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tv   News  RT  March 15, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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covering some years of bloody conflict. lodge on odyssey, the breaking news o ukrainian attempts to cross the border and feel good and cross regions over the past 3 days. have failed and resulted in significant. lopez, as, according to the russian defense palestine health, ministry of cheese. it says, well, all but kidding, it needs 20 people unwilling to take more than a 100, as they chewed for food and gall to 15. but the idea to nice any involvement. 6 being to the polls, the russian presidential election is in full swing in the countries. far east with folding stations. now opening of the european parts of the nation on its capital must ask you to call step on us in russia's new regions. thing us has costs
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dispatch and from the election, we look back to a time when the self proclaimed champion of democracy didn't restricted, maddening, and russian class. so many what the walking round the clock to make sure you never missed the story. this is audience. national. thanks for choosing us, and we'll welcome to the program. while some breaks in use, just reaching us this hour, the russian defense industry says that all attempts by you creating new forces to get into the bill good across regions over the past 3 days, have been defeated. moreover, fi, ukrainian loss is estimated at more than $1518.00 tanks and $23.00 fighting vehicles. what was that destroyed? went off some news from the northern garza was 20 people, desperately awaiting
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a have been killed in about 150 wounded. in gauze, a city that's what, according to the local health ministry, was ready we'll plains and drones reported they talked to the crowd of palestinians waiting for the arrival of food trucks calls and based on this time. so charlotte has the details around 11 30 pm on his way to talk to him basically as we are waiting for this invitation to, according to god's administrative health. they have an awesome side. there's thousands of casualties delivered, obviously for hospital due to this attack. and there's hundreds of entries also, and it's very necessary to mention that this is the 1st time where the army targeted fantastic news for awaiting payment. and they just did a similar type of cost 6 cars or twos, and thousands of injuries. the idea of quick pain naples reports of its involvement incorrect,
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is there any false is also pointed out that they are examining the details of the incident on want people not to believe me. just speculation. however, it would not be the 1st time that those seeking food aid and also have been targeted by the idea. at the end of february, you might recall more than a 100 palestinians were killed an 100 wounded while they were swimming around de trucks. as ro has denied its direct involvement from vast, instead flaming militants, the opening. fly on the crowd and trunk the drivers for running over some of those present. i'm at least here chief with promotional picks up. was with somebody, terry and crisis now unfolding the palestinian clave. the un says famine is imminent across the gas is true. related supplies arrival is always understandably a big event. and a lot of people usually gather at a point where critically needed food and water. supposed to be distributed and it unfortunately sometimes becomes dangerous. last month they want
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a similar result on a crowd of palestinians who gathered on the sheets through each. also in gather safety, waiting for food distribution, the palestinian health ministry, and have mass then blamed israel for the dead. they attacked and claimed more than 100 lives hours later. the idea from these, the statements, same casualties were in dozens, and most victims were trampled or run over a k is as crowd store on the trucks that we do for those that we then were receiving from the ground. so it was given a different picture, laid to the army, a mix of the troops, deep fire at warning shots in the air, and opening fire on several gallons. who moved toward soldiers and a tank at an idea of check point in danger and troops and the army also said then that they was limited. fire. small desperate palestinians are waste sitting around
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the polk at the rough uh border crossing for any a truck. some light come through. oh, as we can see in the sportage, people are actually rushing running to get any possible supplies. the public field information officer fully you as relates and walks agency, says that unless as well opens the board as for an adequate number of a truck, we could see simon and an unprecedented level lift to lift the center. do you mind, missouri? the situation in garza is indeed extremely tragic and getting was by the day the required assistance is not reaching kill us or especially to the north. just a few weeks earlier, we'd discover the threat of simon and phase of the new phase of suffering like a game. when people would die on mass from hunger, they're selling already and $27.00 people have dodgers sold to food shortages, including $25.00 children of israel does not want to open crossing, such as the con, the boost affordable, about $600.00 trucks and
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a post threat to guns that will trucks could be received 3 or 3 other locations, but israel does not want humanitarian a to arrive regularly. it's fear that the situation with aid is being used by israel as an instrument to the voting in the presidential election is officially on the way across the prussia with polling stations. now open in the capital must go out before that in the fall, race, people have begun costing the pallets all to you is following every step of the journey without special coverage of the vast, expand called the nation covers and nothing time zones. so those in the east, well, the 1st calls that follows footage from the comes out to known as the land of the volcanoes, shows the regions golfing and making his choice. naples world. the thing causing
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that pilots in the for the 2 of the bus stop, because what is on the island of such a need? pony stations will close at 8 pm local time on sunday. meanwhile, right here in the capital most coating is now and so on. the way we heard from some locals, we spoke on the importance of having that say for the june, of course i will go over with my entire family because it is my civic duty and i won't rush it to prospect and be ahead of the whole planet for me to show me where i haven't decided yet, i'm not sure where i will be these days, but if there were a pulling station next to me, then i would vote yes or do i have you, but you should always make your choice. i am used to voting every time, and my vote is important to i don't think it's a big secret one going to vote for it, but i won't say anything. let's not give the man free advertising saturday during your bible, but the more unfortunately, i won't go because i am a guest to you and will be in a hospital on those days. so i physically wont be able to go, but if i could,
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i would. you almost isn't one of those sounds good though. i will vote because it is my civic duty. first of all, you should vote because otherwise you will willingly refuse to take part in the states fate. if you don't want freedom, what use is it for you? so you should vote. people in russia's new regions, close to the front lines, were able to cost that the, the up to security reasons i'm at the on coming, pointing. a regular polling stations have now opened on across the don't. bass is upper osha and haas on regions, according to local editorial commissions that are over $1200.00 search polling places which are being set off. i'll bring you a human story, one of those, how big the how say and the current elections is furniture john, list christ out. know who is the editor in chief of the don't boss inside. now she's been covering the bands in the region since 2016 when she 1st moved to don, yet, city and she, what for the done yes, international press center and said that she was motivated to give the other side
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of the story. i move to don bass to refute what's written by most media outlets. they publish a lot of nonsense in plain lies about this conflict. my goal is to show the reality on the ground. i wanted to listen to and give voice to the don best residents whom the regime and key of calls terrorists simply because they refused to recognize the may don qu data. i want to stay here even, and especially after the war, i have met wonderful people here who defend the same values as myself. people with big hearts who have become like a 2nd family to me. i'm with 13 in the new regions now on the way. i'll tease run culture of lunch to talk to postpone meal. so the presidential election continue here. the next people's republic right now, election communities traveling across through the public. and i'm making sure that everyone who wants to vote and get to exercise their rights right now. we are in
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the one of the neighborhoods here in had done that square. there is a mobile can be 0 right here. but so we have a very special person today who's voting wholesale for the 1st time along with the residents, help them boss. so let's say so it's unfair writing down my passport details so that i can vote, they're also checking my name against the list. then i will be able to put my balance in the ballad box. and what's it within today? we are witnessing an extraordinary case. we didn't know christo personally, but she is known to us. your style has come to our posting station to vote before. of course, this is a very unusual case. she moved here from express to civic position and fully supported our public and its inhabitants. and now having the status of a russian citizen, she is choosing the country's president with it. i think chris still now on her right here and done boss back in 2016 from france in order to find out what it is
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exactly that is going on here. and she's sold with her own eyes, the aggression on the key of regime against local residence here in done that since then, she became a journalist and that very well known person here. and of course, she's known locally here in the village is a farmer. she has golds she has chickens and other things as well. so for now, this is her live here except for journalism. of course, we spoke about the presidential election in which she, along with other millions of residents and, and boss is taking part of crystal. so you just voted for the 1st time along with the on the residents of done bus in the presidential election. so the 1st question is probably what's in your heart in your soul at the moment? this should, i'm really glad i was able to vote. this is my 1st election. and for the 1st time, i have the opportunity to cast my vote for the candidates who in my opinion is best suited for the role of russian president. i'm very pleased and the doubly please that i was able to vote at home in general the election,
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which has taken place right now. it's not in the united deal conditions. that's why we have early voting and certain things that doesn't happen in the rest of the world. can you tell us about the situation in done boss in general right now as it relates to the election? we on delegates in attempts to disrupt the elections. whether by showing away prob occasions and fakes published in large numbers by the media, it is encouraging that the frontline is gradually moving away from the nearest towards the west and that is lashelle. and unfortunately, we can assume that on march 15th 16th and 17th, when people go to the poland stations to vote, there will be new publications. i very much hope that this will not happen, but unfortunately we need to be prepared for it. how do you feel in your heart about being a russian right now? issue, cuz i'm very happy, which is why i wanted to become a russian citizen. i feel russian,
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this realization came to me even before i came to don't boss. and here i was only once again convinced of it. i really like being here, living in don't boss in the russian don bus, which is spot of russia. i'm very proud that i am a russian citizen, and i have the opportunity to vote in elections and participate in determining the future of my country. do you have any hopes and dreams about your negative homeland or france for the future? just be, i hope the funds will return to a more neutral position, withdrawal from nato and the e. u. and then you good relations with russia, as they were before the recently were heard, a lot of the rhetoric from the governments in france about said troops on the grounds and other things along those lines of what would you say to somebody who is making this very very, how would you say it's vastly slogans us as a computer system?
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i think it's absolutely irresponsible for emanuel mate, chrome, to say such things. it's not appropriate to talk to a nuclear power in this way. it's completely stupid for me, my part i would like to do mind is people that did rush and we looked at a doctor came to regarding the use of nuclear weapons, has recently changed. it's unacceptable for one nuclear power to tell another about glance, to send troops to come to where france has no state interest. so these are popular slogans, and they're used for them designed for an internal audience. their goal is to justify budget costs and use defensive french taxpayers to increase the production of weapons and photos sent them to ukraine. while the situation in front itself is catastrophic. well, you could. i know you are a journalist, one of the most effective journalist for a german this here in dunbar. so i want to hear your plans for the future in terms of your profession or maybe life in general as well. uh no point when the war
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is over. i will continue my work as a journalist, i think i will have something to tell you about the restriction of see this about the trials. because all your cleaning will criminals and maybe even put in ones will help you can give me these more crimes we'll have to answer to the law. in addition, i will be able to show a peaceful life in don't boss and in other russian regions. i think that for the west, an audience not only for example, that have a growing number of african viewers. it will be important to find out about this to see how russians rita leave off to the current events. on the fly, the pick to the thought people team to vote in the election in the us state department spoke spots that apparently doesn't show their excuse. he has in the united states condemns. russia has continued efforts to undermine ukraine, sovereignty territorial integrity and political independence through sham elections, held in occupied ukrainian territories. the united states does not, and will never recognize the legitimacy or outcome of these samuel actions held in
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sovereign ukraine as part of russia's presidential elections. to be clear, blue hans, don't yet separate rita. her song and crimea, are you crank? the results of these potemkin cell exercises will be dictated by moscow and cannot reflect the free will. the citizens of ukraine were being compelled to vote in them . however, they was, wasn't always so down beat about the people's right to choose. and russia ortiz equals donald has been looking back to a time when washington was more than happy about who democracy was pushing in the kremlin. hey, dave, it's presidential election. russia had one message to the west, don't metal, let's look up blue. we have been accumulating a lot of materials about how the european union embassies and mosque out or preparing for our presidential elections. what intervention mechanisms and supporting projects for our non systematic on position is, are being prepared in general. things that the embassies have no right to do.
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having collected such information, we invited all the ambassadors of the european union to a meeting with me. i wish i wanted to tell them we simply advise them in good faith, not to do this 2 days before the scheduled meetings. they sent us a note saying that you had decided not to come in. can you imagine relations with states at the zip of medic level whose and passengers are afraid to come to a meeting with the minister of a country to which they are accredited? where has that been seen new steps, the manners of the sworn partners? this might sound out of place to some given the 2016 russia collusion hysteria in the us when the roles were reversed. but it makes perfect sense to those who pay attention to america's intelligence. routine overseas. we've been doing this kind of thing since the c i a was created in 1947. we've used posters, pamphlets, mailers, banners, you name it. we planted false information in foreign newspapers. we've used what
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the british call king george's cavalry, suitcases of cash, and the russian battlefield in this war for the hearts and minds actually saw one of the biggest victories of the c. i a, it all started like this. it doesn't take collusion from the trump campaign. right, for russian active measures to mess with our elections. was we messed with the election? the funny thing, the thing is i was sent in 1994 to russia by the clinton administration to get involved in their elections, seeking what outcome and from the other re election of boris yeltsin, boris yeltsin inherited the shambles of the soviet union, which smarter in russia used to be in the early ninety's. he didn't do much for the country during his 1st tenure, the country. so a bloody core attempt suffered from monstrous terrorist attacks, organized crime, flourished. the economy was in ruins, and the population was stricken with ram pounds poverty. but all that didn't matter to washington for them, yelton's keep straight and achievement was, he's absolute,
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a dollar fee and salvage you to the us. so when the polls showed he was likely to lose to his communist privacy in the 1996 election, it was time to take action for none other than the american president himself. no one will be able to succeed except to myself ends. you gone off, all others will get no more than 10 percent, but they can add the votes to his or subtract them from mine. so now i have to work with full candidates and make them favorable to me, especially if we go to a 2nd round. i have set firmly the task of winning in the 1st round, so i would ask you not to embrace, you've gone off in advance. you don't have to worry about that. we spend 50 years working for the other result. soon off to 3 americans landed in russian, 3 and footprint does in the business of the most cutting edge, most market innovation of the time, flat screen tvs or so was the legend. in reality,
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they were political science heavy weights on emission to tip the scales in yelton's favor the communists had to lose. first is done to prove that the job yeltsin is doing 17 things will get any better. i prefer the communist approach. there exist any one very simple strategy, but winning 1st become the only alternative to the communist and 2nd, explain to the people say that the communist must be stopped. old costs. the us administration displayed a very little understanding of this at all costs or the the agents what teach paid $250000.00, and basically had a blank check to cover any additional expenses. but given yelton's public support, the task at hand was truly gargantuan. in the us, you would advise a pull with those kinds of numbers to get another occupation to get america's favorite sons rating out of the got to event,
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president clinton was ready to spare no expense. i'll check on this with the ins and with some of our friends and see what can be done. i think this is the only way it can be done. but let me clarify this. i had understood that you would get about $1000000000.00 from the i m. s before the election. no, no, only $300000000.00. i'll check. ok. apparently it was president clinton to convinced his russian counterpart to appear in a campaign video. and when the 1st election results came in, the 3 american political scientists actually set in the election commission building. they cheered, they did it. it worked, at least for a while. now russia is in a fight against a us dominated world order. and this time, washington doesn't have the yeltsin way out. host of the conservative daddy podcast jolen says that respect for all the nations, it's not really in america's paper. a united states feels like they are the bully
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on the, on the road stage. they feel like they are the ones that can dictate and tell people what to do and tell countries what to do. they don't respect the sovereignty of any nation. and they want a gaslight, anyone and everyone that wants to have a voice in, in large for just because the united states is, is a slave state. and there's no other way to actually put it we, we, we, we live in an environment where they tell us it's got to book the theater. they tell us one thing. while they, the exact opposite is actually true. one of the reasons why we're in this conflict to begin with is because of nato and the ability for them not to respect the sovereignty of mason. we go all way back to 2004, 14 to the made onto that happened a new crane. we can talk about the connections between the c i a, what happened in the ukraine long before there was even a conflict. and we can also talk about the fact that the people in ukraine are, are running away from people in their own government who are or torturing raping and killing their own people. so there's conflict in, in uh,
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several of the rates has been going on for a long time and we had an election in 2022 where the people in those, those regions actually said we want to be a part of osha. so it's, it's, it is, has nothing to do with the world of people on the latest step, sort of going underground, sits down with member of russia's foreign and defense policy council to meet treat trenton a. he says that the west post on approach to mosque was actually hastened at the country's development. it wants to complete upset throughout the day, right here in all t o at also, you know. com the still the mental changes that are happening in russia right now. that's a see change happening in russia from russian federation, 1.0 to russian federation, 2.0. these changes would never in my view be possible, at least uh, in the short term. i sent uh the, uh, absolutely,
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gerald reaction. the west to the uh, special military operation is ukraine. so the decision to put russia under the harshest of sanctions regime, witnessed in modern history and absence the proxy war that the united states and its nato allies waging a guest russia in ukraine. many of those changes would take much longer and maybe we'll do would not see them for, for a very long time. showed in a way, this, of course structure they, they, aggression from, from the outside has pushed russia off the uh, the, the point where it got stuck in the middle to late 2010. and now rush, i think, is
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a developing much faster in so many rail was and then uh then uh, let's say a decade ago or 2 decades ago. well, when it comes to the most comprehensive coverage of the election, you guessed it all, t is the place to be with a ross of correspondence experts, an analyst waiting to give that take over the next few days. so stay tuned for all special coverage. the attempt to destabilize the company and the fame of the new dairy government boxes, the response from the india based global business, john donnie group, following a report by us investment research from claiming that the company was involved in ford and market minute place. last year, the 24 january. you had some debt to
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a matthew at that by us shots fellow the objective was not just to describe like us, but also to politically the fame induction governments practices. despite the efforts to shake order foundations, the speed from gomez by boston, with the needs of mine himself gum or what are your off the usb shots said no, he didn't bug publish that diamond report on the dining room watch that the board to basically did was just to give you a sense back then before the report was published, called the vonny was the 3rd richest man in the world. that's renting each fan to about top 20 in the was so that was the damage but also in terms of the invest
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as well. gotten with don your or what a 100 really and dollars. and i'm really for what the hindenburg bought alleging that go with them about me. his group was invalid in stock manipulation, also accounting for and for decades. they want a lot of the tools that will publish to not to pull out but the dining room back then. we'll still have reacted. seeing that the timing of the report was suspect. projected the report on the eve of our republic day, the us based short seller published a report just as we were planning to launch the largest fall on public offering and india's history. the report was a combination of targeted misinformation and outdated, discredited allegations aimed at damaging our reputation and generating profits through a deliberate drive down of our stock prices. any point out here that the dining room or golfing with bonnie himself, he is known to be
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a choose ally or huntington would be the indian prime minister. there was a long don't friends knowing the more these economic drove down. some of them also are known to be linked to the online angel. now as far as the dining group is concerned, they are in every sector in the country. you name it, thoughts efforts, edible simmons, real estate energy with green energy, energy transmission. so he's basically everywhere and bought him without any seeing that by, by doing so, the usb is from it tried to line india's image as well. remember the india and supreme court has to be on the call some of the new or the charges. but when you look at it, watched it the usb shots, salary knew, or what to shop. sellers really do the try one or the make money when big companies lose money in the market. and we do not see that stock when you finish
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the i'm fine. you know this month the front president and money, while mcroy appeared to be putting his country on a roof or say, by suggesting your pin troops might be sent to craig, but he's sent his claim to the into the power is in fact to need a full piece a leg gave 8 stories on the european soil. yeah, there are less than 1500 kilometers between stressful and involved in that imagine the will is in this country. so it is not a fiction and it is not far from us. i don't want to, these options are possible. the only one that will bear responsibility is the currently regime. it wouldn't be us. we will never lead an offensive or take the initiative for on is a force or piece. but today in order to have space and ukraine, one that should not be weight. well, despite those piece, making the claims during the statement here, my call once again reiterate to his position that something western troops to queen
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shouldn't be ruled out. he will have reminded people that france does have new kind of weapons, which is also why it shouldn't be afraid of rising in security in the reach of the president tools to admit it. but if he appears as the bull, the credibility of the european union will be down to 0. the nature of the french patriots, paul, to florrie on. people believes that micro only use of such focus language to conceal his lack of actual power. we use it to them, you can say to us good when mcgraw on says friends is a power of these that's the only time he says the would be what struck me and i'm, i know i'm a grown speech was precisely the absence of the word piece the absence of the word negotiations which does not appear at all, but on the contrary, a continuation of a kind of dramatize zation. he used to exist as a fright defronzo in relation to the korean conflict. there is no exist angel thread in this.


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