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tv   News  RT  March 14, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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when so many find themselves worlds of parts, we choose to look for common ground. the. the top stories right here will not see as ukrainian forces attempt to reach the russian border with a full back them and heavy losses with 195 of the troops killed on the side. just from the way to the point, i am sure that you recognize just how perilous this time is for our country, and what difficult challenges lie ahead of us in almost every direction. its core meaning is that you only use the citizens of russia, can decide the future of your home, of all the election, the russian president, coal combinations, people to invite costs of that. but also in the program africa's largest economy, nigeria, lifting its signing, showed this against the neighboring,
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needing chair and a sign of improving ties. we hear from a former, different about who says it was wrong to impose those restrictions in the 1st place . the tabulation of assumptions generally never works. and um, right from back in july it was like if i need to make sure that they of course have to undertake which was in the wrong direction. the, all right, before joining, i guess, to allow me to wish you a very good evening from all of us here at all t international in most go where it's just off to 6 pm now. so most goes that ministry of defense has confirmed that ukrainian troops tried to breach the borders of the russian regions of belgrade and coast. or the attacks failed. he has forces suffered a loss of nearly 200 soldiers. a preemptive actions by russian units have foiled yet another attempt by the ukrainian armed forces to break through into the border
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territory of the russian federation. near the spider use in that area of the belgrade region. as a result of russian air strikes and artillery fire up to a 195, you cranium, service men were eliminated civilians. a man and woman were killed ends at 9 others were going to end the belgrade region of russia following artillery shilling by the forces of the key of regime, according to the local authorities. now the man who was killed was driving his car on a 3rd business street during this barbaric attack. there were dozens of other drivers on the road at that time, but they were unscathed. russian armed forces in the neighboring curse region, also witnessed and attacked by ukrainian minutes into the local governor said that ukrainians, tablets, or groups attempted to infield trade the russian border there. but were a successful due to the time of the response of the russian military. now this latest you create an attack in belgrade and curse was just one of many in the
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recent days, according to the russian authorities key of attempted to break through the russian border several times since sunday. as the result, you have lost over 230 men. 7. thanks. 3, bradley fighting vehicles and other equipment as well as the moments all ukrainian attempts look futile, the border is under complete control. impossible to penetrate on the ground. that's what a more now crossing live to finish and journalist, the honest with conan, the chief editor of the news website and be lucky is great to have you on your on us. thanks for joining us. say what, what do you think? well, what's going on along russia's west and border regions while we seeing an up tick of violence when it comes to ukrainian soldiers attempting to breach software in russian territory. what's going on to little? certainly. oh, there is no real to save human resources or material resources.
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of course, everything is connections to the elections which are taking place by the end of the week. and i saw already a tendency in the western mastery media last week, and that they started to frame a russia as a war state. the russia is in the state of war. the election is coming in the state of war and, and these kind of an, of course, we all know that russia is leaving only beast time live in all these regions in except these hawthorn returning the dorm was, which has been since 2014. but the whole, the general russia is leaving the peaceful, a normal life. but the western narratives want to show that russia is in war. and i think that this is up to go to calibration, the pressure for the kid regime to create an illusion. we saw the cross strikes in saint petersburg and it was shown that russia the scene war,
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but russia is not in war. it says press your operation. yeah, i see. sorry, you know, the manifestation of as of narrative when it comes to the rest and mainstream channels. yes, i'm going to let me ask you this. so we've had such an uptick in these attempts of breaching the russian board of the western regions. quarters can build a route as well, but a lot of these ukranian soldiers arriving killed all that being taken captive as p o w. but do you think it's the ukranian soldiers that are choreographing visa top? since you saw friend russian territory, what do you think? it's more like nato come on, just because we know for a fact there are loads of native people on the grounding ukraine that choreographing the usage of of miss all the batteries and so on and so forth. what do you, oh, do you think in this case it's a suffering ideology of ukrainian soldiers penetrating software and russian territory. up salute please. absolutely no, uh the, the, the whole feature is totally connected. uh. the whole past week has been before
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this tech started a discussion about how if the need to armies real interviews, what if the there will be a fight like, you know, some kind of re start of act people or braces from the western side and know they are in high demand to show that you still got to make some pros, bro, risk against the russian armed forces. they are really up to the line in the western media that these attacks has made games. they are totally quiet from what we have seen since tuesday. dave, time, the results of these got to throw in the, in the, in the belgrade and cost region. they were absolutely defeated equals to get the military get. that's true of what these troops were appraising and up, but, but the western media using these very brutally to the national
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purposes in order to show a picture that you can do something against russian or forces. yeah, so that mean that's pretty what it's kind of winding down through these days. yeah . and this, what with the, with the rush of being obviously so successful military early in their campaign in ukraine, i guess all your credit has left is to, is to conduct what are being called acts of tara, across the russian board. as the youngest put the code in as a finish john list of joining us here on how to international. it's always good to get a chance to pick your brain you're on us. thank you very much for joining us here. thank you. well, meanwhile it is. if you didn't know already, it is election eve here in russia. the country get ready to go to the polls all day friday. but for the 1st time ever, the vote will be held over multiple days and we will be bringing you the details. every step of the way, the
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head of the election, as you would imagine, is not important. addressed the nation calling on every russian citizen to take part. because as he says, every boat come the luxury and make it has been new. i see this will be the 8th time russians vote in the presidential election, which proves our country's commitment to one of the fundamental principles of democratic society and the regularity of elections. the outcome of this election will shape russia's evolution and growth for years to come. it is a historic event and a moment of great responsibility. the only source of power in our country is its peoples. a fundamental principle that's enshrined in russia's constitution. its core meaning is that you and only you, the citizens of russia can decide the future of your homeland. you are about to cast your vote. and in doing that, declare firmly and resolutely your will, your aspirations and your personal commitment to the continued development of our shared home. i am sure that you recognize just how perilous this time is for our
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country, and what difficult challenges lie ahead of us in almost every direction. to continue to meet them with dignity and overcome these hardships, we need to remain united and remember our inner strength. we must show our unity and determination to march on together. every vote is valuable in every vote matters. so i urge you to exercise your right to vote in the coming days. our country is massive, but polling stations will be open on every corner in every city, town, and village. when you are ready to take up with the possibility. so aside from mister food and who are the other contenders in the race, this man right has let us love divine coffees from the up and coming new people party. 39 years old for the businessman, claiming to be the young and fresh face that russia needs so badly defined gulf. i recently met with international observers who will be monitoring the election despite his political party, having only recently paid on the russian political scene. he emphasized that he has a big team, assembled to observe the voting process to make sure it is free, fair,
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and transparent, much of the transmission. of course, we expect that the elections will be held at a high organizational level. and i know how important intern actual participation is that includes observations which will be organized here starting tomorrow, they'll be computers. and observers, observers will also be working into regions primarily in areas where there are no cameras. most of the polling stations are equipped with cameras or a large team of volunteers will also monitor the progress of the elections online. the next content there is a nikolai kind of tunnel from the communist party parliamentary veteran. he's been a familiar face and the world of russian politics were over 30 years. in fact, he was a runner up when he lost it for president in 2004 hot topic that if you pray and of course, and he says that can be no more good will gestures have a listen for yourself, jim. record somebody and you officially given the current public regime and ukraine, which was planted by western europe,
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i perfectly understand the population of ukraine. they are ready to agree by and large to do anything to stop the fighting so much. recently, both for administer lever off and the president of our country have repeatedly stated that we are ready to sit down at the negotiating table. but on russia's terms, there is no other option. and the last contender is leo anita slots. kate who leads the liberal democratic party, is the county polling at around a 3 percent. it was actually a member of the russian delegation of the stumble piece told with ukraine back in the spring of 2022. of course those poor explore destroyed by the former british prime minister barak johnson. but this campaign, however, driven by issues like a tax cuts and inflation. the yes, the address if we described the russia of the future as we see that it will be a comfortable country where you can not worry about safety driving normal roads without traffic jams and not freeze at home in winter. because the management companies work well. it is a fair country where all citizens rights are respected and all social guarantees
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are realized where there are no poor people. this is a great country that is respected by everyone in the world. it has formed a new global majority in the world, is replacing the anglo saxon regime centered in washington, and putting an end to the dispute over what the world order should be. it will be multi polar. well, as one might imagine of the calls that can, ukraine is a pivotal fact of many russians. it is likely to weigh perhaps very heavily on the outcome of the elections. it's also impacted the incumbent president stones towards certain western powers. so look at this, i think is more in the culture of assessing help. a lot of improvements, attitude has changed to ward certain professional partners throughout his time in charge. well, the person became ross was present for the 1st time. it was a breath of fresh air and not only for russians, it was good and for almost thing of the beginning when the west appeared. so welcome, ross is near later. i have come to moscow important time. russia,
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after all, has a new president, a new government under duma. its economy is showing encouraging signs of growth. this gives russia a pivotal opportunity to build on the strong record of engagement between our 2 countries. it is also an opportunity for the united states. i welcome president clinton's interest in building a russian that enjoys the enduring strength of a stable democracy. they evidently like what he had been saying and they were eager to engage present boots and went on to define his vision is only the west had listened. instead, they went on to prove that they only support those who follow them blindly. yeah, he's the, the social of democratic principles in international relations. the ability to find the correct decision and readiness for compromise on a difficult thing. but then it was a european who was the 1st to understand how important it is to look for consensus over and above national egoism. we agree with that. all these are good ideas. it
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seemed just recently that a truly common home would shortly rise on the continent home in which the europeans would not be divided into east and west and northern or southern. today, we must say one thing for all the cold war is done with. we have entered a new stage of development. we understand that without a modern sound and sustainable security architecture, we will never be able to create an atmosphere of trust on the continents. and without that atmosphere of trust, there can be no united, greater europe, a lot of efforts, and was optimistic about russia's relationship with the wes. we'll see what he had to say about this assessments in hindsight. but for now, let's say in the early 2, thousands, that's when the russian lead or even consider joining forces with nato russia. russia is part of the european culture. and i cannot imagine my own country and i solution from europe and what we often call the civilized world. so it is hard for
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me to visualize nato as an enemy. i think even posing the question, this way will not do any good to russia or the world. i still don't. the very question is capable of causing damages to be enough. we are open to equitable cooperation to partnership some even joe biden, as senator at the time was singing his praises saying that no russian leader since peter the great has passed as long as much with the was as foods and it has, well, it was all good as long as russians leader did it in severe and international affairs, it seems, well the warsaw pact long dissolves and soviet you are basis close must go, well, seemingly play in the long and was expect them that's partners to do the same. washington, however, continued to expand nato, withdrew from the anti ballistic missile treaty. well, innovating. i've gotten this done before it moved on to iraq. well, experts say that was the turning point. russell was adamant that these developments
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require the let's have a look here. they're required a political settlement and they emphasize that the situation could only be resolved for international cooperation through the security council and in compliance with the un charter. we stand for resulting the problem exclusively through peaceful means. any other option would be a mistake. it wouldn't be fraught with the grievous consequences. it will result in casualties and the stabilize the international situation in general. well, we all know what happened there. a total and utter disaster, the west continued to ignore vladimir putin. his warnings was withdrawn from yet another treaty. this time on nuclear arms reduction, the big picture was looking very suspicious. let's not forget that one of fruits is main issues from the get go was for the west to stop expanding nato eastwards rush, so naturally saw it as a threats. and it says it's not as good as shooting nato expansion does not have
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any relation with the modernization of the alliance itself. or with ensuring security in europe. on the contrary, it represents a is for locations that reduces the level of mutual trust. and we have the right to ask against whom is this expansion intended? and what happened to the assurances are western partners made after the dissolution of the warsaw pact. i would like to quote the speech of nato general secretary, mister werner in brussels on 17th may 1990. he set up a time that the fact that we are ready not to place a needle army outside of german territory, gives the soviet union a firm security guarantee. where are these guarantees that fell on deaf ears once again, because nato continued expanding. have a look at this map right here. this is what it looked like before nato didn't just swallow up. new members both countries that used to be part of the warsaw pact with the soviet union. and they kept moving closer and closer to rushes boars. the spies
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vladimir boots insane stop waiting unless you're going to need to moisten that. russia cannot but react to actions that undermine and security. further expansion of the military block is a problem for us. so let's move amicably and have a fail dialogue, guys. the way we are treated, we will react the same way. but today i felt that i was heard by my partners, but they didn't listen well the towards the end ukraine next on the list, the plans that are in georgia and so in and so i rushed them save didn't work out as pride, but america was undeterred, and essentially took it upon itself to make sure that the plan for kids was put into action, as we all saw with the my dad who in 2014. well, despite the fact that kids military had killed thousands of civilians in the pro russian don't boss for years, lot of are approved to remain calm and collected urgent all sides to negotiate that
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a miracle happened with both parties signing the men's agreements. so and all hostilities you have feeling pretty seniors cuz i'm with i would generally join what has been said here. today's negotiators have adopted a final joint document, the 3 of firms, the risk ability of strict and consistent implementation of the minutes agreements of 12 of february 2015, and stresses the importance of establishing direct dialogue between the parties to the conflict. it was all a scam, just like washington, his promise not to expand nato. leave him russell with no other option but to use military force to protect the civilians. in former parts of eastern new crane, the west had been lost and their interventions all around the world for decades in the name of suppose a democracy, which never actually comes to countries they invade. but when russia simply stood up to save civilians from here is the military, natal tribes file. yes,
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there was definitely not even. i can tell you with absolute sincerity, despite the fact that i worked in the security services for 20 years, i still had an idea that the whole world and the so called, civilized world understands that russia has become a different country. that there is no ideological confrontation anymore, and i usually thought that it was the inertia of thinking and actions. that was a nice belief. and the realities are that after the collapse of the ussr, it was believed that russia would also collapse. then they wouldn't be able to pick apart the pieces and use our resources. it was only later that this realization came to me. now when it comes to the most comprehensive coverage, all of this presidential election, this is only the channels to watch. one of our correspondents, experts, an analyst waiting to jump in and off with that $0.02 worth. it's going to be an exciting few days if you're gonna stick around for all these special the
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design of warming relations in western africa. nigeria has reopened its land on ab border to a neighboring needs. there a country that was paid for the barrels of sanctions following a qu last year. and i g area is africa's largest economy, the current leader as well, of the regional group of countries known as the echo, was it rescinded other restrictions including a no flies or a no venetia middle, so unblocked financial and various commercial transactions. last month's echo last lifted. similar sanctions, i guess nature restrictions were imposed off of the presidential administration of nisha was deposed during the july coo of last year. and while the measures were intended to force the country to hold on the elections that failed, we heard from a former echo wants to provide an international affairs on a list. how do we know what a county visa is? but sanctions were imposed of the kind of wouldn't not the right the right from the beginning the some shows were at, along very long because um this where in time out of my thought is sylvia cause i'm
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down. the transmission of samsung is generally never works and um, right from that theater in july, it was like if i need to move your that to. yeah, cause i have to, i'm the take which was in the wrong direction on the it was of deals that some shows normally hot, the poor, not the government that to i tried to fight and they offered, it was bound to save some shows and some of these countries might work sometimes because of the 597 linkages that you have. what is found in west africa? when you say you're down countries in for assumptions on countries in west africa? well, i have no wise in the continental it's, it's because of, um, i am if i was then i'm the find ourselves prince, that the feeling resident in yellow. however, as we have also seen, some songs that goes russia,
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folders of the had the opposite effect on the sent me the parent company that i attempted to impose this something. so because these are countries of that, what i'm was i've saw, i'm therefore imposing some shows would be like a, it was of time on that in the case of russia against you come in and we have seen that european countries, i pay dearly for imposing those kinds of assumptions, belvin, so minimize the effects of this i'm shows we have seen in the previous as a trade between these countries have since you have some level of suffering here and there. and then, you know, because the csr which is the national color and c o, the global, um, uh, original color was the force of the car. uh, franz was able to exercise. i miss that are control over these countries that i've seen with the formation of the configuration. i'm eventually coming into effect of
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maybe a new car. and so altogether, some of these i live regis would seem to disappear. i'm then they'll be new relationships with other countries that are more from a judge in kenya says a massive lawsuit against american food conglomerate. delmonte can still go ahead. it's off the defense tried to say the case was out of the jurisdiction of the east african country. delmonte is facing numerous accusations of a sold right mode, allegedly committed by the gods at its finding locations in the country. the company is also attempted to accused of a trying to bribe witnesses. i can't use high code is currently considering the lawsuit broad by electric victims with the support of multiple n g os as well. demonte has dismissed the chargers and says there's simply no evidence. a representative of the company denounced the legal action is a disinformation campaign. however, earlier this month, the company apparently filed over $200.00 guns from kenyan funding locations and
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replaced them with, well, people from a global security company. demonte importantly said the new personnel had ongoing special trading. well, here's how the victims have spoken out about their experience of allegedly being beaten by the for my go to my and deal. my god. i was bitten by the gentleman guards for the room. go on my head and they left me dying. actually, they thought i had already died and that's when they drag me to a forest nearby, where i spend the whole night. while i go solomon conscious and informed my family members who took me to the hospital, a delmore where being seriously beaten by the guard, summer, killed and others when they are called, disappear completely in your mind within your i think the defeats we used to get grass for our livestock set, the delmonte site, one day these guards sauce and chased us, and unfortunately their dog caught me. the guards thoroughly beaten me. they left me and conscious and drag me deep inside the pineapple field. later in the evening they carried me outside the plantation and left me to die at the roadside,
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and by that time i was seriously bleeding. i spent the whole night bleeding beside the road and early in the morning the man carried me to the hospital. these guards beat us, they chased us with dogs, and some people have died while in the hands of these guards. i was talking earlier with human rights defend the james blanky chapman of the african center for corrective and preventive action. now he says the kenyans were outraged with the apparent impunity of delmonte gotten similar western companies that demand but justice must be so a dan lloyd city. and really, actually the reason to the more annoyed by the fact that the company has said and in court, does it kind of be sued enough to they cannot be sold in? we asking her question, what are you going to bring up was enough to get to a certain have the offices in kim, kim mondays line. you can go in front, clean up with it. so there's no reason that's the way we go to independent of the people that we cannot allow anyone to help,
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but it's no offensive with infinity if you'll put it in kenya. yes, one plane, this will be the one we have to push and push and push until we get a solution we uh, force us thing about the difference between those alternation those community and government where the room rush, you know what up from so you know what i'm from america, we want the respect of african to do distribution extra. we're going to get some solution to group as a center, but additional sure. but so the, this with nationals, all that the thing to get any stuff at the end of the for got understand that every guy is the we can out of the guys. so the need to spit this and respect. but the kind of this one she is already, but i said to go look at all these ready minister of national security has hailed the actions of the countries bought a police who killed a 12 year old palestinian boy who was playing with file a can you imagine you're saying by the 12 year old boy, enough of that. it's
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a 12 year old boy who is a terrorist is a 12 year old boy who put a soldier at risk, a 12 year old boy who throws fireworks and some throw them all the tops in ramos molar tops and she will not molar. tubbs. i'm alanna tubbs', everywhere. according to ideas ready, media, ben via web, off the rails last month and said that any woman and child that gets close to the board, i must get a bullet in the head. the stipend is just the latest rhetoric from is ready. officials that has taken aim of palestinians, israel's defense minister, branded godson's. it's quote, schumann, animals back in october when ordering a complete blockade of the and play for us one more qualified now. so your wife, hi file. we kinda send you the rights activist and part of the one democratic state campaign, a very well welcome to you. thank you very much for jumping on the program. what do you think that these comments might have been greer? the is really national. security minister has some pretty strong language and support of the recent killing of a 12 year old palestinian boy in east jerusalem. apparently he was playing with
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fireworks. you what your thoughts on what mister greer had to say? please. unfortunately of the say outside us comments by had been the next section but 0 in his line. and you should notice that on the same day in service bank, there, that is why the, the occupation forces kid 6, the senior civilians. for the 5, the reasons i always on and every day for the last 5 months, emily days a is a the occupation forces cheated thousands of purchasing at same time, which we not know is in there they are. i'm if i'm done a 20 a year old kid form. so i thought was that to you because he is a is or was it a browser is more for and or less,
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not tension throughout type events. but dozens of the key to the kid very loudly and so chord secure what the false as every day was for support for them as united states on hands and hold down the power of which did not do a single thing. let's talk to them a 2nd, mr. mitten. mr. hi, folly. if i can jump in, i do apologize. i just wanted to ask you though, i mean look, obviously the whole thing going on since october. we've seen so many thousands of innocent people killed. just think when government officials in dos or justified deadly actions against children, if you think that should be more accountability or repercussions for government officials who say such things, that's the one that you should manville expect. i found the ability in these land as their words, sandy is more we guys to the task afraid genocide there again. so for this thing yes. and the.


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