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tv   Moscow Mules  RT  March 10, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EST

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[000:00:00;00] the hey, the body, welcome back to the must go mules on shape bows. and i'm joined tonight by my oh may, steve sweeney. so he's going to be helping us navigate through some of the stories that the mainstream media probably would rather were left alone. now steel, we're starting in ukraine at the lights have gone out, as you can see on a lot of the west end equipment this week. a couple of high my, our systems,
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a couple of abrams tanks, all the lights of time. and of course, when you think about the desperate nature of trying to pull people into the ukrainian ministry, steve, we got this per dude and they have to come up with smart, smart ways to sort of lower these poorer avon stivers f. 16 pilots. all these guys are so desperate to join the you find the military that they are playing the actual games with these accomplices. let's have a look steve. so what they're doing is he won't come out because he so eager to join. yeah. to get as new a bounce right at the engines running that side nicely, shiny a problem. so what they're going to do is they're gonna actually turn the lights out in his apartment, check it out, right? they turn the light. so the person who comes at the switch them back on what's, what happens like spider bite boom to grab the dragging information or is it what is known is how many ringing endorsement for the crating on? yes, yeah. it's a great the treatment video. yeah. lights the lights out and you cry. and of course, this one of the finds what's going on over there, what it's, it's, it's gone down. the whole project is, is panic, right?
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of course, of this phone call was actually the call was actually released and it was, you know, discovered and broke into the media by migrated someone you are a boss. and the story of this is just fantastic. okay. so these guys are just, this is the german intelligence, a group in charge of counter intelligence. all know, this is the story isn't about the fact that the germans are going to bomb russian territory. stories now become about the fact that you know, that this is pro prudent propaganda. it's nothing to do with the fact that these guys wanted to essentially start the 3rd world war. yeah, i mean i, i broke the story on, on all of those quite as strongly so i couldn't believe that people could be so stupid i initially, well, this is, must be almost sufficient intelligence. but it turned out there was no intelligence the room. exactly. anyways, let's have a listen to the senior officers discussing how we will implement our
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plans in russia without any public knowing. well, that's much i a discount on, i'm gonna try it again. something i've looked at a lot of the deals, inconvenient article. com of the book is originally some results from here. it was like an ass here to joe todd size. yeah. what's the word to about that stephen? have the my desk by 12 o'clock tomorrow morning. okay. you have order. yeah, well, yeah, we'll put anyway. so what they're saying is that this was a mass of operation by russian intelligence to everywhere the by the k g b, a back, you know, these dudes with, that whole is cool. they're going to pay for, you know, already where you go. yeah, it will spying everyone's, you know, but in reality, these clowns, okay. the clowns before most senior officers in the german low to offer have decided to have this really, really sensitive call that's called a sense of on basically an open source. like to kind of assume this type a skype type, a system. yeah, it's actually hard to sort of, you know, the, the boys up a little bit down to here just to have to offer a launch
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a massive operation to infiltrate the luftwaffe. i know this was just couldn't so you're good just uh, what was the password? i'm 5, try for you from forensic a token of funds to remember the time off decided he was going to draw a full stick community and click the button on a think it was london. and he said, if they did that, we will drop twice as many bombs. you can check it out. here is quite an interesting data. so laid off, cuddling. this whole thing isn't about everybody spying on germany. if you go back to the n s a scandal, the when back broke, and it was a transponder under the obama administration. i'm going to move your phone was being hacked and your germany was being spying on. the my was there was widespread condemnation at the time. yeah. but it was the back of the room with a dead very, very flag. i looked at them a 2nd exam and we'll see go, they mocked denmark help. hello. yeah. yeah,
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yeah. so you get the room is closer. okay. anybody everybody's here who don't, who didn't have anything to do with this. put your hand up just i'm only the totally vi then just do but yeah. on the roof. uh they were yeah, i'm steve. all the west of media course, when at the us the end, if they were caught spying on their mates, is what you do. you know, you, you know what, your neighbor, you did a whole is and will you, you checked and my kid in the shower. i know you feel, well, i mean this is what america was doing and even the, the sort of completely independent west and media course. we know that the, the west to me must have yeah, operate and mocking. but that never happened to see. i never, you know, personally bright, 400 high level, a journalist in the states. these are never happen. so independent media, political have something to say about getting spike. well, exactly, show you this is quite astonishing. they said that when they publish an article that said, that is good to be spied on by the united states now is a quote. it says,
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the united states should spy on germany and concrete to popular belief. there was no agreement within nato, about espionage on other members, and there was no agreement written down that we wouldn't expand this wouldn't start this back to this, i think. yeah, yeah, of course one of the l. a. who's in charge during this whole show? well, our all, paul is somebody very familiar. ursula vander, lyre mild. ha, oliver. so she's, she's a cracker. she was the ministry defense at the time she was in board the big scandal because she was handed very, very lucrative gigs to our mates. meanwhile, the husband, of course, is also quite intimately linked to something the promising scope is fine, but let's say the pharmaceutical business obviously school been move. okay, well we're moving on now from europe or head of state side to columbia university, one of the top see to learning in the united states and from one pretty pernicious lady to another one from or some on july to our pile killer. we steal?
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well yeah, this is quite something she was speaking of is a hypocritical, or confidence, hypocritical prints at the columbia university. she knows. i mean, who would you want speaking out against sexual violence? yeah. good. ok. hillary, clint? yeah, yeah, yeah. let's have a listen to how, how well our reception was. uh yeah, i don't think it went quite as well as, you know, expecting though it wasn't so good. thank you very much. that's my name. that's right. you're talking to the hands, the voltage, the face, the let's look at the face. yeah. no, those are the children's most appearing open to the sarah bill. look through stuff like small about the, i'm sorry you ever get into the dis. yep. i don't hear you called so let's not forget at hilary, back in 1996000 years ago, not for us use. we you around and i like to see if that was new. but back then, hillary made some very prophetic pronouncements and announcements about super
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predators. it's almost as if she knew who she was going to marry. and while he was going to become check it, we need to take these people on. they are often connected to big drug cartels. they are not just games of kids anymore. they are often the kinds of kids that are called super print tours. no conscience, no empathy. we can talk about why they ended up that way, but 1st we have to bring them to here. so let's talk about super predators on where they come from. now when we talking about drug trafficking, colombia is one of the global hotspots crime is sorting through the roof. and we've seen this week, a video of a man who is trying to escape one of these drug cartels by pretending to be a hopeless man. let's have a look at the video this you can say, look, we just have a good. this is christina. now, that is just taking photos away right away and lie down on the floor. i mean, you're the senior, very friendly, you're doing, you're doing it. you're doing the kind of
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a sports commentary of this. yes. yes. i mean, look somebody says he's up against get both sorts it so nobody sees the homeless. right. even in columbia with us. that's yeah. they're visible and invisible. the visible in the variables line. the only problem is you haven't done that in dublin, but it's 13000 people living on the streets. are kids, children, 2000 kids at you. you wouldn't be able to pick them out on the because the so many homeless people that exact that we were in 10th street of 10 cities had and the really just the new york in are outside of the exit immigration building. as you can see, you can check it out here. outside of the, at the immigration office. there's rosen. rosa 10, steve. yeah. so it's a complete joe, right? yes. complete book. who is intimately linked? would you say into this whole drugs gig? well, it's a funny, what does it's not something either you'd immediately see might be something that's
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on expected. who is behind this, this increase in, in drugs and on homicides in colombia. now the c i oversee has a long history of interference and involved in the drug smuggling tried across of that whole region. is it then sends it? oh, it's the use res. bravo. 2 r o pulse. of course this link to israel with the jump straight. this to what was the name still? so you've been moved. i see been moved. i see been moved. she's a really interested duties making a ton of money in columbia, an interest the something else about israel told a bit at epstein all this stuff. yeah. usually there's also become a hot bed at 4 p. boyles. moving from the united states to take refuge over there. and his actual articles about this in the, in the us media is you can see if i task even move himself, was arrested on charges of pay to for the yeah, yeah, i know we just switch to gig to do the drug stuff. right. but we have a video,
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i think of a us congressman or ha, with this incredible outburst me about as well. and chris, as i say, is that you submitted, i'm submitting absolutely. that's of a watch or you can send the bases or let me make it clear. let me make it clear. israel is our allies will always be or how long. and if the yearly of genocide support is we will for ever is it killed 30000 people? israel morales and all is your. yeah. it's, it's a relevant, it doesn't matter now, but by the way, don't be under 70 minutes of yeah. everything's huntington with in south africa. yeah. international. yeah. yeah. well this is, you're actually quoting on to someone on your yeah, i think with a son to submit to know speak for yourself. i think we're going to always be as well as i like it doesn't matter what they do, i don't care. i don't care what you say. my husband did, said hillary, i don't care. isabel does take your time. you're talking to the stuff in the summer and watch this. oh jesus. so you're comfortable with the murder of thousands of children,
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the jewish people never wonder why under palestinian terrorism under her not under has the she's going to choose those. you're checking the left will always support the thing. so let me go. here we go. you go, you go to watch. and that's my friends. is that incredible? yeah. real. right. so we're going to go up to compton and back into the us, steve. an artist has created a really interesting painting at. interesting. yeah. well it's, it's, it's of, you know, sort of this very, very influential guy and never elected to anything. a man behind all kinds of weird freaky, who, globally at. let's check it out. what, what the actual painting it just fits it's. do we have to look at it? be careful. do we have to look at it? we should, i think probably you'll have a we should put a disclaimer on this. yeah,
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yeah, that's what you do. the disturbing images ahead. huh. here we go. you know, right of the range towards soros is funding all of these people off that everybody's afraid of. it is middle and creepy meds and a little research on the, on the show. this is the official culture of george soros and he's the son alex on the doctor's name. oh gosh. the kind of group. so civil, tell us a bit about who at george stores as soon this is taken over this vice be influential foundation. tell us a little bit about who he's daisy. well, this just guys moved here on monkey a by the minutes now. soros, his son is dating a woman called who? my aberdeen whom i've a dean is
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a very close friend of. you go to hillary clinton and a full night took hillary clinton to have to resign. when her now ex husband was found to have been sending unsolicited dig picks to underwrite goals. so civil home, every time, every time you see this you lift the lid off is grind, you little missed of ross are just right. how come to same names? keep coming out. yeah. hillary henry clinton bill bill room, torture shorter with more body or touch to reboot equipment. i mean, i couldn't. why are the same freaks? all of all saw us the clinton intern and rep sign a huge. there's a huge scientist includes here as well, epstein and of course harvey weinstein this week, and he was the guy that you of course last me, that always, always is always the same people at the scene of the crime. yeah, yeah,
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i'm pano is usually there as well to do the oh, good up on the phone or boy giving, but boy giving the soundtrack. yeah. give me, i know what i give bundle. if i go, okay, so we're staying in the us deal and now it's just an obsession with tick tock. tick, tock is watching his teeth. dr. seeing your face, they talk is looking to you. when advisors take dogs, they get over all because of the chinese now course, all of these problems will disappear if the talk rock is be, is bought by a very wealthy american. yeah. so, so this is the, what, the money. so let's check out what are the quotes from the view hold on. yeah, let's do. let's do mr. cute. just tick tock. access the whole wi fi network. only if the user attends on the wi fi i, i'm sorry, i may not understand. so if i have a stick talk app on my system ohms on my wi fi network, this tick tock, access that network, you will have to dig access the network to get connections to the internet. if that's the question, is it possible then that it can access other devices on that,
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on wi fi network? a congressman that we do not do anything that is beyond any industry norms? i believe the answer to your question, there's no, it could be technical. let me get back to this of, of mine a couple right? this like this in half with okay. suggest there's no even okay, what is the attitude? it's the thing. this is like, i say, i know you're a spy. it's only a matter of time before i break you, you're going to get into the wife was tick tock, accessing my wi fi. what are you connected to the do it anything? what does it got to do is you're bring connected to your mouth. what, i'm not sure in this case. yeah. but you know, what i mean is always, that's a, that's what's more of, of what nation are you a citizen? oh, they're single separately. and are you a citizen of any other nation of logan and have you ever applied for chinese citizenship? i set it up when i searched my nation asking about, no, i did not. do you have a single 4 in passport? yes. and i still have my military for 2 and a half years and so you have any other, do you have any other passports from any other? no, no,
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send your wife is an american citizen. your children are american set of show. that's correct. have you ever applied for american citizenship? no, not yet. okay. i didn't work out the 2. well, the number of the chinese communes they switched to the senate. i've seen point know, doesn't need a box of the things they said, well, that's the crux of the matter. is it like say that take talk, reading, present the room number 2 by talking about issues like coded and ukraine, where obviously the result would be on acceptable narrative. the phrase, the sort of repression of depend media. and there was actually an american sing tongue that looked into this and surprise, surprise it found in favor of google. i would take talk, there's a quote that is um, originally never would say anything pro google as opposed to the china. but it says it was completely balanced and fair check this. check this out. yeah, take talk repeatedly, deliberate videos containing false claims in the 1st 20 results. often within the 1st 5,
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this is according to the report which goes on to state. but google by comparison, provided higher quantity less potent rising results would fall, and that's missing from my yeah, yeah. so i'm not good for google. no, it's not enough for google cuz i don't know. i found that's a good literally mean. you know, we're good. they're bad, so yeah, i think a saw you haven't smoke aspiration. yeah. i was trying to turn into joey behind and i think, yeah, you did the but i was traveling my in a bind and it was because oh, talk about job. i know if you wanted a new job, i didn't have to do this. i've been told to put my hands and feeling most of most of the place sizes. if i fall over it, just have to go like this. a good 30 seconds before i have to go to go with this on here. oh delta pals run that url. brought a show with me to say without our all pile genocide drug to the side you sleep is your, me yeah, i gotta do a guy that i will hear. he goes,
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this is his take talk lots. it's always broke. check it out. so relax. it's so easy going, steve. how's lisa crisis, do i see the hey, hey, hey, oh, susan cushions, how do you think the? yeah, you mentioned campaign for the election in egypt, or should we have some great turn up for the people who will be checking? let's have a look at this rachel cheeks are nice to greg quarterbacks hard. i didn't say i was speaking to my wife gamer commercials. they gave her hand side you see jason kelsey or travis, gilson mama comes to interstate great chocolate chip cook. this is easily plotting regular season so that you to make the source advantage for more. just trouble, i guess. and so i really don't. i don't know what that is that what happened to his eyes when he put super glue in there instead of his eye drops? isn't so retired custody so i mean, is that what happened to,
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let's just like that dude. actually. you know, it's what's happening with joe, but he's answering the phone with the tv remote and he's trying to change the channel with the iphone. so if he thought job item was bonds and he was his was his vice for years is no back to you said he was his daddy who knows his well, he's not maybe he's empowered by the wi fi. yes. like taste. ok. but look, yeah, this is a freak. i mean, people think bite is bob. look, what will happen if he actually died was quite, you know, how, how likely is it that a 573 year old man will die. like one of the sticks on the that we could buy his marble. right. i think, i think probable. yeah. he's the, you know, and the 4 more years were, so this is what, what happened to him. the other states of america, if job i died tomorrow, this is really freaky. check this. i can imagine what can be and be unburdened by
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what has been see that, you know, i can be unimportant by what has been, what can be unburdened by what has been, what can be won by what has been what has been unburdened by what has been what we can see, what we believe can be unburdened by whatever, guess what you want and working, unburdened by what is the diesel version of the can based on the, on burden by what has been we can be just this is kate or we can be transferred in by where we have been and unburdened by where we are right now it's, it's just 11, like i said, you gotta, she's a one trick pony. that's ridiculous. but he makes nicky. he looks smart, let us know how to really be fit. so we're moving towards school and, and something very,
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a pleasant home to port all cleaned. toria school on the steeple. it did, indeed a group of activists activists timos the record. so you did in the end, it's brand new, compile comp. hi, this is rick another one of these companies. uh huh. from, from nowhere. yeah. saving. yeah. and will happen. they attacked pearl, queen victoria and for some india with portage. yeah. not with harage and job. and they called her a quite unpleasant name for a female part of the anatomy stephen. they did. mm. what was that? we're not, i'm not saying we're not. i'll do one that i'll do well, are you doing other ones? okay. they called her a, c, u, n. t yeah, that's what's the video you know of the
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us to victorian era. diseases. i'm sorry. testing surveys are on the right. freedom against breakfast. on this on the southern end of the page isn't showing right. we call it the script, maybe an ocean, l sweeney. here have an irish blood in his veins, but he's high flowers and so is the bottom half cuz the top of a keeps as well. it's full. and you know, she, she presided over one of those brutal assignments which was propagated by the previous was janice, i forget, the middle is both the genocide knew what the british did in my country. and between 80458050 was a genocide, millions of people died. millions fled to the united states and we all hope that ended. but in reality, at the brits while this final was going on, she got this big plus tony. i was given to pounds to the honors for the few. i'm in 2000 pounds of our own money for the money. yeah. because where did you get the money from? from us, from the staffing parties did off of the data in a,
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in a whole. right. oh, thanks this, steven is great now that she's up to 7. wow. told him how many 1000 pounds sheet like, how many pounds, how she got like she got like 15 policy. yeah. she was the emperor of india. and she was a shit ton of money from india to so this is a completely hollowed out reality of the british charges. they create the fireman. and during the, from this one, the most cynical elements of it. during the founding, the british exported thousands of tons of food out of our island to britain to feed at the british peoples, which is remarkable. it's disgusting, disgusting, disgusting, twisted narrative about what happened during the family in our country. it is indeed a civil, interesting, a lot of money for these clown show at as completely useless protests account of beings on a statute a, you know, porting, so i'm a red ink on a piece of crap, right. but a lot of money is raised in the united states, but these foundations,
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which are funded and you know, a rolled up by these a leads like epstein like a weinstein all these people. this is to occurring team tonight show is how does that lead to onto the lead of every rotten apple in, you know, if they're everywhere, where does somebody come from? and where is we? who's funded these guys? well, the main funds and these are people like to get the oil foundation and the rockets they sort of getting your oh wait a minute to get a oil foundation is funding just stuff. well just the oil is the only thing. ready in it, yeah. and the rockefeller institute, and it's almost as ridiculous as the idea that the secretary defense lloyd austin. are all paul here at rebecca. she says that she'll be here. i just thought was to be the 2nd defense and the mom behind flushing billions in the you. k is also a very intimate you need to, to raytheon. so, you know, it's a, it's a, it's a wheel of disciplines. yeah. right. absolutely. creating a cool she thing over this money that is being done. nights it 5 days, you know, the family in general is probably calling don't like these people who are and how do people be spent in the states?
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no, it's uh, mainly being spent in the last year who, who needs for any reason to go friends like this, right. the germans getting spied on by the americans, the danes help and the americans had the getty foundation funding just stuff oil. you know, that's what we're here for me. okay. what everybody, that's the end of the tonight show. we covered some really interesting topics and we're going to be back here next week. so don't forget to join us. take care. the
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the, the russian states never is as tight as i'm one of the most sense community. best of all sun set up the same assistance must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union,
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the kremlin media mission, the state on russia, scooting s r t sports net keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services. what question did you say a request, which is the, was a major, there's been us to bring it to issue. and certainly by giving the attendance to the shows initially, the final appreciate the code and because of that move. sure. so give it to christie. we'll get to the subject has asked, okay, so should the cases they chose, customer care them and then i just need to spell the name and you guys to put them
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on the truck from the pleasure road. lemme you know what you want. that was the term. yes, that's the most important thing to do. some of the risk adjusted is the, this is sort of equal to sony successful. we want to build some of the treasures to go at actual need on up and forward to for so more from the to ranking for when the of the day in the united states. all foreign policy establishment. oh, national security establishment is a weapon. washington person, it becomes a cloak for our own aggression. it becomes so a way of flushing other countries on the back sort of our record shows that we're not really that much of democracy that we have on those 3 of interfering in other
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countries when they produce democratic outcomes. we don't like the the russian forces push ahead of the front clearing minds left by retreating new premiums, soldiers. while the french president doubles done on the calls to sending troops to ukraine, called sparks of controversy for tried to get nato allies on board. also ahead, does india say that stepping up trade with russia in defiance of western pressure? we sit down to discuss the prospect with the spokes person indeed does not be any patient from board alia. does not see any certificate part dictation from the rest of the work regarding it at


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