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tv   News  RT  March 13, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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the, the, the, but they must realize that the van fireball is ending a very clear message that a lot of it puts in one's west and that leads about base 5th thing, balance of power. the world during is wide range. it gets view ahead of this week's presidential election, prominence, human rights group. i'm just international, rejects us, planned for creating a borrowed time card off the coast of guys that are the watch dump says sending aid by ship cannot replace the following. that on top of special from new zealand speaks out against his western ally, canada. it says there is no evidence to support curios, occupation that india was involved in the killing of
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a kind of study activist vancouver. the what is our to you reaching you live for moscow? welcome to the global updates. i am michael quarter now was gearing out forwards presidential election and then the 1st will be held over multiple days with pulling stations officially opening on friday. and archie will be that every step of the way with all special coverage the are well ahead of this week's upcoming presidential elections. lot him and put in talks with tv host and ceo of rushes, largest media, group imagery. he said the of the interview cover the wide range of topics from
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domestic issues to foreign relations, and frankly, put in as per usual didn't hold back. let's take a look a condition to go to from a military technical point of view. of course, we are ready. we have troops in a constant state of combat readiness. it is also a universally recognized thing. our nuclear triad is more modern than any other triad. and only we, in the americans actually have such a drive that we have advanced much more here. ours is more modern, the entire nuclear component. but this does not mean that we should measure ourselves by the number of carriers in warheads and those who need to know. i repeat experts specialists and the military. they know it well. they are now setting the task of increasing this modernity. and they have plans to do so. we are also aware of this. they are developing all their components. and so are we. but this does not mean that in my opinion, they are ready to unleash this nuclear war tomorrow. if they want to,
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what can we do? so we are ready to make sure everything is good and we do not interfere in any kind of elections. and as i have said, many times, we will work with any leader who the american people, the american vote that will give confidence too much. but here's what's interesting . even during the last year of his work as president, mr. trump, today's presidential candidate reproach to me for precisely the fact that i was sympathizing with by them. this was more than 4 years ago. he told me so in one of our conversations, i'm sorry, i'll say it like you did. these are his direct words. you want sleepy joe to when you told me this when he was president. and then to my surprise, they began to persecute him because we allegedly supported him as a candidate. well, it's some kind of complete nonsense. as for today's pre election situation, it is becoming increasingly uncivilized. i wouldn't not like to give any comments
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on this matter, but it's absolutely clear. i think it's obvious to everyone that the american political system cannot claim to be democratic in every sense of the word. the most of which, if we return to macro and maybe he decided to take revenge on russia by making such statements for the fact that we step tony's tail in africa box. we had to stand there and be afraid with the property. didn't expect us to be so active that no, no, no, we're still. yes. i think there is some resentment. but when we were in direct contact with him, we spoke frankly enough about this issue. we did not meddle in africa and we did not squeeze france out of there. the problem is different. the well known wagner group 1st carried out a number of economic projects in syria, then move to other countries in africa. the ministry of defense provide support, but only on the basis that it is a russian group. nothing more. we did not squeeze anyone out. it's just that the
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african leaders of some countries agreed with russian economic operators. they wanted to work with them. they didn't want to work with the french in some respects . it was not even our initiative, it was the initiative of our african friends. it is not clear why we shouldn't be offended in this regard. if an independent state wants to develop relations with its partners from other countries, including russia, it wants to develop relations with russia. we did not do anything with them, the former french colonizers. i even say this without irony, because in many countries where france has historically been a metropolis, they don't really want to deal with them. it has nothing to do with us. perhaps it's more convenient to take offense at someone without seeing your own problems. maybe such a sharp, rather emotional reaction on the part of the french president is also connected with what is happening in some african states. although i know other african countries where they are calm about the french remaining there and say that yes, it suits us. we are ready to work with them, but in some countries i don't want to. it has nothing to do with us. we are not
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instigating anyone. there. we are not setting anyone against france. we do not set ourselves to task. to be honest, we don't have any such statewide national tasks at the level of the russian state. we are just friends with them. that's all. no deductible. yeah. i don't feel like i'm some sort of masters of the world, destiny's, believe me not even close. i am simply doing my duty to russia and to our people who regard russia as their homeland. as for other countries of the world, it is very closely related to how we are treated around the world. this is interesting. it is such a phenomenon that's for sure. what i would like to draw attention to many people in the world, look at us at what is happening in our country and in our struggle for our interests. this, in my opinion, is what is important. why is this happening?
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not because we are formerly members of bricks or we have some traditional relations with africa. that is also important that the point in my opinion is quite different . the point is that this so called golden 1000000000 has been practically a parasite on other nations. for centuries, 500 years. they've been tearing apart the poor peoples of africa. they've been exploiting latin america and they've been exploiting the countries of asia. and they certainly haven't forgotten that i have the feeling that it is not even the leadership of these countries, although it is very important. but the ordinary citizens of these countries feel in their hearts what is happening. they associate our struggle for their independence and true sovereignty with their aspirations for their own sovereignty and independent development. but this is compounded by the fact that the desire to freeze the existing on just state of affairs and international affairs is very strong. in western elite, they are used to feeling their bellies with human flesh and their pockets with money for centuries. but they must realize that the van fireball is ending.
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now, while a raw separate past to choose its next president, many citizens already, you know, a casting balance in early voting. now, russian citizens who live or what could book in a fossil have been able to make the choice and the country's capital out of pulling station that opened in the russian embassy. that of a large house stuff all the pacific feet are also eligible to catch the votes early in the far east remote quarter of the island. and as well as the russian troops who are engaged in the ukrainian conflicts. now as the russian president vladimir put his among the candidates will give you a background on the other 3 contenders. now the 1st care is of let, this love define called is deputy chapman of the liberal oriented political party called the new people sees 39 years old. and it also serves as the russian state,
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duma, deputy chapman, the representative for the new people upon the size of western states turn a blind eye to the consequences of the ukrainian conflict. most often you have no fascination with the west, but it is important to proceed and relations with the west and europe, from pragmatism and commonsense. this pragmatism is that if you can't reach an agreement now, then you need to work with other countries. there are many countries that express their concern about any problem between russia and ukraine, but continue to earn money and work with both countries. there are many such examples, such as india intercom. and in my opinion, it is necessary to develop relations with other countries. the world is big. now we have great success and cooperation with latin american and african countries. this cooperation should be continue. this is the key to the future. to now the next
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candidates look like how you turn of representing the russian communist party. if it's 2nd presidential race, as the politician came in 2nd behind by them of put in 2004 election. and he also chairs the state duma committee, full of the development of the far east. and the optic of the politician states that peace negotiations with ukraine can only be held on russia stubs, jim records somebody. and you officially given the current public regime and ukraine, which was planted by western europe. i perfectly understand the population of ukraine, but they are ready to agree by and large to do anything to stop the fighting film. which recently both for administer lever off and the president of our country have repeatedly stated that we are ready to sit down at the negotiating table. but on russia's terms, there is no other option. the candidate is low, they just throw sky haste. busy that he's which um i know russian liberal
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democratic party and the politician, she has the state duma committee on international affairs as part of these election platform. he's focused on development the rosters, new territories, as well as respecting of the citizens rides that providing social guarantees. you said, because the address, if we described the russia of the future as we see that it will be a comfortable country where you can not worry about safety driving normal roads without traffic jams and not freeze at home in winter. because the management companies work well, it is a fair country where all citizens rights are respected and all social guarantees are realized where there are no poor people. this is a great country that is respected by everyone in the world. it has formed a new global majority in the world, is replacing the anglo saxon regime centered in washington, and putting an end to the dispute over what the world order should be. it will be multi polar scrap. moscow says that the quote i'm simply country is that been
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trying to into fair in the election process, both in russia and abroad. and that includes actions intended to prevent russian citizens from casting. the vote here is foreign ministry spokes woman matter as a car over um we made it provisioning as the election period is approaching. we're seeing repeated attempts to prevent the organization of normal voting abroad. other attempts from abroad here, there are no just attempts, but actions to make it as difficult as possible for us citizens to exercise their rights and costs that votes. a brute, primarily an unfriendly countries. and mostly from those same on friendly countries with thing attempts to influence the situation within our country amid the election . it is a shameful thing. the us of course, claims to be the beacon of democracy in the world. and to interfere in any election abroad really is contradictory of the claim, but particularly in an effort to suppress the vote. right. how. how is that it all
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supporting democracy? obviously, it's not. i do think the tide is turning against the west in terms of uh, the you with itself. i think you could certainly see some conde, a kind of nations come out of it again. not think that would make a difference in the world, buddy. yeah, i do think again, i do think that the sentiment of the world is turning against the west and they're seeing it for what it is when it, when it does these sorts of things. and of course, the irony of ironies is the us for years is claimed that russia interfered in the 2016 elections which was not true. you know, evidence. ready that but that was a big claim, right. but now the us, of course, it is interfering in the russian elections. so we've got to talk about what the upcoming russian presidential election that we've got something special 10 for the march 15th, the 17th election to the 1st time the presidential ballot will be held across
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multiple days. and so without correspondents, an analyst standing by across the world's largest country, dawn as far as special coverage. the nearly 2000 humanitarian organizations of slammed to the us effort to deliver humanitarian age to gaga via temporary maritime colorado. as i say that this message along with ad drops, cannot replace the line deliveries that are needed to sustain the more than 2000000 people living in the and cave. the states cannot hide behind the drops and efforts to open the maritime car door to create the illusion that they are doing enough to support the needs in gaza. the primary responsibility is to prevent atrocity crimes from unfolding and apply effective political pressure to end the relentless bombardment and the restrictions which prevent the safe delivery of humanitarian
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aid. well, 1st of all, global human rights and humanitarian ngos. key concern is that instead of focusing on delivering aids toward torn starving, bombarded gaza the west, perhaps the only country in the world that has instruments to put pressure on israel should work harder on trying to end the histone sees. and that would be the biggest age for the people of guys and the biggest relief while complaining about is really approach. we see washington sponsoring the idea as offensive in guys are the most expensive military contained in these world history. by the way, speaking about humanitarian age, human rights watch dogs say land roots remain crucial and most effective. but axis is impeded by is rarely a forward season that should stop the criticize a drops as being critically and sufficient to meet the massive needs. and the gas, a strain drops in the ocean base and carrying just a few tons of 8 h. while we talking about more than 2000000 people without enough food,
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the water. and this thing to national, also mentions moral aspect, claiming off to do read 5 months of continuous bombardments and human eyes and conditions. children, women, and man and gaza have the rights to more than meagre charity dropped from the skies . se deliveries is another option. and here there are many questions as well. first, the reason is mary time court or from cyprus to guys i'm an international in the city of us. and i was also is plans to build a floating port and gaza to get 8 into the street by c n cent equipment, as well as one a 1000 or was military to do that. but this mission is even more due because as the pentagon says, it will take up to 60 days to finish the works. while it's clear gases cannot wait that long. they need to eat and drink. now, so land roads are essential and this is what the you and also confirms vi
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a land. this remains, the optimal solution is easier. it's foster. it's cheaper, particularly if we know that we need to sustain unity on the systems to guys for a long period of time. and of course, i am spoken to the importers of opening additional crossings. aid should arrive by our students, but also other crossings. and i've also addressed prospects that i see when it comes to an opening of what is called the jordan blan road, which offers the prospects of 100 districts per day over 6 days, 6 days of the week. air and sea is not a substitute for land. and nobody says otherwise, how much also made comments on the issue occurred in the us. and by said, mary, time 8, cory the or is far less efficient than overland roads. the mountains, a group called for international pressure on each room to let the age trucks through its border crossings. experts say at least $300.00 vehicles per day. i needed to help starving people of guys a, well,
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we haven't seen molden around 110 of them entering the in clay daily. and sometimes even less than that, according to what was announced, the ship's cargo does not exceed that of one or 2 trucks. and it will take days to arrive. it is still unknown where it will dock and how it will reach the shores of gaza. moreover, it will be subject to inspection by the occupying army while despite the obvious disadvantages of mary time corridor and especially the u. s. built port efforts in that direction, continue wonder danny and aspirated, gave his explanation, saying the true intention behind the ports construction is to facilitate the different taishan of gathers population by sea. floating ports off the shores of gaza is a humanitarian facade. hiding voluntary migration to europe. this military, tactical, portable receive, is rarely approvals because prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been seeking this idea since the beginning of the war aiming for the voluntary displacement of
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guidance to europe. or to you reached out to these really solid for a comment we haven't yet received any response. so we have to say that this information is hard to be in dependency verified now, but experts say that it's true, it actually might make sense as the entirety is really offensive reached kind of data. now with major military activity moving to the strip south rejection food around the city of rough uh, the area where around 1500000 people know, crowding a war on children. that's how the commission a general of the us relief a work agency has described the conflict in gather. he says that the number of children killed citizens, the 7th of october, is incompatible to any of the war. staggering the number of children reported killed in just over 4 months in gaza is higher than the number of children killed in 4 years of was around the world combined. this war is a war on children. it is
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a war on their childhood and the future to the you and the one to watch. steve, also a one that those numbers can go even higher due to these rolls policy of not allowing much needed medical aid in together. and that includes the sizes ventilate as an maternity supplies. even these really doctors are now wanting that because of a lack of clean water, food and medicine diseases out on the rise in the in bottles region and to spread beyond its board. as we've heard from one of those doctors and the dogs, david of which a chapman measles association of public health physicians. he says of the health prizes and gaza is not just a few minutes. busy and issues, but also is the correct feasible from the beginning of the world. actually we were wanting that the issue was like water, electricity, sewage treatment a are crucial else costs 1st of all, for the electric and gas that but also for his, randy's is,
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we know that the sewage flowing through the media to renew them. uh, according to satellites. uh, but also to sampling is really water. there is a spread of say, a book serial, another contamination. we're talking also of, um an email said that um, moving into is ro we're talking about the entering the spring. and we have a different the back door is like, let's keep those that can, it transferred the different, the diseases, issues of public have well, the electricity, these are if you money down in issues, but also again, strategic things that this is very important phrase relevant. these can serve as a bridge because presently we all in the same neighborhood, we are leaving side by side. and as the world will continue, there be more more um contact between these rallies and the people from outside of
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the situation there is a are. but right now, by the way of as opposed to hostages in the that's we thinking that it's not just the public health records, the strategic threats a. and we say that is through the prime minister and his way a to the cabinet, the floor. and we're working with the international community to see how we can dissipate these, the rest of the, in the long run, a dispute between canada in india, new zealand has stepped in other countries deputy upon minnesota in an interview to the indian express newspaper says that there is new evidence that new delhi has any connection to the coming of a kind of study activists in the suburbs of vancouver. as a trained lawyer, i look okay, so where's the case? where's the evidence? where's the finding right here right now? well, there isn't one that he was shot and killed by a pair of gunmen that the best past june, outside
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a sick temple. his mother became the kind of stone of diplomatic tensions between new delhi and auto. canada blamed india for taking him out with the foremost calling the accusation upside had been seeing a new job was a leader of the carriage. that movement which seeks to establish an independent 6 state in india. a stands the ern him the title of a terrorist by the indian government. we pulse with global strategic and the list s b asked donna. they said that just to introduce accusations against india, just the political at. i need to be prime minister username, whatever he said is absolutely right. there is no evidence of the statement which she just didn't know made was basically because of his father to go by chance. uh and not because on substantial evidence. oh, supported. oh oh, don't supported by then. the fact that he is not understood anybody that does know
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can be based without uh their local getting and lot. it was a piece of gamble, appeared empty, and there was more evidence and no connection more evidence of connection with him . so that is why what doesn't operate is that between 5 a numbers that then nobody would have liked to him. but if i do to, but nobody all to the question did of to that is the reason to believe that it was more of a homeowner to go statement just to be a buddy's but, but to go to the white glove and to perhaps improve other things with good waiting don't that he is not the perhaps managing the communities in the of the clock is taking on chinese media giant take talk at the us. house of representatives has passed the bell that would force department company of the social media network to sell to a buyer that suits washington. china's foreign ministry says that the legislation
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may come back to bite the us itself to attach to your findings and do this all in recent years. although the united states has never found any evidence of tech talk, so call threat to its national security. it still has never ceased the suppression of tech talk, this kind of conduct of resorting to bullying and a failure to win in a fair competition. disrupts normal business operations, frustrates international investors confidence and undermines the normal international order of economics and trade. in the end, it is bound to come back to bite the us itself. washington's move has raised online and gary grad, a gap cross united states. the head of the x network loan mosque says that the case be created. ready interest president for media companies in general, not just picked up a test line space, etc, used as a the bill is more about censorship. then secuity. having said that,
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even the sponsors of the legislation side quotes, lack of governmental control over social networks as one of the reasons for the action. we spoke with the blogger and political analysts allied certified. he says that banning picked up would actually bring more harm to those american congress members. then it will do to the platform. this is part of america's ban bomb and the bully intimidation. they thrive on these 3 words where they should take some advice from china here. and that's 3 words that are very popular here in china. it's called the belt road initiative, and they're building relationships all across the world with over a 150 nations. now, what's this going to do to a chip talk? well, as you said at the start, the time is taking, i think it's sticking $47000000.00. small businesses in america that will be affected by this. a 170000000 users in america will also be affected. now that's
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coming up on an election year. i think americans or the people in the senate that are potentially have the power to pass this should think twice and really their constituents and may be less about their lobbyist nestled america. have a lot of america outside of america and they have lots of it in china, china or major major consumers. and a lot of companies here are connected. i mean, these relationships are intertwined. i think a tool are heads should prevail, we hope in the senate, and this should just be a non starter. for most part, people are getting on with their lines are living happy lives here they're moving forward. this is a country that has spread across the world, its influence with the belgian root initiative, where america has been left in the cold and new they feel very vulnerable right now . i recently resigned u. s. department of justice, special counsel robin. how has that job?
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i didn't this handle classified documents of the us president has not faced 80 charges despite his but this is donald trump being persecuted in a similar case. having listened to some of the highlights of her defending his investigation before the house for her produce the 345 page report. but in the end it boils down to a few key facts. joe biden kept classified information. joe biden failed to properly secure classified information, and joe biden shared classified information with people he wasn't supposed to go by and broke the law. because he's forgetful old man who would appear sympathetic to a jury. mister her chose not to bring charges. february 8, the white house question, mister president, why did you share classified information with your ghostwriter? the president? i did not share classified information. i did not share it. i guarantee i did not. that's not true. is it mr. her? that is inconsistent with the findings based on the evidence and i'm in my report
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is that the lines just with regular people would say, right, yeah. all right, so the next one and all the stuff that was in my home was in filing cabinets that were either locked or able to be locked. that wasn't true either was, that was inconsistent with the findings of our investigation. another lot of people might say right at any point in your investigation, you do have any reason to believe the president bite and lied to you. i do address and i report one response. the president gave it to a question that we opposed to him that we deemed to be not credible. you understood when you made that decision? did you mr. her, that you with ignite a political firestorm with that language? didn't you? congressman politics played no part whatsoever in my investigative status. you understood never the last word should. i do remember this to her if you cannot tell me your so now you guys to, to think your words would not have created a political firestorm. you understood that the entry when you wrote those words,
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when you decided to include those words, when you decided to go beyond specific references to documents you understood. uh huh. resigned from the us department of justice on monday, his investigation decided the evidence that by didn't will fully held onto highly classified information and share it with a ghost writer. president by didn't, has denied all the allegations against it. i do not share classified information. i did not share with my goal, so i did not guarantee you did not. the did not say to mr. president, the question i know we spoke with talk show host, steve miles. but he said that had brought up biden's health issues in order to justify his decisions to not press charges. it is a 2 tier system of justice. donald trump is the only one prosecuted since
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