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tv   News  RT  March 15, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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van lines needs a green light to continue genocide, genocide is official. watson through the breaking news in the headlines on how to international as ukrainian forces have child polling stations in the heart of san a region. we have this done. several people are incredible. go live in just a moment. as old across russia, people are heading to the folding stations, the cost the balance of the presidential election at the voter turnout. the policy is 24 percent on the 1st voting for us with the program. the french president admit, says countries systematically break fits pledges by wrapping up the ministry of opened in ukraine despite 2nd previous founder. 2 years ago we said we would never send medium range missiles. that's what we did. we said we would never send claims . now somebody doing it. we sent too many boundaries, so to speak. you know,
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put temporary, the live on worldwide with your news front and center straight into where you go right here. it's all to you into a national. it's breaking news, kicking off this, our rock. now we understand several people have been wounded off ukrainian forces showed polling stations in the heart of san region less than more right now across live to watch producer monumental china for more on. busy so can you tell us about this, you crazy and struck middle so it's not just in the heart of san reach. and i mean, i understand there were at least a couple of towns targeted there in that region for a high so. so we'll sort of think i'm running out of time. he has to pull in stations, think of so in the region, we're filled in several people who did as a result. we're a no and older preaching, which is a so under constant showing we can hear sirens whining on the bed, groaned few few doug. it's more into subjects, at least,
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and at the moment, uh, l, a, b, c to u. d. c to of building or was, was shields building into the, into the, the governor told us here reports of 1010 targets being intercepted. i can hear more targets being intercepted at the moment. actually, all of these attacks. they happen as russia rules and the 3 days of presidential elections in the rush, including sonya regions, the guns, people for public dance, people's republic bank to sony, referrals or regions. elaine, the not genetic city will show 3 children who are going to live by ukrainian m l. a restful, consorted or i think it's really time for me to go will i will. i will give you more lead time. so yeah, yeah, fair enough. i'm not going to ed, we can hear the sirens wedding that good man, leave this donald location and go and find some shelter that was all to produce. i'm not gonna would shy of giving us the updates on this breaking news on, on the international. now, it is a big day across russia day,
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one of the presidential election as part of all special coverage, all of the elections. we can now go to watch studio in the very heart of the russian capital, bringing you all the latest updates that the nation makes, his choice. it will the time in the future. pause of the world's biggest country. the right here right now, let me welcome you all to this special special coverage. all of the presidential election in russia. 2024. i a mike or what you and certainly right here today. russia is making history because today is the 1st time in history. the russia is
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going into a multiple day election. he has never happened in the history of process. and number 2 is that russians are able to vote electronically this year. so these are steps taking and fetching democracy, father and father. let me welcome you, especially to our special coverage, and just to do it right here is in the heart of moscow and will be picking you up to speed blow by blow mid 5 minutes of updates of what is going on. how russians of voting of what they are saying and what everything that is going on from across the country. let me officially welcome you to our special coverage of the presidential election. welcome to ask you do the the,
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all right, the main phase, all the election started on friday earlier today and still fall. we hear from the national electoral commission that's 25 percent of the ballots have already been cast by nationals in the country. and it is, you know, that russia has 11 time zones and it was a, come come check the guy that is a region, the spotted earlier this morning. and i, so this will keep on this. i will keep going this way. colored in broad will be the last region in the far west of the country. that will be casting the votes full of this election as russians decide who need them in the next 6 years. and that is the big question that only those who can answer uh russians themselves for heading to the polls this period of time. so we're going to bring you all of our experts analysis of what's going on, what is special about this election, and what is going on,
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and how russians i think is right right beside. but behind me here is the state i conduct museum. and as it is so beautiful out there, that is symbolic off the history, the rich culture of the history of russia, russia that everyone travels to come to see, at least in the lifetime, a lot of people who are outside of this country come to see this eye clinic buildings and monuments that i'm standing right here as a days and beside that just also one of the tell us of the crime name. so we are in the heart of moscow bringing you every single update of the elections in in 2020 for the presidential election. welcome to us to do it again. the alrighty. here, all full russian presidential candidates. they come in the incumbent
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president. so it's, he's also standing for the election and as it is a pulling stations nation wide open, it's all right. all right, let's let us trust live now to, uh, uh, correspondent, a year ago piece going off of he is standing right there. he's a part of the political correspondence, he will bring us up to speed with what's going on. now, hugo is good to have you join me right now. can you tell us on this 1st day, how the go, the voting process and the faces are going so far? i say the 1st day of the presidential vote is in full swing and i might add that there's quite a windy day here in moscow. i'm a bit envious of you being there in the studio, but on the other hand, we also have a great view here behind me. but again, returning to the elections like you've just said. of course, rush is a massive country which spends $311.00 time zones, which means that by the time it's 5 pm here in moscow,
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some of the pulling stations in which is far east of over the temporarily closed until tomorrow. but voting continues in the western parts of the country. this is the 1st time that the presidential pool is held for 3 days straight. this system was tested. busy earlier during other elections on a lower level of levels of government, but it is obviously done in order to ensure a height of order turn out in order to provide everybody with the possibility to cast their ballots. and it's also the 1st time that the presidential election in russia is held on line for those school for some reason, aren't able to come physically to the polling stations vacant, vote online. so of the latest figures coming from the, the total committees that currently the voter turnout is about 25 percent. but hey, it's a friday, it's still a work day. the whole weekend is still ahead of us. so i think it's highly likely that these figures will increase for some russian citizens. this is the 1st
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presidential election to take part in. obviously, i mean, russia's use for some it's not the 1st one obviously versus the elderly population . of course, they also said in part, including veterans of the great fed throughout the core uh the citizens. so for us as new republics, as you've heard in this previous troubling report from the russian south, they're taking part in new election. all is done to provide russian citizens with an opportunity to, to place their say, sort of in what course this country is going to be heading in for the next, during the next 6 years, even the russian, the crew of the international space station, russian cosmonaut have taken place and voted said there is the interesting video of that. and sometimes it's done which you more to for instance, there was this one incident where a robots came to one of the polling stations. but so it wasn't obviously allowed to
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vote. just take a look at the how that happens. we support the development of digitalization and the print region and an electro process. however, in this case, only russian citizens over 18 years of age have the opportunity to take part in the elections, which is confirmed by an official document, a citizens passport. the robot only has a technical data, stood for the device which doesn't meet the requirements. if somebody in the future robust will receive the same documents as all citizens and have equal status with them, the commissions will have grounds to accept such applications. you may have before i ask the question, is the leading ok. all right, yeah, good. let me ask you, have there been any incidents so far where you have money to the elections? well, i'd say in general, more or less the, the voting process is been going smoothly. however,
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several incidents have been reported. in fact, authorities have already started several criminal investigations following several individuals touring games into the ballot boxes. they've already been detained, and according to the head of the total committee, they say that the they claim that they were paid to do so. and they weren't aware that this is a criminal offense. let. so listen to what they look and see what they had to say on this. from those who are detained from the, from their explanations, it follows that this is coming from abroad. this means some kind of scheme, a connection. these us elements of federalism. a, they admit that they do this for money, but they said they will be level that this is just petty hooliganism. this is section 141 of the criminal code up to 5 years in prison. this is not ordinary simple hooliganism, but it's in a separate case, settlement fried is setting one of the following stations on fire by throwing
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a molotov cocktail in it. but thankfully, nobody was injured and the ballad boxes weren't damaged in any way. she was also detained, and uh, well, personally, to me it's kind of strange that people don't realize that this is a criminal offense that could land them in jail for up to 5 years as you've just heard from the head of the total committee. but if we look at the wider, settled things and view action is being monitored, monitored by quite a lot of people. if we look at the international observers, then the 106 countries sent their representatives to observe these elections all in all. i think there's about 200000 people taking part, both russian citizens and those come from abroad to ensure that everything everything's done in accordance with the russian law. and she's very friendly people and very, very happy to for most of them to read. i
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expected you to be upbeat to be to all of these process the selection that you'd like to watch. you discover these, but it was very peaceful peacefully and then no interruptions. my anecdotal, you know, the receptionist that people feel excited about, i guess the voter turnout so far as the very good with early voting something over 50 percent. well, that says something, you know, people are lined up here at 7 am to vote, even though it didn't open till 8. so that says something again, i don't want to draw to be lucian's because that wouldn't be fair and i tried it. fair. but i certainly did, things are not as the west,
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so those are some of the observers who came here to russia from abroad to monitor these elections. and i think this is a good point in the discussion about this alleged, the isolation of international isolation that russia is allegedly, in just you can look for yourselves, these people are from rod. and so far it seems like they're quite impressed. but what's going on right here, go. we know we know that there are 4 candidates in this election. i have you. is there any reports regarding them casting the ballot so far? surprisingly none of the 4 candidates have cast their votes so far, but perhaps they are busy doing other things. i would imagine they do have a lot on their hands right now, but again, this is only the 1st day, and there's still a lot of time for them to, to make their votes to waste their ballots. but lots of senior officials in russia have already seen taking part in the i've already been seen taking part in the
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selection, including for a minute. so elaborate off defense minister showing who the head. so the regions perhaps giving others an example, you know, also to join and take part because we are talking about the next 6 years off, rushes the political life. all right, we have to leave you here now a year ago. please get out of political correspondent. thank you very much for bringing us up to speed with what's going on there. of course, we have other correspondence will be reaching out to out the course of our analysis here. thank you. now the main phase of the voting is ongoing in russia is new regions of costs in that photos. yeah. as well as the didn't yeske and logan's republics. i'm more than 2000000 citizens. i'm all right. the test develops a yearly voting face that ended yesterday not to 1000000 more expected to go to the
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polls in the coming days as the days. now one of those having high, i say in the apartment elections is french, john, les cristo, the aunt, who's the editor in chief of the don't boss inside. now she has been copying events in the region since 2016 when she moved to virginia city. she worked for the, the next international press center and said that she was motivated to give the other side in the story, to move to don bass. to refute what's written by most media outlets, they publish a lot of nonsense in plain lies about this conflict. my goal is to show the reality on the ground. i wanted to listen to and give voice to the don best residents whom the regime and key of calls terrorists, simply because they refused to recognize the maid don qu data. i want to stay here even, and especially after the war, i have met wonderful people here who defend the same values as myself. people with
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big hearts who have become like a 2nd family to me. all right, with all of the voting underway and in the regions are to remind the closer of met with fog cristo himself and let us hear what you have to say and show election continue here. the next people's republic right now election can be if he's traveling across through a public and i'm making sure that everyone who wants to vote and get to exercise their rights right now. we are in the, one of the neighborhoods here in has done that square. there is a mobile can be 0 right here. but so we have a very special person today who's voting wholesale for the 1st time along with the residents helped on pos. okay, so to impair writing down my passport details so that i can vote, they're also checking my name against the list, then i will be able to book my balance in the valid books and what we would need
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today. we are witnessing an extraordinary case. we didn't know christo personally, but she is known to us for each or more style, has come to upholding station to vote before that. of course, this is a very unusual case to be. she moved here from expressed to civic position and fully supported our public and its inhabitants. and now having the status of the russian citizen, she is choosing the country's president. did i think chris still now on her right here and on boss back in 2016 from france in order to find out what it is exactly that is going on here. and she's sold with her own eyes, the aggression of the key of regime against local residence here in done this since then, she became a journalist and a very well known person here. and of course, she's known locally here in the village is a farmer. she has golds she has chickens and other things as well. so for now, this is her life here except for journalism. of course,
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we spoke about the presidential election in which sheet along with other millions of residents, and i'm boss is taking part uh crystal. so you just voted for the 1st time along with the on the residents of done boss in the presidential election. so the 1st question is probably what's in your heart in your soul at the moment? this should, i'm really glad i was able to vote. this is my 1st election. and for the 1st time, i have the opportunity to cast my vote for the candidates who in my opinion is best suited for the role of russian president. i'm very pleased and the doubly priest that i was able to vote at home in general the election, which is taking place right now. it's not in ideal conditions. that's why we have early voting. and certain things that will happen in the rest of the world. can you tell us about the situation in done boss in general right now as it relates to the election? we on dealt this in attempts to disrupt the elections. whether by showing a way propagation, some beaks published in large numbers by the media,
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it is encouraging that the from line is gradually moving away from the natural towards the west. and it is lachelle. and unfortunately, we can assume that on march 15th 16th and 17th, when people go to the poland stations to vote, there will be new publications. i very much hope that this will not happen, but unfortunately we need to be prepared for it. how do you feel in your heart about being a russian right now? you should choose and very have be, which is why i wanted to become a russian citizen. i feel russian, this realization came to me even before i came to don't boss. and here i was only once again convinced of it. i really like being here, living in don't boss in the russian don bus, which is spot of russia. i'm very proud that i am a russian citizen and that i have the opportunity to vote in elections and participate in determining the future of my country. do you have any hopes and dreams about your native home land or friends for the future?
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just be, i hope the funds will return to more neutral position withdrawal from nato and the e. u. and when you good relations with russia as they were before, we are all right. just a brief of updates from the presidential committee, the, the, the russians central election commission. it shows that there are about 24.8 percent voter turnout. i thought best point and recall that is just the 1st day of the election. we still have tomorrow and we still have sunday, so we're going to call it a rap right now for this hour. but secondly, i'll be back again in about 40 minutes to bring you more updates from across the country and even beyond. stay with us on the special coverage of the presidential election in russia. the
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yeah, this is of the international. so good to have your company today. now, earlier this month, the french president, a manual micro on a peer to put his country on a war footing by suggesting european troops may be sent to ukraine. and his latest comments, the leader admits the frown swell, systematically broke pledges not to send new arms to key. how about listen to this? of course you don't like to reach the president of the republic is responsible for national defense. he makes decisions for the safety of the french people can only make the decision because after 2 years of war and i want to remind you of this, we systematically did what we said. we weren't going to do all sorts of puzzling at the very strong statements. some people across europe sometimes make 2 years ago. we said we would never send medium range missiles. that's what we did. we said we would never send the planes now some of doing it. we're set too many boundaries, so to speak. you know,
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of the cap rate. we don't aggravating things. we know that well, with russia, we just have to clearly understand that we must not allow russian to with his own, simply if we want peace and ukraine today, we must not be weak. therefore, we must look at the situation clearly and say decisively with will encourage if we're ready to do whatever is necessary to achieve or goal, which is the rush it does not with read is because we're preparing at the moment. this means we're training phone or during the very same interview, background, double dial, and one is view of the sending western troops to ukraine should not be ruled out. he also reminded people that problems has nuclear weapons, adding that if he ever loses the conflict, the credibility of the european union will be shot or coming spokes person to meet your pest. golf says macro on statement. the simply prove fronts is growing. involvement in the conflict that we read mclaughlin statements. the fact that russia is an enemy of france is obvious,
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because paris is already drawn into the war and ukraine and is taking an indirect part in this war. and judging by the president statements, frances not averse to increasing the degree of its involvement. while the leader of the french patriot potty feel, have philip all believes that macro and only use as such folk is language. get this to conceal his lack of actual power. as we say to the 12 us good when the crown says friends is a power of bees, that's the only time he says the would be what struck me in a minute. i am a grown speech was precisely the absence of the would be the absence of the word negotiations, which does not appear at all. but on the contrary, the continuation of a kind of dramatize zation used to exist and shall fret defronzo in relation to the ukraine conflict. there is no is essential thread in this case. so he uses dangers woods, explosive woods, and he doesn't tell the truth. if we are under an exist angel for it,
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we have the right to use nuclear weapons. mccomb wants to show off his small muscles as he doesn't have many uses words that he kind of handled today. mccauley, spoken aloud because he wants to try to compensate for his lack of bellwood. at another time he lied aloud was when he said he did everything. he could to prevent it and keep the peace. he mentioned the means. agreements. you said his fronds in germany had done everything to ensure that these agreements with respect to it is not true on the country. but as the front salon wasn't bellwood time german chancellor angela medicaid said last year, they did not implemented denise agreements when they should have, as the french military have seen, 40 percent of friendship. tillery already go to ukraine, what they see, what they think is crazy for our own safety. so in fact, we have already done a lot and my chrome wants to do even more using weapons and money, which we don't have any way because we are,
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he's in debt and out on me has already been reduced to 0. so i've seen that in french probably could be the and they room of forget about macro on said because the french of fed up are turning to events in northern gaza now with 20 people, desperately awaiting aid, have been killed and around a 150 wounded in gaza, city gets a cold and the local officials apparently is rainy wall plains and drones targeted a crowd of palestinians who was simply awaiting the arrival of food trucks and medicine. causes the ministry of health calling the attack, yet another masika of what happened to the wage roundabouts indicates the israel's pre meditated intentions to commit a new her brick mastic up the wouldn't rely on the for the l. she for medical complex and medical teams, unable to deal with the volume and nature of the injuries due to the weak and medical capacities around 1130 p. m. and is ready to talk to and basically as we
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are waiting for this invitation to, according to god's administrative health, they have announced them said there's thousands of casualties delivered. i'll ship a hospital due to this attack. and there's hundreds of injuries also. and it's very necessary to mention that this is the 1st time where the army targeted fantastic news for awaiting payment today. and they just did a similar cost 6 cars with twos and thousands of injuries. the idea of quickly labeled the reports of his involvement has incorrect, is ready for his almost. i pointed out that they're examining the details and i have been wanting people not to believe media speculation. however, it just frankly wouldn't be the 1st time that those seeking food and medicine and gaza have been targeted by the idea and to february, more than a 100 college students were killed and a 100 to more wounded while they were crowding around food and a trucks is there a little so denied any direct involvement there instead,
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blaming militants for firing on a crowd as learn more without me, at least you're watching with you many terry and crisis now unfolding the palestine in clave. the un says famine is imminent across the gaz trip relieve supplies. arrival is always, understandably a big event and a lot of people usually gather at the point where critically needed food and water supposed to be distributed at an age. unfortunately, sometimes becomes dangerous. last month they was a similar result on a crowd of palestinians who gathered on the sheets streets also in kansas city with shameful for distribution, the palestinian health industry and have mass then blamed israel for the dead. they attacked the claim to more than 100 lives hours later. the idea for these, the statements, same casualties were in dozens, and most victims were trampled or run over a k is as crowd store on the trucks that we do for those that we then were
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receiving from the grounds. the was given a different picture later, the army admitted the troops, deed fire at warning shots in the air and opening fire on several gallons. who moved toward soldiers and a tank at an idea of check point and danger and troops. and the army also said then that they was limited fire. meanwhile, desperate palestinians are waiting around the clock at the south and the other off . i bought a crossing for any a trunk so might be lucky enough to be allowed through. you see that foot to try there, that's people hoping they can get to one of the a trucks if they get there in time public field information officer for the u. n's relieving website. and so he says, unless there's rail opens up, the board is for an adequate number of trots. we will be witnessing an on residential level of death, a electrostatic. because do you mind, missouri? the situation in garza is indeed extremely tragic and getting worse by the day. the
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required assistance is not reaching guns or especially to the north. just a few weeks earlier, we discovered the threat of famine and fade that a new phase of suffering might begin when people would die on mass from hunger, not just showing already. $27.00 people have died results of food shoji, just including $25.00 children. israel does not want to open crossing, such as the common bu sullivan, affordable about 600 trucks and a poster it to gaza. will trucks could be received through 3 other locations, but israel does not want humanitarian a to arrive regularly. it's fair that the situation with aid is being used by israel as an instrument to that i've just been out here on a t international course, catch up with all of our stories on our website on t dot com. and for the meantime, we are on the .


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