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tv   News  RT  March 15, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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oh, well well, well at least turn it up to the the breaking news from a golf in palestine health ministry excuses this route of kenning at least 20 people . i'm going to move in a 100 state cute for food in thought. we were both in the bottom there's thousands of casualties delivered to us or to hospital due to this attack. and there's hundreds of injuries also. and it's very sensitive to mention that this is the 1st time where the army target to the tennis plus not just so these capitalized but also to politically new pains. the gas government's practices. they had told one of the biggest companies find 5
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to gain static asians by u. s. investment research firms that it's been involved including market manipulation. one offered com, coming to the polls. the russian presidential election isn't point waiting in the country. the far east withholding station is now opening in the european pops the nation on it's capital bus and the cost of that followed the u. s. is cost discussions on the whole election. however, we look back to a time when washington was more than happy with the cost and the single, the thrown in. the good morning, brian nadia, it is still on hey, i'm here in moscow. wherever you are. joining us from a very glad you are welcome to the program. like i mentioned, we also have some this morning and some breaking news from knolls and dolls. uh
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which is it. 20 people desperately awaiting 8, have been killed. about $150.00 wounded, involves the city about supporting to the local health ministry is ready will pains and try and support. okay. targeted a crowd of palestinians waiting for the arrival of food trucks calls are based on this homes of china. and how's the details around 11 30 pm on his way to talk to him. basically as we are waiting for this invitation to, according to god's administrative health, they have an awesome se, there's thousands of casualties delivered to us at the hospital due to this attack . and there's hundreds of injuries also, and it's very necessary to mention that this is the 1st time where the army targeted fantastic news for awaiting payment to just have a similar that costs 6 cause or twos cause injuries. while the, i guess quickly labeled reports solve its involvement,
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incorrect is ready. false is also pointed out that they are examining the details of the incidence. won't people not to believe me just speculation. how was i it would not be the 1st time that those sensing food aid in goals are happening target to find the idea. at the end of february, more than a 100 palestinians were killed. hundreds mill wounded while they was swimming around a truck as well. has denied its direct involvement instead, claiming militants for opening fire on the crowd, on truck drivers for running a bus. some of those presence on the lease here are chief morrison ocean picks up the story with humanitarian crisis. now unfolding the palestinian clave, the un says famine is imminent across the gaz as true. related supplies arrival is always understandably a big event. and a lot of people usually gather at a point where critically needed food and water supposed to be distributed and it unfortunately sometimes becomes dangerous. last month they want
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a similar assault on a crowd of palestinians who gathered on the sheets through each also in kansas city, waiting for food distribution, the palestinian health ministry and have mass then blamed israel for the dead. they attacked the claim to more than 100 lives hours later. the idea of from these, the statement saying can policies were in dozens, and most victims were trampled or run over a k is as crowd store on the trucks that we do for those that we then were receiving from the grounds. the was given a different picture later, the army admitted the troops, deep fire at warning shots in the air and opening fire on several gallons. who moved toward soldiers and at tank at an idea of check point and danger and troops. and the army also said then that they was limited fire. at least one member of saw from the u. n. 's relief on walks agency was killed in an is ready to strike on
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a food distribution center in rough or, and all the 20 to well wounded. the one size, the idea of new the facility was located in the air. at least one staff member was killed and 22 others were injured when a is really forces hit a food distribution center in the eastern part of rafa. the commission to general, for ottawa feeling blood to really set today's attack on one of the very few remaining on what distribution centers in the gaza strip comes as food supplies are running out, and hunger is wide spread in some areas. turning into simon's mr. let's really noted that every day on a while, shares the coordinates of all its facilities across the gaza strip with parties to the conflict. these really army received the coordinates including of this facility yesterday, before the taxes were ended, while i take them to the aisle and their shop hospital is where the army is set to investigate an instance. during the 5 months of the will and gauze,
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which you monetary incentives have repeatedly been targeted in total, claiming the life of $165.00 stall center so far. when was connection, it says the idea is disregarding international. every day we share the coordinates of law facilities across the gaza strip with policies to the conflict. these riley army received the coordinates including of this facility. since this will began, attacks against you and facilities, convoys and personnel have become commonplace in blatant disregard to international humanitarian. lo. meanwhile, the you on wild for the program to live at a to 25000 people in golf. the city on tuesday, a supplies ship has also left cyprus, heading sylvia and bob told enclave, however, that humanitarian organization say that would be a no to a pace laundromats and bucks on the summit. the leader of the palestinian national
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initiative believes or any viable situation is but as well to end this military couch, are you still good? so one way is diverted, things our attention to the fact that is that early conducting city or the connections of the same time, the crime of collective punishment, the crime of genocide and the crime, also snape, lindsey, is it an, is depriving guys of what i'm fluid depriving that especially the northern part of garza and from any age and that has led to the traditional subdivision. 700000 people are started reading now. and the whole idea about putting ships or even american port, is on the invention of attention. so i'm very edited to you that it's gonna have to be supply really without labs thoughts. and is it a little distracting that thousands and thousands of products? so how do we think when that gets inside, all the needs is a permission to instead of guys. but there's a, there's not granting that,
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and then they come up, hold on these ideas. sometimes they want to sort of boxes, which is really the time for uh, because 6 people would, can, because of these past and that with throwing some there. and the other day they of course, that have been damaged to one of the hospital. and the same time the other many months. so. busy i should be it and i should, the board would not solve the problem. the problem can be solved only by 2 ways. is it a secession or for the military activities? which means i put them in a mid 30 ceasefire immediately. and 2nd open ended that was, that holds to aid to the people because meanwhile, b is a prime minister, has once again insisted the ground forces will enter. the city of ruffled out some southern gaza, close to the egyptian full to i'm not is despite warnings from the us the any such move would be a red line. benjamin netanyahu claims such an operation is still needed to secure
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a total victory for the idea. yes, there international pressures to actually prevent us from entering rather than completing the job, we will enter wrong and we will completely elimination of the remaining time us personalities. i mean, will be able to restore security and bring the absolute victory to the people of israel within the state of israel, of going to sleep and consume. yes, they are. the recently announced a new kind of cold humanitarian island. the idea is to move 1400000 just based palestinians from southern gospel to the sense of the enclave. in preparation for russell ration of the beginning of the conflict, the idea did give a sure it says that that would be humanitarian. corporate tools for the safe passage of civilians is randy officials also claimed that that would be processed and fighting to let aid and the territory type of base come off of this sort of means that the so called humanitarian islands plant is penalty. it's attempt to
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counter global scripts. me is fine to find other ways to try to basically bypass international pressure by speaking about a humanitarian islands in the middle of gauze to try to in a way of bypass international pressure. when we look at the numbers uh more than 50 or 1000 palestinians have been killed to it there and do with them on palestinian children and women. it doesn't seem to me that this is collateral damage as prime minister me nothing y'all is trying to say. ready between now and then it seems to me that is when is intentionally trying to punish the palestinian civilian population? it's just a way or is read saying that they are trying to do a bit to where to try to say almost in their civilian lives. but on the contrary, what do we have seen over the past quite most is uh, is where and as intentionally
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a ones often tell us the news. the copy of is an attempt to, to destabilize the company on the same. the new, the government bought us the response from the indian base cable business, john, donnie. we're following a report by a us investment research firm claiming that the company was involved in sold a market manipulation last year. that's when before january you had some debt to a matthew at that by us. shots of the objective was not just to describe like us, but also to politically the fame induction governments practices despite the efforts to shake order foundations, the speed from one that's cost i've now to i'll tell you,
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corresponded with engine shaw my original. i mean, this is a complicated case load of allegations we tried at the donnie group. this is not the 1st one in recent months. can you just take us through what we know so far? i shall know. personally go to madonna. these commons come over here to off the us phased farm he didn't book had publish that report if is really damning. what it did was, by then, before the report was published, colton was on him, was the old, which is man in the world after that, that ranking in depth to about 20 top 20, which is not in the wall. so that was the, the, the, the damage that report had caused, even in terms ofa invest. so the value of the market, it was over a $100000000000.00. that of the sort of donnie's group had, dobbs had lost. now,
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as far as this report is concerned, what are the ledge tools that go from adonis group was involved in stuck with new pollution also that we could have done accounting for the sports or what a decade or so even back then the dining room had rejected all of these allegations that had questioned the timing goals, 34 to with now cool. some was on a himself speaking by clearly seeing that this was an attempt to malign, not just his company, but also india. on the eve of our republic, day us based short seller published a report just as we were planning to launch the largest fall on public offering and india's history. the report was a combination of targeted misinformation and outdated, discredited allegations aimed at damaging our reputation and generating profits through a deliberate drive down to our stock prices. the
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chain that if possible, we will get the 2nd hall of the installment that was all to correspond to engine job shop. joining us up from you, danny. meantime, let's talk about how both thing in the presidential election is officially on the way across the list or a process with pulling stations. now open in the capital must go. i was before that as we were false to sleep and the far east people have the gun costing the ballots all to is following every step of the journey with all special coverage. the false expanse of the world's largest ation covers at 11 time certain. so there is
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an east waterfall for us to call sad pallet footage like this from the come chop got known as a land also. so he knows chose the reasons god for not making his choice locals. we're also seeing costing up audits in the port city of logic stall, cuz when it's on the island of stuff, i mean totally stations will close at 8 pm local time on sunday. meanwhile right here in the capital, most cove i'd say is now on the way we heard from some locals who spoke on the importance of having us a for the june. of course, i will go with my entire family because it is my civic duty. i want russia to prosper and be ahead of the whole planet valencia propose for me to show me where i haven't decided yet. i'm not sure where i will be these days, but if there were a pulling station next to me, then i would vote yes or do i have you, but you should always make your choice. i am used to voting every time, and my vote is important to i don't think it's
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a big secret one going to vote for her, but i won't say anything. let's not give them a and free advertising. are they doing your bible but the most? unfortunately, i was because i am a guest dentist and will be in the hospital in those days. so i physically wouldn't be able to go with it if i could tell her, but i know i have enough. can you almost have someone that sounds good though. i was on it because it is my civic duty and what was your 1st of all the solution for you? it's because otherwise you wouldn't, we, when we refuse to take part in the states, fate to, if you don't want freedom or both of them uses it for you. so you should vote to or despite tiers like thoughts and spite the pictures of people keen to vote in the election. the us state department spokesman probably doesn't touch southern tuesday of the united states condemns rest, has continued efforts to undermine ukraine, sovereignty territorial integrity and political independence through sham elections held in occupied ukrainian territories. the united states does not, and will never recognize legitimacy or outcome of these channel actions held in
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sovereign ukraine as part of russia's presidential elections. to be clear, lou, hans, don't yet separate risa. her song and crimea are ukraine. the results of these potemkin sell exercises will be dictated by moscow and cannot reflect the free will, the citizens of ukraine were being compelled to vote in them. however, the u. s. wasn't always so down bates about the people's right to choose and russia . i'll t z equal sign of house be looking back to a time when washington was more than happy about who democracy was putting in the criminal. i had if it's presidential election rush, i had one message to the west. don't metal look up lou, we have sent accumulating a lot of materials about how the european union embassies and mosque out or preparing for our presidential elections. white intervention mechanisms and supporting projects for our non systematic font position is our being prepared in general. seems that the embassies have no right to do is having collected such
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information, we invited all the ambassadors of the european union to a meeting with the means at which i wanted to tell them we simply advise them in good faith. not to do this. those 2 days before the scheduled meeting, they sent us a note saying they had decided not to come in. can you imagine relations with state and zip on medical level, whose in passengers are afraid to come to a meeting which administer of a country to which they are accredited? where has that been seen here for steps the manners of the swarms partners, e. c. this might sound out of place to some given the 2016 russia collusion hysteria in the us when the roles were reversed. but it makes perfect sense to those who pay attention to america's intelligence routine overseas. we've been doing this kind of thing since the c i a was created in 1947. we've used posters, pamphlets, mailers, banners, you name it. we planted false information and for newspapers, we've used what the british call king george's cavalry, suitcases of cash,
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and the russian battlefield in this war for the hearts and minds actually saw one of the biggest victories of the c. i a, it all started like this. it doesn't take collusion from the trunk campaign, right? for russian active measures to mess with our watches. what we messed with the lecture. the funny thing, the thing is i was sent in 1994 to russia by the clinton administration to get involved in their elections. seeking what outcome of the re election of boris yeltsin versus hilton inherited the shambles of the soviet union, which smarter in russia used to be in the early ninety's. he didn't do much for the country during his 1st tenure, the country. so a bloody coup attempt suffered from monstrous terrorist attacks, organized crime, flourished. the economy was in ruins, and the population was stricken with round pound poverty. but all that didn't matter to washington for them, yelton's keep straight and achievement was,
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he's absolute. a dollar fee and salvage you to the us. so when the polls showed he was likely to lose to his communist tribal in the 1996 election, it was time to take action for none other than the american president himself. no one will be able to succeed except to myself and you gone off. all others will get no more than 10 percent, but they can add the votes to his or subtract them from mine. so now i have to work with full candidates and make them favorable to me, especially if we go to a 2nd round. i have set firmly the task of winning in the 1st round. so i would ask you not to embrace, you've gone off in advance. you don't have to worry about that. we spend 50 years working for the other result. soon off to 3 americans landed in russian, 3 and footprint does in the business of the most cutting edge, most markets innovation of the time, flat screen tvs or so was the legend. in reality,
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they were political science heavy weights on admission to tip the scales in yelton's favor the communists had to lose phases. don't approve of the job. yeltsin is doing 17 things will get any better. i prefer the communist approach. there exists any one very simple strategy, but winning 1st become the only alternative to the communist and 2nd, make the people say that the communist must be stopped. old costs. the u. s. administration displayed a very little understanding of this at all costs or the, the agents what each pay $250000.00. and basically had a blank check to cover any additional expenses. but given yelton's public support, the task at hand was truly got again join in the us, you'd advise a pull with those kinds of numbers to get another occupation to get america's favorite sons rating out of the got to event, president clinton was ready to spare. no expense,
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i'll check on this with the i m. s and with some of our friends and see what can be done. i think this is the only way it can be done. but let me clarify this. i had understood that you would get about $1000000000.00 from the i m. s before the election. no, no, only $300000000.00. i'll check. ok. apparently it was president clinton to convinced his russian counterpart to appear in a campaign video. and when the selection results came in, the 3 american political scientists actually set in the election commission building. they cheated, they did it, it worked, at least for a while. now russia is in a fight against a us domain aged world order. and this time, washington doesn't have the yeltsin way out. who's stopped the conservative daddy podcast? jo old man says respect for all the nations is not really in the american paper. the united states feels like they are the bully on the,
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on the road stage. they feel like they are the ones that can dictate and tell people what to do and tell countries what to do. they don't respect the sovereignty of any nation. and they want a gaslight, anyone and everyone that wants to have a voice in, in large for just because the united states is, is a slave state. and there's no other way to actually put it we, we, we, we live in an environment where they tell us it's comfortable, easy to really tell us one thing. while the, the exact opposite is actually true. one of the reasons why we're in this conflict to begin with is because of nato and the ability for them not to respect the sovereignty of nation. we go all the way back to 2004, 14 to the made onto that happened a new crane. we can talk about the connections between the c i a what happened in that ukraine long before there was even a conflict. and we can also talk about the fact that the people in ukraine are, are running away from people in their own government who are or torturing raping and killing their own people. so this conflict in, in the several,
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the region has been going on for a long time and we had an election in 2022 where the people in those, those regions actually said we want to be a part of osha. so it's, it's, it is, has nothing to do with the world of people. well, when it comes to the most comprehensive coverage of the election on the is the place to be with a roth of correspondence experts, an analyst waiting to get that take over the next few days. so stay tuned for all special coverage. the political parties in hate. so you have projected a us backed plan to establish a transitional government in the country. now it comes as the car of the nation struggles with find them that is really push that prince to collapse. in recent weeks, local gongs have taken control of huge portions of the capital for the prince. last week, not as deteriorated, father of to some 2000 funds that escaped in
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a jail break. on tuesday, the prime minister announced his resignation a resignation and recommended a presidential committee select his replacements. one recommendation was for us funded international police force, but a number of regional parties refused to agree to that founder of the on top to the media investigative john. this is outlet dan cohen believes washington, his motivation to health is really out of self interest. us wants to maintain haiti as a neo colonies. basically they're trying to stick a, what they believe would be a more credible government in which is this liberal opposition. transitional presidential counsel. so then that governments, despite not having been elected, it's just like the predecessor, defacto prime minister, are real henri who was recently forced to step down. they would make a, a formal request to the united states and actually to kenya. um,
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to have this uh for this multi national forests, completely controlled, paid for guided by the united states. uh, they would bring them in. now this request was already made by our retail on re, but they need a, a, a bilateral agreement. they need a, a, an existing government of some sort in order to get this into haiti. and so that's the next step for the united states is to bring this in, get a military and prevent shannon and the us according to its own documents. seeking a 10 year military occupation of haiti senior run in the meantime, has announced that it is with touring, some of its personnel from i hate to you. it comes as a food prices, as prophecy, watched me quite slipping or pull to the monkeys of chewing to 8 according to the world food program. and was 1500000 haitians all just one step away from what it means to back till both of these development is reports online, not pay me,
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but there is an imagines of cannibal guns. now one such mess is that of jimmy barbecue, a full, a police officer who has a partner united, a group of flash, a team. and it's don cogan again says it's nothing more than a campaign of this information. what i learned is that there is an armed revolutionary movement brewing in the streets, an alliance of anti crime armed groups led by jimmy barbecue chevy ca, who was now the man of the hour, who has basically been fighting against criminal armed groups that kidnapped that murder that steal that rape and terrorized the population on behalf of the ruling class. but at the same time that he's fought against them, he's his message has been, well, why don't we actually stop fighting? because we're all from the same slums and turn our weapons against the people who gave them to us to fight each other. and so that is basically what she reads. the
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a has finally succeeded in doing is uniting these different arms groups under the banner of the von psalm, which means living together. the viral video is not of jimmy chevy, ga, it has nothing to do with jimmy sherry ca, that is being promoted by a series of basically this information operatives on social media. and in mainstream media here in the united states, it was filmed in 2021 in a part of the country as he is not from not in for the prince and the capital. and so this video is basically just being used to smear him. i'm fine with us. our rush i, ron and china have wrapped up the joint naval trails in the gulf of oman, when move in 20 ships from the 3 nations. what involved are these use? gilani has all the details. as it rolls, navy has received a distress call from the commercial sheriff in the northern indian ocean. so you can help me. the hijacking scrapped russian and chinese naval forces have swiftly
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joined. it was maybe in a race against time to save the endangered vessel. this scenario is part of the final phase of a trilateral exercise between the one in russian and chinese navies, ended enhancing coordination, encountering piracy, maritime terrorism, and other potential threats, divide old maritime trade corridors. time united. your dad was apply exercises plans for the final day included operations to free vessels that have hypothetically been captured by maritime terrorists who have broken into the vessels, introverted them from their main path. in this phase, marines entered those ships using choppers and boats, as if to liberate the captured vessel, then brought eviction of the civil war ships from the 3 nations have been deployed to the region. a standout highlight of the exercise was the presence of russia's formidable vari on destroyer arms with 16 supersonic anti shipments holes of 64 long range, anti air missiles, among other sophisticated defense systems,
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the participating naval assets engaged in various warfare scenarios, including targeting aerial threats, electronic warfare rescue operations for attacked vessels and fire fighting missions along the what's important is that the exercises have been carried out jointly. even in this scenario, we're unable forces entered the imperiled ship marines from all of the 3 countries conducted the missions collectively the shows, the highest level of coordination between the 3 navies. and this would definitely lead to the enhancement of security in the oceans. when naval forces from iran, russia and china collaborate in ensuring the security of waterways, all of the vessels will pass through these routes with peace and complete safety by leading the operations and the exercise was, it was then a destroyer. and cutting edge combat special equip was to surface to air missiles for anti ship missiles and torpedo launchers. despite facing strict, obviously bar goes from the west. the one has been steadily bolstering gets.


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