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tv   Direct Impact  RT  March 14, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EDT

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a box guidance of the key to the kid very loudly and so quite secure. what the false as every day is for support for them as united states on hands and hold down the power of which did not do a single thing. let's talk to them a 2nd, mr. mr. holly, if i can jump in, i do apologize. i just wanted to ask you though, i mean look, obviously the whole thing going on since october. we've seen so many thousands of innocent people killed. if you just think when government officials in dos or justified deadly actions against children, if you think that should be more accountability or repercussions for government officials who say such things, the best stuff on there, you should manual expect. i found the ability in these land as the ward sand is more related to the task afraid genocide there again, so for the spin yes and the even the some
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a lot of these wherever accused the fact environment office again but experience is in my joint deals as a commitment to man bills of design this class with memos, real mobilizing to supporting and to our lives any possible to the best solution, a guy said, and the solve very this when anybody is i q as well. and when it is our pleasure smelled over, there is no justification that tone and the member. so say security. so of course security services. the 1st thing i thought was a stay down in the queue and the family viewed as a, as a down. and i think again say for this thing as a new, so i think it is up to the community and like the international cult of justice and the app to the instability dollar d was the kind of thing that they've been like we see is action. so so i was also
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going to try to put some accountability on the slide for the cards and you'll have high possibly as a palestinian rights activism. part of the one democratic state campaign. it's been a real pleasure, i think when the program. thank you very much. for being so forthright with us. thank you for your time. thank you. thank you for your time as well. appreciate you . joining us here at ology international, more of the news we're turning in about offer the, the, everybody. i'm like sanchez and you can see us now every day right here and i'm here to tell you. but after being a journalist and
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a news presenter for the biggest television networks in the united states, i know what they do and, and it isn't right, because they don't give you context, by golly and you know what? frankly, i'm not sure they tell the truth. here's what we're going to be talking about today . truth bob, number one, whether 5 is poll numbers are going from bad to worse. how low can they go? truth while i'm number 2. he is trying to fix them. those whole numbers by pretending to get top one is realize mr. by and however, mr. biting then goes in kind of sizes b, b, netanyahu and we'll show you what happens true bomb number 3 method. yahoo, here's what bible says and run and kills mr. by makes fun of him for criticizing him. there is one person who is getting worldwide attention right now for pointing out just how far it's the goal. what i just said is, he is a british member of parliament. he is george galloway and he will be joining us
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right here on direct impacts. the so let's get started with the kind of headlines. a lot of people here in the united states are seeing just about every day. here in the united states poll numbers poll numbers that seem to show him mister, by losing the former president, trump, and his approval numbers are nearing a dismal 60 percent or about 58 right now. there is no good news out of the bite and camp out of these by numbers, which is why his staff seems to be panicking and making him do things like pretending to be taking on the method. yeah. like this. so do you have a of a red line through instance? would invasion of ross, i would, you have arranged him not to do. would that be a red line? is a red line, but i'm never going to leave israel to defensive israel is still critical. so
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there's no red line, i'm going to cut off all weapons so they don't have the iron. don't protect, they don't have puts these red lines that if you cross has a vacancy, cannot have 30000 more palestinians as a consequence of going out. there's other ways to deal to get to deal with the with, with the trauma caused by a moss. the 1st time i went over, i sat with them and i sat with the work and i said, look, don't make the mistake. american. american made a mistake. we went after ben lot to we got, but we shouldn't have gone into the training. how many really should we? we should have got into the whole thing in a rack in afghanistan. so we shouldn't got into ukraine. i mean, um, well, there's the present united states for what it's worth and according to many polls, many americans have reason to not like you any more. but you know, who should really like him had, you know, who should love him being that turn you off? who should love him?
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and his extreme right government as well. so surely when they go in they ask the prime minister about mr. pine, and he's going to thank you for his unbridled support for the billions of dollars that me and all of the other people who live here in the united states are sending him every single day. right. that's what we mean. it doesn't. yeah. who's going to do right? well, no, well i don't know exactly what the president man, but if you meant by that, then i'm pursuing private policies against the majority, the wish of the majority of israelis. and then this is hurting the interest of israel. and he's long and both accounts departments and so he, so for this decision, you're 100 percent. sure that you go into rafa. so we'll go there. we're not going to leave the go. i have a red line, you know, with the red line is that october 7th doesn't happen again. he's literally making fun of president biden's red line with his own red line and there. yeah, there. yeah. have it. i mean, man, nothing like biting the hand that feeds you know. i mean, what do we make of that?
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by the way, it isn't even okay to criticize mr. nothing. yeah. who without him calling you an anti semite, which is why most are afraid to confront him. i mean, is that really being an impact? somebody by the way or, or is nothing. yeah. who just a bit of a bully? this is a question that a lot of people are asking or should i say, whispering? there was one person. there's one person who i've know now for a long time. uh who is not whispering. his criticism is shouting it from the mountain top. and because about he has now won a seat in the house of commons. and because of that, he's also being celebrate right now. i want to do she wants again to george galloway rider broadcast or someone that frankly i happen to think is one of the most impressive thinkers of our time. and now once again, a member of the british parliament, the honorable george galloway joins us here on direct impact. is it okay, am i still call you george of rick sanchez as i live in read,
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this is like the oscar night for me being back on television with you so you can call me anything that you like. georgia's great. thank you, sir. i appreciate that. so let's start with this george top. i was flabbergasted when i watched nothing. yeah. whose reaction to mr. bye bye move. as for it right now, he's just trying to get people to like him again. so he's saying maybe if i'm hard on being able to like me again and be basically tells them to you know what, what do you think of that? yeah. as well. uh, you know, uh not many people have read uh, mary shelley's frankenstein. right to the end, when you make a monster, the point is once you've made it, it's no longer yours. it's a monster and can do monstrous things. and that's what they have done with net on yahoo. and people like him who now run israel and who are on to the teeth with
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american weaponry, britain full of american taxpayers, money, and know like owning one of these dangerous dogs. you know, these savage pit bull dogs. you didn't get your bet, but it decides whether it's going to go how far it's going to go home. it is going to savage next. and that's exactly now what's happening. they have already given all the aid the israel needs to break all of jo biden's red lines even if they were red lines. and those many reasons to doubt that. i mean, for example, the building of this port, when the thousands of vague trucks on the other side, the gate the i've passed through. so often all by me would have to say is open the gate, mr. net. and you know, unless the aide and show the children come stop starving to death. but he hasn't
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done that. he's gone for a 6 to 8 week project, a 1000 us military personnel in the gaza strip drake, what could possibly go wrong? a 1000 american showed just in gaza, what could possibly go wrong? that so the reason is the dog that he's giving red lines any way. but if he is, as you have just shown that being contemptuously ignored, what do you say to americans, and what do you say to, but it's just as citizens, for example, who must be asking themselves? why if we're sending them money, why if we are doing all of these things, which many of us question and some have the right to question, are they treating us as if they own us? and they're giving us rather than we are giving them? well what do you. ringback the average person out there is that the question you use to get elected george, as well as one of the issues on which i was elected. and the bridge
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media alleged the i was fighting a bridge problem at j election on garza i was but if i was then because the one i crushed all the other parties, the government, bob, do the opposition. bob to the 3rd don't position polity. the for the position polity. i got more votes. when all of them put together, it was a crushing victory. so if i was fighting on guns of then does the one i used to say to them, would you have criticized me if this election. busy was happening in 1941, putting the holocaust to the front of my election campaign, talking about the heart, ours being sought by jews and all those gypsies gave people, all the people who are persecuted in the all the cause. why would that be a dishonorable thing? to do, and the thing is now we've all got it on our phone. rick,
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we don't have to wait for vague and done, substantiate the sessions about what's going on in this desk. i'm the is the gaza strip. our children are watching it on the telephones and asking us what we are going to do about it. what we are saying about to show the truth is that when you i, i go back to my frankenstein, the analogy you, because you did another one sort of do we with ukraine. ukraine treats us know as if we all of them rather than them having been on the end of and less some, some mentions of money and material. know the grant a leadership insult. the people that gave them so much hundreds of billions of dollars in your case in the united states unplugged to p r in london also. so you know, these is used to call these things client states. but here we have
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a situation where the client tells the boss what to do. the client does the pay mazda what to do. and if you even hint that you might come back on the money and material, well, they tried to interfere in your domestic bullet to talk about election interference . rick, you and i spoke about this so many times on the false russia gate affair. is israel interfering in american politics? stuff or not? the american citizen knows the answer to the question. yeah. it's called the money that is given to politicians to vote a certain way. they're not the only ones, but they certainly are in the bunch. by the way, you talked about what happens to somebody who comes out and says, the kinds of things that you say. but many people are afraid to say, i want to show people what happens to someone who says the kinds of things that you say. this is a video that has pretty much gone global,
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if not very viral. it is you just a few weeks ago with a reporter who instead of coming to you and asking you questions about you being victorious in this election, takes a different matter. here it is. you don't respect the members. do i respect the prime minister? i despise the prime minister and get millions and millions and millions of people in this country despise the prime minister. i don't respect the prime minister at o, so that in for us, because it was an incredible moment in that it seemed like this young buck reporter, god bless them, had decided that you were being a bit of an outcast. and how would you walk in question the system and how dare you, george galloway. question. those people who are really in the system like their prime minister and your response was epic fill us in with what happened there?
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yeah, someone said when the bell wrong picked them up, turned them upside down on month to floor with them and it has gone vital. but by the way, rick, he's no young book is just that they're all young bucks. now we, the media is full of teenage scribblers with no historical memory of any kind. they think the story started the moment the television cruise arrived. and of course, stories are years decades in the making. and it's important that people of experience and with some wisdom, are able to correct them. he is one of the most serious and heavy weight of the british political television. pundits nowadays. that's how bad things are. but uh yeah, you saw they are. what was for several days down a bit?
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no. an attempt to i'm not so much ties me. yes. to do a decent job to my is my victory. of course, in doing that, they what are not so much sizing, the thousands and thousands of people who voted for me. i'm not, that's just not very democratic. if you believe in democracy, you have to respect the choices that the people make, whether you like, who they elected or not. and present drum will trace the same thing after november and faced it. indeed, in his 1st term, the basket of the portables type of approach. you'll remember mrs. clinton's phrase . 2 the, they think the inside the beltway inside the bubble of western media political class, and that they are where it's out. and anyone who is not with them is a part of the boss. get all deplorable visual. in this case,
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they couldn't accept the i whom they had demonized throughout the whole campaign. how do you know it's not just victorious, but had swept the floor with all the other part is they couldn't accept it. so they then say out to, as i say and not from a ties me a, but it's not to roman catholic or what? well, you know, there's something going on and i'm going to take a quick break right now. but when we come back, i want to talk about this, there's something going on in this world right now. and the thing that's happening georgia is that people are changing in that perspective and that there's guys like tucker call. so now we're giving a different perspective. there are people like you, george galloway who are giving a different perspective. and how is that going to change us? will it? and will the other side give in? these are kind of the things that i want to talk about when we come back with none of them. george galloway, you stay right there. we're going to be right back. the
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deca itself, the gaining independence and from the law firm of the ivory coast, remained under the strong influence of its full metropolitan pro french president, felix, who said one year, ruled the country for 33 years, ensuring the interest to from the dead. the government dean isn't in the trunk. then there's also including his foster larry share. so that was done. those who saw him a lot more appropriate after the death of, of a one year, a new lead to bill. i'll go back ball came to power. and i'm ready to double feedback that curious to know for feedback from the was it isn't good enough for us . so if you need to, one of the ones from some easily deemed good luck. boeing, enemy, a deep political crisis is huge. walk a, the country 2nd largest since he turned into
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a theatre of law from ones that i just need to always do. all right, the other thoughts about this? how did the dramatic events unfold? and how is walk a recovering from? he is a bloody conflict. watch on odyssey the there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case for the madness of the people. i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also a soon, this is the 3rd world lunacy re washing press for so the funder line likes to say,
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we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals to help me living will not have said because propaganda, you know, price here in new york, i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the question. some more questions ask the better. the answer is will be the on the quarterback on rick sanchez. i am so happy to be talking to someone who has gotten to know quite well here at george galloway for a couple of reasons. first of all, because i admire the way he thinks, and i think he is truly an intellectual, not in a high falutin way, but just the guy who thinks a lot and thinks properly. the other thing is, george galloway is a true teller. he says, many of the things are too many of us are afraid to say, and for that we appreciate the fact that he's now a new m p for rockdale and
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a friend of this show on george. i want to get to the thing that we were just talking about actually you were mentioning and that is there's something going on right now where people are brave enough to stand up and do things out in the past. we wouldn't do. i have another guy who's also a friend of mine, his name is tucker cross and then he does a lot of interviews lately. and he and i work together for many years and see an ad and fox, and he and i speak a lot these days and we chat with each other. and when he was interviewing mr. brewton, i remember that when he was done, he got pilloried. they were destroying him for simply sitting and asking the man the questions that he did, the interview went on for like an hour and a half. and it was almost as if he was being told the next day by all the western media sources. how dare you even talk to him or allow people to hear his voice? what did you make of that to? well, the proof of the pudding is in the eating at tucker costs and is getting view our numbers. the are simply on another level, me multiple of
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a level from the so called mainstream broadcast, those in the ceiling trailing corporate sector. and that's because he is asking the questions the people one ask about which the prevailing orthodox a media simply won't ask on the low alternative point of views to be heard. and you and i are achieving not talk are causing levels of numbers, but very big numbers. and for exactly the same reasons. and i think the era that we all know and you see you and i grew up in a time when you had to be, you know, done or all report mother to own a television outlet. but i came here today with my studio in a bag, and it wasn't even uh, particularly heavy bug. the costs of injury and media now have plummeted,
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so low. the people with the, by the grace of god, the ability to speak and the ideas that people find interesting. i want to hear. we are able to reach audiences now that we would have to have been dependent on robot mother to reach. and of course, the prevailing orthodoxy was policed by the owners of these big legacy media outlets. that's all gone now. i mean, the day will come when, you know my small children can cut a much to deal in the bag and i can sit down the table as i've done with, you know, and you and i are talking across the atlantic to a substantial number of people who will be at least interested, even if they're not persuaded they'll be in just to do have had our exchange. and that's something that the uh, the legacy and media dogs cannot accept. but the dogs bark,
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the kind of run is well and truly moving on. everybody i read uh well, i shouldn't say everybody, many of your critics say that you're going to be a one trick pony you got in and soon you'll be out and your whole existence there in parliament is going to be not so important. what do you say to those folks who say that you and your message and the people who supported you are nothing more than a one trick pony, as well as george w bush once, but that they've missed under estimated this is my 7th term and problem 17 times i've been elected 3 of those times against the main parties of the state. i and mister churchill, believe that or not how the only people in british history to represent 4 different
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towns and cities in the british parliament. there's my 7th term by 8 is my lucky number. so i'm looking forward. one of our prime minister should not cause the cottage to call the election to an 8th. i hope final because uh, you know, i'm getting on an east um is what i am to have. and it is, i think highly likely the i'll be i'll be returned as the member of parliament for the rochdale. they said, i don't need talk about gaza, but i made my maiden speech yesterday, which is now viral. and you can find on all platforms. and i didn't mention gaza once i talked about rochdale, they said i had no interest in rochdale or connection with it. but i displayed in 6 minutes of vintage maiden speech, material level of detail, knowledge and come concern and compassion for the situation and rochdale that
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nobody has for decades in the parliament on their behalf. so one by one, i'm shooting all the fox us, as we say here. it was, of course, a bit of blow for them that i was elected. they never expected to see me and follow them and again, but they have to suck, adopt, rick? well, you said something interesting and, and i'm wondering whether you set it because you really mean it or whether you were just trying to make a point. when you say you despise the prime minister, do you really despise them or were you trying to make the point to british citizens? but just because he has that title, he's not that big a deal and no more important than the rest of them. or no, i mean, as a religious person, i don't normally speaking such strong terms. personal terms. yeah. but i'm afraid that we have a prime minister who is truly despicable. he's on,
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i'm elected prime minister. he was attacking my election when nobody has ever voted for him. he's our prime minister, we're not even his own members of parliament, but the chance to vote for him. he was a product of a back room deal produced by him stopping in the back, his breed assessor, and his previous job before the board of johnson. then liz dress were both stopped in the back by which she showed that i not jump to you before. and i mean as a joke, most british people on the right conservatives think we should still be ruling india. no, the and indian should be ruling us. and so that's why he couldn't go for the election because they wanted to pick that up dictated buddy. i love then hit me if i had been an election in the conservative pocket for him, he is a billy on there. i mean billy on there with
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a us ring called in his pocket. his wife is a non dumb off shore being no tax in britain on her millions of bones all the names. there's much to despise him about, but the bad news for you is the minute he's elected out of uh, number 10 downing street. you'll be on a plane to california coming to silicon valley and a television camera scrutiny. are you near you? exactly. oh, i wish we weren't out of time, but we are, but we'll have another opportunity to talk. we didn't even if china we didn't talk about the south china sea, we really didn't talk about india relations with the united states. and with great britain, we didn't talk enough about ukraine. these are all topics that we're going to get to, cuz i know you have so much to say, but it really is my friend, a pleasure to be able to re unite with you once again. unless do it again, a 2nd sure. that's what was mine, right. good to see you again. before we go, i want to remind you of something. our mission, really, it's simple i,
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i kind of want to be silo the world. we've got to stop living in these little boxes because you don't want trips. don't live in boxes, so everywhere. i'm rick sanchez. that's how i see it. and i'll be looking for you again right here, where we hope to provide a direct impact the the, what is part of the, the employee would posted isn't the defense you of us and bidding the word part, is it something deeper, more complex might be present?
12:00 pm
good, let's stop without cases. let's go products. as the headlines anaki of national as ukrainian forces attempt to reach the russian border, the fort back with heavy losses. 195 of the troops are killed. many times to withdraw the anyway to the point, i am sure that you recognize just health care, elizabeth time is for our country and what difficult challenges lie ahead of us in almost every direction. its core meaning is that you can only use the citizens of russia can decide the future of your homeland. only of all the election, the russian president, polar combinations. people think you'd like, uncomfortable also with the program for cuz launchers, economy, nigeria lifted sun, sions against neighbor need share in a sign of improving ties.


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