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tv   Direct Impact  RT  March 14, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EDT

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stop the war is okay and carry on choosing the most part, it doesn't garza what i would come up with ideas that would indeed deliver the 8. but of course you can't do it both of the same thought. you guys went into the side and seen the people at the same time ceasefire. now that's the only statement that has to be everywhere around the world. the united nations know what the you'll be. i mean, it's, you know, what does the international community know what everybody knows that the americans are simply trying to create a destruct? well, that's how things are shaping up this thoughts a so far up next week i'll bring you a highlight reel from documentations, big pre election into africa, from out from state to try and get a boots and to craig middle school. besides, it is last. we sit tight and enjoying the
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water, is part of it that the employee would post isn't the deepest you of us and that in the word part, is it something deeper, more complex might be present. good. let's stop. without cases, let's go out of as the
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executor itself, the gaining independence and from the form of the ivory coast, remained under the strong influence of its foam and metropolitan. pro french president, felix, who said one year, ruled the country for 33 years, ensuring the interest to from the dead. the gun on deed isn't it. in a single new foster, larry shifted upwards, was douglas who saw him and no more appropriate after the death of lupe, a one year, a new lead to long combat the ball came to power. reset drum right double for example. yeah. curious to know if we're picking up from or they're gonna use it to see the flu. tiffany: so when is the bronze immediately think about boeing, enemy a deep political crisis ensued. the walk a, the country 2nd largest city,
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turned into a theater of law. from 132, the only 2 voters of what this. how did the dramatic events unfold and how is black a recovering from? he is a bloody conflict. watch on odd. see the the 1st time in history. meantime, country's culture has been cancelled that remote in west council culture need to ask one of the associated miles to the truck. it just means sitting there, one, a put glue. the phrase now particularly refers to cancelling russian culture. and yet the worst it could be able to see what was the zip code, where you might have folks to push it over your own. it's chill out of it. so of
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that the most of the, some rich, the one of them eat the moist blood rushes created the pos 1500 years. there's no question actually condemned, reviled and reject it to sit alone and use that to put somebody at the middle of the panel. there's a lot, i don't know because i don't know, she does have access to the little some of the list. joining total comes him. nation grows daily and now includes just asking you to call scale shostakovich that, that i need to. yeah. of course to left, but yeah, sheet of those things that were done with you. i'm in the the the
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now can you use visa, stupid loyce law here? see it to nancy, click jim's in the book. then that's just me very the, the only showcase use the thing. so i'm just going into the ways that the was the probably the most new and that'll be for them. i'm not sure if this slaughter doesn't want that makes them put the notes up under that
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the weather is not supposed to you mister pool. when the front line situation seemed very tough last year, for example, in hark. com or her son did the idea of resorting to tactical nuclear weapons ever cross your mind of the semester and just to there's a for what for additional. although at the suggestion of the people who were in command of that group, then we decided to withdraw our troops from carson. it was not by any means assigned the front line was collapsing there at least nothing even close to that. the only reason it was done was to avoid unnecessary personal casualties. that's it . that was the main motive, because an absence of ways of supplying the foothold on the right river bank, we would have separate unjustified casualties. to avoid that decision was taken to relocate to the left bank that we saw later that we had made the right choice when
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ukrainian commanders tried to gain a foothold on the left banks in cranky for example, they were basically pushing people into the meat grinder there were people running around barefooted, there literally 19, which i mean literally they were using speed boats and drones to supply them with ammunition. what does it slaughter they were sending them to slaughter. once i asked the chief of general staff and i can tell you, there is nothing secret about its is listen, who do you think is making these decisions on their end? surely whoever is making them must realize they're sending people to certain destiny, said that they do realize. so i asked with them, why are they making these decisions? and it doesn't make any sense. no sense at all from a military standpoint of what he said. and why, he replied, well, i suppose it comes from the top political leadership driven by political considerations. they believe that there is a chance of them breaching our defenses. perhaps they hope to gain additional funds by claiming they have a foothold on the left banks. it's also about presenting deposition favorably it
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international meetings. once the orders are issued, all the subordinate commanders simply comply with when you might. and by the way, the prisoners who surrendered and were taken captive there, revealed they had little understanding of the situation they were getting into, which would be some, one fresh units are deployed there. they're told that the defense is solid there and they're told to keep pushing to help others out. but they couldn't even make it to the left bank. a tragedy, an absolute tragedy from their perspective. so why resort to weapons of mass destruction? there has never been such a necessity for that k with about. so this thought has never crossed your mind that you know, why would it be the weapons are made to be used to? we adhere to our principles, which dictates that we are ready to deploy any form of weaponry, including those you mentioned in defense of the russian state. when our sovereignty and independence are under threat. it's all laid out in our strategy, and we haven't changed it by this customer president when the outgoing president boris yeltsin offered you to run for office,
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your initial reaction was not ready. and you've got to think that's right. those are my exact words for you have certainly come a long way since then. if you had to write a telegram to yourself at the time, what would it say? let me mention it to, you know, it'd be like a yankee in king arthur's court or something interesting to him. it is impossible to answer this question. now, back then, this question was raised at a certain time in a certain historical and economic context that the country was in, in a certain internal political situation that had developed in terms of internal security. and all of that together prompted me to answer. i'm not ready for that. well, it's not because i was afraid of anything, but because the scale of the task at hand was simply enormous. and the number of problems was growing day by day, like a snowball. so, i gave a frank answer at the time. not because i repeat, i was afraid of something,
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my stuff is on the edge, but because i didn't think i was equipped to solve all these problems and god forbid i would make things worse because that's what it was about. ok. so i said that frankly, and if i were to go back in time, i would have answered in exactly the same way to peace, but most of the what was the decisive factor. then after all, you did run the probably conversations with the president yeltsin. what did he tell me back then? he said, okay, fine, i understand. we will return to this later. and we did return to the conversation repeatedly. eventually, he said, i have vast experience. i know what i'm doing, what i'm suggesting. well, and there was some other things he said to me, i guess it would be awkward to complement myself. you said positive things about me later, he reiterated it in a very positive way. i won't talk about it now. and when you get to work, it all feels very different. you know, when you work,
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you think less this and this must be done immediately. this now this tomorrow. and so it goes on and on and on. once you get into it, it's a different story. session so based if there's no time to be afraid anymore, then you know, instead of it is not a method of being afraid but of comprehending the issues and being able to solve them. you remember what 1999 was like in the economy in the field of security and everything in finance? the cause about if you once mentioned the entry leningrad state university, preparing for this was a turning point for you. it was the situation where you had to go all in realizing either i do it now and succeed with it, and then it will fulfill the plans. i have and you intended to work for the kids. you be at the time already where i lose and then everything is different and the chance is gone. is russian now also in a position where you have to go all in or like the firstly this was not my
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situation at the time. yes, i wanted to work in the state security service was completely unable to put entering university was at a turning point. how did it feel? was it a either or moment? that's almost uh, not quite sure for you. i just came to the cage of the office and said, i would like to work here. how do i do that? because the alternative was simple. i was told that i either needed to have a higher education associate, preferably a low degree, or to have served in the army or to have at least 3 years of work experience. but it is better to serve in the army. so if i hadn't gotten into university, i would have joined the army. yes, it would have meant a longer pass to the goal. i had set for myself, but it was an option. there's always an alternative with this to, but it was it difficult to pass exams especially which was so good. yes, of course because i went to a chemistry and math school and here i have to pass the liberal arts. so i had to
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put one thing aside and focus on the other. yes, of course it was difficult. i had to learn a foreign language on my own german and my case. and i had to study history literature. and so i wanted them to receive russia is also at a crossroads right now. chance it either succeeds or not. i see. and the pressure is not at the crossroads. it is on the strategic path of this development and will not turn off. it's past the rest, your shift as if by difficult to what extent do you feel the support of russian society and it's new capacity because of russian society has developed this new capacity. right. and it has been there before. but now it has many festive itself, and it is great that we have given this cor, russian society an opportunity to express itself. my feeling is that people have been waiting for this for a long time. the common man wouldn't be called upon by the country by this 8. and
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the faith of the country would depend on them as that which like this feeling of an intrinsic connection with the motherland, with your homeland, of paying a vital role in accomplishing it's key. go issue, in this case, in the field of security, which is what has brought us might of the russian and other peoples of russia to the surface of the price. what do you feel nurtured by it? always? it's not about feeling nurtured by it. what matters is that i see this public demand. this is the most important thing to meet the public demand so much. you know, it's time to acknowledge that you play a key role not only in russia, but also globally because billions of people pin on you their hopes for international justice, for the protection of human dignity and traditional values. what is it like to bear this enormous burden of responsibility? good chest is interesting. sure. to be honest with you. yeah. propose to, i don't feel that that all. i simply work in the interest of russia in the interest
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of our people, i'm just ready to. i understand though, you know what you're talking about, and i'm ready to comment on it. but i don't feel like being the master of the world destination. that's not the case. believe me, i'm not even close. i simply fulfilled my duty to russia and to our people who consider a rush of their homeland. as for other countries, it's closely related to how we are perceived world wide, 20 shit, that's indeed an interesting phenomenon. so what's important to note here, and you're absolutely right about this, is that many people around the world seem to be watching us looking at what's happening in our country, looking at us fight for our national interests. why is that happening? you may ask, not just because there's this national career, formerly a member of bricks or have a history of warm relations with africa. that is important. yes, but i don't think that's the main point is the point is that the so called little golden 1000000000 has essentially been leeching off of other nations for at least 5
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centuries. and now they tore apart, entire african nations exploited latin american in a c. and countries, so nobody has forgotten that. and i have a feeling that it's not just the leadership of these countries. although that's very important to us all, but also the ordinary citizens who feel it in their bones who know what is happening in reality. and our struggle for our independence and true sovereignty nurtures their own hopes for their nations sovereignty and independent development . it's all further accelerated by western elite for assistant desire to keep the existing status quote, the unjust state of international affairs. over the centuries they've become accustomed to feeling their bellies with human flesh and within their pockets with money. but even they must understand that the vampire ball is ending as a country. and are you renting it there as you put it in your address?
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colonial practices. is that what you're talking about? that's true, but that's exactly what's happening. so please know what you've just painted a completely fair picture of people seen some hope in russia. but how does it happen that western propaganda with all its might colossal resources and tools, has failed to cancel out russia by completely isolating it and distorting this image, even though it tried in the minds of billions of people. how does it happen, which you don't wish to to a true because what i mentioned just now is more in but the people, it's what people all over the world in the field, in their hearts. they don't even need pragmatic explanations for the unfolding events and issues and just let them know even despite this whole flood of mud, no substance from that. yes indeed, but they are also fooling people in their own countries. and it works in many countries. they believe that it serves their interest because they don't want to have such a huge country as russia and their borders. the world's largest country, in terms of territory and the largest in europe in terms of population. our
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population is not that big in global terms compared to china or india, but we have the most populous country and we are over here. and now we're the 5th largest economy in the world. why would they want such a competitor? i think it's better to do with some american expert suggested to divide russia into $34.00, or 5 parts. that way it wouldn't be better for everyone. that's what they're thinking, and they are blinded by this. well, at least part of the western elite is blinded by their russell phobia. they were happy to have brought us to the point where we attempted to use force in order to stop the war unleashed by the west and ukraine since 2014, and had to launch a special military operation. they were overjoyed, i think, because they thought that's how they finally do away with russia. with this barrage of sanctions, almost the sanctions war declared against us with the war waged by the hands of ukrainian nationalists,
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assisted by western weapons. they thought they would finish off russia b, i guess that's where the slogan came from. being the call to inflict the strategic defeat the fun, russia on the battlefield. but later came the realization that this was unlikely and even totally impossible, they realized. but instead of inflicting a strategic defeat, they were faced with impotence. despite relying on the power of the almighty united states, they found themselves impotent against the unity of the russian people, fundamentals of the russian, financial and economic system stability. and the growing capabilities of russia's armed forces. and that's when they started thinking those who are smarter about the need to change their russia strategy. my next door to that's when ideas emerged to restart the negotiating process to look for ways to end this conflict. and to find where rushes of real interest life ultimately, these are dangerous people by the way,
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to store because it's easier to fight those who are guided by literally principles . remember what they used to say in old russ. at some people's notion of common, everyday happiness was limited to having enough to eat and drink and a noticeable of snuff. it's easier to deal with such people, those who only care to have enough food and drink and the nose full of snuff, meaning they used to sniff tobacco. now it's cocaine up their noses, right. but it doesn't matter. it's easier with such people. but the smart ones are harder to deal with. they're more dangerous, because they influence people's mindset, including that of our people. they promote their whims, disguising them as carrots for us. you know, did this already when you asked about the possibility of a negotiating process? but that's also where the disagreements within the western communities stems from each. it's an obvious thing. so we're not going to split them up. they'll do that themselves with brilliance. no, but we will certainly guard our interests. somebody union dues. i can't help asking
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mister putting about the attacks on the belgrade and cursed regions, the military actions taking place in the russian regions. the adversary has become more brazen. do they sense something? why is that? this was one of these things and best the explanation is very simple. all of this is happening because of their failures on the front line. they haven't achieved any of the goals they set for themselves. last year, more over our armed forces have completely seized the initiative. everyone knows this, everyone acknowledges this. i believe there's nothing new here, but they need to show something to compensate for those failures. primarily focusing on the information aspect along the state border. the adversary attempted to attack primarily with sabotaged groups. if the latest report from the general staff talks about up to $300.00 people, including foreign mercenaries, the enemies losses amounted to over $200.00 people. around 230 of the 8 tanks deployed the enemy last 7 and of the 9 armored vehicles,
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97 of which were the us made of bradley's other armored vehicles were also used mainly to transport personnel. they bring them drop off and immediately leave . i'm speaking about the belgrade section of the border a bit further south. it's much smaller in scale, i believe. but nevertheless, i am sure that their main goal is to disrupt the presidential elections in russia. or at least interfere with the process of citizens expression of will. this is number one. see number 2. it's the information aspect i mentioned earlier. and number 3, if anything works out, they are hoping to get a chance, a point of advantage, a trump card in the future negotiation process. we'll return this to you. if you agree to return this to us, as i said before, it's easier to deal with people whose main concern is to have enough to eat, drink, and sniff. because you can foretell what they're going to do. they will also do
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this in some other areas. we can see that was an issue with them. we are open in order. mr. poodle, we've mentioned the episode when you saved your children from a fire, and now you already have grandchildren. because in this country, would you like to leave to your grandchildren look like the other one with that, you know, she had the 1st stage. we need to complete everything that was announced in the address to the federal assembly. a few days ago, we have big and concrete plans related to economic growth. a social sphere support from motherhood childhood gets to assemblies with children and pensioners. we've talked very little, not at all about this slightly, but we're allocating the resources needed for that on us. i'm talking about pension indexing, various social benefits at the long term care for people who need it. and i would like to say that it's to the older generation that we owe the fairly solid and
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stable statehood. and the economy that we have today, because russia's economy managed to endure all the ups and downs, the severe hardships of the 19 ninety's thanks to the heroic efforts of these people during the economic recovery after the great patriarch war. therefore, we should never forget about the merits of the older generation. we should always remember and give them due credit providing for their well being today. but the future belongs to our children. so i've already talked about motherhood and childhood programs. but to do all this, we need to rely on the economy. and i hope to see it more technologically advanced . modern, based on the latest achievements in science and technology is tied to a i robotics genetics and so on. book how fast our agriculture is growing. and their to modern technologies are needed. they are actively used and will continue to be used. and of course the country will be self sufficient in terms of national
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security and defense. we need to multiply all of this many times over and the future will be secured. it will to ship with expansion suppressing. thank you mr. prudent. your confidence is contagious. i wish you success in your no will endeavors. thank you. own the the thing that would inform you to have with them for the gifts for the state of celia was this because they did just wouldn't care to get a car through the new year. oh for g for i teach. so i know for me teaching the scholars that should postpone, you have to do this, i'm going to west, i look forward to with that to she is more, it's a promotion by cheating. and when you move, we must move
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a mobile number and starts from 1st month to month with the amount of water to move menu with the continuum will just take it, i assume for so the lowest, the, the, it, some of them of very typical some rough and you say the shortest finish, this is just all just for good news. i'm a fraction of when you come swing to do friday is the material origin of people for the, for sure. and shoot me an the temperature of induction to some of this the, the, the
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new possibility of products and must have less than that got sent to us. we'll probably that's up to my minimum does what is we'll just do it in the polls and i'm going to assume that this one while we're waiting for another license, football for them to show right click on this is unusual. that's the, that's pretty much the, this is the city. i know most of the show look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people.
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a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except we're so shorter is a conflict with the 1st law show you live in justification for should be very careful about visual intelligence. at the point, obviously, is to create a trust rather than fit the various mean with the artificial intelligence we have so many of the payment the robot must protect this phone. existence was on the operation. we deal lowest points of view of the stuff
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the, the new issue a vehicle currently in the motion stores that are the for the money isn't done. life is william, which is seems to stay on the some with the the
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the way i'm sure that you recognize just health care list. this time is what our country and what difficult challenges lie ahead of us in almost every direction. its core meaning is that you only use the citizens of russia can decide the future of your home. on the eve of the election. 7 president vladimir parents and calls all the nations people to consolidate on cost that vote on all team. we are tracking the timeline, whole, not them appear to in, in office and how his perception of the partnership with the west has changed over the years. russia is part of the european culture and i cannot imagine my own country and i solution from europe. so it is hard for me to visualize natal.


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