tv News RT March 11, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT
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enjoying the next big for another intimate, yet, engaging with. and let's talk part of that. on the 4th, you estimate abrams tank falls to the russian army. well, one of the mighty challenge or tags, the u. k. as gifted to ukraine, get stuck in the mud during simple training exercises. and the whole fiasco is captured on camera by british media. and the tank is just sunk in, slit in, and out there waiting for recovery. the india green lights, a law that gave citizenship to non month on foreign nationals playing from afghanistan and bangladesh and pakistan raising concerns among muslim minorities and as the world's most populous muslim country, boost ties with russia. we sit down with
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a prominent indonesian social figure for his take on the shifting global geo political picture. the west is not free from one sided interest, so it is a huge gemini, and sometimes that gives these logic well, the live and the russian capital. you're watching are to international. i'm rachel ruble. the russian defense ministry confirms of force us made abrams tank has been destroyed on the battlefield. images are circulating online of the charred remains of the american made machine report suggests the tank was destroyed in the fight for one of the villages of the don't ask region. the russian defense minister also confirmed other western supplied munitions, had been taken out in the course of fighting a new crane, including a check made the vampire combat vehicle into french made caesar's self propelled artillery units to the west. military might seems to be suffering. one failure
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after another here is a british maid, challenger tank, stuck in the mud while performing a simple training exercise. the exercise, we're seeing the main problem with the challenges facing it keeps getting stuck in them on the floor. it's being one of the messages to the crating to increase a given as soon as we go is the last big challenge is for admittedly precise actually they've had real problems with it. he and ukraine because of its lability and they just said it's too heavy. it's on the pallet and it keeps getting stuck.
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and you can see that's exactly what has happened here. the valley of the tank is on the mud which on across a small bits radio, you know, a few meters wide, but it's clearly very well very so he and the tank is just sunk in, slit in and now they're waiting for recovery vehicles. earlier we spoke to former us army reserve officers, got bennett, who says that russian arms are new cranes, battlefields are superior to their western counterparts. pick this is a miscalculation, of course, that the russians knew this. they've, they've fought in this area for hundreds of years, while the british have been used to quite a different dynamic for the past 50. they've done nothing but make tank score. mary, go rounds and amusement parks and to stimulate their military industrial complex. so i think is a formidable weapon system, it's proving to be completely unreliable for the terrain. and there has been less
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of an adherence for care about the technical dimensions of, of this combat. and whether these weapon systems are going to function properly. that's never really been at the heart of the. busy british german american, a french agenda well, it tells me on a personal level, since i was in the dawn bass and the operating russian tanks and armored personnel carriers that the russian technology is far superior than anything the nato countries have. because it has been special specially designed for this kind of weather in every every detail. never once did the russian tanks get stuck in mud in court and we were up in our next in mud in the dawn bass. but never did the russian tank stall or slow down, or skid, or any, any kind of a incapacitation occur. brushes,
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technology was very reliable. it was very hard. and it was, uh, it was built to last uh with very few technical problems. the west america, specifically all of their wars for the last 20 years and i was put part of iraqi freedom. and i didn't discover this the later. but all of the wars of the west have been based on lies. they've all been based on lies. a 911 was done by f ganley's in the summer, been lod lie, it rack has, uh, you know, something to do if i sit or lie. so all of these wars that are based on lies inevitably turn cancer risk into the soldiers that fight them. and the soldiers that fight these wars suddenly begin to kill themselves. commit suicide. because the lies start growing out of them. that's why soldiers are returning from the battlefields and ukraine in britain. for example, there was a story of
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a soldier killing himself, a mercenary show, a british mercenary, that went over to ukraine to fight because lives truss. what are the ugliest prime ministers i've ever seen? ah, said britain should go fight russia. and this man returned to britain after fighting and killed himself because he saw every thing was a lie. that is something very important to remember because the, the nation and the military that fights a war based on lies will always lose because the soldiers will suffer internal, psychological hemorrhaging. whereas the russians are only enduring psychological emotional solidification. meantime, the u. k. foreign secretary offered to help berlin avoid the problems preventing the delivery of tourist and the supposed to you prayed, agreeing to such a move would effectively notify chance or all actual. it's opposition to the move
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to giving care of missiles capable of striking deep into russian territory. you can find out what step for lynn can take, as well as other opinions and analysis on our website r t dot com the a. but i to india, where a new citizenship amendment will take effect as general elections living in the administer of homeless. harris says the law would guarantee citizenship for non muslim religious groups who moved from a neighboring muslim majority states before december, 31st and 2014. the mo, the government today notified the citizenship amendment rules 2024. these rules will now enable minorities, persecuted on religious grounds in pockets, don, bangladesh and afghanistan to acquire citizenship in our nation. with this notification, prime minister in the render, emoji has delivered on another commitment and realize the promise of the makers of our constitution to the hindus. seeks buddhist joins parties and christians living
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in those countries who let's see, this is big considering it's coming just before the general elections of india. any time this week, the deed for elections will be announced. and remember, the notification of the citizenship amendment act was a boss or nothing. there will these be to be his political body in the manifesto, which was a boss of the 2019 manifesto and we, the citizens administered that into bodies. political body has fulfilled its promise. now, what exactly is all the citizenship amendment act, and why is that contentious now? back in 2019 the know was already boston right off to the law. as fost. we saw the different parts of the country drew golfing to georgia. is because the law was perceived to be an team was calling regarding this bill, i will say that it doesn't post threat to any minority in india, especially our muslim brothers and sisters. now this particular law, what it intends to do is it intends to give citizenship to adults invented
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ballistics suited no one was collins. trump. i've gotten a song bought this done as well as bumped out these. so the citizenship, these people, they have to be in india before the 2014, in fact, december of 2014. and then they qualified to be given us citizenship in india. these could be anybody, these could be christian. james woods pays see not knowing what kids the reason be if the government sees the via coming from what's the majority country, you know, with this particular notification of being announced by the home industry. that's the no do a quarter to you really for rob this particular act to be carried out in. well, it's very interesting. no, because in the run up to the general elections, it'll be interesting to see that kind of reactions we get the last 2 or underlining factor he'll be willing to consolidate handle. it's for the hard fusion that i
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bought in the upcoming general elections. o. s is not free from one side of interest, that's the view of one of indonesia is main. cultural figures didn't say i'm as a dean, the former leader of the mohammed, the islamic and g o sat down with us for an exclusive interview about how the world is rapidly change and why russia and indonesia have more reasons to work together. the many people may not know that knew how medea has a strong relationship with russia. yeah. can you explain how this relationship was 1st established and what kinds of cooperation or relationship was built at the time? about one a. yeah. so but another yeah. who will? yes. actually, the relationship between the home and the and the russian federation was established a long time before i became chairman of the home of the central leadership. and when i received the mandate, as general chairman of them, a comedy central leadership in 2005,
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we were determined to develop international relations incorporation with many countries, both with islamic countries and the muslim countries in the west, in asia and in other places. there are quite a number of memorandums of understanding that have been signed with governments, including the governments of the u. k. australia, and also with international institutions such as the community of santa geo, which is the organization of lake catholic people based in rome. now we have one with russia as well 1st and they have built their relationship with the russian ambassador in jakarta. i mean, she didn't president put into the initiative to form a group for strategic vision between the russian federation and the muslim world. so i think post contact anybody embassy to be a member of the organization. and i was one of only 2 people from asia. i was represented in south east asia and it was one other person, a professor from bangladesh who chose the academy of sciences the or the phillip.
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so from then on in to 1007, i went to moscow and other places to attend the meetings of these organizations, called the group for city division between the russian federation and in laws and welter stuff, the sun and since then once a year, even twice the lights and meetings in moscow, the much colour also won in grossly. chechnya and morton cars on the capital of the republic of taught us down the for break that best them. what kind of topics are discussed at these meetings and them? yeah, in general strategic issues connecting rusher with these lumnick world have led to continued cooperation in various fields in the economic field in particular of course, but also in the field of science and culture. in a broad sense, this group is a non governmental organization, but figures for many islamic countries are expected to lobby their respective governments or these nomic world as a whole. to relate to incorporate that the russian. and i think the results are tangible that the the russian federation is one of the few countries that became
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and observe the oh i see the zation of islamic cooperation of the sub for that, that for rush has an investigator, a saudi arabia, specifically, and jetta at one time we had an assembly in jetta. so in the evening, who invited by the russian embassy for the oh, i see the organization, i'm is lemay corporation and the embassy for saudi arabia. so there are 2 russian and boss of this one in re, uh for the king of saudi arabia. yes, one in get it for the organization of just let me cooperation because the headquarters is in jeff. calling from your perspective after participating in so many discussions and meetings, what role can indonesia take to continue strengthening the relationship between the 2 countries? oh, yeah, by next kindly and there are so many things that can be done, especially since indonesia is the full most populous country in the world. much larger than in russia. after china, india and the united states comes indonesia. secondly,
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indonesia is the country with the largest muslim population in the world, around 80 percent, or $220000000.00 muslims. and this makes seem to news position and very important in these lumnick well and also for russia. so from that angle rush and indonesia, especially during the soviet and had a good relationship, it was known as a jew caught in moscow access. in addition to the jakarta b g access at the time, in that era, the indonesian communist party to rule the country. now, in the post soviet theater or the post cold war, pete in relationships should be improved in the spirit of cooperation between nations and for the purpose of a mutually beneficial solution. introduced indonesia. so russia is a world superpower in the you know, this. so with union, and now in the, you know, the russian federation, it's still both a military power and also scientific and technological power at russia is also reaching natural resources, including oil, indonesia, what's once a member of opec,
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as an oil producing an oil exporting country. but now it is in that, in both the russia is a pot and a folk authoration. i happened to teach global political islam at the jakarta state islamic university, russia in the boot and as an important seed as an observer in organization, i'm islamic countries. russia has really opened up seed score by trips time since been destroyed. in other words, is the openness. and this leads to the sympathetic relationship with these lumnick wealth held above the discussion of medea and made a statement quoted by the end, the nation media edit signed it in the easiest relationship with the russian federation. could be a balancing force, a balance in the polarized. well, it's a multi polar welts and especially against bowers, like the united states, the european union, or the west in general, as a country that upholds the supremacy of world civilization. the west is not free
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from one sided interest, so it is very hegemony, and sometimes it gives the islamic, well, not only against indonesia, it develops and cultivates symmetrical, a cooperation against the islamic world, the relationship between the west indies, lumnick world as a whole, gives rise to some medical acculturation in appearance and in being actually the relationship is between the seems to be there and the inferior between disappear west and the inferior and muslim world. because they are powerful, victorious in the field of science and technology. also powerful in economic field . and this affects relationship in other fields in the military failed in the cultural field. that is what boom calling a cold neo colonial is an imperial is. this is not a positive thing for the world, and it will cause global tomorrow. now both so it draw, shane particularly is presented itself in mobs of ation as
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a country that wants to connect with others, especially as lemma countries. i've seen that only with the middle east, with north africa was due to the urine in indonesia. although in my opinion as an observer, this great potential has not been fully explored how the relationship between indonesia and the russian federation, or vice versa, can bring maximum benefits to both bodies. so why do you think it has not been explored? actually, they have been active in intensive diplomatic assets. i know what the indonesian embassy moscow and the russian federation embassy in jakarta are doing. but there is still a kind of in security in this post cold war in a world. because i think the west america, in particular, will not allow and is less the country like indonesia or the country in the middle east. they have relations with known west and s, but the, the factories lumnick well has good relations with the russian federation. any melodic but got nothing. yeah, this is interesting sir,
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because it turns out that the role of indonesia and the role of the meetings that you have conducted is about more than just religious cultural factors, but also concerns the economy. if you look at it from your point of view, why does russia feel that indonesia is an important partner in such cooperation? the easiest strategic location is not between 2 continents and 2 oceans. as we often learned in elementary school, withdraw the end of developing region, which is called east asia. and now whether we'd like you to know that is the phenomenon of the rise of east asia. or let's say that in the pacific where the shift of the epicenter of economic growth from the atlantic to the pacific model, or as i said, the human resources and also natural results, this extra ordinary and also religion, especially since the majority of the population is muslim to that are so the consequence of process position as an observer in the oh i see is that it must have relations not only with ad of countries in the middle east and north africa,
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but also with all the muslim countries, such as indonesia and malaysia, and thirdly, this good relationship will be a fact affecting global civilization. so there is a political, global and economic shift to this region. and this is the world of the future. i think it will be full of cooperation based on when, when solutions, what has been wrong. so far is that there are bodies who feel superior. what then sort of coolness of the countries using the to 3rd world visa, capitalistic terms. now back to russia, which also has an important position as it is surrounded by many is lemay countries in central asia and the ex. so with union, with the majority of the population is muslim and reaching result is before this is more developed and involved with other countries doesn't have to be on the basis of religion. indonesia is a potential country to become a future growth area. my dream is to see the emergence of east asia,
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the position of the whole, the world civilization supremacy is so once aging and rolling now its thoughts on who knows and an easy it could become the epicenter of growth, bought them seeing yeah, i day i buy a potential is there ser, earlier, you also mentioned that there are those who feel superior. they're the capitalist narratives that you brought up earlier. actually if we look at indonesia is current position. just how influential is it, especially for establishing greater cooperation with russia, which actually has much potential. but there seem to be some obstacles. right. by a. yeah, let's, yes, we have to knowledge the development of history. there was an area of colonialism when western nations cool, nice to many countries, especially in the eastern region, including indonesia for the long term. and then the postcolonial is both independence era. it turns out that the orientation and tendency of clause ation itself did not and is only for when the political to form an established nation
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states on the basis of independence, the duration of this. but in the parking of relations between nations, the domination has not and even now come and for the time the world has divided into 2 blocks, east and west, the centre west in the soviet union. then in america and other countries where avoided. then they had to choose either to be cited with the eastern blog or to the west and one. then in the news, you had a good initiative of foreman's and non block movement. but in reality, the not a line movement could not free itself from the influence on the existing blocks in the post cold war either. there was no longer a bipolar. well, it's of east and west. the west side to justify itself as the sole superpower. there is a push for the mock receive. yes, but it's still cold champion of democracy america. this is what happened even in these land like world in the out of world. the out of spring some time ago happened
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because of the push for weston, democratization. economic field, global capitalism to spray in like a syndrome, even in small towns and villages. the syndrome of capitalism goes hand in hand with globalization bootable, globalization designed as shrinking. well, this may have been sold by design us and initiate is to lead to a single will power that implements the capitalistic economy and liberal democracy . so countries in the west of the price now, when the new trends and, and then systems on the globalization and was a come to you, it isn't possible to leave alone. so this is the reasoning why the relationship between russia and indonesia, in addition to other countries, is important. and once again, the group to which i belong, the russian, most of them, well strategic vision group needs to be further advanced. we find strategic vision, but it must continue just a digit action strategic programs. so we needs to change plans. yes. but still on
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the basis of a win win solution based on the spirit of shedding and achieving mutual benefits. but i'll look at that, but i guess i was going to get moto, sir, if we shift a little bit to look at the political movement in russia and in indonesia now up in russia will soon hold as presidential election. indonesia has recently wrapped up it selections as well. so what, from your perspective, what are the hopes for the next leadership? both in indonesia and in russia to continue to support bi lateral cooperation from capital? i guess i'm on the other line. yes. leadership that can united the good or is the citizens of being the media on the basis for the agent as nice of the language and culture needs some of data to that issue that can awaken the potential of the nation. is media told her that the enemy's nation is not small and potential having with through school night zation for office century. and if so, natural resources are extra ordinary. this requires that leadership. thirdly,
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we need a leader who can connect indonesia with the outside world with other countries. but with us here to the principal, the boom khan, a once called 3 socrates, namely independent politically independent, economically independent, culturally personal. we don't want to be colonized, we don't want to be dictated to, we don't want it to be for the benefit of the speed and the inferior. now in this regard, i think there is an open relationship that a needs with russia that we're talking about. and also from the society, i think the setting is almost the same, various blue gravity, and it is still sad that if, and that means that is the existence of republics, including on the basis of religion, like the man i see right now. thank you very much for your time, sir. thanks for your great insights during today's conversation. thank you very much. the russian president clinton has signed
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a new law allowing use of digital financial assets and international trade. the law permits for the phase to be used as a form of payment for international transfers. challenging the west dominance of global payment superstructures. such a swift arctic contributor chris sams, explains what the move will mean. the major change it makes. it really allows, uh, government institutions in russia and i, and rushing companies to freely use other and alternative payment methods as though it is conduct my transfers. as we, we know, a russia was cut off, you know, 2 years ago from the global financial system. most impression banks have the inability to use uh, payment system such as swift or any other real payment method of moving money in and out of the country. now with this little policy, it means the other methods can be use such as crypto currencies, for example, which is what i'm a strong advocate of to move money instantly from one country to another. so it's quite significant really because it basically breaks down all of the barriers that
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the russian economy had to trade way in terms of payments. so how that works essentially is if we using alternative payment methods, such as crypto currencies, for example, or suffering bicycle in flight, the digital russian rouble, for example. well that does is those systems are, in a sense, a black box to all the nations from seeing those transactions. for example, if we were to perform a swift transfers, if i was to send you roubles or dollars using swift, it's very, very probable that the united states, for example, would be able to see or device transaction flows to see who i'm paying and who was being paid by me, and that's where we've seen a lot of the sanctions come into place on companies abroad that have been trading with russian companies that will disappear. now, if these alternative digital financial assets all use these payments instead of the traditional payment form of the former days until tens of millions of russian citizens go to the pulse to cast their ballots for the country's next president. this year, the presidential elections are unique as rushes and battled new regions will take
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part in the voting or to international brings these special coverage of this landmark event. the. the election comes as a large scale challenge for rushes and battled new regions. millions are preparing to cast their ballots there, despite the threats of ukrainian shelling are to say, bo, this takes us through how local authorities are making sure people can exercise the right to have their voices heard as well. she prepares to go to the polls. this presidential election will post unique challenges in russia's new territories. these areas are court, the under martial law and cynical ucr. any of the tax on pulling centers are always a trip, but it's the solutions that are critical and those solutions must take into account the reality of the situation on the ground. for example, one of the. busy or has yet to receive the new russian documents screens coming
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postpartum, you will notice people will ukrainian passports. i'm not able to vote in unit labor rates and territories, but there was other rules and laws. but at the same time, people want to vote and have expressed such a desire. therefore, we are speeding up the process of issuing documents and helping them to obtain russian passports. this is a daily process. moreover, we are looking at how to organize it even more quickly because there is not much time left before the elections. and people want to be involved with our innovative ways to ensure the safety of folders are being considered, including restricting information regarding the location of the polling areas. and even moving the voting places from where risk a merge. the duration of voting may also be reduced to protect the voters with local election commissions ready to use the valuable experience they gained in september 2023 during the election of deputies to the regional parliaments focuses
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. so that's for the polling stations. we also have technologies that allow us to insure security, which is new regions will also have the possibility of early voting at pony stations located in an accessible or remote areas. in addition to these voters would be able to register to use mobile vote or mechanisms. this will all avoid large congregations of voters which are a prime target for ukranian strikes. a variety of forms of voting will ensure the separation of people flowing into vote. in this way, it will be possible to avoid large crowds of citizens in one room. and of course, no risk of ever being tardy, illuminated and last year's local election showed that the ukrainian army was determined to disrupt the democratic process as much as possible. now you're probably wondering why i'm wearing this protective vest and helmet 12 foot quite simply. it's because pointing stations under the threat from ukrainian attack, this posting station, in fact, itself was struck during the referendum and 2 people were killed. but as you can
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see, it hasn't due to the people from taking part in the democratic process. so this year, as russians from very boss stuck to belgrade, head to the polls, they'll be joined by the people have done bus, eager to exercise their hard won democratic rights, and to find their own future as part of the wider russian family. and while ukraine may do all in its power to prevent it, this selection will go ahead and the free voices of dumbass will be heard. to stay with archie international up next on the modus operandi, the rise of the far right in germany by the hello and welcome to the cost of full points. here we discuss the wheel in.
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