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tv   News  RT  March 12, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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broadcast the, the haitian 5 minutes to resign. so mid white squared young violets, washington pledges the healthy islands nation just by table. rolling closing is coverage twice the us on 0, witness and limits harry bill that buys the use weapons imposed double wall on decks. quotes from problems continue to find a way to blow a who race can it's done. type in the safety of boeing. planes has been found that days off to testifying major lucy the very welcome is 5 pm here. in most scale, when you're watching on the international with the latest world news update, it's good to have you with
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a top story. the prime minister of haiti has announced his resignation. i made around pins, gung violence gripping the car, being country arielle on re who's currently in the us charge. we have for the repo says he will the fact to remain in office until the new government is formed. i love these. yeah. after the council of ministers, tonight's acceptance to put into place a transitional presidential council, the members of the council will be picked after agreement with different sectors of the national life. the government i am running will remove itself immediately after the establishment of said council, as they heard that he wants to stay in position until the interim council is set up . this is an interim council that would be comprised of around 7 members. and that within lead the country into the next selections, haiti hasn't had elections since 2016. so they, you've seen this been pretty crucial at this point. we've also heard mean,
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well from the us about more money that it wants to play in the country. this is to create a multi national security force given this is increasingly urgent need. i'm announcing today that the united states department of defense is doubling its approved support for the mission from a $100000000.00 to $200000000.00. and that brings the total us support to $300000000.00 for this effort. i'm also announcing additional humanitarian assistance for the people of $8033000000.00 to further support their health and food security. well, the announcement isn't like to get to go down very well with many haitians who once again, possibly feel of it being held hostage by the international community interfering in the internal affairs of the country. hate to use a form of french colony than the u. s. and they did it was that for about 20 years in the early 20th century, and it's been accused ever since if essentially being the power behind the
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politicians in the country wielding its influence. just to give you an example of that wiki links memos, at least back in 2008, 2009 at the us state department at intervened and stopped there being an increase in minimum, the wage in haiti a minimum wage that many people desperately needed at the time, just to give you another sense we've got over here. i'm over here who's saying he stepping down the us accused of essentially putting him in power. he was elected when the full price of the country was short. he had been appointed prime minister a few days before, but they were others who felt that they would suit it because they had been elected to be the president of haiti. one included the senate president who was told by the us that he should step down and allow on re to take those. and it wasn't just the us. it was other western powers, european countries like fox and germany, who also urging haiti's to accept somebody. i've said the desk who had not been
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elected. let's just take a look now, nicky, at some of the other way use the us in particular has influenced and intervened in hatred history. the
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hey, is that still missing? isn't it? when you look back and coming back to the situation in haiti at the moment, what exactly a locals saying about the old way, you'd expect that there would be happy there. there's less violence as a result of this transitional government coming into place. the head of hopefully elections, but we have already heard from one of haiti's, main, gang bosses. this is jimmy, the father to it. she's. yeah. who has said that once again. she's unhappy, she says, the international community is continuing to essentially a new interest in hate. and she says, if it continues down this current boat, then it will plunge the country in to even move tales. and he is saying that it should be only haitians who decide who runs and what type of government there is in the country. and that seems to be echoed by people in the crime too. when we
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talk about caring home, have they even done anything for haiti? all haitians need to work together to see if we can save the country. those countries always good haiti in a situation where we end up finding each other. kind of calm cannot do anything for us. it is like when you run from the rain and end up falling in the mud, the only thing i can say is that aerial henry is out forever. he cannot do anything for us anymore. what you're hearing, that is people saying, look, we want to control our own country. we want to control our own destiny. essentially, haitians of fed up with being treated by as if they're a colony of another country. whether that is fonts with about the us or anyone else, they would like to the salt lake that for the future. let's bring it a guess. now let's go live. see marian a goes to a ton of africa, enjoy list on the international relations. analysts me thanks for joining cuz i'm probably going to it's very good to see you today. first of all, i'd like to ask a few thoughts on the timing of the area on res resignation and the fact that he is
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not even in the country while announcing is a real. thank you so much and you too, for having me on the share this afternoon. well, we have to remember that he had come to k. yeah, a few days ago where he's signed a memorandum of understanding with the canyon a president in order for the canyon police to go and help in trying to restore lo and for the insane to something that did not do well. even with the logic i'm calling to, to tell you, based on the fact of what is happening right now in t t. and just knowing that's given a countries like us something portage to be checking out your officials out of to, to the costs of that kind of situation. since after he left can yes, he could not to go back to he himself because of the of the inputs you mentioned you. and of course these guys had already you, nobody can you judge as close to most of insecurity in international airport as it was impossible for 5 minutes to, to, to uh,
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to drive back to the country. but having said that, i think i've just been based on the reports that i just made a few moments ago. it's as important or for any country that he's trying, especially the us and this because because you know, it has been instrumental and the want to believe that the us had to had in even can yes, i agree to to go and house these law enforcement in taking to you, i want to believe at the us had to hand him back, but this was the outside of the understanding really what is happening now. and she, why wouldn't that us tend to its own people? there is phone i mean, which is much better at least one police force, which is way much that's a huge compared to can you, why would kind of put itself in this position. so the fact that the present minister is an able now to go back to the eighty's and you have to see and have or
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presidents. yeah, really. and i think it's just yesterday, are you the one of the c as a said, that's the nation of the gang of what is going to city to still bass while yes. so you can give a dependent. he's been able to go back to the country. i think it's just a something. ringback that even a lot of changes and it's asking for, for the government to try and make them see this sense was just saying the us is quoting for international forces to be sense. a hazy washington is south like you said, and to being to the country several times doesn't seem to have health too much. and how do you assess the significance of the us role in the haiti crisis in the us and other countries like france and the news? i have to decide as a great troll in as far as the instability in change is concerned. and not just in case you were mentioning other packages as well, where such interventions have only left small cares instead of hiding solutions. because some of these interventions i'm all done with the locals in mind. i'm not
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done with the priorities of the people in those countries in mind. they're done with either either other interest in mind and i think that they start to get it. remember this policy, they don't come to countries because, um, they love this country started by to be a feeling better than that. so because you know, they want to come in and, and then just to make sure that everything is okay. usually the, the interest that pushes them that motivates them, the kind of a comfort country where there's nothing for them to gain. and so for the us, i think it's good and i'll just keep responsibilities owing by the history of the nation. you know, history in time, so the instability, this has some issues, but you've seen before even before the destination of given them wasted. that happened that pretty close to this country and to another to us. and then this kind of doing it, especially the kind of events that we know that um he did not enjoy the support of the people. so if you want to have this table 80 and you really have to help,
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then you have to interrogate m. c. and this time that the local interest, what use, but what does the people page, what can you start from batch before you come into the interventions? and maybe just, maybe we can have us a jennings, a lasting solutions, not just in k g, but in other countries. have you seen some of these western powers for you, the, the costing instability in the name of going you there and intervene the design specific things which i really appreciate your insights into the situation. marianne, i'll give you to a paula for can journalist on international relations. analysts. thank you. it was a pleasure. thank you very much for your pays all make itself as a you weapons. impulse nitty double with french and us expos, continuing to rise. soviet in president, alexander village stays europe. schools is one of the militarization of what is happening now is madness. they all thought the booting would be easily defeated.
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now they see that this is not so the current trend is toward total militarization and a 5 fold build up in all respects. firms. president, a measure in black hole said that western troops and ukraine could not be excluded . he also said that he wanted to maintain strategic ambiguity, also known as bossing, which only actually works if you don't announce right after the boss that you could be bluffing. but apparently a menu in the back hole treating the international stage like a local community feed or production and cause playing is in it eyes. the goal was enough to inspire a bunch of other european officials to take the safety officer own miles and fire off some belligerent rhetoric of their own. sonya is the soldiers of nato countries are already in ukraine cover. and i would like to think the ambassadors of those countries that took such a risk, they know who they are,
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they are replacing. the president did not say that the russians would advance towards odessa will care of the way i see it. he is preparing public opinion for prompts to intervene and this conflict by telling us, and if the from to moves towards odessa or q, what are we going to do only is that should be no limits to our intervention. this is how he presents things, but we should not play on the fear of the french. the time of peace is over. the post war era is over. we live in new times in the pre war era. for some of our brothers, this is no longer even the pre will era, but the period of full scale war and it's most cruel version. we cannot continue to feast on illusions. no one will take away all responsibility for fighting for our security and our future. we ourselves are the best guarantor about security and the unity. we need to turbocharged our defense industrial capacity in the next 5 years . and at the heart of this must be one simple principle. europe must spend more,
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you must spend veterans, and europe must spend europe in europe should strive to develop and manufacture the next generation of battle winning operational capabilities. so what do you do when you devastated your own normal economy for you frames and have nothing to show for us? all you announce that you now sell for that defy as a war time country and attempt to scare up some cash from your tax payers. for the transition, sure, work for zalinski, we need to change the paradigm and moving toward economy mode. this also means that the european defense industry must take more risks with our support. so now what we're seeing is european countries wrapping up defense spending, well at the same time, say that they don't really have any cash. just bear for things like social programs or to sufficiently compensate their own farmers for being screwed over by the use free trade policy. favoring ukraine's farming industry over europe's own. don't
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like it. well then, you really want russian president vladimir putin rolling right up to the left bank freezing cafe in a battle tact because they're talking like that's exactly where he's literally going to be ordering. walking from the mid day menu, if the european tax stairs don't start wrapping their heads around the idea that making weapons is now suddenly you're a big priority. so how's that cell job working on the tax payer's? well, 76 percent of french citizens are against french troops fighting russia and ukraine . that's according to a pull from just a few days ago. within the 50 to 64 year age group. that number was markedly higher at 85 percent against. it's all like, even the french establishment is all in lock step on this either from a french foreign minister, dominique de paul, who warren washington about the risks of invading a rock 20 years ago. sounds like he's giving
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a dad lecture. you said you will play out of it. it would have 1st been necessary for us to be able to answer 5 questions. 5 risks associated with this escalation. i think that would be taking this step. so if we were to send troops and fighters spying for essex, while some officials are sounding right now, like they're hosting a telephone line for the european military industrial complex, other see spin off opportunities for all this war talks in other industries like bunker construction. there was an urgent need to put the commission to bunker's back into operation, and we need to build a new modern shelters in urban centers. underground car, parks, and subway shaft can certainly be used. we are currently seeing this in key of where people are seeking refuge from russian missiles. we also need to plan for such a scenario in germany, not a bad time to resurrect bunker industry, actually with energy costs and interest rates becoming a problem for europeans. maybe everyone can just save some money and, and crowded,
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move in to government funded fund, hers and hang out while waiting for the types of people to ukraine to negotiate a peace settlement with russia has net fixed back last with the head of need. so rejecting the cold se increase military support for the key of this the only way it's been conflict, you can find out more about, well, most of the key has missed the phone system. the types of comments of beat as well as plenty more opinions on the analysis on websites, on these are the, well, the $200000000.00 in american tax pay adult as will be sunk next year into trying to maintain us influence in africa. the amount is laid out in biden's requested 2025 budget for next year to combat chinese and russian influence across the continent. according to the documents of the $2000000000.00 requested by government to combat china, $220000000.00 will go to the development of opposing to nicea as
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a critical investments across africa. another $65000000.00 will be provided to boost the african digital economy. and $25000000.00 will be given to a new funds to crunch down on russian or other so called malign actors in the region as well as improving the responsiveness of security forces on promoting democracy. well that it, we spoke to nigeria and the former presidential aspirant. adonis had gone, but he said that america isn't concerned with that for cause problems. is it for us to use only its own interests in the region? or i think yours is late in africa. i think the in town with us is for the opportunity and also got the, the needs. so what is happening now? who will show you how these dissolution? also, i'm going to put you in the system and that fee will be in sessions and the as special as opposed to the we some places i post on the account that we anticipate the
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approach you come with your money just to protect your interest. if it doesn't, we are on the problem is you'll come in with this, you'll want to find blue spots and of the having to provide this to the platform to ask your your program to find out because they have the site working partnership chain. i think it was and waste one to be thought relationship it out for condition on just cause it also comes about what are the needs for because i will be just problem is infrastructure one secuity images is to how young people adult creation between this organization. not some and you want somebody to come by
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maybe to be a full of boeing, employee who blew the whistle on safety concerns over the companies that planes as being phones dead during the vonage report of the domain of a self inflicted wounds just days off the giving testimony and a major lawsuit against the company that's across now to all the correspondence, donald cost us a more details on this story. don't get to see you. well, no. can you tell us about the circumstances surrounding there was a blow as death and about the concerns over the the safety of boeing appetites, as well nikki, the circumstances surrounding the death of his whistle blower. john barnett are quite strain. she was found dead in his truck just shortly after he was supposed to attend an important interview connected to the law suit he filed against the boeing company. the coroner said that he died as a result of a self inflicted wounds, even though in days prior. he was actively collecting evidence to bring to the court because according to barnett,
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the boeing company has been pressuring its workers into integrating a defective parts into its aircraft. let's take a listen o. as in charles, pushing back dfcs to our suppliers and what the amount was, i'd take a group of inspectors and actually go to the supplier and inspector product before they sent it in. well, i'd say can attain before inspectors. spirit arrows systems to inspect the 41 section before they send its charles. and we found $300.00 defects. some of them were significant new to the engineering of intervention. when i return to charleston, my senior managers only with the balance of many defects and he was going to take the next trip. so the an extra or you went on. so 2 of my inspectors. and when they got back, they were given accolades, vonage line and 50 dfcs, a soft pull down inspector side. that's a despair really clean up director squared. don't sound right. she was mad. she
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said, no, said the 2 inspectors were given 2 hours to inspect the whole 41 section never kicked off their phone. and this all comes after a number of recent dangerous technical failures associated with boeing planes on sunday. 50 people were injured during a mid flight technical emergency aboard a boeing triple 7 headed to brazil, a friday saw a boeing, a 737 max, a plane run right off the runway in houston, texas. and on monday dozens of people were injured. as a result of an accident on another, boeing $737.00 plane again, due to technical problems. and this is just to name a few of many actual technical emergencies that happened to associating associated with boeing plains. just last week. there were others connected to tire falling off the plane, an engine caught on fire and even a failure of the plains control system. and it's even lead at least one travel a search engine, kayak, to start helping its users avoid following planes altogether. to yeah,
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makes it easy for consent travelers to avoid 737 max flights. we've increased the prominence of the max fuel to on site airlines, the open substitute equipment. so travelers should double check before departure on top of that, the new york times recently published an article showing that boeing's 737 max plane had failed. 33 audits conducted by the federal aviation administration. apparently, there were dozens of problems with the production process, but this isn't actually the 1st time that boeing's production line has received negative attention. back in 2014 al jazeera, conducted its own independent investigation into the matter, and it found that workers that boeing's production plants have serious concerns about the safety of these planes. of the
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15 work is almost randomly. 10 said they would not slide on the dreamliner. the 1st part, boeing denies any wrong doing, but with this mountain of problems associated with its aircraft and the untimely death of this key whistle blower is no doubt. the boeing company has a lot of explaining to do slightly dominique tice bracket his. the sounds on that story that as long as he correspond to donald cortez, of more details on the story plans even with as it gets check our website oxy dot com. i'll be back with more of a late to say stories in 30 minutes. the
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the, the the
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number you need use visa, stupid loyce law, hip smith to nancy, click jim's in the book the initial shifts neither it gets to the, the only showcase in genes nathaniel. so who's going into the, by the ways that the boys, the probably the most new and that'll be for them. imagery of assess florida doesn't want that as much text them. but adults under that the
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the, you know, so that we will lose each kilogram and any sort of separate shift. so are you doing that experience to address the problem or the material costumes. put on the details frontier and a file is oscar more than usual. so that's more than that in mind, and if there's this just when she was leaving the sponge union for us to prep or go
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to the other spring and then i'm for transit. i'm still going to see where i'm from . cooper style new industrial should 3rd to go to the trouble epa stumbling. i'm not, we've been here. thank you pretty deal. the . 2 is anything beautiful if you being in the page if need be to, if you get the wrong functions leads you to so also you may see the year uh, beach response from the doing money. if someone else could give me like a support e number. sure. but i paid you upgrade causal credit, he can, you know what the cheap i'm was doing? that's good enough to most people,
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especially chest pertaining coming up. the more people are reading the materials such as you're going to ask you to do. that's the get the best credit. so it was to even look for the clip tutors and you might have the show, even though they're on the front of the q and 5th period, it's going to happen so soon as signal just like a normal renewal. and you know, when you're putting down the okay, and so you mean the park has already out as much as so i'm for the keys for you my see me just come to the system, the evil by me. but i saw the marsh. we've got to be we've, we've got it as fast as i can even deal with the gross. i mean with that, the show if done progress, mention to player. that's what the just giving you the on the what the more. but
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you're spending that with a big deal. it's uh, bringing you have to purchase, not sure cleaned up for, but you're moving with and since you, it's not what i see, which in the, your phone, me and your just give you the wrong. that function comes to the approval of the customer, someone that was a subject associate and the quote was over. i wish i'm as wrong for senior. what is it for the almost like a nice but then you take your grammar. you have gain a close as you are, the most case of the orders components in china, functional company stores here for transfer can without those kind of shows this of this even unless i'm competitive local but already now black women are most even getting more than just a single given mutual serial number of different e. oh, but she did that. i was running a pretty sufficient good solution. right? but the possibility now is this is for the one year plan deal. let's go before the law.


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