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tv   News  RT  March 14, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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complex, multifaceted bit, let's stop without glitches. let's go part of the headlines right here are not a ukrainian forces attempt to reach the russian border, but a for tobacco mit heavy losses. a 195 of the troops killed and many times destroyed the way to cope with. i'm sure that you recognize just health care, elizabeth. the time is for our country and what difficult challenges lie ahead of us in almost every direction. it's core, meaning, is that you and only you, the citizens of russia can decide the future of your home on the eve, all the election to run for president calling on the nations people to do tonight and cost that but also with the program. because the logic, the economy, nigeria lifting it, sanctions against neighboring need air and assigned to improving ties. we hear from
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a point different lot who says it was wrong to impose restrictions in the 1st place to try to push them on some something some generally never watched and right from the theater didn't do light. it was like if i need to make your vehicle as hot the case, which was in the wrong direction, the all right, 5 pm on thursday here at most good. this is off the international, of course, without the predictable mainstream channel narratives. welcome to your new it is breaking news as our here on out to you as a rushes, ministry of defense has confirmed the ukraine here in the 4th is try to breach the borders of belgrade and coast, but failed and stuff with the loss of nearly 200 soldiers, a preemptive actions by russian units have foiled yet another attempt by the ukrainian armed
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forces to break through into the border territory of the russian federation. near the sputter use in that area of the bulk road region. as a result of russian air strikes and artillery fire up to a 195, you cranium, service men were eliminated to civilians. a man and woman were killed ends at 9 others were going to end the belgrade region of russia following artillery, showing by the forces of the key of regime according to the local authorities. now the man who was killed was driving his car on a very busy street during this barbaric attack. there were dozens of other drivers on the road at that time, but they were unscathed. russian armed forces in the neighboring curse region, also witnessed and attacked by ukrainian minutes into the local governor said that's ukrainians. tablets, or groups attempted to infiltrate the russian border there, but were a successful due to the time of the response of the russian military. how this
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latest you create an attack in belgrade and curse was just one of many in the recent days. according to the russian authorities keep attempting to break through the russian border several times since sunday has the result. you have lost over 230 men. 7. thanks. 3 bradley fighting vehicles and other equipment as well at the moment o ukrainian attempts look futile while the border is under complete, control. impossible to penetrate on the ground. well, meanwhile, it is the election eve here in russia, the country gearing up to go to the polls on friday 1st time either by the way the vote will be held about multiple days. and he will be that with you, every step of the way the
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head of the election, as one might imagine, that it may put in a dress the nation calling on every russian citizen to take part. because as he says, every vote counts a luxury and make it has been new. i see this will be the 8 time russians vote in the presidential election. that's which proves our country's commitment to one of the fundamental principles of democratic society and the regularity of elections. the outcome of this election will shape russia's evolution and growth for years because it is a historic event and a moment of great responsibility. the only source of power in our country is its peoples. a fundamental principle that's enshrined in russia's constitution. its core meaning is that you and only you, the citizens of russia can decide the future of your homeland to ask you what about the cast your vote. and in doing that, declare firmly and resolutely your will, your aspirations and your personal commitment to the continued development of our shared homes. i am sure that you recognize just how powerless this time is for our
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country, and what difficult challenges lie ahead of us in almost every direction. to continue to meet them with dignity and overcome these hardships, we need to remain united and remember our inner strength. we must show our unity and determination to march on together. every vote is valuable in every vote matters. so i urge you to exercise your right to vote in the coming days. our country is massive, but polling stations will be open on every corner in every city, town, and village. when you may take up with you, but i split data, which is you. so aside from i missed the person who are the other contenders in this race. well that us off the phone call, fees are from the up and coming new people party is 39 for my business. mine is a treatment to be the young, fresh face that of russia need. it's not, number 2 would be, well, before i get there, i would have to say that mr. divine cope recently met with international observers who will be monitoring the elections. and despite his political party, only recently, having appeared on the russian political scene, he did emphasize that he's got a big team assembled to observe the funding process to make sure it is free,
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transparent, and fat transmission. of course, we expect that the elections will be held at a high organizational level was, and i know how important international participation is. that includes observations which will be organized here starting tomorrow. they'll be computers and observer observers will also be working into regions primarily in areas where there are no cameras. most of the polling stations that are clipped with cameras or a large team of volunteers will also monitor the progress of the elections online. next off is that nichol? i phone off the comment as puffy apollo battery veteran, and he's been a familiar face in the world politics for more than 30 years and thought he was around iraq when he lost it. for president, said presidency in 2004, a burning hot topic, of course died of ukraine, and he says that can be no more good. we'll just choose from. must go, have a listen, jim record somebody. and you officially given the current public regime in ukraine,
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which was planted by western europe. i perfectly understand the population of ukraine. they are ready to agree by and large to do anything to stop the fighting film. which recently both for administer lever off and the president of our country have repeatedly stated that we are ready to sit down at the negotiating table. but on russia's terms, there is no other option. well finally, so a contender, as i mentioned earlier, and it starts key leading the liberal democratic party kind of the pony good. around 3 percent. it was actually a member of the russian delegation to the assembled piece. folks with ukraine back in spring of 22, of course those pools were destroyed by the former british prime minister barak johnson. now this campaign has been driven by social issues like tax cuts and inflation. the yes, the address if we described the russia of the future as we see it, it will be a comfortable country where you can not worry about safety driving normal roads without traffic jams and not freeze at home in winter because the management companies work well. it is
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a fair country where all citizens rights are respected and all social guarantees are realized where there are no poor people. this is a great country that is respected by everyone in the world. it has formed a new global majority in the world as replacing the anglo saxon regime, centered in washington, and putting an end to the dispute over what the world order should be. it will be multi polar for the complex and ukraine is a pivotal factor for many russians. i mean, you'd imagine quite simply, it will be weighing quite heavily on the outcome of the elections. it also impacted the income and presidents of stones towards western powers. have a look at the summer and it costs a river, assessing vladimir putin, his attitude towards certain professional partners in the west and how his perception was changed to their office timing. josh, a lot of my post and it became ross as president for the 1st time. it was a breath of fresh air and not only for russians, it was good and for almost thing of the beginning when the west appeared. so welcome, ross is near later i have come to moscow important time. russia,
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after all, has a new president, a new government under duma. its economy is showing encouraging signs of growth. this gives russia a pivotal opportunity to build on the strong record of engagement between our 2 countries. it is also an opportunity for the united states. i welcome president clinton's interest in building a russian that enjoys the enduring strength of a stable democracy. they evidently liked what he had been saying, and they were eager to engage for some boots and went on to define. his vision is only the west had listened. instead they went on to prove that they only support those who follow them blindly. yeah, he sent me the social of democratic principles in international relations. the ability to find the correct decision and readiness for compromise on a difficult thing. but then it was a european who was the 1st to understand how important it is to look for consensus
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over and above national egoism. we agree with that. all these are good ideas. it seemed just recently that a truly common home would shortly rise on the continent home in which the europeans would not be divided into east and west and northern or southern. today, we must say once and for all the cold war is done with. we have entered a new stage of development. we understand that without a modern sound and sustainable security architecture, we will never be able to create an atmosphere of trust on the continent. and without that atmosphere of trust, there can be no united, greater europe, a lot of our foods in the most optimistic about russia's relationship with the wes . we'll see what he have to say about this assessments in hindsight. but for now, let's say in the early 2, thousands, that's when the russian lead or even consider joining forces with nato russia. russia is part of the european culture. and i cannot imagine my own country and nice solutions from europe and what we often call the civilized world. so it is
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hard for me to visualize tomato as an enemy. i think even posing the question, this way will not do any good to russia or the world. the very question is capable of causing damage. we are open to equitable cooperation to partnership some. even joe biden, as senator at the time was singing his praises saying that no russian leader since peter the great has passed as long as lots with the was as boots and it has well, it was all good. as long as russians leader did it in severe and international affairs, it seems, well the warsaw pact long dissolves and soviet era basis close. mass go will seemingly play into long and was expected that's partners to do the same. washington, however, continued to expand nato, withdrew from the answer, ballistic missile, pretty well innovating. i've gotten this done before it moved on to iraq. well, experts say that was the turning point. russell's adamant that these developments
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require the let's have a look here. they're required a political settlement and they emphasize that the situation could only be resolved for international cooperation through the security council. and in compliance with the un charter. we stand for resolving the problem exclusively through peaceful means. any other option would be a mistake. it would be fraud with the grievous consequences. it will result in casualties and the stabilize the international situation in general. well, we all know what happened there. a total and utter disaster. the west continued to ignore a lot of my pollutants. warnings was withdrawn from yet another treaty. this time on nuclear arms reduction. the big picture was looking very suspicious. let's not forget that one of the boots is main issues from the get go was for the west to stop expanding nato or a sports bra. so naturally saw it as a threats, but it says it's not as good as shooting in nato expansion does not have any
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relation with the more than i zation of the alliance itself. or with ensuring security in europe. on the contrary, it represents a serious publication that reduces the level of mutual trust. and we have the right to ask against whom is this expansion intended? and what happened to the assurances are western partners made after the dissolution of the warsaw pact? i would like to quote the speech of nato general secretary, mister warner in brussels on 17th may 1990. he said at the time that the fact that we are ready not to place a needle army outside of german territory gives the soviet union a firm security guarantee. where are these guarantees? as that fell on deaf ears once again, because they had all continued expanded, have a look at this map right here. this is what it looked like before nato didn't just swallow up new members, both countries that used to be part of the warsaw pact with the soviet union. and
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they kept moving closer and closer to russia's bores. the spies vladimir boots insane. stop willing and unless you're going to need to moisten that, russia cannot react to actions that undermine and security. further expansion of the military block is a problem for us. so let's leave amicably and have a fair dialogue. guys, the way we are treated, we will react the same way. but today i felt that i was hurt by my partners, but they didn't listen well the towards the end, ukraine next on the list, the plans that are in georgia and so and, and so i rushed and stave didn't work out as pride. but america was on the church and essentially took it upon itself to make sure that the plan for kids was put into action as we all saw with the my down to in 2014. well, despite the fact that keeps the military had killed thousands of civilians in the pro russian don't boss for years, lot of effort to remain calm and collected,
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urging all sides to negotiate. that a miracle happened with both parties sign and the men's agreements. so and all hostilities yeah, feeling pretty seniors cuz i'm, we probably would generally join what has been said here. today's negotiators have adopted a final joins document that reaffirms the river community of strict and consistent implementation of the minutes agreements of 12 of february 2015, and stresses the importance of establishing direct dialogue between the parties to the conflict. it was all a scam, just like washington's promise not to expand nato, leaving russell with no other option but to use military force to protect the civilians in former parts of eastern new crane, the west side with launch and their interventions all around the world for decades in the name of suppose of democracy, which never actually comes to countries, they invade, but we're russia simply stood up to say civilians from him as a military. natal tried file. yes,
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there was definitely not even i can tell you with absolute sincerity, despite the fact that i worked in the security services for 20 years, i still had an idea that the whole world and the so called, civilized world understands that russia has become a different country that there is no ideological confrontation anymore, and i usually thought that it was the inertia of thinking and actions. that was a nice belief. and the realities are that after the collapse of the ussr, it was believed that russia would also collapse. then they wouldn't be able to pick apart the pieces and use our resources and was only later that this realization came to me. now, when it comes to the buyers to a comprehensive coverage of the election, this is a child to be watching a correspondence, a guests. and unless they're all waiting to jump in and get involved and give that to sense to stick around or special coverage, kicking off very soon, the
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wife are not here in the program with all the international, a judge in 10 years says a massive lawsuit against american food control, martin del monte, can still go ahead and solve the defense. tried to say of the case was out of the jurisdiction of the east african country. now demonte is facing numerous accusations of a sold, right. moda eventually, electrically created by gods and it's bombing locations. and can you, of the companies also that use of attempting to bribe witnesses and can use high quality is currently considering the lawsuit brought by alleged victims with the support of multiple n g o. well, the warranty has dismissed the chargers say there's just no evidence representative of the company that owns the legal action as a this information campaign. however, earlier this month, the company apparently fired 250 guards from kenyan funding locations, replacing them with stuff from a global security company. the del monte report, reset the new personnel that on the go,
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no training to you. it's minimal. physical force that is facilities was here. here's our house on victims of spoken out about their alleged experience of being beaten by for my go. the main deal now was bitten by the bellman guards for the room, go on my hand and they left me dying. actually, they thought i had already died and that's when they drag me to a forest nearby, where i spend the whole night while both on men conscious and informed my family members who took me to the hospital. not a delmore where being seriously beaten by the guard, some are killed and others when they are called, disappear completely on your mind within your i think the defeats we used to get grass for our livestock set, the delmonte site, one day these guards sauce and chased us and unfortunately their dog caught me. the guards thoroughly beaten me. they left me and cautious and dragged me deep inside the pineapple field. later in the evening, they carried me outside the plantation and left me to die at the roadside. and by that time i was seriously bleeding and woke. i spent a whole night bleeding beside the road. and early in the morning the man carried me
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to the hospital and they these guards beat us. they chased us with dogs, and some people died while in the hands of these guard how i might, you know, i, let's, so let's have this conversation further on off the international coaching live now to james maurie, the human rights defender and chapman of the african center for corrective and preventive action, james, great to see, thanks so much for jumping on the program with us here at all to you. what do you think about this? maybe the judge is reportedly allow the plaintiffs to amend that the petition against del monte. what exactly is happening? do you think it's a good today for us as a jew and that also is there a community undertaking enough? because to be faced the resistance from the one to legal team that didn't want us to amend the application as you help which it these new issues that have cropped up since you felt this matter, especially the funding of the gods, suspensions of the month to products in video stomach, it's clearly you repeat the markets in american markets. so these are the issues
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that to bring to the quote to help the judge or the quote at the new service. or i appreciate you making that clear, shedding some light on this. appreciate a james, what kind of sean says, do you think the plaintive actually have of winning this little seat? i mean, could, could they actually beat such a massive american multi conglomerate, like delmonte? and what do you, what do you think of the odds disposable? because the sprint of 10 will be best our constitution people have looked be able to guess to across just on. ready if you saw the issue on that shoot the 5070 in kenya, fighting the menu, we want to get, i mean, so we actually, we have very comfortable, that's what we are going to we negative. and that has to be good because it's now the health suspended and the health i had so many good luck use of all of these
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echoes it. this will the chances of winning this is a strict did you mean you told me you talked about how many of being fired from the company this full, my god, what 20250, at least designed to start. but i mean, james, can you tell us who all these gods, who have allegedly been beating canyons at the farm, is all the local recruits? are they foreigners, any idea about the motivation? the company has been using the old colonial name. oh for how do i sing? and so pressing the wrong, you're seeing a committed to member of the communities with sites. there is a domino community where this is located. so this has been the rule, that's a b 2 page is the wednesday company through a company that used to own it. well, but it, so no. after so much, it's chad noises coming from canyon. people from the non government organizations and from the community on preventative, good faith, but enough,
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because preaching to the suspension of these of these guides, we are clear that this isn't a mission. it's a clear mission that the variations, again, this is human rights by the warranty. and the good has been viewed as has been released. so that us to be yeah, i mean, it goes back as you say, i mean it's so well as you say, 2 decades, one of the, one of the latest incidents james's, i understand it was involving the death of full man who had allegedly been trying to steal fruit from a delmonte plantation. do you know anything about that incident to is some elizabeth, decent us about in the i the codes assemblies. even those people who are in that team, we have lots of warranty yet. and they're the ones who are saying that they're being treated, the watching, to be bribes to who to come to the information on that to whatever happened. so this is a kids are, you know, thinking over we have the facts about it. and we know this is
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a cornerstone victory that children put teeth, we use it all, so it's a major one. the company is really big. they have had the best loaf of this country . but we know is us motor searches maybe to help coming from given the a, the addition we are the communities we have one immediately again is a, be just, i mean, and the other 2 entities because of the student is a key. when i'm talking to somebody in my, my are up to was a here and frankly, wish you the best of luck. i mean, what get taken on a massive american multinational, as you say, is called the some of the deepest pockets in the world. the best lawyers they can get, but you guys also have an awful lot of resources as well. james said, let me ask you, before i let you go, i mean, look, obviously africa, the whole continent, hundreds of years of basically being raped and pillaged and taken advantage off by silicon, traditional professional partners. did you think there's some kind of,
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i guess colonial sentimental anti colonial sentiment, perhaps among the people that who are annoyed with delmonte kind of, you know, doing his business and taking advantage of the people, the population on the agriculture for the past 20 years. a lot of depend noise city and really actually leading to the most annoyed by the fact that the company has faith and in court. does it kind of be sued enough to they cannot be sleeping. we're asking her question, what are you going to bring up? was enough, you're setting up the offices in kim kim, on this line. you can go in front, clean up with it. so there's no reason as to why we go to independent is to keep the ticking distribution. we cannot allow anyone to but it's no country with infinity. if you open it, you can can, you just can find your so it'd be the pretty much it was because that's a good fit for you to see. these are basis which measurements, which i expect from those sources and cannot accept that beat moving fees. as we
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have reports, people to come. oh, that's cool. it's not selling, don't want it sucks, but it is not selling. don't want to wait because they establish that's no offensive and they're so sweet to that kind of a little this for me, i guess, but it's ok for us. we have to use and push and push until we get a solution. we force us the distance between the nationalist community and government with a variety of from so you know what, i'm from america. we want the respect of african, the big the to, oh well, like this. yeah, this is, it is much too much horrible. even to describe to do distribution action. yeah. the good. so which solution to create a sustainable division should be so that this with nationals out that the thing to get any stuff with that. and if the, if we got done this, done that every guy is we cannot of the guys. so the need to spit this and
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respect, but the kind of this and she is a city good at all. but the current relationship is, is power city. and i think that's a very, very good way of describing it. james. i mean, something like cold is a david versus goliath match, but i certainly admire optimism. wish you the best of luck in your world, james morton, you know, human right, defender and chapman of the african center of corrective and preventive action. good luck will be monitoring your pro. thank you very much. and really, really now i've been assigned a holding relations in western africa. nigeria has reopened this land on ad borders with neighboring naija everetts of a country that was hit with a by roger of sanctions following a qu last year. now jerry, a is africa's largest economy, the current leader as well of the regional group of countries known as echo was it also rescinded other restrictions. the guns need air including a no fly zone, but also unblocked financial and commercial transactions. now last months echo was selected,
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similar sanctions against nature. the restrictions were imposed off of the presidential administration of your new job was deposed or that was the july coup of last year. and while the measurements were intended to force the country to hold the election that they were unsuccessful, we heard from former echo, watched diplomat and international affairs. i list cooler, i know what connie, he says the sanctions were imposed alpha panic and what not the right move to ride from the beginning. the sun shows we have along very wrong because um this where in time out of my thought is sylvia cause i'm down. the transmission of some showings generally never works. and um, right from that theater in july, it was like if i need to move your that to. yeah, cause i have to, i'm the take which was in the wrong direction. and uh, it was obvious that some shows normally hot the poor, not the government that to i tried to fight. and therefore it was bound to save some shows. and some of these countries might work sometimes because of the 597
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linkages that you have. what is found in west africa? when you say europe down countries in post functions on countries in west africa, will i have no wise in the continental? it's is because of, um, i am if i was then i'm the financial strengths that the student, the rest of them in yellow. however, as we have also seen, some shows that goes russia, folders i was that had the opposite effect on the send me the parent company that i attempted to impose this something shows because these are countries of that one was on file and therefore imposing some trouble would be like a, it was of time on that in the case of russia, it gives you create and we have seen that european countries are paying dearly for imposing those kinds of assumptions that vin, so minimize the effects of this. i'm shows we have seen in the previous as
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a trade between these countries with susan. yes, some level of suffering here and there. and then you know, because the csr which is the national currency or the global. um, uh, would you have coverage for yourself. okay. uh franz was able to exercise, i miss that are control over these countries that dives in with the formation of the configuration. i'm eventually coming into effect of living a new car. and so all together, some of these i live regis would seem to disappear. i'm then they'll be new relationships with other countries that are more friendly thousands of farmers in india protesting in the national capital to seek more support for their industry. a major demand concerns legislation to guarantee minimum cro prices demonstrate as are also quoting for the government to provide free electricity for farms. india is
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agriculture minister, has emphasized the need to maintain peace and set the farm, but should continue to negotiate the work and say that without one of them, a price guarantees with the crops they might not make ends up. we demand that the government implemented a minimum support price for our troops. we are the produces, but we don't get the correct payment for our projects. the trade is a middleman take away all our profits. both the producers and the consumers suffer losses in the current system. we are here to demand rights for farmers. in my region, the minimum support price for crops is not paid. we sold our sugar cane produce, but haven't received compensation. also, farmers are fed up with the issue of straight cattle destroying crops in our country, farmers or oppressed the corporate companies of our country receive corporate loan waivers, but the poor and deserving farmers are denied their rights.


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