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tv   News  RT  March 13, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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the, the, the, the welcome russian president vladimir putin has sat down with the tv host and ceo of the rushes largest media group to meet you know, ahead of the upcoming presidential elections before the board call. so john is to attend to the interview, will clear up many hop topics we will be showing you the full interview right now, and i'll t as it, as for the 1st time dream countries. so that's basically because of a process with hand. i would like to ask you the question, well, where will we get this money? have we earned them? well, 1st of all, take it all has been planned as a result of the hard work by experts, by the specialists from the government, from the administration. all is to be so it's a good shipment,
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but i don't everything is fading into the sort of like to budget true and is pretty conservative actually because certain experts really bad boyfriend, there should be more income and there will be more income. plenty, in which information, so we could have planned even more expensive. well, that's not the big guys that should be directly reflected on the development of the economy, which is the right thing, right? the way to go and principal. but when you're in 2018, we had already planned to medicaid for the development of the economy or the south field. you say, oh, it's a truly and then we expanded base expenses and they've been bigger. so if everything goes the way it is planned by the optimist shift,
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if from days to move tax for those and among the tax rates and then we will be able and we will make this expanse as bigger and there is directions even in the tax. even though we're speaking about the next 6 years, yes, we are speaking about next phase here. this and now guess thing because you, we are drafting your budget for the next 3 years for the annual planned period of free year. it says we call it the but of course when we have been preparing for the dress and i'm saying we have been preparing for that for us because we do appreciate that it's uh there was an entire team out of school that we probably came from the assumption that we are going to consider the key areas. so if possible income for our account tree, but there is absolutely amazing projects. for example, such a good but the highway 130 kilometers 90 kilometers of tunnels and the rest of it
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are breaches. looking at the landscape of 31 and a half 1000000000 over the 1st 3 years, only for us. we do have that number again. ideally, the highway should do rated by 2030. sheila, last quarter coin. to which extent do we really need this and will we have it now for the return events fall, people required these people may have these because families with children, they will not be able to travel to sachi by car. and so the elders get stopped them near dylan seats near and nobody seems to because they have to stop there because it's a difficult road or so it's a mountainous road and there are various projects we have talked about the so radius. so either make sense to do the or 1st from doing, but his thought she knew it stop. now you have the channel. so some of the,
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the shower and then members believe we should make it gradually step by step. father said that we need to build the whole thing right away. other ways we're going to have bottlenecks. but between to buy and sachi this month. and so the 1st bar, if we look from nobody sees the page, it's more or less okay, between the blue and the surfaces. okay? but it's too narrow. and then we're going to build the row with the 1st bar to saturated then in that small area. and that small space, we might have traffic jams and we have a lot of them already now. so well, think it over with especially it's how it will be down in what stage it's, but it must be done on a so we need to calculate the price of the project to see the expenses on the project. so we need to stay within the financial plan, so that's we have 1st of all we should think about the interests of the people,
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but also about the interest of the territory about the interest at this point. now the counter easy to, to mention thomas thief, we can't afford this large scale investment, which means that the country is getting richer under the conditions of the special a military operation under the conditions of almost 15000 jobs. crazy sanctions. and we have set out a goal to decrease bob r t h duty including the and the families with many children. are we being like, i'm going to go to those? are we being today earrings? think of absolutely. all right, well if it go back to this road, when i spoke about this with the government, you know, the finance ministry in good sense of the word, the yard, pretty crazy. so they are being very conservative about the expanse. it's in the finance administered, told me to and yet i was a point you see what you bring only those who have never traveled by this road. you might have anything against building this road and he's right. immunization
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especially, it is important for the family to waive the children as for wherever we are getting rates or not. but the economy is growing, which is a fact 6, you know, and these fact has been recognized not by as, but by the international financial economic organizations, by the definitive purchasing parity. we are now, it has all of germany. we're now ranking 5 among the biggest economies, so the world economic can get them into socratic or something. so someone in germany is economy decree is buying point 3 percent if i'm not mistaken. and we have found by 3.6, roughly percent japan nor use. so drowned the little bit, but if everything goes at the same rate and we'll see it as today, we have average chance city to become number for the economy in the world to replace the japan in the near future advantages. and but we have to be frank,
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we have to be objective, there is the difference between the quality of our economy and we just asked for the purchasing power parity as we are ranking 5, and we have average chance to become number 4. we instead of japan, but the structure of all these a, these countries economy is a matter than ours. and we still need to do a lot to catch up, not only unless in regard, so for purchasing power parity buy from us to waive that per capita income. and we need to change the structure. we need to make it much more efficient in the much more modern and much more innovative. that's what we have to do. as for that, working with income lo be purchasing power. parity is an important indicator and it's uh, the volume, the economy and the science of the economy. it means that that this state from the taxes is getting enough funds to result age, strategic goes back, shifting, you know, we can develop in the way we do these fates for our accounts rates. you've been
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speaking all this structure and now they need to, to change structurally, if we are speaking about our economy. but that was, that was your address, it valid? that's the goal. what discrete to develop the innovative industries to make them grow faster than the average rate of growth in the economy flow. of course, i have already sent that the structure, that's what we must work on, and a lot of things defend and that the future of our economy. they've done some bad issues for the future of our labor research. there's a station see the labor station see and productivity. one of the main goals that we have now is to increase the labor efficiency because under the conditions. so the shortage of this, the labor resources, okay. worker it's we have only one way to efficiently develop a 2 and prove the performance team for the efficiency. it means that we must
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increase it over to them and let you all a couple of minutes cuz i'm in a variety of stuff which is a part of labor. it's a little different. now we have 10 roberts for 10000 workers who look to me and we need to have at least 1000 roberts 410000 workers. i think that's how it is in japan as to now. so, but when you do it are booked at 10. i think within the week and 2 different half people. so even let me see who are able to work as me get to it started to go up, i believe, and they seem to trace and they send reprisals. and then we need to train them in highly qualified person now. so we have allocated this entire steel, dell for engineering training. probably you not is that we have a 30 modern engineering skills across the count. traces. we are going to launch 20 more engineering skills. we're going to have 15 engineering skills and safety more
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in the coming here. so these areas in the future of our account tree and we are going to make progress and disregard more deepest cover with the zoo. and the final question about the sanction so many people express the idea to establish a special the body to send off the sanctions to handle sanctions in general. but do you plan anything go based kind or it's, there is no sense. you, i'm doing that. there is no need to just put something on the bunk 2nd, but we are analyzing the situation with saddles, bang, the government, the won't be relevant administrator. we are analyzing situations. a lot of things are done not out of political or military considerations. they are doing things just out of unfair competition, right? schedule, they are hiding behind times. and the lady cold considerations are the only 3 considerations. for example, in the, at the ation industry and many other industries as well. well,
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that's the world we live in. that's the world we have. we have adapted, we understand who we deal with the system destruction issues and we are being quite efficient with judge by the phrase. all that's our work. but the sanctions is not the only thing that the west is using against against is on the coating. your address now the west is trying to drag us into new arms, raised people's study through to repeat the treat that they did in the 1980s with the ussr corner clinic. one of these up was, so do we have enough ad reserve, even this, these arms race will happen from the middle school. hopefully more pollution and mixing when we need to have them. it's in the maximo return every rebel and we invest in the new. it's very slow, no one have calculated the expense and no one has uh,
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ensured the efficiency of this investment things in the ussr. the look for expands as well as some of the 13 percent of agility p 62. and if we look at the stock haul, mean city, it's reports last year at the middle of the 3 expenses were 4 percent and base here, a 6.8 percent. so we have increase by 2.8 percent at the time. you know, well that's a significant approved but that's not critical in favor. in the soviet union. it was 13 percent. and now we have 6.8 percent loves coach to and i have to say that the meal to 3 expensive defense expenses. they are bullying and helping you economy to be no business can use that more vigorous so to say, but there are certain restrictions to that as well. and we understand that they as a terminal question. so what's the batter?
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cannon sort daughter and we keep this in mind, but even the modern defense industry that we have now, what's good about it and it's not only you have an impact on their civilian industries as well, but for the watson moves, news. yeah. i bet on that. you'd employed as innovation is necessary for the defense industry and it, yeah, it is using these innovations to manufactured civilian goods as well to which is very important. i go from and the school division is mistaken. expenses are not comparable. look at the united states, david, sort of almost $900000000000.86 or something. i think of some of the simplest that you can so you cannot compare it with the expand source that we have . so we probably being basil alive because they did not have hyper sound weapons or anything. i will explain you they spend a lot of money on maintaining investigators and not only to pay salaries,
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but they have to maintain their military base just across the world. and it's like a blank holes to shoot, so you them, it's impossible to calculate anything. that's where the mass on most of it says. but also when the manufacturer weapons and ammunition, they also spend such amount of money that is really hard to, to assess. because to estimate, if you calculate how much they spent on 3rd missile defense system, the famous one that they have, again, as long as companion of putting a 1000000 in one of the main components. alpha overcoming this missile defense that we have is having guard inter continental, i get the mix file budget, we should look lighting vehicles, all 300 continental range. so you cannot compare us with a new need this budget, basically we 0 doubt everything that they have and vast it into their need. so
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defense system, yes, that's what we do. that's how we actually can move it. but the economy of our armed forces, it's out, it much to correspond to the current reality is equally was to the current requirements. just as it's uh, pause is symmetrical word for russian language. you use it very carefully, but once it's nice you swing by slot, i'm sad this word in your email address and it sounded as a lightning is a thunder cover if you sent that, as well as presenting the logo. but the distribution of uh, the tax burden must be more just live in russia, and you suggested the government to think 2 things in what ways to think about want to know, look, well business, true, these banks burden distribution must be just saying this. and so i know that the
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advantage to accomplish that is, uh, the national goes to accomplish the goal is so finding poverty person i didn't see corporations should spend more than that legal entity as an individuals who make more money and shouldn't be investing more into that so i was thinking about just as a progressive tax, well, and something like that, i would not want to go into detail now because we need to work on it. but we need to build the system in such a way that the metric, the issue is just a 2nd. paper was more efficient. the result of social issues is that the state is facing in this regard. when you, we plan to decrease the taxes for the families with many children and during numbers and our father steps that we are going to make in these directions. so i believe that the society will be fine with days. that's one. and secondly, 2 per cent. that's one businesses,
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one for him as well. so it would be one to as to make the tax system clear and then leave it as a t is to make it stable. that's the biggest requirement. the biggest demand from businesses that swan government will be doing in the next few months with the state duma deputies. when you come, when you're ready for i'm sitting by you're just kind of want to waste caraway, someone we leased progressive taxation because we were afraid of that in with sales in the past. well, we have the stablish system now, and then those who were advocates of base flat, the rates are the authorized. so these slides associated with the right dictation, they believe that now we can be more selective thing the way we're using taxes, roof for bill of lading, the carrier is private. and in your a drafts you think the colleagues from the government. so you use these wording. now that means that if you win the elections the certificate,
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make sure things government will remain. well. we need to speak about the sapir old a vote for a calculated. that's a wrong thing to discuss now. no, we're old. the government is working, we can see the objective phrase out. sonya it's working quite satisfactory. it's more, it's widely because it's factory. you even mention to the decrees or think of the tax burden for the families with many children. i'm going to these children in general and demographic all a situation in general. these topics, if you have your word muscle impression. yeah. so you spoke at length come down. be stopping steering here at trast, which is a painful issue in a ways for us because demographically, russia used uh, becoming smaller and smaller. and the last here name was we have 7 anti records. if we are speaking about the birth rate,
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the 2nd 1.3141.331.39, a double children for one special woman does that. not all the child bearing age and the reality and the would void. i guess ideally, we need to double these in decatur or triple it because it's a disaster for the society, but never the last. so you have suggested quite of a massive program to support the maternity to you can give a demographic impetus to the society and you can do it, have confidence that this mattress will help to change the situation to change the friend from decreasing to increasing to upswing. is very well in overall, if we speak about older support and match for this, for the families with children and over the 6 years with land to spend up to for 10
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trillion roubles. so which is a huge sum of money and we need gift to some areas types of support systems are and many of them are, you know, what's a construction or renovation of standard gardens construction of new skills or an invasion of old skills such as the stable and new, so initially bringing them up to the requirements of the modern days supporting women from pregnancy. but she didn't stop until their children are 18 at the doctors because they disney should almost 11 out of 316 receiving allowances us and to talk with lot of children nurses and inc. allowances literally see more than 10000000 children for a single answers, which is a serious effort. this will continue the turn to capital program. we have expanded that and the payments. now the decisions has been made at the show really
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nice to me over a $150000.00 roubles per family. they have a 3rd child to pay out the market to sweep with eli when we have preserved the subsidies for the benefits for the mortgage loans for the families with children. so there are a lot of different ways to support the families with children. and as you have mentioned, within the body of us getting this to put them in and of course that also those funding policy can yes. and that seems to me because families misled children have much all the time 10 families without children of course, expenditure wise. but still is dealing with some of the did you manage to do lots in this regard. what is the zip most for 20 years back boom. we had bul as i was saying,
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we had some 29 percent of the population below the poverty line. that's faulty. 10000000 people. the 3. so now it's 9.3 percent as the latest status just to the thing that's fully still it's 13500000 people still a lot good to get the list of us still we have to do everything to get it down to at least 7 percent one and for families with many children. so it's not, it's true when i go anymore, but i'm pretty much we need to work there as well. i'm not going to have those big enough to use it to go. birth rates issues, specialists say that these things are small object of factors. we had 2 great big lines and birth rates or any sort of restaurant is specialists that you find st. 44 and 43 during the great. that's really cool. and then during the collapse of the
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soviet union, which was what it was used to slump, was just as serious a because the social welfare system. however, we might have been in the us saw there's been a co ops, so he's some after the collapse of the soviet union, it disappeared as well. i'm joyce bones then there was also definitely fall. let's say, for example, she can call them blend. you know, when you see the least, they'll see it on the landing terms, decreased and birth rates, how to war time figure is what you suggest most. then they had an increase in that email address right now we have disappeared. it's quite a, lots of young people, you children or go into rich facility agent in a couple of years to show was covered at the option that i was. so what you have been mentioning because there is a world trend there only if they can certainly few customers. you countries with
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developed economies that have been showing positive dynamics of other countries are in the red in this regard to come with me is there's a whole host of issues related to that system. you cannot makes life priorities. women's life prioritize this. i guess we better steer clear of that, set this up to the more roughly scientists to look for solutions because it gives you mostly what makes me optimistic is the general mood in a society 70 percent of men, a 72 percent of women want to have 2 and more children, that's the government and the state has to support them in this board. no more than you get to pick up. and there is a whole spectrum of supports of measures that we're working on. and, but we'll do that. so there's 2, but still with us, the person period wouldn't support sir, but guiding you there is yet no confidence that these measures
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a little help us to change the situations, disney's theater in the late 19 ninety's. and it's a well known story. i think you told it, spike is special to say what's yours? when the children from a burning house literally walks into a burning house and it was a total publisher to get the june completed and only opposite of saving. the children's. you remembered that there was some money in the house and some money to for and so this says something about your priorities. children, 1st money, 2nd, each student stipend. maybe it's the same when it comes to the country, like children 1st and see the money. second story. maybe we should create a program that will help who don't change the situation. right. so that's for sure . well, in the early 2000 systems in the early ninety's, like it took
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a number of steps including an introduction with maternity come from capital mission. that brought supportive results. so it is impossible to can you to achieve the figures that move on? we have such experience in that and we need to capitalize on this experience and on the other, do it to someone there few modern development. no, i mean it has to be just simply people to achieve the targets that we set up and, and then we'll adjust those measures. or, i mean it's still the adds other things and instruments which simple take. but apparently we have announced this year of the year of the family, there is a national security projects coming up and you come things coming in and then they'll bring it seemed. and there are things there that they have never 11, usually before, a 70 just a little intervals is earmarked for regions for both rates lower than the average across the country seems mostly central regions and the most west. i mean,
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some to 1000000000 is big money to it only needs to be used for a small place as to who was limited. and there's also just the email about caring for the elderly and other supports measures. so we need to increase the best rates and increase the life expectancy across the country. this can you, this will allow us to stabilize some of the population thing, not only because it actually it will spirits. and this is the key integral indicator of our work here in this particular work that requires attention on all administer to levels to shoot please. so like anywhere in the world, there is also the 3rd instrument that you make it out of solving dental, growing demographic problems, and that's the immigration records facility. what figures are we looking at in the next 6 years?
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is the good or not which you get off with us. we get off of work hitting the grants . we don't have as many of them as other countries cities. if this is a total, 3.7 percent of all work in populations to the central unit do they are concentrated in regions would have to where the economic life is more active, which must go scubas. and there are more of them by an order of magnitude, more of them, and that's must go with the northwest. look some northern region, swear compensation levels, or to apply a subs without any doubt. this is an issue that requires special attention on all levels administration, the regional or federal. that's what i would like to say, because it's very important that go areas when we're migrants abroad and they always susie, they'll sort as always say that they need to do. that's due to a shortage from work and hands. but our thoughts it in business people's interpret
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newer is, must realize what your needs mean, substantial movies. that's the situation for them. from the point of view of having work enhanced is not going to get better. they're going to face shortage, that those committees try to of work for us to do mine and to just solve this problem radically, which i think, but he's getting back to what i've been talking about. we need to increase labor productivity, huge to what the issue that you can reduce the number of people working areas that the civic will more can be achieved this just by introducing state of the art technology. so that requires investments in this fear, and that requires training with talent at the, at the summer glowing, extremely lovely. this is the most important thing that we need to keep in mind. that of course, immigration policies in them is an important instrument you get in with some of these numbers. and it doesn't hurt here to look at the experience of other
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countries. i teach for solving 8 to lucas repatriated thing. our teach fellow russians from veterans. the definition of competitor it is set forth in our legislation, no need to repeat myself in the city of san francisco, he did up to the north to us we maybe we should see suicide to reach out to people who are not willing yet to relocate to the russian federation, but hosen, talents and skills can allow them to make an important contribution to the development of our country. so it's, i think as soon as blue, good on that, as for us to the traditional, i think that would work my grants for easy to think about how to prepare them for relocation to russia together with the governments of the countries where they leave now. and that's studying russian language, our cultures and traditions, extra bringing. good. we need to show east east and then both, but we need to get.


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