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tv   Documentary  RT  March 10, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EDT

3:30 am
who i intend how it means that this. ready is most people would not be going to school, but they both was, it is actually been happening in the context of us. now on friday, the world market international mistake. so r t took the opportunity to bring attention to some women. juggling families, worked on the distribution of humanitarian aid for those affected by conflict in the, on the concept. big, tough, their story. and it's an inspirational, one is 12, is the gap which was do it for people who knew the queen benefit of everything much actual
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list of criteria was do it. i see ration of explaining why the additional charges are still good ashburn, then you should have a small to illinois to before. just send me to the issue the what you might get a the was a major as been yet. i see that i gave the receipt just to play a president manual in years, and i'm sure but the most of the case because it's instruction to keep the siler load up. so we just
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need to provide that to the receptionist. and so i was just trying to assist you with the mattress, the, the sellers to interest cash the check to see the of the but i get the, the and just i will send a tardy slip system in the share. and that's what she what to do. so we see what you see in your mouth. like what to do with less, no face the show. that shows up. i mean, it's kind of just me, she's the temple of finding up i need to stress should come to should the collision between the rest of it even condemned lucius to the cute means in the course and give it to christie will get to the subject has to get her should keeps
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just pictures, goes wacky. as a book lucian was associates to bring it to you. sure. yeah, exactly. why give them the the v as in that she said the deal. is there any way for me to give you lots of the fairly serious chests? yes. would you be able to move them? we still would have done like this. do you have the laptops to down, which is the condo it as a she was 2 guys out there with bethany. it must be talk once enough of all the, the port going the question machine. got those, you know, golf course is off the quincy. usually it's up in the out in the both the cells nights ago at the last level that's the theme is off to come into the most the want us to go through with you guys after get on the
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we are pretty good. i'm assuming it's in the cables and that's my our student has previously said it was due on the vehicle on the left and left the car. yes, she's a senior machine. okay. no one will chief of the problem that she wants to the tab in mind.
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you have to do some of the truth, especially for words roughly. so now the prostate kenzie volunteered into that then you know you come when you leave for more can we're using after now. even though she's to me, very familiar or the task that we can do to fix it,
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which we can do for machine use is blue host the you. it's just the theater. you could see me. i just need a want to close to what the issue in that case, a couple different good issues to getting a hold of the machine and you can try to click on the thoughts of last i'm done, bus voice see go to most can you check using nice to us to and enough to me on a month on the page my facility room last more you were just keeping each magic chunk. national. can we check the
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was the sound of where the items might in the very easy but that he wasn't going to tell them as long as you knew possible over here at the boat. at some point there was any will surely the 30 day item. now some clips, some photos gigabytes. um no, i would go, you just said that menus that each of the,
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the this whole claim one of the guys is it is when the curriculum inside the, the old folks thing it on the board. but they might have business with the source of support for funding, even though somebody some of the stuff and see where to go by. and so just to see if we should have just really trust the deal with us on the issue also for the
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images. so i'm going to don't see you used to of line you up with one. yeah, it was a list of goods from the the let's do zillow for multiple. so the model simpler. so you put it the, the, the super, the stages of the gillian window, a for electric you see that the computer doesn't, but it's a new basically. so we'll just use this. they are typically for the kitchen logo. it will give you a window of common. i'm the font
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a bunch of season which it end up just because of what's on the desk and link. let's click on what's on leo causal. for sure. no. so, but i'll just go to the killer city, the one from 3. you did it for sure. why was that came with the composer development for my grandpa? go to the car and it's just the phone, but the new super used to pull into them and for use of the business. some of the soaps, this is the lowest system,
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was the whole known issues with the child's. a full with this is glenda jackson, the list of civil war of the user can i get bob from the bottom of what somebody able to do or the
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the your senior so with your district for my guys, senior graduates on the channels that are available to to do it, or what it does, but i can actually of course i'm good. do to see it and they get in there. they just don't have to, which means that the party just put this new mark. according to this story, not any, the children will dash, it will be stored here by side of the complex usa. couple of down to is to, to get those things cancelled because they had to ship a give shipping. it's about visual and you are going to have
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those submitted in each post receiving any need to use any of the courses. the actual disney course of vacation will receive a postage certainly the lease can request spending a device for suffice to go into the day of what it doesn't really just search the whole thing and typing it say toilet to get into the p. i've said that they're going to have that as a so this the data system, the going on was the shading of a deal with some of the data. and this will perform samples of the if you run, it will. you won't control joining in for the truck because what, what am i do is because me, which receives a full could watch on tuesdays. and usually they book and zoe is for sure. is part of sale with this, you know, renewable in the,
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in the me on the vehicle. so what do you think you got the less lifted to the sugar in each and you called out when you come into the you know cover was good to me to the point you can see when you feel surrender, you missed because others to where testing comes we're because old with the ministry of someone just told me to somebody about the community because it was of the sudden nothing showed you just got some slip to see if you're still getting your voice still won't come back and i'm pretty sure you don't know if that's good, the form is blog post move when it was approved, but i would use the rest of the ones that are here on you don't want the spinning from it all which also in your thoughts. so what kind of the thinking? interesting picture i posted done. unfortunately, the only peters continue producer option that we send in which i will cut off top of the corner of the
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spending their juvenile like the rivers, the incredible proportions only my turn now to the latest on russia's presidential election. well, well, well at least turned it up the the victor room number 111 by so i need to view additional visual
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invoice, children's committee guy. generally i need somebody email, it's a foreclosure. so what it's nice to you with the rest of the screenshots, is it gonna be just gonna give it you just gonna get the i knew what the problem is . i can book the speech. so that should be the search book somewhat the assembly. you will be happy to share your thoughts as you can give you also know full review of the, the history of an interesting mission, if any of us to do the same and continue this search fish pre conditions interval interested in listen to this in this situation is i mean, which is the story to him or night is the best to 92 emission into for the web design just to check the mission. yeah. the internet, the guy, 13th or come by you award citizen. i need someone to give you to do what do you get the core dice to
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a dish of what kind of symbols of it, the balloons it is much closer. she said she is not too good at what you quoted 2 of us. and once you get those anyway, in the storage system, i assume you want a piece of shit, the budget the extra to estimate the size that's new to the piece of the
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machine for the question is that you might have the bullet points on. they'll come and get them into parts of the company, tape the show, just as a but it was you a whole bunch of those been used for now? so the cut up was because if we bought this i shall fund a new electric, necessary conduct into those yet. but somebody got that are still the pressure to compete with those to produce the what the showing special no, go find this book with the desktop and help us to watch the video and before the shows are simply meant, the goal is human commodities will show them some bro, no gather illusion, those books want,
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i'm not going to put all 4 books. if you have not them it doesn't let us look else. what does it take? so what does it no, i want to do the 3rd group. so because i deal with the supplement due to the invitation for which we discuss nevada with extra him for the machine, for the machine and fish. and then you're bringing my budget to the 1st floor that the, the,
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me to go with you to see all of the 3 of the, to be the judge of the 51st on, you know, there's all in the plows. you normally do you level you want to change the yellow that has got of it and they let them know. ok. can i see the tools to mail or form
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to try and we could use a see of the us 300 was for sala, from a gallon a stupid less. they'll go, the opinion wanted to come. we don't want them. i, as in larry, i as in your, your role as any of the lead on your, my, me that have gone up for you with the we have simply get enough room to me and you put your students bounced here, which is the, what is the found the total was a do so people so we have c, y, m, c, j learning come your program function, you know you to see a mortgage and they both are, they have come of the what about for the to me, you partition since the last just to get yours is the last one was you have to
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ship the did you talk to me that the i thought i saw as nice stuff on a piece in the way. you're not on the phone this my in the she did not see it. i would change by the law. let them physically, i don't know what is the place. jessica smith is going to the public a chapter and too much. but when you use this passion about the toaster,
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me up when you need for research, which they have to prove, no, you have to type in you my drugs because i'm assuming you're probably that the best time to when you talk truth about 20 bucks off of the money to dimensions on the public key and can you put, can you put a pseudo street keeping you much to cope 11 and yeah, that's what the sanctioned the diesel and the use of which this, the top of the machine needs to, to zip up to who knows more from what it's more 13, but convey to them provided this approach of what can catch the top of this. and then how did they do? well, let me just, oh, that sounds ridiculous. the most is a mom is a problem which is neil to watch it. since then for the i
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was just an update as an flexible on look at the blindness because i wonder what the meaning is, which is basically the describe pretty much what we're going to still pop over here . so it's a bit of the scores great here. if you pick up the, you know, split zone if this guy 3 minute on the go, right. what's the cause of the new boy? sho, specials, inclusive, with a mule contribution has nothing to put up a knowing you the data mama knowing yeah, they love who might be a little bit easier to, to through the those i chose to and the because or simply the inferior so the court, jessica, go to bed,
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which they used to to me before she go to or show this thing if you can please hold the phone to them. yes. um okay. but you just scrolling through that, i mean yeah, we were in the you up with the ones that i was cuz i know still loop so that i screwed up the division that it was through united but it was the go through. and what did you want me to do with uh, collections because one put on for you. do you have your most of the lease of the yeah, we'll just get everything mutual to schedule for a piece of these deals. get a hold of, you know, stuff, kid. especially because we can continue with this thing so that the only real
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consequences felt. so to my wish i'm with a young lady. doesn't understand me. it doesn't work that way and i'm going to see a specialist and a good and it shows he says, because up on store to mom, look at that. i previously stated just only because of the godaddy for those to be anything. and i strongly kept prompting opinion like here's what else i mean what i should say. it's good to void of fullness to what would you couple of those and you mentioned you're pushing it you some you are just a couple of of those to begin to get a video deposition because i'm at as costumers which is ease of use and mean if you guys do advise me when you get this guy showed up
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to me. yes, but i wasn't interested to come with the flow outcome, but some of the risk is restored in your budget on your structure for the kids, especially on which gym is just the front. the people that live just wondering if i'd be due to the benefits of putting it up, it's testable, charlotteville 30 days of lists of these are things i said less than mobile data, a limited link to the concept. the
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i don't know, you sound like 7 or 6 people to sleep in system cost effective way and that's at the store. see if i did the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the
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problem was that the new name was what i mean. thing was the got it. yeah. in order for the lower authority, when, when is the check id be out? we will, we, i drove, you have to go to one of them or what's the issue? the issue was that you have to go have you phone bills or me to choose what you throw out in the policy. you know, in syria, even though i'm us, it won't be seen by easy it isn't what is it going to get? no, no, and i'm of course it only opened was he got
4:00 am
a gun that will allow us to send anyone at all. no, that's fine. the the russian forces pushed ahead of the front clearing mines last volley, rid printing ukrainian, salters. while the french president doubles gone on calls to send troops to ukraine, sports comforter versus for trying to get nate to outlines on board. as india say, is it stepping up trade with russia in defiance of western pressure? we sit down to discuss the prospects with the spokes. personally, i think he is needing to be not be any patient from work. he


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