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tv   News  RT  March 12, 2024 8:00am-9:01am EDT

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the the haitian prime minister, resigned and made widespread gang violets. washington pledges to help the islands nation despite sango rolling closing gives power and crisis in the past state. police officers and security forces are deployed in jerusalem is all say to you, so you can see behind me to provide security for worshippers arriving to august. the 3rd hole is place for the most sense for to impede the axis, palestinians that needs to receive them accuses ready forces of abusive accent. as the idea prevents many muslims from entering the i'll acts and most when it is not totally as sites do enrollment down. and as russia for past, the tooth is next to presidents later this week of the voting kicks off the
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citizens in the country's new regions as well as abroad. the a very welcome is 3 pm here in most go when you're watching all the international with the late as well news update. it's great to have you with us this out. a top story, the prime minister of hazy, has announced his resignation in mid run, put the gun violence gripping the caribbean country. arielle henri, who's currently in the us territory of puerto rico, stacy will the fact to remain in office until the new government has phones. i love these yeah. after the council of ministers tonight accepted to put into place a transitional presidential council, the members of the council will be picked after agreement with different sectors of the national life. the government i am running will remove itself immediately after the stablish means of set. the council of more details on doing the studio by
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allstate correspond to charlotte to buy the scheme. nice to thanks for coming in. so it's nice to see you today. so what exactly are the conditions for the haitian premier his resignation? well, as he heard that he wants to stay in position until the interim council is set up. this is an interim council that would be comprised of a run staff members, and that would then leave the country into the next elections. haiti hasn't had elections since 2016. so they, you've seen this been pretty crucial at this point. we've also heard mean, well from the us department money that it wants to play in the country. this is to create a multi national security force that helplessness the announcement from us extra of state and to me blinking given this increasingly urgent need. i'm announcing today that the united states department of defense is doubling its approved support for the mission from a $100000000.00 to $200000000.00. and that brings the total us support to
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$300000000.00 for this effort. i'm also announcing additional humanitarian assistance for the people of $8033000000.00 to further support their health and food security. as well. the announcement is unlikely to go down very well with many haitians who once again, possibly feel about being held hostage by the international community interfering in the internal affairs of the country. we know that the b u. s. has been involved in haiti for decades just how, how does that influence the situation in the country? well, he actually obviously hate to use a form of french colony than the us and they did it was that for about 20 years in the early 20th century. and it's been accused ever since if essentially being the power behind the politicians in the country wielding its influence. just to give you an example of that wiki, lynx memos mixed back in 2008, 2009 at the us state department at intervened and stopped being an increase
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in minimum wage and hate and minimum wage that many people desperately needed at the time just to give you another sense we've got over and over here who's saying he's stepping down. the us accused of essentially putting him in power. he was elected when the former president, the country, was short. he had been appointed prime minister a few days before, but there were others who felt that they would suit it because they had been elected to be the president of hate. one included the senate president who was told by the us that he should step down and allow on re to takeover. and it wasn't just the us. it was all the western powers, european countries like fonts and germany, who also urging hate is to accept somebody. i've said the deaths who had not been elected. let's just take a look now, nicky, at some of the other way you see us in particular has influenced and intervened in haters. history
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the hey, is that still nice thing, isn't it when you look back? yeah. um, but it coming back to the situation in haiti at the moment, what exactly a locals saying about so we would expect that there would be happy if there was
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less violence as a result of this transitional government coming into place ahead of hopefully elections. but we have already heard from one of haiti's, main, gang bosses i, this is jimmy the fall, but you, it shows. yeah. who has said that once again, she's unhappy, she says the international community is continuing to essentially, you know, interest in haiti. she says, if it continues down this current both and it will plunge the country into even move tales. and he's saying that it should be only haitians who decide who runs and what type of government there is in the country. and that seems to be echoed by people in the crime too. when we talk about caring home, have they even done anything for haiti? all haitians need to work together to see if we can save the country. those countries always good haiti in a situation where we end up fighting each other of the telecom cannot do anything
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for us. it is like when you run from the rain and end up folding in the mud, the only thing i can say is that aerial henry is out forever. he cannot do anything for us anymore. what you're hearing, that is people saying, look, we want to control our own country. we want to control our own destiny. essentially, haitians of fed up with being treated by as if they're a colony of another country. whether that is fronts with about the us or anyone else, they would like to the slides that for the future, they will be keeping a close eye on the situation in haiti. many thanks to bring his up to speed so i'll appreciate it. but we spoke to a political analyst who said that the haitian department has to, has let the people of haiti down the last 2 weeks. the minister of height in the biggest, silent, deep insights, the weight on side of the meant to defend them. but in the presence of the president's web 8 be agreed to receive the media to the 4th. no free in the
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country, but he made it to out of saving the in the 5 minutes that he, himself, he never returns to id. he never did. he get up and he went to other countries only to the service. how does that go and see that he has it said he is the one who should be effective for you to look for his people. he is the one who should be said he was a lot, most of the looking for solutions for his country. he has to step outside, he has but how do we think that our people for a method that he could have an opinion, would that be, is boy, that or not themselves, the lead us to be the lead, the there was a but in a way, this yeah, what you know, i mean if somebody is get the don't know if the payment is stopped himself. skia on the phone. he's pepsi the how the month of ramadan and celebrated by muslims across the world will not see a sci fi and gaza with tens of thousands of palestinians killed and injured. and
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many more displays stand on the idea bombardments. we hear a story of a palestinian widow who described his suffering experience by residents of the english, the the, the check to you. we miss many things like the food and drinks and the prices are storing. we miss our loved ones. my husband, he's not sitting with us at the table. it's hard on us. the situation is bad. ramadan is just not the same. the
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. it's true that some people pretend it's okay for ramadan. but i don't. the bread winner of the home is gone. the main person is gone. it's so sad. i lost the one dearest to me, the family mrs. him. my husband was the one who always got and did things the i should have come on. isn't ramadan supposed to be blessed? unfortunately, we're not living the life of ramadan. we are living a life of war. they're taking our children are use our elderly and our women. what is our fault? what have we done wrong? why should our children become orphans longing for the word papa?
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or for the true meaning of ramadan. pretensions of running high in jerusalem as muslims celebrates that hardly model solve ramadan is where he forces around supp security measures preventing many palestinians from entering b o, x and mosque to pray. all tease middle east correspond to them, or we have some notion of reports from the divided city. a traditionally, as the holy month of ramadan approaches, the streets, shops and markets in jerusalem is all the city where i am right now, decked out with lanterns lights and ornamental papers. but this here breaks the norm. no celebrations in solidarity with the people of gaza where more than 31000 lives have been lost. it is really offensive that sees no signs of ending. this is how the old city looked last here on the 1st day of remedy on
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the. and this is today, a jury summons old cities located in its eastern era part that is supposed to become the capital of a future palestinian state. the majority of residents here on muslims, the pain of gatherings they say is they are pain. because the here use of min garza isn't inseparable part of the land of palestine, just an hour drive from jerusalem and you're in gaza. we're connected by blood. we are one people, dozens and east jerusalem residents are palestinians. this is definitely a war of extermination happening there and everyone agrees on that. not a self defense war says we keep hearing this. i didn't know because of the guys of war security in the old city has been tightened. it's here at top of temple mound. secret for the jewish people that states alex and most and his law mccully strong. and that is also
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a symbol of national and religious identity for palestinians. israel has long been limited access to the mosque for palestinians is claimed for security reasons. adding tensions to these really palestinian conflict have mass called its attacks on southern israel. on october, the 7th operation alex, a flood in defense of the most. they were talks about limiting the number of worshippers this year. it was eventually nouns, but all is really arabs school to get in. while the number of palestinians worst are sick to $15000.00 for the whole month of ramadan. and only those above the age of $55.00. hundreds of police officers and security forces are deployed in jerusalem is all c t, as you can see behind me, to provide security for worshippers arriving to august. the 3rd hole is place full moves, ands or to impede the access. it was the 1st night over. i'm a done crowds of muslims try to make the way to alex and men women. these
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really police violently pushed people away as they cd with circulating online shows . the police were accused of denying into it to some arabs really is in violation of a promise made by prime minister netanyahu to enable free access to muslims. citizens . flashes interrupted force was used to disperse, the crowds as no, no, no. and what we hear in the media is different from what is happening on the ground . there are abusive actions from the soldiers and police do not treat people humanely, would treat them with violence and assault. repub no, and us evidence family has been living in jerusalem for generations before. israel was established in 1948. he still remembers how they used to go freely to alexa. something that has changed the following to into photos. massive palestinian uprising was against is really occupation and most with some fee. the guys a conflict. a bed is 67. he says he's lucky to be granted access. but his sons and
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grandchildren, he complains, can not go while we talk a bed son, i will use of best buy. i bet. but at the door they ask us for our id to prove where we're from. i live just a few meters away from the l. x. a mosque right at the door step. oh, here's my son. hello my son. how are you a bu? did they let you into alex set to go and pray? no, it's still forbidden. it's forbidden to go in and every day we try as much as we can for on the done, we always end up doing what they want. i mean, it's not us. we decide they decide the police will come to the mosque and they are the ones that prevent us from entering the numbers on. we follow the father to the afternoon prayer down the narrow, cobbled streets of the old city at the gate to on lock. so all goes smoothly for the old man. and i, if you want to check it, i'm not,
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i'm not going to stay need a check point for a while watching these really also so looks friendly exploits. everybody's saying happy remo dining arabic taking ideas and papers. you can just say, what are you taking when you checking the documents? but some people you don't allow them because they are tell the students stain feeling for the poor. group of young arabs is sent away in front of us who doubt, explanation. we go to another gate and middle age man in the red hat to almost go inside. but the seconds later, after the officer checked something on the computer, he was called back and also sent away. he left cursing. when you check in documents, what do text if she has questions,
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she can post them to the police. i'm not answering questions from reporters. okay. i am sorry, but i am banned from doing so. sorry. when the afternoon prayer was over, we accidentally met abra uses again, a palestinian. he managed to enter alex to today. while he explained how twinned we were suddenly interrupted. i was able to enter because the policeman knows me. otherwise they wouldn't let me in. and here comes the soldier to chase us away. the police told us we are in the way of worshippers coming out of alex um and should immediately clear the way. we didn't want to go on to and left during our time in the old city. we didn't see or hear about new clashes. we've seen many is really police officers rather polite, attends. they are on high alert. they know that this fragile come, can change at any moment. a nice notion all to you from jerusalem's old city,
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russia, china on the wrong have loans, joined naval drills off b as i'm a countries close to. and then the only nations attending the large scale exercises throughout the week. as long as easy as of july, the reports, this one has called it and it fits how many of multi polarity in the military domain, in a monumental display of naval prowess. it wrought in russia and china are set to embark on an expansive naval drill, encompassing a vast 17000 square kilometers, ex expanse. across the persian gulf, this young man and the northern reaches of the indian ocean, dope maritime security. valid 2024. this exercise will what, since the convergence of surface ontario units from the trio aiming to showcase their maritime capabilities. while fortifying security cooperation within the region is the 5th iteration of such a large scale collaboration among the 3 navies, which will see surface and areas units from the is wanting to keep up with of air
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on navy, along with naval assets, from china and russia, cooperating and simulated war scenarios, representatives from man, azerbaijan, cause i stand pakistan and south africa would also attend without deploying naval equipment. the iranian navy says the key objectives of this exercise includes safeguarding the international shipping lanes combat in piracy and maritime terrorism, as well as fostering knowledge exchange on the participating navy's into strategic revival in the pacific region. this region host over half of the world's maritime oil trends that through critical shore points like the hormones, bob and men defend malott coast rates together, forming what's known as the golden triangle of global trade. the one has emphasized that the presence of extra territorial forces, like the u. s. navy only surface to destabilize the regions st, gets off to the original states to shoulder the responsibility of ensuring the
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security of regional waterways. and this sentiment is forced to resonate strongly during the upcoming try lateral drill, underscoring a message of for regional economy and stability of russia is gearing up for as fast a presidential election to be held at the multiple days. that officially begins on friday. i'll see international is bringing you special coverage of the landmark event this week of the, of tens of millions of russians per past, the costs the pallets and the presidential election early voting is already on the way in the countries new regions. many soldiers are among those having best say before returning to the ongoing, fighting on the front lines. this postage, released by the russian defense ministry, shows
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a number of combat veterans costing the ballots. and the don't. yes, republic, my boasting stations have been well, dallas across relatively safe, of parts of the in baffled regions which are under marshal know, full candidates of buying all the countries at top jobs. the incumbents, vladimir putin, is running as an independent or these 3 rivals represent opposition policies, aussies, marina calls or that brings as more now on the countries 1st presidential elections as the outbreak of the ukraine conflicts in russia is the biggest country in the world wide territory. sputtering from europe and well across asia, it has a 144000000 people spread over it and haven't time zones, not so long, especially considering that the majority of russians are planning to vote. but it's never been easier to do just that. in fact, people already catch them their ballots in the current presidential election and early vote and option is currently available to those who are abroad or in remote
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locations. that's before the majority of pulse open. later this month, 740000 votes have been collected so far across the 32 regions, as well as 600 from russian's 11 abroad. early voting has already begun. russians are voting and australia, libya, cyprus and other countries. the total number of people who have already voted exceeds 600. it seems like a small number, but this is just the kind of situation where every vote counts. there is also the option to devote online, which is the new for us how, but it is when it comes to these presidential election. this year, the online voting system faces a real challenge. after all, such a large scale electronic fold, such as the russian presidential election has never been held before. we expect that the march election will be very popular among voters. so we have provided for a special algorithm in the online voting system. warranty regents will have this
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opportunity include in rushes for newest territories, which are of course targets for the key. originally, it is not that we are not afraid of provocations. we are ready for them. we have already held a referendum and local elections. so we are fully prepared for the presidential election so, so likes to vote that so there's no way they can, of course, head to one of the poland stations and this time around, they're not even bound by the home address. so they can both anywhere like here and big brother will be watching them, do just start to avoid potential violations. $40000.00 locations across $89.00 regions will be fitted with cameras so that everyone can see what's going on. over $200.00 international observers. representative of 35 countries have confirmed or participated in the event to ensure as fair and transfer and selection. so all that's left to do, if you're registered russian motor is to cast your ballots now or during the main
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period between the 15th and 17th of march after that. so they'll take 2 days to tally the votes from the regions and the week to process all the data. then the results will be posted on line within 3 days. but why do i need to get more than 50 percent of the votes? otherwise they enter around $23.00 weeks later, 4 candidates are in the race and whoever wins will be in power for the next 6 years . well, will make so you don't miss any of the key developments as citizens and the world's biggest country had to the polls this weekend. so also you will be hearing from people politicians on pundit signs. you can follow the. 2 up to the presidential pallets on websites and social media channels as well. the and it say successful splash down for the space axis crew 7 mission which has returned back to us just off the coast of florida. the international team feature
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we asked for notes from nasa, the european space agency depends our space exploration agency, as well as a cost when old from russia's roles calls most. the capsule could be seen re entering the out most, most 5th through night vision cameras. the crew drag in the vehicle on drops from the international space station on monday, and they can relate to hundreds day long mission to the i ss old members of the expedition on now recovering from that slide. freeze that once the recovery vessel is closer to me. thanks for your company here in the us international this tuesday . we always appreciate it doesn't forget to take out websites all t dot com for all the latest. and i'll be back at the top of the, with the the
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a when i was wrong. just don't have to shape house to come and engagement because the trail when so many find themselves quilts of parts, we choose to look so common ground the
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the every spring and summer. the melting optics know reveals a band of machinery, millions of rusty barrels, and the detritus left by human expansion into this most inaccessible of territories . yes, and used to move forward to a customer on both of us with some of the doors at the post the beach on has an issue calling to ask for a clean optic travel to heis island home to the biggest opponent station on the front of joseph land capella, go, diarra really asked me for our laws and that was the more you have to do should. so it means if you have, would it be a we see lots of money and i'm familiar with the some stay on the old stuff last time i feel like i'm a summer stay the same age membership. when you to, i've got the, i'm seeing the boys to the middle it please to join me at that of the optic pioneers main objective was to explore and comcast,
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these harsh lands. they had no time to think about waste management now and, and they could see could remain for centuries. that's my of my choice. the. so it's pretty at the question system is this multiple in here that the deal is to issue the because of 800000000 people don't have aspirations, it doesn't make a difference. how big the other 400, because the divide wouldn't be strong enough. if you want a standing ovation. you need to have gone some positive of room is that you've been going between the 2 of i said, but why don't we lift a 1000000 people out of poverty every 6 to 7? yes. hello and welcome. i am unable, i'm kid,
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in the ever evolving landscape of the 21st century. the focus no more than ever is on india. tonight i'm joined by an amazing but you know the mind is an under bronner per user on the hood, investor and then focused it will come funny. screw it up. okay. well thank you very much for having me here. wonderful for you to come. thank you. so much, i've only had inspirational conversations with you every time you've spoken. so i'm looking forward to this one to is vision comes from you. who are you in the ultimate onto brenda. you have been given the state to how you're doing that is that ultimate sounds a little bit like it's got a sunset, but i think maybe a lot of the original ones. i would say, i think i started up at a time when i'm going to, she was not looked at. yeah. so proudly, so to speak, 3 things. i mean, most people said a chest that you couldn't get a job. so you have to start working for yourself. second, there was no such thing as funding in your funding. everything this everyone talks about right now is just not that you couldn't even get a bank drawn. and i think the 3rd one was spots the parents. so after the 3 months
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of shock of them saying, i want to do something on my own. it is my dad was a profession. my brother studies did a page the and is always been provisioned. i was the outlined in the family. and i think my dad gave me some incredible advice that very 1st time he said, look, if you're finally doing this, the player, if anything goes wrong, we're not going to be able to help you. what is your dealing that i'm doing? what? so i said, i don't think i can implement somebody else's vision and therefore i'm being an entrepreneur on that stage when i wanted to do something, it wasn't clear. media entertainment came a little later on. and at that time nobody call it even media and interesting and last name was this, what you had was this was in the 1980s eighty's. so, and i think that one sentence was saying we wouldn't be able to bail you out to get my feet on the ground for the next 40 years of my life. so did you speak to your dad about seeing that that one to be a businessman or what was the exact? if you remember what? because that word is very key word which your father said, look, we will not be able to help you with it. he was making for me to do my job at accountancy,
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be negotiating about an m b a. mm hm. and i said, i want to do something completely on my own. so he said, okay, why didn't you do a job for them? so i, what do i see it do it? i'm either one of these 2 as a stop gap it and then in that do whatever you want to do. and i said if i have a plan b and live landing never works. i think today most people have that in general. let me give it a try. you know, and i think that is the 1st recipe for failure. because if you give anything a try, means you have a finite time line and failure comes 1st, success comes only after that. i completely agree with you. lot of the item and that things cool. a lot of students who come and visit dhl office make what's new. uh, if this does not work, i will have this the moment to have that choice. nothing over it. please let me remind you of your failure now in the early stages of your life and it had mean it and my life. we did a show together, it was uh and could be assured of it. you had done it for a little. that was something reason never got picked up and i just finished side on . and i was very happy and i was a to get and we'll,
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we will not matter. and we shot this thing in the studio. mm hm. and i remember you were coming and new saying this is what we have done and we've worked very hard and i think that must be the only failure in life. and if i'm, i think my failure to successively shows out a fairly as to 2 successive, i'm actually quite happy and i'm proud of it. if my 8th seniors were not there, my 2 successors wouldn't have been the next one they are. so i think that would be one of the ones that we are most by say at this point in time i was happy that didn't happen because after that you never left with me? no, no, no we did. we did some work together in directly. yeah, i think that, you know, and the movie a witness day, which is still a treasure trove and its quotes, the ones that caused that was, that was outside this number. yeah. the book that come in, did you have you started this, this cable tv thing? how did that guy come across? i think when you're young, you're looking at opportunities. you don't. so the end of the day and opportunities
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are the ones that i think mostly opportunities in my early stage to end up and take my leave to state. i don't want to be philosophical about that needs to be there as a, as i know i'm a very practical bus and my wife is much more philosophically. my daughter is much more for the stuff that i'm a much more practical person. so for me, so the end of it is to put yourself constantly in as many places so that at some stage you'd be the right place the right time, because you need to be in the right place, right? then 3 or 4 times in your life. to really break out, but for that you need to walk incredibly high to be in places so that you can be in the right place like them. and to me, so the end of the day is that the other products that anybody is timing? i think we be, we miss out the importance of the timing and how getting your timing right to what you want to do. both sometimes signal and just saying yes, actually more to signal. and then what you say yes in life about and i think if i look at those and look back to my cable tv, those were opportunistic days. and there was only one channel called the session.
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and that particular time in india as a nation and the rest of the network and the fact that one wanted to do a choice for the 2nd one. and i think those are incredible learning is because as a business, everyone thought i was mad, which is a good recipe to know that you might succeed. but at the mob, i've also, and i think you come from the same industry you. but if you want a standing ovation, you need to have gone to multiple rooms where you've been bored. maybe even have told you this one, the name of your crazy. and then you're gonna applause and tracking life. if you started by getting an applause, you're johnson. how do you, i'm going to go applause. you're doing this right out down the number of the physical dogs that have been slammed onto me document incredibly less and then at the end of 3 or 4 or 5 months all night, the people that was working with said, maybe this is not a good idea but as of a one year, we couldn't get a single person to take a cable tv connection. now in today's age, that sounds completely there, but at that time, and i think that gave me an incredible amount of residence. this wisdom was always
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there. are you what was that's a risk factor that you were ready to take and sort of planned into various things i would say myself conviction. so i, i think you're out of this whole set of conviction come from. they did come from. i think it has to come from you. i'd definitely not. you're not born with that. i've come from the middle, the middle class background, that whole psyche for me was very down to a there's but i would say that conviction that says i'm in it. i'm all in, i think him for my very early days and then it much was the come some things that i think i may have done and buying in ritual before it's time. it takes a fix, a lot of cottage to actually admit that it's before it's time and letting it go. so i think the things that i've let go, but did they didn't feel is, are before it's time. and it's learning have taught me. and that strengthens yourself in between because we say god got everything goes with god. god is not about waking up in the morning and is having a bright audience. i would go with that. god actually is a, it's exactly like you've got it's
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a votter process. it's like every day it's accumulating expedients, videos, execution slabs slammed everything and you're getting better every day from cable tv. you establish this and by it's called you tv, 2 of my best friends. what are these by you course, love most law and written as it. yep. and then you reach the point when you said i let go your tv and i will send it to disney. did you get bored with this? all you reach the saturation point or was it the business dean? no. so i mean, that's a great question that i would say neither of the 3. i don't think i'd be never bored with anything in life. i don't think there's a commission. i don't think you'll plan exists in life. so i think from where i stood, what i did an early days when nobody could define what you were doing at that stage media and ended them to the new hardwood when we starting that it was a production production division that one had to build a company that was not just a creative house, but was a media economic good. and i think i had an accident button on disney for 6 and 70
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as we worked together, 3 members of the people who are on my board for the longest period of time. so when they pop the question that says, why don't we put it all together? i guess that was a practical list, so i wasn't bored, it wasn't a business need for me. i was just being product. so do you have grid words to describe us as yeah, i think practically makes some sense because of december. yeah. that stage i felt if i built this brand, what better can i do then give it to an incredible brand like disney. it's target people who are practical or not emotional. no, in fact i would say i'm a very passionate bus and i think there's a huge gap. even though it sounds like a slave, a think passionate and being emotional is i think i was extremely passionate about media. i was extremely passionate about the company, i believe, but i was not emotional about it. so what is the difference between the 2? they most of them i would have never let it go because then i would have felt like no, this is mine. and i think you've seen today in businesses most found those entrepreneurs industrialism. and they've not allowed themselves to let them go. actually the company's gone down the drain and then you from just another company. and so i
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think that was a great cross road for me. but i'm somebody who feels going into a 2nd leanings is quite different from going to a 2nd that i think both of us come from the contract funds to understand what that means. but a 2nd act means you do what you did, and then you'd now do it all over again. but the 2nd of things is when you let that go and then you start all over again all over again. so i think it was an excellent cross for a lot of people told me that can do this again. lot of even when i started doing other things, they said anybody not calling the i'd be at a such a great experience here working together. how come you not calling me to come and join you? and i'm saying we had a great experience. now i want to learn something completely new and i want to do something new. if you sit together, i won't grow, you. one girl will complete on each of those sentences like we used to do before. right. and i think that's right today when people in the work environment always feed. i've had great experience. let's work with the same people. again, i would only say, challenge yourself a little bit more related. nobody's going to challenge you. what happens to this
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phase people. it keeps saying that you would have the right place and the right time, i think you had a product of the choices that you make. and i think for all of us, that's what it is. timing actually is not a god gives man a stroke of luck. actually timing is improving all gut feeling every day and i think that's what it would be because actually at the time your making decisions, most people are going with that. i remember when i was exiting this, i went and made every one and they said, you're letting you letting us have down your name, the company down here in the media industry down. why are you doing this kind of situation? 5 years, nato and other logic companies like flip god and all you can see exits, the exit is become a big wood at that time in 2012 is a bad word. like in 19 eighties, entrepreneur, it was a bad wood cutting. so i think i've been to the side goes enough to know. yeah that you need to be quite physically and what is important when you did this deal with new tv? did you look at the passion side of it, or did you look at the money side of it? what was in your mind when you decided that i started my career,
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teddy's with 37500 a piece, which is the maximum that my parents could afford to give me at that stage. so to me it was always whatever i got to lose. now it is true that as you evolved to have more to lose. and so i don't think today i can say i'm leading back on the 37005 and say whatever i'm going to lose because there's a lot more responsibility. we've created a not for profit, i have a lot more accountability, different senses, but at that stage, i think money is not the driving force. that doesn't mean it can be only passion, because if it's only passion you would make that projects and projects don't equal to commerce. so i would say the call most of it, the commotion to the bottom. it is something that i was in green from day one because i knew that i could not have a v costs to anyone building me out because i knew i couldn't raise any money. i think today i sense of when we started something the sense of entitlement is very high. if you start with the low entitlement, actually things work out much better in the long run. it takes a little longer,
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but it's a rock solid. the foundation is solid. it's like saying i'm building something and i'm going to set it in 4 years. it can never work. it's a little bit like i've tried for 2 years. let's see if there's a, let's, the approach is not going to work. if you think you have a planned approach that you have a goal posts that i will sit for margarita on the beach by this age. it's not going to work because you can find any part of successful field. yeah, india is at a stage where it's great for on the front as are individuals, families and this government making india. is it successful in feelings and things like that? what, what are your thoughts and i'm very excited about. i'm reading some of everything to do with india today. i think my motto is one of the very few countries today. what if you was 9 out of 10 people with your tomorrow be better than your yesterday? that on so it would be a yes. and to me that defines everything to be stanfull, so it's the right time for anything units we want to do. but it needs to be
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generalized. you 40 a with the right time can actually become the wrong time because yes, in the ninety's me with the i go with a line, we were all kinds of things, but it didn't get chapter lives. so bright ideas and dried vision is important, but execution is 10 times more important. but i'm also excited about that because i think there is implementation that is accountability. the retarding even today with the government is one of execution and accountability. so if you build that into your dna, that goes into the entire because whether you like it or not, the government is 25 percent of everything that everyone does an ecosystem, the jobs that they create and everything else. so really exciting times and i'm excited that all of us know that tomorrow is going to be better than yes. i always say that i'm 80 is younger than my country 40. so in india i was born and i was born in 1955. so we've grown up together now and you'll see, and we have seen that the other 5th largest economy, what has changed the earlier and now why are we considered to be
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a video reckoning for think there was always that role energy. and i think the generalization of it has been really acute the accountability of it has been acute, i think up positioning in a global platform is equal in part the drive because positioning perception like anything else. and we're both from the media industry where we know positioning and perception is half the half they have the approach to whatever as. so i think the perception management where india stands has been a very strong. it actually is internally because it makes you gain confidence in yourself because now you're saying it and it's very strong. but there's got the endorsement from the outside plus the fact that that, that, that got to me of the ruling, the, even there are you aspiration levels and ruling they have changed. and if you us, and i've worked there with that foundation because of 800000000 people don't have aspirations, it doesn't make a difference. how big the other $400.00, because the divide wouldn't be stronger. i think that divide is nattering to quite
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an extent. anyone feels i can make a difference in the country if anyone and everyone feels i can make a difference within the right place, the organization works a lot. and the router lady, i didn't think you have made up in that ever the you with did you kid a certain amount of? yeah, it was one of my more expensive days statements. yeah. so, so this came after that when we saw this, we made very yeah it was. comes in lights is about so 90 minutes. yeah. yeah. so we had a foundation. i know a lot of people say for lunch if you need to start when you're got gray hair and you've got a bank balance and i think one started the foundation when i was in my twenties. yes. and i think i would do it everyone today the giving back in a country like india is including bought it. but when we divested your tv to disney is very nice having the balcony and my wife, she said, um, i'm going to do attend the cost with each word. and yeah, and i said, that's great. she came back and said, i'm joining teach for nat, said none of but wait a minute. we have this little foundation of us and she's yeah,
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but this sounds like a good thing. so between the 2 of i said, why don't we lift a 1000000 people out of poverty every 6 to 7 years? and she said, are you serious? i said, yeah, i'm serious today. i think that's one of my most expensive retention statements i made for retaining somebody to be bought right of it. so the model to be created with for days, which is what we call it, that particular stage because it was 6 students that came from columbia university . and we're going to have villages. and the conversation was on our end and both then and i looked at each other and said, this is exactly like the movie. and i think that's the box and medium. i mean movies is a drop box for medium. i think i run, they buy something when, when did that, that transformed, you know, opened up a case and had a very inspiration, i think so this today to today and people come back and tell me i came back because i saw the movie studies and i think a lot of people joined the army and the, you know, because we mean, look, show or be made that much the bad. so for us, for this foundation is spot of bringing that router up and divide. we just felt
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that actually, what i saw there was if we can change aspiration levels in orlando. mm. it would make an incredible difference. and i think you want to play a button that your daughter 3. she also has a hold on foundation. how did, how do idea about having a separate foundation she could have up with so they should, but she chose something different and i think she's good that she chose it on her own. so yeah, lighthouse project for as a very standard on, i think she, she did a from school in a mazda, is from us, the university of southern california. yeah. came back and did 100. he hasn't been didn't send him a document to you with the doctors you them progression right and check up or right . and then she came to me and said, i'm done with this. i think now her being the not for profit space like big brothers, big sisters in the us. it's a big move. and so in that same here, the mentor meant the program. so her car was how do i get privileged with the underprivileged and that's been hook off of how she's designed what she's doing. and this is government, or the nation of started up culture and initiative and policy to start or is it the
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enough anything it's no, it has to have all of that can be you can write for the in di book on one single day. and the book has to be that chapter by chapter if you read a whole book and one thing i challenge anyone to remind me get through, remember what 3 things that came up unless it's a fiction movie. so i think it's a, it's an evolving process. you know, there's ease of doing business, there's aspiration, there's ability to be able to call it. so i think there's a fair amount of progress that's made that is it still challenging to do business and india of costs? it is. but in the pragmatic manno, it doesn't change overnight because the eco system won't allow you to be without any rules and regulations, that'd be complete the else. so a lot of people tell me, you know, here it's tough to do business and i'm saying shop, go to the united states and trying to business. that might be 10 times more difficult. and exactly, because it's such a competitive environment. are you ready for that level of competition for that level of lead fee market? so sometimes you're more is a level of competition. so which is you have most inspiring stock. i guess the one
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that i'm going to discuss later on, i think is like, which has been my biggest failure. i think it's, you have to come to how do you judge the success of any business for the 1st day of a judge? it for my own happiness, my own sense of pride, my own sense of banking up my conviction. and what i felt i did because finally, at the end of the day, you need to be able to injunction. shop with creation is an important part. so your stakeholders are the theme and the people. so to me, when i meet people today and said, we'll come and say, hey, when we worked with you, you'll give us the toughest years. but actually those are the best years in my life . i think that's successful then you ran an organization where people felt the head level of ownership to that you made an impact because you were communicating in various forms or those television or movies or animation. and then the 3rd one is if there was recreation that gave along the way, and i think now in education and with the bad, that's the similar thought process. so how much do inboard keep in mind with the, with the video start up, it has become a success. but at this moment,
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my focus is to disrupt the learning, skimming and workforce development education space with i've read the not for profit as been actually a lifelong commitment and some people get play golf. i make movies and stuff up to this generation is restless. that doesn't mean that your generation and i maybe a few older than you as we would not restless, but i've been 540 pounds and out of which i think i must have got skipped for populations. the rest of them were noted good to us, you must be getting lot of scripts. how do you choose that? this is the for them i'm going to make. so today, i think with obviously vs compared to your tv and it's a fashion and hobby buses. at that time, it was a business in some form because that was shared homeless and when. so when you're doing something for a business, i think 60 percent of the things you do because you have to do them and 40 percent because you wanted to them. and i think then it's a passion or a hobby. it should be 99 percent of the time you something you want to and maybe
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one percent what you have to do this. so to me, i look at scripts in a way of what i really want to do. is it a gym from my point of view is the story i do want dental, is it something that i'm supposed to be involved with? i'm not taking anybody else's money, it is that accountability, it is what i wanted to do in that particular context. what are those costs on grid and then drain, been how to reverse it. in the past, the context was your tomato was better outside of india and then then inside of india today, everyone knows if the amount is better, but it's only better because it's inside of india. and i think therefore there's no brain right now. let's not say that as somebody is an aspiration to go and walk abroad for 3 years. that's bad actually, that's good. if you had an experience between good movies and then with the hollywood movie, you come back rich with your ex savvy. i totally agree with that. would actually benefit what you're doing here in television, oregon, and phillips the same way when people go abroad to study the learning of a different sense of competitiveness. and i know we want to be the visual go to of the, of the world and be sure to be, but at the same time is nothing wrong with
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a 1400000000. we are 17 to the was population. we definitely definitely click on being too late. so i would urge people that there's nothing wrong in being across the world. but in the brain drain is a where you're losing and it's a leak. the faucet is leaking, the faucet is not making. the faucet is no longer the people are coming back. they know that the one bed tomorrow have to be better. it'll happen in india. i totally agree with you when you say that people who are brought in and then they come back, they've come as a person. i was, i was in us doing some book. when i came back, i became a better actor because i saw that i saw competition. i saw other people doing that, but you also saw discipline, you saw because i have idea yes or yes, you know, but, you know, thinking completely opened up. i still wonder that there was a certain sense of innocence when we were really dominated a country. now the gap is becoming smaller and i say, in a sense, i mean, there's
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a sense, a wonder. now there's no sense of wonder. you have one will thing and you press it, then you get to information. but information does not necessarily prostate infringed knowledge. no knowledge comes with living. yes. and knowledge does not translate into smartness either. exactly. exactly. so in this new little book, in rural areas, what is it that you actually in following them for, i'm raising aspirations and whatever happens. yeah, and i'm empowering them to be self independent. and i think the crux in google, india today, and if i'm is that they don't see it in control of that destiny. because if you're used to grandson and if you can control the life when i go to the schools there. hey, we've taken for granted that in the last 9, somebody always used to give us what do you want to do when you grow up? that's not a question is being asked and we're going to be one of our most successful programs in our schools, in our 1200 schools. this opening a library and the attendance went up by almost 20 percent in schools because we
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opened that library. it was a, it was for the kids by the kids and they were managing it before that. the library was a come up with a block and a key in the principal's office and a possible book rental that you can go sit in the corner and come back me. and the 2nd one was a career counseling program. and the question that what, what do you do when you grow up? what do you want to do in your blog? so outside of the normal firemen and policemen in governments, suddenly you've got from 4 choices to 40 choices and their parents didn't have that luxury. so they're not going to ask them that question because they know that if they, even the person says i want to do this, they may not be able to afford it. so to me that john's formation is what is needed and of course we need water and we need sanitation of costs. we need schools of costs, we need solar power, but the soft aspect is going to go $10.00 times hot foster. and one of the things we do is we have a village develop and committee. and so we go into a village and we stop that. and that is something we learned the hardware for the
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1st 2 years. we made targets do it on target. so whether or not they're targets and there was a complete gap when we got them. and we actually, they make a 5 year plan. where do they see their village over the next 5 years? whether they seem deadlines, whether they see that only livelihood, if i can raise their livelihood for x from what they are today. they will feel i'm independent. i'm not dependent. and when a man or the woman of the house feels that i think it's a massive transform ation, how much have books made a difference to your life? all your thinking, my wife is of what issues need us. so we have to lodge libraries in the house and everyone says, wow, and you know, i'm zoomed calls. everyone says lovely that every and i keep saying that's not my wealth of knowledge. that's how does, but for me, books have been chapped us and i'm a, i'm a not good scanner person. if i'm having a conversation, the main point is when you haven't won our conversation, we've been to 2 things away from it. that's huge. most people think, oh, you know, i wasn't focused with the fact of the mattress you need to take to things. so i've
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been a lot of chapters of books person and then a whole book person and you get to your devoted book not only chapters. yeah. what prompted you decide to book? so the 1st one that i wrote, dream is their eyes opened. and i think that was because i was at that cross road when i was starting my 2nd evenings and i was meeting a lot of entrepreneurs and i reflected back 20 is back on my own journey. but they would have the similar cross roads and save me a more than say, a fear of failure was coming up. and i said some things have to and, but some things just haven't changed. so to me, the book was more about talking about failure is on an ongoing basis because i think feeling is need to be vandalized media, evangelize is success or negative stories. whichever we look at that here, you need to evangelize video. people don't talk about a proud to me and i think you know you what you said, but you end of the us and does that their failures, evangelize, meaning people look up to that. and if you've done 3 failure, i go a play on my failure. that's quite a good view, is that my auto body? yeah, yeah. then if you what 3 feet is, there's
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a better chance of getting funding because people have known that you've actually tried. yeah, you've got it. now there's a lot more experience as an asset side of the balance sheet for a lot of people, the thing is in the liability side, it'd be about and she, and i think to me that because about communicating that and your 2nd book, the 2nd book was because i was inspired now that i was getting the scaling and i've read and there i do a webinar as talk to, you know, young learners, mid them learners. almost everyone is that across the road and most of their lives . so it was about the fact that everyone is so obsessed with the hot skills of life that we forget the self skills of life. and i'm a product of self skills. and i did my bachelor of commerce and then i didn't do much. i didn't have the self confidence, but i owned it. i did allocution and debates and drama in schools that end up. it's just me that gave me that level of confidence a since you had to have this good conversation with you, that the as need to say you can take away, you can have said backs and lives you've been. affinity is you're gonna have
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a 0 bank balance, you can go bankrupt, but nobody can take away your level of confidence and you had a better deal on your skills that can, you can be bankrupt on what you've learned in life to affiliates. so that book was about that. so if you were to describe your life and you were to give it the types of work to do that, but all glory is fleeting to great taxes. yeah, i get criticized. lots of, i don't celebrate enough. you know, and i'm saying yeah, because actually life is a little bit about that and if you treated it that man, oh, you'll always be curious. you'll always have your feet in the ground. you always dream with your eyes open, knock because and you'd be practical. and as long as people like you are there, there is no defense, finish and around. thank you very much. thank you. but i just, i'm guessing the whole language was the one i loved. so many things sonya today tied to it on the screw and thank you for watching to join me next big for another intimate yet engaging event. and let's talk part of that, i know from the
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lease of russian states never as tight as i'm sort of the most sense community invest in most all sense and the sooner the better and speed the one else holes. question about this, even though we will fan in the european union, the kremlin machine, the state on the russians coding and split the r t spoke neck, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube. the question, did you say they requested the
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sending their juvenile like there's the incredible proportion my turn now to the latest on russia's presidential election? well, well, well, at least turned it up. the a hi, i'm executive and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. little opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do you have the state department c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my show state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again,
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you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way the the haitian prime minister resigned from a wide spread gang violence washington. the pledge is the healthy islands nation despite playing a role in pulls and gives current clients is in the 1st place. us around your appointments and military build up as we use west double export from from continue supply. police officers and security forces are deployed in jo settings, all c t, as you can see behind me, to provide security for worshippers arriving to unlock. so this whole, this place for most sense or to impede they access palestinians in east jerusalem. a tooth is really forces of abusive action as the idea.


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