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tv   News  RT  March 11, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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as the india green lights, a lot against citizenship to non muslim for nationals that plan from afghanistan, bangladesh and pakistan precinct concerns among mazda one minorities. as the guys in health system has been devastated by the war r t special project human shields documents the story of a doctor forced to amputate his own nieces leg at home with our anesthetic. as the idea of force has continued to show the surrounding area. the smell is unbearable. i kept bleeding at home for 4 days. unfortunately, i had no other choice. could i get her to the hospital? obviously, not because we had been besieged for 15 days. and
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a 4th us made abrams tank fall. so the russian army is one of the mighty challenger tags that you can give to. the brain gets stuck in the mind during simple training exercise. and the whole fiasco is captured on camera, private british media and attorney, because this song can split in and now they're waiting for recovery that the i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. you're watching archie international. we're covering this up new stories from around the world. we begin in india, where a new citizenship amendment will take effect as general elections loom the indian minister of home affairs says the law would guarantee citizenship for non muslim religious groups who moved from neighboring muslim majority states before december 31st in 2014 of the mo, the government today notified the citizenship amendment rules 2024. these rules
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will now enable minorities, persecuted on religious grounds in pockets. don, bangladesh and afghanistan to acquire citizenship in our nation. with this notification, prime minister in the render, emoji has delivered on another commitment and realize the promise of the makers of our constitution to the hindus. seeks buddhist joins parties and christians living in those countries. so let's see. this is big contributing. it's coming to us before as a general elections of india. any time this week the deed for elections will be announced. and remember the notification of the citizenship amendment act stuff was a possible not in the will. these be debases political body in the manifesto, which is a boss of the 2019 manifesto and we, the citizens communist in the range of all these political body has fulfilled its from its now what exactly is the, the citizenship amendment act?
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and why is it condenses no back in 2019, no. was already foster right off to the law is fost. we so the different parts of the country to golfing to products because the law was proceeds to be acting whistling. good regarding this bill, i will say that it doesn't pose threat to any minority in india, especially our muslim brothers and sisters. now this particular law, what it intends to do is it intends to give citizenship to on documented both $6.00 to $10.00, norm brooklyn's from of gone a song focused on as well as thumbs up each. so the citizen shipped the these people, they have to be in india before the 2014, in fact, december of 2014. and then they qualify to be given us citizenship in india. these could be in your view. these could be christian. gen ortiz. see, not knowing what the reason be, the government sees the via coming from were slim majority country. now,
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with this particular notification of being a knowns, 5 the home industry, that's the nor do a quarter to you really for rob this particular asked to be carried out in. well, it's very interesting now because in the run up to the general elections, it'll be interesting to see the kind of reactions we get the law to underlying factor. he will be willing to consolidate him to for the hard fusion, the football team, the upcoming elections. as the as really offensive and gaza grinds on the u. s. u n. agency for palestinian refugees warrens that humanitarian conditions are reaching tragic proportions. as hunger has spread all across the enclave. president say the month of fasting for ramadan comes amid the pain. are the same i live with my family in this 10 to where we will observe the holy month of ramadan by fasting and praying. when i made these decorations to make
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the children happy because they have seen enough horrors during this war, we were displaced in the middle of it all. today we welcome the holy month of ramadan with pain. i'm sorry. the children were denied the rituals, the strips of wood that families, including the meals. many children were killed or wounded. this is ramadan comes image, pain, suffering, and cruel conditions. we have no vision all hope on the futurism, such as. we don't know how to feed all children on how we can fost and they own this. neither water, no refreshments are available, like a silence for a 2nd. how can one receive the month of ramadan while being displaced from home and living in a tent or this is the hardest ramadan for this nation. we used to celebrate ramadan in our homes, where we had all we need. but now we live in displacement on this. i am displaced within my own country. this is what ramadan is like for us now. the muslim world
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begins the holy month of ramadan is riley forces violently preventative worshippers, younger than 40, from entering the ox, a mosque in the east jerusalem. the dramatic footage from the same service. the idea of troops pushing back a crowd of most of them is that the gate to the world renowned fare home. the number of women, as well as young and older errands, were seen being beaten with the tons as they attempted to enter authorities time they're working to ensure a freedom of a legend while providing security as requests to advise. and netanyahu government regarding the health care system is ins, headers as 5 months of war, have devastated most of its hospitals. i met a critical shortage of aide. many wounded palestinians are forced to undergo operations under hazardous conditions. sometimes even without anesthetic will look at the cost of the middle east. complex next, as chronicled in r, t is
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a special project. human shields the we are calling the civilians to leave guys a go. so some us wants to keep them there as a human shield. this is innocent. civilians are going to be hard to sign on. i see all the civilians and one of the we were in our house when it was bombed. this is my niece. imagine i had to amputate her leg in our home. what in chest is, what soon have we committed?
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i am working on a kitchen table without an anesthetic cutting off of 17 year old girls link. where is the mercy? god have mercy on us. the . we weren't times to time slow, right? it's hard to steps. i went out to the 6 full to try to get a signal. so i could talk to my dad who has been away for 6 years. my sister nice all the time. it was huge. so i told my sister to go to the living room while i placed the cottons so that the tank would fire to us. i went to set on the couch and i was hit fast. i didn't see anything. suddenly, everything around me turned white. i thought i instead my mom left the shop telling
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me i had my cousin take me down. while he was going down the stairs, i saw that part of my leg was going on. my side was just hanging by my skin. they got me to my house and put me down on the table, which we already had doing it as we had been making. they remove the dial and put me on edge. and as i said, let me go today. unfortunately, i had no other choice. there were just 2 options, either let the girl die as a martyr or try to do something amputation of the leg was necessary. could i get her to the hospital? obviously, not because we had been besieged for 15 days. the lights seem to show that the check my medical back, but there was nothing in it except a pair of scissors and some guys i know. and every surgery, the doctor asked the nurses to prepare everything. but for me, my nurses were my nephews. i looked around for
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a threat to tie the artery and i said, wait, i can't see properly. i didn't have my glasses with me. i told my nephews to look for us right and tied the artery with an ordinary thread. the one you use to fix torn clothes, the total because if up just they kept the phone in my phone so he could see my own tree. the smell was on bearable. i kept bleeding out curves for days. the pain was so strong, i was hallucinating off to full days. the time suddenly left the area. now let's say i gave myself 5 days to say that are taught that would be the maximum limit for her to endure the. but she handled something. no human can handle having an amputation with no anesthetic, the
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the, the sides, every day, a palace to me and dr cries because he can help patients relax the resources every day we perform amputations, not because we want to, but because we lack the means to treat them, i mean we're not butchers but we have no other choice. every day of house to move, doctor dies a little when he's in the hospital reception and sees the mother of brother, a sister bringing a dead or wounded person, and fighting for a hospital bed. the
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no man or woman or child is, should be spared in gaza. that's the message of one jewish rabbi who called on is rarely people not to spare a soul in the so called holy war. it is the basic rule we have been fighting in the holy war in this case. and gaza is the doctrine, do not spare any soul. and the logic of this is very clear. if you don't kill them, they will try to kill you today. saboteurs are the children of the previous for whom we kept alive. and in reality it is the women who create the terrorists. there is no such thing called an innocent creature. the elderly man is capable of carrying a rightful in shooting. the children 2 should be killed. the same thing, the same thing. today he is a child and tomorrow, a fighter. therefore, you must not stop her let's cross and now to johnson paula,
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inactive as to joins us live. jonathan, what's your reaction to those words from the rabbi calling for every man, child and woman in guys a to be essentially killed. but there are of course shopping and they are representative of the extreme of extreme us. it's very tough. is there any politics? but unfortunately, they also represent a whole and even if cost more crudely not the main screen, but officers reading public opinion tell them right, which stands for the children of the pin support office. the law as well as genocide of war. and godaddy and the truck shift. um yeah, literally imaculi's double dot. right. and an amount of giving and devastation that we've, that we're witnessing and gaza. it is a representative of very if we're being very conservative of
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very large sums and a very significant amount of it really public opinion that it supports for genocide . and you know, it might be phrased more delicately. and the times it would be you know, more diplomatic, but by and large it's very public opinion. unfortunately, i'm supportive as or on guys a and the internet society is infected with with genocide of discourse. now i'm not certain, it's an extent investigation into insight into genocide was opened against or by by monday. i'm pretty certain it has not um, but even if it does, it would be just a way to mark one person in order to hide the, like i said,
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the mainstream of a very public opinion in support of the war and of genocide. but even dot, as far as i know, has not had not been done yet. he had not been questioned for incitement to genocide. and as far as i know in an investigation, had not been opened to say something like this out loud. what kind of wait, does that message carry in israel, especially among the idea of soldiers, given that this was a rabbi who sent it? it's hard to say he is a very t, as an extremist, but like i said it, it. and it's not only him, and it's not only the so called extremist, this is a very common perception within its ready society. and that is very, a very dominant discourse. and you know, we, we've seen soldiers say the same thing. soldiers who aren't just saying what needs to be done, but soldiers recording themselves to testifying,
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to have to have killed people to have carried out trusted for crimes, crimes against humanity. and we see that we see it very policy implemented on the ground turning into genocide. um there's, there's no other way to, to, to, to see um, to perceive what if it leaks doing in guy that i did in genocide that we are at the point where over 1.5 percent of the population had been killed by it's already bombing it. least, 75 percent of of them and civilians. at some point, even at some point for long reality translates into intention. is broken not say, this is, this is not a one often uh instance. it is not a one off mistake. we're talking about uh,
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almost 5 months off of ongoing attacks until the seasons. and at that point, we have got to say that what happens on the ground is intent. and if people are being annihilated, if the, if the residence of guys are being annihilated in of such and such proportions, there is no way to call this anything but genocide. and if this is not genocide, then truly are when we are meaningless. and we are in need for a new language because i don't know how to describe something like that. it's an opinion. we've also seen palestinians today expelled from mosques and from marketing ramadan. what kind of messes does that send about what it means to be a palestinian in israel and also by israel itself. but what it
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means to be about the nature of it is to be under the constant donation off of a fairly forces to be subjugated, to is already cause on you live in. and to be in the case of person unions who live in the areas occupied by it's really an item for the area to have introduce it and ship. it means being 2nd, 2nd class, 3rd events off a country that basically is not concerned with your interest, but concerned with your subjugation. and it sends a message that israel controls the, the holy sites and that it will control access to the all the sites. and you know, we know who is the minister of who is in charge of fits or the police and what are his policies towards and towards jerusalem and all the sites there. so i think the message is very clear. it has control the students are supplements and
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it's the same. it's the same perception that leads is very conduct in gaza and other aspects of your study control over posting and whether it's in jerusalem. whether it's in the ongoing ethnic cleansing in, in the west bank. whether it's in legal repression towards the police, the news in the territory is the defect occupied in 1948. it is all part of the same division of police, damian's or is being the nice judge should as old part of is really apartheid. and in the concept of, of jewish supremacy. well, we also heard comments coming from a former guantanamo bay prisoner in that is really jails are actually harsher than the torture that we saw in abu ghraib prison in iraq. those comments come at all as
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a surprise to well, i'm, i'm no expert on, i will grab on going down the, but i can tell you that many of my friends i've, i've visited menu of some of the many friends who have been released recently from a fairly jails and has been there since october 7 and the stories that that, that they tow um wouldn't, wouldn't make him shrill it, it did their stories off on going torture of abuse of starvation on each trips. and there is, and i've heard that from numerous friends of mine who's been released each prison. there's receives possible of price an egg. and a little bit of a little bit of smoke per day did. that's the ration from a friend of mine who been arrested. who's been under administrative detention for 2
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and a half months have lost 32 kilograms in these 2 and a half months. he's piece was broken from a, from a, from meetings. so they're each and every release prison there. it's tell stories about um about rates on the sales just in order to beat the prisoners about being beaten when taken from one place to another. so i don't know, i'm not an expert, i mean a boy rib or went down. no, but what i can see if the conditions and it really presents amount to torture. okay, we're gonna leave with our jonathan pollock activist joining us live. jonathan, thank you. i think you the russian defense ministry confirms of force that us made abrams tank has been destroyed on the battlefield. images are circulating online of the charred remains of the american made machine
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reports suggest the tank was destroyed in the fight from one of the villages of denette region. the russian defense minister also confirmed other western supplied munitions had been taken out in the course of finding a new crane, including a check made a vampire combat vehicle into french made caesar a self propelled artillery units for the west. military might seems to be suffering one, failure after another. here's a british maid, challenger tank, is stuck in the mud wall, performing a simple training exercise. the exercise, wasting the main problem of the tunnel, just being it's
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being one of the messages to the crating time cruise. they've given a sense we go is that was this challenge? is formidably precise. actually they've had real problems with it in ukraine because of its lability and they just said it's too heavy. it's on the pallet and it keeps getting stuck. and you can see that's exactly what has happened here. the valley of the tank is on the mode. we try to cross a small bits really, you know, a few meters wide, but it's clearly very well very. so he and the tank is just sunk in, slit in and now they're waiting for recovery. they help me while i'm moving story has emerged about a ukrainian soldier who surrendered to a wounded russian service man and hoped to save his life. the russian soldier shared his story with archie. so leslie celeste went into the village of the lost
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his skin. what high count of a shout came down on us and i was badly wounded. my comments and bottles went to help with an evacuation and hated me from the drones. later that same night, i heard footsteps and then came up. so i us who he was. he says, don't shoot me, i'm on um. and without the vest, i all with him to surrender voluntarily. and he agreed that it would leave with him in these kindergarten for 3 days to fetch me water from a puddle and was given it to me. then all creation came and we removed the basement awards of your credit, indecent co signed class, named alexander. he was from ukraine's nicolai's city. the russian president clinton has signed a new law allowing the use of digital financial assets and international trade. the law permits the d. a phase to be used as a form of payment for international transfers. challenging the west dominance of global payment superstructures such as swift. all right,
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let's cross live now to our, to contributor chris them. stop. explain the new trade mechanism. chris, what major changes will this new law brain? well, i think, right, so the most uh, the, the major change it makes, it really allows the government institutions in russia and i, and russian companies to freely use other and alternative payment methods as though it is conduct my transfers. as we, we know, a russia was cuts off, you know, 2 years ago from the global financial system. most depression, banks have the inability to use uh, payment system such as swift or any other real payment method of moving money in and out of the country. now with this little passing, it means the other methods can be use such as crypto currencies, for example, which is what i'm a strong advocate of to move money instantly from one country to another. so it's quite significant really because it basically breaks down all of the barriers that the russian economy have to trade way in terms of payments as the chairman of the
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russian state do. most of the financial markets committee pointed out that the use of digital financial assets will help protect trade with friendly nations from the pressures of sanctions. so how exactly does that work? yeah, so really great question, right? so, so how that works essentially is if we using alternative payment methods such as crypto currencies, for example, suffering based coins like the digital russian valuable for example. well, that's us. these, those systems are, in a sense, a black box to all the nations from seeing those transactions. for example, if we were to put performance withdrawn, specifies to send you roubles or dollars using swift. it's very, very probable that the united states, for example, would be able to see or device transaction flows to see who i'm paying and who is being paid by me. and that's where we've seen a lot of these sanctions come into place on companies abroad that have been trading with russian companies that will disappear. now if these alternative digital financial assets all use these payments instead of the traditional payment form. so what country is would benefit from this new digital asset mechanism?
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oh, yeah, i think a number of countries. i mean, let's look at rushes, t ally china, china implemented the digital of women be their own digital if you'd like. crypt so comment, see many, many years ago. roster is what i'd say with its own. so you can now, i think, see russia trading using digital assets, including its own, with its ally, china, which should increase trade and scope of the foreign policy into favoring in the trade that they're doing between each other. you can see the same for india as well . let's rush these things. huge amount of tries with india. it's been very hard historically for russia to be able to trade between the indian roop and the russian people due to this constraint of the swift system. now it's not the kind of countries start to accept all the forms of digital payment. you'll start to see that become pretty much friction this. and how do western sanctions impact the development of digital financing? well, it's a really good customer just so in a way they cons because the whole point of a lot of digital finance law says, i mean the one, whichever one talks about is bitcoin. there's another one quotes,
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heads up, which is by $1.00 to $1.00 on the dollar. essentially it's the centralized and what that means is it doesn't allow the government to control it. the only way that the government can control to is to actually switch out the whole incident, which no one's ever going to be able to do. so it really creates a complete openness to, to allow this trait to happen without a of the government's interfering in the business of russia and what prospects for a state regulation of digital financing do say, well, i think this is the, this is a great sign. it's a great stock, you know, and the price is that a lot of us here living in the restroom. reservation of hype full, it's a signal from the government that they are looking at alternative assets and how to regulate them. i think now we can see the russian government looking closer at how other countries have regulated digital assets and exactly how they going to expand this in the future. all right, are to contribute our chris and chris. thank you principal. all right, that's gonna do it for now, but i'll be back in about 30 minutes with much more news in the meantime. be sure to visit our website or the dot com for the very latest bridges and dates by
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the hello and welcome to across the board. here we discussed some real in the book, a town in ivory coast is little known outside the region. but for rivalry and the name conjures up memories of tragic events that plunged the ones prosperous country until tomorrow the
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luncheon broken lives. a country decent crisis. the cause of friends, the, anyone with an interest in international affairs may associate what gave with the bombing of french barracks by i've oriented forcible plains flown by bell or russian medicine royce. the emphasis is specifically on the woods, bella, russian, and a medicine race. the, the african country has been my and civil war and the bombing grade was a turning point for sparks that triggered the tragedy. the the library.


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