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tv   News  RT  March 13, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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the, the but they must realize that the van fireball is ending. it's a very clear message right there at the bottom. i put in one's west and it leads about the shift being balance of power in the world. one of the steering is wide ranging interview ahead of this week's presidential election, washington that out to the new round of military hardware for kids. and it comes and made you crazy and troops retreating from frontline positions across the battlefield. basically, creating a dire situation for that. it's a big show of force in the indian ocean as russian chinese and the iranian naval vessels hit the high seas. it's a date to love try lateral drills aimed at painting peace and security across got region. the,
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i'm sorry with i guess to correspondence standing by it is looking like a busy hour right now here. run out to you. so it was a big and very enlightening sit down ahead of his week's upcoming presidential elections was letting me put in talks with tv host and ceo of rushes. largest media group to meet frequency of, of the interview covered a wide range of topics from domestic issues to foreign relations. and frankly, as usual, who didn't, did not hold back. but listen to some of this a condition to go to from a military technical point of view. of course, we already, we have troops in a constant state of combat readiness. it is also a universally recognized thing. our nuclear triad is more modern than any other triad, and only we in the americans actually have such a triad. we have advanced much more here. ours is more modern, the entire nuclear component. but this does not mean that we should measure
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ourselves by the number of carriers and warheads and those who need to know, i repeat experts specialists and the military. they know it well. they are now setting the task of increasing this modernity. and they have plans to do so. we are also aware of this. they are developing all their components. and so are we. but this does not mean that in my opinion, they are ready to unleash this nuclear war tomorrow. if they want to, what can we do? we are ready to make sure everything is good. we do not interfere in any kind of elections. and as i have said, many times, we will work with any leader who the american people, the american vote that will give confidence too much. but here's what's interesting . even during the last year of his work as president, mr. trump, today's presidential candidate reproach to me for precisely the fact that i was sympathizing with by them. this was more than 4 years ago. he told me so in one of our conversations, i'm sorry,
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i'll say it like you did. these are his direct words. you want sleepy joe to when he told me this when he was president. and then to my surprise, they began to persecute him because we allegedly supported him as a candidate. well, it's some kind of complete nonsense. as for today's pre election situation, the order it is becoming increasingly uncivilized, i would not like to give any comments on this matter. but it's absolutely clear. i think it's obvious to everyone that the american political system can not claim to be democratic in every sense of the word the most of which, if we return to macro and maybe he decided to take revenge on russia by making such statements for the fact that we step tony's tail in africa box. we had to stand there and be afraid with the property. didn't expect us to be so active that no, no, no, we're still. yes. i think there is some resentment. but when we were in direct contact with him,
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we spoke frankly enough about this issue. we did not meddle in africa and we did not squeeze france out of there. the problem is different. the well known wagner group 1st carried out a number of economic projects in syria, then move to other countries in africa. the ministry of defense provide support, but only on the basis that it is a russian group. nothing more. we did not squeeze anyone out, it's just that the african leaders of some countries agreed with russian economic operators. they wanted to work with them. they didn't want to work with the french in some respects. it was not even our initiative. it was the initiative of our african friends. it is not clear why we shouldn't be offended in this regard. if an independent state wants to develop relations with its partners from other countries, including russia, it wants to develop relations with russia. we did not do anything with them, the former french colonizers. i even say this without iron a because in many countries where france has historically been a metropolis,
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i don't really want to deal with them. it has nothing to do with us. perhaps it's more convenient to take offense at someone without seeing your own problems. maybe such a sharp, rather emotional reaction on the part of the french presidency is also connected with what is happening in some african states. although i know other african countries where they are calm about the french remaining there and say that yes it suits us. we are ready to work with them. but in some countries i don't want to. it has nothing to do with us. we are not instigating anyone there. we are not setting anyone against france. we do not set ourselves its task. to be honest. we don't have any such statewide national tasks at the level of the russian state. we are just friends with them. that's all. no deductible. yeah, i don't feel like i'm some sort of master of the world's destinies. believe me not even close. i am simply doing my duty to russia and to our people who regard russia
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as their homeland. as for other countries of the world, it is very closely related to how we are treated around the world. this is interesting. it is such a phenomenon that's for sure. what i would like to draw our attention to many people in the world, look at us at what is happening in our country and in our struggle for our interests. this, in my opinion is what is important. why is this happening? not because we are formerly members of bricks or we have some traditional relations with africa. that is also important that the point in my opinion is quite different . the point is that this so called golden 1000000000 has been practically a parasite on other nations. for centuries, 500 years, they've been tearing apart the poor peoples of africa. they've been exploiting latin america and they've been exploding the countries of asia. and they certainly haven't forgotten that i have the feeling that it is not even the leadership of these countries, although it is very important. but the ordinary citizens of these countries feel in their hearts what is happening. they associate our struggle for their independence
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and true sovereignty with their aspirations for their own sovereignty and independent development. but this is compounded by the fact as the desire to freeze the existing on just state of affairs and international affairs is very strong in west and the leads they are used to feeling their bellies with human flesh and their pockets with money for centuries. but they must realize just that the van fireball is ending. those are just a few of the highlights. let's get to some more and i would offer you to be able to is a will joining us here on, on the international wow way to begin fear. rather, they told the ages and as a little part of me, the things, perhaps this interview with a case in the office, perhaps more interesting than the one with tucker calls and would, would you take us through some of the main points? well yeah, roy, i would agree with you there now. so the big part of this was discussed on domestic issues, social issues and budget issues. but of course the ukraine conflict is the number
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one thing on people's minds going into this election. so there were many questions on that, particularly the talk a piece talks now put and reiterated that russia has never stepped away from peace talks or negotiations. but when the west and nato have broken, every single promise they made from the men's good courts to nato expansion and other things, russia will now need rock solid security guarantees to move forward. victim. oh goodness, we have been promised many things. they promised not to expand nato to the east, and then we see them at our borders. they promised if we do not delve into history, that the internal conflict in ukraine will be resolved by a peaceful political means. as we remember, 3 foreign ministers came to kiff, poland, to germany, and france, promised that they would be the guarantors of these agreements. a crew took place a day later. they promised to fulfill the men's agreements and then publicly stated
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that they were not going to fulfill these promises, but only use the break to arm the regime in ukraine. we have been promised a lot of things, so promises alone are not enough here. just to go to talk about almost like right now, negotiating just because they are running out of bullets is kind of ridiculous on our part. nevertheless, we are ready for a serious conversation and we want to result of all conflicts. and especially this conflict by peaceful means, but we must clearly understand for ourselves that this is not a pause that the enemy wants to take from the armament. but this is a serious conversation with guarantees for the security of the russian federation is now putting also said he prefers to deal with realities and facts rather than rely on intentions or conversations. because there could be strong consequences on this. now regarding the delivery of weapons to ukraine from nato pudding did say that the weapons from the u. s. and the u. k. are already being used,
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but they have offered no strategic advantages to the other side, nor will they impact the end of this conflict. so he also reiterated that germany's threats of sending taurus missiles were actually a fantasy. and he mocked that as well regarding the recent events of the a session of finland and sweden and to nato. put in stated that the weaving of neutrality of these nations actually hurt them economically. because now there is obviously not going to be cooperation between the 2, especially finland. but also this, this is a matter of, of their security and how this could definitely impact that with russia needing more troops. they're perhaps having weapons there. now most of the solutions do, but we have quite good relations, stable relations with these countries. and i think they benefit more from the fact that they adhere to neutrality because it gives certain advantages at least as
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a negotiating platform in order to reduce tensions in europe. we generally had perfect relations with finland. just perfect. we didn't have a single claim against each other, especially territorial, let alone, other areas. we didn't even have troops. we removed all the troops from there, from the russian finish border. why did they do it? they did that in my opinion because of the only political considerations they probably really wanted to be members of a western club under some kind of umbrella. frankly, i don't understand why they need it. this is an absolutely senseless step from the point of view of ensuring our own new interests. nevertheless, it is up to them to decide they have decided so we didn't have troops there. now we will. there were no weapon systems there. now they will appear. what for our economic relations were very good. they use our market, we bought a lot from them. what's wrong with that? but now the situation will change now and commented on the very important issue
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that's been discussed earlier all around the world of nato, potentially formerly sending troops into on the ground in ukraine, saying that, well, there are already 4 in mercenaries and advisors on the ground to see if in fact they do send boots on the ground, this would escalate to a geopolitical global conflict that could have global and catastrophic consequences as well. if we're looking at the potential of poland, perhaps sending troops like they've been wanting to, to recuperate land from ukraine, that they lost after world war 2 or france and the crime who has said that they're willing to go in. this could potentially expand globally, but also it shows that this isn't about ukraine, because ukraine would then cease to exist. this is about the expansion of nato. and one of the things to also mark that put in did say, was that there is absolutely no substantiated a reason for russia to send nukes in ukraine and use these notes in ukraine. russia
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has no reason to do that. but he, of course, confirmed and a firm what he's been saying all along. and what many have been saying along that this isn't it's essential war for russia, this is life or death. and that this is something that, that may not be the case with the west. so these are strong statements to make going into this election. indeed. well said on cesar figueroa, isabel, thank you. of course, it was the publish leadership in the past 48 hours at a method. there are lots of nato soldiers already, and ukraine data come on is already choreographing the usage of all these miss island bathrooms as well with we've been doing that for just so long already. read more about hooton's, highlights at all teeth of the so with the russian army units advancing on the front lines in the ukraine, a conflict at the moving forwards in the donated script. public defends, according to the defense industry, in the southern part of the region. russians sappers of cleared upon heavy vehicles
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and are sold groups, which is helping to push back the ukranian troops. a 100 of mines being removed throughout the week. we heard from a commander of our russian unit, working right there in the field near the phone and you were removing nato. and sylvia made mines on the south dentist front, including energy tank lines, anti personnel mines and dogs, hillary shells. so i've thought we've cleared more than $300.00 tank minds, including french and american ones. so meanwhile, the police, the 8 people, including 3 children, were injured and then attacked by ukrainian forces of the city of mchale. and some of the region there are as renaissance, there been 11 similar souls carried out by t f. and just the past 24 hours is that corresponds to now explain this difficult to succeed. and here's the results of yet another ukrainian attack against civilian population. here in domestic republic, a people were voted as the result of this attack. 3 of them, 4 children,
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one boy a 16 years old is still an intensive care, so a number of casualties may still arise. flo was or was one of the little boys. i mean the same god i was told to walk gently and my wife was at work. there was no one here. if i was calling right now, i'd be sitting here the rest, such fragments on the tv ever and these carts everywhere. i would have died that maybe i need somebody. my wife's niece was injured here. her children, her husband died recently. they buried her and then this, the several houses on this reason, my case had been turned into rubble, completely destroyed. according to witnesses here on the scene, people would varied under the rubble including children. the neighbors came over as quickly as they could, and the mouse and promptly took them to the hospital. like i said earlier, one boy is still in intensive care, and doctors are fighting to save his life over the past 24 hours,
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11 incidents of showing by ukrainian armed forces were recorded on the territory of the domestic people's republic. shelling of the soviet district of mca, exclusively in the residential sector, was also recorded as a result of the showing some residential houses were destroyed. civilian infrastructure was damaged, and there have also been reports of casualties. relevant fragments were seized at the scene and will be handed over to the investigative authorities for further examination. the type of ammunition is yet to be established. over the last 24 hours, at least 11 civilians across to the next republican world voted as the results of ukrainian attacks. according to officials, the militants sold the key of regina used various weapons including coming cause it drones, and $155.00 millimeter howitzers. electrons provided to them by nato countries. also, several buildings had been damaged and many private houses were destroyed, as well as private cars. from one call for
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a marty. the next group on the meanwhile in the united states, so that by new ministration has announced a new $300000000.00 military package for ukraine. of the us national security advisor jake sullivan says the money has come from unexpected cost savings, but he still one is not nearly enough for the long time in the same munition will keep ukraine's guns firing for a period but only a short period. it is nowhere near enough to meet you, crane's battlefield needs, and it will not prevent ukraine from running out of ammunition in the weeks to come . it goes without saying, this package does not displace and should not delay the critical need to pass the bi partisan national security de la co director of the international action center sar frowned as believes the shipments the key of a lease of to drag out the wall this is really just
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a band aid of what they're planning still in the pipeline. and us and on western weapons have already completely fail along with western sanctions failing. but nevertheless, they continue piling it on. so it is 300000000, is just a little band aid to keep the war going to weapons coming on. and most of this, the weapons are such corruption and ukraine. there's no tracking system by kind of gone zone, ask them it's more than a $1000000000.00 and weapons have just gone missing on accounted for. we sold the whole policy is completely a failure by their own admission by even bouncing now. and it tore a new one, a one failure after another in this policy. and it's really shown even in the ukraine. they talk about 300000000 more and some weapons, but 300000 military age ukrainians have left few crane rather than serve. so
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they're facing a crisis on every front, including with their own population. however, it's very profitable for us weapons manufacturers for the billions that are made and profits on us wars to send or not to send taurus ms files to key. or if that is the question that is still causing tensions to bubble over in berlin. council out of sholtes, he's against the move painting. it would openly make job money, a party to the conflict with the foreign minister and the bulk of saying the idea should not be shot down. well, let's go, just go to particular take on this is auntie contributor, rachel mazda. so german chancellor, all i've schultz was supposed to be meeting in berlin with the malaysian prime minister about trade something that could actually help the german economy. and later schultz is government pushing it off a cliff to impress ukraine and he ends up being asked to clarify his position on 500 kilometer range, taurus missiles for you, frame kind of off topic,
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but not hard to understand why some folks might be a bit confused on that issue, schultz himself keeps saying that he won't send tyrese's for fear of escalating the complex yet socialist party, approve of legislation for long range weapons, for ukraine that neglected to explicitly exclude tara's muscles that could reach things like rushes, curts bridge. joining the crime in peninsula to the mainland while his defense minister said that he didn't even know what was in that bill because, well, he didn't write it then russian intelligence intercept in week to talk german air force officials talking about not just terraces, but just such an attack on the very same bridge, and rather than taking those plotters to the woods shed for planning how germany could kick off in another world, more shots, the more upset with the guys who messed up working the phone security. so here is
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again, just for the record most design of buttons this theme of regarding this weapon system. i believe that given its impact and location of application that cannot be used without control. and that the participation of german soldiers cannot be justified even outside of ukraine. that's why i said, i don't think they're uses justified. and that the question is not how to do it, indirectly or directly. my answer is clear. okay, so what he's saying is that there can't be ukranian rodeo clowns on the bulge, if the germans are not also there to babysit. but the latest reason why schultz is having to keep repeating himself on this issue is because his own for and affairs minister annalee in a bare box has been opened ways steaming with her brother's counterpart, former prime minister, david cameron, in berlin. and they were talking about how to get the bows out of the barn. the idea would be to send the terraces to the u. k. and then in turn,
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the u. k. would give some more of their own storm shot themselves with half of the tourist is range to ukraine. how do you find you think the secular exchange is so to speak, a german invention. it would be an option, and we have already done it with other equipments, some time ago. quick reminder that their box is one of the bright lights of the green party who's founding principle is pacifism, and also defending the environments 22000000 tons of carbon dioxide are generated by warfare, according to germany's own press. that's quite the carbon footprint. yeah, earlier this month, bareback pleaded for her german government to quote intensive, we consider increasing that carbon footprint with terraces for ukraine and the u. k. is right on board with the plan. wouldn't exchange be conceivable with germany supplying your country with torres and the u. k. supplying more storm shadows to ukraine, we are prepared to look at all options in order to achieve the maximum effect for
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ukraine. but i won't give any details until our opponents. what we have in mind, cameron said that it's totally possible to deploy cruise missiles. well, also ensuring that they don't escalate the conflict. in fact, he says that they'd help achieve peace. yeah, that sounds totally believable. coming from the same guy who insisted on riding shotgun alongside french president, me for the staff was a, when a no fly zone over libya escalated, innovation changing former president mark adolphe and back in 2013 cameron, couldn't get enough support in british parliament for a direct attack on president bashar allah side of syria that didn't stop him from and shaking free enough change from the wallets of british taxpayers even at a time of government. austerity to help fun western back syrian ramos to do the dirty work. honors even changing aside more covertly. cameron also tried brow beating, then us president brock obama and other western leaders to get more aggressive with
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aside like he was some kind of a job down at the local pub, one of his crew to come help him with a punch up. nope, no chance of escalation there. in any case, schultz said that he is alternately in charge because apparently he has to keep reminding everyone on a regular basis these days this company signed to see it is not acceptable to deliver a weapon system that reaches very far and then not think about how control over the weapon system can take place and if you want to have control and it is only possible if german soldiers are involved, that is completely out of the question, i made that statement very clear. i am the chancellor and therefore that applies. well, 60 percent of germans are against terraces for your brain. schultz sounds less like the leader of a country and more like a substitute teacher who is totally lost control of the class. well, it's looking like a big show of force and geo political solidarity. perhaps the message is to have bolstering piece of security in the, in the pacific region,
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which will be about to have probably lateral try that role exercises involving, well naval forces from china, russia, iran, now entering data to as, as ease of use of july. now it's the russian, i'm chinese naval vessels arrived in iran, southern waters on tuesday, after saving thousands of miles to take part in a joint. drill with it was navy code named maritime security belt. the war games are held over 17000 square kilometer area. and then north of the indian ocean, the persian gulf and the strategic straight upon most is the 5th time. the trio has stage, joyce enabled exercises with the angle of ensuring the safety of global shipping and the indoor pacific region. and so we're the 5th consecutive year, the sonic republican ron has staged a joint try lateral labeled field between the navy is overrun, russia and china with the multiple of together for peace and security process. pacific fleet has deployed flotilla comprising, gets guided missile cruiser, vari,
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out, and anti submarine destroyer. marshall shall pause. think of china has also dispatched as a room g destroyer leaning. you forget and don't think who replenishment ship it won't have sentenced domestically bills, destroyers dental, and joe moran, as well as the shaheed. so the money visual corvette, among other warships, 5 observer nations, a man, azerbaijan, because asked in pakistan and south africa, also participated without deploying naval assets to changes. but he just told me the traditional parts of these exercises and very important for us. it allows us to establish a strong ties between silas from different countries and work out current issues of interaction at sea chad positive experiences of maritime practice. and once again, visit a friend's person site. is it prepared with great enthusiasm for this true russian ship? so once again hit, and we're glad to take part in the exercise of game, i think so, yes, you know, i suppose this exercise the extra interest and cooperation between the novices of china and russia. we feel that it provides effective experience for the 3 countries
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to maintain maritime security and jointly built in every time community. hello, so fresh, those international trade is carried out through maritime shipment. it won't also lies on water born shipping for its oil exports, while china's import of oil and gas among much of its foreign trade depend on sea routes as well. now this choice that will exercise seen as a major step for safeguarding via comic security of all participating states by the federal it is through this exercise we 60 foster peace and security in the north of the indian ocean and established specialized cooperation with allied countries to come, but the unwelcome phenomenon of piracy and maritime terrorism in the region where trying on a daily basis to increase this collective corporation to achieve this goal of mine . the operational area for this exercise holes t. importance in global trade. the into a pacific region hosts more than 50 percent of the world's maritime oil trends that
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try to critter control points like this rate of formulas. and you're on south baldwin monday, miriam, and unlock on the south china sea. these narrow passages collectively form what is known as the golden triangle of global trait. where on the north of the ocean is one of the most important waterways in the world and plays a major role in international trade, establishing sustainable security in this region, especially in the straits of harmless my luck and bubble, my dep, which i refer to as the golden triangle will ensure the economic interests on the global scale, and this necessitates the conversions between the navy of different countries. and that's why this try lateral naval maneuver has been put on the agenda for the observations. iranian and chinese navies come together for this joints maneuver. they're not just honing their defensive capabilities, but also sending a clear message of their collective presence and influence and across all g. a political hotspots, whether you are assigned to other western powers. also active in this region. this
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collaboration underscores the shifting dynamics of global power. now, the cooperation between these 3 nations in this maritime exercise highlights the growing significant strategic partnerships only the economic sphere. but also the military domain usability are to from north of the indian ocean. they've seen that called a game changer and the ukranian conflict, rushes administrator defense releasing footage, showing the deployment of a weapon system that has precisely this reputation across the battlefields of this video. highlighting rushes to 30 full bama dropping multiple 5 of 5 hundreds and the bottom is happy and most goes off and over decades. but now the retro freighted with wind kits that deployed once they fly and guided by set, none of the target coordinates a pre program, but can reportedly be reprogrammed during flight. know this is why western experts complained to the washington post that this introduction is quote,
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dramatically boosted the effectiveness of russian force as well. i discussed this with the indianapolis veteran and memphis water and for his take on how this webinar platform has potentially changed the conflict fab 50515 amended uh uh, as soon as i mentioned the bones, what we would call is gravity dropped bonds footage and that'd be very bulky. i expose the weapons. i couldn't see the loss. very good demand. normally convinced that most but been, you know, some of these in the small bones by putting in like get then in the holy game changes in the, the conventional bins available in large numbers. the kids are cheaper to manufacture and wants to fit in those kits. then these become small pollution that fits. so when you leave that they've been like the 1500 or the 5. i have 5500. let's say 40000 feet. you probably would get a range between 80.


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