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tv   News  RT  March 13, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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on the system to succeed and here's the results of yet another ukrainian attack against civilian population here in damascus. republic, 3 children are wounded with one boy, an intensive cast off the ukrainian on tennessee shelves, ton homes, and looked on yet for public into ruffles, of flip enough of friendship. these are the latest pictures from the indian ocean, the russian chinese honor reign in naples full to take to the saints and a 2nd day of exercises aimed at fostering, peeps on security in the region. subbing to the poles as all the pilot costs around the world. in russia's presidential election, we look at how pressure from the west has actually put in solid a toothbrush and go to properly talk south africa and on demand
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officials meet with from that type of costs, apply not true economic issues as well as security problem across the con the on, you know, every, all this is all the international, it's good to have you with us dispensing as we take a look at what's happening for around the world to start us off. russian army units are in the font saying on the front lines in the ukraine full moving forward in the done yet republic. that's according to the defense ministry. so in the southern part of the region, russian, southwest has cleared the pulse, the heavy vehicles on the salt for which is helping to please to play the intrigues . 5 hundreds of mines to be removed. throughout the week we had flung mondell, the russian unit, walking usually in the field near the phone and you told me removing nato and
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sylvia made mines on the south to next front, including antique tank lines, and d personnel models and dots. henry shell soldiers. i thought we've created more than 300 tank minds, including friend of mine, american one, you're the person and you to mean want these to 8 people including 3 children were injured, didn't an attack by ukrainian forces on the city of my to if gotten that done yet republic, now that have been 11 similar assaults carried out by kids in the last 24 hours a know all these reading costs are of has moved from the scene this difficult to succeed. and he's the results of yet another ukrainian attack against civilian population here in domestic republic, a people were voted as the result of this attack. 3 of them, 4 children, one boy a 16 years old, is still in intensive care. so a number of casualties may still arise. 12 or so was wondering what it was. i mean you're saying god, i was told to walk gently and my wife was at work go. there was no one here. if i
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was home right now, i'd be sitting here, there was such a fragments on the tv with the cameras and these cots everywhere. i would have died that maybe i had somebody in my wife's niece was injured here. her children, her husband died recently. they buried her and done this. several houses on this freeze and my kids had been turned into rubble completely destroyed. according to witnesses here on the scene, people were buried under the rubble including children. the neighbors came over as quickly as they could. and the mouse and probably took them to the hospital. like i said earlier, one boy is still in intensive care, and doctors are fighting to save his life over the past 24 hours or 11 incidents of showing by ukrainian armed forces were recorded on the territory of the domestic people like republic shelling or associated district i'm like a gift card exclusively in the residential sector and was also recorded as
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a result of the showing of the some residential houses were destroyed. civilian infrastructure was damaged and there have also been reports of casualties of relevant fragments were seized at the scene and will be handed over to the investigative authorities for further examinations. due to the type of ammunition is yet to be established over the last 24 hours, at least 11 civilians across to the next group, public who are voted as the results of ukrainian attacks according to officials, the business. and so the key of regina used various weapons including coming cause it's owns and $155.00 millimeters. how that sir is happens, provided to them by nato countries. also, several buildings have been damaged in many private houses, were destroyed, as well as private cars. from one call for a marty. then if republicans defend him not to send towards smith's house to key. if that is the question still cause intentions to bubble and burnett and thompson i, i've sold is against the move, claiming it would make germany
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a party to the conflict about the foreign. minnesota and elaina bulk says, the idea it shouldn't be shut down onto contributor rachel mazda and has her take. so german chancellor, all i've schultz was supposed to be meeting in berlin with the malaysian prime minister about trade something that could actually help the german economy. and later schultz is government pushing it off a cliff to impress ukraine and he ends up being asked to clarify his position on 500 kilometer range tourist missiles for you frame kind of off topic. but not hard to understand why some folks might be a bit confused on that issue. schultz himself keeps saying that he won't send tyrese's for fear of escalating the conflict yet. sold his party approved legislation for long range weapons, for ukraine that neglected to explicitly exclude tara's muscles that could reach things like rushes curts bridge, joining the crime in peninsula to the mainland while his defense minister said that
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he didn't even know what was in that bill. because well, he didn't write it then russian intelligence interceptor, and we to talk german air force officials talking about not just terraces, but just such an attack on the very same bridge. and rather than taking those plotters to the woods shed for planning how germany could kick off in another world, more shots, the more upset with the guys who messed up working the phone security. so here is again, just for the record sign of buttons this theme because regarding this weapon system, i believe that given its impact and location of application, concrete cannot be used without control. and that the participation of german soldiers cannot be justified even outside of ukraine. that's why i said, i don't think they are uses justified, and that the question is not how to do it, indirectly or directly. my answer is clear. ok, so what he's saying is that there can't be ukranian rodeo. clowns on the bulge,
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if the germans are not also there to babysit. but the latest reason why schultz is having to keep repeating himself on this issue is because his own for an affairs minister and only in a bare body else inside the ocean, waves steaming was the british counterpart. former prime minister david reigned cameron in berlin and they were talking about how to get the bows out of the bar. the idea would be to send the taurus is to the u. k. and then in turn, the u. k. would give some more of their own storm shot themselves with half of the tourist is range to ukraine. how many, 5, you think the secular exchange is so to speak, a german invention. it would be an option. and we have already done it with other equipments, some time ago. quick reminder. the bare bark is one of the bright lights of the green party who's founding principle is a pacifism. and also defending the environments. 22000000 tons of carbon
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dioxide are generated by warfare. according to germany's on process, that's twice the carbon footprint. yeah, earlier this month, bareback pleated for her german government to quote intensive, we consider increasing that carbon footprint with terraces for you frame and the u . k. is right on board with the plan, wouldn't exchange be conceivable with germany supplying your country with tourists and the u. k. supplying more storm shadows to ukraine. we are prepared to look at all options in order to achieve the maximum effect for ukraine. but i won't give any details until our opponents. what we have in mind, cameron said that it's totally possible to deploy cruise missiles. well, also ensuring that they don't escalate the conflict. in fact, he says that they'd help achieve peace. yeah, that sounds totally believe well coming from the same guy who insisted on riding shotgun alongside french president need for less awkward. he went a no fly zone over libya escalated innovation, changing former president mark adolphe and back in 2013 cameron,
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couldn't get enough support in british parliament for a direct attack on president by charlotte side of syria. so that didn't stop and, and shaking free enough change from the wallets of british tax payers, even at a time of government, austerity to help fun western back siri and ramos, to do the dirty work honors, even changing aside more covertly. cameron also try brow beating then us president brock obama and other western leaders to get more aggressive with aside like he was some kind of a job down the local pub, wanting his crew to come help him with a punch up. nope, no chance of escalation there. in any case, schultz said that he is alternately in charge because apparently he has to keep reminding everyone on a regular basis these days because company sign dispute is not acceptable to deliver a weapon system that reaches very far. and then not think about how control over the weapon system can take place. and if you want to have control and it is only possible if german soldiers are involved,
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that is completely out of the question. i made that statement very clear. i am the chancellor and my friend, therefore that applies. well, 60 percent of germans are against terraces for your brain shop. sounds less like the leader of a country and more like a substitute teacher who is totally lost control of the class. meanwhile, in the us, the buys administration has announced a new $300000000.00, military aid pockets for ukraine. the u. s. national security adviser takes on it, but it says the money is coming from unexpected cost savings, but he will on that. it's not nearly enough for the long term. it's the same munition will keep ukraine's guns firing for a period, but only a short period. it is nowhere near enough to meet ukraine's battlefield needs, and it will not prevent ukraine from running out of ammunition in the weeks to come . it goes without saying, this package does not displace and should not delay the critical need to pass the
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bi partisan national security co direct to all the international action center sir found us believes beyond shipments to key if really are nissan of to drago. this will this is really just a band aid of what they're planning still in the pipeline. and us and on western weapons have already completely fail along with western sanctions failing. but nevertheless they continue piling it on. so there's 300000000 is just a little band aid to keep the war going. the weapons coming on, and most of this, the weapons are such corruption and ukraine. there's no tracking system by kind of gone zone, ask them this more than a $1000000000.00. and weapons have just gone missing on, accounted for. we sold the whole policy is completely a failure by their own admission by even bouncing now. and it tore a new one,
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a one failure after another in this policy. and it's really shown even in ukraine, they talk about 300000000 more and some weapons, but 300000 military age ukrainians have left few crane rather than serve. so they're facing a crisis on every front, including with their own population. however, it's very profitable for us weapons manufacturers for the billions that are made and profits on us was able on children now tell the commission of general v you as really from walks agency has described the conflict in gaza. he says that the number of children killed since the 7th of october is incomparable to any of the staggering the number of children reported killed in just over 4 months in gaza is higher than the number of children killed in 4 years
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of was around the world combined this war is a war on children. it is a war on their childhood and the future. as well as the muslim world monster heard the month of ramadan. there was still no sign of any c 5 between as well and him us the main, the data in the conflict capital has described the current situation as very complicated. tens of thousands of palestinians have already been killed and injured many more displaced on, on the idea of bombardment. we have the story of one palestinian widow who described the horror of people in the young pave, have hopped winchell the, the, the check to you, we miss many things like the food and drinks, and the prices are storing. we missed our loved ones. my husband,
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he's not sitting with us at the table. it's hard on us. the situation is bad. ramadan is just not the same. the . it's true that some people pretend it's okay for ramadan. but i don't. the bread winner of the home is gone. the main person is gone. it's so sad. i lost the one dearest to me, the family missus him. my husband was the one who always got into the
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i should have trouble done. isn't ramadan supposed to be blessed? unfortunately, we're not living the life of ramadan. we are living a life of war. they're taking our children, our youth are elderly and are women. what is our fault? what are we doing wrong? why should our children become orphans longing for the word papa? or for the true meaning of, from the fostering piece on security in the, in the pacific region. that's the message being slow to it. and i've tried actual exercise involving naval forces from russia, china and iran, which has ended. it's 2nd day, all seasons of july me possible. the russian and chinese naval vessels arrived in your, on the southern waters on tuesday, after saving thousands of miles to take part in a joint. drill with it runs navy code named maritime security about the war games
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are held over 17000 square kilometer area. and then north of the indian ocean, the persian gulf and the strategic straight upon most is the 5th time. the trio has stage, joyce enabled exercises with the name of ensuring the safety of global shipping and the indo pacific region. and so the people consecutive here to at least sign make republicans with ron has spaced the joint trial lateral labeled for. busy twins and neighbors overrun, russia and china with the multiple together for peace and security at russia's pacific fleet has deployed flotilla comprising, gets guided missile cruiser, vari, out, and anti submarine destroyer. marshall shall pause. think of china has also dispatched as a root g destroyer, leaning, you forget and don't think who replenishment ship it won't have sent us domestically, bill destroyers, dinner and jermel ross as well as the show he'd so the money visual corvette among other warships, 5 absorber nations, oh, man, are there by john because asked in pakistan and south africa also participated
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without deploying naval assets to changes. but he just told me the traditional parts of these exercises and very important for us. it allows us to establish a strong ties between the scientists from different countries and what kind of the current issues of interaction to feed my chad hosted experiences of maritime practice. and once again, visit a friends 1st and the site. is it prepared with great enthusiasm for this true russian ship? so once again here, and we plan to take part in the exercise of game, i think so, yes, you know, as for these exercises, you know, extra interest and cooperation between the novice of china and russia. we feel that it provides effective experience for the 3 countries to maintain maritime security and jointly built in every time community at the most or for us. those international trade is carried out through maritime shipment. it won't also relies on water born shipping for its oil exports. while china's import of oil and gas among most of its foreign trade depend on c routes as well. now this twice that
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will exercise, seen as a major step towards safe guarding via genomics, security of all participating states by the federal it is through this exercise. we 60 foster peace and security in the north of the indian ocean, established specialized corporation with aligned countries to come, but the unwelcome phenomenon of piracy and maritime terrorism in the region. where trying on a daily basis to increase this collective corporation to achieve this goal of mine for the operational area. for this exercise holes t. importance and global trade. the into a pacific region hosts more than 50 percent of the world's maritime oil trends that try to critter control for it's like this rate of formulas and you're on south baldwin monday, miriam and unlock on the south china sea. these narrow passages collectively form what is known as the golden triangle of global trait. where on the north of the ocean is one of the most important waterways in the world and plays a major role in international trade. establishing sustainable security in this
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region, especially in the straits of harmless. my luck and by bowman that the call which i refer to as the golden triangle, will ensure the economic interests on the global scale. this necessitates the conversions between the navy, some of the different countries, and that's my most try. lateral navel maneuver has been put on the agenda. you might look for the division of audience and chinese navies come together for this joints maneuver. they're not just honing their defensive capabilities, but also sending a clear message of their collective presence and influence and across all g. a political hotspots, whether you are assigned to other western powers, also active in this region. this collaboration underscores the shifting dynamics of global power. now, the cooperation between these 2 nations and this maritime exercise highlights the growing significance of support teacher partnerships. not only the economic sphere, but also in the military domain, usability our to from north of the indian ocean. russia is
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gearing up fred's presidential election. the 1st it will be held over multiple days with posting stations officio paying on friday all to you will be the every step the way the all special coverage the well, despite the focusing not starting in rush on to like i said this friday most go 6 is old around the world already costing that follow to me on the stage of the election and book you in a fast. so for example, people have been able to make that choice and the country's capital with a polling station open in the russian embassy that russian citizens who live and lives in the west african nation. while that i'm 1st of all eligible to cite so full confidence of mine for the country's top job this year. the incumbent vladimir
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pollutant is running as an independent while his 3 rivals represent the virus opposition. parties. ortiz equals donald, possibly looking at how west, in hopes for what it calls regime change, and russia may come up short the head of russia's presidential election. there's nothing more the west ones then to just erase latimer putting it from the political landscape. we will have a different future, a brighter future router and democracy in principle, open light of decency, dignity, of freedom and possibilities. for god's sake, this man cannot remain power. i think present the white house made the point last night that quite simply a present to him cannot be empowered to wage war or engage in aggression against ukraine or anyone else. and i'm not walking back as expressing more outrage as i feel. and i make no apologies for it,
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we're able to see how much we're isolating the russian regime right now, because we need to do so we can, nama, can we politically, and diplomatically, and will tell the impact. so, so in society and how much we achieved potential regime change in russia, america's political puppets in europe are having the same dream. please, please just make a big, bad loud, go away from our standpoint. up until the point the current regime is not in power . the country surrounding it will be to some extent in danger, not just putting but the whole regime because, you know, one might change putin and might change his inner circle. but another pollutant might rise into his place. what we actually see instead. and today's russia is the censorship for by gumbo, the leading voices of the opposition in the game. however, these, the so called elections are still unimportant elements of the political developments in the country. and us senator lindsey graham doesn't even hide his
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point blank diplomatic methodology because nothing shows your exclusive mastery on handling geo politics. like suggesting a will leader should be assassinated. is there a brutus in russia and is there a more successful kernel stuff in bergen, the russian military? the only way this ends is for somebody in russia to take this guy out. you wouldn't be doing your country and the world a great service or as successful as lee harvey oswald, perhaps, isn't it right sign? it's a wonder why that name was shooting really emitted from this feature of his anyhow, though russia has been repeatedly calling out the us and that you over the election meddling attempts lost a couple of we have been accumulating a lot of materials about how the european union embassies and mosque out or preparing for our presidential elections. what intervention mechanisms and supporting projects for our non systematic composition is,
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are being prepared in general. things that embassies have no right to do. having collected such information, we invited all the ambassadors of the european union to a meeting with meetings at which i wanted to tell them we simply advise them in good faith. not to do this those 2 days before the scheduled meeting. they sent us a note saying they had decided not to come in. can you imagine relations with states at the zip of medical level, whose in passengers are afraid to come to a meeting with the minister of a country to which they are accredited? where has that been seen new steps, the manners of the sworn partners, the russian language information resources of the us embassy in moscow, are actively used to interfere in the presidential elections in russia. we regard such actions as interference in the internal affairs of our country. well rush, i might as well be talking to a stonewall here though. the outcome won't be much different because washington solemnly swear as all these attempts done in the name of democracy,
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freedom and russians right? to choose. i think it's impossible to separate the elections context from the environment of repression that i was just talking about. russian is deserve the right to chart their own course. and certainly what we're seeing is that their ability discharged their own course through receiving impartial information, being able to exercise their fundamental freedoms. that, that is extremely troubling, as it makes it so much more difficult for russians to be able to express the future that they want for themselves. and that is, it's a tragedy for russia. well, is it though? because in that case, ignoring vladimir food is public support seems like a terrible, terrible oversight. this racing by the way, has been reported by no government affiliated pollster. on the con, for re nevada center has had repeated fooling outs with the authorities and rushes and ministry of justice even declared it as a for an agent. but instead the us chose a different part, the parts of
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a hand picking political fig as they like. and showering with praise and last like buddies like there's been whose failure to properly read just as a presidential candidate who's been up for in the west, despite himself publicly admitting to screwing things up. this is, of course, an incredible how the, the explanation might be much simpler. washington and its allies are just used to regime change and level of back of truly what the leave behind is not pretty. the terrorist insurgents in iraq, years of civil war and gang violence in libya. it took them 20 years to replace the taliban in afghanistan. with tyler bon, we are experiencing air isn't changed, operations and be so patients, they are over a 2 or $0.03 covered that always, america used
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a to remove it seems that does not please it's policy that does not was was it's policy. and most of the time it happened was their agent was the reason that was elected democratic me. so america is given your lesson that democracy is not allowed when uh, the person that you elected does not match with our policy. it's not only happening in the middle east, it's happened in south america. it's happened in your on it's happens, it started, was it slipping waves and ways to do about it with you i of course this policy we need america know where it's really take. it would make more or less than the world it's. it's not doing good for america because people started the trusting the american politic. in general, america's political establishment seems to enjoy this democracy delivery delirium
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and on laying its tactics to arrest for rules yukon, teach an old rabbit dog, new tricks. a warranty has you covered for all the key developments concerning the upcoming boat. we also got something special time to the march 15th to 17th election of the 1st time the presidential bonnet, like i said, will be held across multiple days. so do stay with us to find out will soon. and of course, you can follow the build up on our website as well the and finding, expanding trade and investments. those were the key watch was from the 2nd session of a national commission meeting between south africa and going up south africa and present . so rama sosa, emphasize the importance of collaboration between the 2 nations. the 2nd session of this of africa gonna buy additional commission is an opportunity to affirm
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our friendship. once again and to deepen our violets or ties and just starting from the nova, cause of african economic integration addressing delegates at to be gone. no. so bostic around the table pins instead of i'm a poor style confirmed so that because commitment to the west african nation as both countries move to benefit from their respective geographical positions as part of many groundbreaking agreements is a significant development in chapel. patrice, i've actually got ads of god, not even crime, and talking cost the slides prompting such as these are both nations of the privilege of seamless and visa featuring under the bi national company generation. the 2 countries, the roles and human nature of the visa barry's through the visa waiver agreement which came into effect on the 1st of november treasury $23.00 doing homes. people
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to people in gauging between the 2 countries. for business, as well as towards both need is agreed that conflict rate is one of the biggest challenges facing africa. of course we all as the challenges facing the continued computing, oversee unemployment, climate change, and corruption, but violence tops the list and the lead is the holding for guns to the side. we meet at a time with this stage of peace and security is fred john. not just enough to cut, but across the go. the situation in this was done in somalia in libya. and this the hell. most of us are of grave concern as the facilities in the eastern part of the democratic republic of congo and the ex treatments this agency in the.


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