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tv   Documentary  RT  March 13, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EDT

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the, the stock of just close, that was what you just keep dice. good exposure. somebody. well maybe she would lead me up there just so it was. yeah. at the so when you get serious talking about a funeral issues, those and this part of the stuff you could always junior can it's just not there was no. okay, who's boys on you got the got a she thought this was the yes but i'm usually up dish cost you the physical chicago as much as to and they were coming to work. i'm good at your thoughts. cool, because like when the way, what do you mean you show them on this website is great. just different from language systems quite the way up, cedric uses can i'm going to pursue that kind of saw the most. are you able to get any boys or some store frontier secure? sure they're clean, pass. all those lights on the i'm doesn't was like was it was
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a live feed. it's biased, gave us all the way we used to be. everyone's pages. we've got to go pork as i knew the shipping me just as good for me. she has and we'll just by seems really additional while i'm with them. one of the spice during the day me was i'm go to frontier, putting a special up on chest to ship. it's just difficult the only thing. okay, so the push in terms of dish collusion. can you much store store it got stuck on body after you're stuck? with me just one, i'm going to use the idea that us use based you're going to get all can only provide you with us model to spec to come with the reason this is angela jeremy. just good. the last of the boat just wanna insure it. uh, is there a note here to put it in your will? your, uh is, this is the mission need in the queue. receptionist said he doesn't have a good the only thing and that on a couple there's a medium call with a junior. are there any questions or concerns i let's, or is this used to plus the function you used to me,
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but i need to know it's not clear is the speech. what's it does to me that asked and if it was titled, or there was an incident that was to move, create a, here's the which way you may see something that i'm used to come to, the stella or the school k that's for you. you know, the constructive. yeah. and the also briney. my store. yep. are you doing the search the approximately did you own examples use of declared hold folders nimble up. would you mind economically? only step up and then you have a minimum of a unit and nobody's condition finished. i'm sick that national moment. you don't go . it is to this one going the stage to get away at the 5 just as read me. any of those are 2 such them together to make these eat lunch or was this beautiful? yes, look at the issue that goes, we're still kind of with a cool little chest really located at the corner of the judge. chris, is that you still on the printer just to see if it was the
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reason why i thought that way. ok here. so let's just put them to bludgeon, easy to see the new to appear to see need them easy of clean and loyal internet and some amazing you touch book you need as a person. i mean, you look at the raleigh with them. yeah, i just told him not necessarily because we knew she was looking at people and they are coming down to pretty much to me is this is this, they are not possible. even there's probably some to hold on just doing this as an adult. you know? probably need to consider what some of them are, both of you deal with the you just seem to be sort of go irish, but then we get to the ease know core and associates. i mean yeah. so so it's a scenario is a step pushing it, well there's much room for the move, you know, it's a good fit to go to some of them they have now. um do you mean just look for stick, appraise. yeah. so you can use the dump, those are pretty spend a little box, especially with the sources. and how's the minutes of cleaning lloyd at the door telling me that i really need to explain your lessons that they should have
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a lot to do this. they just said it was, go comma a. so what do you mean to the, to the so when you quoted, you see it's a 2 people to city. you can implement the screw it up a supplier is uh no data movie does share folders and you just use disclosure, which the decisive longer use the 0. so you need to, you need to do is just the commercial. i don't really need to some fashion. you will still pump technology interest lower on across when you're available. meaning as boston, you the opportunity to apply to have an example of what i thought so, so slight. and then what i do the docs that are try. yeah, i would use annual the ups store to quote, but for some years a she thought see of course. yeah. i seen you a couple personal side was all the stuff with extra credit. i've seen the kids like the more via that work. somebody different prices to reduce coupled
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or more in the corners. those couple of new went into your garza number's up cuz i've, i've seen it before and as an add on senior cossick major from a couple of the other one. yes. some of the thoughts to me as soon as we tell him over to i didn't miss legislative acosta to attend the menus on my lease, but that is on the date, but it doesn't have the gas cool kind of a helium, which would be nichols always let them show, so someone needs this evening and eventually so to keep an eye with the process to . yes, but i like the positive is to can stories give me just going up. i was talking to screening. looks like you're going to see more than 3 using us in white screen. uh, so when you put them in front of god or move what and you discussed cuz now i'm so that's not really not fornia as listing the look at me, but i'm not the island states loyalty a actually it's us, let me go to somebody else who is going to go up another step into my store. it doesn't go any more than that. i was paying for the most to most of them. but as an existing services team, it's kind of, you know, long enough to just sort of get inside and switch them around the corner,
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the noise, not just the pain which cause wouldn't have any change in just a brief minute just to show and show some of them so i couldn't really pull that up . what time was the name of younger with almost a deep ended up with as to that bus. the m a syllabus goes to dispute the university motors for me. yeah. because if i, you've seen so you might solve them when you have any move in the so when you, when does your, does it? let's go, i have a windows consent in which the my that, that's the building you bring up i do on those polos and put the most to about the to do i have to do with the we just, i'm steve know way better and you have still some far that was things that you might as of on just on more of the which, but as unit those to the most, i need the paternity gets in the
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machine. so i don't want to another pretty much the need to get pointed. we'll talk to you, what do you have to say automatic attempt to brownwood? it's been so i know just was beside the way in that good. absolutely. well there's now they made me the new ways to do the corporate side with them. i just gotta let know, isn't that what some of those guys are smaller, but are they to if you have new blood and to keep them in as long as they are. but those are in your team. we emailed them, couple of you will jump through the, which is probably to here's to play with with the sort of thing the go what it was . the certainly is the tournament police most of the way. and if for those then you have to find out what the show was supposedly i suppose to which you guys can give me as much to assume in uh, my name. and i will check with you if you can. thank you. mostly, uh, ocean ocean which of course not the question was still coming is coming up by you for the loaner being way somebody was in the, the store and use us any which we have, which i think was something. uh, cuz i wanna go to please. yeah. if you want, there is no good or is one. yeah. as well. nice to can you just my senior and we finish amazon, the ones who am i think the, the way it works, the by central store to come to the coast with. i mean your to come on. uh tiffany:
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keep it there cuz we're going to introduce the new you guys in the series. yours board squared was in 0. last i thought only a new one or the 0 or the forest for a living isn't an actual procession with a little more than one mobile phone. but this phone background of video you've bought. so we're almost done in the boys to continue to get a look at so any of the carpet, schumann yesterday, but listen was super rainy. i'm just letting you know by 12 percent you just finished to buy it clicked into let supervisor guides with plans for some reason. it does run and switch was on his phone. he pushed up and you did the show multiple for sure. kind of a little less of a zip code showing down the up things when didn't you look what you little about shot for what creature can you on last little bit about tasha level credit and we usually get them but i said before so it was more yeah,
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but it wasn't showing up in the me, so i was just while i'm in see the is there a list of the 4 of them was because when you was a letter on it, come with us. why, why man, more than the visits more lovelace missing by little down into the, for the full, like leave, it will be especially trash way in the conflict and most this will them put them on my schedule as long as you've done those and see you to let them go daddy's at the nickel guy at the sooner and the at the post. i bought them as soon as i said to him with his cards, always go to the bus, which is your car, can i? so it's like you said was subtracting, come conflicts a and you want us to notice that as of you checking on the both is not blogger price even closer to millions. a look at them sooner. i mean, it's only just a few minutes. i just need to come to the store, let's see. and you fall into the payment in spite of that. but then you mean that
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point and you put it out of control, you dump them because only thing i see in the yeah, bring those back during a mazda to enough. you use the money. these really is over in the course of the cook with on you have someone some sort of to choose the point to store on us a couple other things. that's a cool deal with the 3 months later. so he looked at his most loan and then you're going to use company. yes. he went to the store, there's in the mountains because when it comes to them with signing with the lease, to become your facilities to them or what are the 3 wars and that's what i'm interested ultimately prior. now now was on us to show us kind of what was going on with these times actually when yeah, supplemental insurance you have covered prior to uh, the move uh the 2nd day she and i say it gets switched. it was, i mean stick with no more than the step so young to be in. yeah. me see when it says subsidy and it will miss that on the minus almost. uh yeah. with them switch it to the person with name without them any of them, you just gather some for guys to
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fill out for the nation. i mean, i'm not supposed to put some of the enhanced because of the around the my gave cute i'm going to have to do that. it was a lot of them wasn't microsoft scales, there's commercial netapp and as well as i'm older and those are more at the phone, keep them keep it and it just keep these little so much on the doors to those i. she's the one that associates apply that now school go, but i'll show up my score. so of course, as i said, knew by now you know that yeah. who, you know pretty positive of what is going to have by the machine. yeah. but just know the amount of people of color that it was a little emotional, but it was a few different ways of those little but almost mobile school and scale. also he made simple, does i live in with by the world? a mental bloodstone push lucy, this is isaac engineer. i'm still of our government listening. uh medina, just because i'm one of the middle east is on a partial desk. all come in. we live in the city of we'll go ask you, i'm good of really if i were to some uh such any pets and you can just take uh some coffee quite enough to see new york the nice for the meals,
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the roof dunlab bu to are the most beneficial for us? no, no, i was just on the toys. uh and would this really agreed? yeah. what i'm doing is look up a note of at the polio and the non on you have some of us we, we, you the item number doesn't you do when you don't store the place and your thing is not, and you get to or will number that was the present show, and then us the book, or put signal. so what do you need? my thing, which mutually so creative a mutually sing that she, you know, splunk, i'm leaving it, send them to store coconut from that list list. i was more than i suppose to us by corners, each senior, the media gets me but also has more than i see these products from the division of this much. what does on a table of installs for us. i hope all is good, but it wasn't me 0. tell me to do them over here because it's not the best i can use it. i'm is mostly with them using with the other day. so the 1st page is where
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there was the prospect ended up just the nice for something minimal. the which ones will go. his name is sort of the see. what's the difference use? uh huh. well, let me put you on hold. we have proof of the process here to bottle it as much as it goes from this issue. please tell me, you know what it was and i'm fine. it's cool with this thing until the fire. it's cool and it's always cool. boston into foreclosure, staying the sort of the last the no no i to the e beautifully. so that was the issue. um what was your 1st impression of the
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vehicle to watch if is the old? yeah, that's absolutely new left while you're here. let me use for explaining you. the reason you promised to pick one up, one of those will be interesting if there's no toyota theater says manual at this level of they are for someone to look at it for us to do that. which more than you are and your, your name does the process to you because there seems to be a stressful scenario. so let me know if these computer store uh will develop the the
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the idea as well and sort of for your home. and yeah, what is amazing and you can get that and then goals and national by and then you football motion with the regular one of the one you'll still processional and bundle which we're going to sort of. i'm not be able to. it's a good thing. occlusal from the but i'm so glad you have pretty good washing away usually by here for the, for you, for the we agree to sign you at the nucleus slope by your name. well then you can guess on the washing and he won't be snatched. but the book could hear what then on the mistaken get upset. stick moment is the only thing you want the, but it literally does senior does the bills room, but i'm gonna stop arguing, kirk,
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but i love police. they obviously that's a question i've, i've called the witness list night, add them some other guy, extra money in the pictures or so i'm going to put the condition them all by you level for the post, which is only a smoke snow to push the stuff and go play also see that were similar to them. so in the system i can use of such the former will go into the golfing assume by silent listening. mouse or full class was over here. or if the computer still alley . okay, let me know by the phone book somewhere, especially remember the book and about to pretty much close to me enough to do step up off, slim and skimming, and then start off. so i'm leaving the i to be in the middle. so social dance, and i'm looking for school nonsense as well, but they don't, they must not spear isn't above that tumble overall, which interest in us. so we can learn as much in that way as an initial year to which is that is that spindle, little the city of to court the commission. yeah. nature still took additional,
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get them to get on hold again with cassandra for nothing else. to push on the show is nice conditions are looking at human us on you who are sure you're supposed to have to push the semester. and it should only show like a window behind if the and i look forward to pick up a is the desk and i knew it was my thoughts pressing it. that's still a little or if we can let them know that the device of the hollow bones, if you hear me, i'm only a wish to hear from a whole post. so i need to quit this because the for now to i'm okay. so step of what the 0 folks time for us to we spoke on yesterday and i, you know, so i thought i knew that. so trust me a couple of days didn't even william russell's issue was always declared value for funded plan. you know, i'm the one listed each single coordinator, but the move similar to some that i have. so you could say, i would suggest that the boy sitting the pretty much think doesn't look because of stuff, but the study is the best available pro. some are good to finish this when with the
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claim was presented to the newest class given us based on you see what's in the many 100 only not this is lisa in with them of this very soon as form was filled up with them. we use them, me stories like some of the guys, but that most of them stand the whole the don't use them so clean that pushing. assume that most skills type of thing with the casing and keep up on books from doesn't either send out. is that what the degree? that's the way. what is it saying, even though it's very easy to hi, you've done the things you've been said, which just to give sure nobody knew the one up with them suffice. oak and the loss vehicles good. the cost on bone skin are you and so you wouldn't use this thing, you know? so we did these take students to go to. these are some of the requirements in that case. so if i give, should we keep us with tamika at the beach? let's choose gillex on because
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a lot of skeptics on the golf. cool about the peer. when you basically, if i see what looks the bus will bus that he will or the voice, because as soon as they should stay on, that's about, i bought a sample for the payment. but the dining room basically bus my deeply. what's chased about this has to move in at the block was a couple of weeks before they seem to be it's in front of me. yes. i think some of that if somebody would couple things, but there just seems like it's a little afraid to push through all the was sit in the village. no. the i it school. right. school parent to fix football kinds of which became a process, although it's actually very steep to the team wants to get the tv is still living here and people are what's it all? and basically what went to annual, another one in a way, much and another. we see that kind of stuff and we've got to enjoy your putting up reading was due by moisture must go to go over family main assessing. yeah. so yeah, let me go ahead and put in an issue as to who, why don't we put them in the us and have them done. they might minutes move to
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publish any more. that gets almost almost doubling, not the big get them. i think that's a little bit, i'm still hard on you and i am glad you're with them because they're going to be not rich as long as the timing fees. obviously it's something that you said that the way you system that, but that was a joy cuz we beat them on site. the metal might not know, but i think, you know, once i get them, is this a mean sort of the security is 0 or 2 months on the 4th at the dot it, those are leasing. yeah. we used to bring in ways of store at the level of support for us, and we're still more so. so who's the to greatest and theaters? i mentioned some more stuff done with this last night. it's remember seducing which studies the modem as a country we're going to do, or some other that somebody met or a sanctioning the puts it up to the lady doing going to be seal dusty or so no additional pro submit. unless colquitt, the pride in the history was that it's private and they love it or send them, they need it. so someone let you know, discuss it with the blockage. i have to look those over to think about pro, so in the present area,
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but weeks to that i'm going to be in the area of because if we can't because it will, it's just the way to lead them to avoid that. because we would have to block on all kinds of good and slow, but what you're using instead of the thing is they don't send any because the way they gave you should. but then we spend, that's a plus field on what's the zip code that the me a subsidy over the southern way. see if to commercially or do you think it is across the vs. them close, which came out of the gate. but of that, i was a lot of the for to me directly up the mazda, but in the must of, you know, which, because i checked keeler, which is that each of them was just a plus the size of the young. and i'm with the dog actually a couple of the most of the what i do want that it's invisible nick, other look at the saw me. this is something with most of it was pretty much the
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content of the mission that they need only to keep the session that opens things to. i don't want to know that the formula put me on the way because obviously i want to kind of, i a pretty health tons of vignettes come and use them as a board sounds i presume it was last night. i think it was like you're welcome to frame or if you have already met him, oh if you to, if when you my us. so we have us guys open us. what's your place to store? what can i mean? yeah. across the next it the 2nd item used as an up send us the book, problems more or less tier to blindly got on video at those points. they might. so you're going to try it with a tool that goes to us and they caught that. i know i couldn't imagine you're set off on that. so, because of that, if you look at the mazda was that of those tickets, i'm losing my decides, go against the, the, those, no steps, but here's what you want to get on with them. so let's see, here's the new months a couple years ago, which should, because i'm not sure if i told her i don't watch a bit of the watch a nipple guy. dyslexia. no, it's thoughts drive a lot of upside with my teams assembly school you, i'm listening. what about
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a paragraph? so is your own, you know, the size of the show? how do you spell? can you start a marxist clock? so let me just the story that correspondence allows me to go into the team lou, the prior. no, we still have that. i'm going yeah. you're welcome. so let's see, you got the model. so i'm going to do simple homework, which i showed you. also, it looks like it, frost on top of the videos that you see on the slide is the mean is this will all be reduced is am touch base with me as well. i mean, if i don't know what else though, so the channels have caused the exposure of the charges and i use but i'm just telling me some time i don't stamp any my 1st with a what blower the more about the plan is that part of me then i shall be use the resume smallwood letters. i seed me through the pushed for the past couple quite a below shut off on. but the one is just the little nipple, but i said,
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don't you come this year? because you said, what do you still have, you will exceed these deal of to me on special's been the listing. the way you all know the just around the corner that when you see if i use it because it is kind of, i mean watch and little nicholas the i bought a new engine with now clause gets a little cheaper the way in which you look on the getting pretty now, and i need children to use that to me. you know, just to verify that that was the most economical way to, to publish them by a start selling it to us of course are still that's a split thing. you who we use more simple become what to do because we, she'd love you mostly she actually, when you put the, the limit on what to say is in a town. let me know if somebody's doing any of the, extend the bramblewood. say if i should say it is personal, i'm was it a city is a, a sort of same goose and what vehicle you need to put them to bill i get it will
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store it when you talk silver. um let some of sort of those little boys couple in board of this to them collaborative. so because that will give me a scope as low as it is, is playing with also allows lead formula to save it from a guy session. so as i thought she was like it was, and when you go and maybe just grab it and you can go and you need to, as i need, that's the soonest. the course that's by it. the most today is the political situation one year. but then installed for the case in the nation. so the war and you say what? and yet the money as a jump is this on the a, it's a really what's and he's saying he has an, as a general his, this the but i'm going to be sure because because my order so that you thought you can learn everything and play with this thing moving the stuff out to the nurse. so that way
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we just for, to pull from $12.00 to $1.00 of those guys to particularly get just get as low as just b as a one year before the police credits will show up as quite a full simply, as i said. so a new processor, and i'm going to know for warranty. okay sir, what's the, what's the, what's the width of what you think was an issue? it's of the film don't like i can ask the ordering of the 90 and the problem with imagery. my answer that i was that your, as i'm sure it's and the organs related something globally emotionally mosque was the cause of the crash, which will go with him, you know, which it's not just, i'm afraid to sit down way and salute you. margaret, seem way and release. kendra today is my former photo before the thursday. what semester? christina julie peters are wine. yeah. upside with an idea of them as a nation. you have come states that for you we. jason will build. that's what it used to try a piece of the work for the day and was using the goods partners to wish and buy something you much them so spoke to him. and so what i saw,
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you sort of california noted states and they seem yet to come on don't instead of most of those to some document, don't mind seem to get a huge scale what they're still doing and they're still upset. go down. yeah, here's a solution we have, we showed us pretty who we want them to show, but that's pretty a whole couple. we as on the most looked almost the same kind of nice. it's not this to so stylish. oh, don't, don't go to the wish. now, of course, explanation, look, oh good. it was what the, me, any protest, the closest cool of the school is really sick, is go away, you know, uh, a bunch of stores, you know, the passcode excuse me in the facility. and i said to me and we moved, you just open a new stroke, 5 percent off at the district center. but he is in your present way, rich back we will turn up their cost by more than waiting for them. are you so much less than waiting, waiting for me to put on those issues? i have to deal with those guys. additional companies, when you know some of them don't have to join the
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the every spring and summer, the melting optics move reveals abandoned machinery, millions of rusty barrels, and the detroit as left by human expansion into this most inaccessible of territories. yes, i used to move forward to a customer on both of us for some of the doors at the post the beach as an issue. calling to us from clean optic travel to highest island home to the biggest opponent station on the front of joseph land occupied the go. diarra,
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they asked me for it. i was and i was or more you have to do should. so it means if you have, would it be over when we see lots of money and i'm familiar with this, i'm gonna stay on the lowest. i've left so much you feel like a marriage from a serial number. see mean membership. when you to of kept on, i don't see, i don't know, boys of female, it please join me at that of the optic pioneers main objective was to explore and come kind of these harsh lands. they had no time to think about waste management now and, and they could see could remain for centuries. that's my of my choice. the. so it's pretty at because your system is a multiple and you don't want it to include. i have to deal with the official the, according to joe buying america's most pressing challenge is the survival of the cam. regina is all the countries problems are larger. the 2nd, the problem with finding an all those things support the plane project is about the
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phrase is already the, but they must realize that the van fireball is ending. very clear message right there from the russian president vladimir putin. the warning western leads about the shifting balance of power in the world, sort of this during his wide, raging interview ahead of this week's presidential election. moldova is prime minister threatens local politicians who attended the world, used for him in southern russia, with sanction estimate the russians struggling in moldova to cost that balance and the presidential election as the pro d. u. government of guns apply pressure the time does. violence is fire running on the streets of hazy can you stop sits plan to send security.


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