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tv   News  RT  March 13, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT

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the, the, the but they must realize that the vampire bull is ending rather than put it on the west of the leaves about the shifting balance of power in the world dryer and wide ranging interview ahead of this week presidential election. i'm gonna say that i feel i'm permanent him as a right. as soon as i, as is due to the us plan to establish a mattress. i'm card off the coast of the scholars who are the ones don't supplying helped by ship, cannot exist all the rama to come on the navy and shares his views about his country is seen committed to washington china in exclusive interview here on the indigenous
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technologies made by the iranian views, profit durability, as well as high quality, despite the opinion of the western experts iranian made battleship technology can successfully present in the oceans and even in aggressive of the company. today, the latest global news roundup. i'm much maloney, and this is optic in session was gearing up for his presidential election. i'm in the 1st it will be held over multiple days with police issues officially opening on friday all to be that every step of the way we have our special coverage. the
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so now head of this leads upcoming presidential elections of, of inputs in tulsa tv host. i don't see a russians largest media group, demetrika seals, and they interviewed, covered a wide range of topics. some of the domestic issues, so far new relations put in as the hope didn't hold. but let's check out sort of the finalize a condition to go to from a military technical point of view. of course, we already, we have troops in a constant state of combat readiness. it is also a universally recognized thing. our nuclear triad is more modern than any other trying to use and only we in the americans actually have such a drive that we have advanced much more here. ours is more modern, the entire nuclear component. but this does not mean that we should measure ourselves by the number of carriers and warheads and those who need to know, i repeat experts specialists and the military. they know it well. they are now setting the task of increasing this modernity. and they have plans to do so. we are
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also aware of this. they are developing all their components. and so are we. but this does not mean that in my opinion, they are ready to unleash this nuclear war tomorrow, spring if they want to. what can we do? so we already nice to meet your initial impressions. we do not interfere in any kind of elections. and as i have said, many times, we will work with any leader who the american people, the american vote that will give confidence to now much. but here's what's interesting. sure. even during the last year of his work as president, mr. trump, today's presidential candidate reproach to me for precisely the fact that i was sympathizing with bible. this was more than 4 years ago. he told me so in one of our conversations. and i'm sorry, i'll say it like you did. these are his direct words. you want sleepy joe to when he told me this when he was president. and then to my surprise, they began to persecute him because we allegedly supported him as a candidate, as well as some kind of complete nonsense. as for today's pre election situation,
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the order is becoming increasingly uncivilized. i would not like to give any comments on this matter, but it's absolutely clear. i think it's obvious to everyone that the american political system can not claims to be democratic in every sense of the word most of which, if we return to macro and maybe he decided to take revenge on russia by making such statements for the fact that we step tony's tail in africa box we have to stand there and be afraid with the property. didn't expect us to be so active that no, no, no, we're still. yes. i think there is some resentment. but when we were in direct contact with him, we spoke frankly enough about this issue. we did not meddle in africa and we did not squeeze france out of there. the problem is different. the well known about going to group 1st carried out a number of economic projects in syria, then move to other countries in africa. the ministry of defense provide support,
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but only on the basis that it is a russian group. nothing more. we did not squeeze anyone out, it's just that the african leaders of some countries agreed with russian economic operators. they wanted to work with them. they didn't want to work with the french in some respects. it was not even our initiative. it was the initiative of our african friends. it is not clear why we shouldn't be offended in this regard. if an independent state wants to develop relations with its partners from other countries, including russia, it wants to develop relations with russia. we did not do anything with them, of the former french colonizers. i even say this without irony, because in many countries where france has historically been a metropolis, they don't really want to deal with them. it has nothing to do with us. perhaps it's more convenient to take offense at someone without seeing your own problems. maybe such a sharp, rather emotional reaction on the part of the french presidency is also connected with what is happening in some african states. although i know other african
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countries where they are calm about the french remaining there and say that yes it suits us. we are ready to work with them in some countries, i don't want to hear. it has nothing to do with us. we are not instigating anyone there. we are not setting any one against france. we do not set ourselves its task . to be honest. we don't have any such as statewide national tasks at the level of the russian state. we are just friends with them. that's all to the yeah, i don't feel like i'm some sort of masters of the world's destinies. believe me not even close. i am simply doing my duty to russia and to our people who regard russia as their homeland. as for other countries of the world, it is very closely related to how we are treated around the world. this is interesting. it is such a phenomenon that's for sure. what i would like to draw attention to many people in
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the world, look at us at what is happening in our country and in our struggle for our interests. this, in my opinion, is what is important. why is this happening? not because we are formerly members of bricks or we have some traditional relations with africa. that is also important that the point in my opinion is quite different . the point is that this so called golden 1000000000 has been practically a parasite on other nations for centuries. and 500 years, they've been tearing apart the poor peoples of africa. they've been explaining that in america, and they've been exploiting the countries of asia. and they certainly haven't forgotten myself because i have the feelings that it is not even the leadership of these countries, although it is very important. but the ordinary citizens of these countries feel in their hearts what is happening in the petition. they associate our struggles for their independence and true sovereignty, with their aspirations for their own sovereignty, an independent development. but this is compounded by the fact as the desire to freeze the existing, unjust state of affairs and international affairs,
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which is very strong in western allegiance. they are used to filling their bellies with human flesh and their pockets with money for centuries. but they must realize that the vampire bolster she is end. but am i calling miko cortez spoke with foreman nigerians to shave his site and says the former colonial mosse is a defeated aspects of resources, which is why nations. and now pivoting towards russia, the gravitation towards russia has to do with the substance of russia and talk to the interpreters in it. i don't to was especially what happened in syria. we have sent the actions of russia to see the in order places of the war and such a de now said they will switch over to russia. that is why i'm sick on the, on the economy front government. the relationship between the most african countries seeing and therefore my putting in my status has not been able to evolve
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into the economy, progress and the development for west african countries around the data such as i put in their sleep and exploits everything else. and finally, i get to my concert, so know that this the russia sandoval and then i will try to achieve a full she g t which they can align with people so that they can different of their orders. so she's our beauty on independence. i'm just, yeah, but a dependent on for my community and i was put in for the results. so for the pieces, they believe the size of the on the front of the countries have been trying to interfere in the effects of products, as opposed in russia and abroad by infants, actions intended to event russian citizens from costing that was his phone minutes . disposal, maria suffered we made
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a provision as the election period is approaching. we're seeing repeated attempts to prevent the organization of normal voting abroad other times from abroad. here. there are no just attempts, but actions to make it as difficult as possible for us citizens to exercise their rights and costs that votes a brewing primarily an unfriendly countries. and mostly from those same on friendly countries. we're seeing attempts to influence the situation within our country. amid the election, it is a shameful thing. the us, of course, claims to be the beacon of democracy in the world. and did interfere in the election abroad. really is contradictory of the claim, but particularly in an effort to suppress the vote. right. how. how is that at all supporting democracy? obviously, it's not, i do think the tide is turning against the west in terms of the weather itself. i think you could certainly see some conde,
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a kind of nations come out of it again, not think that would make a difference in the world, but a. yeah, i do think again, i do think that the settlement of the world is turning against the west and they're seeing it for what it is when it, when it does these sorts of things. and of course, the irony of ironies is the us for years is claimed that russia interfered in the 2016 elections which was not true. no evidence. ready that but that was a big claim, right. but now the us of course, is interfering in the russian elections pretty well. you cover the, the, i'm coming a russian presidential. i trial. we've got something special pilot, the march, the fifty's, the 17th election to. so 1st signed the presidential ballot will be held across multiple days. and so with our correspondence and i was standing my host, the world's largest country to join us for us special coverage.
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the know the stories in any to doesn't who might internalize asians have slammed the us efforts to deliver. you may have found a to gaza, but a temporary mass. i'm quite old. they say that this method along with adults cannot replace the lamp. the v is needed to sustain the more than 2000000 people living meal in class. the states cannot hide behind the drops and efforts to open the maritime card or to create the illusion that they are doing enough to support the needs in gaza. the primary responsibility is to prevent atrocity crimes from unfolding and apply effective political pressure to end the relentless bombardment and the restrictions which prevent the safe delivery of humanitarian aid. well, 1st of all, global human rights and human and tear renee jews. key concern is that instead of
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focusing on delivering aids toward torn starving, bombarded guys of the west, perhaps the only country in the world that has instruments to put pressure road east road should work harder. one trying to end the hostilities. and that would be the biggest age for the people of guys and the biggest relief. while complaining about his railey approach, we see washington sponsoring the idea as offensive in guys are the most expensive military campaign. israel's history, by the way, speaking about humanitarian, a human rights watch dog say land roots remain crucial and most effective. but axis is impeded by israel, the authorities, and that should stop the criticize a drops as being critically and sufficient to meet the massive needs. and the gas has 3 drops in the ocean base and carrying just a few tons of 8 each while we talking about more than $2000000.00 people without and off to the water. and the scenes. national also mentions moral aspect,
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claiming often do re 5 months of continuous bombardments and did humanizing conditions, children, women, and men and gas that have the rights to move the meagre terry t dropped from the skies. c deliveries is another option and here there are many questions as well. first there is this mary time course over from cypress to guys. i'm an international in the city of us and i was don't. so it's plans to build a floating port in gaza to get a into the street by sea and sent equipment as well as 1000 of its the military to do that. but this mission is even more dubious. as the pentagon says, it will take up to 60 days to finish the works while it's clear, gaskins cannot wait that long. they need to eat and drink. now, so land roots are essential and this is what the you and also confirms fire land. this remains, the optimal solution is easier, it's foster, it's cheaper,
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particularly if we know that we need to sustain unity on the systems to guys for a long period of time. and of course, i am spoken to the importers of opening additional crossings. aid should arrive by our students, but also other crossings. and i've also addressed press fix that i see when it comes to an opening of what is called the jordan land road, which offers the prospects of 100 districts pretty over 6 days. 6 days of the week . air and sea is not a substitute for land, and nobody says otherwise. how much also made comments on the issue that clean the un by say, mary, time 8, cory the were is far less efficient than overland routes. the mountains group called for international pressure on h, rome to lead a to trucks through its border crossings. experts say at least 300 vehicles per day needed to help starving people of guys a well, we haven't seen mold and around 110 of them entering the in clave daily. and
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sometimes even less than that, according to what was announced, the ship's cargo does not exceed that of one or 2 trucks and it will take days to arrive. it is still unknown where it will dock and how it will reach the shores of gaza. moreover, it will be subject to inspection by the occupying army well, despite all viz disadvantages of mary time corridor, and especially the us built for the efforts in that direction, continue wondered, in asper, gave his explanation, saying the true intention behind the ports construction is to facilitate the dipper, taishan of gases, popular sion by sea floating ports off the shores of gaza is a humanitarian facade, hiding voluntary migration to europe. this military, tactical port will receive, is rarely approvals, because prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been seeking this idea since the beginning of the war aiming for the voluntary displacement of guidance to europe. or to you reached out to these really solid for a comment. we haven't received any response. so we have to say that this
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information is hard to be in dependency verified now, but experts say that it's true, it actually might make sense as being tardy is really offensive, reached kind of dead and now with major military activity. moving to this trip south through addiction food around the city of rough fox, the area where around $1500000.00 people in no crowding they will be in no room for enemies in the indian ocean. those other words of iran top naval tomato, while discussing joint exercises with corporation, with russia and china literature also speak with him and discuss it in 1st. thank you so much for joining us, admiral shot rami ronnie, the commander in chief of arrows, navy. as we're speaking iranian chinese and russian navies are conducting a massive join drill and a north of the indian ocean. first of all,
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how significant is the tri, that'll drill and what messages does it send to the western world? i will take the most as that has to be the, as you're aware, the 3 countries of the ron russia and china are actually countries that have independently improve their maritime security during the period when the northern indian ocean was threatened by the sinister phenomenon of maritime terrorism, they had come to the scene and provided security, and they have ensured the safety of their own shipping in particular and global shipping. in general. the presence of the combat units as a security generating character of all 3 countries have a common perspective. the or major goal is to maintain the security of our own shipping. at one point, we arrived at the conclusion that the naval exercise should convey a message for those who seek a unipolar world today and have such a strategy ahead of them. they should understand the independent countries because they respect each other, can stand together and provide security regarding the issue of global geometry that
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is discussed today. countries that have the technology in are considered as maritime powers. today in the oceanic sector are known as the security provider of the maritime economy. well, as the 5th iteration of the joints exercise and we see more countries are pitching in sending their forces to the military exercise in north of the indian ocean, including pakistan and on man, what is the ultimate goal of such a naval convergence which looks like an emerging coalition in the well, the dis, participation by other states was one of our objectives. our neighbors and middle eastern states, our, our priority. we invited them to participate in this drill hope they participate in next year's drilled based on what they see in this route as well. you know, hopefully regional states will be in a position to preserve and provide the security of regional waters. so this participation in coalition takes place, the regional state should cooperate and fight against the maritime phenomenon,
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c terrorism, which is the desire of regional nations. in conclusion, all the regional states have the require technology and can be present at c into a pacific region. we're the exercise is being held is a key area in global trade. and as you've mentioned, that handles more than 50 percent of the was maritime oil. trends that now in the same area was turn, forces have also maintained a strong presence. do you find the presence of the western powers and the region destabilizing or contributing to shipping safety? let me check about that as you look at we have experienced during all these times is that the countries that are on justified from our point of view, that is, their presence in our region are justified because their presence has never created security. also, they have not create a security for the region. on the contrary, whenever they have more presence in terms of numbers,
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which we don't really consider such presence as power. this presence of equipment has not brought in global security or although their equipment in the region may have increased, experience has shown that at the same time, they have brought the greatest insecurity to that region message. it does not matter whether it is of the indian ocean or the common past any st area. they have mostly created a challenge. and the main reason for that is that they have never respected the international community. and they have not wanted to put themselves on a path to, despite what they claim on paper, and they express in words what we have experienced in the past decades, especially today was not like that. and has been the opposite to do about that. is there any measure, is there any plan that can stop the western press ends from expanding the region, the whole gods? and the certainly, when some countries come together and bring their capabilities to the scene, to preserve security without envision, and their ties are built upon mutual respect and understanding of each other,
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good things will happen. today. the cornerstone of the international geometry is respecting people and nations. then they can send an exercise like this. the participating countries do not look in viciously to the interest of other states. and their goal is to transfer their experience in the ocean, which has a massive gift from god. and it has many resources, an interest which every country can benefit from it without dominantly looking at each other. well, iran has been under stringent sanctions in arms embargo imposed by the west for decades, but it seems unimpeded by the restrictions. it continues to unveil new naval equipment on a yearly basis, perhaps, if not a monthly basis, including submarines, warships and destroyers. how has the country managed to defy the sanctions and stand on its own feats? hold the logic him of the i just want to run is experienced in 8 years of its
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sacred defense during the 1980 to 1988. you are on a rock horn, is that when we wanted to defend ourselves, nobody stood next to us and they prevented us from getting equipment. that was the starting point, and i think it was proud start. and today we are standing at the top. as you mentioned, considering the need we had, especially in terms of naval strength because we are considered a maritime country and are directly connected to the ocean, enter directly connected to the highway of the global economy. next to the scene. we have part of neighbors. so all of our scientific and educational efforts went into the direction of acquiring them in the field of the sea as it has the highest technology and capabilities as enabled power, thanks to god in the field of building all lines of complex vessels. she all the most difficult ones today are the submarine which we have the capacity and ability to build. we also have the ability, both in the field of manufacturing destroyers and missile launchers and not only
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the structures itself, but also their weapons. if you look at destroyers and some bearings, these lumnick republic for iran has the ability that is indigenous and has been cheap by the use of this country in the defense industries, universities and knowledge base companies last year and a ronnie inflicts a lot comprising to domestically build ships, namely the my crohn forward bass strip and the den on destroyer circle navigated the world. that's unprecedented. and it runs naples history perhaps. why is it wrong doing so? is that meant to defy the us sanctions? is that the message that need be uh let in by all nation? well, the 1st message of the drill is that today in ron's naval strength, is security generating in every corner of the oceans. and it can fill a security generating role. the 2nd message is that indigenous technologies made by the iranian use, perfect durability, as well as high quality, despite the opinion of western experts. iranian made battleship technology can
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successfully present in the oceans and even in aggressive oceans. and the most important message is that the world should pay special respect to the people of my country. and soon this will happen in sherlock and show well last week, and they're wanting court issued an order, confiscating a co doyle cargo from advantage suite oil tanker. well, it is the latest example of a tit for tat exchange between washington and den. juan, as we have seen, such tit for tat, for tally aisha actions from both sides taking place around this rate of hormones. the persian gulf and even north of the indian ocean, do you believe that such reciprocal actions on the part of the one will help the united states to lift or force the united states? we can say to lift the sanctions against the country. the gotcha. and the definitely this point is in the spotlight that the close sanctions that have been
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imposed in our country during the past 45 years, unfortunately, established and applied completely in humane rational and against international laws. iran will never surrender to bullying and we will definitely fight back. we seize this oil tanker against the us sacks and today they have come to the conclusion that the time of looking at negotiating with a dominant stance has passed, at least on a global scale. it doesn't work because they faced the nations today, the iranian nation, significant messages that they will reject the creed and their interest. and if their interest and resources are threatened somewhere, they will retaliate to the same extent. we have never retaliated more than that. unfortunately, our people and children were under a lot of pressure in the health care sector and special drugs because the enemies misunderstood humanity. how do you see the perspective for collaboration, naval co op collaboration between iran, china and russia in the future?
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as we've seen, more countries are trying to joined and perhaps form a new coalition responsible for ensuring the safety and the security of regional waters. oh gods, i'm the piece, the name of that. oh yeah. and the certainly our anticipation for the future is creating higher strength. we will be on the scene vigorously. in addition to such drills, of course, we will follow up on other actions in the ocean. the focal point is that the common language between these 3 forces of iran, russian, china, has been constructed and this is an important achievement enabled geometry. there was a great pleasure talking to you, a rear admiral shot from here on the the commander in chief over here was navy. the just days before the country is by the time so nice and the other rushing, the, the, i'm an in depth interview. the local media part one is coming up next. the
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tip top as well show up. here's a direct quote from your address. the west is trying to drag us into a new arms race to wear us down and repeat the trick that they successfully used in the 1980s with the ussr. how much margin of safety do we have here and made an arms race? so this was, we need to get the maximum return on every rouble invested in defense. indeed, the soviet union was not thrifty about military spending. and unfortunately, efficiency was not the top priority. defense spending was about 13 percent of the g d p. back then, i will not cite our data, let us quote, the stuck on international peace research institute for last year. our defense spending was 4 percent. and this year it is 6.8 percent. so we have gone up by 2.8 percentage points. in principle, this is a noticeable increase, but it is absolutely not critical. well, in the soviet union,
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it was 13 percent. and we are now at 6.8 percent. i must say that defense spending boosts and reinvigorate to the economy, but of course there are limits and we are aware of that. this goes back to the guns versus butte a dilemma. although i repeat that our modern defense industry is a boon for the economy. apart from an implicit impact on civilian industries, it harnesses the innovations needed for defense to produce civilian products. this is so crucial. but 1st of all, our spending of course is just a drop compared with that of the united states. about 800000000000. we since up to $900000000000.00. yes. 900. 8. 68. 70000000000. yes. it's absolutely not comparable to asp. and i think, i think there's a lot of investment in kickbacks going on there because they don't have hypersonic weapons or whatever they have to. here's what this is all about. they spend
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a huge amount of money on maintaining their military and not only on pay, but also in the maintenance of bases around the world. it's like a black hole, really. you can't count how much you spend, actually, that's where the bulk of the money is siphoned off. such yes, although the production of lethal weapons and arguments in general take so much money that is difficult to estimate. take, for example, their widely advertise missile defense and our inter continental missile oven guard is one of the main components that we may use to overcome their missile defense. the costs are simply not comparable, and we have essentially neutralized their advantages and investment in the missile defense. this is how we need to act, but of course, without any doubt, the economics of our armed forces must meet the requirements of the modern world. very skin. historically it's quite obvious that nazi regimes do not as a.


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