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tv   Documentary  RT  March 12, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT

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reality this story just by tell us tired vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few. fractured images presented as 1st? can you see through their illusion going underground? can the a diesel, you know, they should do these 2 lots, which is what i think what mr. pr sheila in 2024 is a highly significant year for all the residents of don bass and the genetic peoples republic. this is the year of the liberation of our occupied territories and the elections. of course, there is still a lot to be done this year and we will try to talk about with all of this today. and we'll probably start with the vote. the 1st russian presidential election in
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history for all do netflix it is. it is probably difficult to under estimate the importance of these elections for every network citizen. i'd like to hear your take on how the people of the national deal about these elections look, but it's such a kind of data motion book. you will, it means you can only imagine it had been a dream for a very long period with no concrete prospect, suicide like chat to return home. but i see i to attend to russia the, to become part of russia. again, switching and now it has come true. we but of course we the elections, we with fest presidential elections in our lives. one of the important not only from about practical point of view of what someone but also emotional engage. and of course, yeah, it's a residential dumbass which we base with do you roll and the tip on technically what everything is right. uh, can you just click i have of course the and to me will try to create
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a problem with the various provocation or the cops. i mean, maybe there will be disruptive phone calls again beach, but unfortunately i can't read aloud showing when i the who they've been one, but we are preparing for eventually cereals and increasing i think you would see where a possibility that was more of a preliminary voting beginning of february 20 see it was what it shows that the represented use of the central election commission was reached the most. however, he showed that there is any way and with the most then safe place is to give people the opportunity to vote decisions. this is very important, i think if i go and generally speak doing, this is not the best. the last girl cycle for us use on whether or not i will give the selections. the original random was also very important for us also to have the elections that took place and that both of them are perfect with very important for us as well is not good well, but this one is especially symbolic and meaningful is what are they a falls again, we will elect to know what president was and choose the future pacify what kind of
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funding mind with full understanding of our personal involvement scheme. everything that happens in our country for us with much. thank you. a diane? yes, of course. i understand that absolutely. everything has been done, is it so that every resident of the didn't have to go public? we can vote, we have recently been freeing new territories. and so will people who haven't yet received passports from either the didn't ask for public or russia and who are still holders of ukrainian passports have the opportunity to vote screens kind of postpone samuel? no, no, not with ukrainian passports. and then usually liberated territories for because there was other rules, but at the same time, we understand that people want to vote and have expressed with this. therefore, where speeding up the issue in this process. so and, and helping them obtain russian pass code, which is good. this is a daily process with my rove. i mean, we're looking at how to organize these, even in the past. uh, there is not much time left if it will be election. but if people still want to participate regardless of festival, they want to vote,
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they want to feel like citizens of russia. and of course, there is also the issue of benefits, pensions, and all of the things brushing documents. i also needed for the speed, therefore, by the way, i speeding up the process and working closely with the migration service so that people will have this opportunity. the, you know, i can confirm what you're saying. i've been through various temporary accommodation facilities for evacuated. people who simply have nowhere to live, i've asked them 1st of all, what do they give you here? they answer, medical care for the closing and the opportunity to go to the nearest city to get documents. therefore, this is really the case. thank you for mentioning this to me too. well since we started talking about people from monday, i've got about the liberation of, of day after and talking about people from there. is there any program for these people? i'm not sure what to call them yet. refugees evacuated,
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people. we have already talked about the citizenship system. they can get citizenship, but how can they arrange their future lives so that they can live only and peacefully with a roof over their heads and cut off. so it's crucial and globally assignment stuff . stuff with them. so what, who by the way, i currently in my room for somebody who has already passed through these stages and accordingly help with getting some experience and build upset not for the girls and models that determine houses in both cases under what circumstances we have. so there are various programs, all rating people can choose to receive compensation for the housing. people can wait for their turn to receive housing. we need to use the mission to which one the compensatory housing is being built. so there are various approaches us with and based on what we see happening in mario, whether the sooner we expected that all the necessary circumstances will be created in one of them, including security. or that was that of dave not right. you can also be like a bunch of money in order to do this,
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it will be necessary to go through the mandatory patterson we stages of i mean, mine, clarence will debris analysis and pull up an expert assessment zillow. it says that we understand the situation with each building and can draw conclusions on how to proceed. let them use some can be restored, while others need to be torn down. it seems to have new housing built in their blake, some of them costs, but it's on the focus on zillow. murano zimmerman visited us once again, and he made a rather bowling prediction for the amount of time it will take for everything to be rebuilt. we have the, do you share his optimism? let us do that. you will do me a little, but the most on us. yes, i do only because we have positive examples. i'm talking about mario, but beautiful, go. so now there are all the examples here and we need to look at them objectively . so we have a situation where the enemy also based on a, b, r, and all the domestic political tasks. you guys probably did conditions and when it is impossible to stop, what i'm talking about are 2, almost legal to another,
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liberated c t but you to is proximity to the front lines. what are some of the activities of the in the meantime, we some, we have not yet fully begun with that. i just don't to him for this reason, say westdale, assessing the situation in that seat at this stage and making plans for the future restoration and development remotely, but will. but i still tend to believe that unless it will give you what the russian lots of officers are doing. yeah. and how events on developing now the situation and i've dave kind of will be close to that in my re open as well. yes, of course, the armed forces of ukraine are employing scorched earth tactics. when retreating from occupied cities, civilians are also talking about this even cnn or media enemies. so to speak, noted this the other day. people are already beginning to understand that for the ukrainians local residents or nothing at most, they are merely
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a human shield. in this regard, i'd like to know more about cities like chrome, a tourist can slip beyond these cities are still occupied, are people living them and are probably waiting to be liberated. what are the plans for these 2 cities? as far as i know from a tourist is a highly industrialized city. well, flavio is a little smaller. i probably shouldn't say this, but do we expect the same destruction there as we saw in mar you, paul? i'm day i've got an archie almost. i mean, the name deal us government, them who we are dealing with and insidious and very cynical, opponents juvenile and even more cynical curators who stand behind that ukraine in virginia grants committees visible where the enemy can do home with including to civilian infrastructure, where they definitely will they want to pause maximum damage and therefore we need to be prepared for these yeah, for the same time. and nobody need to understand when you get everything that will depend on the actions of our armed forces. it is very difficult at this point to
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predict exactly how the thing will develop. it has about that, which i can say for sure that these settled, ma'am. what do you mean by the answer? kind of my thoughts constantly and the good. it's not amazing because i can see the device why i mean, the sort of thing will all be lead. the rates are just letting me if they go to these that will settlements, that wouldn't be an hour fix board is well waiting for the he's on the end of what was up to the level do everything we can to ensure that the seat is a good stuff on minimal damage as visible, make it possible for us to restore the cost of most of you to relaunch industrial enterprises. first up with your name and to generally establish p sometime live in the don't ask people so we can probably get foster you guys have. and so of course we're interested in this, but it's really the same time. we're based on those periods. we cannot count on any kind of prudence from the enemy is certainly in the truck. um, unfortunately this is true. we all know how your brains widely publicized counter
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offensive ended up day. i've got is free civilian areas in domestic city are being sheldon, less and less often civilians may breeze a bit more freely. but this ominous silence which we are not yet a custom to hear and don't ask still makes us wonder what will happen next. what if they show us again in this regard, i'd like to ask, have the enemy's tactics for showing the civilian population somehow changed, humming noise, a farming ellis. i just saw the interest collection of the things that have changed . but if i wanted to say here that unfortunately there was still standing on an almost daily basis, a, truthfully, because the enemy still has the ability to reach our settlement with long range weapons supplied by western countries in oakland with highmark satellite domestic. and so that is why our units continue to move forward soon to push that kind of be back up to eliminate disability. but now we can save that area. so to that went
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directly on the enemy and the fire from dave got the key for them to leave a ship districts on the the next procedure you make a discuss, of course, like are they getting disassembled and the just in nevada the can no longer be systematically shelves by the enemy, without tailoring, we have full but unfortunately there are other weapons in particular, highmark is a kind of t, yes. these me cycles are expensive. it was just one of them are both as of about one and a half a $1000000.00 more. but the enemy then you're using never the less launching them. so to get them we haven't even seen them. shit. the cutting in the hospital, you know, don't ask what i'm gonna send median hospital, like we've also seen showing the the sky libraries combining, what is the military reasoning behind is there was absolutely not. it's just a desire at home, but you know and demoralized our residents as little stuff along and nobody did for the class or less. and so i didn't know i absolutely agree with you. but these attempts to demoralize the local population have produced the opposite result. on
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the contrary, the residents of the domestic people's republic have become more united and resistant. every time i go to show the areas i try to find out what is in the residents, hearts and souls concerning this. i ask them why they don't just go somewhere else . seeing how they now have the opportunity to do so. and they're being shelled on a daily basis. they always answered. this is my home. i will state let them shoes. they still won't defeat us either physically or mentally. and people refuse to leave. this is a phenomenon, an exclusive to dawn bass. as far as i understand, because we have all seen what is happening in the middle east, millions upon millions of people are fleeing to europe. but no such thing is happening and done bass. what is this phenomenon position? i'm going to motion to move in motion to you know us, we love our how you to know. we loved done boss very much and this has really become the kind of characteristics drains are you on. moreover, we have been seeing this in the most heavily showed areas of the next couple of
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companies. i'm guessing about to 20 all these 10 years. yeah, we've also seen this in the residential table of dave with all of the destruction and serious damage we've, we've moved when now just in the process of power 3 way and let me. but people still refuse to leave a response. they say this is our home and we'll wait for everything to be restored . yes, we've suffered, but we are all the way to use streets. uh, we will definitely wait out for this period as the way the visa also don't pass residents with a visa. also people who by waiting for restaurants, who are waiting for the situation in their hometown to finally changes, we have with them now. but we're saying it's what we're, i'm not standing still, but i want to move. it's just somebody, some of the adult elena solutions, i've personally seen how the military has helped fix roofs, made repairs, built, things, brought water and fulfilled other requests of local residents. so there is an
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absolute harmony between locals and the russian military. by the way, concerning the military, 1st, the militia, then the army of the don, it's people's republic. and then the russian army have all lost a lot of defenders since 2014. and of course, the memory of these people is forever in our hearts. it's hard to talk about without a lump in your throat because these guys really gave up everything to defend their homeland. i'd like to hear about the measures being taken to support their families . those who have lost their bread winters and defenders. can you tell us more about this here so i thought it was nice even though of course this is very important. it is an integral part of our way because this is also a question that concerns the future. yeah, well, the question of justice. well, now very grateful that, thanks to the initiative for the president boynton, will have the defenders of the fatherland foundation to jump on. we're now trying
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to make this a single window for everyone to ask on something military personnel, form and military personality and family members of military personnel who have lost their loved ones. this is a point to me where everything and all support measures of which they're wrong, why it's the lowest, which because of what our concentration in one place deal. and we analyze and we can every thing in the real time of this to add what is missing a minute. and because this fund is represented throughout the country or form beautiful flows of, to the federal level, where this is all be finalized very quickly, learn new and changes are being made to address what is missing. this is very serious help for everyone. associate youth, well special, you know, 3 operation confidence in this fund and its branches, us at the finest in our brain shop, for example, these growing more in the mail and we said we feel it's and it's easier for me to
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do my job anyway. my thoughts about vacation is also important, right? service means children get certain benefits and so i think i go to the new, put and put in more than what you're doing. absolutely, i thought so. so i'm not talking about direct financial support here. but all the additional contribution on those children suddenly need an education. moreover, when we come back to veterans should also get some more opportunities, including educational options. look like the new project that the president spoke about. interest present address signals of very think was active and important events for the whole country and your budget as why, how hosted lives of policies and about how it is signed z if it's something like that and most common for a while, but it has been discussed with the regional level, for instance. so who should be in positions of power was pro, shouldn't be running this country on board at the municipal regional and federal levels. so those that go through their actions and have approved what they can and
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will do for their country on that. now, after getting additional education and that specialized training courses and relevant experience of a one, because a good feed for the job still matches, of course, and who is not good enough just to be willing or from practicing. you also need to be able to handle his job, and there are many different career opportunities. it's not easy multiple steps. so you end up with this combination of new leads, which the president spoke about, the training opportunities as a new jobs and all openings that will allow them to make our country a better place for people. that's how we intend to proceed. i guess with you is lead me over to mr. pre sheila and lately the nets has been experiencing traffic jams during rush hours. again, we're seeing trucks civilian cars and some military vehicles and so on. heavy traffic is back. food and building supply. stores are full of goods, it looks like people are feeling more optimistic about their future. again, people want to live and thrive. here, we're seeing an uptick in uh,
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real estate prices and rents, which makes sense in terms of demand and supply. but let's not go into that now. since the reunification of russia, we've done bass. have you begun to feel the positive impact of such things as the maternity capital support tools for s m, e, 's, etc. so these are let them listen. i'm not off my set up throughout all this time, but we've set down for interviews at different stages. some of them maybe you recall that initially brand new. i used to have some kind of lined up to me as well . i wanted to see our republic exploration in many areas and our locals incomes rise. now, you may say, we've reached a point where these things have become possible. we are a toss of rush angles, mrs. powell, my others, which have access to that maternity capital now and other support tools like in any other russian beach involved. our businesses are seeing more opportunities,
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including some possibilities unique to our republic. nice picture, assign tokens. here it's about our free economics island, which is attractive more companies and we do, i'm talking about support for some of these different programs will make a subsidized loans, tax or in the benefit of loser. it takes time to even learn about all of these tools to be the state new. well, there are so many of these measures, and i'm asking our offices in the hands of the agencies and to educate people about them to move on over to break it down and make this information accessible, which is where i'm not using some tools yet. and if it's simply because way, i don't know where to go down to person that, you know, you mentioned traffic jams of roll with us when we're happy to see them. a boy like this coming back. and i think we're seeing have a traffic not just during the rush hour associates but throughout the whole web de oh for it. but we're offering mortgage loans with a 2 percent interest rate, which is great support for when we bought a lot for young professionalism was the last salaries for them and available bank
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products allows them to start thinking about getting a place of their own or moving into them that's a housing. yeah, that's great. which initials are, but i'm doing all kinds of push. this is true on these terms. i'd like a place here myself, but you need to be officially registered as a local resident to get a 2 percent mortgage. right. we just simply these like you is um, i'll see what i can do, mr. pushing you in moscow, st. petersburg and shelly a bins come back little gorski. it would be impossible to list all the cities and regions that are helping the domestic people's republic. with rebuilding efforts, we were talking about roads. what you had in 2014 right. after declaring your independence pales in comparison with what you have now. your roads are a pleasure to drive on these days anyway. these patron regions are involved not only in road construction, but are also helping you build hospitals, etc. could you tell us about some key infrastructure that has been built or rebuilt,
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which a help from patron regions like to book the book that you know, we can now say is that the whole country stands with us almost 30 days past one, reasons have become very involved in our issues, which have been mounting not only seems 2014, but really stands that the collapse of the soviet union. they've helped repair many schools. kindergarteners for such hospitals. so which in some instances when futile did not see any major innovations or dictates when some for 50 or 60 years or more for we. some of these facilities weren't built into the meet the 20th century and have never been over hold at least a team. and so they have not received mess, civil grades, and so, so which is something i will people notice right away when talking about the social infrastructure. we're talking about preparing for the heating season, which has been extremely challenging in the last 2 years on the world. not only because of all the showings,
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but also because the pipes are so old to find this field, we need to present and to do re passively looking to replace old fives with new ones. and to provide this services to people in spite of our water shortage district, and now all the attributes of normal life, which the government must be general. and some of the pattern regions are really helping us sell or share and hope of space that are currently 27, patrick regions, waking legends internet. so the people that republic for the end, each one has made multiple contribution. we are in my room for now. my good, i will keep bogged out for my renewal is saying nobody does back, you know, being so involved in the construction process so that one might think it web building it roy itself a good one then not just building apartment building space and the develop whole neighborhoods, including hospitals and schools, solutions were also doing well on hospitals and doctors have great working conditions, but most importantly,
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these hospitals allow them to diagnose and treat patients effectively. visa assembled when you came from be able to spill moscow has been helping dynamically, lots, like, or at least of all of our cities in town discussed. and we could spend the whole interview talking about it's more of them. so going back to the national was no, i don't know, you can't name them all the name of glasgow while as if they didn't like the name to read the region is helping you not cable and have the most can region has been helping to attend one of the city and nova southeastern level, and now working together with the hunting mazda, see which one the most region is going to rebuild my gift card, which is very important. what of making you are? says you the charlie. i've been screeching because the lift is getting assistance from cause boss yourself, because boss is a long time a lie of dunbar for look at what your lab is, is doing politics. look at what your mile is doing together. deal with mr. kerry and we recently visited the boulevard. wow. wash it is beginning to look like nice
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. the use center here is the in village, old on best residential. so we'll keep on fostering with these relationships. isn't one of your well, petro and regions not making huge contributions to our progress. you, there's the question, let me know. i'll, i'll ask my last question now. we've talked a lot about how other russian regions are helping you rebuild done bass. i remember telling you during one of our interviews long before the re unification with russia, that the people have done bass. if given the economic freedom and room to grow, would soon turn it into a donor of the russian budget. looks like it's actually happening. so let's wrap up by discussing what don bass could give back to russia. just absolutely not. yes. what's really important distress here looks like it's that way. i'm not used to being a recipient of subsidies, helping them. you know, it's an unacceptable state of things, people and remaining in the status for
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a long time simply goes against i, when they try some of the things even now with wellsystems is still ongoing blunder . we're beginning to plan not just for the next 5 years, but would in case you to come to use the, the foundation. well, a now will be key for achieving these goals in the future that they will start or what are we talking about here? they're going with our traditional core things on the cold, metallurgy and chemical industries and mechanical engineering, motion of training. so our focus will, will be on mechanical engineering and that's the one the machine till building depend on the high value added project and assume it's on the one hand, we have a lot of expertise here. and we have high schools to train specialists in these fields. that you have on the out the, there's lots of domestic demand. the little external environment hasn't changed on the, almost the least. they were a traditional supply chains shaped by the pre 24 team balance of 5. what is the
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well, typically, and there is the current situation and characterized by forwarding aggression, every set of the existing relations, or the rushes people to take a visa. and this is strengthening corporation between drink skunky treasure. but still, our main goal don't use it to capitalize on our expertise and info and cities find domestic demand eligible. however, we're also following global trends and looking for ways where we can close the existing gaps and how our country with us and form altura, which we can use the mechanical engineering blend and machine til building lots of priorities. yeah, someone in these industries will be cornerstones if i want economy, but as soon as the coal mining and metals, they will also remain our pillars. but mechanical engineering and machine tool building are going to be the focal point for all our endeavors in the coming years . it really isn't much towards them as well. i hope you have you look tories and agriculture essential industries as well,
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but we can not base our entire economy on them for obvious reasons, yet foot secure to suddenly important. so we'll keep developing our agriculture, including greenhouse farming, or just all of our residents should be able to have access to essential food products at reasonable prices. oh yeah, around and we do have doors destination so that that will be attractive for people from across the russian. a pod from the shallowest and one of the blooms sees in the region. and the useful see about i'm due to all the micro elements. it contains what i'm giving those old black sea bass and as a whole, just recently there was a meeting shared by the president, which revealed a very ambitious agenda. you know, given the circle of roads we have around the sea of adults and 6, which means convenient logistics, giving our nature reserves and cultural heritage and torres will flourish as well, which with them we shall leave and we shall work for the benefit of dunbar. and the
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whole country, so we're still nothing is nipples or sadness, and we just thought that you'll have to come over. we will try to do our part as well. thank you for your time, mr. pursuing. and i wish you every success you the hi, i'm actually i have to, i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. you do not watch my new show. seriously . why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please do the have the state department c i a weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to
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make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way inside. the according to jo buying america's most pressing challenge is the survival of the cam . regina is only the country's problems, are large and respects the problem with fighting and all those things support the
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plane project is about. the phrase is already the prime minister, resigns that made widespread gang violent source in them. but here's how the i was nation despite playing a role in closing is the current prices of us by the touches on the rise in. but it was a gentleman told me, so i'm form is, are not seeing. i saw i when it comes to sending items to view on the white house, as folks are subject to moultrie assistance for the important job i announce is $300000000.00. it will be sent to the us national security advisor said about the.


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