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tv   News  RT  March 14, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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the the games we were promised, a lot of things look promising. go ahead and go see an hour because they are running out of ammunition somehow ridiculous on our part. assessing the prospect slip keep full service in ukraine, not in the 3rd 10 gibson interview ahead of this week, south coming russian presidential election. thomas the international reject saying he westcan to establish a maritime appointment that part of the post office. according to the human rights watch dog supplying a vice, it could never was an effective punitive salon job and incurring that trust in each shot that russia, iran,
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and china once again the cell and the calls all day long and enjoying the drills, a just strengthening the region is maritime, secure, the, on the ever all this is on the international. it's good to have you with us as, as big as we take a look at what's happening around the world. well, getting us started. it is a pulse election need right here in russia, of the countries gearing up to go to the polls on friday. and for the 1st time after the but will be held over multiple days. all team will be that every step away with all special coverage. the, the, the election is of pools taking place on se complex time to participate with the war, especially ongoing in ukraine. of the washington for ministry said that most go is
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ready open for peace talks. but after the history shows, the west cannot be trusted. the experience of the minsk agreements and the russian ukrainian negotiations in 2022 showed that key of on the west were incapable of reaching agreements. in all cases, they needed not peace, but a truce of to the defeats of the ukrainian army in order to build up ukraine's ministry potential and continue fighting. obviously, the same thing is happening now. well, the foreign ministry statement occurred the position expressed by the russian president himself. and an interesting just ahead of this weekend's vote. so i'm gonna put it in said any negotiations will now only be held on russia's tom are the, are we ready to negotiate? yes, that's the one we already bought. the only ready for negotiation. not based on some
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desires after the use of psycho tropic drugs, but based on the realities on the ground. i still haven't been promised many things many times, but we were promised natal won't expand to the snow and then we see them at our borders drama. so that was the internal conflict, and ukraine would be solved peacefully, politically. they promised to fulfill the minutes for 3 minutes longer and then public leisure announced that they were not going to fulfill in a position pharmacist at the right resuming ukraine. we were promised a lot of things, so promises alone are not enough to measure c 8. now, only because they are running out of ammunition is somehow ridiculous shinnecock and for the russian president himself, the role in ukraine has been a pivotal moment in russia's relations with the west. well, next autism were no cost for bone. how many patients after tier 2 with western powers has changed throughout his time and charge
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a lot of my posts and became ross as president for the 1st time. it was a breath of fresh air and not only for russians, it look good. and for almost thing of the beginning with the west appearance, a welcome rushes near. later, i have come to moscow important time. russia, after all, has a new president, a new government, and the duma. its economy is showing encouraging signs of growth. this gives russia a pivotal opportunity to build on the strong record of engagement between our 2 countries. it is also an opportunity for the united states. i welcome president clinton's interest in building a russian that enjoys the enduring strength of a stable democracy. they evidently like what he had been saying, and they were eager to engage for some boots and went on to define his vision is only the west had listened. instead they went on to prove that they only support those who follow them blindly. yeah,
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he's the recession of democratic principles in international relations. the ability to find the correct decision and readiness for compromise are difficult. but then it's an issue. it was a european who was the 1st to understand how important it is to look for consensus over and above national commons. we agree with that. all the good ideas. if this is a good thing, just recently that a truly common home would shortly rise on the continent home in which the europeans would not be divided into the single western northern will southern extensive lives down today, we must say one thing for all the cold war is done with we have entities stage of development, but you understand that without a modern and sound and sustainable security architecture, we will never be able to create an atmosphere of trust on the continents. and without that atmosphere of trust, it can be no united coming back then watermark puts in the most optimistic about russians relationship with the west. we'll see what he had to say about this assessments in hindsight. but for now, let's say in the early 2, thousands, that's when the russian lead or even consider to join the forces with nato. i see
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the rush of chase part of the european culture. and i can only imagine my own country and i solution focused on this from europe and what we often call the civilized world. so it is hard for me to visualize janae to and as an individual. and i think even posing the question, this way will not do any good to russian or the world to them. the very question is capable of causing damages should be enough that we are open to equitable cooperation partnership. some folks, even joe biden, as senator at the time was singing his praises saying that no russian liter, since theater, the great has passed as long as much with the was as boots and it has, well, it was all good. as long as russians liter good and severe and international affairs, it seems. well the warsaw pact long dissolved and soviet your basis closed must go well, seemingly play into long and was expecting this partners. so do the same. washington
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however, continued to expand. nato withdrew from the anti ballistic missile pretty well innovating. i've gotten this done before it moved on to iraq. well, experts say that was the turning point. russell was adamant that these developments require the let's have a look here. they're required a political settlement and they emphasize that the situation could only be resolved for international cooperation through the security council. and in compliance with the un charter. we stand for resolving the problem exclusively through peaceful means. any other option would be a mistake. it wouldn't be fraud with a grievous consequences. it will result in casualties and the stabilize the international situation in general. well, we all know what happened there. a total and utter disaster, the west continued to ignore vladimir putin, his warnings was withdrawn from yet another treaty. this time on nuclear arms reduction, the big picture was looking very system. it says,
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let's not forget that one of the boots as main issues from the get go was for the west to stop expanding nato eastward rush, so naturally saw it as a threats. the shooting you nato expansion, the machine does not have any relationship with the modernization of the alliance itself. over the insurance security in europe. on the contrary, it represents a serious publication that reduces the level of mutual trust. and we have the right to ask against whom is this expansion intended? and what happened to the assurances are western partners made after the dissolution of the warsaw pact. i would like to quote, the speech of nato in the general secretary, mister warner in brussels is on 17th, may 1992. and also when we set up a time that the fact that we are ready not to place an army outside of german territory, gives the soviet union a firm security guarantee. where are these guarantees that fell on deaf ears once
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again? because natal continued expanded? have a look at this map right here. this is what it looked like before nato didn't just swallow up. new members book countries that used to be part of the warsaw pact with the soviet union. and they kept moving closer and closer to russia's board. the spies vladimir boots insane, stopped wheeling, and unless you're going to use the motion of a rush, i cannot but react to actions that undermine and security. further expansion of the military block is a problem for us. and so let's go with the go to. so let's move amicably and have a fair dialogue, guys with us in the way we are treated. we will react the same way. but today i felt that i was hurt by my partners, but they didn't listen well the towards the end ukraine next on the list, the plans to turn georgia and so and, and so i rushed and stave didn't work out as pride. but america was undeterred and essentially took it upon itself to make sure that the plan for kids was put into
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action, as we'll all saw with my dogs who in 2014. well, despite the fact that keeps the military had killed thousands of civilians in the pro russians on boss for years, lot of effort to remain calm and collected urgent all sides to negotiate that a miracle happened with both parties signing the men's agreements. so and all hostilities yeah, feeling pretty seniors cuz i wish i would generally join what has been said here. today's negotiators have adopted a final joint document that reaffirms the risk ability of strict and consistent implementation of the men's good agreements. of 12 of february 2015 and stresses the importance of establishing direct dialogue between the parties to the conflict . but it was all a hoax. i knew it was in all that it was all as sole tactic aimed a given key of time to prepare and offensive. the 2014 minutes agreement was an attempt to buy time for ukraine. you can use this time to become strong. the,
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as you can see today, ukraine in 20142015 ukraine today. and the same week, the deal merkel was right when she said that because they thought it was put in one to, to buy time. but no, it was us wanted to buy time to give you crane a chance to recover to strengthen this military capabilities, which will be today negotiations with the content that would leads to a status quote with us. so as long as you create and wants to keep fighting, as long as your crane is able to force the russians to retreat, i mean, no negotiations are possible that the money to do that gets you'll see the question is whether with the help and cause get or ukraine has the military means to force newton to back down using it. if it doesn't have the military means, then yes, negotiations are necessarily fine. so the lawsuit crazy and a force the raw service to retreat, there should be no negotiations. this is what they were really thinking as it
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turned out spot publicly. there were still pretending to be supporting a peaceful settlement. the normandy meeting was praised as a major achievement by all sides. because meetings and this format have not taken place since 2016. put in the grade, it was a warming of relations with ukraine, macro on said the sides have made progress on this engagement. prisoner exchanges cease fire and a political evolution. a new summit in the same format is set to take place in 4 months time. it was all a scam, just like washington's promise not to expand nato, leaving russell with no other option but to use military force to protect the civilians in former parts of east for new crane. the west side with lawrence and their interventions all around the world for decades in the name of suppose of democracy, which never actually comes to countries they invade. but when russia simply stood up to save civilians from him as the military natal tribes file. yes,
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that was definitely neva, t i can tell you with absolute sincerity, despite the fact that i worked in the security services for 20 years, i still had an idea that the whole world and the circle of civilized world understand that russia who takes from a different country is that there is no ideological confrontation, and i usually thought that it was be in our shop or thinking an action. that was a nice belief. some of the realities are that after the collapse of the usaa side, it was believed that russia would also collapse. certainly wouldn't be able to pick apart both places. and we use our resources and was only later that this realization came to me recently a better late than never. well now, he knows without a doubt that the west cannot be trusted. just as the west now knows, the item were uprooted, means business, and he'll stop at nothing until he gets the job done as well when it comes to the most comprehensive coverage of the election. odyssey is the place to be with
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a roster of correspondence. experts on a list way to him to give that take over the next couple of days. so stay tuned for us special coverage. the well to open goals are now wherever pool saw. imagine over not that idea attack on people, switching 8 local media, say at least 6 palestinians have been killed them over 18 wounded outsides. those people gathered from desperately needed food and calls a city law smart people. remember that moving a 100 civilians webmaster could have the same area. meanwhile, as the specs to all of mass starvation looms over the enclave. $92008.00 groups have lashed out a new efforts to deliver it to monetary and helped to garza via a temporary maritime portal. they say that this method, along with ad drops, cannot replace the land deliveries that are needed to sustain the more than 2000000
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people living in the tower tree. states cannot hide behind the drops and efforts to open the maritime car door to create the illusion that they are doing enough to support the needs in gaza. the primary responsibility is to prevent atrocity crimes from unfolding and apply effective political pressure to end the relentless bombardment and the restrictions which prevent the safe delivery of humanitarian aid as well. the more and more countries are joining these ad drop operations in golf, so it is still not enough to meet even the basic needs of the kind of streaming moon roof i'm. many of the packages are actually ending up in the c was paper, of course unable to reach them. the is foreign policy chief, joseph pro has proved for the port is on p and baffled n. place to be opened to humanitarian aid. immediately saying it is the only way to have that dissolved we need to act that he should have liability population inc. as
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a, is a dis take today we need to clear the humanitarian nexus received by a. that's good. that's not enough to cannot replace hundreds of trucks bite, sending varnish, which the most important thing is to open to both of us by line russia, iran and china once again flexing the neighbor. busy muscles and joint trails in the gulf of oman holding 20 ships from the 3 nations, are involved in the joint maneuvers. the goal is to strengthen the security of international maritime trade. as one has come about piracy and terrorism. the drills come as a us and that nasal combination has been operating in the red sea for several months now. auntie had a chance to speak to a colanda all's aaron's navy, about the growing corporation between his own country, russia and china. thank you so much for joining us, admiral shot rami ronnie,
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the commander in chief of airlines navy. as we're speaking iranian chinese and russian navies are conducting a massive join drill and north of the indian ocean. first of all, how significant is the tri, that'll drill and what messages does it send to the western world? i will take the most as that has the, the, as you're aware, the 3 countries of the ron russia and china are actually countries that have independently improve their maritime security during the period when the nor there in the indian ocean was threatened by the sinister phenomenon. of maritime terrorism of the lease, they had come to the scene and provided security and they have ensured the safety of their own shipping in particular and global shipping. in general, the presence of the combat unit as a security generating character of all 3 countries have a common perspective that are major goal is to maintain the security of our own shipping. at one point, we arrived at the conclusion that the naval exercise should convey a message for those who seek a unipolar world today and have such
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a strategy ahead of them. they should understand the independent countries because they respect each other, can stand together and provide security regarding the issue of global geometry that is discussed today. countries that have the technology in are considered as maritime powers. today in the oceanic sector are known as the security provider of the maritime economy. well, as the 5th iteration of the joints exercise and we see more countries are pitching in sending their forces to the military exercise in north of the indian ocean, including pakistan and on man, what is the ultimate goal of such a naval convergence which looks like an emerging coalition in the this participation by other states was one of our objectives, our neighbors and middle eastern states, our, our priority. we invited them to participate in this drill. we hope they participate in next year is drilled based on what they see in this round. hopefully,
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regional states will be in a position to preserve and provide the security of regional waters. so this participation in coalition takes place. the regional state should cooperate and fight against the maritime phenomena, c terrorism, which is the desire of regional nations. in conclusion, all the regional states have the require technology and can be present at c into a pacific region we're the exercise is being held is a key area in global trade. and as you've mentioned, that handles more than 50 percent of the was maritime oil transit. now, in the same area was turn, forces have also maintained a strong presence. do you find the presence of the western powers and the region destabilizing or contributing to shipping safety? let me check about that. as you look at, we have experienced during all these times is that the countries that are on justified from our point of view, that is their presence in our region are justified because their presence has never
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created security. also they have not create a security for the region. on the contrary, whenever they have more presence in terms of numbers, which we don't really consider, suff presence has power. this presence of equipment has not brought in global security or although their equipment in the region may have increased, experience has shown that at the same time, they have brought the greatest insecurity to that region message. it does not matter whether it is of the indian ocean or the common past any st area. they have mostly created a challenge. and the main reason for that is that they have never respected the international community. and they have not wanted to put themselves on a path to, despite what they claim on paper, and they express in words what we have experienced in the past decades, especially today was not like that. and has been the opposite with you about how long that is there any measure? is there any plan that can stop the western presence from expanding to the region?
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oh god, i'm the certainly when some countries come together and bring their capabilities to the scene, to preserve security without envision and their ties are built upon mutual respect and understanding of each other, good things will happen. today. the cornerstone of the international geometry is respecting people and nations. then they can send an exercise like this. the participating countries do not look in viciously to the interest of other states. and their goal is to transfer their experience in the ocean, which has a massive gift from god and has many resources, an interest which every country can benefit from it without dominantly looking at each other. well, the run has been under stringent sanctions in arms embargo imposed by the west for decades, but it seems unimpeded by the restrictions. it continues to unveil new naval equipment on a yearly basis, perhaps, if not a monthly basis, including submarines, warships and destroyers. how has the country managed to defy the sanctions and
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stand on its own feats? hold the logic him of the highest one iran has experienced in 8 years of its sacred defence during the 1980 to 1988 you are on a rock horn. is that when we wanted to defend ourselves, nobody stood next to us and they prevented us from getting equipment. that was the starting point, and i think it was a proud start. and today we are standing at the top. as you mentioned, considering the need we had, especially in terms of naval strength because we are considered a maritime country and are directly connected to the ocean in are directly connected to the highway of the global economy. next to the scene, we have part of neighbors. so all of our scientific and educational efforts went into the direction of acquiring them in the field of the sea as it has the highest technology and capabilities as unable power, thanks to god in the field of building all kinds of complex vessels. she on the most difficult ones today,
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or the submarine which we have the capacity and ability to build. we also have the ability, both in the field of manufacturing destroyers and missile launchers and not only the structures itself, but also their weapons. if you look at destroyers and some bearings, these lumnick republic for iran has the ability that is indigenous and has been cheap by the use of this country in the defense industries, universities and knowledge base companies last year and a ronnie and flips a lot of surprising to domestic the old ships, namely the my kron forward bass strip. and the den on destroyer circle navigated the world. that's unprecedented in a runs naval history. perhaps. why is it wrong doing so? is that meant to defy the us sanctions? is that the message need be, uh, i didn't buy all machine. well, the 1st message of the drill is that today iran, snable strength is security generating in every corner of the oceans. and it comes to fail
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a security generating role. the 2nd message is that indigenous technologies made by the iranian use, perfect durability, as well as high quality, despite the opinion of western experts. ronnie and made battleship technology can successfully present in the oceans and even in aggressive oceans. and the most important message is that the world should pay special respect to the people of my country. and soon this will happen in sherlock and sure, well, last week, and they're wanting court issued an order, confiscating a crude oil cargo from advantage sweets, oil tanker. well, it is the latest example of a tit for tat exchange between washington and dead. juan, as we have seen, such tit for tat portfolio should actions from both sides taking place around this rate of hormones. the persian gulf and even north of the indian ocean, do you believe that such reciprocal actions on the part of the one will help the
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united states to lift or force the united states? we can say to lift the sanctions against the country. music on the definitely this point is in the spotlight that the cross sanctions that have been imposed in our country during the past 45 years. unfortunately, established and applied completely in humane rational and against international laws. iran will never surrender to bullying and we will definitely fight back. we seized this oil tanker against the us sacks and today it's this comes to the conclusion that the time of looking and negotiating with a dominant stance has passed, at least on a global scale. it doesn't work because they faced the nations today, the iranian nation, significant messages that they will reject the creed and their interest. and if their interest and resources are threatened somewhere, they will retaliate to the same extent. we have never retaliated more than that. unfortunately, our people and children were under a lot of pressure in the health care sector and special drugs because the enemies
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misunderstood humanity. how do you see the perspective for collaboration, naval co op collaboration between iran, china and russia in the future? as we've seen, more countries are trying to joined and perhaps form a new coalition responsible for ensuring the safety and the security of regional waters. oh, pads on the piece, the name of that. oh yeah. and the certainly our anticipation for the future is creating higher strength. we will be on the scene vigorously. in addition to such drills, of course, we will follow up on other actions in the ocean. the focal point is that the common language between these 3 forces of iran, russian, china, has been constructed and this is an important achievement enabled geometry. there was a great pleasure talking to you, a rear admiral shot from here on the the commander in chief over here was navy. and finally for this our a criminal. no one has been on covered by russian security services. the is pulled
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off. could have resulted in thousands of people being poisoned and ukrainian for walking out of a make shift lab and the russian city of st. petersburg has been trying to spike essential food items that were bad to be sent to the front line of humanitarian aid . ortiz, english tunnels, picks up the story of life and front line. don't pass downs is not easy. grocery store was scar, so non existent, what do scavengers, what you read as thousands of people have the survival been, don't humanitarian aid supplies. and this is exactly what ukraine's military intelligence has tried to weaponized these 123, and 4 young men. so to be recruited and so they were, the main objective must mother. to get a middle from zalinski, you need to sentence 50 people to death. to do that, you need to make a lot of porridge. in this video,
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one of the detained ukraine agents took so his recruiter was still unaware that his sabotaged groups cover it was already being blown. that was the handler is from a pro zalinski formation to that in both itself. the russian fall into the cool, so promoted as a power emetics for units of russian citizens. in reality, it's nothing more than a terrorist organization. they're known for hovering veterans of ukraine's neo nazi is old battalion, and they've repeatedly attacked russian both the villages and taken locals hostage . your hope was done. i was on a mission for the russian with volunteer for is to get a gps track record as well as chemical poisoning agents, as for one year for the company. and then when they came to my home with a parcel cause, which as it turned out later, my voice bill to the boys into and blocks it came russian civilians and military personnel. and my english literature curious, logistics school through a logistics comfortable result. i received the sax with chemical poisoning agents,
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which i was to send to the nets, people's republic boys in russian soldiers and the residence um department of ring operating in the russian city of saint petersburg in the make shift live in a garage where we go, goes respirators and white coats, ukrainian agents were meticulously following the homeless orders, which were clear, spike essential food items on an industrial level, and sent them to the front as humanitarian aid just blew the backs exactly as they do in factories. well, yes, yes. good and evil physical definitely look new to the scale must be industrial to come with the fisheries. but anyone who consumes the substance in food will experience acute boys enough for there. but it is not its consumption with food that is especially dangerous, but it's in collection in the form of dust or vapor. so could you put it in, for example, for whoever cooks with this flower will get more poisoning for them and consequently, the chance of death is higher. yes. what is the,
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what if we talk about soldiers on the front lines, but the, if they eat poisoned flamingo, they will lose their ability to fight if we talk about the civilian population, right? but it's a more terrible scenario because of pregnant woman will accumulate this substance in her body. and it will have a toxic effect on almost all of her systems of him. and this can lead to impaired fetal development or the last one within the death of the mother and of herself. it is also a scary scenario for children because they are less protected from exposure, but to handle it with ukraine's military intelligence made it clear, spare no one on it, not only to the pregnant but to the military as well. it was a bunch of people that will do as many people as possible. the more people the better, so that you understand one gram causes body malfunction, and you've added around for toxic will phase becoming one of cubes. most favored tools. just over 2 weeks ago. russia's federal security service revealed and prevented another mass for.


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