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tv   News  RT  March 13, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the, they must realize that the them fireball is ending. it's a very clear message, right? the from the russian president vladimir putin, a warning west student elite about the shifting balance of power in the world. this during his wide range of interview ahead of this week's presidential election. although but as prime minister threatens the local politicians who attended the will do with festivals and southern russia with sanction of somebody, the russians struggling and multi but just simply cost that dollars to the presidential election. as the pro e u government does apply pressure that does violence and spirals on the streets of haiti, can you stop this plan of sending security forces to the carrier be
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a nation basically saying there's no political authority left to coordinate within the country the and we are pushing back on the predictable main street narratives and getting you your news on sense. this is ok. so russia is gearing up for it's presidential election and you know, 1st it will be held over multiple days. posting stations officially opening on friday. here at out. see, we will be across the election every single step of the way, with all special coverage the, the, and the head of his are weeks upcoming presidential elections vitamin food and folks with tv host and ceo of russia is the largest media group that meets the custodial of the individual cover
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a wide range of topics from domestic issues to foreign relations and frank t, as usual, susan did not hold back. let's show you some of the highlights then you're going to go to from a military technical point of view. of course, we already, we have troops in a constant state of combat readiness. it is also a universally recognized thing. our nuclear triad is more modern than any other triad. and only we in the americans actually have such a triad. we have advanced much more here. ours is more modern, the entire nuclear component, but this does not mean that we should measure ourselves by the number of carriers and warheads and those who need to know. i repeat experts specialists and the military. they know it well. they are now setting the task of increasing this modernity and they have plans to do so. we are also aware of this. they are developing all their components. and so are we. but this does not mean that in my opinion, they are ready to unleash this nuclear war tomorrow. if they want to,
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what can we do? we are ready to you mean you miss simpson's good. you've got to you. we do not interfere in any kind of elections, and as i have said, many times we will work with any leader who the american people, the american vote, will give confidence to. but here's what's interesting. even during the last year of his work as president, mr. trump, today's presidential candidate, reproached me for precisely the fact that i was sympathizing with vitamin. this was more than 4 years ago. he told me so in one of our conversations. sorry, i'll say it like he did. these are his direct words. you want sleepy joe to when he told me this when he was president. and then to my surprise, they began to persecute him because we allegedly supported him as a candidate. well, it's some kind of complete nonsense. as for today's pre election situation, it is becoming increasingly uncivilized. i would not like to give any comments on this matter,
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but it's absolutely clear. i think it's obvious to everyone that the american political system can not claim to be democratic in every sense of the word most of which, if we return to macro and maybe he just started to take revenge on russia by making such statements for the fact that we stepped tony's tail in africa bots. we had to stand there and be afraid the property didn't expect us to be so active that no, no, no, we're still. yes. i think there is some resentment. but when we were in direct contact with him, we spoke frankly enough about this issue. we did not meddle in africa and we did not squeeze france out of there. the problem is different. the well known wagner group 1st carried out a number of economic projects in syria, then move to other countries in africa. the ministry of defense provide support, but only on the basis that it is a russian group. nothing more. we did not squeeze anyone out,
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it's just that the african leaders of some countries agreed with russian economic operators. they wanted to work with them. they didn't want to work with the french in some respects, as it was not even our initiative, it was the initiative of our african friends. it is not clear why we shouldn't be offended in this regard. if an independent state wants to develop relations with its partners from other countries, including russia, it wants to develop relations with russia. we did not do anything with them, the former french colonizers. i even say this without iron a, because in many countries where france has historically been a metropolis, they don't really want to deal with them. it has nothing to do with us. perhaps it's more convenient to take offense at someone without seeing your own problems. maybe such a sharp, rather emotional reaction on the part of the french president is also connected with what is happening in some african states. although i know other african countries where they are calm about the french remaining there and say that yes, it suits us. we are ready to work with them,
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but in some countries they don't want to. it has nothing to do with us. we are not instigating anyone. there. we are not setting any one against france. we do not set ourselves such tasks. to be honest, we don't have any such statewide national tasks at the level of the russian state. we are just friends with them. that's all you know. the yeah, i don't feel like i'm some sort of masters of the world's destinies. believe me not even close. i am simply doing my duty to russia and to our people who regard to russia as their homeland. as for other countries of the world, it is very closely related to how we are treated around the world. this is interesting. it is such a phenomenon that's for sure. what i would like to draw our attention to many people in the world look at us at what is happening in our country and in our struggle for our interests. this, in my opinion, is what is important. why is this happening?
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not because we are formerly members of bricks or we have some traditional relations with africa. that is also important that the point in my opinion is quite different . the point is that this so called golden billions, where he has been practically a parasite on other nations. for centuries, 500 years, they've been tearing apart the poor peoples of africa. they've been exploiting latin america and they've been exploding the countries of asia. and they certainly haven't forgotten that i have the feeling that it is not even the leadership of these countries, although it is very important. but the ordinary citizens of these countries feel in their hearts what is happening. they associate our struggle for their independence and true sovereignty with their aspirations for their own sovereignty and independent development. but this is compounded by the fact that the desire to freeze the existing on just state of affairs and international affairs is very strong. in western elite, they are used to feeling their bellies with human flesh and their pockets with
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money for centuries. but they must realize just that the van fireball is ending. the big part of this was discussed on domestic issues, social issues, and budget issues. but of course, the ukraine conflict is the number one thing on people's minds going into this election. so there were many questions on not particularly the talk a piece thoughts now putting reiterated that russia has never stepped away from peace talks or negotiations. but when the west and nato have broken, every single promise they made from the men's good courts to nato expansion and other things, russia will now need rock solid security guarantees to move forward. not no good as we have been promised many things. the problem is not to expand nato to the east, and then we see them at our borders. they promised if we do not delve into history, the internal conflict in ukraine will be resolved by
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a peaceful political means. as we remember, 3 foreign ministers came to kiff, poland, to germany, and france, promised that they would be the guarantors of these agreements. a crew took place a day that, that they promised to fulfill the men's agreements and then publicly stated that they were not going to fulfill these promises, but only use the break to arm the regime in ukraine. we have been promised a lot of things. so promises alone are not enough here. just to go to talk about almost like right now negotiating just because they are running out of bullets is kind of ridiculous on our part. nevertheless, we are ready for a serious conversation and we want to result of all conflicts, and especially this conflict by peaceful means. but we must clearly understand for ourselves that this is not a pause that the enemy wants to take from the armament. but this is a serious conversation with guarantees for the security of the russian federation. now put and also said he prefers to deal with realities and facts rather than rely on intentions or conversations because there could be strong consequences on this.
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now regarding the delivery of weapons to ukraine from nato pudding did say that the weapons from the u. s. and the u. k. are already being used, but they have offered no strategic advantages to the other side, nor will they impact the end of this conflict. so we also reiterated that germany's threats of sending taurus missiles were actually a fantasy. and he mock that as well regarding the recent events of the a session of finland and sweden and to nato put in stated that the leaving of neutrality of these nations actually hurt them economically. because now there is obviously not going to be cooperation between the 2, especially finland. but also this is a matter of, of their security and how this could definitely impact that with russia needing more troops. they're perhaps having weapons there. now, most solutions do, but we had quite good relations,
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stable relations with these countries. and i think they benefit more from the fact that they adhere to neutrality because it gives a certain advantage just at least as a negotiating platform in order to reduce tensions in europe. and we generally had perfect relations with finland, just perfect. we didn't have a single claim against each other, especially territorial, let alone, other areas. we didn't even have troops. we removed all the troops from there, from the russian finish border. why didn't they do it? they did that in my opinion because of the only political considerations they probably really wanted to be members of a western club under some kind of umbrella. frankly, i don't understand why they need it. this is an absolutely senseless step from the point of view of ensuring our own national interests. nevertheless, it is up to them to decide they have decided so we didn't have troops there. now we will win a weapon systems there. now they will appear. what for our economic relations were
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very good. they use our market. we bought a lot from them. what's wrong with that? but now the situation will change now and commented on the very important issue that's been discussed earlier all around the world of nato, potentially formerly sending troops into on the ground in ukraine, saying that while there are already 4 in mercenaries and advisors on the ground. if in fact they do send boots on the ground, this would escalate to a geopolitical global conflict that could have global and catastrophic consequences as well. if we're looking at the potential of poland, perhaps sending troops like they've been wanting to, to recuperate land from ukraine, that they lost after world war 2 or france and the crime who has said that they're willing to go in. this could potentially expand globally, but also it shows that this isn't about ukraine, because ukraine would then cease to exist. this is about the expansion of nato. and one of the things to also mark that put in did say,
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was that there is absolutely no substantiated a reason for russia to send nukes in ukraine and use these nukes and ukraine. russia has reason to do that. but he of course, confirmed and affirmed what he's been saying all along. and what many have been saying all along that this isn't, it's a central war for russia, this is life or death, and that's, uh, this is something that, that may not be the case with the west. so these are strong statements to make going into this election. and while rush, i propose to choose this next president, many citizens are already costing their ballots in early voting. for example, russian citizens living are working in order to go back into 5. so they've been able to, well cost the vote at upholding station that open to the russian embassy that also the lighthouse staff of the pacific fleet that costing that vote early in the far east. remote qu real islands, as well as a russian troops who were engaged in the crania and coffee, they were also being given that charge the cost of vote for who will be the next
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president of the russian federation. now of course with proven among the candidates, let's give you background on some of the other 3 contenders. for example, let us love the funk of the deputy chairman of the liberal or into political pa he called the new people. he's a 39 years old. also serves as the russian state to my deputy chairman of the representative for the new people potty says when it comes to the ukrainian conflict. western states are turning a blind eye to the consequences the most up and you have to keep the i have no fascination with the west, but it is important to proceed in relations with the west in europe, from pragmatism and common sense. this pragmatism is that if you can't reach an agreement now, then you need to work with other countries. there are many countries that express their concern about any problem between russia and ukraine, but continue to earn money and work with both countries. there are many such examples, such as india and turk high and in my opinion,
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it is necessary to develop relations with other countries. the world is big. now we have great success in cooperation with latin american and african countries. this cooperation should be continue. this is the key to the future. so the next candidate nikolai had fallen off representing the russian communist party. it says 2nd, the presidential race because he did come in 2nd behind was not improved in, in the election of 2004. and he also chose the state duma committee for the development of the far east and the arctic. and when it comes to a peace folks on ukraine, the politician says that they can only happen when it comes to being staged on rushes to general colored somebody. and you officially given the current public regime and ukraine, which was planted by western europe, i perfectly understand the population of ukraine. they are ready to agree by and large to do anything to stop the fighting film. which recently,
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both foreign minister lever off and the president of our country have repeatedly stated that we are ready to sit down at the negotiating table. but on russia's terms, there is no other option of the presidential contender leaving it. slootsky, the chairman of the russian liberal democratic party politician, which as the state duma committee on international affairs and as a part of his whole the election platform. he's focused on the development of rosters, new territories, as well as a respecting that of citizens rights and providing social guarantees have a list. the step is to address if we describe the russia of the future as we see that it will be a comfortable country where you can not worry about safety driving normal roads without traffic chance and not freeze at home in winter. because the management companies work well, it is a fair country where all citizens rights are respected and all social guarantees are realized where there are no poor people. this is a great country that is respected by everyone in the world. it has formed a new global majority in the world,
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is replacing the anglo saxon regime centered in washington, and putting an end to the dispute over what the world order should be. it will be multi polar. and while the russian citizens are set to choose from full candidates vying for the top position, the mold, dove, and prime minister has tracking local politicians to attend the will do with festivals in southern russia. you sent us could excuse me, threatening. then we'd that have sanctions of this is as russians and mold over are basically well struggling with the cost that balance. so made pro e u government pressure just days before general voting and rushes presidential election. let's learn more right now with our correspondence. here's my issue. it seems that russia citizens living abroad are stripped of their rights to vote in the upcoming russian elections. something that the most open foreign ministry admits default. no, i mean that as a sort of, we have a band holding elections in any place except the embassy. if there are attempts to hold elections in other places,
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these actions will be counter productive because i cannot inform about all the measures we can take. but we will try to prevent actions that contradict mold over sovereignty. so because you refused to normalize relations with the rasa that should imply not allowing russian citizens in your country, their rights doesn't sound so democratic. after all. maguvvin authorities have made it evidently clear that they will stop at nothing, trying to prevent the organization of fully stations for the russian presidential elections. i can see the legal and incorrect to open potent stations in a territory that is not controlled by cation now without the consent of the republic of montvale. russia used to open plots, entrance, nice stuff, but these happen before us that will need human resources. and these people will have to get to us somehow. we need to show a character and act decisively. in other words, trans nestor, an unrecognized republic that split for mobile by 1991, a region under mold,
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open economic blockade. an area that hosts over $200000.00 russian citizens is not allowed to prepare for the elections. weird, although this whole ordeal wasn't always the case. 30 pool, these patients were opened and moved over, including 27 in the, transmits the region for the 2021 russians. they do my elections, which $57000.00 citizens pass and they're both in the whole country, including transmitter to their bodies stations were again opened for the 2018 russian presidential elections, or any $7.00 to $4000.00 boats. so why now? why is that the all of a sudden because police officer is happening either way. so i don't think my son is being asked to do this by washington or brussels. europe has no problem, opening pulling stations for the russian presidential election. i think sounded, wants to please her wisdom to re there's so much that she's trying to create a problem here as well. he's a. c may not be so far fetched,
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considering that the current government has been so keen to chase a membership and therefore embrace its democratic ideals, despite the 9 democracy to russians living in the country. strangely, that's something brussels has during the blind eye to, even though it's always so quick to call out moscow if it views anything irregular in voting there in recent years, moldova has been taking anything recently unfriendly position towards russia is also no secret that the country has stood by kids and it's ongoing conflict with multiple and well rub, insulting to the one i'm above and deputy is essentially china forces russian speak and colleagues to stop using the language so openly as the simplicity of this the end of the today is the 33rd anniversary of the adoption of the declaration of sovereignty of the republic of multiple buttons. and after 33 years, a small part of this parliament discriminates against an independent states the
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republic of montalvo and its official language romanian. but a large number of people speak russian. please tell me how long do you think we will have to wait until this group is with the rest of us? could somebody do you have any mechanism to solve the problem? i have one and it is of an economic nature. however, let's not forget that russian was spoken by a majority of most of us population for a very long time. in 1989 people demanded from old over to legalize watson together with mold oven as a state language. at that point, russian was spoken by almost 90 percent of the country's population speaking russian or being an ethnic russian and moved over is not hot breaking news and especially not interesting to stir. the latter gained a lot of confusion surrounding his status. hence why several elections took place surrounding that topic with the last one in 2006, we're over 97 percent of voters supported the course towards reunification with russia. but we've been increasing pressure from the models and government,
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which trans nister's authority is described as an economic blockade. the region recently requested assistance from russia. russia is still closer to us. our roots are, people are closer than the west. moreover, so much nasty stuff came from there. it's simply seems to me that my us and do is someone's pop it from there. so she does what she is told me version of it is important for me to participate in the russian presidential elections because i have a russian passport. it is important that we have stability in trance and easter, that russia prosper. and that the wars and, and all this instability, all this plays into the hands of the west, and as they are so proud that their rights are protected, they don't defend themselves at all. they have it much worse than us do. much to the west is the west. it is always fed at the expense of someone, and it would be bad for the rest, and they would roll over the rest of the world. but they won't succeed. now there will be
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a re shuffle of the entire world order. we have the most diversion to put them to i think that now those policies to oriented towards the west, the full probably the russian speaking population, both of some kind of ginger people leave before and communicated in this thing. bush and understood each other. therefore, i believe basil needs to leave in peace and harmony. for a spark rushed has stated that it cannot let its citizens in the region be victims of a new responsible plan by the western leaning models and government. some old open leadership is not an independent actor, but just another geo political project promoted by the collective wes, as represented by the united states in the european union. my assigned to in her cabinet, including the newly appointed for administer me. i purposely demonstrate complete obedience to their masters on a daily basis in their doctrinal documents, the western countries refer to the transistor region as
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a hostile pro russian enclave. they are unwilling to resume equitable and settlement oriented contacts with tears. paul, regarding gar got, was the, they have made it clear that regions opposing reproach mt with the you are not eligible for subsidies from the state budget. what kind of democracy is that? this region is home to 200000 of our citizens. we are concerned about their fate and we will spare no effort to make sure they do not fall victims to yet another reckless scheme of the west. transmitter continues to be painted with the image of a threatening and aggressive pro russian region, and that will only lead towards the unfortunate deterioration of the lives of its citizens. most of all, and maybe even another on the conflict between trust, mr. and will delving. authorities applying carefully crafted by the west, in hopes of spiting russia. we've got to start covered with the upcoming russian presidential election. we've also got something um, what were all the special plan for march 15th through the 17th?
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because it's the 1st time the presidential ballot will be held across multiple days . so without correspondence and analyst standing by the world's largest country to join us for our special coverage on this to the so in a rather long are running dispute between canada and india. now, all of a sudden, new zealand has stepped in, the countries deputy prime minister in an interview to the indian express newspaper says there is no evidence that new delhi has any connection to the killing of a hollis, donny activist in a south of vancouver as a trained lawyer, i look okay. so where's the case? where's the evidence? where's the finding right here right now? well, there isn't one set of mine was shot and killed by a pair of gunmen this past june. outside a sick temple is mode. it became the cornerstone of diplomatic tensions in
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a row between new delhi and also now kind of the plane to india for taking it out with the full not pulling the accusation absurd. how deep sydney drew out. it was a leader of the highest on movement. the sinks to establish an independent seat state. it's a sconces and him the title of a terrorist by the indian government. well, that's one more now and across 5 to global future. kind of listening to a major general s b s donna joining us from new delhi, but it's nearly 9 p. m a very good evening to you. so if i don't, if i may just go straight into a new zealand as a member of the 5, i use intelligence alliance along with america, the u. k. australia and particularly kind of the why are we seeing such such statements now from new zealand, one of canada's closest allies, the prime minister of the username, whatever he said is absolutely right. there is no evidence of the statement which should just google me. i was basically because of his father to go come by chance.
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uh and not uh, because on substantial evidence. uh, supported uh, loan, supported by then the uh, as far as the just getting the concern. uh there is a beautiful the full shall i say use uh in the media which is uh, which conforms that it was more of a diesel gain one. uh, because all these different groups who have a lot of cases against them in india have game. steve, in canada, i'm fine, but the medium gun or no, and groups like color start the 1st off with the get of need you to it's and again was the come on to add other groups like but, but cause i international as well as tips, but just this, not all these groups basically under the really just freedom. uh, they are criminal again. and that is why they are not did this context on them or
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does mobil action whatsoever in india. they don't argue and simple does. not a single guy's been able to in any single feet, is there is no evidence and there was no evidence produced. so what was the story sort of just what, why sorry, why do you think canada is so so convinced about this. some of the canadian prime ministers tell you what you will about just intrude. oh, but is it possible he could have been, i don't know. fostering for political gain when he accused india urban involvement and the death of the how this done in the, of a sudden lea. uh, because just do to lose spoke the letter d, as a political leader was waiting don't. now it's very easy. navigate. that's perhaps a support of the fit community in canada. can at least getting some, whoops, because these, this community as well. would it be to become quite mentioned also. uh, the reason i believe better funder by the religious communities. uh, especially uh the,
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these groups who have been member in many other countries also including united states. so therefore, uh, as far as the electron funding is concerned, as far as which it is concerned. but it helps. uh, he was feeling that this may have been funny to get me to the go statement, which of the uh, wondering, vision, man. uh it was about his case now. yeah. when he mentioned about filing a debt bundle thing, maybe the other members did not make too much of life, although it was more evidence. but obviously reasons because uh, since they are a member of what they didn't want to let the family member don't. but then at the same time, one of your dental, okay, been off the full uh, this was a gift which actually misled unnecessarily. splintered the relationship at that
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point of time between canada and india. it also networked diploma. take it over the country. yeah, i'm sorry. i appreciate you're saying that, let me, let me jump in if i may just quickly here and i'll, i'll just make this my last question. we're running low on time, but at the end of the day, i mean, just intrude. i mean, like his ratings are in the toilet. i've got nothing good to say about him, frankly. but, but, you know, india is an economic powerhouse, most populous nation is in the world. now the population growth is beyond anything seen in any way. india is a major player on the world stage, canada, not so sure. why is, is there some sort of source of tension? can you tell me briefly between perhaps also and daily that that's some sort of secret source of tension behind the scenes. you know, i don't realize because we don't consider good then it is a very serious the candidate of what i mean. a meaningful engagement. dena manor, that i think we have more than 4 who still popular to be awarded. both instruct


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