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tv   News  RT  March 10, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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the, the russian forces push ahead at the front clearing lines left by retreating, ukrainian soldiers. all the french presidents doubles down on coals to send troops to ukraine as box control the sea for trying to get nato allies on board. as india stays at stepping up trade with russia in defiance with west and pressure, we sit down to discuss the prospects with the spokes person of indians ruling policy does not need any information from the listing board b. i does not see any certificate or dictation from the rest of the work regarding it's russia or any other country. and among the weeks,
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big stories involved way takes out the confidential usa mission from the country. also, washington south functions on the african nations, 12 official, the hello and welcome. this is the weekly bringing you the latest news from across the world along with a round up at the stores. the shapes awake is great to have you with us today. now we're starting the out with the frank calling today to i'm also gonna say this trip to advance single in the southern front. so these are photos here. region. the russian defense ministry has release footage of its engine is clearing the ground from ukrainian mines and other munitions the
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8th as a fatal nurse. this was taken as a trophy by a comrade roof during the advance on the same front gets an american grenade, or we have those, and this is a german splitter grenade. will someone put to the enemy mostly uses m 70 mines? these are american mines. they are deployed remotely, approaching them is forbidden, just and so on. i mean, it was such remote mining affects the magnetic field. therefore, such minds are the most difficult to destroy and as you do not know how close you can approach them. therefore, if we have to use some new technologies of our own to know we can, we figure out how to destroy it all doesn't see the phones could deploy troops to ukraine if russian forces advance towards kids. oh, that's a, that's according to the french president speaking behind closed doors with local party leaders in paris this week earlier, a monument crone twice a riley fellow e, you politicians for a possible military intervention. but they were supposed to be little off aside for
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bath in neighboring gemini. is that the whole do? we have certainly approaching the time and all europe, when we must not be cowards flesh, we never want to see the dramas to come. the fact that war has returned to us soil, we want success powers that have become on stuff or bull are extending the threat every day, attacking us fuels. we have to be meet the challenge of history and match the courage it implies. so can you show that who can offer more, who is more coverage is who is more whatever it is, not about them who wants to do more? have to focus on that. this is what ukraine really needs the most. we don't need to really uh, from my perspective, at least discussions about boots on the ground are being more to having more coverage or less coverage. this is something which does not really help solving the issues we have last month. mr. mcclung. sudden shock waves across the west when he said nato could send troops to ukraine from has reportedly sponsored training it.
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so just for a potential class with the powerful opponents. but the countries allies are in no rush to do the same with several states openly saying they have no such plans. also differentiated, double down on his coals. washington reiterated its refusal to put boots on the ground, the towns, words, and then he certainly has every right inability to speak for himself and his views . all i can do is speak for president by the commander in chief and the president has been clear. we have been extraordinarily strong in leading international efforts to support you credit for the last 2 years. he's also been very clear since the very beginning of this war, there's not going to be us troops on the ground fighting. and so you create, this all comes against the backdrop of an intercepted coal release biopsy that reveals an explosive conversation between talking jim and generals. they discuss
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plans to send a long range missiles to ukraine, to destroy russia's crime in bridge. but then it may sit the cole walls authentic, but has also tried to shift the blame for the scandal to the criminal. a good us, that's the telephone. i mean, the reason that the phone call could still be recorded in the range of the air force is due to an individual application error. not all participants adhere to this cure dialing procedure as prescribed. according to current knowledge, data was leased from the participant in single point of view is connected via and an authorized connection, i. e, virtually via an open connection. this is exactly what who wants to achieve over the course of several months, or at least several weeks. she steps the agenda for what we're discussing here in germany, whether it is support for ukraine in one form or another. how successful ukraine is, whether it can win the war or not time and time again. this is an agenda imposed from outside by certain events. i am very angry about this story among other things
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because we have been dealing with only this topic for 3 days to care for this. yeah, i guess on monday, the gentleman um boss there was summons to the russian foreign ministry to offer an explanation. he declined to give any comments as it was assumed by journalists, well entering the building. well, then has been scrambling for damage control. loss of the lakes. cool was really spot edited at ortiz editor in chief last week. just to remind us in that 38 minute conversation jim and ask for stuff including 2 generals laid out that plans to send a tourist cruise missiles to ukraine. they discussed potential targets including the crime in bridge. and so they would take dozens of missiles to bring it down the verified code also. so the modeling of the how to ensue a plausible deniability for building itself. and also this little thing came to the conclusion that there are 2 interesting targets the bridge in the east
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and the munition depos above the originally east is hard to reach. it's a rather small target, but the torres can do with the munition depos can also be here. so we need to ensure that from the very beginning there is no mention that would make us top of the conflict mind. i'm exaggerating a bit, but if we tell the minister now that we plan meetings and we'll drive by call from poland and all so that no one notices that's already participation and we won't do that on monday. do you think it is possible to hope that ukraine will be able to do everything on its own? after all, it is known that there are many people there in civilian clothes who speak with an american accent. the leaves cold proves that germany is preparing military operations against russia. that's the direct conclusion from the russians. foreign ministry spokeswoman arrears, the higher of a slum sullens intentions, and those i pointed out how similar moves ended for the european country during world war 2. those still will uh,
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the avalon uh no. what was presented to the wild community shows the long time and plans intention of the native country gemini, to conduct the military operations against the russian federation. it was literally described step by step how terrorist attacks against civilian infrastructure would be carried out. and the speakers were clearly aware of the fact that they were discussing the bottom and you'll receive vending and bridge. and they specifically spoke on this topic, saying that the bridge is a great political importance. that is these, these, you should know, tying in the yeah. and we proceed from the fact the gemini is obliged to give explanations to your more nose. and there should be an open conversation between violin, between government officials and the rowing population and excuse me, with the entire international community. because what the whole world has hugs. and this audio recording is presented in its original races and a numerous number of questions for germany in general. especially for give me the
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very german officials who are there on this recording to remind each other of the glorious as a belief post of their lives come off and what is the scores post of the lift wall section if they talk about previous calling about experience it's the 2nd world war and it turns out the experience of those yeah, is, is still alive today, and that's still willing to apply it. but it's a different dimensional altogether received board and you should get the meanwhile opposed. so that more gym and save an end to the ukraine, conflicts through and negotiated settlement versus seeing the sizing drug out. that says that to this one of the countries for your socks and the policy filed a lawsuit against the military stuff. cool, right hand, they did not leaks, conversation, accusing them of trying to carry out and active aggression as the revelation spread around the world. but it has been struggling to contain the full out he's on to contribute to rachel marston's take. so it's real. the german government tells the western press the half hour long tape of germany's air force chief,
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plodding with fellow military brass to deliver long range torres missiles to ukraine and blow up the crime in bridge in a way that gives chancellor off schultz plausible deniability is indeed authentic, they've all caught wanting to launch themselves down the slippery slope towards direct more with russia, but ended up hitting a snag ripping their pants. and now their butts are hanging out for the entire world. the sea and the opposition. christian democrats are not keen on tossing. every one involves a bathrobe for modesty. the report so strange in 2 respects. on the one hand, security related conversations are obviously being overheard by the russians. on the other hand, the chancellor may justify his rejection of taurus deliveries with a misrepresentation. the federal chancellor must explain himself to the bonus tag. in this situation, a committee of inquiry cannot be excluded so much for all that plausible
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deniability that was being built up in the boonies. died recently with all that theatre. where shaw says government voted down an opposition resolution to specifically give ukraine torres missiles only to then introduce their own motion instead that more vaguely specified long range weapons. without explicitly mentioning the key word, defense minister boris. the stories didn't even know what was in that motion. he said, because well, he didn't write, it may be, it includes torres is or maybe it doesn't. who knows? not the german defense minister. in any case, not that anyone with stopping schultz or pin stores or their government from explicitly outlined the transfer to ukraine of german missiles of exceptional 500 kilometer range, capable of doing what it's french or british calendar parts couldn't, that is straight deep inside russian territory apparently, they just couldn't be bothered explicitly writing it in and now german politicians
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are spelling out why perhaps they showed us the top towns of legion boned to sweat offices with the german cruise me solves taurus and russian territory on the compatible with basic law. no, with international law, these madness must be stopped immediately. but despair generals are said to have made an assessment that the crime in bridge could be attacked with the german taurus missiles. the symbolic acts would drag germany deep into the war notes of torres delivery. the league effectively underscore as an unexplained discrepancy between army brass and what they're saying. on one hand, i much schultz has been saying publicly about not wanting in our school asian with russia over ukraine on the other. now the chancellor is demanding answers is just not very clear what exactly he's demanding answers to prescott. first of what is being reported, there is a very serious matter, and that is why it is now being investigated very carefully, very intensively and very quickly that is also necessary. what's the more upset
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about the fact that his own military was plotting against what he claims are as explicit wishes not to deploy terraces and even more explicitly contemplating a terrorist act against russia or the fact that everyone now knows about it? the bonus tag special commissioner to the military, eva whole goal from schultz is very own social democrat party sunset. the week itself is the real outrage and that it's the guys in charge of keeping military communications secure that need comprehensive training, not the high ranking german officers whose big balling about blowing stuff up risk getting germany into yet another world war. the events of the last few days, once again, 2 houses, lot of them are poor doing is trying to have a mess of a negative influence. are now open society, especially in your money through these information disabled station and spanish. yeah. maybe after they finish looking into how put in for part of the we blew up
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his own gas supply to germany. then they can tackle the big mystery of how it puts in, hijacked the mines of german military officers for a plot to blow up his own bridge. my 1st reaction to that was the total disgust. they were just trying to turn the table around and the argument was, well, the, there was the scandal is not the contents. it's not the facts. with high ranking offices have total disregard for an international conventions. have to go through this or hot event for security regulations. how and where they're shopped, discuss such things. if they do, i know it's uh that the entire narrative. and the whole thing is, this, the scandal is the russians are apparently a recording such conversations this, this from, from that perspective as the scandal and the defense minister of his torrijos stated last night, that also these offices will not have any disciplinary measures. they will not be
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punished, maybe they will even be upgraded. that's what i said, and that's there is so that the narrative has changed as no embarrassment and a sofa. we have not seen any embarrassment when it came from the drum inside or from the partition in all of these various steps of involvement, the usa department has announced that on the secretary victoria newland is set to resign and has appointed for my own box of the don't boss to sit in temporarily . now he's new notorious, but his aunty russian possessions and for leading the tales that us pull out from us gun in stone sees it is a boat as high as the story. or how's the u. s. high priestess of regime change. victoria newton heads off into the sunset. you imagine the white house might want to consider a less hawkish replacement after all project ukraine could hardly be described as a success. right? well, you'd be wrong. washington has decided a career hawk called john boss is the ideal candidate,
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a long time foreign service officer, an ex boss that are to hot spots like georgia into a t a with a particular appetite for bashing worship. what's not to like steve and how to go with france for selling ships to the russians. the symbolism of france, the broker of the cease fire, and a major nato ally, taking this particular opportunity to make one of nato's biggest sales ever to russia, will not be missed in moscow or into the lazy not only on the symbolic level is the sale, problematic this type of shape we'll give russia a new capability to enforce or threaten to enforce its will in the black sea well bus been found himself in the hot water with georgia opposition parties. they claimed he was interfering and georgia's internal affairs. this may have contributed to his georgian adventure, ended he year later, with big john finding himself on his way to to get where, like complete coincidence, the now infamous to against president or the one took place in 2016. and only
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a year ago anchor is ex interior minister accused of us on the direct involvement in the plot in the run up to the election of america has been interfering in this selection from the very beginning. biden said that we were not able to do this with a to in 2016. this time we will do it with an election, not a crew. the perpetrator is the goal in movement, and the us, interesting. 80 us traditionally is still refusing to the port for 2 lagoon and that's the mon, chris's coordinated the crew with washington refusing to expedite good. and so i think a lack of hard evidence. all this is despite president erred, one's warning that the u. s. was harboring a terrorist. people are having difficulty in understanding the united states when they don't hand over the head of this terrorist organization. see, to people ask everything is fine. but why is your strategic partner harboring this terrorist in the country and the zip. all this wasn't enough drama for
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a bus. he was been hastily dispatched to afghanistan in 2017. at the u. s. miss adventure, there came a part of the themes despite him already being dismissed by that time, the kilometers withdrawal became one of the most project unimed virus in chapters in u. s. foreign policy history. and john boss was slapped fine in the middle of this . so if you thought victoria knew and define us interference in southern states business, or maybe you should think again as a theme of joe biden is. whitehouse has determined to learn from its mistakes by repeating the care of troops facing grounds. losses on the battlefield continued to show civilian areas. a woman was killed in the husbands of extensive bones and a recent attack and rushed as cost region close to the trade in boulder. the residential building called fire when it was hit directly by cave shows, according to the local governance, and on yes, 6 people were wounded in a key ups trying to on the 2 old school districts on schools cuz there's
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a way off them off of the southern shows the damage to a residential house, the surrounding area, most civilian infrastructure such as schools and child care facilities, also stuff the damage, the stable on friendly. that's how india is foreign policy, chief of sons of relations with russia and with the baton to off of western pressure over the ukraine conflict. everyone conducts a relationship based on past experiences. if i look at the history of paste independence, india, russia has never heard of our interest. we've always had a stable and very friendly relationship. and our relationship with moscow today is based on this experience to india is expanding cooperation with russia, despite western sanctions against small sco us on the u. officials have been quoting for a crackdown on india, the importance of russian commodities. i totally exhaust skids had talked with the spokes person, the indians routing party,
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the b j. p. who broke down how most go on new delia doing business in defiance. that's the way the rush. you appreciated his student. i know you don't face all kinds of lives and then videos, ratio, media for russia. the halls of sick to the starting from defense starting from investment and i drew a start date from the investment in place, starting the joy with from russia. the important point in this is for india foreign policy. you may not rush she all the way very important. please not be any pressure from list. and board does not see any certificates or the patients from the rest of the work regarding it's at a time of the russia or any other country fall that might be able to continue the engage with russia to explore the photos active off in the ohio column. off the
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cream of defense, which has to be got really for long. but i do specifically want to ask you about a new dentist position. uh, these are the, the ukraine conflict. it's called president mat chrome saying that would not ruling out sending west and troops to ukraine with harring taps of german officials talking about helping ukraine. low up russian infrastructure. new daddy says we want this conflict to be resolved. do you see resolution coming before escalation at this point in time? is the trust of the global bees. the resolution of the conflict is a t i, b o is. this is the for any a nation who was all these basic and d to hire people to do the fire or other. this is the fire that included the fire tv country, which is a deep border this conflict of the wall to the device or the
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metrics so that both sides the d, b and b, like even use us class. so all the officials across africa has spelled k fresh confrontation ends in bob way. right, has expelled the controversial us agency from the country off the washington function, the southern african nations top officials and is not the only diplomatic conflict . the white house is fielding on the continent as long as he is going to be a con, gave reports the sanctions a once again, the whip of choice and full, same verbiage off you is foreign policy goals and some up ways. the latest targets back in 2001. the u. s. move into an onslaught on how about it. so it's so cold. floors will be jumping on the and she's in bob a bad week and with its own draft essentially is in 2002, many events have taken place since then. but one issue that's amazing. phone is and bob was relations. what's the waste is the continued suffering of the country's
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population. as a result of wisdom powers refusal to remove those muses have slowed progress inhibited economy recovery and time is the low risk, the most vulnerable in societies. equally astounding is wisdom. countries failure to come to terms with the reality that the land reform and resettlement programs. the main reason for these sections will not be the 1st to have thoughts and repeatedly tried to reverse that. you started programs through political tools or confrontation with is in bucklin government. but those gifts was to prove it futile . it cannot be right. and it's loading a healthy basis for conducting international relations or building friendship for a country. however, mightily it views itself to slam the innocent nationals of other nations, while also maligning those same nations for daring to be independent and silver and, and for reversing a baneful legacy of secular colonialism in line with the united nations tratta. the
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sanctions of slowing down our progress inhibiting economic recovery and punishing the poorest and most vulnerable in our society for unit 2 of them. bob was a scene for my us president george bush, the i to take to off the sections and bark obama together with donald trump. leave office having failed to achieve regime change in this. and bob, we present vital support of the senses, has also been in vain. that says african countries continue to raleigh behinds. the bump is pushed for the lifting of what many c as in the legal economy? can bob go back? small man cannot negotiate with a big man. europe and countries have been putting sanctions on zimbabwe, which has been suffering for 20 years. you're gone to itself has suffered from wish to sanctions with the you is attempting to exec political control over the country, accusing it of human rights abuses. last year, washington, would you, you kind of prefer racial trade status, aiming to punish kampala for n, c l g b to q knows that they defy and prison. the severe needs slamming the move is
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justified. defending the countries the 17th days, 6 to no pressure. it is unfortunate that the world bank and other actors dare to want to coerce us into a band and in our face, culture, principles and sovereignty using money. they really under estimate all africans, we do not need pressure from anybody to know how to solve problems in our society. they are our problems. i want to inform everybody starting with your guidance, that uganda will develop with or without loans. another country to be target to do the rich your long stigmatized as a regional spoiler by washington. extension for supporting taylor bas groups. despite years of screwed to me by monitoring groups, using little evidence of those claims that it was excluded from the suff payment system. but the you is closing the accounts of it, which meant to put magic missions and a number of states and causing difficulties for the impulse of vaccines and mid us into the country. this unilateral sanction that ships blame to and scape goat scare
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a trail on the basis of spurious allegations is in contravention of international law and constitutes a flagrant breach of the sovereignty, independence and liberation of peoples and nations. the primary aim of the elicit and immoral sanctions is to inculcate suffering and starvation on the population. so as to induce political unrest and instability is patently clear. over the past decades west of states have made such should they go to diplomatic weapons, the united states and the ropes in union administer hundreds of section programs targeting thousands of individuals, companies, and economy, except as in many countries, but have sanctions achieved the goals. despite the efforts, the targeted states retain suffering and independent domestic and foreign policy is building ties with the global solves and russia. you essentially have also cause
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the economy collateral damage, sedans, economy being severely impacted, even often. some of those sanctions were lifted and even many struggling in new jersey. after that, evidence appears to be clear. sanctions on the african continent failed to achieve the aims, and by damaging local livelihoods may have had the opposite effect. as those states behind the coast of mist has failed to begin, the leasing time and time of to me, i'm next thoughts on a boy. toby's joined by american economists at thomas holly in the latest episode, as well as a pause and the that was more news and 30 minutes. thanks for watching the
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there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case of the med, most of the people i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also absurd. this is the 3rd world lunacy re washington. as for so the funder line likes to say, we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals to help me living on that have very quick propaganda. you know a price here in your i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. some more questions ask a better. the answer is will be the
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tone of welcome to was a part of the populace singles. you can never get an alpha what you don't have. but since i'm thousands store people or whole nations from trying to get more, both the more than economy on today's politics upfront, it came to its own goals and objectives that have little to do with meaningful or balance life. quite the contrary, they often manage stock churn dependence. there's a conflict as a way of sustaining themselves can be changed out of soul by home. to discuss that i'm now in joined by thomas family and american economists. also, there are several books, including plenty of nothing. and they found are all the economics for democratic and open societies project. mr. paley, it's a great honor and great pleasure for me to talk to thank you very much for your time. well, thank you very much for inviting me. i'm looking forward to this now, and you're not only a prominent the economist, but also i think there's some extend an economic your store and,
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and what i really like about your approach is that the, your factor in psychology, culture, morality as a way of explaining economic behavior of people or a whole nations and using these very comprehensive plans. i want to start by asking where do you think the global economy assigns itself at this very point i want on. so in terms of strong weak what i think i'd like to use in a school last a, i'll give it a grade. i give it a see great. and of course, to understand the global economy, it consists as pieces. and so i, i think that the pain is 3 pieces of significance right now. the 1st of course is the united states and this europe and then another school, the rest of the world uh, in the united states were having a macro like.


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