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tv   Documentary  RT  March 15, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EDT

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probably hiding somewhere in the south east will also claims the right dozens of tunnels and gather the south. but the link, the street with saw nice for which has room believes have my smuggles nothin's money and weapons. so israel says it needs to be destroyed. there are 2 major problems with a rough fall offensive. the 1st is where exactly to evacuate all those poor gaskins from the diction boulder. here is what i was planning to establish. so cold humanitarian islands in the center of the street, packed with food, walter, medications, and tense, but a 1500000 people. will there be enough space and supplies for that? be fine thing so continues. there is so unclear how equities will provide security for all these palestinians. another issue is the lack of international support. tase, rails biggest ally, the u. s. has repeatedly said it would not back such and i'm slot, especially if he's real. doesn't present a solid plan on where to replicate people from the junction boulder and guys,
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i'm clearly bowman and firing and such a densely populated area. pose many risks earlier, president biden made it clear, and another $30000.00 dash would be a red line even for washington. all their allies like germany, for example, voice similar concerns. the german chancellor is arriving in israel on sunday and is expected to try to persuade prime minister netanyahu to refrain from rough i invasion if it's not yet too late by that time on friday. and is really to the gay sion is set to leave for go home to continue talks with him, ask for guitar remediation. another reason for announcing the approval of the large scale, how peroration and rough uh could be an attempt to put to more pressure on him as to agree to the deal. we are wrapping it up here on the, on the international. but just to remind you, vote thing is in full swing and most going to run across russia for the 2020 full presidential election vote to turn off a day one over 27 percent. but the voting continues for
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a couple more days and we've got you so compet here at odds. the international law special coverage does continue as my calling because scott is here at the desk and hoffman. i was time, i do hope you'll join him. of the brush remain c o, a colonial empire that still exists in the modern world. comprised of both its colonies, disguise, disapprove of seas territories, as numerous officially silver and african states. the full under frances, so called from the freak sphere of influence. it's no wonder that any respondent on hearing the word colonialism, follows it up with the word for us. and the relationship between from somali,
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formerly french so done, is a good illustration. the one is i will try your cell phone on your money. it's one of the ones you know. yeah. didn't says yes here's why didn't oh yeah. here's one yet. i did to you room the there was, this is really i never, i'm a frontier. what else does that us ways done? first 3, a visual interest or anyone looked into the history and they'll see that the french would not welcomed with open arms. the colonial agitation of molly was violent, uncompromising, and bloody the
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or the one you ended up june attempted to come by and different exit. i'm like, i thought she thought that i could do. sonya start a sampling, come wooded on the 2 ladies and the new put any additional nowadays this task doesn't really take extra time on photos, busing, wrong money. right now, do we wanna make sure the does x? i'm 3, she said no. got a lot of money, so i'm wanting to, they said no call, just check i'm i will get on
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the list any coaching buddha, you made that a story on the scene. go back to the civilian. how do you is images of some of your parents to have a call in, but i didn't want some of the shop is usually got some in regard to 2 of images, 2 to 2 inch as well gentlemen. his whatever the unlimited plus the amendment been aggressive leveled. prosper, oath no progress of civilization. tamale. colonial ization destroyed the established states with every international ties, laws, culture and heritage. in 1236. and for us, when do you have to go to the valley? adopted the well known total con, full good shot to also known as the mundane, toyota, unimpressive constitutional documents that acknowledged human rights and abolish slavery. the monday and shelter was inscribed in the unit sco intangible. cultural
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heritage of humanity list. so if any point it is a lovely cause you know of a do the international on that i will see you monday. king don't like to hear me shout up here when you get lost. having to go for the posted trip to cut off taking a can donate. uh, i can get onto my take the la buzz them in the sales solution institution. and for you to a 2nd to the boss company, you can, you can put in a new money in both boxes. you sent me down like in the, in the book, you know, the cable one day is just uh inbox to get the warranty back to them. but i'm on any must have a said shots moved on and also the model guns us one solution,
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mac machine, no above, they're not just you ended up with tx on their jump, deliberately ending and do a little closer to that little bundle thing along villanueva protection that i'm not sure you do do loan please. i mean it's not you. you are as you know, i'm a little bottle of whiskey on display the shelf in on the can. yeah. let to uh, elijah, sounded like you did unplugged the man intervention and that wasn't on the funding . a socialist default exit of more info on seal a buzz sl shondae contributed. so like in the money a buzz is their phone tomorrow. so she has a see a whole lot show at the camino that and that doesn't in the
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rooms fundamentally reconfigured to the entire pre colonial structural risk presentation. molly, historical into tribal ties were broken in the colonization process. tribal identity was arranged along with historical memory, native languages was supplanted, the colonizers also foster dent in coverage to interest. make this go on. religious and political figures who enjoyed popular support were persecuted in new monies. please tell me if there's any list today until i see them through easy but i try to use some of the why do you dis, disapproving dated. those sit down to the methods. yes. ok. do for them. and so, i mean, really that should do this with somebody that can be the legs that ask about that
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before i say, and i'm really lucky to for some reason, to say, well, the new seemed to be new. coming back to the company. michelle jocelot, the example the money paid us, you know, obviously don't on some of that issue for she had to so good news. i won't do anything on this and then you have this an issue that credit is on the on the issue to boise a new community and a lot, a damn community, unpaid and double check. yeah. mostly a year from orlando and well my name is just to walk, say say loud guys to see on the screen to then to lock us along. the weather must
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get was of a good me and i was on the go from the mission i to indicate the sound can come from. but he ended up on me because he knows all the different onto the 13th. yeah, they are all new based on duty officer and the phone cannot. you know with this efforts. yeah. google and discussed the general. yeah. i did find a to assess thing. i knew i needed to have loved you of us. don't the ssl say say system why as a lot. so it shouldn't be a long day but also to ask for your money. the money bring us young auction out on the why she never my met the different community to think also new paint, meaning it showed up on a new cuz he knows. okay. and was up in all this, you know who i don't. uh, but example it enter the most in law or newborn people boys or issue my in and that
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motion and building they lost their example. don't is any of the think there's only daisy problem. one thing i'll guide you coffee photos on paint based sanctioning. and in general, the, to expand. yes. well, for a to it up there with what it is better, it is someone before birth or who am i? so they did the colonial empire retained bodies, colossal cultural heritage solely as ethnic folklore. and after gaining independence, molly took great pains to restore its legacy piece by piece. in the meantime, efforts and looks about with ships to state museums and private collections all across europe, clinic and france. and often found
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a way that by questionable means the rest of the songs in this to my, the eclipse, to, to my friend, to him. and that is going to my in so good his all to him as a problem with this has to be to the doctor and don't have to do the supplement. is such a frustrating not to mention that but someone not going to and from the step up for sale for intermountain, don't test it and put on the cover so specific to the the, the restore. the suggested to me by assumptions or something along those. i've been long enough to step on to set to present the limits, and that means i can get the use of song or talk to them. i'm as good of something
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as order of sweet and i sense if it is on there's obviously there's also to tom doing so because i put on the do perfect. so those are all to me. yeah, i mean this is, or does, it was on its own way of that god. so a for us, not to just say i'm to the occlusion lives over there at the awesome ma'am. so the, the, to the appropriate. sure. there's always is a lot, even though it's a lot of some concern to my developer to not to say so this is, bruce only go to a separate exist on the, the law on, on that one on that one as it is to do on the positive stumble for the dental implants over here, because on so to eliza them all from opening on the left side. there's always is
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such a blended move under the pump at the, anyone, the amount to come on all of this the, the song, it was it. but we definitely off of the dish was going to that this is a cool. so there's a italian or under there's a saw, a said to the, to the mall, the cool. it's good. that is, i see when i do, i guess it didn't guide cuz it was a new way to put one man there, but as shown. so since you prefer to go for it, i said you don't the toilet that assume that they're both similar. so a to couple of doesn't, doesn't the companies on class i was just gonna say, so for example, specials on certain windows over here. i'm saying no, says this isn't going to put them on that often finish to uh, physically, money put someone on top of the community. so they want to put them on, on some point to it and it doesn't have to put you in. is it at the end, but as far as everything cool, this one is i'm just come from north indented to the new opener. we'll need to one
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of those are the sub units are 2nd to what's the, the the
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the the coveted independence that from granted was really a cynical deception. nearly independent states was strongly pushed to follow over
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the phone. so freak policy. a classic case of neo colonialism. the essence of that policy is simple. front abdicated from all responsibility for social and economic transformation, but kept the countries within its sphere of influence and interest. from since the old governments that suited it. sometimes a blind eye to corruption of nepotism. as long as they said french business interest in support in front, on the international stage of desirable governments were overthrown either by cruise or direct military intervention. the republic of molly is believed to have gained independence on the day. it's withdrew from the french community, the colonial organization established by the 5th french republic. on these 1st president, monday bochita was one of africa's most prominent and solid politicians. these at the cost for the countries multilateral development with industrialization supported by socialist countries and social transformation theater told molly out
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of the french francs on despite huge pressure from france. he was eventually over thrown by the pro french general, most of toyota, and then died in shudder. we circumstances the to be present at his work and whether we to work through the stimulus the industry is it will what somebody who for us as dealer sure. sure. william farmer shuts off to that cool data hope so industrialization disappeared front, had no need of an industrialized africa. added value must be generated in france, and africa must remain below world prices as a market and rule materials supply up the story behind. so he'll come up century is a classic example of how from sort to exploit molly and results is with out into testing an industrialized thing, the country. and they really reflect the business that similar to the, unless one on there. and so unless you a little cold will really be just
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a lot of money. i vision of and cut all i was risk life love. and what to do these are is it for the for the home through the dealer popular luna? does she want money to to send a flyer for them to come away? or what are you see on us on the left? i don't want to do this thing for me. i flew on the lotus is also to local restaurant. do notice list are both activity one on the letter from the deputy who loves the most. if john frontier presumes as only $14.00 want to do or finalize the bull is put on the, on the solver. if you, there's a spot on to do going to you'll see the 1st of all for you and this is her cell phones. i was just shoot you one lady,
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one birthday is 61 and re situated. and so was she told me to call you to, you know, for this all sit additional for, for the city, the most african phone. what do you send a more concert photo sooner. got a really much in practice. what he said to us in a go cart to uh for the wireless. oh, what i see. you're pulling up a notice. i wonder what you see if it costs you on a motor, tiny little one. besides what you see fit for, pull it off. i'm about to lose it and do it all through. so do you all of us go to most the zillow for us because they provide data, which is i am on go names solicited donate. douglas, there is a law for the cortex when they're there. that material or target is says on to a few all new model for the member to the conference on google just here to do conference. wondering if you're still using the pot, the solid doesn't do this. last toner to do the seo program don't from us or those are those at all because you're used to develop on them to not associated certified
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economic searching across street. so want to talk the problem where it looked almost done ma'am. so it always go to an a form in order for us the or a local does indeed see indices, your money on $1.00 of them is 0. c. s. could it be of any is in the money, but you need to fix it in or not to my to costs. ok. no issue that i'm on it a little bit on this one isn't as video energy. somebody's using this on a time using the input page for the phone interview from us. it's got to foster
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advantage here and the feed satellite. so much wanted to know for the local on need on these products in the for the, for industries you end up on say what is it for so soon? so the cost to me money the money keep ended this. if the boy was always either somebody get on the fish or is this a good meal? so the confirm jim on the left is decent on this occasion to bless you and keep the new uh, phones discontinued deal with the addresses or the city. so i can send you the confirm k or the amount of keys in the b t i meant by d for send it to my limited menu, talk of corruption, an effort. but few people knows that the phenomenon often accompanies false african corruption and safety is overlooked, and governments and loyal to friends with the assistance and protection guaranteed
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provided they proceed with pro french policies. it's a system that breaks cripples and swallows people up. but you get to try to closer to no avail. the system will always prevail over individuals. even on his entrance, especially when a system is focused on rubbing the country plugin. so we have court car started. oh, because this isn't a monday i'm able, was a man was elizabeth nikki, left on. is that what it is? it? is it basically boom, one day and, but you also possibly compete with mazda italian people? what of that moment? don't talk you through the. yeah, we say it's, it's a blank. i know the, you know, so we take, uh oh god, i have who blinked the money. i should do my now my bill was that much difficult for us. of course we don't have it yet. so that means i'm going can, i will put in a lot for the web, the national, not a bridge without a to, i guess, a go come to the, into the bridge. was that it took a signal for building become
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a political need, national not a bit. so the 16 up to a national political because at tech support, what was it 20 was i'll see down totally by may. don't 16 factors. colors under the fishes by dose. this off, they won't boss if you're not being able to pay on by that. it is also is also, not only will the, now he's, i said, we read us you why the pool side you sort of go through is that what is this that really keystone and we've asked you about critical new offers. the agriculture was also deteriorating. family farms disappeared, but industrial agriculture failed to emerge. small firms couldn't compete with the french giants. the local food industry was slowed in every way. the country was, well, i'm with my food impulse. specializes in greenville planting are in voltage. there's also a shortage of rice, the staple of the local diet. on natural nutrition standards are imposed on the
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country. aggressive food exponents are a serious threat to self warranty and also real leverage. because food shortages always lead to hunger riots. random bakery products me up and when the french arrived, in addition to wheat flour, rice 2 was imported from indo china. the production of local serial address varieties well for a long time kept at a primitive level. because an interesting pattern fronts impulse organic fruits and vegetables from molly, unexplored to its own ranking approaches. but it just gave me, i'll still show it so hopefully that they already know what you invested in here, but they're not here. it's a bit of minutes left. spend a minute because somebody who bought the main and i looked off the
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somebody whether that is what really most any of the forwards in it. well i'm, i'm moving fund betty to ho and i was looking through it. obviously i would be like, i don't i visited with someone of the for now we will get that out of our law group was made and the and as i were to pull them out of the about this. yeah. richard a lot of new us. yeah. which is south co signing out of my teens is, are we doing? i mean it's, it's, it's, it's not going to do the stuff that i'm not the,
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the, the show me on of who lives if losing the. so this is law. and i wonder if it's, you don't, a said someone, okay, to look with us in data sheets for kids to look that way. the much a like a q through the dvd a not on top. if you're not a malcolm, concert counselors office, one me a bundle, it this a us, it didn't allow me to get to the bottom top. don't call the software crew members everything every month. i don't show you. that's what we'll do. we'll do one of them. they play telemundo. no, no, no, no, no, come on a peddler. no, no, flat, that initial then. so say, and you call it spoken to you what's going well? don't co sign, but i'm off to somebody. a suit to or you want me to see you off it, but the officials so i mean by continue the
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prescription on the, on a venue and beautiful family for 15. $42.00 of the book of don't go on is i'm on 3 or sick one up in the meat ash all month or boss who for look at all was or that was found out is ryan city sits mad any to to go don't under the problem the book of doable as it does have payment on the most part doesn't do sometimes see all over on like example some datasets. notice that got the impulse, i need assessment, not the response. i wake up. people don't is that they have left us. no. so if somebody says to pull it up for us to fix it by send data to that 11 to get us on the negative. that's one. this one point is charlotte plus rep. lemme ideas for the product. what's no, you ever find a music diesel? i don't see that i'm on the sub, but i'm on a piece of it. based on maria, commendable the low blood to support that would be to to the,
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to tv any political it was already different. keeps people on the surface. it practically seem to come with and based on my, the phone and did complete gives the risk each an easy, longer in the pollution make it less. i assume that i'm, i am comfortable, most of the spending their juvenile life versus the incredible for, for ship only my turn now to the latest on russia's presidential election. well, well, well, at least turned it up. the of the
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just got the saw with breaking use present has about retaliation as ukrainian forces shell polling spaces in the caps on the beach of the 2 people. when did the, and i a michael, what to live us to do here on the red square. people are turning out and flipping out to pass the ballad in the presidential election so far for the turnout is 28 percent. i will bring you up all the updates all across the restaurant. people are heading through police stations across the bullets and the presidential election as a vote to to announce the buses of 28 percent on the 1st voting day. the fund a us delegation.


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