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tv   News  RT  March 11, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT

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the, the full us evans tank is destroyed by russian troops for the british challenger donated to ukraine, get stuck in the modern training. so cap should via richard boyd. and the time because his son can slid in and out there waiting for recovery. the ocean says that russia isn't taking direct conflicts with us. and they tell us government funds. there's been any $20000000000.00 on modernizing you to arms in 2025 and india agree lives to load a give citizenship to non muslim for nationals to save them off going. he's done fine with dish and keeps on raising some concerns among mostly my not the
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it's just gone for am in the morning here and the russian camp. so money, speech of scots and here's how the world is looking. it is tuesday gets into way. that's our top story. the russian defense ministry has said that a full us abrams tank has been destroyed on the front lines of dumbass images circulating online. the show. the chart remains of the american made vehicle both suggests that was destroyed in the fights for one of the villages in the den, yet beach and the russian of o. d. also confirmed of the west and supplied munitions have been taken out in the course of fighting in ukraine, including a check made vampire come by the vehicle and see french sees as self propelled author units. for the west, military seems to be suffering. another failure has a butcher's made it showing good things stuck in the mud while performing a simple training exercise.
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the exercise we're seeing the main problem of the toner just keeps. getting stuck in the model is being one of the messages to the credit and to increase a given a since we go here is that was this challenge is full admittedly precise. actually they've had real problems with it. he and ukraine because of its lability and they just said it's too heavy. it's on the pallet and it keeps getting stuck. and you can see that's exactly what has happened here. the belly is the tank is on the mode. we're trying to cross a small bits radio, you know, a few meters wide,
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but it's clearly very well, very sophie and the time because just sunk in, slit in and now they're waiting for recovery. they go. when you talk, show host on political on list, dot and nixon says, the world's paying attention to how us weapons up for me. you, it certainly has a negative effect on the, the, the view of the, of a american made war materiel around the world. people get a chance to see it operate in the, in the real military environment and it hasn't been doing. it hasn't been doing very well. there are a number of factors involved. but certainly, this is going to have a negative effect on the way people view the ability to use us weapons in a real battle, sit a situation that there is another factor that has to come in. and that is that the united states and its allies will use that term up for vassals or colonies,
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are sending their worst garbage to the unloading trash basically on ukraine. they do not value the lives of the ukrainian soldiers. i think they clearly also recognize that russia has such great technological advantages and advantages in aerospace that whatever they send, they know what's going to be destroyed. it's going to be their of a temporary nature. so they're sending them the worst equipment they have. if they send them the best it will be destroyed. nonetheless, because rushes ability to locate these things. if you can locate hardware, i don't care how good it is. if you, if, if the, if where i can locate it on the battlefield, they can quite easily destroy it with precision weapons. and so i think the, the u. s. military and its allies are just sending their garbage over there. so they can say that they said weapons, their understanding that it's fetus is. this is sealed, and that these weapons are due before they ever touch the battlefield. they had 20
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days in the body for documentary by a you couldn't, you feel make one and all sky, but there's a twist. the footage of a pregnant woman, also known as pregnant, familiar, you full body, i know that she missed guy was exposed as misleading. last year to correspondence, the sweeney broke down the control of a see for my colleague nick yar like. so the glitz and glamour of hollywood as the red carpet was rolled out for the stalls of the silver screen. but the least surprising, perhaps victory of the night was to the cranium documentary 20 days in matthew poll . now again, this has caused some degree of controversy because of the nature of the documentary that remind us that with, with the clip of the field, the show that we saw that the image of might be in a vision, most guy who is
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a emerging fullness but building a pregnant and she was bloody just as well. but she soon became the, the main, the main center of this kind of western propaganda over the over what really happened. this was the problem, legible. thing we should say, all the terms, the hospital number 5 on march 9th, 2022. and as she came out of the hospital, she said she was surrounded by a camera crew of photographers from associated press. and she'd like to gave him an interview. now of course i stayed cool some controversy. there was a big around with the united nations security council, like what really happened in the hospital. russia insisted that the hospital was not the target that it was not bottomed up from the as the ukrainians on the ground was like the whole series or had in fact being taken over by ukrainian soldiers. sometime before. now marianna, herself, we oversee, she was at the center of this huge storm blowing off across the west of media
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across social media and telecom channels and the like. and she searched the interview that she'd given to associated press at the time. and she found that they haven't actually included her statement, they didn't created a lot of this stuff that she had said, but they haven't included a statement. no, as far i could take a place and she said that she made this statement repeatedly, over and over again. but if you want to, uh, you know, get to the reality of what happened, that it's just taken, listening to what she actually said, dial reduce to when i saw the associated press report has taken the photo, ask them not to do it because i didn't need it and i didn't want it. i didn't give any consent for the photo and i didn't give any consent for the publication. so they published it on their own initiative. they also asked if there wasn't ever aid . i said no one had the right. apparently they didn't need that information and cut it out. they cut out everything except when it's happened, and that we were in the maternity hospital. so i think that we're very selective with those statements that i know you've spent a lot of time working in mario,
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paul, what were your takeaways uh, doing those on the well, perhaps some surprising the, the, the truth about what happened even in my view police very different from the narrative that's being played out into the west in the west. i've been to the hospital in question, not being to all the maternity hospitals. i've interviewed some of the patients that are, i've spoken to a lot of this off and they were very clear on who it was that was a bullying and who it was that was finally got them and they said it was ukrainian forces. now, i think of many of the places across the city, i was in the as a face to form as well face just a few weeks ago. and i spoke to russian soldiers who said that, well actually the bottle in the city was incredibly famous. but the people that will hold up in the eyes will still still pump. these will people that when they are not sees that were western bursaries, of course, and many of whom move now being youth in the west. that book book deals and they've been paraded across western media channels to be used as propaganda. but i've again no spoken to many people across the city and they only have one message the it was
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as of the with the people that terrorized them for years. and nice, the russia as the people that liberated them, but what they will most of who is the fruits and the fed up ready of the city being used, the point being ignored, but the city being used as western propaganda. or if it's a long list, i'm still mix. johnstone says it's misinformation is all parts of the world with clearly, i mean, we've seen this, i think on the number of the so called massacres, that were attributed to russia. and it's not just one instance, but, and this whole slew of instances that have been talked about over the years where the europe and press, for example, you know, says jo, russia just bomb this hospital or you name it or this, you know, this building and then it turns out, actually it wasn't the rush at all and you know, you could tell them to make of the, the weapons that were use that it was actually a sort of, you know, western made missiles and rockets and things like this. um,
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going back to we've been one of the, the crises of the border over poland that fire call. when, you know, it was, remember, it was accused, the russian was, was launching into poland and then they realized, oh no, it wasn't rush. it was great at this, this is just part of the, the propaganda of the war machine. and as we know, and of all in the past way, recently, i guess in the past month or so. so that alone would have been an end because to want to reference that documentary. and again, i was speaking of another documentary that is propagandistic to my, you know, i think, to a, to a certain level of billing to disclose, for example, the amount of western intelligence influence on the, of all knee. and how much was, you know, how much of the, his agenda really was not just purely from altruistic motives. the dates is in the us intelligence communities on your threat assessment. reports concludes that russia does not want any military confrontation with washington or nato. russia almost certainly does not want to direct military conflict with us and
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nato forces and will continue asymmetric activity below what it calculates to be the threshold of military conflict globally. as well as, as us governments 2025 budgets allocates funds for washington to strengthen the countries nuclear deterrence. it provides almost $20000000000.00 for weapons activities and modernization. and the assigned to sum is $4500000000.00. logic done to the 2021, which is the privatized a new clip post you review. but let's, let's just now with the independent us senate candidates the on the same day on thanks very much for joining us today. i'm where you've heard what we just said. the us intelligence community believes that russia isn't looking to pick a fight with us or nato, but that's what seems to be some. some disconnects with the way the a number of western leaders have discussed. russia as being a threats and predicting a war between russian nato, russian, europe, and the coming. yes, that's true and even sounds
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a bit contradictory to president biden state of the union speech, where he bizarrely said that if we didn't stop pretending ukraine, everybody knows he is going to invade the rest of europe. and sticking with the theme and the conclusions that withdrawal in the, in the report, washington is set aside almost $20000000000.00 to modernize isn't euclid found program. if for sure isn't so much the threat, why do you think it would set aside more this year than in previous against? well, it certainly wants to prepare for a threat with china. but i think the, the bigger issue is the bankruptcy of the global financials. i should say the trans atlantic financial system, this bubble of derivatives, obligations and somehow these, this military industrial financial complex has become a bubble
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a way of spending a whole lot of money and perhaps cropping up the delusion that the transatlantic financial system is in good shape. when it's not, it's $20000000000.00. a lot full americans spend on nuclear weapons given the size of the country's economy, which by didn't boasted as being the strongest in the world. i believe recently. you know, it's a really hard question to answer. i mean, frank, it's of course, a lot less than we've sent to ukraine. it's half of what is needed to repair the new york city public housing authority with for 400000 residents. so in that regard, it's not that much. also, when you factor in hyper inflation and pure craft because we're spending enormous amounts for things here in the united states that really don't make any sense. so it probably isn't really that much. hm. i'm talking about budgets and financial max
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as the 2025 budget is allocated $480000000.00 in a to ukraine. and that would seem considerably less of funding the ukraine has received so far is on just on the aid, or would that include military spending as well? and if so, how could you explain the possible decrease with a decrease the i don't know. i mean, i know they have the supplemental package, i guess they're trying to ram through separately this 61000000000 dollars, which they're having a lot of trouble with in the house. i suspect the 400000000 may be for other areas like propping up the government, paying people, running various agencies, things like that. but i don't really know why i haven't seen the details of what that's for. and finally, the, and just one last question about the budgets and there's a funding to decrease what he calls, what's his influence in africa? do you think that washington is threatened by russia's cooperation with many
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countries on the african continent? well yes, as long as washington thinks that we are the british empire instead of the united states of america, they feel threatened really. franklin roosevelt thought it was in our interest for other nations to become developed and advanced. and that's my view. and that would be the view of any american patriot, but unfortunately that seems to no longer be our position well down, say independent us senate candidate, thanks very much for breaking down some of those. but the decisions that by the us government, thank you very much. thank you. moving on to other news now is india a pass for it's upcoming general election? a new citizenship amendments is in the works. then the administrative hold with us as the law would fast track naturalization. for non muslim immigrants who enter the country from neighboring, mostly majority states before 2015. the mo,
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the government today notified the citizenship amendment rules 2024. these rules will now enable minorities persecuted on religious grounds in pakistan, bangladesh and afghanistan. to acquire citizenship in our nation, with this notification, prime minister and the render emoji has delivered on another commitment and realize the promise of the makers of our constitution to the hindus seeks buddhist joins parties and christians living in those countries. but mostly this is big contributing gets coming just before the general elections of india any time this week, the deed for elections will be announced. and remember the notification of the citizenship amendment act up was a false or not in there. will these be sure beaches political body in the manifesto, which was a boss of the 2019 manifesto and we, the citizens administered that into bodies. political body has fulfilled its
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promise. now, what exactly is all the citizenship amendment act, and why is that contentious now back in 2019 the know was already boston right off to the law as fost. we saw the different parts of the country through golfing to georgia, is because the law was push fees to be and teen was calling. regarding this bill, i will say that it doesn't post threat to any minority in india, especially our muslim brothers and sisters. now this particular law, what it intends to do is it intends to give citizenship to adult through minted ballistics suited no one was clean, strong. they've got a strong box done as well as bumped up each. so the citizens shipped these people. they have to be in india before the 2014, in fact, december of 2014. and then they qualified to be given us citizenship in india. these could be anybody. these could be christian. james woods pays see. not knowing
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what the reason be, the the government sees the, the upcoming foam muslin majority come clean. now, with this particular notification being announced by the home industry, that's the nor do a quarter to you really for rob this particular act to be carried out in. well, it's very interesting. no, because in the run up to the general elections, it'll be interesting to see the kind of reactions we get, the lod, your underlining factor here. be willing to consolidate and thoughts for the part fusion without bought in the upcoming general elections. now these visual plans to lock up to thousands of palestinians as, according to a statement from the prime minister's office. benjamin netanyahu, as always, is very jos. to prefer for the arrival of many new inmates around 9000 palestinians are currently held in his early detention full of 1000, of those, the waiting present after the events of october. the 7th. a treatment has been the subject of control and speculation. according to his reading media,
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so to 7 business from guys, i have died in custody either from soldier or after being detained, denied excuse me, medical treatments is there. that's a risk jonathan pollock should several 1st time the accounts of the inhumane treatment palestinians facing joe, a menu of my friends i've, i've visited menu of some of the many friends who have been released recently from a fairly jails and have been there since october 7 and the stories that that, that they tow would would make you feel um it, it did their stories off, ongoing torture of abuse of starvation on each trips in years. and i've heard that from numerous friends of mine hoping released each present there with thieves, have football, the fry an egg in a little bit of a little bit of milk per day. did. that's the ration from
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a friend of mine who been arrested. we've been under administrative detention for 2 and a half months, have lost 32 kilograms. indeed, 2 and a half months. his piece was broken from a, from a, from beatings. so they're each and every release prison. there is tell stories about about rates on the sales just in order to beat the prisoners about being beaten when taken from one place to another. so i don't know, i'm not an expert on a board rib or went down. no, but what i can say if the conditions and it really presents amount to torture setups when a man or woman or child should be sped in gaza. that's the message of one jewish rub. i called on these very people notice the souls in well, he called the holy bowl. it is the basic rule we have when fighting in the holy war
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. in this case and gaza is the doctrine, do not spare any soul. and the logic of this is very clear. if you don't kill them, they will try to kill you today. sabot tours are the children of the previous more whom we kept to live. and in reality, it is the women who create the terrorists. there is no such thing called an innocent creature. the elderly man is capable of carrying a rightful and shooting. the children, 2 should be killed. the same thing, the same thing. today he is a child and tomorrow, a fighter. therefore, you must not stop. it might be phrased more delicately. and at times it would be no more diplomatic, but by and large and very public opinion. unfortunately, supporters of war and gaza and the internet society is infected with with genocide of discourse. now i'm not certain if an,
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if an investigation into insight into genocide was opened and again started by molly. he is an extremist. but like i said, it's, it's, it's not only him and it's not only the so called extremist, this is a very common a prescription within its very society. and that is very, very the domain of discourse. and, you know, we, we've seen soldiers state the same thing. so just through our, just seeing what needs to be done, but soldiers recording themselves as testifying, to have to have killed people to have carried out a trust war, crimes front against humanity. and we see, i see a very policy implemented on the ground. the worship around in china will hold the joint, nighttime secuity drills in the gulf of a month involving warships and aircraft. odds ease of use of july. they brings us
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more detail if one has called it and it fits me of multi polarity in the military domain, in the monumental display of naval prowess, iran and russia and china are set to embark on an expansive naval drill, encompassing a vast 17000 square kilometers ex expanse across the persian gulf, the sea of a man and the northern reaches of the indian ocean. dope maritime security, bel 2024. this exercise will, what is the convergence of surface an aerial units from the trio aiming to showcase their maritime capabilities. while fortifying security cooperation within the region is the 5th iteration of such a large scale collaboration among the 3 navies, which will see surface and areas units from the is womic republic of air on navy, along with naval assets from china and russia, cooperating and simulated war scenarios representatives from man azar by john cars
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like stand up packaged and south africa, would also attend without deploying naval equipment. the iranian navy says the key objectives of this exercise includes safeguarding the international shipping lanes combat in piracy and maritime terrorism, as well as fostering knowledge exchange on the participating navies. and this for t directly vital in the pacific region. this region host over half of the world's maritime oil trends that through critical 12 points like the hormones bob and mended, and milan coast rates together forming what's known as the golden triangle of global trade. the one has emphasized that the presence of extra territorial forces, like the u. s. navy only surface to destabilize the regions st, gets off to the original states to shoulder the responsibility of ensuring the security of regional waterways. and this sentiment is forced to resonate strongly during the upcoming try lateral drill,
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underscore and get message of for regional autonomy and stability of those and present value of inputs and has signed a law allowing the use of digital financial assets and international trade commits the d f a's to be used as a form of payments for international transfers. challenging the west domains of global payment structures, such as swift to contribute to it. chris adams explains what that all means. the major change it makes. it really allows the government institutions in russia and i, and russian companies to freely use other and alternative payment methods as though it is conduct that transfers as we, we know russia was cuts off, you know, 2 years ago from the global financial system. most depression, banks have the inability to use uh, payment system, such as swift or any other real payment method of moving money in and out of the country. now with this little policy, it means the other methods can be use such as crypto currencies, for example,
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which is what i know a strong advocate all to move money instantly from one country to another. so it's quite significant really because it basically breaks down all of the barriers that the russian economy has to trade way in terms of payments. so how that works essentially is if we using alternative payment methods, such as crypto currencies, for example, or suffering based cooling, like the digital russian valuable for example. well, that's us, as those systems are, in a sense, a black box to all the nations from seeing those transactions. for example, if we were to put to form a swift transfers, if i was to send you roubles or dollars using swift, it's very, very probable that the united states, for example, would be able to see or device transaction flows to see who i'm paying and who is being paid by me and that's where we've seen a lot of these sanctions come into place on companies abroad that have been trading with rushing companies that will disappear. now, if these alternative pitching sol, financial assets all use these payments instead of the traditional payment form of the and finally over to ireland,
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where the pm has confirmed the defeats of 2 referendums that would have constitutionally be defined. the finally make up on the role of women or officials hot on his face of a yes votes on both family undercut amendments. 67 percent of the voters have cost a no balance on the family initiative and almost sense 4 percent rejects of the other option. the family proposal aimed at the to dribble relations, meaning co habits and couples with children. so the official definition of a family, a 2nd suggested making the language around women in the home, more neutral, local say they are delighted with the results of the votes and like the government i personally think that there is a need for change. but i think that the politicians themselves didn't come out and explain why this was the reason for that. there was a reason to change. the constitution was to license people have the common sense to realize it was 5. we were just and sadly run this account,
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paying that distance is up to get through. while i talk to the 2nd amendment, a proposal, the can't remember until this also july to zip is to fees is because i don't think it did enough for people who kept in the community. they wanted people just to care for people at home, where families cannot just care for people that home we need to call. they needs this part of the government and they need supports overall in their lives. so we're happy that no one knows okay, man. but we told to pass the mountain some of the who's the gun didn't profoundly lead to. and he says that the referendum results send a clear message to european politicians. i think that there is clearly a gap between the people and the prime minister. there is a very wide gap in understanding basic gender, understanding what makes a man and what makes a woman he as a man who was married. oh,
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to another mind, the fuss publicly out. game prime minister, all violence trying to make i alon feed into the image of why did things should be i'm people are saying no, i don't think it is not the wording that was the problem is the ideology, the ideology of diminishing the gender role. the differences between men and women, the ideology of diminishing the family. i'm very glad that the people i on still have the faith that they weren't able to say this shopping review. to this pregnant is done if i was in with this cabinet, i would immediately pack my bags and resign because it obviously these are for us the difference between the 2 of them. i think that there's a strong background of christianity in the irish. they are known as very people all of us from roman catholic background, the very strong on
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a pro life on the understanding, the rules of family, the importance of life is the beginning to me is the beginning of a serious rebuke to european leads. lots are up to now my name's be discards and i'll be back again at the top of the hour with all the latest news. i'm use your not the the the what is part of the is it that the employee would.


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