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tv   News  RT  March 14, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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i'm best do what i mean. there's a corporate push out the, the, the headlines, one off the international ukrainian forces attempting to breach the russian border, but afford back a made a heavy loss is a $195.00 of the troops killed the at any time. just drove the lift when you move to play, i'm sure that you recognize just now. the parallel is time is for our country and what difficult challenges lie ahead of us in almost every direction. its core meaning is that you and only you to citizens of russia can decide the future of your home. on the eve, all the russian president calls on the nation's people to night and cost as much africa as large as the economy nigeria and lifting its sanctions against neighbor news year. and this time of improving ties. we hear from a former diplomat who says it was wrong with pokers those restrictions in the 1st
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it had to be some of some, some generally level what and drives from that unit in july. and it was like, if i need to move that to airport, have to i'm the 3 which was in the wrong direction. also a group of european n g o. so taking legal action against denmark to prohibit it from sending any record. and the screw is right, the looking like, if there's any program, if you will, top stories right here on, on the international. it's a pleasure to have you with us by the way, kicking off, see how it is breaking news or on how to use rushers. defense industry has now confirmed that are you creating and forces did try to breach the borders of bellwood road and quarters, but failed, and suffered the loss of nearly 200 soldiers. a preemptive actions by russian units
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have foiled yet another attempt by the ukrainian armed forces to break through into the border territory of the russian federation. near the spider use in that area of the bulk road region. as a result of russian air strikes and artillery fire up to a 195, you cranium, service men were eliminated. it's just the latest and a series of attempted incursions by keeps troops into russia in the belgrade and coast regions and region days. piracy therapy multiple attempts since sunday also build the world. the governor said to civilians were killed and at least 10 were wounded and reason to crate in ms. all stripes on the region. as we understand your grand new forces, allegedly used rockets produced by the check rep public and the latest attacks. well, here are not see it, but this breaking news will stay all across the developments and get them to you instantly. now, along with a direct attacks on the russian regions, ukraine has been trying to conduct the sabotage operations inside the country. a criminal part has been on covered by russian security services that if pulled off
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could have resulted in an enormous number of people being poisoned, ukrainian group working out of a make shift lab. and the russians did have some petersburg was trying to spike is central food items that would then be sent to the front lines as to monetary and aid. open off our corresponding eagerness, done office picking up the store of life and front line. don't pass downs is not easy. grocery store was scar, so non existent, what do scavengers, what you read as thousands of people have the survival pin, don't humanitarian aid supplies. and this is exactly what ukraine's military intelligence has tried to weaponized these 123, and 4 young men. so to be recruited and so they were, the main objective must mother. to get a middle from zalinski, you need to sentence 50 people to death. to do that, you need to make a lot of porridge. in this video,
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one of the detained ukrainian agents dukes to his recruiter who is still unaware that his sabotaged groups cover has already been blown. the handler is from a pro zelinski formation that calls itself the russian fall into you. cool. so promoted as a power emetics for units of russian citizens. in reality, it's nothing more than a terrorist organization. they're known for hovering veterans of ukraine's neo nazi is of battalion, and they've repeatedly attacked russian both the villages and taken locals hostage . your hope was done. i was on a mission for the russian volunteer core to get a gps tracker, as well as chemical poisoning agents when it comes to them when they came to my home with a parcel as always, which as it turned out later and i was filled to the boys into intoxicating russian civilians and military personnel. way in this literature curious logistics school through a logistics company. before i received the sack with chemical poisoning agents,
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which i was to send to the nets, people's republic boys in russian soldiers and the residence of the criminal ring operating in the russian city of saint petersburg in a make shift lab and a garage wearing gold goes respirators and white coats, ukrainian agents were meticulously following their handlers orders, which were clear, spike essential food items on an industrial level, and sent them to the front as humanitarian aid. the glue, the banks, exactly as they do in factories. the yes, yes. good. the annual physical definitely look new, so the scale must be industrial to come up with a better fisheries. but anyone who consumes the substance in food will experience acute poisoning there, but it is not its consumption with food that is especially dangerous, but it's in collision in the form of dust or vapor. so for example, for whoever cooks with this flower will get more poisoning and consequently for the
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chance of death is higher if the, if we talk about soldiers on the front lines. but if they eat poisoned food, they will lose their ability to fight. if we talk about the civilian population, it's a more terrible scenario because of pregnant woman will accumulate this substance in her body. and it will have a toxic effect on almost all of her systems. this can lead to impaired fetal development fetal loss and the death of the mother herself. it is also a scary scenario for children because they are less protected from exposure to handle it with ukraine's military intelligence made it clear, spare no one, not only to the pregnant, but to the military, as well as all the boys to keep a level 2 as many people as possible the more people the better, so that you understand one gram causes body malfunction, and you've added around 4 toxic will phase becoming one of cubes. most favored tools. just over 2 weeks ago, russia's federal security service revealed and prevented another mass poisoning
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that would have used the minute sheet grade chemical agent be said, which was developed by the us. it's impossible to detect without very advanced laboratory equipment dollars flipping this. but this substance is used in industry, in large quantities. and the idea is that the purchase of a small batch of this substance will not raise any additional questions. the symptoms can be confused with a common bacterial infection. so, so in order to identify that it was poisoning with this very substance, it is necessary to undergo a special examination. but this is problem attic in some areas. therefore for some time but one cannot detect poisoning so and constantly receives a toxic dose of this substance. so now we're writing it off as poor quality food or an illness like a cold. but the substance will accumulate in the body and cause you're reversible. damage to somebody, walk me through the detainees, ok, they knew what they were doing, driven by van, etc. and last for do be is glory as it becomes increasingly apparent. well,
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conventions, morals, and humanity are an empty sound for the landscape henchmen. well, meantime it is election a hair in russia with the country gearing up the go to the polls on friday. first time ever the vote will be held of a multiple days and we will be there every step of the way. the know ahead of the election as one might imagine was letting me put into the address of the nation. busy on every russian citizens, i take part because i think says every photo this was really make, it has been new. i see this will be the dates, time russians vote in the presidential election. that's which proves our country's commitment to one of the fundamental principles of democratic society and the regularity of elections. the outcome of this election will shape russia's evolution
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and growth for years because it is a historic event and a moment of great responsibility. the only source of power in our country is its peoples. a fundamental principle that's enshrined in russia's constitution. its core meaning is that you and only you, the citizens of russia can decide the future of your homeland. you are about to cast your vote and in doing that, declare firmly and resolutely your will, your aspirations and your personal commitment to the continued development of our shared homes. i am sure that you recognize just how perilous this time is for our country. and what difficult challenges lie ahead of us in almost every direction to continue to meet them with dignity and overcome these hardships, we need to remain united and remember our inner strength. we must show our unity and determination to march on together. every vote is valuable in every vote matters. so i urge you to exercise your right to vote in the coming days. our country is massive, but polling stations will be open on every corner in every city, town,
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and village. when you're ready to take up with you for us to deal with each other and that's not bring up or for all the presidential candidates. so the incumbent head of state, of course, let him have food and he so within the countries leadership since 19199 following that career on the state security services. yeah, that's really kind of, it's are actually current, national lawmakers of let us solve divine call face or from the up and coming new people poverty. he's also a former businessman alongside, hey ms. lee and its slootsky, head of the liberal democratic party, and a former russian envoy to the parliamentary assembling of the council view of europe. and then there was also nickaligha on who represents the communist party. he's been a member of the lower house of parliament for 3 decades. coffee heads, a committee on arctic, and far east and development to. and while it most at russian regions have got to begin the voting. in the coming days, the citizens and remote locations have already started costing the balance that includes the new frontline territories as all of his ribbon costs ref now,
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reports from upholding station in the don't have the early voting began in the domestic people's republic. now, due to the specificity of, uh, this region, the local residents got an opportunity to cast their ballots a little bit earlier. now we're in one of the cities here in the next group public where the locals will now vote in their 1st ever russian presidential election. political is your last, you know, there's so many people, so many applications to vote at our pulling station. i've got over a 1000 of them. everyone wants to get involved. i have a friend whose father is old and pretty sick. he was so worried that he wouldn't live until the 15th, that he probably forgot about his pain and what was in store for him. he knows that this choice will decide the future of our children and grandchildren for if he had so much desire so much of passion. trust me, roman. i've never seen elections like these before. we the heads of the election commissions have a group chat. a colleague wrote, we started work at $1015.00,
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but then showing began, we waited it out and continued. and the reason the election commission members are coming to work is that voters keep coming and people will come and we'll have to wait. otherwise, even though they're taking risks when they come to pulling stations, they still want to make their vote count. and after the referendum, when we knew we had been reunited with the mainland that we were finally back home . we felt an even greater desire to fight. i personally felt that way was no matter what you do will survive, will hold these elections, no matter what the ukranian side may do. our elections will be open, transparent, and free. i want to prove that no matter what they do, our guys, our soldiers will prevail. my message to people who are waiting to be liberated by the russian army, is this trust me, our guys will not just liberate you, but they will provide all the support you need. even an ordinary soldier will be
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there to well, she won't turn you away. to always lend a helping hand. and you'll remember what it feels like when you're welcoming someone back home and can breathe a sigh of relief and live on happily. i should though so good. i believe that it is the duty of every citizen of the domestic republic because we are voting here for the 1st time for the president of the russian federation. and i believe that everyone is obliged to vote for our future. and i hope it will be good. it is important for us to vote out of consideration for security as there are attacks. and there should not be large crowds of people. just not all the stay i'm. i am glad that i was able to make my conscious choice, and i think that life will change for the about to leave the can. these being how so the old residents have the opportunity to vote some a way can and some have all the 2nd senses and cannot cameron set and election days . so what are you for those?
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first of all, we want peace warms and a peaceful sky above our head. i give the sure i hope that our children and grandchildren will live better in the future. there is only joy, nothing else we're being shelled. and therefore, in order to avoid a large crowd of people, early elections are being held for security reasons. sort of a symbol of feet. and a symbol of whole residence here in dunbar had been suffering youtube ukrainian artillery setting for the last 10 years. and hopefully with this presidential election hold there worries, who will be behind them from on call for archie. the next republican, the now this is off to the international in a sign of well bullying relations. in western africa, nigeria has reopened its land on a borders with neighboring new chair, a country that was in for the barrels of sanctions following a qu last year. and i,
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the area is africa's largest economy and the kind of leader of the regional group of the countries are known as echo was it also rescinded other restrictions including a no fly zone opening chair and unblocked financial and commercial transactions. furthermore, it has facilitated the restoration of electrical power supply in new jared's also looked at number of trouble bonds against me. jerry and officials now last month's echo was lifted. similar sanctions against nature. the restrictions were imposed off to authorities over through the presidents of nature in july of last year. and while the measures were intended to force the country to hold the elections, they were unsuccessful. we heard from the former echo watson's diplomat, who around the county, he says the sanctions were imposed auto panic and would not the right move a ride from the beginning. the sun shows we have along very long because um this way in time out of my thoughts. so vehicle as i'm down,
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the track vision of some showings generally never works. and um, right from that period in july, it was like if i need to make sure that the cause i have to undertake which was in the wrong direction. and it was obvious that some shows normally hot the poor, not the government that to i tried to fight. i'm doubtful. it was bound to fit some shows. and some of these countries might work sometimes because of the 5 most of the leading cages that you have. what is found in west africa? when you say europe down, countries in for assumptions on countries in west africa will otherwise in the continental is because of, um, i am if i was then i'm the financial strengths that dies feeling resident in yellow . however, as we have also seen, song songs or goes russia, photos of the had the opposite effect on the send me the parent company that i
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attempted to impose this something since because these are countries at that one was i've saw i'm therefore imposing something, something would be like a, it was of time that indicates of russia against you come in. we have seen that 0 pen companies are paying dearly for imposing those kinds of assumptions. they have been so minimize the effects of this i'm shows we have seen in the previous a thread between these countries where since you have some level of suffering here and there. and then, you know, because the csr, which is the national caught on c or the global um uh, original colors, the 4th of okay. uh, franz was able to exercise unnecessary control over these countries that i've seen with the formation of the configuration. i'm eventually coming into set this lives a new car, and so all together, some of these i leave read,
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this would seem to disappear and then they'll be new relationships with other countries that are more friendly now it's a gaza where at least 9 people remotely killed in his railey air attack, locals are gathering to pay their last respects to the victims, among them uh, 2 women and 3 children. that's according to hospital records. because we understand the striking a home in a refugee camp in a central part of the well over in europe, a group of humanitarian organizations trying to take legal action against denmark to get it to stop sending weapons to as well. action aid, amnesty international ox firm, and i'll hack on now, assuming the danish state to stop danish arms exports to israel, denmark should not send weapons if there is a reasonable suspicion that israel is committing genocide and gaza. well, that statement comes with mountain coals in europe to stop arms expos, to israel,
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of the netherlands, italy, spain, in belgium, already taking such moves, but the main providers of weapons to israel. well, that's america and germany, apparently not in a hurry to follow suit. the director of, i'll have the human rights organization says international legal authorities have got to address this matter in the european countries. the preaching vacation, delta v u n. k 3 and also the comb on the also you know, i'm so it's, it's a continue we juno saw to it goes on slow just to ward so far apart. this is what the i c g 0. so rule on the probably, you know, a major was the submitted this case, somebody to buy sounds perfect, which they came, you know, with the conclusion that it's possible a totally piece of genocide that's, that's the case id and then him of course,
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so they have and explore the items explode with his r and d, and we, us the, uh, the quote uh to give a legal answer regarding this is uh, relations and how much you know, denmark is, be sure that it's, uh, we funds will look views and the company things, crimes in does a lot of times, friends, it gives you how many people are doing this. i mean, while a group of us senators have sent a letter to joe biden, urging him to pressure israel into allowing humanitarian aid into gaza, or the 8, the congressional my both of the bite. and she got the idea to start blocking the supplies, or else the us would block its own support phase, where the netanyahu's government interference with humanitarian operations has prevented us financed aid from reaching its intended recipients in
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a safe and timely manner. given this reality, we urge you to make it clear to the netanyahu government, but failure to immediately and dramatically expand humanitarian access and facilitate safe. a deliveries throughout gaza will lead to serious consequences as specified under existing us law. i live and recently sat down is rarely crowned operation into the southern gauze and city of cut off. i knew the age of some border would be a red line. so if all the u. s. has reportedly approved more than a 100 alms sales to israel since the wall kicked off 4 months ago. the director of our hoc, again, the says the by the administration could immediately stop the war. if we in the utah, it wanted to rekey us. they are standing on the condition, many behind the blindly and the few s wants to stop the, the war against people and they get civilians they're going on and does that. if
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they want to stop the genocide, they kind of stop in 5 minutes rather than 5 days. if they stop, for instance exporting the we pose to, uh, as long as they want to, uh, just say that we are not supporting this on zillow, was, will be the un security council tool. and the case to take it is it you should against the that the task is going to stop or they can, they can, but the us for more 5, do they protect those or before the, the you and the security council on the side, they are sending their we for 0 to can for the seniors with watch how would towards accept if you want us to say the america is week or the, as a lot of the americans, they are working, you know, just for these latest. that's the case, which is some of the case. this is a lot of the u. s. i guess the media. that's so well the fire brand, british politician george galloway,
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who as of last week is once again the member of parliament. he says he has found himself in the cross has of the countries media and photos, reese and fire exchange with the sky, which made plenty of headlines. now the veteran pro the palestine campaigner is the latest guest on o. rick sanchez, is program direct impact. you can watch it all day either or not, so you. but for now, the preview of the bridge media alleged the i was fighting a bridge problem edge election on garza. i was, but if i was then goes on one, i crushed all the other parties, the government, bob, do the opposition. bob to the 3rd, don't position bob to the full of the position polity. i got more votes than all of them put together. by the way, you talked about what happens to somebody who comes out and says, the kinds of things that you say. but many people are afraid to say, i want to show people what happens to someone who says the kinds of things that you say. this is a video that has pretty much gone global,
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if not very viral. it is you just a few weeks ago with a reporter who instead of coming to you and asking you questions about you being victorious in this election, takes a different matter. you don't respect the members, do i respect the prime minister? i despise the prime minister. and guess the millions and millions and millions of people in this country. it seems like this young buck reporter, god bless them. had decided that you were being a bit of an outcast and how would you walk in question the system and how dare you george galloway question. those people who are really in the system like their prime minister and your response was epic fill us in with what happened there? you shaw they are. what was for several days down a bit? no. an attempt to i'm not so much i as me, yes. to do
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a decent job to my is my victory. of course in doing that, they what i'm not so much sizing. the thousands and thousands of people who voted for me. i'm not, that's just not very democratic. if you believe in democracy, you have to respect the choices that the people make to whether you like, who the elect a don't know the well, the thousands of farmers in india have been protesting in the capital to seek more support for their industry. a major demand concerns legislation to guarantee minimum crop prices of the demonstrators are also coding for the government to provide free electricity for funds. india is agriculture. ministers emphasized the need to maintain peace, sunset. the fathers should continue to negotiate. the workers say that without minimum price guarantees for the crops they might not make ends the,
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we demand that the government implement a minimum support price for our troops. we are the producers, but we don't get the correct payment for our projects. the trade isn't middlemen take away the profits. both the producers and the consumers suffer losses in the current system. we are here to demand rights for farmers. in my region, the minimum support price for crops is not paid. we sold our sugar cane produce, but haven't received the compensation. also, farmers are fed up with the issue of straight cattle destroying crops in our country. farmers our oppressed, the temperate companies of our country receive corporate loan waivers, but the poor and deserving farmers are denied their rights. washington says the east african nation of kenya intends to send police forces to the crisis, riddled caribbean island nation of haiti within the coming days. american, a top diplomat has to be blank and decided he had confirmation from kenya's
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president on the phone. this morning was president rudolph canyon who confirmed changes preparedness to lead that that mission. as soon as the this new council is stood up, which we believe will happen in the next couple of days. and an inch from prime minister selected a kenya had previously put on hold a plan to send about a 1000 offices back off of the prime minister of the caribbean nation to resign. back in october and i, roby agreed to leave you an authorized international mission to haiti after it collapsed into chaos. however, can you, as top court ruled the move unconstitutional, and many people in that country? well, so opposed to the intervention. as i came down, this is the just on the beach we saw before, even the quotes. little again is it? but the outcome was not. that much may be cabinet 10 board because it comes on and because now it has been stopped. so i sued and we're going to be cute outside. now
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i see our police, our government has been not to me before. that is, i think they should dream though up to our police vain. after that they can look up to them. he has no government because most of us, so it's not the advice of boy you know is um, this is like evolve governments because for people don't even put say hey, do you has been in close for months while they've reason weeks, local gains of seeds controls of parts of the capital, some police stations turn into smouldering ruins, along with some hospitals to a thousands of inmates also escaped the last week during a prison break down is done. many returned to the gang locals. welcome to prime ministers resignation. they hope it means that countries finally back on track the area on re his handed in his resignation. a demo must act against it without delay
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area on re it should be arrested since it's government came to power. they've been massacres in working class neighborhoods. you often would see good, we say that the haitian people have scored in other victory because of all real henri is in there, the people can take their destiny into their own hands and see it through to the end. we fought the political battle and now it's time to fight the battle for well being. today, talking about our real on re is a thing of the past. if you say, are you and reese resignation was extremely important for us because the country was dysfunctional. we can't even talk about development area and we is the father arm games and outlaws. i was discussing this earlier with the head of the secretary general over 10 years comment as pa, he benedict why she had a. he talked about it blinking or asking, can you that it's so far away from hate to get involved. but also there's also that issue of $300000000.00 hanging in the balance. yeah. in terms of
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why is that we have from hate to how you had this on the bus. the cutting for mobilization, we drove the phone up in the cellar, went to go to organize somebody in the top the that the weekend to ease hadn't bent to impress the he's, i'm really kind of my stuff. so that's a gonna be seen on the bottom of mine is the west, the west. that is what is driving in the kitchen and both is on the boat or the can them them the president of the getting a government to send them to get in for use dental hygiene. the 2nd, the issue is the, the us, i'm do you and in general has a problem miss. eh, me, you have the suite. so i've lived in bills of getting a few minutes for the come to the center. yeah. so does the dresser. no, we have feeling kinda wants to spend that piece.


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