose because these must mostly be funded, quoted for that me to a strength lies to know what that it face to face. infection with our people on the ground and then sees the receiving massive, massive, warm perception. you just have to go on youtube to have a sense of how we have you received since we don't show up in the system even
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before then when we under to have the money for us to review, review our 2019 manifesto and quin federal communities to account for what we think we have achieved and where we still have funding short. so we are absolutely confident that we are not going to should pay for a short little 50 percent. we are going to get it majority because people know what it is to leave and, and up to date and what it is to live without to watch a new yet. what it is to live without electricity, new york. what it is to it is to leave without the road next to a school, and we'll keep needs to go to city. and later, many of our people, particularly in rural communities, look to we mentioned the townships mental health people and can boast of those things. menu of older women and children that are often and persons with disabilities today received a bunch of grants. and some of the car is basically event. he's been above no
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above skin behavioral countries that were known for strong social protection measures, a comprehensive set, social security ease of every day. that was all the work that has been done. you can look at on the job and you look at all the research that's been done looking at at referencing the countries across the world. and so our strength lies, you know, relationship with the automatic people to philadelphia could. i was looking at the picture from the men. how do you expect this revelation to impact the relationship between south africa in the us? i mean a given timing wise, the countries are the opposite ends opposite sides of these way, the palestinian complex already well, all of these uh, but that is been happening including this letter by the d, including the tone or what is likely we don't know what the response will be or has been from the us, but we do know that they have and we are going to,
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we always expected that there would be an attempt at regime change as we say, you know, statement on the basis of follow up strong position spending with the people of palestine and the d days lead to george dnas and used a phrase such as on the one man's genocide is another minutes for the day. you have it that should give you a sense both. the more i, the rectitude nichols older d a where the issue of palestine is pursued. we knew that the outcome of the internet in the institution of court of justice was going to the right to the cage . but we are as under to because as the oldest state, your enemies are not in enemies to quote, has been doing this in montana. and so we know that marshall, this is a lot to do with the strong stance of k is the general side that is being
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penetrated in, in, in, in, in, in palestine, in the displacement of people still pushing of people and that resist easily with what it is doing and so we know this too well because we went through that same experience. we have no choice but to stand with the people of palestine who also stood with us in a very difficult time in history. i think just alluded to your presence around the pose that has been boning to external forces, what might intervene in the countries elections considering south africa's growing role on the international stage to think it's fair to say that this was expected. and these still expect washington to continue to try and parent play a role in the elections using the da request as a pretext even off to this revelation. yes, said yes, but i must say that too comfortably in that we have strong internal controls in, in, you know, country in terms of robust and independent. these issues that are meant to
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safeguard elections in seats. so, but also working with a bodies such as the sub desk and human rights commission and many others. and we are comfortable that keeping the cd and so far, institution, we wouldn't be able to protect the serenity off of both south africa. and of course, and do, does he say that to so that's because the room in that you'll probably to come to environment. um, well the always the ladies in the i it for those that's a don't agree with the stands is on such as being somebody new to call that person from a poster has made a number of decides they've been to interventions and edits your police can live and not to a team and working with us it can be does. and so we do expect that the technician use this, but i think websites that we're not going to get them for, you know, if they do the things that people oldest stood for it. and the things that to a fault is stewart. for one of the, the democratic airlines, i'm not one of the,
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one of south africa's other political parties that were decided to request this help from abroad. the question is, why was it the democratic alliance? yes, a wireless oppose. it can only be the democratic a lot is given the fact that the, you know, of the, the, the police come and policy positions that they stand for, for the ride very well. which of those in the go by not that do not want to see how about the new quality eradicated across the world. and particularly in the countries of the south, including south africa. if you look at a, as an example, if you look at the level of the property and inequality in the western cape, the only problem is governed by the d a. where the d a say, where the government, the government will. but go and have a look. they have a look at,
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they lash conditions under which the minority leads. and going to look at the state of townships in cape town and the outside areas of the wisdom keep going and have a look at that. or i believe it pace up way, you know, refuses not clipped. it in what is predominantly known as black areas and color communities and often communities that gives us totally both they give us the old inequality that is not going to be raised unless they different government takes a lot of the wisdom keep itself. so it's a, it's a question of those that want to maintain, in sustain deluca fuel funding as we know for an intervention into another country, the election process is a breach of international law. so how would be a and c policy respond if the us does decide to hate the democratic alliance these
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request? and i'm setting that to that. that is a mentor that will be fully the ventilated and a pulling by the relevant bodies within the agency, including the international relations, a subcommittee which is quite active. so, you know, internationally and to that would say in a life the situation do have proper diagnosis. phone we need to position, make a recommendation to the leadership of the amc. but as i said, you can be assured that a we wouldn't look any attempted to imposing vocal and i was, i'd say us, so any of the, you know, um and i, we would look at a not just as the agency, the people sort of because we built in yet tempted to interfering with our addictions because time from time immemorial, they, so the advocate and democratic elections of all these proceeded,
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but it's mostly around, incredibly drunk by assistant election, say everyone who shows and professionals. and we will wait to see that being disrupted, particularly on the account of and some extent and kentucky it is. how do you see south africa's future role in the emerging multi poder, well, of what it would be we, we have, we have set to do, we join the community all solutions. of course, the stands is known as an a non alignment or a stance on every age of issues. just don't access to be no line to where the issue of palestine is concerned. because that's a historic issue. that is almost new though what we've gone through. but overall, when we approved concepts and we are asked to say you would are 2 or 2 good physically or practically involved. we always take a position of unity because those that if they do so in which the agencies found it
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. and so a big data you would have seen that the setup because of stature and or, you know, in that you opened each kind of environment has increased significantly on be known to us and known to the face of philadelphia, copying president trouble. so, but we've been called on to phone par till 5 or the minute of conflict resolution mechanisms in the continental spend, as well as and so including, of course, as you know, getting into the trade trade issues. and so, you know, as i say, i'm be known to us so we get in for the not to knew where you from the lead on, but the new week and well, of course i guess it's more countryside with a very solid contribution to make because we've had a democratic position that shot a democracy that extending to this deep. so certainly the less is that a, that can be shared from the so that we can experience on the
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the purpose of that's the initial issue. i'll just be sure to know we still have like a special of the younger civilian protocols. show me a picture today and the and chatting fugitive them. awesome. the hands of showing shootings on accident. we have some sort of forward and i'm wondering if somebody wants to spend some don't for sure which one of those recently me know to the most useful to the 20 and i get angry. so by knowing me to the states this work, but i'm gonna use the isn't boy most pretty as gramma and the bodies easy, the way to somewhere along there so many need be need and then assuming anything me ask my key at the united nation, then you know lane continues,
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just as long as any of my daughter can you but the steps you and what are you mean by the southern using the money to do that you attempted to exit a month. i thought she sat there for the show and then it will be a job to left for the cause of a dish. uh, excuse us,
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for the defensive to separate the setup button and not the printer in person. once . did you lose your task like that? if i said the media and of people, there's only 2 reasons to do say, who is this it, if you need a vendor to be sure to be present the day before the work. you don, stimulus the industry on. is it what's money before us of the left? so should william farmer shops, my goodness, we have good guy started or decisions in my lab. and what was that, man? what was that ridiculous funds? i put in the best one today and but you know, so that's what it was that you want to set. i'm sure those are pretty sure can was i'm patient. did it for she's kim, those are the best do what i mean? there's a, there's a problem, push out the, the
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see obtains exclusive documents outlining a south african opposition party to attempt to unless us involvement ne upcoming elections density rolling policy says the intervention will be blocked. you can be assured that we will look any attempted to the closing of a window, i'd say u. s. o, any of the, you know, allied we would look, it's a north just as the in see the people, the car. we built a new attempting calculating the choose. the united states is responsible for these chaos because they are the ones who send the web us to created all tysons claim, the ceiling, the process in the country police one person killed in the latest escalation of gun violence in the car, be a nation.


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