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tv   News  RT  March 12, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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richard, i guess you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way the the haitian prime minister resigned from a wide spread gang violence washington. the pledge is the healthy islands nation despite playing a role in pulls and gives current clients is in the 1st place. you are assigned to your appointment for military build up as we use west thing of importance. double of export from from continue supplying police officers and security forces are deployed in jo settings all say to you can see behind me to provide security for worshippers arriving to unlock. so this 3rd hole is placed for loose ends or to impede the axis. palestinians in east jerusalem accuse is really forces of abusive action. as the idea prevents many muslims from entering the hour. the most
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important is totally of time during the despite the western sanctions imposed all the country, the economy remains resilience days ahead of the presidential elections. russian voters say they haven't come from the pressure of each of the solid. it has become even better. russian manufacturers are starting to do everything in spring. you've got i personally feel no effects of the sanctions. there's everything i need in the shops to look scarier and tv than in real life. the very well welcome is 4 pm here in most go when you're watching off the international with the latest. well news updates. it's good to have you with us as our top story, the plumbing and store of haiti is announced his resignation, made round, potent gun violence gripping the caribbean country. arielle henri, who's currently in the us territory of puerto rico, stacy,
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will the facts remain in office until a new government is formed? my moms easier after the council of ministers tonight accepted to put into place a transitional presidential council. the members of the council will be picked after agreement with different sectors of the national life. the government i am running will remove itself immediately after the stablish means of set counsel for he says he wants the transitional counsel to be put in place. this is something that carrick home, which is the caribbean body, it's an economic and political body of around 15 nation states in the caribbean says it's going to look at implementing straight away. and he says that is when he will fully step down from being the into him prime minister. let's be clear though, our real henry was never elected. he took office back in 2021. he did so of the haitian pro, a president was assassinated at the time. he has been repeatedly accused of being
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corrupt, chase being repeatedly accused of delaying elections. hate. he has what happened election since 2016. and this is the reason why the gang subsided, but they won't take him out. they said that if he remained in power, they would cause a civil war and they would be genocide in the country. so we're hearing from arrow, henry says no donation. so that the moment he's been banned from re entering the country, but he will resign when this transitional counselor set up and we understand that that will be fairly soon on the ground itself. charlotte, the violence has been extraordinary the scenes at recently, but they go back many, many years. why is that on rest, on finding so hard to rein in? well, i think many people have she feel this has been the failure of the international community. let's start with the u. n. and you and had a peacekeeping mission in haiti from 2004 to 2017 completely failed to keep
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a lid on the violence. in fact, the situation has become worse since the peace keepers less one of the reasons they have to leave is because they were accused of perpetrating a cold or outbreak that killed tens of thousands of individuals. this was just a year off. the hazy stuff with this huge catastrophic, a quake that killed over 200000 individuals. it took 6 years, the u. n. to admit culpability in that color outbreak. the fact that they didn't do anything to assist the individuals of hate to actually try and stop that. then we go, the us, we've just heard from us secretary of state or to be blinking about money that will go to hate to let's have a listen 1st. what she had say, given this is increasingly urgent need. i'm announcing today that the united states department of defense is doubling its approve support for the mission from a $100000000.00 to $200000000.00. and that brings the total us support to
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$300000000.00 for this effort. i'm also announcing additional humanitarian assistance for the people of $8033000000.00 to further support their health and food security. it sounds like a lot of money, but there's a history here over how that money will be spent. specifically relating to when hillary clinton was the secretary of state in the us and also relating to her husband who is also part of the clinton foundation and to me, blink. and also, you know, sort of a way from a bit of a monk k because of course, she was in the state department and hillary clinton. yeah. cuz i just the pick off on up because i remember after the or quick, the state department on the clinton foundation to particular said ok, we're going to send a we're going to look after the haitian people. so might many accusations after that of that a not getting through of being siphoned off in many albany. so we absolutely, in fact it's been shown that opened 90 percent of the billions and billions that
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were raised don't go to the high government, did not go direct to station people. it actually was slicing gulf by international bodies. in fact, also point the us state department, which we build hundreds of millions of dollars for sending us troops to haiti and that water and vases cost. so many issues of i'm go on the island u. n. bodies would give him money for doing work, but then that'll change the floor. doing. we also had private companies who with size single money, these even the accusations and evidence that shows and loveless private contracts with keeping those contracts because they were friends of bill and hillary clinton . and this is where the foundation comes into. and bill clinton was appointed as one of the co chairs of the 40 that was going to be throwing out the funds. these accusations that let me in funds and contracts with different to friends of the clinton, this is really cool. so much fee rate on the island. um in addition to that,
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there was a whole fiasco. it says it was the carrier co industrial park. again, this was another initiative by the state department on the bill and hillary clinton foundation. this was some $300000000.00 and we spend on a factory to produce close extent produce some to 1000 jobs on the island. what they did is they forced hundreds of farmers off the land, which caused problems for them, and that families only $8000.00 jobs created. and what we sold, who's the money was being used to create close for companies. big companies like target and know safety in the us. it was that was a lining the pockets and notation on this. the legacy of the is not just guiding violence that we're seeing on the street sits opposite anger with people's livelihoods on their hopes, with the futures that what did they say? well that's why we put 90 percent of people in hey she, when living below the poverty, the purse nation and the car to be the par stations are being one of the ports of
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nations in the world. they say that few is no just with the international community, but also the local, the power comb. this is the caribbean body. and if we have people on the ground say they don't want any more into fever. and so much solid is when we talk about caring home. have they even done anything for haiti? all haitians need to work together to see if we can save the country. those countries always go to haiti in a situation where we end up finding each other. kind of calm cannot do anything for us. it is like when you run from the rain and end up falling in the mud, the only thing i can say is that aerial henry is out forever. he cannot do anything for us anymore. but what haitian say they will, and so what they be consistently denied for is a democratic elections. and that is what people the haitian calling for according feel, put unity to suit these programs out themselves and to not have continued problems
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from the colonial powers that have been involved in that country. since before it's recent conception and we're talking, nope, just falls, but also the us. europe is all making itself as the weapons impose nearly double with french as us expos continuing to rise. so being presidents, alexander, vintage, say that europe's cause is one of militarization of what is happening now is madness. they all thought the booting would be easily defeated. now they see that this is not so the current trend is toward total militarization and a 5 fold build up in all respects, firms, president a measure in my call said that western troops and you frame could not be excluded. he also said that he wanted to maintain strategic ambiguity, also known as bossing, which only actually works if you don't announce right after the boss that you could
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be bluffing. but apparently a menu in the back hole treating the international stage like a local community feed or production and cause playing is in it eyes. their goal was enough to inspire a bunch of other european officials to take the safety officer on miles and fire off some belligerent rhetoric of their own. sonya is the soldiers of nato countries are already in ukraine. and i would like to think the ambassadors of those countries that took such a risk, they know who they are, they are replacing. the president did not say that the russians would advance towards odessa will care of the way i see it. he is preparing public opinion for friends to intervene in this conflict by telling us, and if the front moves towards odessa or q, what are we going to do? that should be no limits to our intervention. this is how he presents things, but we should not play on the fear of the french. the time of peace is over. the post war era is over. we live in new times in the pre war era,
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for some of our brothers, this is no longer even the pre will era, but the period of full scale war and it's most cruel version. we cannot continue to feast on the allusions. no one will take away all responsibility for fighting for our security and the future. we ourselves are the best guarantor about security and the unity. we need to turbocharged our defense industrial capacity in the next 5 years. and at the heart of this must be one simple principle. europe must spend more, you must spend veterans, and europe must spend europe in europe should strive to develop and manufactured the next generation of battle winning operational capabilities. so what do you do when you devastated 0 normal economy for ukraine and have nothing to show for us? all you announce that you now sell for that defy as a war time country and attempt to scare up some cash from your tax payers for the
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transition. sure, work for zalinski. we need to change the paradigm and moving toward economy mode. this also means that the european defense industry must take more risks with our support. so now what we're seeing is european countries ramping up defense spending? well at the same time, say that they don't really have any cash. just bear for things like social programs or to sufficiently compensate their own farmers for being screwed over by the use free trade policy favoring ukraine's farming industry over europe's own. don't like it. well then, do you really want russian president vladimir putin rolling right up to the left bank freezing cafe in a battle tax because they're talking like that's exactly where he's literally going to be ordering. walked off from the mid day menu. if the european tax stairs don't start wrapping their heads around, the idea that making weapons is now suddenly you're a big priority. so how's that cell job working on the tax payer's? well, 76 percent of french citizens are against french troops fighting russia and ukraine
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. that's according to a pull from just a few days ago. within the 50 to 64 year age group. that number was markedly higher at 85 percent against. it's all like, even the french establishment is all in lock step on this either from or french, foreign minister, dominique de paul, who warren washington about the risks of invading a rock 20 years ago. sounds like he's giving a dad lecture. you said you will play out of it. it would have 1st been necessary for us to be able to answer 5 questions. 5 risks associated with this escalation. i think that would be taking this step. so if we were to send troops and fighters by for essex, while some officials are sounding right now, like they're hosting a telephone line for the european military industrial complex, others the spin off opportunities for all this war talks in other industries like bunker construction. there was an urgent need to put the commission to bunker's
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back into operation, and we need to build a new modern shelters in urban centers. underground car, parks, and subway shaft can certainly be used. we are currently seeing this in key of where people are seeking refuge from russian missiles. we also need to plan for such a scenario in germany, not a bad time to resurrect the bunker industry. actually with energy costs and interest rates becoming a problem for europeans, maybe everyone can just save some money and, and crowded, move in to government funded bunkers and hang out while waiting for the holy month of ramadan, celebrated by muslims across the walls, will not see a sci fi in garza with tens of thousands of publicity as code into engine and many more displaced and done the idea. on 5 minutes, we have a story of a palestinian widow described the suffering experienced by residents of the ok.
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the for the shift key, we missed many things like the food and drinks and the prices are storing. we missed our loved ones. my husband, he's not sitting with us at the table. it's hard on us. the situation is bad. ramadan is just not the same. the it's true that some people pretend it's okay for ramadan, but i don't. the bread winner of the home is gone. the main person is gone. it's so sad. i lost the one dearest to me, the family missus him. my husband was the one who always got into
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the house, isn't ramadan supposed to be blessed? unfortunately, we're not living the life of ramadan. we are living a life of war. they're taking our children, our youth are elderly and our women. what is our fault? what have we done wrong? why should our children become orphans longing for the word papa, or for the true meaning of ramadan? the tensions of running high in jerusalem is muslim, celebrates the higher the month of ramadan is where the forces around supp security
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measures preventing many palestinians with mentoring b, l acts and mosque. so pray, all season at least correspondents, maria, for the notion of a poets from the divided city. a traditionally as the holy month of ramadan approaches, the streets, shops and markets in jerusalem is all the city where i am right now. decked out with lanterns lights and ornamental papers, but this here breaks the norm. no celebrations in solidarity with the people of gaza, where more than 31000 lives have been lost in and is really offensive that sees no signs of ending. this is how the old city looks lost here on the 1st day of remedy on the and this is today doing so in the old cities located and it's eastern era part that is supposed to become the capital of
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a future palestinian state. the majority of residents here on muslims, the pain of gatherings they say is they are pain because they hear use of gaza isn't inseparable part of the land of palestine. just an hour drive from jerusalem and you're in a gaza. we're connected by blood. we are one people, dozens and east jerusalem residents are palestinians. this is definitely a war of extermination happening there. and everyone agrees on that. not a self defense war says we keep hearing decide enough. because of the guys of war, security in the old city has been tightened. it's here at top of the temple mount secret for the jewish people that states alex and most and his law mccully strong. and that is also a symbol of national and religious identity for palestinians. israel has long been limited access to the mosque for palestinians is claims for security reasons. ad intentions to these really palestinian conflict. have mass called its attacks on
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southern israel on october. the 7th operation acts of flood in defense of the most . they were talks about limiting the number of worshippers this year. it was eventually nouns, but all is really arabs to get in. while the number of palestinians were as towards that $15000.00 for the whole month of ramadan, and only those about the age of $55.00. hundreds of police officers and security forces are deployed in jerusalem is all the city, as you can see behind me, to provide security for worshippers arriving to august. the 3rd hole is place for most hands or to impede the access. it was the 1st night of ramadan. crowds of movements tried to make the way to alex and men women. these really police violently pushed people away as they cd with circulating online shows. police were accused of the 9 entry to some arabs, relays in violation of a promise made by prime minister netanyahu to enable free access to move when
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citizens flashes interrupted force was used to disperse. the crowds as no. no, no. and what we hear in the media is different from what is happening on the ground . there are abusive actions from the soldiers and police do not treat people humanely, would treat them with a violence and assault not very popular in us. others family has been living in jerusalem for generations before israel was established in 1948. he still remembers how he used to go freely to alexa. something that has changed the following to into photos. massive palestinian uprising was against is really occupation and most with some fee. the guys a construct. a bed is 67. he says he's lucky to be granted access. but his sons and grandchildren, he complains, can not go while we talk a bed son, i will use of best buy. i bet at the door. they ask us for our id to prove where
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we're from. i live just a few meters away from the l. x a mosque right at the door step. oh, here's my son. hello my son, how are you a bu? did they let you into l. x a to go and pray? no, it's still for business and it's forbidden to go in the room and every day we try as much as we can for on the done, we always end up doing what they want. i mean, it's not us. we decide they decide the police will come to the mosque and they are the ones that prevent us from entering the numbers on. we follow the father to the afternoon prayer down the narrow, cobbled streets of the old city. at the gate to on our own goes smoothly for the old man and i, if you want to check it out for you, i'm not going to stay need a check point for a while watching these really office. so it looks friendly. so it's everybody's saying happy rema done in arabic,
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checking ideas and papers you can just say, what are you taking when you're checking the documents? but some people you don't allow them because they are palestinians staying feeling for the poor. a group of young arabs is sent away in front of us who doubt, explanation. we go to another gate and middle age man in the red hat almost got inside, but the seconds later, after the officer checked something on the computer, he was called back and also sent away. he left cursing. when you check in documents, what do text if she has questions, she can post them to the police. i'm not answering questions from reporters. ok, i am sorry, but i am banned from doing so. sorry. when the afternoon prayer was over, we accidentally met abra. yusuf, again, the palestinian,
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he managed to enter alexa today. while he explained how twinned we were suddenly interrupted. i was able to enter because the policeman knows me. otherwise they wouldn't let me in, and he comes a soldier to chase us away. the police told us we are in the way of worshippers coming out of alex um and should immediately clear the way we didn't want to on to and left during our time in the old city we didn't see or hear about new clashes. we've seen many as really police officers rather polite, tends. they are on high alert. they know that this fragile come, can change at any moment. if nationality from jerusalem's old city, russia is gearing up for his 1st presidential election to be held up on multiple days. it officially begins on friday. i'll see international will of course, bring the special coverage of big lines,
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mach events the well with the stalls of the train conflicts. the west reacted immediately imposing the toughest sanctions of a scene in history on russia. the aims to we can russia, but lead to the opposite effect with the country's economy growing on the development of domestic production policies. moreno calls are of opens as more about the results. so be so cool to bring down the russian operation. in the last 2 years had been nothing but negative press about russia in the why. so many particular vladimir putin as mainstream journalism seems to new lows while its fear mongering reaches orbital levels. if you're a dissident in russia, if you to fact from russia, if you turn against putting in russia, doesn't matter if you are no longer in russia, he will send
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a fascination teams anywhere in the world and talk to who has made his darkest and most specific threats yet about using nuclear weapons account against the west, the west west of citizens, to believe that a lot of our uprooting is a lunatic. who has brain loss of options or is holding them hosted. how else can explain his skyrocketing approval ratings? 82 percent compared to 64 percent in 2022 on the eve of his decision to protect the people of eastern ukraine who had been attacked for 8 years by kia of what happens? well, when the was imposed district, the sanctions in the history, it expected must go to crumble. the hope was that russians would suffer so much that they would take their anger out on the leader of the nation. we will limit russia's ability to do business in dollars, year owes pounds, and yet to be part of the global economy. russia's industry is in texas
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and it is the printer that has put the russians economy on the pass of oblivion. in concert with our allies, we would agree a massive package of economic sanctions designed in time to hold the russian economy operation, bring down rush. it was an epic fail which only made raso stronger and more independence. well, western partners fail to understand time and time again is that russia is very good at remaining unified during times of difficulty. they don't hit the streets and protests, they get to work. it was tough and to begin in terms of figuring out alternatives for imports and exports. but it proved far from impossible versus economy. one from a 1.2 percent decline in 2022 to growing by 3.6 percent in 2023. that's how quickly russia led by vladimir putin turn things around for
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meetings and negotiations of sprang solutions. frushell no longer cares about being cut off from western financial markets or the west export band on high tech, or even a price cap on its oil. shines as buying, and in these fine, we'll do it all day one. i would say that every single sanction has failed. most go took the sanction slap and turned east end to the global south diverse. and it's like sports to countries like china, india, using traders and shipping companies that don't abide by western rules. look at this large line, most of that. and i think when you'll see the mapping of it, i think that makes sense why india and our shop would work closely together. pressure and chinese trade has hit the historic highs with china becoming a key supplier or russia's car surveillance gear, drones computer chips. you name it, so despite being the world's most sanction country pressures doing just fine. and
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the citizens, as you can see here, are not only not concerns by the sanctions but, but i haven't felt any efforts. and yet you bodeo close. i feel no aspect from the sanctions i dressed like before. all the brands i like are still here. side of things i want to do. each of those stall up with it has become even better. russian manufacturers are starting to do everything different spin you cook. i personally feel no effects of the sanctions. there's everything i need in the shops. western brands are still sold here. so no problem look scary or mtv then in real life. as i am not concerned at all, we're not suffering. you can tell them what i said. russian companies have stepped up and build the import to avoid creating the components and products the sanctions salts a key bouts of russian hands. the import substitution industry literally popped out of nowhere, creating a manufacturing boom in the country. thanks to the west end parallel imports. mean
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many western brands have become pricier, but they are still here. conversations with focus group participants in most school reveal that some russians expect to the great taken on extreme from the sections that they experienced over the last year. one in the video reports of being pleasantly surprised that despite all the sections rush people through, you know, the participants noted that this spot, the sanctions and the sort of close boulders. everyone's still flies easily around the world through to get it means that the united states, you, japan, australia, major developed countries are unable to sanction a country effectively. brussel managed to turn the west sanctions into a win win situation for itself and its partners. as told her being enough money for the conflict in ukraine, russia is planning to spend at least 6 percent of its g d p on the military for the
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1st time ever. the fact that's becoming increasingly evidence is up to wes tried to weaponized its influence over at freight and finance. so we to him, russia put it right into a brick wall when its power was taxed. and then increasingly, multi polar world is not in our boots inside you. and one of his speeches, all of this was unavoidable, even without that conflict in ukraine fil a freaks countries accounted for only 16 percent in 1992. but now their share is greater than that of the g 7. it has nothing to do with the events in ukraine. this is due to the trends of global development and world economy that i mentioned just now. and this is inevitable, this will keep happening. it is like the rise of the sun. you cannot prevent the sun from rising. you have to adapt to it. how does the united states adapt with the help of force sanctions, pressure bombings and use of armed forces? that's because global power dynamics have changed. those countries.


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