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tv   Documentary  RT  March 13, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EDT

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to, to magically boosted the effectiveness of russian force as well. i discussed this with the indianapolis veteran and mrs. white and for his take on how this webinar platform has potentially change the conflict fab 5 on the than 515 the, the uh, in a sense of dimension and bones. what we would call is that i would be dropped bones footage and that'd be very bulky. i expose the weapons. i couldn't see a lot more than i normally convinced that most but been, you know, some of these and the small bones by flipping and like, it's been in the holy game changes in the, the conventional depends are available in large numbers, but good. so it's cheaper to manufacture and once you put in those kits, then these become small pollution. but if it's so when you leave that they've been like, uh, 1500 or the 5 i have 5500. so let's say 40000 feet. you probably would get
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a range between a think of them in those $2120.00 killer mean. so you have a tremendous band of release. if i'm going to be, i'd still you have a one to 3, meet the 3, divide me those i could have seen, but you can actually get depending upon the intelligence is. so the possibility of the that the stickly, the, i couldn't see it's phenomena. and since ball that are available to infinity commencement ball from, you know, for you as you like to do mind if i don't store them as it was, all you need is the gets to be fitted in and then launched from there. so this would be with you, would it be a major game changer competing? and along with the bronze, the opponent seen changes simply or rubbing on the profile from out here. and i'll take just a quick reminder. didn't, don't know if you've heard of putin talking to a russian tv in the past 24 hours. he said that russia's economy goes from strength to strength. so now ranking as a 5th largest economy in the world, that's number 5 for russian was living under $15000.00 west and learn
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more at options on the the the, the tax just for the funeral. it's almost 4 and you put some of the of for bits and must have less than like i said, us will probably that's something i've been doing in school. just do it in the
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polls and it's a full of them in my own way. this the them by football shy, right? which is to assume because the issue of the company is only for the 1st one. this is this the mirror with the other day. if you are like us to kind of weigh a spam from going so far, this will be as much for this time when you do it trips, there's a way to start it somewhere. so it is full really care and that is investigator is on up, there is no which but what's the most up of the, what's the, if it's a narrative or she's looking for someone who from full of, of, of serious,
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serious or the new wonder if they but they are the going to be a partial payment to go over my, the temple for the yes, somebody out talking about being a click up here to come in. it'll sign up with some of the 2 video or like if i'm able to get on. but if uh, if promotion and i want that done campus might also does it say to the use of or something. uh uh, it's available for an hour. so obviously it sent me a detroit to invite you to someone. so there's a lot on that as well. so i'm not showing the script spiteful picture, i'm going to pennsylvania and they just come over to the individual plan. it's the most vehicles, it's most of the guys outside the afternoons pretty well. so i wrote, so i'm not proud about some more. is that the best thing for silly? for me? are you still? you know what, i would have your number to the nearby you the put
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the little came up so we can put the got these take approximately 200 off. yeah. like i did, you mind go to. yep. i did them. so at least the mobile number. let's go ahead and let them still dakota driving them. all right. if it's better, we thought of you have got totally new boy up with me. when bought a bust. swim on that you're nice from coline, it's a is a nice the bill up. it was the jumped up our lives. so i was on the way. what are these people the i told them i don't mind the lead me to go with the, the police and what all the time. i just most of us look at the kind of schedule up i'm stuck on the car wash as i've got from the way up to the surface governor of appointments. don't care about the split premiums and why that was something worth i'm wondering asked if i would have started another one control center. think it's a little less more euro buick, but i will anybody me to the one with them for me is to get the uh, the way cuz finding the issue it was one. yes. was scheduled. so it's kim norma, which is to wait till monday and still telling me that some of the points that i need to move with maybe these come up with somebody else who
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a book i'm going to uh, which and trust. uh, when they put it up. if i were to put them on the 1st with a solution, mostly shared it with the categories internet done with people are resorting to the bill. so i was a little fun. i just went on the side of the capital one day. ok. so when i went to work in about instructional fucking the rest of his intent to yes, him, well, that's what i was about. different types of sale. my mother, the purpose of study showing up sales of june. we're going to have is that i just, i'm, or some understand why that progressive has to be on way of doing it based on what they sent me a kind of a budget on this part such as a score of course nice to start out with a present the so publish complex can now assist us with the with when you, if there was any way we could remove appointed funds to me, let me know if i'm going. yeah, it's covered for the homes. you boss. yeah. 2 thank you. so i'm gonna put you up and i appreciate you thinking that the can also some is able to the post, the more just bull that post them a to be at the police for the solution,
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the sink on the go. and then it's that that with the book with nation of dice put up city over the phone, but i'm a guest. i used to use this phase of. yeah. and the yeah. and if you have a loser, who should i far, that's also good as nature nor to please. the me who do you go to you, the she media holding the unit seduce me? look, let me see what kind of school was to the right. and it was certainly really this, and that's combined here and i was telling them what seems to be some kind of busy at the last the she just took now after police to just uh, uh, but obviously you go to the kitchen from songs against my oldest college is that of
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course, with the company. then you would have utilized the digital scoreboard as you look at the one year. but up it's beautiful pieces at the bottom. you give them the, give me through to you, but up city of the them. see where the music is like on use. gold was to be strangers because donna were reading so so we knew of any of us more than cmc, real samsung bus. and most of shelly going usually to come across school was to show and let them still play scripts. and then when i get upset comes to my belief that so i'm starting. yeah. eastern skills high school was in session. i'm a show for somebody. uh, so that's one of your desktop. are there any basically nice thoughts cocked um uh, i just do it, cindy. uh not somebody. see me mike is a little yeah. ive states ocean's house clean, beautiful, and showed offer in, you know, the price is 20. i'm going to ask about the little until we could just when you click where it joined an authority on this, i'm going to see what, what, why it's gonna switch to wireless. sticking me, it's orange, give me any kind of south. the muscle comes in. i know what you have is across is
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this for chris close to so can we do them with anyone else? can only switch by you can do you have a book with me? yeah, for us the sounds most easily limited, then that means you come into the middle of each cause even exist. you to know what you are, even in the machine, you want for pieces to go into the store. and the reason that it comes with, usually when you bring this experience, yeah, which usually is the yeah, it's a quote says quote unquote, a significant new redo that will buy your home to the prospect that most of them uh, besides the city and the view by listening for me, i see a couple of neighbors lists. so you mean you're good to me to see what the boards bring. you might see. yeah. so now i don't want to just concentrate on a e, within the video because because this frontier secure what it shows, the reset the just shows they reset me is that yes, soon as box they want me to use the machines in a spy point. they used to get away with this. the 3rd dimension,
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easiest. i'm with the, i'm still with bit of money on some of the email uh at the. well, i'm just new lives at the shape. i thought it was telling me there's not an image. some of the but i'll a minimum doesn't, which to see will some way with the so let me see what so i didn't, it was like almost uh, i was looking at your wall and i'm going to go to one moment somebody and i got a 2 links that it printed, that's why i missed missed bitching by showing you more in your jo is you to keep it off q a. spits out of the core, can you put them ok and when i get the shit the, if the spits out and they should only use the see to mission with the show. uh, when you get a lot of notes, i sent them with the show the show pretty much the a. so this is the old list. so, why don't we bundle actually deliberate keeping the points and importing the not the solution is the don't, can you, they move. so i missed the company. the floor was motion. so could i need to give by system for you the we
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want you to show up was still, but i simply with not enough i'm giving you the blow. uh which north we send you from the new um yeah. any miles away, and there's only me stick a near the nimble. uh, but it's going to be in the front. uh and you know, corey, they're gonna should touch kit. don't let. is it, it's him cook. but he, yes, ma'am. yes. the bulletin was nighttime use a couple of them. he hit with wireless. sure. hold on go. the stone. i beach the nipple. intrinsic level was i didn't know what else to bring up. what was it to? i don't know. it came on the door cost. almost a seal full way if i missed. so i just felt like i'm fit that last on you. are you with couple idols. i suppose that somebody's both those months or so select triple double cross number 10. and i shall see any of us cuz our store, i've got both commerce west series and i just have my lease isn't a de la coke. the
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thing is, i'm a 20 slim user general. now these can i bought this to me and this is it connected to the discovery. and then when i plug into, of course, and i'm doing it, but they don't come into often with those image. that's what they said on both the curriculum shifts. we'll correspond to install a bunch of them to you want me to minutes ago was to go kind of a video clear skies of what's a phone call from and yet. so i think what it is, is this just simple distortion, vanessa, financially that's cool and sort of natural right? she guys do. so i'm giving the most the free mess then i get was what of course, non durable. i sure shooting is better. we're by his, from the study board if you remember that. so what would you know, watching across me there's to getting us through dave open dish. really giving us food. it is important. i said with them board. is it you with us? 3? is it expensive? because especially when it scheduling and when you say it was just because i just
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was done, you meet the coming, you've got seen the good kid with plastic printers, right click on near the sofa, generally prod, assume the move onto the most of the most, which is the new but you need to complete that. now you can look up it, the more people are reducing it off because just a moment, but it isn't the mobile though, and you've got to remote in us new blankets and you've got the list of what are those that deal and what we suggest of levine lexical shows, liberty, and really all the due date. i know you to see is that all of us are seeing that we still in the system. nobody else gets most of those probably body of sports that gets guides in your body needs so politically and it goes to some model road zone to me. i'm city months here with somebody's not sion we'd be awarded. that'd be a bit what those guys do is i've nobody in, in the most of the most i did. so the bookstore. but i usually have a senior where the splendid and sale of show kind of a pretty little boy and we are part of the day cuz it's splendid. and yeah, i would think it was toward as good as literally almost the impression of what the store to discuss. i've completed that in a to what the,
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what that's pending. and he's just an interesting couple of unable of all the news, the question inconvenience around a little bit about the costume or what but all the way you would use it was almost beside the way in the us the modem, which had got them. i might be listed most of them up on the on what kind of what you guys need in finance. cuz that also dealing with those not feeling good at your thoughts. you're good at the submarine. so you can do a couple of them with when you have some preliminary minute thursday they woke up still the way when you think that the pleasure wish there's something was coming up like i've saved. so basically with that the was your opinion spinning me over to any kind of real criminal image. so i'm working on a quote from us, what i'm coming in, what potential for you've no idea and i'm not supposed to publish it despite them. oh gosh, what we should thoughts on was not bringing much points and do more of them. but watching us, i'm going to get was if you was here, because always with us there. so solution which in the x ray machine that you're
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suspended in the opinion we would say is that it could bet them pertaining in a system running a score. and that's the one with whom put it in here. when they even took the course thrust mist estimates of google to pretty much that's spoken to and it took them without them. any other guns? i mean, uh, we have the air and those are used to go as i'm in the video. and if it is your new tag, you're coming up with a sort of secluded across the room for either person, someone to present worry about them that a shed is supposed to go around with it. so give me just a minute. who is this old lady? so if you want to see the bill 2 minutes, cuz when i see the spending their juvenile like rivers, the incredible proportion only my
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turn now to the latest on russia's presidential election. well, well, at least turned it up the the several days that's on the way that that's what this to the what, so from us better say and what income uptake is there a little? i don't, but i did some let us or does that somebody else from the musket skin, but the young, i'm a or somebody from the judge in the nozzle. i am a young life and i see that's going. so i want to get out of them a spin off, both of them. the muskets give them my wife's name and then you'll know that i see, i mean to go there for him without the life of thought. but the last little chest and you're out. i said it's on the spot while i look at on a boston, that's your 5 well over to him to just be away and then the girls get out probably. and
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so within that, 1st of all would be the 1st one that is open and it is because most of them is for those pieces that obviously generic the whole thing enough. but when it comes back as that, i do have 3 people to see if it's easier to see if you've ordered some of the some of the semester. when we come back up on the good, i know that god, i want them by feed them. uh, the way to move forward with the last time we didn't go, i'm not sure i'm what i'm asking you about the audience. so that the basic out that you, one of us, why would they a solution to your mom for mine? similar when we missed it with a fish, i'm pretty sure when i bought that period, i would finance a position to national by itself. so you should this will be to the shipper to wait
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and sweet theme. told them if i did so with the news this less than in the but i went to meet, you might be to 0 in the me or whatever. okay. monique, you only dean. yes. hello. hello, a bar across from us. let me just see if i will start when i get here. uh, kind of a says, i do show for this for the pressure, it's opposite when it comes out comes up so that i have orient, most of them are empty, wash and stuff like that. to my mind it's okay. that was a lot of the kind of was more of us on you today. oh, i'm us my way. it's a lesson by itself is much more. what's your me saying if i were to do to for me, is that to book girl? do you have a when you're with i do as though supervision in your job. you should use your boss get her to do a session. was the processing, but i do appreciate you. ready to call us from which bush can go off shift. you're
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calling about a customer who in the most of the level who seems to so that's the less you don't wanna to numerous. so you know, the stories might you over the phone, choose something as a whole bunch of little sort of mind because somebody should be able to show the go stay on the slide. the way you really do seem to get the meals that quote because they might be more of so for us, lovely wouldn't let me go. i appreciate the performance of the insurance, the individual on board. but this is josh, how somebody's down to the stand and the some folks himself visit us on the 1st on the glass list. yeah. um. well,
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what is your name uh comes up uh, east one s o s, pharmacy sherry, but i guess he gave me this is what he a few warranties. uh see to somebody in the system as far as your property or for your family scarlet stuff. i you slow motors to if you took with most of the them we usually you put them with the 5 years of religion. much through the news with them. look with us. just touched and i'm gonna switch that to you. i promise you tell me it's a more new, but most, most of us must have money to that. this isn't the best most serious now i'm from boy. and so i did more so i'm not gonna email it by monday. sorry. well,
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you know, i to see those kinds of ceiling. they're getting on the little chairs. are you able to go to that subsidy? all right. and the sooner you place them on the shapes a little bit say, you know the best. i'm gonna say somebody must assume involves the cost raise it. let's see. we've done a quick bear who, the, what's the reason, the reason that the most you by monday if i'm good on that, those are the positives from the government. sure. so the bottom one, yes. to plug this one that is only going to be the way to the point, much hope to be to and i guess i don't learn more about the initial set up on your things. i'm going to jump on the google stuff from you. i'm hoping to click on file, but we'll start off. i don't want you to do that. and if i find it definitely part
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of what's being real quick. like i said about something that are placed on how much less dispatch is mr. so we'll, we'll just entered and i want you to star somebody moves the underscore, somebody in a solution that to the yeah, idea. so is that your story with the wash is it is media russell, is that all you know what it's called? i don't. so i don't know if they don't say as the reason why these are both. is this the same to you? literally at ocean's the shift, the name of those keywords palatable, that's the national, assuming link or the theme or where you're so busy the name of the dentist, i'm open you boy, i can use it pretty much though. is this such as much as the queen treasures in regards to and there's a couple of go, it has 3. anybody use me specially or something? she has one sheets of the 2. okay. when you have the equipment, it was going to be on the payment to start from. and you puzzle what it does is it was get so much more of an issue waiting for the same vehicle and uh from it that
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i'm with the initial unit. this has been with the thing with this have total software for some of them. it's almost a, it's an interest with structure. so again, with different, i'm with that on distance and in a back a long way. nothing. which is i'm going to come to him is a pitch i mostly way in the past and get away right now they're gonna start from continuous thing is commercial capital. i'm going to start from seeing the, you mean like a couple of them. all that stuff will depend on we split the you or the way one of the so you're going to live disclosure stuff only initially. i think a lot of that stuff. it says meal link on. yes. let me try that in the east coast with the costly stuff those cars to even though it's not possible. or there's no other religious cars? no. and i i to huddle shaded plus. tasha, i took squares if you are to because i stop buying energy, which means that off most it's from which notes i don't know. but of course the course that up here doesn't say should be
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a if it doesn't probably it will. usually when you know more is not the course that alpha nancy and this one. this is tasha. let's see that. so it's kind of us my the tim must have glosser uh, origin in up. and i also check on the new solution with the dumpster with an s on the special insurance i was with the dealership. uh, the most simple. i would have to punch in name and some of the shipping label possible for portraits. i feel like you're watching and the part is on a scale. oh yeah, of course the whatever the much more store correspond them to. yes, the store is more because i was all the stuff around here just what possible to push cool. i'm going to add to those cool. so that's how i say it's an outside employee and appeared room. one is a budget who's it's not moving as it was without flour. and if it's an investment,
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natural gas mower, and i'm with the kind of the land corner of the the wood disposable is the bushes which will cover it. so it's just about a little switch in your 6th grade. you would have them bring the transport chain. so i can ask them that you do that with by the 5th, that's what look under them. and they give him a say some of those fellow across the street to the from is that coming up on in a positive provided for them? if it is, i wouldn't scroll down to look for an extra class with a little couple of my science and security. yeah, i've got them as of late and because they're less of a large motor switch in your class, i just read them at school for you. just want to make sure it's what is most of your day is going to kind of what i want. uh,
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excuse me. so at the moment it's always nice, beautiful, but you have it in the background so far. uh. so what gives me 2 is the most to partner with like if they meet us posted in of the appropriate moses. so the reason for the smells was only a bunch of but it was to yourself and as always, i just was curious of if it actually is still showing us solve some sort of system . the baskets almost always has the cardboard. not finding the items to so we use a walker from across the board, almost the bugs website with the cornerstone, we'll see it from you and put my teeth on the cab. take a look and see what. so the 1st person i pronounced of
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a sort of the circle you pretty much to make are going to be 0 to the probably the most part you think you're going to go up, but i'm glad to see much we're able to get the most over. but you to, oh, i'm still present of the jacob sort of force page. probably beach wasn't even longer dealing with the thought of shifting tomorrow. and he was hoping you, this is the single day. i'm from a wellness. thank you for hard on last. the, as i'm pulling orders of sense of fidget all like a product cup of suppressed scorpio bug, you might have multiple steps, movies. it used to be me, but if any scenario that they cannot die to grab it at the pages or do you have any continuous now? no place to store baseball, even up a tow company really showing you the one that you want to get started from a deal to short study. those teach us. it's a kind of a full chat. know what's going on with the thought to let me know somebody send them to us the
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the sure i'll show you my on site assume i push the most reasonable assignment that i've worst the history. i see the pretty much the memories to what you're setup with the exclusively about that, but i'm spirit. so these things that lives in madison, their civilization with us, but at the time we're still we used to somewhere stopped. associates and the name of the company gave me is that opened by and how much time we have much time requirements. i'm not sure but right them, we're just just right and it was i man, it shuts off the positive. so now just take a minute with the history semester and everything and it's got much you're gonna have to probably look at the rid of the money and do that. you attempted to fix that amount.
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apache sat there for the show and then it will be a job to fluffy because of a dish. uh, international law for the defense of the supplement is such a button and not to mention in person. once. did you lose it asked for that? if i said the media and let it be focused on you to reason, can you say the b service it'll be presented? it was working monday morning to work it on stimulus the industry on is it? what's money? the file says the, the short story and former shots, monuments of we have good guy started over the decision to my now. and what was that man was the ones that ridiculous problems i put in the midst of them one today and but you know, so that's what it is that you want to set. i'm sure those are pretty sharp. june was on page 2 to for. she's kim, those are the best do what i mean? there's a, there's
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a problem pressure the but they must realize that the van fireball is ending. the very clear message right there from vladimir, put in a warning west student, it leaks about the shifting balance of power in the world, a district and his wide raging interview ahead of this week's presidential election . although as prime minister threatens local politicians who it 10 to the will use festivals in southern russia with sanctions that somebody the russians struggling and mold over the cost that balance and the presidential election as the pro d u government applies pressure. the kind of violence of spirals on the streets of haiti can you stop fits plan to spend
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security forces to the car.


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