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tv   Documentary  RT  March 13, 2024 4:30am-5:00am EDT

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are expensive, these are dangerous people actually suited me because the people who think about some must be to basic principles. it's easier to compete with them, you know, and all the times in russia they used to say, you know, what's happening is 1st such people when you're dined, when you're a wind and when you have your nose, cupboard and tobacco. so it's always easier to deal with such people. you know, some of you, when you have enough food, when you have enough drink well and knows in tobacco was because it was smelling tobacco. now it's know it's calverton cocaine. so it's always easier to deal with these people, and it's always harder to deal with smarter and people because they can influence the society, including our society, and they are going to. but you know, not a float. all these wings the casa, presenting it as
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a carrot for us. i said that when i answered your question about the possibility of the negotiations, but nevertheless, that's why they're in now sales to divisions that are now contradictions inside the western community. we don't, we do not want to split anyone. we do not want to divide anyone, but we will insure our interests. sure. to have to ask mister president back these attacks, of course, on the founder of the region on the kurtz creech and the the massive melissa military has still it is taking place currently in our regions. so there being more brazen, more in boulder. now, what has caused it to be followed the explanation of the same bullets happening against the backdrop of there are setbacks on the line of contact on the front lines go through and you stay with personal good, not
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a single goal. they have set out for themselves last year. they have not accomplished any of these goals and more than that. and so 2 of the initiative is in the hands of our armed forces. everyone knows this, everyone that meets these. i don't, i think it's anything, any revelation for anyone, and against the backdrop of these setbacks, they need to show something they need to prove something mainly pneumonia and the good solution in the informal tool. and this time, they try to focus on information contains assessment, going to need to ship productivity, but also they trying to attack the state border. you're still in the group. first of all, they were using small reconnaissance, sabotaged groups. in the latest report from the general, the staff sat that some $300.00 people countries which are assuming of including for and mercenaries. but the, but i couldn't make a substitute in which they're featuring the losses. they suffered more than 200
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people. you saw me through a 130 people by through netflix, you know, see out of a tang. so the use, the last 7 out of 9 bringing my son armor the coast. i just realized i'm very comfortable, but exhausting. but it's 9 and some of them were american. bradley, so we're going to be we're using called are focused on our emergent equipment. but mainly they were delivering troops using these vehicles and then they were leaving right away. what else can we ask you? that's what happened near the we're near the state border in the belts, region glowing. that's in your what i'm assuming you were never the last of the main goal. a handout these 3 guard was, well, it's not too particular to prevent the presidential elections from happening. can brush it police change race here with holding the presidential election with the expression, all the people as well. so secondly,
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the information contained something that i've mentioned. and thirdly with, if they succeeded, somehow they would have a chance. they would have a trump card in the potential future negotiations with, for example, we are giving you back bates and you're giving us bags that well, as i said, so, you know, so this people who are happy when they are wined and dined and had to have their nose covered in certain substances, it's much easier to deal with them because they will continue with this section since certain other parts of the state border and we are prepared for it. they, as you mentioned, these episodes when you look the cause table, children from the fire and now we have grandchildren. what country do you want to leave your grandchildren waiting for you? at the 1st stage, we must accomplish everything we've announced during the trash to the federal assembly few days ago. we have great plans come because they are in an absolutely
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concrete plan. seemed the economy and the social area and supports mattress for maternity for the families with children, with support for the retirees. we did not speak a lot about these the slightly and you said we have allocated necessary resources for it based as well. it concerns because that's a b, c, air conditioning, bustle, indexing the retirement allowances, and the long term care for the people who require some of these care. and we just special and people of the older generations are those blinking data to them. we seem to whom we owe with that to day. we have a strong state who stables, things most of the state who and strongly economy. and because despite all the hardships good on those and challenges of, of the economy went through the 9th ninety's 8 survived because sold their hardware
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and software and the trade for 3 arctic war and so on. so we must not forget about that. we must not forget about the exploits of the older generation. we must remember it and we must dispute you recognize the work and nor will it should be grateful for this, but the future is with the children, as i said. so that's why we have this program support mattress for maternity, for the children, but i ship the economy is foundation for all of these. so i hope it will be more high tech will be more associated in the moderns, will be based on the accomplishments of science and technology, artificial intelligence, genetics, and so on and so forth. look at the, our agriculture, where the modern technologies are employed, they are being employed and will continue to employ them and the counter you will
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be self sufficient in showing kids security and defense like a and all of these taken together, it must be multiply and then the future will be insured. thank you and it's repressive into your confidence is really contagious. thank you and your noble, every success and your noble beach. thank you. a very comprehensive entity with the russian press. now one owls, 37 minutes in total, it's probably going to be the last big immediate performance that we see with him for those presidential elections kickoff. on friday, we seem been very active and recent weeks on that slide. and each of them is picking up the youth festival in southern russia of cool sitting down for the low boss to interview with tucker call said i'll just run very quickly for the highlights for those who didn't stick to the full one outta to 7, huge range of topics, domestic and foreign policy as one of some possible stories including how present, which was looking for his health when he came to power in 2000 on the homefront key
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issue. visiting the boss rate is what is reiterating those on vicious infrastructure projects throughout the country and commenting on russia's economic sake. just remind us most cuz economy outpaced both the u. s. and e u. economies in 2023, with an increase of 3.6 percent on the approved front. very quickly. lots of hot topics briefly described to us political scene as increasingly on civilized, a feeling a shed item, much and by many americans are to themselves at the moment, touched upon i caught not mention it, then you get a question. you really double down here. he said, our military strategy, and it is the doctrine on the policy that we left by is no fuss strike i. we will only respond on like, for example, the us military doctor. and he said, we already on, you cannot try it is a superior to at free and the well, we hope we will never have to use it, but russia will not never use it until unless it feels threatened. and of course,
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the ukraine conflict of featured quite heavily is that the goodwill just as have run out thought said most go was and ways will be pro negotiations. he remembered of course, there's failed piece, talks in a symbol in the spring of 2022, reminding people that that new k prime minister forest on some torpedo them something which thompson is since denied for which has actually been confirmed by numerous ukrainian officials since on fine me about western nations involving themselves even further in the conflict. he said, it's very clear night the delivery of move western age or pushing nato troops on the ground will change the course of the will and the hops, french president, money. well, microns recent comments about sending a french soldier, the nato troops, as perhaps tinge by bits and us with a numerous us how nations kicking french soldiers out and tiny increase neat to russia in terms of minute to corporations. like i said, very comprehensive,
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we will be bring you and that as, as in the coming out, if you want to watch back any of those, you can go to our website or to, to come the russian army units. it's what i'm seeing on the front lines in the ukraine wall moving forward in the done yet republic that is, according to the defense ministry. and the southern part of the region russian south was have cleared the pulse, the heavy vehicles on the salt groups, which is helping to force ukrainian troops back. hundreds of mines being removed throughout the week. we had from a colanda of a russian unit, walk in the field near the phone and you were removing nato. and sylvia made mines on the south dentist front, including empty tank lines, anti personnel mines and dogs, henry shells. so i've thought we've cleared more than $300.00 tank minds, including french and american ones. meanwhile, at least 8 people, including 3 children, what in should, in an attack by ukrainian forces on the city of my case got in the dining at sc
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region. there would be 11 similar assaults carried out by kids in the last 24 hours alone on these were them close to us has moved from c this difficult to succeed. and he's the results of yet another ukrainian attack against civilian population here in domestic republic. a people were voted as the results of this attack, 3 of them, 4 children, one boy a 16 years old is still an intensive care, so a number of casualties may still arise. flow bowl, who was one of the main thing gotcha. was cold to walk gently and my wife was at work. there was no one here. if i was home right now, i'd be sitting here. there are such fragments on the tv. everything these carts everywhere. i would have died that maybe i need somebody. my wife's niece was injured here, her children, her husband died recently. they buried her and then this of several houses
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on this freezing my case had been turned into rubble completely destroyed. according to witnesses here on the scene, people would varied under the rubble including children. the neighbors came over as quickly as they could and dug the mouse and probably took them to the hospital. like i said earlier, one boy is still in intensive care, and doctors are fighting to save his life over the past 24 hours. 11 incidents of showing by ukrainian armed forces were recorded on the territory of the domestic people's republic shelling of the soviet district of mca. yes, exclusively in the residential sector was also recorded as a result of the showing some residential houses were destroyed, civilian infrastructure was damaged, and there have also been reports of casualties. relevant fragments were seized at the scene and will be handed over to the investigative authorities for further examination. the type of emulation is yet to be established over the last 24 hours, at least 11 civilians across to the next republican world voted as
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a result of ukrainian attacks according to officials. the business install. the key of regina used various weapons including coming kazi, drones, and 155 millimeter officers electrons provided to them by nato countries. also, several buildings have been damaged in many private houses, were destroyed, as well as private cars, from one call for a marty. then after republican, meanwhile, in the us, the bind administrations announced a new $300000000.00 ministry aid package, the ukraine, the us national security advisor, jake sullivan says the money has come from unexpected cost savings. but he won't. it is not nearly enough for the long term. on this end, munition will keep ukraine's guns firing for a period, but only a short period. it is nowhere near enough to meet you, cranes, battlefield needs, and it will not prevent ukraine from running out of ammunition in the weeks to come
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. it goes without saying, this package does not displace and should not delay the critical need to pass. the bi partisan national security co director of the international action center set are found as believe that the all shipments to key of really are nissan of to drop out. this will, this is really just a band aid of what they're planning still in the pipeline. and us and on western weapons have already completely fail along with western sanctions failing. but nevertheless they continue piling it on. so this 300000000 is just a little band aid to keep the war going to weapons coming in. and most of this, the weapons are such corruption and ukraine. there's no tracking system of by kind of gone zone estimates more than a $1000000000.00 and weapons have just gone missing on,
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accounted for. we sold the whole policy is completely a failure by their own admission by even bouncing now and dettori a new one, a one failure after another in this policy. and it's really shown even in the ukraine. they talk about 300000000 more and some weapons, but 300000 military age ukrainians have left ukraine rather than serv. so they're facing a crisis on every front, including with their own population. however, it's very profitable for us weapons manufacturers for the billions that are made and profits on us wars, the sand all not to send taurus solve to care about is the question still causing tensions to bubble in but then johnson lock sold is against move, play me it would make germany a party to the conflict, but the form, and it's not in a bible, says the idea should not be shot down or to contribute original mazda and have her
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take. so german chancellor, all i've schultz was supposed to be meeting in berlin with the malaysian prime minister about trade something that could actually help the german economy. and later schultz is government pushing it off a cliff to impress ukraine and he ends up being asked to clarify his position on 500 kilometer range. torres missiles for you frame kind of off topic, but not hard to understand why some folks might be a bit confused on that issue. schultz himself keeps saying that he won't send tyrese's for fear of escalating the conflict yet. sold his party approved legislation for long range weapons, for ukraine that neglected to explicitly exclude tarus missiles that could reach things like rushes kurtz bridge, joining the crime in peninsula to the mainland while his defense minister said that he didn't even know what was in that bill. because well, he didn't write it then russian intelligence interceptor. and we could talk german
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air force officials talking about not just terraces, but just such an attack on the very same bridge. and rather than taking those plotters to the wood shed for planning how germany could kick off in another world, more shots, the more upset with the guys who messed up working the phone security. so here is again, just for the record, let's design investment system because regarding this weapon system, i believe that given its impact and location of application that cannot be used without control. and that the participation of german soldiers cannot be justified even outside of ukraine. that's why i said, i don't think there use is justified, and that the question is not how to do it, indirectly or directly. my answer is clear. okay, so what he's saying is that there can't be ukranian rodeo. clowns on the bulge, if the germans are not also there to babysit, but the latest reason why schultz is having to keep repeating himself on this issue
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is because his own for and affairs minister annalee in a bare box. yes, i've been open, we steaming with a british counterpart, former prime minister, david cameron in berlin, and they were talking about how to get the bows out of the barn. the idea would be to send the parcel to the u. k. and then in turn, the u. k would give some more of their own storm shot themselves with half of the tourist is range to ukraine. you. how do you find you think the secular exchange is so to speak, a german invention. it would be an option. and we have already done it with other equipments, some time ago. quick reminder that their box is one of the bright lights of the green party, whose founding principle is pacifism, and also defending the environments 22000000 tons of carbon dioxide are generated by warfare, according to germany's own press. that's quite the carbon footprint. yeah, earlier this month, bareback pleaded for her german government to quote intensive,
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we consider increasing that carbon footprint with terraces for you frame and the u . k. is right on board with the plan. wouldn't exchange be conceivable with germany supplying your country with torres and the case, applying more storm shadows to ukraine. we are prepared to look at all options in order to achieve the maximum effect for ukraine. but i won't give any details until our opponents. what we have in mind, cameron said that it's totally possible to deploy at christmas all is well. also ensuring that they don't escalate the conflict. in fact, he says that they'd help achieve peace. yeah, that sounds totally believable. coming from the same guy who insisted on riding shotgun alongside french president need for the south kazi, when a no fly zone over libya escalated, innovation changing former president mark adolphe and back in 2013 cameron, couldn't get enough support in british parliament for a direct attack on president bashar allah side of syria that didn't stop him from
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and shaking free enough change from the wallets of british taxpayers even at a time of government. austerity to help fun western back syrian ramos to do the dirty work orders. even changing aside more covertly, cameron also tried brow beating, then us president brock obama and other western leaders to get more aggressive with aside like he was some kind of a job down at the local pub, one of his crew to come help them with a punch up, nope, no chance of escalation there. in any case, schultz said that he is alternately in charge because apparently he has to keep reminding everyone on a regular basis these days because company signed dispute is not acceptable to deliver a weapon system that reaches very far. and then not think about how control over the weapon system can take place. and if you want to have control and it is only possible if german soldiers are involved, that is completely out of the question, i made that statement very clear. i am the chancellor and therefore that applies. well, 60 percent of germans are against terraces for ukraine. schultz sounds less like
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the leader of a country and more like a substitute teacher who is totally lost control of the class. able on children. now it's how the commission, a general view ends relief on walks agency hospice quad the conflict in garza. he says the number of children killed since the 7th of october. it's uncomfortable to any other word staggering. the number of children reported killed in just over 4 months in gaza is higher than the number of children killed in 4 years of was around the world combined. this war is a war on children. it is a war on their childhood and the future. as the muslim world mocks, the heard the month of ramadan, there was still no sign of any c 5 between his role and from us. the main immediate to in the conflict capital has described the current situation as very complicated . tens of thousands of palestinians have already been killed and injured many more display spent on the constant idea of compartment. we have the story of one
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palestinian, which i have described the horror as people and young plays about to endure the for the check to you. we miss many things like the food and drinks and the prices are storing. we missed our loved ones. my husband, he's not sitting with us at the table. it's hard on us. the situation is bad. ramadan is just not the same. the . it's true that some people pretend it's okay for ramadan. but i don't. the bread
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winner of the home is gone. the main person is gone. it's so sad. i lost the one dearest to me, the family missus him. my husband was the one who always got into the i should have trouble don't, isn't ramadan supposed to be blessed? unfortunately, we're not living the life of ramadan. we are living a life of war. they're taking our children, our youth are elderly and our women. what is our fault? what have we done wrong? why should our children become orphans longing for the word papa? or for the true meaning of from the
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not is us. for now, we won't be back in just a few minutes, little by night to see it on the . the magenta itself to gaining independence and from the form of the ivory coast remained under the strong influence of its foam and metropolitan. pro french president, felix, who said one year, ruled the country for 33 years, ensuring the interest to from the dead. the government isn't in a new house, including new foster goods was dumb, so strong and the more appropriate after the death of a one year, a new lead to long conduct. the ball came to power and i'm ready to double
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configure the accuracy. why do you know if we're feed lacrosse or they're going to use it isn't good enough for tiffany to one is for the ones from some easily deemed good luck. boeing enemy, a deep political crisis ensued and walk a the country 2nd largest city, turned into a theater of law almost from 130 to the other 2 voters of warranties. how did the dramatic events unfold? and how is block a recovering from years of bloody conflict? watch on. see the release of russian states never as tight as one of the most sense community best. most all sense and up
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to 5 and speed. the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin, the machine, the state on russia to day and split the r t smooth neck. even our video agents, the roughly all of the band on youtube, the payment services for the question, did you say a request, which is the one that you attempt to collect your x amount? i thought she did not show any type of a job to last week. i was getting
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a hold of a dish. uh, international for the defense. i see the setup button and the printer and i thought someone did you lose it asked for that? if i said the media, i love you focused on the 2 reasons. did you say, would you say the video camera in tempe? me so it'll be pretty good. it was working monday. i'm going to work it on stimulus and just get a little less money from sales. real life. sure, sure. william farmer shots, my goodness, we have court gosh. door to door or decision. they might now maybe what was that man was the ones that we didn't look for on the what is the best one today and but you know, so that's what it is that strong to set. i'm sure those are pretty sure can was i'm patient. did it for she's clear moves, i'm best do what i mean. there's a push out the the think that would inform you to with them for the gift,
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but the side of celia wasn't us because it did just wouldn't care to get through the new year. oh for g, for i teach, so i know from the kitchen the scholars should go and you have to do this. i'm going to left, i look forward to you with that though, especially if it's a the key in the world. i'm all alone. i'm really stressed and pushed mostly mostly for the amount of water to move. let me look into that. i will just, i did i as well as to the low scholarly unload i did some of that. i'll study to the progressive rock and you see the shortest finish. this is just all just for good news. i'm a direction and for them to come spring to do friday is the material ordering the power of people for the for sure. and shoot me an the temperature of the
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the the according to jo, buying america's most pressing challenge is the survival of the cam. regina is only the country's problems, are large and reset the problem with finding and all those things support the plane
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project is about the phrase is already in the system for them to succeed. and here's the results of yes and another ukrainian attack, again for civilian population here in dominican republic. 3 children, a wounded with one boy and intensive cap of the ukrainian alternative result. ton homes in the done yet complex into rubble. muslims around the wall marks the hurting mom's old ramadan for the holiday is small by the finest still wages and thoughts us on the efforts reading desktop one just plays palestinian women describing the horrors of the past few months. why should our children become orphans longing for the word pop out for the meaning of ramadan.


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