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tv   News  RT  March 14, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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and i'm comfortable, my show is called stretching time, but again, it's not, we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way inside the crating and pause this attempt to reach the russian border. but off for the back had made heavy law office with a 195 of the troops killed and a number of their tags destroyed. but when you wake up with, i am sure that you recognize just how perilous this time is for our country. and what difficult challenges lie ahead of us in almost every direction its core meaning is that you can only use the citizens of russia can decide the future of your homeland. public gave all the election, the russian president pulls on the nations people to unite in cost of the votes and us fluid consumers delmonte faces the creations of assault,
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rape and murder. i bid specialities in kenya we hear from our human rights. defenders says that if it's guilty, the company must be held responsible. there's no reason to wait. we go to independence. the people that have taken this rubbish. we cannot allow anyone to because it's not fancy with impunity. the product is all it's international. reaching you live from moscow, welcome to the global updates this our i a mike or point to that moscow's defends ministry has confirmed that ukraine troops tries to breach the board as of the russian regions of belgrade in cost. now the attacks failed him. kias forces suffer the loss of nearly $200.00 soldiers. a preemptive actions by russian units have foiled yet another attempt by the ukrainian armed forces to break through into the
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border territory of the russian federation. near the spider use in that area of the belgrade region. as a result of russian air strikes and artillery fire up to a 195, you cranium, service men were eliminated. so civilians, a man and woman were killed, ends at 9 others were bones at the end, the belgrade region of russia following artillery shilling by the forces of the key of regime, affording to the local authorities. now the man who was killed was driving his car on a 3rd business freed during this barbaric attack. there were dozens sofa other drivers on the road at that time, but they were unscathed. russian armed forces in the neighboring curse region, also witnessed and attacked by ukrainian minutes into the local governor said that ukrainians, tablets, or groups attempted to infield trade the russian border there, but were unsuccessful due to time in response of the russian military. now this latest you create an attack in belgrade and curse was just one of many in the
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recent days. according to the russian authorities keep attempting to break through the russian border several times since sunday. as the result, you have lost over 230 men. 7, thanks. 3 bradley fighting vehicles and other equipment as well as the moments o ukrainian attempts look futile while the border is under complete, control, impossible to penetrate on the ground. and now the key of patrons, john doesn't offer shoals in the bundle bag, have bolted down another resolution which proposed to send taras muscles to your trade. others followed the opposition party leaders uniting on the issue of billions, involvement to the ukrainian conflict. say that the long rage vessel deliveries would defy to make germany party to the conflict. hi lindsey, this whole world outside the gym and political bubble knows that ukraine is not in a position to win this war. that ukraine has not been waiting for
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a long time. but tony dying brutally and blood to the every day. and that the delivery of tours me science will not change the situation in any way. the only thing they will change is it, germany will definitely become a party to the score in the eyes of russia. the question of security is what you are playing with. so frivolously and in the worst case, even with the lives of millions of people in germany to come to your senses before it is too late. feeble in so beginning the delivery of the tourist must be categorically rejected. olaf schultz is absolutely right to draw a clear red line here, and we urge him to be some. the chancellor is responsible for ensuring that germany does not become a policy of war and supplying the tourist would be a clear involvement in the war. but also, in fact, to put it bluntly, germany is already a party to the war. the delivery of offensive weapons such as the tourist, a weapon system with a range of over 500 kilometers, capable of destroying the kremlin, could be clearly perceived by russia as durham, and he's fine with that to ration for trouble. then while on wednesday or life
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shows once again rude outstanding guitar of myself, the freight shipping the lawn, dreams, my soul city ever been the subject of heated debates and the recent months in building some german paul of parliament, members of even the u. k. have been applying the pressure in by a budding to move forward with a jump my trans of that has been resisting the transform these munitions to key. if this comes after the deceptive audio, how for german defense officials discussing possible targets these vessels could strike inside of russia and the ways germany's involvement to be covered up. the commission also came to the conclusion that there are 2 interesting targets, the bridge in the east and the ammunition depos above the bridge. and the east is hard to reach. it's a rather small target, but the tourist can do with the ammunition. depos can also be hit we need to ensure
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that from the very beginning, there is no mention that would make us top of the conflict. i am exaggerating a bit, but if we tell the minister now that we plan meetings and we'll drive by call from poland, so that no one notices that's already participation and we won't do that. on monday, do you think it is possible to hope that ukraine will be able to do everything on its own? after all, it is known that there are many people there in civilian clothes who speak with an american accent. now we've had some jump on piece castle, which i'm unable to push gitovski. he says the japanese continued supply of arms to key as a war crime. i see, and this will surely have been discussing in the bonus tag whether there is already a war capability and whether they have already become a part of the war is the german side or not. but germany is already a war in policy. and just from my point of view, if even the officers say that the war cannot be won by ukraine, but we still continue to supply weapons there or support the people who are
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slaughtering their children there and the russian children to. and that's a war crime in itself, but above all, it is also a question of the arms industry. i think this is also about millions and billions of money. i can only hope and trust in the prudence and wisdom of the russian government to give us the civilian population of germany, the time to build up the appropriate political pressure here to so that such a weapon exchange opportunities are not continued. and that we may finally bring about a policy change in general that will ultimately lead to meeting russia, security needs and ending the war. also it's election the, the in russia with the country gearing up to go to the polls in less than 24 hours for the 1st time ever. the boat will beheld over multiple days, an archie with the every step of the way with all special coverage. the
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i had all the elections vitamin put in, has addressed the nation, calling on to every russian citizen to take part because every vote counts it was really make it has been new. i see this will be the 8th time russians vote in the presidential election, which proves our country's commitment to one of the fundamental principles of democratic society and the regularity of elections. the outcome of this election will shape russia's evolution and growth for years to come. it is a historic event and a moment of great responsibility. the only source of power in our country is its peoples. a fundamental principle that's enshrined in russia's constitution. its core meaning is that you and only you, the citizens of russia can decide the future of your homeland. you are about to cast your vote. and in doing that, declare firmly and resolutely your will, your aspirations and your personal commitment to the continued development of our shared home. i am sure that you recognize just how perilous this time is for our
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country, and what difficult challenges lie ahead of us in almost every direction. to continue to meet them with dignity and overcome these hardships, we need to remain united and remember our inner strength. we must show our unity and determination to march on together. every vote is valuable in every vote matters. so i urge you to exercise your right to vote in the coming days. our country is massive, but polling stations will be open on every corner in every city, town, and village when you buy a ticket. so aside from put in while the, all that content as in the race lot is love, devon cough is from the up and coming new people party that said that at 39 the former best this bad. and he's coming to be the young refreshed phase roster. needs right now, so definitely very recently met with the international observers who will monitor the elections despite his political party. having only recently appeared on the
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russian political scene, he emphasized that he has a big team assembled to observe the voting process to make sure it's free and fed transmission. of course, we expect that the elections will be held at a high organizational level. and i know how important international participation is that includes observations which will be organized here starting tomorrow, they'll be computers. and observers, observers will also be working into regions, primarily in areas where there are no cameras. most of the polling stations are equipped with cameras. so a large team of volunteers will also monitor the progress of the elections online. and next i'll pay is nikolai, how the tunnel. he's from the communist party, a parliamentary veteran. he's been the for media of face in the world of politics for over 3 decades. now, and in fact he was runner up when he lost dude for president in 2004 in
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a binding electrical issue. ukraine. he says that they can be no more goodwill, justice jim record somebody. and you officially given the current public regime in ukraine, which was planted by western europe. i perfectly understand the population of ukraine. they are ready to agree by and large to do anything to stop the fighting film. which recently both for administer lever off and the president of our country have repeatedly stated that we are ready to sit down at the negotiating table. but on russia's terms, there is no other option. and finally loaded slootsky right there. he leads the liberal democratic party, he's currently pulling up around 3 percent. but he was also actually a member of the rough and delegation that the stumble piece, both with your trade back in the springs of 2022. his campaign has been driven by social issues like past cots and toppling installation. he has to be so addressed
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if we described the rush of the future as we see that it will be a comfortable country where you can not worry about safety driving normal roads without traffic jams and not freeze at home in winter. because the management companies work well, it is a fair country where all citizens rights are respected and all social guarantees are realized where there are no poor people. this is a great country that is respected by everyone in the world. it has formed a new global majority in the world as replacing the anglo saxon regimes centered in washington and putting an end to the dispute over what the world order should be. it will be multi color of the conflict in ukraine. this pivotal effect of, for media russians and likely to weigh in on the outcome of the election is also impact to the incumbent president stance towards western powers. the artes martin, of course, are of a, has been looking at how the but putting this off to do towards them has changed throughout his time in charge. a lot of my post and became ross as president for
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the 1st time. it was a breath of fresh air and not only for russians, it look good and for almost thing of the beginning with the west appearing to welcome russia's new leader. i have come to moscow important time. russia, after all, has a new president, a new government under duma. its economy is showing encouraging signs of growth. this gives russia a pivotal opportunity to build on the strong record of engagement between our 2 countries. it is also an opportunity for the united states. i welcome president clinton's interest in building a russian that enjoys the enduring strength of a stable democracy. they evidently liked what he had been saying, and they were eager to engage for some boots and went on to define. his vision is only the west had listened. instead they went on to prove that they only support those who follow them blindly. yeah, he found the recession of democratic principles in international relations. the
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ability to find the correct decision and readiness for compromise on a difficult thing. but then it was a european who was the 1st to understand how important it is to look for consensus over and above national egoism. we agree with that. all these are good ideas. it seemed just recently that a truly common home would shortly rise on the continent. a home in which the europeans would not be divided into east and west and northern or southern. today we must say one thing for all the cold war is done with we have entered a new stage of development. we understand that without a modern sound and sustainable security architecture, we will never be able to create an atmosphere of trust on the continent. and without that atmosphere of trust, there can be no united, greater europe, back then watermark puts in the most optimistic about process relationship with the west. we'll see what he had to say about this assessments in hindsight. but for now, let's say in the early 2000, that's when the russian lead or even consider to join the forces with no,
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you know what i see here. russia is part of the european culture. and i cannot imagine my own country and i solution from europe and what we often call the civilized world. so it is hard for me to visualize nato as an enemy. i think even posing the question, this way will not do any good to russia or the world still to the very question is capable of causing damage. we are open to equitable cooperation to partnership some even joe by then as senator at the time was singing his praises saying that no russian leader, since theater the great has passed as long as much with the was as boots and it has well, it was all good, as long as russians leader did it, and so fear in international affairs, it seems, well, the warsaw pact long dissolved, and soviet era basis close must go, well, seemingly play in the long and was expecting its partners. so do the same.
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washington, however, continued to expand nato, withdrew from the anti ballistic missile treaty. well, innovating. i've gotten this done before it moved on to iraq. well, experts say that was the turning point. russell was adamant that these developments require the let's have a look here. they're required a political settlement and they emphasize that the situation could only be resolved for international cooperation through the security council and in compliance with the un charter. we stand for resulting the problem exclusively through peaceful means. any other option would be a mistake. it wouldn't be fraud with the grievous consequences. it will result in casualties and the stabilize the international situation in general. well, we all know what happened there. a total and utter disaster. the west continued to ignore vladimir putin, his warnings was withdrawn from yet another treaty. this time on nuclear arms reduction, the big picture was looking very suspicious. let's not forget that one of the boots
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is main issues from the get go was for the west to stop expanding nato eastwards rush. so naturally saw it as a threats that says it's not difficult of shooting at nato expansion does not have any relation with the modernization of the alliance itself. or with ensuring security in europe. on the contrary, it represents a is for locations that reduces the level of mutual trust. and we have the right to ask against whom is this expansion intended? and what happened to the assurances our western partners made after the dissolution of the warsaw pact. i would like to quote the speech of nato general secretary, mister werner in brussels on 17th may 1990. he said at the time that the fact that we are ready not to place a needle army outside of german territory gives the soviet union a firm security guarantee. where are these guarantees? as that fell on deaf ears once again, because they had all continued expanded,
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have a look at this map right here. this is what it looked like before nato didn't just swallow up. new members book countries that used to be part of the warsaw pact with the soviet union, and they kept moving closer and closer to russia's bores. the spies vladimir boots insane stop. we didn't get unless you're going to need to moisten that. russia cannot but react to actions that undermine and security. further expansion of the military block is a problem for us. so let's live amicably and have a fair dialogue, guys, the way we are treated, we will react the same way. but today i felt that i was hurt by my partners, but they did unless and with a towards the end, you cray next on the list, the plans it's are in georgia and so in and so i rushed and stave didn't work out a surprise. but america was undeterred and essentially took it upon itself to make sure that the plan for kids was put into action as we all saw with the my dad who
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in 2014. well, despite the fact that kids military had killed thousands of civilians in the pro russians on boss for years, lot of effort to remain calm and collected urgent all sides to negotiate that a miracle happened with both parties sign and the men's agreements. so and all hostilities you have feeling pretty seniors, cuz i'm, if i would generally join what has been said here. today's negotiators have adopted a final joint document, the 3 of firms, the risk ability of strict and consistent implementation of the minutes agreements of 12 of february 2015, and stresses the importance of establishing direct dialogue between the parties to the conflict. it was all a scam, just like washington's promise not to expand nato. leave him russell with no other option, but to use military force to protect the civilians in former parts of eastern to claim the worst had been lost and there interventions all around the world for
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decades in the name of suppose a democracy which never actually comes to countries they invade, but when russia simply stood up to save civilians from him as the military natal cried file for you. yes, there was definitely not even i can tell you with absolute sincerity, despite the fact that i worked in the security services for 20 years, i still had an idea that the whole world and the so called, civilized world understands that russia has become a different country that there is no ideological confrontation anymore. and i usually thought that it was the inertia of thinking and actions. that was a nice belief. and the realities are that after the collapse of the ussr, it was believed that russia would also collapse. then they wouldn't be able to pick apart the pieces and use our resources and was only later that this realization came to me. now when it comes to the most comprehensive coverage of the lecture, that loyalty is the place to be with
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a raft of correspondence experts and the analyst waiting to give their take over the next couple of days. so stay tuned for us special coverage. the job in k. yes. as a massive lawsuit against the american, the food conglomerates delmonte, we can still go ahead and that's after the defense tried to say that the case was out of the east african countries jurisdiction. delmont bass, facing numerous accusations on the sold, rape and bud allegedly committed by gods that is finding locations in kenya. the companies also the keys of attempting to bribe witnesses. kanyes high court is currently considering the lawsuit brought by our last victims with the support of multiple de and g o's. delmonte has dismissed the charges and says that there is no evidence that a representative of the company denounced the legal action. i said this information
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in campaign, however, earlier this month, the company apparently fired 250, got some caden farming locations, and the place them was down from a global security company. now delmonte reportedly set up a new pass now had on the gone trading to use made them all physical force added facilities. here's how the victims have spoken about their experience of allegedly being beaten by for my god my and do my god. i was beaten by the gentleman guards for the room on my head and they left me dying. actually, they thought i had already died and that's when they dragged me into a forest nearby, where i spend the whole night. while i go farm and conscious and informed my family members who took me to the hospital, not a delmont were being seriously beaten by the guard summer killed and others when they are called disappear completely in your mind. i think the defeats we used to get grass for our livestock set, the delmonte site, one day these guards sauce and chased us and unfortunately their dog caught me. the
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guards thoroughly beaten. they left me in conscious and drag me deep inside the pineapple field. later in the evening they carried me outside the plantation and left me to die at the roadside, and by that time i was seriously bleeding. well, i spent the whole night bleeding beside the road and early in the morning the man carried me to the hospital. these guards speed us, they chased us with dogs, and some people died while in the hands of these guards. we now we spoke with him on rides, defend that james mwangi chubb, and all the african center for corrective and preventive action. he says the canyons are raised with the apparent intensity of delmonte and similar western companies and demand the justice be upheld. i just thought i'd be paranoid city. i'm really actually losing to the most annoyed by the fact that the company has faith and in court that they can't be sued enough to. they cannot be sleeping. we asking questions, what are you going by nipples enough to get to
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a certain have the offices. i'm kim kim, monday is lunch. you can go on front, clean up with it. so there's no reason is the way we go independent is to keep one of the things that we cannot allow anyone to put. but it's no fancy with impunity if you open it again. can you just explain this to me? the pretty much a world we have to push and push and push until we get a solution we uh, full sustainable difference between those alternation those community and government where the room rush, you know what? i'm from say, you know what? i'm from america. we want the respect of african to do distribution. actually we're going to get some solution to create a sustainable business you. but so the, this with nationals of that the thing to get and the stuff at the end of the for got understand that because we cannot of you guys. so the need to speak this and respect. but the kind of traditional she is doing it. but i think i'm good at all, but i think he's really administer of national security. has hailed the options
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of the country's board. the police were killed a 12 year old policy didn't boy playing with fireworks. can you remember you're saying 12 year old boy enough of that? it's a 12 year old boy who was a terrorist as a 12 year old boy who put a soldier at risk. a 12 year old boy who throws fireworks and some throw them all the tops in ramos molar thompson. and she will not molar tops mano tops everywhere . to all those videos circulating on social media pop ups to show the boy in question. firing fireworks. have i children often the set of fireworks as a tradition of ramadan without posing any danger to the offices? ben v reportedly went off the rail of last month and said that the any woman and child that gets close to the border most, he gets a bullet in the head. his statement is just the latest rhetoric from these are the officials has taken a month. all athenians,
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these roles decided spanish that branded guidelines as quote human animals back in october. when ordering a complete blockade all the enclave. yeah, we spoke with a policy the rights activist, besides that, these are the parliament supports the violence committed against by the students. you should manville expect, accountability in these land as their website is moving guys to the task. afraid genocide against the kind of spins and that even if i may as well as we have high i q as the effect of buyer and that's again kind of sims is in my joint deals with a commitment to man. bills of design is closer to members, well mobilizing to support them and to our lives. and the 1st event there, the solution that guy said, find folks in that today. the say outside us comments by and then the next section,
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but 0 is like. so i think it is up to the community like the cult of justice and the out to the things that uh, easily dollar to use. the kind of thing nancy been like we see is action so. so i was also going to try to put some accountability on the slide for the types it's good to have friends in the high places. one would say the former us treasury secretaries looking to capitalize on what seems to be a force down for another time. these needed zion tech talk is rounded off of ground of a group of investors to seize the opportunity after the social media company. it has been deemed a security threat by washington. the app needs to be rebuilt in the us. it needs to be u. s. technology, there is no way that the chinese would ever let a us company on something like this in china. but it comes out to the us house of
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representatives and voted to pass a bill that could lead to the band of tech talk stage side. if you're not good, the legislation could go. busy the company about 5 months to separate from the chinese parents company and find a new owner or app stores in the us with the bad from the hosting it on the platforms. as a bill headset, the way us senators are trying to lobby of the public about what they are doing doesn't infringe on the 1st amendment. i just thought about 1st amendment, right, because what we're doing is changing ownership and removing a provision that concerns us as the chinese communist party could potentially request this. and so the tech tech talk user should understand that there be a missing form by the very platform that they're advocating for. this isn't about shutting down a tech tock. this is about making sure that very information that many of them are using to interact on it. could be shared with the chinese communist part. do we really want in the age of a i 6,
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that kind of power given to an adversarial nation. we've already seen power over there, frankly, tops over the top lobbying techniques about beijing has responded to washington's claims. say that the us us move samples on international fed trade rules. a stomach was done this bill dropped by the us house of representatives. 3 puts the us on the opposite side of the principles of fair competition. and we also have international trade, if so called national security can be cited in that will to bring down other countries, competitors of companies. there would be no fairness or justice to speak of how the u. s. has handle the tick tock chase enables the world to see clearly whether the u . s. is so cold, it was in order to serve the entire world. only the us itself will you meet? what's the said for my house,
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big an asset below. see made up our own argument and suggested that the bill will make pick top becca. and that didn't set well online and the spots a wave of reactions. i see bite to that not to be expected. this is not an attempt to ban tip top. it's attempt to make to talk better. tic tac toe a winter, a winter. these are the people that make major decisions for us as a country. when your grandma drank a little too much wind before the city council meeting, we don't know if the serious country now for more on this less cross live to legal and media on the list. nano lotto is good to have you join me right now. i know you've been following this development now. very convenient for the former treasury secretary to be waiting in the wings and look like he sees helping ready to buy tick tick, tock that's. that's let's be.


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