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tv   Cross Talk  RT  March 10, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the rush, it makes games on the front clearing lines left by ukrainian. so just saw the french present in face the troops may needs to be sent to ukraine as far as control the safe or trying to get nato allies on board. as india says, it's stepping up trade with russian defiance of west pressure. we sit down to discuss the prospects for the spokesperson all in this building policy does not the ration from mr. lord alia,
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does not see any certificate or dictation from the rest of the work with russia or any other country like that. and also among the week's big stories, simple way takes of the controversial us a mission from the country up to washington slop sanctions on the african nations competition. so those are your headlines that too am moscow time mondays because scotts and i'll be back with another look in just about an hour, the hello and welcome to prospect bull horns and peter level. here we discussed some real news during a state of the union address, joe biden, and broke history, specifically the 2nd world war. on this edition of the program, we explain why this history is abused. also, voters throughout the western world go to the pulse this year. will their voices be
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heard to discuss these issues and more, i'm joined by george samuel leon, boot the past. he's a pod cast, right, the goggle, which can be found on youtube and locals and america actually a martin j. he is an award winning journalist and commentator or a gentleman prospect rolls in effect. that means you can jump any time you want. and i always appreciated. right. let's start out with the georgia in, in budapest, um you have, uh you and i have previously talked about the state of the union address that joe biden delivered. obviously, the most bizarre thing coming from on that venue for that occasion. we have ever heard in our lifetime and it, but it was very interesting. it was supposed to be the state of the union, but it was a kind of a state of jo biden's mind and administration, particularly when it comes to world affairs. so, so the united states that in feature very much, at least in the beginning, but the 2nd world war, he paid off with the 2nd world war. as if the united states in 2024 is in
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a similar circumstance. it was in january or i guess it was march then of of, of 9 and 1941. that the world is coming up across a part of that. they wheels off the rails and the, the united states must lead. oh, would you take it from here? george, because his understanding of history is not only wrong, but it's kind of perverse. go ahead. aaron city right the to it, it will be the last of being one of the most bizarre state of the union address is ever delivered by any president. they kicked off, does it say the state of the union by referencing january 1941. as suggested that america was in that situation, that it was then. now, last year, within 11 months, united states was at war uh, a world war, but it was of war with japan and germany. so you have to wonder then, is that the plan?
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but this year says that he said that this is where exactly the same situation that we were in in 1941. and in fact, yes, he said it is worse because we have this, the existing control thread. it will, why am we have an existing show, a thread at home, so it's a, it's a to sort all my dig prices. so you have to then what, what, what's the bottom here? i mean, it is easy butting to leave the country in the world. and then you also have to wonder about what's been going on in your uh, this uh, this week with um my chrome um denouncing the gentleman spoke our this. there's a, a big of the, the lack of the z you instead of him sending the taurus midsize through ukraine, demonstrates call of this. and um, uh, and this was echoed also by the british of david cameron, the, the, the before, i'm sorry, i meant to say no, no, no, they get all, this is not escalation, just send, send everything you've got just a little different. the other side, both i towards, i suppose, judge the, the, the,
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the french can say that because the red army didn't come visiting. and 1945, i suppose that hadn't something i did into. yeah, they didn't terminate metrics and then my chrome, he had all of the political parties assembled at the say about us integrating of the meeting with all of them. and, you know, number of the address number of states in europe in which you gain reiterated that, well, if things get bad in ukraine, we're going to have to be the way the way, way going. well, i mean, charge, we, you, and i've talked about this before. it's nato troops. does that mean french troops sort of means, you know, the baltic? republics. it means poland doesn't mean romania. i mean, who's going to do the heavy lifting here? or is it just be non say, you know, martin, one of the interesting things too, with george and i remember them and yourself a very serious about history. and if we look at the, the, the 1st months of 1941, the united states, it least split with the official narrative, was trying to stay out of the war spot to stay out of the european war and try to
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avoid war with which. and that's the nominal history here, but joe biden is not only he's not avoiding more, he is wanting to perpetuate board to continue more. i mean, really the, the analogy to 1941 is upside down and inside out, because joe biden, with a couple of phone calls, could these x a central threats that he claims could be or could be dealt with immediately? or? yeah, he wants to keep the war going as it is, as a proxy will, but it doesn't, it doesn't want to involve american troops on a trip. so that meant to, you know, and i think you have to ask yourself why, and i think i hope americans are becoming more and more cynical. and also in the same question here. is this something else the that we don't know about? you know, when we looked at his son's activities, it's business day, things in the crane. all the other, you know, great to corruption stories that i, which will come out in the next few years. you know, it's, it's very dubious erase, suspicious, but i think that if there's any question about who wrote,
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who wrote his speech, i think he wrote himself because to go back in history that for and to not really make any prolific statements or comparisons to that today. but just simply shows that you have an idea about what history has and what the issue is done, and where america is now is foolish because the world's changed. i think you, the message was, i'm stuck in the past. you know, i only really care about the policy, you know, from the americans will be saying, well, what about health care? what about pump prices and food in the supermarket? can we deal with the realities of today? and i think the hood that came up, well, 1st of all, i think a little the speech is basically written about from i think it was really old about trump, but a lot of there were a lot of references. i know it's just to, to, i'm trying to trickle down effect. and i think this is one of his obsessions. now, is that, look, the economy isn't in a bad state and it isn't. he's flush the statistics a little bit and the respect about some of the positive specifics about jobs, for example,
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on really realistic unless you give them context that when he came into office, we were coming out of cove. it. so obviously the pendulum swing the other way on gross, on, on job to spend on inflation. but, you know, but martin, you know, me, i don't want to go into the weeds about the economics of it because a, i think i just patently false. what do you have to say? but it's of, it's very least the, his, the leads are doing fine. that was the mess. yes. the okay. so that there's doing fine. you know, we're doing just jim dandy here. how, how do you want to look somebody can everybody else think, you know, accept our, well, be how, how do you, how do you wouldn't election on that? you know, the way we're doing great. we're buying new. let's just say, well that, that's a problem. we're going to discuss that. i always go into this election season. yeah . but george, you know, you know, who wrote this speech well, didn't that the leach wrote the speech. ok? because mike johnson, he could say maybe he was clap and under the table, i'm not really sure, but he was certainly nodding his head. ok. so this is again,
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maybe una party. this is a very, very pipe, a bi partisan. i mean, even the highest ranking elected republican, if it goes to a sitting right behind the president, but on sites like that's right. that's right, mr. president. considering everything else is coming, coming apart, they have an agreement on that at the very, very top. george, it is quite remarkable and, and that is a very good question as to why you start to the state of the union, which is supposed to be the state of the union today. and then he wants to bring up some events from more than 80 years ago. and yes, he is stuck in the boss. but as is america's the lead, and the i'm as is you're absolutely, you know, when, when you, when you listen to macro and you listen to david cameron's, they are exactly the same is by them. they are stuck in this mindset of hipaa churchill chamberlain. and that's how i try to read what's going on in the works. i need to so bizarre,
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because the public just isn't buying and the public is does not thing. but what's going on in ukraine is some existing show a match, a full them that they have to worry about that it somehow in any way strengthens them. but that's how essentially that's selling a war because they have no other means are they will they know other means of, of telling them why they're doing what they're doing. i mean that's, that's really the question. why are you so heavily involved in ukraine? and they don't have an answer other than bring up, what will it fits his blood while it goes, everything is on the table. it a tip load. if it then, then you know where it was. i think it most of that, well, we need the problem. the problem with that junk is that how many here? what is there out there with the pairing yet? the aware. yes. that's right, but they don't. they don't have any means of that. this was a, they've never been able to explain why, as you probably is so important other than to bring up a but why we have this stuff hip, let you know that that's the way we we,
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we stopped them before in the 90 boards that we go to do it now, and that's, that's all they got. the problem is that this rhetorical uh, excesses acquire momentum of that road. and then it becomes very difficult to stop . because if you're facing hitler, well, you can just, if this is a head one certain point, okay, well let's say boys, let's go home now based, but didn't you say that we will fight the hipaa? uh, so if you live and that's why i moved by chrome, it's getting more involved with, with, with all these proclamations that, well we have to, you know, get ready for war and the, i'm be now the stories of a french are being trained to fight a war in europe, you know, they're, they're busy trading in africa to find a warn you, if it's an in the story, a political today. it's where, where, where they have a, you know, more, it's which really came really bizarre about this speech is that there was no reference or a suggestion of how to move towards peace. that was absent to experience. it is if
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there's no options out there that, that there's nothing else that if you're a prisoner of some of this ro, reenactment of history, martin it but the references to ukraine and i'm getting the bill passed, you know, to, to carry on with the spending was very brief, i so i mean it was really sure. so you know, you, you would expect seem to put a bit bit more meat on the boat and really hammer the point home. you know that, that pretend this is able to take to and he's going to take over europe and when next because that's what the challenges have been pumping out for weeks now. and even government minutes is like my deal 6 defense minister who would recently visited kiff and displaced the camera because because we don't have just any more the 2 interviews. but then i've done this anymore. the also, i mean it's just difficult questions. what we have is ministers, we've had their media training and that they know their buddies come along with a little effort and we do a piece to camera. and this was explained to us that you know, we need to carry on. we just pull the ukrainians and help them win this war, but i think with bites and gloves. so it went to a very tight corner because um,
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you know, i, i think an awful lot of americans, i'm not really talking very seriously. i don't, they don't see him as a, somebody can really fly the flag international, you know, just trying as more, more into international, you know, to some of the way he could came across as a dog, barking and cards joyous. be that, that, that's, that's how i, i kind of read it here. but again, you know, stressing that there is there somehow prisoners of their policy. and in, in, in martin you say put more meat on the bones here. i think, you know what people say, did i miss the net? netflix series on unique is what is the talking about george? 40 seconds before we go to the break. that's right. and he, he has been a prisoner all this policy from the stuff, and it was his decision to get so involved in the world in which the one know all this american interest of state. and he has done this and he has continued to
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escalate. and he has continued to push the europeans and persuading them that this is an existential matter for you. this is hitler, and now they are indeed prisoners of this policy. and it's very hard to see how they get all. yeah, and um this is joyce and the beginning may be biting was prophesies thing, but the end of the year will look like both a gentleman will get to go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on some real estate with our to the on march the 22nd 1943. doing the great petri. i'll take off the shirts and munch
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fatality and 118. run down the belly, mercy and village of clotting ship of the new wish in luxury. is that or? yes, because a lot of changes to the this one, most of the room, 240 you to you. 149 people died including 75 children of age was practically wiped off the face of the law new really loves the live. arching could have charlie was, you know, is you, will you put as follows? oh, shoot was hard really. i really usually don't you feeling, you know, so the infamous battalion responsible for the atrocity included over $100.00 ukrainian national is from west and you, right? because of the picture. all right, and so i'll see you guys so far as the new e. pulitzer,
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a lot of those to you guys pursuing your opportune. i'm with them us customers de classified criminal cases from the central archive of the k g b, a better rules, shut the light on the atrocity and on so numerous questions that have remained an onset for many years. watch on oxy, the welcome act, across that bullhorn john peter live out here we are discussing some real news. okay, let's go back to budapest, george. we have this amazing election outcome recently with george galloway, the someone that you and i have dealt with them the past. a supremely wonderful human being. yes, i said that everyone. i know everywhere. everywhere else you hear his name mentioned that he is demonized, but no, he's a wonderful gifted politician from the working class which i totally respect. but george is it. is this a, a taste of what we can get for the and throughout the western world? because george galloway is a known element,
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it was an accident. people voted for him for a reason and they know what he stands for. is this going to be a stand as an example of what the lead, so we'll have to be fearful of this year? well, what would hope so, but what has to be a little bit skeptical when it comes to the united kingdom, for instance, because it has to be an election sometime before the end of this year. galloway has done this before. he is one by elections before and then um he didn't succeed in uh, in winning the re election. very, very hot in britain as i think boston was a very hard to break through the 2 body system. i'm not sure why, but, but it's almost impossible to break that 2 body system in this was a 100 years since they uh that this was the last the cheap um so easy. i think he
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was, he is a populace the beacon, and i think that the will be a, uh, a, a populace moving in uh, in your about, in the coming months. this, we're seeing that in the, with the farmers protests which is spread throughout europe. and what's remarkable about these purchase is that they enjoy widespread support in this thing a little bit because i think certainly obnoxious. and yet the public is entirely on this side. and, and then we've, we've seen some major moved ones in germany. i mean, we have, we have the, certainly the, the official bodies, the, the, the rainbow from the traffic light, double the size of the rainbow. there's much traffic like a relation, deeply on popular. and now there's a, the alternative foot deutschland doing clearly very well in the balls. and now there's a new kind of left wing populace bother again. very similar to the georgia galloway's bought the boat. bizarre dragon next. good, well, break through and this year my problem is also in a lot of trouble. so you know,
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we have the, the, the national riley body also looking like they going to do well. so they could well be a major shake up. and again, as we were talking about in the 1st of my call keeps going down this path of the threatening friends with war against russia. he's heading for an old might. it shows i king, in, in the european elections in june. because clearly the french public is not with them on this. what it's really interesting is you're again, giving your answer. markham is nodding and said that it's, it's, it's not the problem isn't. the idea is the problem is the system because the system will not allow new ideas to percolate to the top or to be a heard i, it's, it's, it's very interesting to me because i said in my introduction will be, will the voters be they will vote but will their vote out? ok, that's one of the problems that i see facing us right now, because it's no coincidence that you know,
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we hear through western capitals that help to prepare for war. well, that means the suspension of domestic issues of domestic debate do have to have that everyone has to rally around the flag. unfortunately, the flag is being held and controlled by neil or the liberals for martin. yeah, it's an also, it's a mess. it from massive media destruction which now leaps now really sticking on, you know, we've had a few over the last few decades and in the last few years as well. we had coverage . you know, then ukraine was for a long time. was it took up with a massive amount of media oxygen and now it says, what is it leads to go together and said, well look, i'm our economies are in a mess. you know, we can't really now inflation jobs. unemployment is just starting to spit out of control. we haven't got any policies. we don't have a silver bullet. you know, the only thing that we can come up with is can we find more cash? can we tax the system even more? i'm on the and it's the same, i think the same situation to the european union election to know you have now us
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live on the land, who is going to try and say for a 2nd to get a rubber 2nd to them doesn't happen very often. the so we have once the you will just coordinate or will this have queen are so love, i think keep going actually, but will, is a really and cool and the running and cool of matt, chrome on shows and so not is also the same is we need to spend more money on defense, so i'm not, is just really the biggest comment, but that's like, that's like a lift. it costs, you know, it's like why do we need to spend moaning defensive to keep you in jobs, to keep the leads where they need to be, you know, to keep them in control because policies are fairly, and i think if we look up so many of the big ones is 20 election, some like 20 elections in the, in the european, in the, in europe, in our old europe as well. and russia. and i think come to me, the european elections is going to be a milestone in the history. because i think we're going to have a lot of published votes, and that is going to change how the functions, when we have a decent,
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a number of any pays and the girlfriend polymer. the can slow down the entire bureaucratic process and stopped coming up with some common sense policies on the environment on in, on international conflicts. and such was i think that's going to be a game changer unless i wonder if for us to live on the land stating that she's going to run for 2nd time is that you're going to even drive more. people develop this much because because people are sick of the, you know, and you know, stuff that the french a sick of the eat it because it doesn't work anymore. just doesn't, they don't, people don't see the benefits anymore. they can see it as an institution is out of control that wants to spend to spend and spend more more more money. but no one sees any tangible, you know, result on something. but you, you lived in brussels, the, you know, takes care of people in the, you and brussels of yeah, yeah, a lot of it before it goes, well, good, both ways mark a to charge a lot of lots of good with. but it would translate, say, this is what i'm, what i'm worried about is that i think there are some people have ideas there. and
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there's, we thinking a lot of the, the, the real problems that beset the western world. but will it will, will they be allowed to have that voice express? they can vote, but we all know, you know, even if it's, if you get 50 percent plus one percent of the vote, it doesn't necessarily mean change is going to come about. and that's where the tension is gonna start. in george, victor events not going to be considered such an outlier, i think by the end of the year. go ahead. well, the, what you really said is very, very, very important. because, you know, we, we talk about the populace and, you know, with the, the, the, the, the german pop, it is the alternate they production. and that can talk about this. i can think about it. but the reality is when he comes to governing it, it is very hard for the outside volunteers to make a breakthrough. because let's say in the woods, they really do really well. what happens is that means all the establishment bodies just get together and say,
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well under those circumstances we will let the outside this have any say in government. you know, we will setup a completely a cop coalition of all the best. so sites like our new soccer sweet model, let's go ahead and say that the, i mean we've had that with the get billed as in the, in the, in the netherlands again. would you? well, he's just gonna keep him out. and, and i, the thing is the same thing is going to be uh, in front of the house, no matter how well, um, uh, you know, the national riley does in the european elections. my crown will continue with this policy. let me look, look at the people that he has in the, in, in the government, 7 days in the, in the new people. his a point just, you know, they basically sell as belligerent as he is. he is determined on this policy. if you knew when he told in all of these, uh the politicians and told them that his plan is to save ukraine, whatever it takes and he said, but well, there are no no red lines. i don't recognize any red lines. there are no limits to our support for you. great. i mean he was knew that they wouldn't like it at all. they said they, what the hell are you doing?
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you know, you'd be dragging us into walks, he doesn't care. so that's the problem. but the, the leads just simply go ahead with, with the problem is, is, i'm, the installment, is all going to change anything from what really soon has been doing. yeah, because martin there's, they're, they're speaking to and reacting to share their donors and the center of power, which is washington. i mean, listed no french president in his, her right mind would be saying these things though, but they are addressing washington, they're not addressing the farmers influence. i mean, we, and that's what we, you know, we had said over and over again in this program. this is all about a lead the capture because that's the only way you can explain why they ignore their electric. i mean, i don't mean to bear bucket. like she's honest and say i don't care what about the boat or think. go ahead, mark. yeah, but i wonder if i'm less skeptical wazoo. i wonder if these elections that will have this here will be turning point,
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and i think the election killed galloway in new k. that may will be an indicator that maybe we so that one that may will be assigned that the times are changing and that will be a new generation of independence and peace. you know, mavericks like, by the way, i mean, you know, i love george. i really do, i don't agree with his domestic politics. i'm not from the left. but is it going because whatever you say against him, he is consistent with his policies. he is principles, you know, and i'm bear it when you think of somebody of my age who reflects on you know, the last 30 years or so. how many people in the parliament that we haven't broken? can we say the same about, you know, these days of materials are wishy washy page corrupt little individuals? grey men in grey suits who are basically a lot of the time on the take looking for ways to subsidize this saturday is because you come live alone and pay salary. if you live in london, it's just, you know, even though you're gonna do something else. so corruption is sort of, we're a built in the american model. but people like galloway, you know,
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could shake the system up and could set the example for other m p. 's to come in the play will happen, but let me make my point to think about these new independence because he was skeptical i took to account of your point. i think they will make a difference. and the reason why is, excuse me, because people like galloway come with the own media, they bring an entire infrastructure associated with them. you know, and this makes a difference. this does take the system up, you know, the, the elite satellites conduct, know what someone like. galloway can give him one off and it'll twist up at no charge. it's very interesting with martin said, you know that, you know? yeah, we've talked to with, with george galloway. yes. he is a man of the left. but i think what makes him attractive is not the fact that he's from the left. it is the hit me. there's an authenticity and a road record that goes along with him, and i think it is. so he gets across the political spectrum. you say, well, i don't really agree with him on that, but he's a, he's a person that is authentically and genuine. and i think that counts because we all
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know the rest of them are just complete stakes. go ahead, george. absolutely right. he certainly authentic, and i don't think it's entirely right to describe them as the man on the left. i mean, i think he gets more complicated. yes, exactly. he will acknowledge that he has many socially very conservative use and he is someone who, i think, you know, but that's what i'm describing. was a copy of this because he does a try to articulate the, the, the, the hopes and the, the fee is all the ordinary people. let's over the end of may say, hey, the, the people that i represent the time actually very socially conservative views. and when it comes to this issue like immigration, he's very much thanks at the right. yes. over the view. and i think that's also true of. um, bizarre americans may have been. the gentleman who is also said that, you know, it has some socially conservative, isn't a game that he's going to end on a positive note. we usually don't do that and what we have in it right of the time when i think my guess americans and in budapest and of course i want to thank our
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viewers for watching us here at our d. c. a next time. remember prospect rolls. the take a fresh look around his life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented as fast? can you see through their illusion going underground? can
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the water is part of the black is a good poly would posted isn't the deepest you of us and that in the word part, is it something deeper, more complex might be present? good. let's stop without pieces. let's go out of the


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